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In seasonally breeding songbirds, the brain regions that control song behavior undergo dramatic structural changes at the onset of each annual breeding season. As spring approaches and days get longer, gonadal testosterone (T) secretion increases and triggers the growth of several song control nuclei. T can be converted to androgenic and estrogenic metabolites by enzymes expressed in the brain. This opens the possibility that the effects of T may be mediated via the androgen receptor, the estrogen receptor, or both. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effects of two bioactive T metabolites on song nucleus growth and song behavior in adult male white‐crowned sparrows. Castrated sparrows with regressed song control nuclei were implanted with silastic capsules containing either crystalline T, 5α‐dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol (E2), or a combination of DHT+E2. Control animals received empty implants. Song production was highly variable within treatment groups. Only one of seven birds treated with E2 alone was observed singing, whereas a majority of birds with T or DHT sang. After 37 days of exposure to sex steroids, we measured the volumes of the forebrain song nucleus HVc, the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), and a basal ganglia homolog (area X). All three steroid treatments increased the volumes of these three song nuclei when compared to blank‐implanted controls. These data demonstrate that androgen and estrogen receptor binding are sufficient to trigger seasonal song nucleus growth. These data also suggest that T's effects on seasonal song nucleus growth may depend, in part, upon enzymatic conversion of T to bioactive metabolites. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 57:130–140, 2003  相似文献   

Environmental pollutants which alter endocrine function are now known to decrease vertebrate reproductive success. There is considerable evidence for endocrine disruption from aquatic ecosystems, but knowledge is lacking with regard to the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Here, we show for the first time that birds foraging on invertebrates contaminated with environmental pollutants, show marked changes in both brain and behaviour. We found that male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) exposed to environmentally relevant levels of synthetic and natural estrogen mimics developed longer and more complex songs compared to control males, a sexually selected trait important in attracting females for reproduction. Moreover, females preferred the song of males which had higher pollutant exposure, despite the fact that experimentally dosed males showed reduced immune function. We also show that the key brain area controlling male song complexity (HVC) is significantly enlarged in the contaminated birds. This is the first evidence that environmental pollutants not only affect, but paradoxically enhance a signal of male quality such as song. Our data suggest that female starlings would bias their choice towards exposed males, with possible consequences at the population level. As the starling is a migratory species, our results suggest that transglobal effects of pollutants on terrestrial vertebrate physiology and reproduction could occur in birds.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis proceeds throughout life in the higher vocal center (HVC) of the adult songbird neostriatum. Testosterone induces neuronal addition and endothelial division in HVC. We asked if testosterone-induced angiogenesis might contribute importantly to HVC neuronal recruitment. Testosterone upregulated both VEGF and its endothelial receptor, VEGF-R2/Quek1/KDR, in HVC. This yielded a burst in local HVC angiogenesis. FACS-isolated HVC endothelial cells produced BDNF in a testosterone-dependent manner. In vivo, HVC BDNF rose by the third week after testosterone, lagging by over a week the rise in VEGF and VEGF-R2. In situ hybridization revealed that much of this induced BDNF mRNA was endothelial. In vivo, both angiogenesis and neuronal addition to HVC were substantially diminished by inhibition of VEGF-R2 tyrosine kinase. These findings suggest a causal interaction between testosterone-induced angiogenesis and neurogenesis in the adult forebrain.  相似文献   

Adult songbirds can incorporate new neurons into HVc, a telencephalic song control nucleus. Neuronal incorporation into HVc is greater in the fall than in the spring in adult canaries (open‐ended song learners) and is temporally related to seasonal song modification. We used the western song sparrow, a species that does not modify its adult song, to test the hypothesis that neuronal incorporation into adult HVc is not seasonally variable in age‐limited song learners. Wild song sparrows were captured during the fall and the spring, implanted with osmotic pumps containing [3H]thymidine, released onto their territories, and recaptured after 30 days. The density, proportion, and number of new HVc neurons were all significantly greater in the fall than in the spring. There was also a seasonal change in the incorporation of new neurons into the adjacent neostriatum that was less pronounced than the change in HVc. This is the first study of neuronal recruitment into the song control system of freely ranging wild songbirds. These results indicate that seasonal changes in HVc neuronal incorporation are not restricted to open‐ended song learners. The functional significance of neuronal recruitment into HVc therefore remains elusive. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 316–326, 1999  相似文献   

Pan X  Li DF 《生理科学进展》2011,42(1):72-74
多巴胺(DA)与鸣禽的鸣唱行为密切相关.多巴胺能神经元主要分布于中脑VTA和SNc以及PAG,它们投射到前端脑鸣唱控制核团,调节鸣唱的学习和产生.研究表明,环境的改变会影响成鸟的鸣唱产生和幼鸟的鸣唱学习,而这种环境依赖性的鸣唱行为变化是由中脑内多巴胺能神经元的活动来介导的.本文重点介绍了近年来有关中脑多巴胺能神经元活动与鸣唱行为关系的研究进展.  相似文献   

