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《Biochemical medicine》1981,25(3):247-259
Glutathione S-transferase from human placenta has been purified with a simple and rapid method. The protein has an acidic isoelectric point (pI 4.65) and a molecular weight of 45,000, and is composed of two subunits. Evidence for the existence of two active forms, interconvertible by treatment with disulfide reducing agents, has been obtained on disc gel electrophoresis. Its amino acid composition is quite similar to that of erythrocyte glutathione S-transferase. The steady-state kinetics follow Michaelis-Menten kinetics and the conjugation reaction with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene displays a random sequential mechanism. The purified enzyme is not able to catalyze the reduction of organic hydroperoxides. Bilirubin and sulfobromophthalein competitively inhibit transferase activity. The effect of sulfhydryl reagent was also studied.  相似文献   

When purified subcellular fractions were prepared from rat liver and assayed for dolichol kinase activity using pig liver dolichol as a substrate, the microsomes were found to contain the highest specific activity and greater than 75% of the total actvity. With regard to substrate specificity, the microsomal enzyme showed a marked preference for saturation of the α-isoprene: dolichol-16 and -19 were 2.5-fold more active than the corresponding polyprenols. For a given class of prenol, the 16 and 19 isoprenologs exhibited similar activity, whereas the 11 isoprenolog appeared less active. The enzyme was twice as active against the naturally occurring polyprenol-16 (α-cis-isoprene) compared to synthetic α-trans-polyprenol-16. Taken together, the data indicate that the α-isoprene specificity follows the order: saturated>cis>trans. In addition, all-trans-2,3-dihydrosolanesol was not a substrate, suggesting that at least one cis isoprene residue is required.  相似文献   

Glutathione-S-transferase activity has been identified in the cytosol of human placenta. The specific activity measured is about 50% of that found in human liver. While some kinetic data have a close correspondence with those attributed to transferases of other sources, the molecular weight (60.000 daltons) and electric properties of this protein are unusual. The inhibitory effect of several non-substrate compounds suggests that also the placental Glutathione-S-transferase may play some role in detoxication of exogenous substances.  相似文献   

To determine the subcellular sites for synthesis and processing of human chorionic gonadotropin subunits in cells, first trimester placental cells were fractionated subcellularly on sucrose density gradients. Analysis of the subcellular fractions by immunobinding techniques revealed that the rough endoplasmic reticulum-rich fraction contained only intermediates having high-mannose oligosaccharides, but the Golgi-rich fraction contained not only intermediates but also mature forms which were resistant to endoglycosidase H but sensitive to neuraminidase. These results show that human chorionic gonadotropin subunits are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum as forms containing high-mannose oligosaccharides, and their maturation occurs in the Golgi apparatus by trimming with endogenous glycosidases. They are then modified by addition of complex oligosaccharides and terminal sialic acid through glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

We have previously reported [López-Rodas et al. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 19028-19033] that the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains four histone acetyltransferases, which can be resolved by ion-exchange chromatography, and their specificity toward yeast free histones was studied. In the present contribution we show that three of the enzymes are nuclear, type A histone acetyltransferases and they are able to acetylate nucleosome-bound histones. They differ in their histone specificity. Enzyme A1 acetylates H2A in chicken nucleosomes, although it is specific for yeast free H2B; histone acetyltransferase A2 is highly specific for H3, and histone acetyltransferase A3 preparations acetylate both H3 and H4 in nucleosomes. The fourth enzyme, which is located in the cytoplasm, does not accept nucleosomes as substrate, and it represents a canonical type B, H4-specific histone acetyltransferase. Finally, histone deacetylase activity is preferentially found in the nucleus.  相似文献   

A fluorimetric assay for lipase activity has been optimized for measurement of the enzyme in human neutrophils. Activity was maximal at acid (4.5) and alkaline (9.5) pH, although there was also a neutral peak of activity at pH 6.5. Neutrophils were homogenised in isotonic sucrose and subjected to analytical subcellular fractionation by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The gradient fractions were assayed for acid, neutral and alkaline lipase activity and for the principal organelle marker enzymes. Neutral lipase showed a unimodal distribution with an equilibrium density of 1.19 g . cm-3, corresponding to the distribution of particulate leucine aminopeptidase. Acid and alkaline lipase activities showed very similar distribution profiles to each other with both soluble components and a broad peak of particulate activity. The broad modal density of 1.19-1.22 g . cm-3 suggests that acid and alkaline lipase activities could be localised to more than one population of cytoplasmic granule. Fractionation experiments with neutrophils homogenised in sucrose medium containing digitonin confirmed the localisation of neutral lipase and leucine aminopeptidase to the same cytoplasmic granule, and suggested that at least part of the acid lipase activity was localised to the specific granule. No lipase activity could be attributed to the alkaline phosphatase-containing granule. Neutrophils were isolated from control subjects, patients with chronic granulocytic leukaemia and women in the third trimester of pregnancy. The specific activity of acid, neutral and alkaline lipase, and leucine aminopeptidase, in contrast to that of alkaline phosphatase, were similar in the three patient groups.  相似文献   

