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The accumulation of the cell cycle regulators TP53 and CDKN1A (p21/CIP1/WAF1) was investigated after exposure to X rays and carbon ions (170 keV microm(-1)) and xenon, bismuth and uranium ions (8900-15,000 keV microm(-1)) in normal human fibroblasts. The influence of the overall dose and the LET of these radiation types was studied systematically and the kinetics of the cell response was followed up to 24 h after exposure. The accumulation of TP53 protein was dependent on the dose and the LET, and TP53 levels declined to lower levels for all radiation types within 24 h after exposure. CDKN1A levels increased and peaked at 3 to 6 h after exposure. The persisting level of this protein at 24 h was strongly dependent on the dose and the LET for X rays and carbon ions. The exposure to very high-LET ions (8900-15,000 keV microm(-1)) did not lead to a further increase in CDKN1A, suggesting a saturation effect for the induction of this protein. The cellular effects of elevated CDKN1A after particle irradiation are discussed.  相似文献   

It is commonly believed that similarities between the sequences of two proteins infer similarities between their structures. Sequence alignments reliably recognize pairs of protein of similar structures provided that the percentage sequence identity between their two sequences is sufficiently high. This distinction, however, is statistically less reliable when the percentage sequence identity is lower than 30% and little is known then about the detailed relationship between the two measures of similarity. Here, we investigate the inverse correlation between structural similarity and sequence similarity on 12 protein structure families. We define the structure similarity between two proteins as the cRMS distance between their structures. The sequence similarity for a pair of proteins is measured as the mean distance between the sequences in the subsets of sequence space compatible with their structures. We obtain an approximation of the sequence space compatible with a protein by designing a collection of protein sequences both stable and specific to the structure of that protein. Using these measures of sequence and structure similarities, we find that structural changes within a protein family are linearly related to changes in sequence similarity.  相似文献   