Adult songbirds can incorporate new neurons into HVc, a telencephalic song control nucleus. Neuronal incorporation into HVc is greater in the fall than in the spring in adult canaries (open-ended song learners) and is temporally related to seasonal song modification. We used the western song sparrow, a species that does not modify its adult song, to test the hypothesis that neuronal incorporation into adult HVc is not seasonally variable in age-limited song learners. Wild song sparrows were captured during the fall and the spring, implanted with osmotic pumps containing [3H]thymidine, released onto their territories, and recaptured after 30 days. The density, proportion, and number of new HVc neurons were all significantly greater in the fall than in the spring. There was also a seasonal change in the incorporation of new neurons into the adjacent neostriatum that was less pronounced than the change in HVc. This is the first study of neuronal recruitment into the song control system of freely ranging wild songbirds. These results indicate that seasonal changes in HVc neuronal incorporation are not restricted to open-ended song learners. The functional significance of neuronal recruitment into HVc therefore remains elusive.  相似文献   

In songbirds, the size of brain nuclei that control song learning and production change seasonally. These changes are mainly controlled by seasonal changes in plasma testosterone (T) concentration. One hypothesis to explain why it may be adaptive for these areas to regress in the fall is that this would decrease the metabolic demand of maintaining a large song system when singing is reduced or absent. We used a marker for cellular metabolism to examine birds with regressed song nuclei and compared them to birds whose song nuclei were induced to grow by administration of exogenous T. Photorefractory male Gambel's white-crowned sparrows were captured during their autumnal migration and kept in outdoor aviaries on a natural photoperiod. We implanted birds with Silastic capsules containing T or with empty implants. Three weeks later the birds were sacrificed. We assayed the brains for cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity and measured the volume of four song nuclei: HVc, RA, 1MAN, and area X. All four nuclei increased in volume in response to T treatment. T treatment increased the metabolic capacity of area X, HVc, and RA relative to surrounding tissue but had no effect on the metabolic capacity of 1MAN. These results support the hypothesis that song nuclei are more metabolically active under the influence of T than they are when plasma T levels are low.  相似文献   

Asymmetries in competitive ability can determine the outcome of social interactions in animals and are often expressed through differences in sexual traits. Competitive ability (resource holding potential, RHP), trait expression and ultimately reproductive success may vary with an individual's age or experience. In some species, reproductively mature males delay acquisition of some adult traits and thereby signal their young age. Theory on animal contests predicts that individuals assess the RHP of an opponent relative to their own, such that escalation is more common between evenly matched opponents. Here, we test predictions from this hypothesis that males respond to a territorial intruder based on their RHP relative to the intruder's RHP. We simulated white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) intruding into the territory of a recruit or return. Playback of a song repertoire simulating a young male (recruit) elicited a weaker response from established territory holders (return), but a stronger response from recruits. Playback of a single song type simulating an older male elicited the opposite responses. This indicates that males distinguished between simulated young and old intruders based on song, and responded differently depending on their own experience. Our study highlights the possibility that receiver as well as sender traits should be considered when interpreting animal interactions.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic anatomy of brain areas is thought to be causally linked to sex differences in behaviour and cognitive functions. The sex with the regional size advantage (male or female) differs between brain areas and species. Among adult songbirds, males have larger brain areas such as the HVC (proper name) and RA (robust nucleus of the arcopallium) that control the production of learned songs. Forest weavers (Ploceus bicolor) mated pairs sing a unison duet in which male and female mates learn to produce identical songs. We show with histological techniques that the volume and neuron numbers of HVC and RA were > or =1.5 times larger in males than in females despite their identical songs. In contrast, using in-situ hybridizations, females have much higher (30-70%) expression levels of mRNA of a number of synapse-related proteins in HVC and/or RA than their male counterparts. Male-typical and female-typical sexual differentiation appears to act on different aspects of the phenotypes within the same brain areas, leading females and males to produce the same behaviour using different cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

