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The data of Fourier-analysis of nucleotide sequences are discussed. The existence of reflexes corresponding to regular position of nucleotides (mainly T and G) with 3-base period is the most striking feature of both phage and viral nucleic acid sequences spectra. The amplitude and phase of the similar reflexes in the dinucleotide spectra obtained by digital computing of Fourier-transform, give specific information on amino acid composition, codon bias, amino acid relations. The width of frequency band characterizes a tendency to nucleotide clustering or to separate existence. The blurring of reflexes shows the disturbance of far order in the regular nucleotide "lattice". The two-dimensional spectral analysis supports the existence of far correlation in nucleotide positions.  相似文献   

A new development is introduced here in the use of dynamic programming in finding pattern similarities in genetic sequences, as was first done by Needleman and Wunsch (1969). A condition of pattern similarity is defined and an algorithm is given which scans any set of similarities and screens out those which fail to meet the condition. When the set to be scanned contains every pair of segments, one from each of two given sequences of lengthsm andn (i.e. every possible location for a pattern similarity), then it completes the scan in a number of computational steps proportional tom·n, leaving those pairs of segments which satisfy the similarity condition. The algorithm is based on the concept of match density, as suggested by Goad and Kanehisa (1982).  相似文献   

Pattern recognition in several sequences: Consensus and alignment   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The comparison of several sequences is central to many problems of molecular biology. Finding consensus patterns that define genetic control regions or that determine structural or functional themes are examples of these problems. Previously proposed methods, such as dynamic programming, are not adequate for solving problems of realistic size. This paper gives a new and practical solution for finding unknown patterns that occur imperfectly above a preset frequency. Algorithms for finding the patterns are given as well as estimates of statistical significance. This author supported by a grant from the System Development Foundation. This author supported by NSF grant MCS-8301960 and by a grant from the System Development Foundation. This author supported by NIH grant GM19036.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of nucleotide sequences.   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In order to scan nucleic acid databases for potentially relevant but as yet unknown signals, we have developed an improved statistical model for pattern analysis of nucleic acid sequences by modifying previous methods based on Markov chains. We demonstrate the importance of selecting the appropriate parameters in order for the method to function at all. The model allows the simultaneous analysis of several short sequences with unequal base frequencies and Markov order k not equal to 0 as is usually the case in databases. As a test of these modifications, we show that in E. coli sequences there is a bias against palindromic hexamers which correspond to known restriction enzyme recognition sites.  相似文献   

A personal computer program (COMPSEQ) has been developed whichcan present an informative listing of pre-aligned exonic nucleotidesequences and of their translations to amino acid sequencesas well run triplet-oriented analyses on these sequences ina given reading frame. The sequence listing focuses on the differencesbetween related sequences by suppressing the concordances betweenthem.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of comparing several nucleic acid sequencesto identify words occurring imperfectly (patterns with no gap)with unusual frequency. Methods for computing, representing,and inspecting interactively the structure of such repeatingmotifs in nucleic acids and more generally any text are described.Multiple sequences are treated as one large concatenate. Ina preprocessing step, a lexical index is created to providerapid string matching for the enumeration of the words matchinga pattern. For given word features (word length, minimal frequency),a sequence profile is displayed. The profile can be inspectedinteractively with on-line algorithms. Applications to the identificationof regulatory elements in DNA regions involved in the controlof gene expression are presented. Our program (‘DNA-Lexemics’)runs on the Macintosh.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of 5'-flanking regions of 11 glucocorticoid-regulated genes and 14 genes non-regulated by these hormones were studied using context computer analysis. Consensus TGTTCT, previously found in DNA fragments protected by glucocorticoid-receptor complexes from DNAase I digestion, was shown to be nonspecific for glucocorticoid-regulated genes. However, the analysis of sequences flanking the TGTTCT consensus has revealed that only glucocorticoid-regulated genes contain four regularly distributed cytosine residues, one of them belonging to TGTTCT consensus. Three of cytosine residues are separated by 8-10 bp, which provides their close neighbourhood at one side of DNA double helix; the fourth extreme cytosine residue is located 6 bp from the nearest one and therefore, the complementary guanine residue is adjacent to the consensus in DNA helix. It is suggested that the consensus itself and two flanking cytosine and one guanine residues form a specific site for the interaction with glucocorticoid-receptor complex.  相似文献   

XPA, XPC-hHR23B, RPA, and TFIIH all are the damage recognition proteins essential for the early stage of nucleotide excision repair. Nonetheless, it is not clear how these proteins work together at the damaged DNA site. To get insight into the molecular mechanism of damage recognition, we carried out a comprehensive analysis on the interaction between damage recognition proteins and their assembly on damaged DNA. XPC physically interacted with XPA, but failed to stabilize the XPA-damaged DNA complex. Instead, XPC-hHR23B was effectively displaced from the damaged DNA by the combined action of RPA and XPA. A mutant RPA lacking the XPA interaction domain failed to displace XPC-hHR23B from damaged DNA, suggesting that XPA and RPA cooperate with each other to destabilize the XPC-hHR23B-damaged DNA complex. Interestingly, the presence of hHR23B significantly increased RPA/XPA-mediated displacement of XPC from damaged DNA, suggesting that hHR23B may modulate the binding of XPC to damaged DNA. Together, our results suggest that damage recognition occurs in a multistep process such that XPC-hHR23B initiates damage recognition, which was replaced by combined action of XPA and RPA. XPA and RPA, once forming a complex at the damage site, would likely work with TFIIH, XPG, and ERCC1-XPF for dual incision.  相似文献   