Inherent radiosensitivity varies widely between individuals. We hypothesized that amino acid substitution variants in two highly radiation-responsive proteins, TP53 (p53) and CDKN1A (p21, Waf1, Cip1), are associated with and could explain individual variations in radiosensitivity. The two non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) TP53 codon 72 Arg/Pro G>C and CDKN1A codon 31 Ser/Arg C>A were genotyped in 92 normal fibroblast cell strains of different radiosensitivity. The clonogenic surviving fraction at 2 Gy (SF2) ranged between 0.15 and 0.50 (mean = 0.34, SD = 0.08). The mean SF2 was used to divide the cell strains into radiosensitive (45) and normal groups (47). A significant association was observed between SF2 and the TP53 codon 72 haplotype (C compared to G, P = 0.01). No association was observed between CDKN1A codon 31 haplotype and radiosensitivity (P = 0.86). The variant TP53 Arg72 allele was associated with a decrease in radiosensitivity, presumably due to suboptimal function leading to less stringent control of cell division. We conclude that certain SNPs in susceptible genes can influence cellular radiation response. Such risk alleles could ultimately be used as predictive markers for radiosensitivity to help stratifying individuals during assessment of risk of radiation exposure.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence is presented that the sucrose synthetase coding sequence at the Shrunken locus is distantly related to the sequence encoding a second, minor sucrose synthetase present in maize endosperm. Three doubly mutant sh bz strains lacking at least part of the Sh coding sequence produce an antigenically cross-reactive protein having the same electrophoretic mobility as the Sh-encoded, 92-kD sucrose synthetase monomer, but differing in primary structure. An mRNA is present in endosperm of mutants with deletions at the Sh locus that is weakly homologous to the Sh coding sequence and encodes a 92-kD protein precipitable with antiserum to sucrose synthetase. We conclude that the genes encoding the two different proteins are related.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation (IR) can cause various lesions in DNA, which induce the increase of p53 expression levels in order to repair radiation induced damage. Thus, the correlation between the increase of p53 expression and an irradiation may constitute a fast and powerful method of individual monitoring in cases of accidental or suspected exposures to IR. In this context, the aim of this research was to evaluate changes in lymphocyte p53 expression levels, based on flow cytometry, after in vitro irradiation of peripheral blood samples. For the measurement of such expression levels of p53 protein, an investigation was carried out in order to establish a methodology of analysis based on flow cytometry. Hence, relationships among levels of expression of p53 protein with the absorbed dose have been verified. The results presented in this report emphasized flow cytometry as an important tool for the fast evaluation of p53 protein expression levels as bioindicator of individual exposure to acute ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined effects of low-dose ionizing radiation on organ cultured human foreskin and, in particular, on the epidermis. Diagnostic, therapeutic, natural environmental and incidental exposures to moderate to low doses of radiation are inevitable and, although information on cultured cells continues to accumulate, little is known about the effects of low-dose radiation on human tissues. Our hypothesis is that ex vivo organ cultured foreskin is a simple and reliable model to study the biochemical effects of low-dose radiation exposure on skin. A model such as this will aid in the identification and quantification of low-dose radiation-induced changes in proteins in human skin and may be useful in the development of a precise, non-invasive, and reliable assay of exposure. In this work, several aspects of skin responses to culture conditions and radiation were examined. The responses of epidermal TP53 from organ cultured skin irradiated in medium with and without serum were found to be similar. TP53 levels in organ cultured neonatal foreskin epidermis were then examined for baseline TP53 expression. After an initial increase at 4 h, the TP53 D01 signal returned to low steady-state levels for at least 72 h. Irradiated skin samples from different individuals revealed variations in the TP53 D01 signal. The dose and temporal response of dermis and epidermis to radiation were examined by Western blotting from 0 to 24 h after exposure. After irradiation and incubation, the epidermis was removed and assayed by Western blotting and was found to have increases in the TP53 D01 epitope and the TP53 phosphoserine 15 (TP53-S15p) epitope that reached a maximum at about 3 h. In the epidermis, doses of 1-5 cGy of radiation were detectable with the TP53 D01, and CDKN1A antibodies and doses greater than 10 cGy were detectable with the TP53-S15p antibody. When the dermis was compared to epidermis, it was found that dermis had a smaller response to radiation and more phosphorylated TP53.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDS AND AIMS: Eradication rates of Helicobacter pylori by a proton pump inhibitor-based triple therapy depend on CYP2C19 genotype status. We investigated whether gastric acid inhibition during an eradication therapy would influence the eradication rates attained by the triple therapy. METHODS: Thirty-two patients with H. pylori infection underwent the first-line triple therapy with lansoprazole 30 mg, amoxicillin 750 mg, and clarithromycin 400 mg b.i.d. for 1 week. In all 32 patients, the 24-hour intragastric pH monitoring was performed on day 6 during the treatment period. RESULTS: The intention-to-treat-based eradication rate by the first-line therapy was 75.0% (24/32, 95%CI: 56.60-88.54%). In patients with successful eradication, the median 24-hour pH was 6.4 (range; 5.0-7.6), which was significantly higher than that in patients without eradication [5.2 (2.2-6.2), p = .0131]. The median percentage time of pH < 4.0 during 24-hour postdose in patients with eradication [0.5% (0.0-31.6%)] was significantly shorter than that in patients without eradication [26.7% (6.0-72.2%), p = .0017]. These parameters for acid inhibition significantly differed among the different CYP2C19 genotype groups. When the percentage time of pH < 4.0 and 24-hour pH were attained < 10% and > 6.0, respectively, during the eradication treatment, the majority of patients could eradicate H. pylori infection, irrespective of the bacterial susceptibility to clarithromycin. CONCLUSIONS: The sustained intragastric pH > 4.0 for a longer postdose time appears to be required for a successful eradication of H. pylori with lansoprazole and acid-labile antibiotics.  相似文献   

Protein 1 from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli K-12 and protein 2 from a phage PA-2 lysogen of the same strain were isolated by differential sodium dodecyl sulfate extraction and purified by ion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Rabbit antisera were prepared against these proteins and showed no cross-reaction between proteins 1 and 2. The proteins have the same N-terminal amino acid but show small yet significant differences in amino acid composition. The proteins were cleaved with cyanogenbromide in solvents containing both formic acid and trifluoroacetic acid. By comparing the cleavage in these solvents, it was established that protein 1 yielded 5 cyanogen bromide peptides, and the sum of the molecular weights of these was equivalent to the molecular weight of the uncleaved protein. Protein 2 yielded 4 cyanogen bromide peptides, none of which was identical to those of protein 1, and the sum of these peptides was also equivalent to the apparent molecular weight of the uncleaved protein. Significant differences were also observed when tryptic peptides from the two proteins were compared. These results indicate that protein 1 and the phage-directed protein 2 are distinct, different, and apparently homogeneous proteins.  相似文献   