In zebra finches the gonadal steroid estradiol (E2) directs the sexual differentiation of neural regions controlling song and synergizes with androgens to stimulate song in adulthood. To identify regions where E2 may act to exert these effects, steroid autoradiographic techniques were used to assess cellular accumulation of 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites within various nuclei of the zebra finch brain. In Experiment 1 we examined brains from juvenile females, still within the critical period for E2's effect on sexual differentiation. In Experiment 2 the pattern and extent of labeling in adult male brains was determined following injection of 3[H]-E2, 3[H]-testosterone, or 3[H]-dihydrotestosterone. The results suggest that, both during development and in adulthood, most song-control nuclei contain few E2-accumulating cells. In contrast, many cells densely labeled by 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites are present in the hypothalamus and in close proximity to one song-control region, the hyperstriatum ventralis pars caudalis (HVc). The distribution of these latter cells overlaps with cells that project to another song-related nucleus, Area X. Thus, in Experiment 3 fluorescent retrograde tracing and steroid autoradiographic techniques were combined to determine if E2-accumulating cells project to Area X in adult males. Although a few retrogradely labeled cells were lightly labeled by 3[H]-E2 or its metabolites, for the most part these appear to be two distinct populations of cells. The sparse accumulation of E2 in the zebra finch song system contrasts with that described in other song birds and has important implications as to the mechanism of E2 action on the developing and mature song system.  相似文献   

Songbirds are an important model system for the study of the neurological bases of song learning, but variation in song learning accuracy and adult song complexity remains poorly understood. Current models of sexual selection predict that signals such as song must be costly to develop or maintain to constitute honest indicators of male quality. It has been proposed that reductions of nestling condition during song development might limit the expression of song learning. Adult song could thus act as an indicator of early stress as only males that enjoy good condition during development could learn accurately and sing long songs or large repertoires. We tested this hypothesis in the zebra finch by modifying early condition through cross-fostering chicks to small, medium, and large broods. Song learning was very accurate and was found to reflect very closely tutor song characteristics and to depend on the number of males in the tutoring group. Although the brood size manipulation strongly affected several measures of nestling condition and adult biometry, we found no relationship between early condition and song learning scores or song characteristics. Similarly, brain mass and high vocal center (HVC), robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA), and lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium (LMAN) volumes did not covary with nestling condition and growth measurements. We found no significant relationship between song repertoire size and HVC and RA volumes, although there was a nonsignificant trend for HVC to increase with increasing proportion of learnt elements in a song. In conclusion, the results provide no evidence for song learning to be limited by nestling condition during the period of nutritional dependence from the parents in this species.  相似文献   

Androgens are an important class of steroid hormones involved in modulating the expression and evolution of male secondary sex characters. Vocalizations used in the context of aggression and mate attraction are among the most elaborate and diverse androgen-dependent animal displays as reflected in a rich tradition of studies on bird song and anuran calls. Male Alston's singing mice (Scotinomys teguina) commonly emit trilled songs that appear to function in male-male aggression. In this study, we experimentally manipulated androgens in singing mice to assess their role in modulating aggression and song effort. Testosterone- and DHT-treated animals retained aggressive and song attributes similarly. However, castrated mice administered empty implants showed more subordinate behavior and sang fewer songs that were shorter, lower in power, higher in frequency, and less stereotyped. The extensive effects of androgens on a suite of phenotypes highlight their role in linking gonadal status with decisions about investment in reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

In many species, male territorial aggression is tightly coupled with gonadal secretion of testosterone (T). In contrast, in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia morphna), males are highly aggressive during the breeding (spring) and nonbreeding (autumn and early winter) seasons, but not during molt (late summer). In aggressive nonbreeding song sparrows, plasma T levels are basal (< or = 0.10 ng/ml), and castration has no effect on aggression. However, aromatase inhibitors reduce nonbreeding aggression, indicating a role for estrogen in wintering males. In the nonbreeding season, the substrate for brain aromatase is unclear, because plasma T and androstenedione levels are basal. Aromatizable androgen may be derived from plasma dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), an androgen precursor. DHEA circulates at elevated levels in wintering males (approximately 0.8 ng/ml) and might be locally converted to T in the brain. Moreover, plasma DHEA is reduced during molt, as is aggression. Here, we experimentally increased DHEA in wild nonbreeding male song sparrows and examined territorial behaviors (e.g., singing) and discrete neural regions controlling the production of song. A physiological dose of DHEA for 15 days increased singing in response to simulated territorial intrusions. In addition, DHEA treatment increased the volume of a telencephalic brain region (the HVc) controlling song, indicating that DHEA can have large-scale neuroanatomical effects in adult animals. The DHEA treatment also caused a slight increase in plasma T. Exogenous DHEA may have been metabolized to sex steroids within the brain to exert these behavioral and neural effects, and it is also possible that peripheral metabolism contributed to these effects. These are the first results to suggest that exogenous DHEA increases male-male aggression and the size of an entire brain region in adults. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that DHEA regulates territorial behavior, especially in the nonbreeding season, when plasma T is basal.  相似文献   