Epoxide hydrolase in human adrenal gland was characterized with respect to catalytic properties and subcellular distribution. With human adrenal microsomes and the substrates styrene-7,8-oxide, cis-stilbene oxide, estroxide and androstene oxide the specific activities were between 1.9 and 19.0 nmol/min/mg protein. With styrene-7,8-oxide as substrate the apparent Km-value was 0.98 mM and the pH optimum was 9.2. Subcellular fractionation revealed that the bulk of the activity was confined to the endoplasmic reticulum. Different compounds known to influence rodent microsomal epoxide hydrolase activity were also tested on the human adrenal enzyme. 1,1,1-Trichloropropene-2,3-oxide (TCPO) and cyclohexene oxide (CHO) inhibited the activity while benzil and clotrimazole stimulated the activity. Partial purification of human adrenal epoxide hydrolase indicates that its molecular weight is about 51 000 and that its concentration relative total protein in the human adrenal microsomes is about 10%.  相似文献   

Adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) activities were studied in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes with a recently developed radio-assay. The neutrophils were homogenized in isotonic sucrose and subjected to analytical subcellular fractionation. The sucrose density gradient fractions were assayed for ADPase activity and for principal organelle marker enzymes. ADPase activity was distributed between the plasma membrane, specific granule and soluble fractions. The plasma membrane and specific granule activities had similar kinetic and inhibitor properties but the cytosolic enzyme was clearly different. Studies with the non-penetrating inhibitor diazotized sulphanilic acid and measurements of latent activity indicate that plasma membrane ADPase activity is located on the external aspect to the cell. Its possible role in inhibiting platelet aggregation is discussed. Neutrophils were isolated from control subjects, patients with chronic granulocytic leukaemia and patients in the third trimester of pregnancy. The specific activities (mU/mg protein) of ADPase activity, in contrast to those of alkaline phosphatase, were similar in all three groups. This result, together with fractionation experiments and inhibition studies strongly suggests that ADPase activity is not attributable to neutrophil alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

Intracellular distribution of aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) in Spirodela polyrhiza (Lemnaceae), strain SJ, has been studied by differential centrifugation. The bulk of the enzyme (73% of total cellular content) was localized in the cytoplasm and 24% activity was localized in chloroplasts. Purified cytoplasmic and chloroplastic isozymes differed by their affinity for substrates. The reaction balance was shifted towards direct and reverse transamination in the cytoplasm and chloroplast, respectively. Competitive inhibition of AAT by excessive substrates and enzyme affinity modulation by certain intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (isocitrate, succinate, and citrate) were observed. Possible involvement of AAT isozymes in the coordination of carbon and nitrogen metabolism through the regulation of 2-oxoglutarate synthesis and utilization in different cellular compartments is discussed.  相似文献   

Nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase (NMNAT) is the central enzyme of the NAD biosynthetic pathway. Three human NMNAT isoforms have recently been identified, but isoform-specific functions are presently unknown, although a tissue-specific role has been suggested. Analyses of the subcellular localization confirmed NMNAT1 to be a nuclear protein, whereas NMNAT2 and -3 were localized to the Golgi complex and the mitochondria, respectively. This differential subcellular localization points to an organelle-specific, nonredundant function of each of the three proteins. Comparison of the kinetic properties showed that particularly NMNAT3 exhibits a high tolerance toward substrate modifications. Moreover, as opposed to preferred NAD+ synthesis by NMNAT1, the other two isoforms could also form NADH directly from the reduced nicotinamide mononucleotide, supporting a hitherto unknown pathway of NAD generation. A variety of physiological intermediates was tested and exerted only minor influence on the catalytic activities of the NMNATs. However, gallotannin was found to be a potent inhibitor, thereby compromising its use as a specific inhibitor of poly-ADP-ribose glycohydrolase. The presence of substrate-specific and independent nuclear, mitochondrial, and Golgi-specific NAD biosynthetic pathways is opposed to the assumption of a general cellular NAD pool. Their existence appears to be consistent with important compartment-specific functions rather than to reflect simple functional redundance.  相似文献   