Monospecific antibodies to bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan monomer and link protein were used to demonstrate that immunologically related molecules are present in the bovine eye and associated tissues. With immunofluorescence microscopy, reactions for both proteoglycan and link protein were observed in the sclera, the anterior uveal tract, and the endoneurium of the optic nerve of the central nervous system. Antibody to bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan also reacted with some connective tissue sheaths of rectus muscle and the perineurium of the optic nerve of the central nervous system. Antibody to proteoglycan purified from rat brain cross-reacted with bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan, indicating structural similarities between these proteoglycans. ELISA studies and crossed immunoelectrophoresis demonstrated that purified dermatan sulphate proteoglycans isolated from bovine sclera did not react with these antibodies but that the antibody to cartilage proteoglycan reacted with other molecules extracted from sclera. Two molecular species resembling bovine nasal link protein in size and reactivity with antibody were also demonstrated in scleral extracts: the larger molecule was more common. Antibody to link protein reacted with the media of arterial vessels demonstrating the localization of arterial link protein described earlier. Tissues that were unstained for either molecule included the connective tissue stroma of the iris, retina, vitreous body, cornea, and the remainder of the uveal tract. These observations clearly demonstrate that tissues other than cartilage contain molecules that are immunologically related to cartilage-derived proteoglycans and link proteins.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to determine the effects of exclusion of UV-A/B and UV-B alone on growth parameters, activity of antioxidant enzymes, level of antioxidants and yield, to evaluate the intra-specific variations in sensitivity of these responses in eight soybean (Glycine max) varieties (PK-472, PK-1029, Pusa-24, JS-7105, JS-335, Hardee, NRC-7 and Kalitur). The plants were grown in specially designed UV-exclusion chambers which lined with selective UV filters to exclude either UV-B (<320 nm) or UV-A/B (<400 nm). Plants grown under UV-exclusion filters were compared with those grown under polythene filter which transmitted ambient UV-B and UV-A radiation. The results indicate that the exclusion of solar UV-B and UV-A/B enhanced the vegetative growth (plant height and leaf area), total biomass accumulation and yield (number of seeds and seed weight) of all the varieties as compared with those grown under ambient UV. The activities of SOD, GPX, APX and GR, and levels of ASA were significantly decreased, while α-tocopherol increased after the exclusion of UV-B and UV-A/B in all varieties. These results suggest that the ambient level of UV-B and UV-A radiation evoked some active oxygen species to accumulate, which in turn retarded the growth, development and yield of soybean varieties. On the basis of biomass, UV-B (280–315 nm) sensitivity can be arranged in decreasing order as PK-472 > Hardee > JS-335 > Kalitur > JS 71-05 > Pusa-24 > NRC-7 > PK-1029 and UV-A/B sensitivity can be arranged in decreasing order as PK-472 > Kalitur > JS-335 > Hardee > Pusa-24 > JS 71-05 > NRC-7 > PK-1029. The results indicate var. PK-472 is more sensitive than other varieties and PK-1029 is least sensitive to ambient level of UV radiation. This study in the area of UV-B and UV-A/B stress provides an extensive data that can be used as a predictive basis in crop sciences to further investigate some of the tolerant varieties in field studies.  相似文献   

Bovine erythrocyte green heme binding protein and bovine erythrocyte flavin reductase have been isolated in highly purified forms and subjected to amino acid analysis and N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis. The two proteins possess similar amino acid compositions and identical N-terminal amino acid sequences. Moreover, the two proteins are immunochemically cross-reactive and are indistinguishable when compared by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by double diffusion technique. This study provides evidence that the protein components of bovine erythrocyte green heme binding protein and flavin reductase are identical.  相似文献   

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