There is now considerable evidence that female choice drives the evolution of song complexity in many songbird species. However, the underlying basis for such choice remains controversial. The developmental stress hypothesis suggests that early developmental conditions can mediate adult song complexity by perturbing investment in the underlying brain nuclei during their initial growth. Here, we show that adult male canaries (Serinus canaria), infected with malaria (Plasmodium relictum) as juveniles, develop simpler songs as adults compared to uninfected individuals, and exhibit reduced development of the high vocal centre (HVC) song nucleus in the brain. Our results show how developmental stress not only affects the expression of a sexually selected male trait, but also the structure of the underlying song control pathway in the brain, providing a direct link between brain and behaviour. This novel experimental evidence tests both proximate and ultimate reasons for the evolution of complex songs and supports the Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis of parasite-mediated sexual selection. Together, these results propose how developmental costs may help to explain the evolution of honest advertising in the complex songs of birds.  相似文献   

Sensory feedback is essential for acquiring and maintaining complex motor behaviors, including birdsong. In zebra finches, auditory feedback reaches the song control circuits primarily through the nucleus interfacialis nidopalii (Nif), which provides excitatory input to HVC (proper name)—a premotor region essential for the production of learned vocalizations. Despite being one of the major inputs to the song control pathway, the role of Nif in generating vocalizations is not well understood. To address this, we transiently inactivated Nif in late juvenile zebra finches. Upon Nif inactivation (in both hemispheres or on one side only), birds went from singing stereotyped zebra finch song to uttering highly variable and unstructured vocalizations resembling sub‐song, an early juvenile song form driven by a basal ganglia circuit. Simultaneously inactivating Nif and LMAN (lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium), the output nucleus of a basal ganglia circuit, inhibited song production altogether. These results suggest that Nif is required for generating the premotor drive for song. Permanent Nif lesions, in contrast, have only transient effects on vocal production, with song recovering within a day. The sensorimotor nucleus Nif thus produces a premotor drive to the motor pathway that is acutely required for generating learned vocalizations, but once permanently removed, the song system can compensate for its absence. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1213–1225, 2016  相似文献   

The catecholaminergic cell groups of the brainstem play an important role in the regulation of motivated behavior, including reproductive behavior. In songbirds, these cell groups project to telencephalic nuclei involved in singing and contain steroid hormone receptors, implicating them in the seasonal regulation of song. Whether these nuclei are involved in the activation of song on a short-term, moment-to-moment basis is unknown. In this study, free-living male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) were subjected to simulated territorial intrusion (STI), which stimulates territorial singing. The resulting fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) was quantified in two HVc- and RA-projecting catecholaminergic regions of the brainstem: the area ventralis of Tsai (AVT) and the midbrain central gray (GCt). Males subjected to STI showed more FLI in both of these regions than control males. In addition, FLI in both nuclei was correlated positively with the number of songs sung in response to STI. The number of flights directed at the intruder was correlated with FLI in AVT but not GCt. These results suggest a role for AVT and GCt, and thus possibly catecholamines, in the regulation of territorial behavior in songbirds.  相似文献   

In males of several songbird species, the morphology of forebrain nuclei that control song changes seasonally. The only seasonally breeding songbird in which seasonal changes in the structure of song control nuclei have been reported not to occur is the nonmigratory Nuttall's subspecies of white-crowned sparrow. In the present study, we manipulated photoperiod and plasma testosterone concentrations in captive male white-crowned sparrows of the migratory Gambel's subspeices. Males exposed to photoperiods and plasma testosterone concentrations typical of those experienced by wild breeding males had larger song control nuclei than males held on a winter photoperiod. We also found seasonal change in stereotypy of spectral and temporal parameters of song in wild Gambel's white-crowned sparrows. We hypothesize that seasonal changes in song control nuclei may correlate with seasonal changes in song stereotypy. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   



Like human speech, birdsong is a learned behavior that supports species and individual recognition. Norepinephrine is a catecholamine suspected to play a role in song learning. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of norepinephrine in bird''s own song selectivity, a property thought to be important for auditory feedback processes required for song learning and maintenance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we show that injection of DSP-4, a specific noradrenergic toxin, unmasks own song selectivity in the dorsal part of NCM, a secondary auditory region.


The level of norepinephrine throughout the telencephalon is known to be high in alert birds and low in sleeping birds. Our results suggest that norepinephrine activity can be further decreased, giving rise to a strong own song selective signal in dorsal NCM. This latent own song selective signal, which is only revealed under conditions of very low noradrenergic activity, might play a role in the auditory feedback and/or the integration of this feedback with the motor circuitry for vocal learning and maintenance.  相似文献   

Reduced vocal diversity in founder populations of songbirds is particularly well described in congeners and conspecifics introduced to remote islands but has rarely been examined in species that have been introduced to both island and mainland systems across an expansive geographical range. We examined male between‐ and within‐song complexity variations between founder and native populations of the widely distributed Common Myna Acridotheres tristis and predicted reduced complexity within individuals from founder populations. The percentage of unique songs within a repertoire and within‐song complexity were significantly lower in Mynas from founder populations. This reduced song complexity suggests that vocal founder effects may be exhibited in both island and mainland founder populations.  相似文献   

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