1. From the liver of the teleost fish Genypterus maculatus, a partially purified preparation of arginase was obtained and characterized. 2. The Km value for arginine was found to be 9.1 mM at pH 7.5 and 11.5 mM at the optimum pH of 9.5. At both pH values, competitive inhibition was caused by ornithine and lysine, whereas proline, leucine, valine and isoleucine caused a non-competitive inhibitory effect. Branched chain amino acids were more inhibitory than proline. 3. The enzyme was found localized in the mitochondrial matrix of the liver of Genypterus maculatus. It is suggested that this localization would be of importance in the use of arginine as an energy source.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenase activity was measured in human platelet subcellular fractions. From a sonicated platelet preparation, a granule fraction, mixed membranes (surface and intracellular) and cytosol fractions were separated by differential centrifugation. With respect to activities in the sonicated preparation, the lipoxygenase was slightly enriched in both the cytosol and mixed-membrane fractions and consistently de-enriched in the granule fractions. Approx. 65% and 20% of the total cell enzyme activity were found in the cytosol and mixed membranes respectively, with only 8% present in the granule fraction. Additionally we measured the lipoxygenase activity in purified surface- and intracellular-membrane subfractions prepared from the mixed membranes by free-flow electrophoresis. There was a slight enrichment in activity in the intracellular membrane fraction compared with that in the mixed membranes, and a depletion of activity in the surface membranes. Characterization of the enzyme activity, i.e. time course, pH-dependence, Ca2+-dependence, Vmax. and Km for arachidonic acid, and the carbon-position specificity for this acid, failed to reveal any significant differences between the membrane-bound and soluble forms of the lipoxygenase. These findings suggest that in human platelets the same lipoxygenase is associated with the membranes as in the cytosol and that the membrane-bound activity predominates in intracellular membrane elements.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of the human proto-oncogene protein DEK   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent data revealed that DEK associates with splicing complexes through interactions mediated by serine/arginine-repeat proteins. However, the DEK protein has also been shown to change the topology of DNA in chromatin in vitro. This could indicate that the DEK protein resides on cellular chromatin. To investigate the in vivo localization of DEK, we performed cell fractionation studies, immunolabeling, and micrococcal nuclease digestion analysis. Most of the DEK protein was found to be released by DNase treatment of nuclei, and only a small amount by treatment with RNase. Furthermore, micrococcal nuclease digestion of nuclei followed by glycerol gradient sedimentation revealed that DEK co-sedimentates with oligonucleosomes, clearly demonstrating that DEK is associated with chromatin in vivo. Additional chromatin fractionation studies, based on the different accessibilities to micrococcal nuclease, showed that DEK is associated both with extended, genetically active and more densely organized, inactive chromatin. We found no significant change in the amount and localization of DEK in cells that synchronously traversed the cell cycle. In summary these data demonstrate that the major portion of DEK is associated with chromatin in vivo and suggest that it might play a role in chromatin architecture.  相似文献   

Isolation and properties of polysomes from human placenta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The aromatization of androstenedione in human ovarian microsomes is inhibited by an antibody to porcine hepatic microsomal NADPH-cytochrome c reductase. Likewise, the antibody inhibits aromatization in mitochondria isolated from human ovaries and placentae. A given quantity of the antibody produces the same percent inhibition of aromatization in microsomes and mitochondria of both ovaries and placentae. These data, in addition to the low specific activity observed for the mitochondrial aromatase, indicate that aromatization in mitochondria probably results from microsomal contamination.  相似文献   

A procedure for the simultaneous purification to homogeneity of hexokinase, phosphoglucomutase 1 and 2, aldolase, phosphoglucose isomerase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from human origin has been developed. Human placenta homogenate was first chromatographed on DE-52 column which retains hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase while the other enzymes are recovered in the unabsorbed protein fraction. The other steps in the purification involve Matrex gel and specific affinity chromatography for the DE-52 retained enzymes and phosphocellulose and Matrex gel chromatography for the other enzymes. All the enzymes mentioned were obtained in one week, with recoveries from 14 percent for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase to 75 percent for hexokinase. Thus, the procedures utilized seem to be useful in obtaining large amounts of enzymes in a a homogeneous form from an easily available human tissue.  相似文献   

A heparan sulfate-degrading endoglucuronidase was isolated from human placenta and partially purified by affinity chromatography on heparan sulfate-Sepharose 4B. The endoglucuronidase has a molecular weight of approximately 100 000 estimated by gel chromatography and a broad pH optimum between pH4 and pH6. Carboxyl reduced heparan sulfate is not split by partially purified endoglucuronidase, but inhibits the action of that enzyme towards non-modified heparan sulfate. Low molecular weight heparan sulfate (Mr approximately 3 000) is not attacked by the endoglucuronidase. N-Desulfated heparan sulfate and heparin are only weak substrates. The amino sugar adjacent to the glucuronic acid residue appearing at the reducing terminal of heparan sulfate fragments liberated by the endoglucuronidase appears to be exclusively N-acetylated glucosamine.  相似文献   

Nucleotide pyrophosphatase was purified from human placenta to near homogeneity with a specific activity of about 500-fold over the Triton extract of the homogenate. Purification was achieved most effectively by successive chromatographic steps with AMP-agarose and ADP-agarose columns, based on the affinity of the enzyme towards 5'-adenylate and adenosine 3',5'-diphosphate, and a lectin-Sepharose column, based on the glycoprotein nature of the enzyme. The purified enzyme was found to be essentially homogeneous on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with a mobility corresponding to 130K. The purified enzyme was found to hydrolyze a wide variety of nucleotides, i.e. 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS), adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS), NADH, ATP, nucleotide sugars, oligonucleotides, and p-nitrophenyl-thymidine 5'-phosphate (PNTP). From the oligonucleotides, the enzyme produced 5'-phosphates. Mg2+ was required for full activity. Glycine and sulfhydryl compounds such as 2-mercaptoethanol and 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol were inhibitory. Most of these properties are common to nucleotide pyrophosphatases [EC] and type I (5'-phosphate forming) phosphodiesterases [EC] from various sources. The relevance of this enzyme to a unique genetic disease, Lowe's syndrome, is discussed.  相似文献   

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