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Specific antibodies to laminin, type IV collagen, basement-membrane proteoglycan, and fibronectin have been used in immunofluorescence microscopy to study the development of basement membranes of the embryonic kidney. Kidney tubules are known to form from the nephrogenic mesenchyme as a result of an inductive tissue interaction. This involves a change in the composition of the extracellular matrix. The undifferentiated mesenchyme expresses in the composition of the extracellular matrix. The undifferentiated mesenchyme expresses fibronectin but no detectable laminin, type IV collagen, or basement-membrane proteoglycan. During the inductive interaction, basement-membrane specific components (laminin, type IV collagen, basement membrane proteoglycan) become detectable in the induced area, whereas fibronectin is lost. While the differentiation to epithelial cells of the kidney requires an inductive interaction, the development of the vasculature seems to involve an ingrowth of cells which throughout development deposits basement-membrane specific components, as well as fibronectin. These cells form the endothelium and possibly also the mesangium of the glomerulus, and contribute to the formation of the glomerular basement membrane. An analysis of differentiation of the kidney mesenchyme in vitro in the absence of circulation supports these conclusions. Because a continuity with vasculature is required for glomerular endothelial cell differentiation, it is possible that these cells are derived from outside vasculature.  相似文献   

PCSK9: an enigmatic protease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) plays a critical role in cholesterol metabolism by controlling the levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles that circulate in the bloodstream. Several gain-of-function and loss-of-function mutations in the PCSK9 gene, that occur naturally, have been identified and linked to hypercholesterolemia and hypocholesterolemia, respectively. PCSK9 expression has been shown to be regulated by sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs) and statins similar to other genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis. The most critical finding concerning PCSK9 is that this protease is able to influence the number of LDL receptor molecules expressed on the cell surface. Studies have demonstrated that PCSK9 acts mainly by enhancing degradation of LDL receptor protein in the liver. Inactivation of PCSK9 in mice reduces plasma cholesterol levels primarily by increasing hepatic expression of LDL receptor protein and thereby accelerating clearance of circulating LDL cholesterol. The objective of this review is to summarize the current information related to the regulation and function of PCSK9 and to identify gaps in our present knowledge.  相似文献   

The concept of effective dose with its unit, the sievert, is frequently misunderstood. Originally conceived to simplify radiation protection management, this concept is also proposed for another and very ambitions objective: a quantitative evaluation of the risks of radio-induced diseases, whatever the dose, the dose rate, the nature of radiation.... However, using the sievert for the prediction of risks of cancer or hereditary diseases is hazardous, and errors of prediction have been observed these last decades, for example the lack of prediction of the number of thyroid cancer in the very young children after the Chernobyl accident, and the overestimation of the risks such as leukaemia, other cancer and hereditary diseases. What are one sievert and its subunits?  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are a highly diversified group of unicellular protists that present fascinating nuclear features which have intrigued researchers for many years. As examples, a dense nuclear matrix accommodates permanently condensed chromosomes that are composed of fibers organized without histones and nucleosomes in stacked rows of parallel nested arches. The macromolecular chromosome structure corresponds to cholesteric liquid crystals with a constant left-handed twist. RNA acts to maintain the chromosome structure. Whole mounted chromosomes have a left-handed screw-like configuration with coils which progressively increase their pitch. This helical arrangement seems to be the result of a couple of narrow strands coiling together. Chromosomes do not show Q, G and C banding patterns. However, a roughly spherical differentiated upper end (primitive kinetochore?) and two differentiated coiling regions, the upper one composed of two to three coils where a couple of sister strands run together and parallel to each other, and the lower one where sister strands run out of phase by 180 degrees angular difference along the immediate next turns, can be distinguished. The chromosome segregation into two daughter chromatids begins at the telomere that attaches to the nuclear envelope, follows along the chromosome axis constituting first a Y-shaped and afterwards a V-shaped chromosome, which packs the newly synthesized DNA inside the "old" chromosome. Dividing chromosomes remain highly condensed, and the diameters of the new chromatids and the undivided chromosome are similar, but the number of arches is twice as large in G1 as in G2. The nuclear envelope remains through the cell cycle and shows spindle fibers, which penetrate intranuclear cytoplasmic channels during mitosis constituting an extra nuclear spindle. These and other cytogenetic features suggest that dinoflagellates are a group of enigmatic protists, unique and different from the usual eukaryotes. In contrast, DNA sequence studies propose that dinoflagellates are true eukaryotes, closely related to Apicomplexa, and ciliates (Alveolata), suggesting that the unusual features of chromosome and nuclear organization are not primitive but derived characters. Nevertheless, dinoflagellates have reached enigmatic specific nuclear and chromosome solutions, extremely far from those of other living beings.  相似文献   

