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Reduction of vanadate to vanadyl by a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, SC-1, DBVPG 6173 and DBVPG 6037, were studied for vanadate resistance in complex Sabouraud medium since they did not thrive in different minimal media (yeast nitrogen base with and without amino acids). The strain SC-1 was resistant up to 16 mm of vanadate, whereas the strains DBVPG 6173 and DBVPG 6037 were inhibited by 8 mm and 4 mm vanadate, respectively. The vanadate resistance in strain SC-1 was constitutive and due to the reduction of this oxyanion to vanadyl, which was detected by EPR spectroscopy and visible spectroscopy. The transformation of vanadate to vanadyl took place during the exponential growth phase; 10 mm of vanadate was reduced to vanadyl outside the cells since the oxyanion was not detected in the cell biomass and only a negligible concentration of vanadyl (25 nmoles mg cells dry weight) was found in the biomass. The other two vanadate-sensitive yeast strains only accumulated vanadate and did not reduce the oxyanion to vanadyl.  相似文献   

We have studied the molecular nature of ade2 mutations induced by UV light and bifunctional acridine-mustard (BAM) in wild-type (RAD) and in excision-deficient (rad2) strains of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the RAD strain, UV causes 45% GC → AT transitions among all mutations; in the rad2 strain this value is 77%. BAM was shown to be highly specific for frameshift mutagenesis: 60% frameshifts in the RAD strain, and as many as 84% frameshifts in the rad2 strain were induced. Therefore, the rad2 mutation affects the specificity of UV- and BAM-induced mutagenesis in yeast. Experimental data agree with the view that the majority of mutations in the RAD strain are induced by a prereplicative mechanism, whereas mutations in the RAD strain are induced by a prereplicative mechanism, whereas mutations in the rad2 strain are predominantly postreplicative events. Our results also suggest that: (1) cytosine-containing photoproducts are the substances responsible for major premutational damage to DNA; (2) a fraction of the mutations may arise in the course of excision repair of UV photoproducts.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae uses glucose preferentially to any other carbon source and this preferential use is ensured by control mechanisms triggered by glucose. The consensus is that inactivation of sugar transporters other than glucose transporters is one of these mechanisms. This inactivation is called catabolite inactivation because of its apparent analogy with the catabolite inactivation of gluconeogenic enzymes. Recently, doubt has been cast on the role of the inactivation of the sugar transporters in controlling the use of glucose because this inactivation neither is specifically triggered by glucose nor specifically affects non-glucose sugar transporters. Based on the fact that this inactivation has been almost exclusively investigated using nitrogen-starved cells, it has been proposed that it might be due to the stimulation of the protein turnover that follows nitrogen starvation. The results obtained in this work support this possibility since they show that the presence of a nitrogen source in the medium strongly inhibited the inactivation. It is concluded that, in growing yeast cells, the contribution of the inactivation by glucose of the non-glucose sugar transporters to the preferential use of glucose is much lower than generally believed.  相似文献   

The main goal of this research was to achieve a more efficient production of 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PD) using mutated Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1,2-PD cannot be produced by wild type S. cerevisiae. To develop a S. cerevisiae mutant that could produce 1,2-PD, the mgs gene of E. coli-K12 MG1655 and the dhaD gene of Citrobacter freundii were inserted into yeast expression vectors such as pESC-URA and pESC-TRP and transformed into the wild type of S. cerevisiae. As a result, the batch fermentation of S. cerevisiae YPH500, harboring an mgs gene inserted pJES27 vector, resulted in a yield of 0.17 g/L. On the other hand, the methylglyoxal synthase of the recombinant S. cerevisiae YPH500, harboring a dhaD gene inserted pJES29 vector, was inactive and produced no detectable amount of 1,2-PD. Therefore, in order to achieve a maximum yield of 1,2-PD, we selected the pESC-TRP vector that is able to co-express the dhaD gene with the pJES27 vector. By inserting the dhaD gene into the pESC-TRP vector, the pJES30 vector was constructed. The maximal yield of 1,2-PD achieved in a 1% galactose batch fermentation by pJES27 and pJES30 harboring S. cerevisiae was 0.45 g/L.  相似文献   

Many of the gene products that participate in nitrogen metabolism are sensitive to nitrogen catabolite repression (NCR), i.e., their expression is decreased to low levels when readily used nitrogen sources such as asparagine are provided. Previous work has shown this NCR sensitivity requires the cis-acting UASNTR element and trans-acting GLN3. Here, we extend the analysis to include the response of their expression to deletion of the URE2 locus. The expression of these nitrogen catabolic genes becomes, to various degrees, NCR insensitive in the ure2 deletion. This response is shown to be mediated through the GATAA-containing UASNTR element and supports the current idea that the NCR regulatory circuit involves the following steps: environmental signal-->URE2-->GLN3-->UASNTR operation-->NCR-sensitive gene expression. The various responses of the nitrogen catabolic genes' expression to deletion of the URE2 locus also indicate that not all NCR is mediated through URE2.  相似文献   

Nitrogen catabolic gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reported to be regulated by three GATA family proteins, the positive regulators Gln3p and Gat1p/Nil1p and the negative regulator Dal80p/Uga43p. We show here that a fourth member of the yeast GATA family, the Dal80p homolog Deh1p, also negatively regulates expression of some, but not all, nitrogen catabolic genes, i.e., GAP1, DAL80, and UGA4 expression increases in a deh1 delta mutant. Consistent with Deh1p regulation of these genes is the observation that Deh1p forms specific DNA-protein complexes with GATAA-containing UGA4 and GAP1 promoter fragments in electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Deh1p function is demonstrable, however, only when a repressive nitrogen source such as glutamine is present; deh1 delta mutants exhibit no detectable phenotype with a poor nitrogen source such as proline. Our experiments also demonstrate that GATA factor gene expression is highly regulated by the GATA factors themselves in an interdependent manner. DAL80 expression is Gln3p and Gat1p dependent and Dal80p regulated. Moreover, Gln3p and Dal80p bind to DAL80 promoter fragments. In turn, GAT1 expression is Gln3p dependent and Dal80p regulated but is not autogenously regulated like DAL80. DEH1 expression is largely Gln3p independent, modestly Gat1p dependent, and most highly regulated by Dal80p. Paradoxically, the high-level DEH1 expression observed in a dal80::hisG disruption mutant is highly sensitive to nitrogen catabolite repression.  相似文献   

We genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae to express ferritin, a ubiquitous iron storage protein, with the major heavy-chain subunit of tadpole ferritin. A 450-kDa ferritin complex can store up to 4,500 iron atoms in its central cavity. We cloned the tadpole ferritin heavy-chain gene (TFH) into the yeast shuttle vector YEp352 under the control of a hybrid alcohol dehydrogenase II and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase promoter. We confirmed transformation and expression by Northern blot analysis of the recombinant yeast, by Western blot analysis using an antibody against Escherichia coli-expressed TFH, and with Prussian blue staining that indicated that the yeast-expressed tadpole ferritin was assembled into a complex that could bind iron. The recombinant yeast was more iron tolerant in that 95% of transformed cells, but none of the recipient strain cells, could form colonies on plates containing 30 mM ferric citrate. The cell-associated concentration of iron was 500 microg per gram (dry cell weight) of the recombinant yeast but was 210 microg per gram (dry cell weight) in the wild type. These findings indicate that the iron-carrying capacity of yeast is improved by heterologous expression of tadpole ferritin and suggests that this approach may help relieve dietary iron deficiencies in domesticated animals by the use of the engineered yeast as a feed and food supplement.  相似文献   

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