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 The sheep immunoglobulin heavy chain Igh-J locus has been characterized in order to determine the genomic organization of JH segments and their contribution to heavy chain diversity. The locus contains six segments, of which two are functional and four are apparently pseudogenes. These segments span a 1.8 kilobase (kb) region. The distance between JH-ps4 (the 3′-most segment) and the first domain of the μ-chain encoding constant gene is about 5 kb. The two functional JH segments have a standard upstream recombination signal sequence, including heptamer and nonamer sequences separated by a 22–23 nucleotide spacer, and end with a RNA donor splice site. These two segments possess all the characteristic JH invariant residues and are found in expressed μ heavy chain variable regions. The 5′ functional JH1 segment is used in more than 90% of the cDNAs sequenced to date. The contribution of JH segment germline multiplicity to variable regions diversity appears therefore to be minimal. Comparison with other mammalian JH segments shows that all loci are very closely related and probably have evolved from a common ancestral locus. Received: 19 November 1996 / Revised: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

The genomic organization and sequence of immunoglobulin light chain genes in Heterodontus francisci (horned shark), a phylogenetically primitive vertebrate, have been characterized. Light chain variable (VL) and joining (JI) segments are separated by 380 nucleotides and together with the single constant region exon (CI), occupy less than 2.7 kb, the closest linkage described thus far for a rearranging gene system. The VL segment is flanked by a characteristic recombination signal sequence possessing a 12 nucleotide spacer; the recombination signal sequence flanking the JL segment is 23 nucleotides. The VL genes, unlike heavy chain genes, possess a typical upstream regulatory octamer as well as conserved enhancer core sequences in the intervening sequence separating JL and CL. Restriction mapping and genomic Southern blotting are consistent with the presence of multiple light chain gene clusters. There appear to be considerably fewer light than heavy chain genes. Heavy and light chain clusters show no evidence of genomic linkage using field inversion gel electrophoresis. The findings of major differences in the organization and functional rearrangement properties of immunoglobulin genes in species representing different levels of vertebrate evolution, but consistent similarity in the organization of heavy and light chain genes within a species, suggests that these systems may be coevolving.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin (Ig) gene organization in Heterodontus francisci (horned shark), a phylogenetically primitive vertebrate, is unique. Homologous Ig heavy chain variable (VH) and constant region (CH) specific probes were used to screen a spleen cDNA library constructed in lambda gt11. Both secretory (SEC) and transmembrane (TM) cDNA clones were recovered; the latter were identified by a negative selection strategy. The complete sequence of the CH portion of a Heterodontus genomic DNA-lambda clone also was determined. The sequences of the individual CH genes differ from each other in all exons. When compared to mammalian prototypes, similarities in exon and intron organization as well as conservation of sequences involved with differential splicing of SEC and TM mRNA indicate that Heterodontus heavy chain genes are of the mu type, although intron lengths are uniformly longer in Heterodontus. Heterodontus genes are not associated, however, with the family of DNA sequences that have been implicated in heavy chain class switching in mammals. Spleen cDNA library screening and RNA blot analyses indicate that mRNAs encoding TM Ig are exceedingly rare. The relationship between this quantitative difference and the distribution of polyadenylation signal sequences suggests that regulation of Ig gene expression in Heterodontus may be highly dependent on position effects.  相似文献   

Bovine antibodies have recently attracted increasing attention, as they have been shown to exhibit prophylactic and therapeutic properties in selected infectious diseases in humans. In the present study, we have isolated bacterial artificial chromosomes and cosmid clones containing the bovine JH, mu, delta, gamma 1, gamma 2, gamma 3, epsilon, and alpha genes, which allowed us to make a contig of the genes within the bovine IGHC locus. The genes are arranged in a 5'-JH-7 kb-mu-5 kb-delta-33 kb-gamma 3-20 kb-gamma 1-34 kb-gamma 2-20 kb-epsilon- 13 kb-alpha-3' order, spanning approximately 150 kb DNA. Examination of the bovine germline JH locus revealed six JH segments, two of which, JH1 and JH2, were shown to be functional although there was a strong preference for expression of the former. Sequence alignment of the bovine 5' E mu enhancer core region with those of other mammals, demonstrated an absence of the mu E3 motif and a shortened spacer between the mu A and mu B sites within the bovine E mu enhancer core region. Furthermore, the essential sequence element for class switching, switch mu, spanning approximately 3-kb repetitive sequence and abundant in the switch region motifs CTGGG (187 repeats) and CTGAG (127 repeats), was identified immediately upstream of the mu gene. A further sequence comparison revealed that the bovine IGHC genes display an extensive polymorphism leading to expression of multiple antibody allotypes.  相似文献   