Sphingosine-1-phosphate: an enigmatic signalling lipid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The evolutionarily conserved actions of the sphingolipid metabolite, sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), in yeast, plants and mammals have shown that it has important functions. In higher eukaryotes, S1P is the ligand for a family of five G-protein-coupled receptors. These S1P receptors are differentially expressed, coupled to various G proteins, and regulate angiogenesis, vascular maturation, cardiac development and immunity, and are important for directed cell movement.  相似文献   

Histone-modifying enzymes catalyze a diverse array of post-translational modifications of core and linker histones within chromatin. These modifications govern a multitude of genomic functions, particularly gene expression, and are believed to constitute an epigenetic code. Histone-modifying enzymes inscribe this code by catalyzing site-selective modifications, which are subsequently interpreted by effector proteins that recognize specific covalent marks. The substrate specificity of these enzymes is of fundamental biological importance because it underpins this epigenetic code. Recently, the structural basis of this specificity has been examined with regards to recently determined structures of GCN5 acetyltransferases and SET domain methyltransferases in complex with their cognate histone substrates.  相似文献   

Brefeldin A: deciphering an enigmatic inhibitor of secretion   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  

We previously demonstrated that exogenously administered neurokinin A and neurokinin B, but not substance P, increased the sensitivity of cultured cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) to glutamate. In the present study, the presence of tachykinin neuropeptides in CGNs was tested by confocal-based immunofluorescence. We found that neurokinin A and neurokinin B are present in CGNs but absent in astrocytes while substance P is abundant in astrocytes but absent in CGNs. It is postulated that the different localization of tachykinin neuropeptides in CGNs and astroglial cells has a physiological role in the modulation of excitatory transmission.  相似文献   

The enigmatic urologic condition known as interstitial cystitis has an estimated prevalence of 0.01% to 0.50% of the female population. Its etiology is unknown but may involve microbiologic, immunologic, mucosal, neurogenic, and/or other, as yet undefined, agents. There is no gold standard for the diagnosis of interstitial cystitis; rather, it is a diagnosis of exclusion. It is impossible to provide a purely evidence-based treatment strategy, but review of available evidence suggests that conservative supportive therapy (including diet modification); oral treatment with pentosan polysulfate, amitriptyline, hydroxyzine, or cimetidine; and intravesical treatments with heparinoids, dimethyl sulfoxide, alkalized lidocaine, or bacille Calmette-Guérin may be effective in some patients.  相似文献   

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Transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is an inducible transamidating acyltransferase that catalyzes Ca(2+)-dependent protein modifications. It acts as a G protein in transmembrane signalling and as a cell surface adhesion mediator, this distinguishes it from other members of the transglutaminase family. The sequence motifs and domains revealed in the recent TG2 structure, can each be assigned distinct cellular functions, including the regulation of cytoskeleton, cell adhesion and cell death. Ablation of TG2 in mice results in impaired wound healing, autoimmunity and diabetes, reflecting the number and variety of TG2 functions. An important role for the enzyme in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease, fibrosis and neurodegenerative disorders has also been demonstrated, making TG2 an important therapeutic target.  相似文献   

GIgantonoclea: an enigmatic Permian plant from North China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gigantonoclea is a distinctive and enigmatic plant from the Permian of North China proper, with an unusual frond architecture and a pollen organ and vascular structure which are unique; it demonstrates a sudden rise and a rapid extinction. This paper reviews previous work on Asian gigantopterids and describes new material from the Upper Permian of Shanxi Province, including a new type of pollen organ (Jiaochengia lagrelii) and two new species of frond (Gigantonoclea crenataG. pubescens). Jiaochengia shows opposite, dissected and rather modified microsporophylls, laxly aggregating into an independent organ, which is markedly different from ‘Gigantotheca’ from Fujian. This presents evidence of heterogeneity among Asian gigantopterids and partly supports a relationship with the Carboniferous Callistophytales. Jiaochengia sporangia have what may be the first record of a waxy covering on the outer surface of a fossil plant, which is interpreted to have functioned to repel water, to protect against fungal attack and to scatter light. According to Hickey's rule, the venation of true Gigantonoclea fronds consists of three orders of main veins (rachis, midvein and secondary veins) and two orders of anastomosing veins (tertiary veins and veinlets). Certain putative ‘Gigantonoclea’ species from South China and some peripheral areas of North China do not have this type of venation and are thus excluded from the genus. Frond dimorphism is common among gigantopterids in both North and South China and can be compared with the amphibious variation from submerged to emergent leaves in extant aquatic plants. G. pubescens has a thick, bi-layered adaxial cuticle with an indumentum covering with dense papillae and trichomes bases, and deeply sunken, papillate stomata, suggesting that it favoured more arid conditions. An observed gradient from pubescent to glabrate or even glabrous gigantopterid cuticle structures between North and South China suggests a change from xeric, mesic to humid habitats.  相似文献   

