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In this study, non-specific immune effects of tetra (Cotinus coggyria) on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) by dietary intake were investigated. Fish were fed daily ad libitum with diets containing 0.5% and 1.0% tetra for 3 weeks. After this period, fish were switched back to the basal diet for additional 6 weeks. Extracellular and intracellular respiratory burst activities, phagocytosis in blood leukocytes, lysozyme activities, and total plasma protein levels were evaluated at the end of the tetra feeding period and every 3 weeks during the basal diet period. Extracellular and intracellular respiratory burst activities, phagocytic activity, lysozyme activity and total protein level parameters of the groups containing 0.5% and 1.0% tetra were higher than the control group at the end of the 3rd, 6th and 9th weeks, respectively (P < 0.05). The highest values of the non-specific immune parameters were observed in the group fed with 1.0% tetra. Tetra groups did not show any significant difference (P > 0.05) in terms of specific growth rate and average weight of the fish.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Ultradian oscillations in the min and hr range on long-term (24-hr) computerized recordings of heart rate in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, acclimated to 5, 10 and 15°C water temperature, were investigated. Eight-hour duration time series derived from the heart rate recordings were analysed for their harmonic content in the ultradian band by spectral analysis.
  • 2.2. A significant ultradian rhythm at around 0.011 cycles/min (approximately 91-min period) was detected in the power spectral density functions of all the 8-hr duration time series derived from the heart rate recordings at the three experimental water temperatures.
  • 3.3. The spectral power of the ultradian oscillation detected in heart rate of trout was found to increase significantly with increasing temperature.
  • 4.4. The possible endogenous origin of the ultradian rhythm detected in heart rate of Oncorhynchus mykiss is discussed.

Ubiquitin is a small protein involved in intracellular proteolysis. It is highly conserved throughout eukaryotic phyla and has been detected in such diverse species as yeast, barley, Drosophila and man. A previous study showed that chromatin of rainbow trout testis contains free ubiquitin with a sequence similar to that of other phyla. In the present study, which focused on rainbow trout but included eleven other species, it is shown that fish ubiquitin genetic organisation and expression are similar to those of other phylogenetic groups through the following set of observations: (a) Multiple loci were detected, (b) These loci encode repeats of ubiquitin, (c) Although the DNA sequences are not conserved, the encoded amino acid sequences are fully conserved, (d) The expression of ubiquitin was influenced by cell culture conditions and viral infection.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) occurs in a wide range of tissues throughout the body of the rainbow trout. Results reported here indicate that the main peripheral sources of serotonin are the intestinal tract and the gill epithelium (levels above 1500 ng/g). The high intestinal serotonin concentration is mostly due to serotoninergic nerve fibres, which are present at high density in the intestinal wall. Only about 2% of serotonin is associated with mucosal enterochromaffin cells. In the remaining tissues studied serotonin concentration was below 160 ng/g: the highest concentrations were seen in the anterior and posterior kidneys, followed by the liver, heart, and spleen. 5-Hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels, except in plasma, were generally lower than serotonin levels, and were below our detection limits in heart, spleen and posterior kidney. Acute d-fenfluramine treatment (5 or 15 mg/kg i.p.) significantly increased 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio in the anterior intestine, pyloric caeca and plasma. Serotonin released from intestinal serotoninergic fibres in response to d-fenfluramine treatment is metabolized locally, and only a small part reaches the blood, from where it can be taken up and metabolized by other peripheral tissues, such as the liver and gill epithelium. The non-metabolized serotonin pool in the blood appears to be located extracellularly, not intracellularly as in mammals. In view of these findings, we present an overview of peripheral serotonin dynamics in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

In order to confirm previous observations in which a protective effect of rainbow trout natural antibodies against furunculosis was suspected, phagocytosis studies wereconducted in vitro , using combinations of rainbow trout sera with high or low levels of natural antibodies and active or inactivated complement as opsonizing factors. Opsonization was observed in all the cases where complement was present, and to a lesser degree with sera containing only natural antibodies. The results confirm the prime importance of the complement system and provide additional evidence for a possible role of natural antibodies in antimicrobial defences.  相似文献   

Testis transplantation in male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of the present study was to establish a procedure for the transplantation of an intact testis from one male rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to another individual and evaluate the reproductive function of the transplanted testis at sexual maturity. Isogenic (cloned) male rainbow trout were produced by crossing a completely homozygous male (YY) with a homozygous female (XX) to eliminate any problem of tissue rejection. Transplantation was performed on four pairs of sexually immature animals (n = 8); each served both as a donor and recipient. The left testis was removed by making a ventral midline incision to expose the body cavity and gonads. The left testis was disconnected at the anterior and posterior points of attachment and transferred to the recipient fish where it was placed in position adjacent to the pyloric cecae. The right testis was left intact. After 4 wk, the fish were injected (i.p.) twice weekly for 8 or 9 wk with salmon pituitary extract (1.5 mg/kg) to induce precocious sexual maturation. A similar number of untreated fish were maintained as controls. Following this treatment, all the fish were killed, and the right (intact) and left (transplanted) testes were removed, weighed, and sampled for sperm. Although the mean weights of the left, transplanted testes were significantly (P: < 0.05) smaller than the intact testes (transplants = 1.2 g; intact = 3.9 g), transplanted testes were present in all animals, had increased in mass, and were sexually mature containing sperm. The mean fertility, as measured by the proportion of eggs completing first cleavage, of sperm derived from transplanted testes (92%) was no different from the sperm obtained from intact testes (84%). Similarly, there was no difference in the number of embryos attaining the eyed stage of development, after 18 days of incubation, that were derived from transplanted (84%) or intact testes (85%).  相似文献   