Murine cDNA clones for three cyclin D genes that are normally expressed during the G1 phase of the cell cycle were used to clone the cognate human genes. Bacteriophage and cosmid clones encompassing five independent genomic loci were partially sequenced and chromosomally assigned by an analysis of somatic cell hybrids containing different human chromosomes and by fluorescence in situ hybridization to metaphase spreads from normal peripheral blood lymphocytes. The human cyclin D1 gene (approved gene symbol, CCND1) was assigned to chromosome band 11q13, cyclin D2 (CCND2) to chromosome band 12p13, and cyclin D3 (CCND3) to chromosome band 6p21. Pseudogenes containing sequences related to cyclin D2 and cyclin D3 mapped to chromosome bands 11q13 and 6p21, respectively. Partial nucleotide sequence analysis of exons within each gene revealed that the authentic human cyclin D genes are more related to their mouse counterparts than to each other. These genes are ubiquitously transcribed in human tumor cell lines derived from different cell lineages, but are independently and, in many cases, redundantly expressed. The complex patterns of expression of individual cyclin D genes and their evolutionary conservation across species suggest that each family member may play a distinct role in cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The Immunoglobulin Heavy chain Constant region (IGHC) locus is a multigene family composed of highly homologous segments often involved in unequal crossings over that lead to deleted and duplicated haplotypes. The frequencies of these haplotypes in 558 individuals from Lombardy, Veneto, Puglia and Sardinia were determined by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE), followed by Southern blotting with four IGHC probes, and compared with those observed in 110 subjects from Piedmont. Twenty deletions and 60 duplications were characterized, all in heterozygous individuals except for 2 homozygous deletions. The differences in frequency between the five populations were not significant. The deletions/duplications involved one or more genes: GP-A2, A1-E and G4 duplications, and A1-E and GP-A2 deletions were the most common. Four new duplications are described: three, involving the genes from GP to A2, from G2 to G4, and G4, are counterparts of known deletions. The fourth duplication spans from GP to G2. A G1 deleted heterozygous individual never previously described in Italy is reported. All the rearranged haplotypes seem to be the result of unequal crossing over. The difference between the number of duplications and deletions was significant in Sardinia, Lombardy, Puglia and in the total of 668 subjects (P < 0.001). This may be due to selection or genetic drift.  相似文献   

M A Walter  U Surti  M H Hofker    D W Cox 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(10):3303-3313
Two dimensional DNA electrophoresis (2D-DE) was used to map the variable (VH) region of the human heavy chain immunoglobulin gene cluster. Seventy-six VH gene segments were mapped to specific SfiI, BssHI and NotI fragments by 2D-DE. We have determined that a common insertion/deletion polymorphism of 80 kb, involving three VH gene segments, occurs in the VH region. The physical map suggests that the evolution of the human IGH gene complex involved duplication of blocks containing different VH families. This physical map will allow comparison of the usage of VH loci in human ontogeny with their proximity to the CH region. Knowledge of the germline repertoire of a particular DNA source studied in essential as the number of the dispersed VH gene segments of VH families, especially of the VH5 family, is variable. 2D-DE, as illustrated here for the IGH gene cluster, has general application in the development of large scale physical maps of gene and repeat families.  相似文献   

We have isolated 23 different cosmid clones of the heavy-chain variable region genes (VH) of human immunoglobulin. These clones encompass about 1000 X 10(3) base-pairs of DNA containing 61 VH genes. Characterization of the 23 clones by Southern blot hybridization showed that VH genes belonging to different families were physically linked in many regions. Cluster 71, which was analyzed in detail, comprised seven VH segments arranged in the same orientation with different intervals. This clone contained internal homology regions, each carrying two VH segments of different families. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of VH segments within each family showed that profiles of accumulation of mutations in framework (FR) and complementarity-determining (CDR) regions were different. CDR had more mutations at amino-acid-substituting positions than at silent positions, whereas FR had the reverse distribution of mutations. Five out of seven VH segments of this cluster were pseudogenes containing various mutations. VH pseudogenes were classified into two distinct groups; one with a few replacement mutations (conserved pseudogenes), and the other with rather extensive mutations (diverged pseudogenes). The possibility that conserved pseudogenes serve as a reservoir of VH segments is discussed.  相似文献   