In frozen sections of thyroid glands with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) and Graves' disease (GD), infiltrating lymphocytes were tested for their expression of HLA-DR antigens as a marker of in situ activation. In a combination of indirect immunoperoxidase and direct immunofluorescence staining, most of the immunoglobulin D positive mature B cells were found to be DR positive (DR+) in both diseases. In HT, sizable portions of both helper/inducer T (Leu3+) and suppressor/cytotoxic T (Leu2+) cells were DR+ in interfollicular regions as well as in lymphocyte clusters and lymphoid follicles. In GD, the proportion of DR+ cells in the interfollicular Leu2+ population was significantly lower than that of HT. DR+ thyrocytes were seen in all 14 cases of HT and in 14 out of 16 cases of GD, especially in the vicinity of lymphocyte aggregates. The extent of their DR expression was not correlated with the percentage of DR+ cells in either T subset. These results indicate that a significant portion of infiltrating T cells are activated in autoimmune thyroid diseases, and there may be bidirectional interaction between DR+ thyrocytes and DR+ T cells. The difference in frequency of Leu2+ DR+ cells may account for the difference between the immunopathological features of HT and GD.  相似文献   

Our understanding of apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II) physiology is much more limited than that of apoA-I. However, important and rather surprising advances have been produced, mainly through analysis of genetically modified mice. These results reveal a positive association of apoA-II with FFA and VLDL triglyceride plasma concentrations; however, whether this is due to increased VLDL synthesis or to decreased VLDL catabolism remains a matter of controversy. As apoA-II-deficient mice present a phenotype of insulin hypersensitivity, a function of apoA-II in regulating FFA metabolism seems likely. Studies of human beings have shown the apoA-II locus to be a determinant of FFA plasma levels, and several genome-wide searches of different populations with type 2 diabetes have found linkage to an apoA-II intragenic marker, making apoA-II an attractive candidate gene for this disease. The increased concentration of apoB-containing lipoproteins present in apoA-II transgenic mice explains, in part, why these animals present increased atherosclerosis susceptibility. In addition, apoA-II transgenic mice also present impairment of two major HDL antiatherogenic functions: reverse cholesterol transport and protection of LDL oxidative modification. The apoA-II locus has also been suggested as an important genetic determinant of HDL cholesterol concentration, even though there is a major species-specific difference between the effects of mouse and human apoA-II. As antagonizing apoA-I antiatherogenic actions can hardly be considered the apoA-II function in HDL, this remains a topic for future investigations. We suggest that the existence of apoA-II or apoA-I in HDL could be an important signal for specific interaction with HDL receptors such as cubilin or heat shock protein 60.  相似文献   

The triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) functions at a metabolic cross-road ensuring the rapid equilibration of the triosephosphates produced by aldolase in glycolysis, which is interconnected to lipid metabolism, to glycerol-3-phosphate shuttle and to the pentose phosphate pathway. The enzyme is a stable homodimer, which is catalytically active only in its dimeric form. TPI deficiency is an autosomal recessive multisystem genetic disease coupled with hemolytic anemia and neurological disorder frequently leading to death in early childhood. Various genetic mutations of this enzyme have been identified; the mutations result in decrease in the catalytic activity and/or the dissociation of the dimers into inactive monomers. The impairment of TPI activity apparently does not affect the energy metabolism at system level; however, it results in accumulation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate followed by its chemical conversion into the toxic methylglyoxal, leading to the formation of advanced glycation end products. By now, the research on this disease seems to enter a progressive stage by adapting new model systems such as Drosophila, yeast strains and TPI-deficient mouse, which have complemented the results obtained by prediction and experiments with recombinant proteins or erythrocytes, and added novel data concerning the complexity of the intracellular behavior of mutant TPIs. This paper reviews the recent studies on the structural and catalytic changes caused by mutation and/or nitrotyrosination of the isomerase leading to the formation of an aggregation-prone protein, a characteristic of conformational disorders.  相似文献   

KAP1 protein: an enigmatic master regulator of the genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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