Microcystins (MC) are usually the predominant cyanotoxins associated with cyanobacterial blooms in natural surface waters. These toxins are well-known hepatotoxic agents that proceed by inhibiting protein phosphatase in aquatic biota; recent studies have also reported oxidative stress and disruption of ion regulation in aquatic organisms. In the present study, young trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were exposed to crude extracts of Microsystis aeruginosa for four days at 15 °C. The level of microcystins was calculated to confirm the presence of toxins in these crude extracts: 0, 0.75, 1.8 and 5 μg/L. Protein phosphatase measured in the liver increased by at least 3-fold and is significantly as a result of exposure to these sublethal concentrations of crude extract, his indicates an early defense response against protein phosphatase inhibition from cyanotoxins. This was corroborated by the decreased phosphate content in proteins found in the liver and brain. No increase in glutathione-S transferase (GST) activity was observed and lipid peroxidation was unaffected in both liver and brain tissue exposed to the cyanobacterial extracts. The data revealed that the proportion of the reduced (metal-binding) form of metallothionein (MT) decreased by two-fold relative to the control group (with a concomitant increase in the proportion of the oxidized form). The level of phosphate associated with MT increased by 1.5-fold at the highest concentration of crude extract. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in brain tissue was decreased after exposure to the highest concentration of crude extract, suggesting a slowdown in neural activity. However, no biotransformation processes or detoxification of GST was triggered. Our findings show early sign of biochemical effects of MC-LR in young trout.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies to lymphocytes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to lymphocytes of rainbow trout have been developed by immunisation with synthetic peptides, prepared from selected parts of the alpha- and beta-gene sequences of the T-cell receptor (TCR). Mab 1C2 (TCR beta immunisation) identified lymphocytes in blood (11%), spleen (18%) and in thymus (9%) in flow cytometry analysis (FCM). Immune complexes of lymphocytes coupled to Mab 1C2 was used for further immunisations resulting in numerous supernatants reactive with lymphocytes in FCM, of which Mabs 7A5 and 8H4 were selected for further characterisation. Mab 7A5 identified 31% of lymphocytes in blood and 9% in the spleen. Mab 8H4 labelled 61% and 85% of lymphocytes in the same organs. Mab 8H4 reacted with the majority of the lymphocytes in the thymus (98%). Mabs 1C2, 7A5 and 8H4 recognised surface markers on both Ig(-) and Ig(+) lymphocytes in peripheral blood and in spleen in double staining experiments. An increased proportion of Ig(-) lymphocytes were identified when Ig(+) lymphocytes were eliminated by immunomagnetic separation. No cross-reactivity of Mabs 1C2, 7A5 or 8H4 to anti-thrombocyte Mabs was detected. Mab 1C2 captured molecules of about 40 and also of 55-60kDa, in an immunoprecipitation assay. Mab 7A5 recognised an antigen of approximately 75-80kDa and Mab 8H4 identified proteins of about 70, 100 and 150kDa. Immunohistochemical staining by Mab 8H4 of fixed thymus, revealed a strong labelling of lymphoid cells in the outer zones of thymus. The 8H4 positive lymphoid cells surrounds circular structures, which were not labelled by Mab 8H4. These distinctly appearing structures have a similar shape as nurse cells described in mammals.  相似文献   

Inter and intra-specific differences in sensitivity of early life stage salmonids to 2,3,7,8-TCDD exposure have been reported, but intra-strain differences have not been found in the literature. Our results indicate that intra-strain variability in terms of embryo mortality (LD50) is small in Eagle Lake strain of rainbow trout, LD50 values ranging from 285 to 457 pg TCDD egg g(-1). These results confirm Eagle Lake as a less sensitive strain within rainbow trout, and do not indicate overlap with reported LD50 values for brook or lake trout. Our results also demonstrate that although generalized edema in regions including the yolk-sac are frequently associated with mortality following dioxin exposure, not all edematous fish die. We detected dose-dependent decreases in cranial length, eye diameter, mass, and total length (P < 0.05) in viable swim-up rainbow trout. These effects are presumed to indicate more subtle dose-dependent disruptions of the viteline vein vasculature and, therefore, in access to energy sources. A tendency for dose-dependent decrease in liver glycogen reserves concurred with previous results on salmonids and with the well described TCDD-induced alterations in intermediate metabolism of rats and chicken embryos (wasting syndrome). This syndrome could be contributing to the reduced growth that we observed.  相似文献   