Das S  Nozawa M  Klein J  Nei M 《Immunogenetics》2008,60(1):47-55
Immunoglobulin heavy chains are polypeptides encoded by four genes: variable (IGHV), joining (IGHJ), diversity (IGHD), and constant (IGHC) region genes. The number of IGHV genes varies from species to species. To understand the evolution of the IGHV multigene family, we identified and analyzed the IGHV sequences from 16 vertebrate species. The results show that the numbers of functional and nonfunctional IGHV genes among different species are positively correlated. The number of IGHV genes is relatively stable in teleosts, but the intragenomic sequence variation is generally higher in teleosts than in tetrapods. The IGHV genes in tetrapods can be classified into three phylogenetic clans (I, II, and III). The clan III and/or II genes are relatively abundant, whereas clan I genes exist in small numbers or are absent in most species. The genomic organization of clan I, II, and III IGHV genes varies considerably among species, but the entire IGHV locus seems to be conserved in the subtelomeric or near-centromeric region of chromosome. The presence or absence of specific IGHV clan members and the lineage-specific expansion and contraction of IGHV genes indicate that the IGHV locus continues to evolve in a species-specific manner. Our results suggest that the evolution of IGHV multigene family is more complex than previously thought and that several factors may act synergistically for the development of antibody repertoire. Electronic supplementary materials The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ren L  Zou X  Smith JA  Brüggemann M 《Genomics》2004,84(4):686-695
Silencing or removal of individual C (constant)-region genes and/or adjacent control sequences did not generate fully deficient Ig (immunoglobulin)- mice. A reason is that different C genes share many functional tasks and most importantly are individually capable of ensuring lymphocyte differentiation. Nevertheless, incomplete arrests in B-cell development were found, most pronounced at the onset of H-chain expression. Here we show that removal of 200 kb accommodating all C genes, Cmu-Cdelta-Cgamma3-Cgamma1-Cgamma2b-Cgamma2a-Cepsilon-Calpha, stops antibody production. For this two loxP targeting constructs were introduced into the most 5' C gene and the distal alpha 3' enhancer. Cre-loxP-mediated in vivo deletion was accompanied by extensive germ-line mosaicism, which could be separated by breeding. Homozygous C-gene deletion mice did not express Ig H or L chains and flow cytometry revealed a complete block in B-cell development. However, C-gene removal did not affect DNA rearrangement processes following locus activation, as recombination efficacy appears to be similar to what is found in normal mice.  相似文献   

Since the larval and adult antibody responses are distinct and restricted in the clawed toad Xenopus, it offers a near ideal model for studying the ontogeny of antibody repertoires and the mechanisms involved. Immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) cDNA clones and B cell IgH DNA clones from various larval and adult libraries have been analysed in isogenic Xenopus. Some features are similar in adults and tadpoles, while others differ and explain the particularities observed previously at the protein level. Among the similarities we found are: (i) the mode of rearrangements (there are approximately 50% abortive events in B cells from both stages), (ii) VH family usage (10 of 11 known VH families are expressed proportionally to the number of VH elements per family), and (iii) JH usage (of the eight to nine Xenopus JH elements, two are used in approximately 70% of the VH regions in both stages of development). We found that there is relatively higher membrane exon expression in tadpoles compared with adults; and that most of the differences come from the diversification of CDR3 through DH usage and N diversification. Unlike in mammals, Xenopus DH elements are used with a remarkable flexibility with inversion, fusions and usage in different reading frames, but tadpoles show a strong bias for the usage of only a few DH elements and of a preferred reading frame. There is N diversification, which further increases CDR3 heterogeneity, in adult Xenopus but virtually none in tadpoles. These observations can account for the fact that larval antibody responses are less heterogeneous than those of adults.  相似文献   

D Chowdhury  R Sen 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(22):6394-6403
The immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene locus spans several megabases. We show that IgH activation during B-cell differentiation, as measured by histone acetylation, occurs in discrete, independently regulated domains. Initially, a 120 kb domain of germline DNA is hyperacetylated, that extends from D(FL16.1), the 5'-most D(H) gene segment, to the intergenic region between Cmu and Cdelta. Germline V(H) genes were not hyperacetylated at this stage, which accounts for D(H) to J(H) recombination occurring first during B-cell development. Subsequent activation of the V(H) locus happens in at least three differentially regulated domains: an interleukin-7-regulated domain consisting of the 5' J558 family, an intermediate domain and the 3' V(H) genes, which are hyperacetylated in response to DJ(H) recombination. These observations lead to mechanisms for two well-documented phenomena in B-cell ontogeny: the sequential rearrangement of D(H) followed by V(H) gene segments, and the preferential recombination of D(H)-proximal V(H) genes in pro-B cells. We suggest that stepwise activation may be a general mechanism by which large segments of the genome are prepared for expression.  相似文献   

