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通过对香花崖豆藤(Millettia dielsiana)、钝药野木瓜(Stauntonia leucantha)、三叶木通(Akebia trifoliate)、哥兰叶(Celastrus gemmatus)、大血藤(Sargentodoxa cuneata)和小血藤(Schisandra propinqua)等野生攀援植物的习性、特点解析以及园林应用综合评析,得出这6种攀援植物的园林综合应用能力的强弱:香花崖豆藤钝药野木瓜三叶木通小血藤大血藤哥兰叶,为丰富本地区城市园林垂直绿化植物种类提供参考。  相似文献   

从福建泉州周边地区引种栽培30种攀援植物,对其成活率、生长状况、物候期以及抗逆性等指标进行调查研究。结果表明,采用“百分法”综合评选出29种适用于泉州市垂直绿化的攀援植物,其中11种可作为骨干品种推广应用,以满足泉州市垂直绿化建设中对景观多样性、植物多样性的要求。  相似文献   

利用攀援、缠绕、下垂等植物进行垂直绿化,解决室内外一些狭窄空间无法用乔灌木绿化的矛盾,从而提高绿化覆盖率。本文阐述垂直绿化的应用,并介绍厦门地区可利用的植物资源。  相似文献   

利用攀援植物进行垂直绿化,向空间增加绿化面积,是进行绿化建设,改善城市生态环境的重要途径。葫芦科植物栝楼,适应性强,生长健壮,是一种值得推广的攀援植物。栝楼(Trichosantheskirilowi)又名瓜萎,为栝楼属多年生宿根攀援草本。茎蔓长达1...  相似文献   

天南星科的大叶黄金葛、白斑黄金葛、红宝石蔓绿绒、绿宝石蔓绿绒、白蝴蝶合果芋等室内观叶植物,具有栽培容易、生长迅速、叶形艳丽、四季常青、耐水湿、能攀援、可匍匐等优良性状。在厦门市园林绿化应用表明,这些植物可从室内、庭园点缀推广应用到城市垂直绿化,以丰富沿海城市垂直绿化形式。  相似文献   

黄金葛,蔓绿绒在垂直绿化中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天南星科的大叶黄金葛,白斑黄金葛,红宝石蔓绿绒,绿宝石蔓绿绒,白蝴蝶全果芋等室内观叶植物,具有栽培容易,生长迅速,叶形艳丽,四季常青,耐水湿,能攀援可匍匐等优良性状。在厦门市园林绿化应用表明,这些植物可从室内,庭园占缀推广应用到城市垂直绿化,以丰富沿海城市垂直绿化形式。  相似文献   

广西园林植物应用现状调查及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济的发展和人们对环境美学要求的提高,园林植物的开发利用越来越受到重视。通过对广西主要大城市南宁、柳州、桂林等地区的园林植物进行实地调查,结果表明,广西区内常用园林植物有809种(包括变种、变型、栽培变种),隶属于150科450属,其中乡土植物315种,占常用园林植物的38.94%;外来物种494种,占常用园林植物的61.06%。其中,乔木283种,草本253种。在150个科中,棕榈科的植物种类最多,有43种,其次是木兰科,有33种。而柠檬桉、桂花、大王椰子等种类,因应用范围广、用量大而在广西园林中占有相当重要的地位。园林用途分类结果表明,用于城市道路绿化的植物有502种;用于公园、广场、街头绿地绿化的植物有494种,其中造景植物用了428种。  相似文献   

甘肃南部野生铁线莲属植物种质资源及观赏应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对甘肃南部野生铁线莲植物的资源状况、分布、生态习性和生物学特性等进行了调查研究,表明甘肃南部有野生铁线莲属植物30种,分布于小陇山、白龙江、西秦岭林区各林场及甘南、陇南、天水地区.花(萼)大色彩艳丽,攀援性、适应性强,观赏价值高,并提出多种观赏利用的形式.  相似文献   