The time course of plasma amino acid concentrations was studied in adult rainbow trout (300 g mean body weight). After a starvation period of 2 days fish were force-fed either with fish protein concentrate or a mixture of acidic casein and Na-caseinate at a rate of 0.32% CP (N' 6.25) of body weight. Peak levels occurred for feeding fish protein concentrate 6–12 h and for the casein mix 18 h post-feeding. The increase of the essential amino acids was closely correlated to the amino acid profile of the test proteins, whereas the concentration differences of the non-essential amino acids were at no time correlated to the amino acid pattern of fish protein concentrate or even negatively correlated in case of casein. The limiting amino acids in the test proteins were determined by ranking the average concentration increases (decreases) of the individual essential amino acids. Accordingly, arginine and histidine were most deficient in casein; in fish protein concentrate tryptophan seems to be the first limiting amino acid, followed by isoleucine.  相似文献   

A consolidated linkage map for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Androgenetic doubled haploid progeny produced from a cross between the Oregon State University and Arlee clonal rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) lines, used for a previous published rainbow trout map, were used to update the map with the addition of more amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) markers, microsatellites, type I and allozyme markers. We have added more than 900 markers, bringing the total number to 1359 genetic markers and the sex phenotype including 799 EcoRI AFLPs, 174 PstI AFLPs, 226 microsatellites, 72 VNTR, 38 SINE markers, 29 known genes, 12 minisatellites, five RAPDs, and four allozymes. Thirty major linkage groups were identified. Synteny of linkage groups in our map with the outcrossed microsatellite map has been established for all except one linkage group in this doubled haploid cross. Putative homeologous relationships among linkage groups, resulting from the autotetraploid nature of the salmonid genome, have been revealed based on the placement of duplicated microsatellites and type I loci.  相似文献   

为确定虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)是否能将日投放两次食物的不同时间和地点联系起来,在30天内,于09:00-10:00将食饵投放在水族箱一侧,于15:00-16:00将食饵投放在水族箱另一侧.在第21天和28天,不放食饵以确定虹鳟对时间-地点的学习记忆.结果表明,虹鳟将不同时间和地点联系起来以获取食物,并且在水族箱两个投放食饵之处均表现出预取食活动,提示该物种具有控制时间-地点学习任务的内在机制.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate different molecular tools based on the 16S rRNA gene, internal transcribed spacer, and the rpo B gene to examine the bacterial populations present in juvenile rainbow trout intestines. DNA was extracted from both pooled intestinal samples and bacterial strains. Genes were PCR-amplified and analysed using both temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) and restriction fragment length polymorphism methods. Because of the high cultivability of the samples, representative bacterial strains were retrieved and we compared the profiles obtained from isolated bacteria with the profile of total bacteria from intestinal contents. Direct analysis based on rpo B-TTGE revealed a simple bacterial composition with two to four bands per sample, while the 16S rRNA gene-TTGE showed multiple bands and comigration for a few species. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene- and rpo B-TTGE bands revealed that the intestinal microbiota was dominated by Lactococcus lactis, Citrobacter gillenii, Kluyvera intermedia, Obesumbacterium proteus , and Shewanella marinus . In contrast to 16S rRNA gene-TTGE, rpo B-TTGE profiles derived from bacterial strains produced one band per species. Because the single-copy state of rpo B leads to a single band in TTGE, the rpo B gene is a promising molecular marker for investigating the bacterial community of the rainbow trout intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   

The existence of a layer of mucus covering the gill lamellae of healthy rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) was investigated. Using cryo-scanning electron microscopy, a smooth, undulating, thin layer was observed which completely covered gill filaments and lamellae, thereby obscuring epithelial microridges. After processing cryopreserved gill arches in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy, the layer was no longer present and epithelial microridges were clearly visible. The identity of this layer was investigated using cryopreserved gills which were treated in one of two ways. First, gills were incubated with a rabbit antiserum to gill mucus, with normal rabbit serum, or with phosphate-buffered saline. Following fixation in glutaraldehyde and processing, only the gill tissue incubated with the mucus-specific antiserum was still covered with the smooth layer. The layer was also retained on the gills of fish anesthetized in a solution containing mucusspecific antiserum and then processes in glutaraldehyde for conventional scanning electron microscopy. The tenacious nature of the mucous layer was demonstrated by its stability following exposure to formalin and a cationic detergent. Second, the presence of this layer was confirmed on gill tissue which was cryopreserved, followed by freeze-substitution and vapor fixation, and then examined by transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro influence of microcystin-LR on the viability and mitogenic response of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) lymphocytes since few data are available in the literature on the influence of cyanotoxins on fish immunocompetent cells. Lymphocytes were isolated from blood and haematopoietic organs (pronephros and spleen) and cultivated in RPMI 1640 medium with different concentrations of the toxin (1, 5, 10, 20, 40 mg ml-1 of cell suspension). Dose-dependent effects of microcystin-LR on the lymphocyte viability were shown. The lymphocyte proliferation was inhibited after application of microcystin at a concentration of 40 mg ml-1 but significantly increased at a concentration of 1mg ml-1 in comparison to the control group. The results suggest the modulatory effects of microcystin-LR dependent on the applied concentration.  相似文献   

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