The VK1GAC light chain represents the dominant V kappa structure employed in the antibody response of A/J mice to streptococcal group A carbohydrate ( GAC ). Two anti-idiotypic antisera, anti- Id5 and anti- Id20 , with specificity for the VK1GAC light chain were used to examine anti- GAC antibody responses in a series of inbred mouse strains that differ at the heavy chain constant region ( IgCH ) allotype locus. Both idiotypes were expressed in normal and immune sera from mice of most IgCH allotypes, except IgCHb (C57BL/6J) and IgCHf (CE/J). C57BL/6J mice expressed Id5 , but not Id20 , whereas CE/J mice did not express either idiotype. Testing of recombinant inbred strains between BALB/c and C57BL/6 indicated that the pattern of idiotype expression did not correlate with IgCH allotype. The C X B recombinants expressed all three idiotype patterns that were observed in the panel of inbred strains. Testing of allotype congenic mice between BALB/c and C57BL/6 showed that CB.20 and BC.8 mice were Id20 -, whereas BAB-14 mice were Id20 +, indicating that both VH and background (V kappa or regulatory) loci must be derived from BALB/c to obtain Id20 expression. The difference in the frequency of idiotype expression observed between BALB/c and BAB-14 mice indicates that the IgCH locus may exert a quantitative influence on the expression of this light chain. To examine the Id20 -, Id5 + antibodies of C57BL/6 mice, anti- GAC hybridomas were prepared. Of 16 C57BL/6-derived anti- GAC monoclonal antibodies, six were reactive with anti- Id5 and not with anti- Id20 . Isoelectric focusing of the purified kappa light chains from three of these antibodies revealed two distinct spectrotypes that co-migrated with the two known VK1GAC spectrotypes observed with A/J anti- GAC light chains. Idiotypic analysis of in vitro recombinants between the heavy and light chains of A/J and C57BL/6 monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that the C57BL/6 light chains were idiotypically similar to A/J light chains when they were free in solution or paired with A/J heavy chains. These results demonstrate that C57BL/6 mice can express a light chain that is very similar, if not identical, to the VK1GAC light chain, although the light chain is expressed in lower frequency and is paired with a distinct VH structure, which can mask expression of one of the VK1GAC idiotypes. These effects on V kappa expression map to at least three genetic loci: VH, CH, and an unlinked locus.  相似文献   

We isolated and sequenced six variable-region (V) gene segments of the human immunoglobulin heavy-chain (H) using the V71-2 segment as probe. These VH segments were more than 90% homologous to each other and less than 65% homologous to members of the three known VH families. The VH fragments hybridized to an identical set of restriction fragments on Southern blots of human placenta DNA. The new family was designated as the VH-IV family. The complexity of the VH-IV family was estimated to be at least nine genes, of which the sequenced seven were functional genes. The VH-IV family is homologous (76%) to the mouse Vh36-60 family.  相似文献   

Genomic organization and expression of Campylobacter flagellin genes.   总被引:41,自引:17,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Campylobacter coli VC167, which undergoes an antigenic flagellar variation, contains two full-length flagellin genes, flaA and flaB, that are located adjacent to one another in a tandem orientation and are 91.5% homologous. The gene product of flaB, which has an Mr of 58,946, has 93% sequence homology to the gene product of flaA, which has an Mr of 58,916 (S. M. Logan, T. J. Trust, and P. Guerry, J. Bacteriol. 171:3031-3038, 1989). Mutational analyses and primer extension experiments indicated that the two genes are transcribed under the control of distinct promoters but that they are expressed concomitantly in the same cell, regardless of the antigenic phase of flagella being produced. The flaA gene, which was expressed at higher levels than the flaB gene in both phases, was transcribed from a typical sigma 28-type promoter, whereas the flaB promoter was unusual. A mutant producing only the flaB gene product did not synthesize a flagellar filament and was nonmotile. Southern blot analysis indicated that flagellar antigenic variation involves a rearrangement of flagellin sequence information rather than the alternate expression of the two distinct genes.  相似文献   

The evolution of the mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain variable region (Igh-V) locus was investigated by the comprehensive analysis of variable region (Vh) gene family content and restriction fragment polymorphism in the genusMus. The examination of naturalMus domesticus populations suggests an important role for recombination in the generation of the considerable restriction fragment polymorphism found at theIgh-V locus. Although the sizes of individualVh gene families vary widely both within and between differentMus species, evolutionary trends ofVh gene family copy number are revealed by the analysis of homologues of mouseVh gene families inRattus andPeromyscus. Processes of duplication, deletion, and sequence divergence all contribute to the evolution ofVh gene copy number. CertainVh gene families have expanded or contracted differently in the various muroid lineages examined. Collectively, these findings suggest that the evolution of individualVh family size is not driven by strong selective pressure but is relatively neutral, and that gene flow, rather than selection, serves to maintain the high level of restriction fragment polymorphism seen inM. domesticus.  相似文献   

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