In the architectural approach to the study of plants, a major issue is to analyse branching and axillary flowering patterns. Due to the structured expression of the branching process and the noisy character of the observed patterns, we propose an analysis framework which is both structural and probabilistic. Data take the form of sequences which naturally represent the underlying structural information of branching and axillary flowering patterns and allow the application of a large number of methods ranging from exploratory analysis to stochastic modeling. The primary aim of the proposed analysis methods is to reveal patterns not directly apparent in the data, and thus to deepen our biological understanding of the underlying mechanisms that control the branching and the axillary flowering of plants over time and space. The proposed approach is illustrated using a set of examples corresponding to different plant species and different biological or agronomic objectives.  相似文献   

Excel platform was used for transition of results of multiple aligned nucleotide sequences obtained using the BLAST network service to the form appropriate for visual analysis and editing. Two macros operators for MS Excel 2007 were constructed. The array of aligned sequences transformed into Excel table and processed using macros operators is more appropriate for analysis than initial html data.  相似文献   

A system for the computer analysis of nucleic acid and protein sequences ("Helix") is described. Format of the DNA sequences is EMBL--compatible and may be easily commented with the help of convenient menus. "Helix" has also following possibilities: an effective alignment of gele reading data and formation of the final sequence; simple making of recombined molecules "in calcular"; calculations of nucleotide and dinucleotide distribution along the sequence; looking for coding frames; calculations percentage of codons and amino acids in coding frames; searching for direct and inverted repeats; sequences alignment; protein secondary structure prediction; restriction mapping; DNA--protein translation. "Helix" also contain programs for RNA-structure prediction, looking for homologies throughover the EMAL bank, choosing optimal sequence for probes and searching promoters. All the programs are written at FORTRAN-77 and automatically translated into FORTRAN-4. "Helix" require only 64 kbite.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis of the occurrence of particular nucleotide runs in DNA sequences of different species has been carried out. There are considerable differences of run distributions in DNA sequences of procaryotes, invertebrates and vertebrates. There is an abundance of short runs (1-2 nucleotides long) in the coding sequences and there is a deficiency of such runs in the noncoding regions. However, some interesting exceptions from this rule exist for the run distribution of adenine in procaryotes and for the arrangement of purine-pyrimidine runs in eucaryotes. The similarity in the distributions of such runs in the coding and noncoding regions may be due to some structural features of the DNA molecule as a whole. Runs of guanine (or cytosine) of three to six nucleotides occur predominantly in noncoding DNA regions in eucaryotes, especially in vertebrates.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The study and comparison of mutational spectra is an important problem in molecular biology, because these spectra often reveal important features of the action of various mutagens and the functioning of repair/replication enzymes. As is known, mutability varies significantly along nucleotide sequences: mutations often concentrate at certain positions in a sequence, otherwise termed 'hotspots'. RESULTS: Herein, we propose a regression analysis method based on the use of regression trees in order to analyse the influence of nucleotide context on the occurrence of such hotspots. The REGRT program developed has been tested on simulated and real mutational spectra. For the G:C-->T:A mutational spectra induced by Sn1 alkylating agents (nine spectra), the prediction accuracy was 0. 99. AVAILABILITY: The REGRT program is available upon request from V.Berikov.  相似文献   

Throughout the living world, genetic recombination and nucleotide substitution are the primary processes that create the genetic variation upon which natural selection acts. Just as analyses of substitution patterns can reveal a great deal about evolution, so too can analyses of recombination. Evidence of genetic recombination within the genomes of apparently asexual species can equate with evidence of cryptic sexuality. In sexually reproducing species, nonrandom patterns of sequence exchange can provide direct evidence of population subdivisions that prevent certain individuals from mating. Although an interesting topic in its own right, an important reason for analysing recombination is to account for its potentially disruptive influences on various phylogenetic-based molecular evolution analyses. Specifically, the evolutionary histories of recombinant sequences cannot be accurately described by standard bifurcating phylogenetic trees. Taking recombination into account can therefore be pivotal to the success of selection, molecular clock and various other analyses that require adequate modelling of shared ancestry and draw increased power from accurately inferred phylogenetic trees. Here, we review various computational approaches to studying recombination and provide guidelines both on how to gain insights into this important evolutionary process and on how it can be properly accounted for during molecular evolution studies.  相似文献   

Determination of nucleotide sequences in DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

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