广西地处热带和亚热带交汇地区,气候高温多雨,植物生长旺盛;加之境内山岭纵横,岩溶地形广泛发育,苦苣苔科植物种类特多.我国特产有28属,广西特有属8属,特有种66种.这些植物的花冠奇特美丽<唇形花冠>,一些种类的叶质肥厚浓绿,有很高的观赏价值;同时多数种类常野生在山谷溪边的岩石上或陡崖阴湿处,可以作岩石公园、假山绿化之用.作为一种野生花卉资源,有待引种和开发利用.下面仅介绍一些广西特有的种类.  相似文献   

中国棕榈藤资源及其分布特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
棕榈藤是一种重要的非木材林产品,在全球生物多样性保护和经济发展方面起着重要的作用。通过查阅相关文献、野外调查和标本鉴定,对中国棕榈藤植物的种类组成、地理分布类型及特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)中国分布有较丰富的棕榈藤植物资源,共计3属40种(含变种),在云南、海南、广西等12个省区均有分布,其生长习性以攀援型为主。(2)中国棕榈藤植物表现出明显的水平和垂直地带性分布规律;水平地域性分布明显,形成了西南(云南西双版纳)和东南(海南省)两大分布中心,而其他区域分布的种类相对较少;海拔1000m以下地区分布的种类较多,有一定数量的广布种。(3)中国棕榈藤植物可划分为10个分布区类型,其中,以热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布型的种类为主,特有种也占有一定比例;种类的分布与中南半岛、南亚棕榈藤植物区系有密切的联系。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that herbaceous climbing plants, unlike non-climbing herbs, maximize height growth and leaf area, with minimal expenditure in support structures. The enhanced investment in leaf area was expected to result in high relative growth rates in terms of biomass increment. Four leguminous herbaceous climbers from nutrient-poor sites and four non-leguminous herbaceous climbers from nutrient-rich sites, were compared with non-climbing, self-supporting leguminous and non-leguminous herbaceous species from similar habitats. Plants were grown in hydroponic cultures in controlled environment chambers. All climbers had inherently taller shoots than self-supporting plants when compared at an equal amount of total plant dry weight, due to longer stems per unit of support biomass. In contrast to the hypothesis, the relative growth rates of all climbers were relatively low compared to the range found for self-supporting species. The biomass allocation patterns of the non-leguminous climbers were similar to those of the self-supporting species. Leguminous climbers allocated more biomass to support tissue and less biomass to leaves than non-climbers. As a result, height growth was even more emphasized in leguminous climbers than in non-leguminous climbers. Climbing legumes had high rates of net carbon gain, which partly compensated the lower relative leaf weight. We conclude that leguminous herbaceous climbers maximize height growth by a large investment in support biomass, enabling them to keep a large proportion of their leaves in the better illuminated environment at the top of the vegetation canopy.  相似文献   

中国种子植物区系中的藤本多样性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
藤本植物是植被的重要组成部分,但由于野外考察中物种及无性系分株鉴定的困难,长期以来在生态学研究中常常被忽视。为揭示中国藤本植物的多样性和特有性,作者研究了其科属组成、区系成分和攀援方式。结果显示:中国藤本植物种类丰富,共计有85科409属3,073种(含变种、亚种),占中国种子植物区系的11.3%;其中草质藤本898种,木质藤本2,175种,分别占中国种子植物区系的3.3%和8.0%。中国藤本植物区系热带成分显著,热带分布科和属分别占总科数或总属数(不含世界广布科属)的87.9%和79.2%;有14个含藤属为中国所特有,但没有特有含藤科。中国藤本植物最主要的攀援方式是缠绕类,占藤本植物总数的56.7%;其次为蔓生类和卷须类,分别占22.1%和17.0%;吸附类藤本种类最少,只占4.2%。  相似文献   

Salzer J  Matezki S  Kazda M 《Oecologia》2006,147(3):417-425
Climbing plants are known to play an important role in tropical forest systems, but key features for their distribution are only partly understood. Investigation was carried out to find if climbers differ from self-supporting vegetation in their adjustment of leaf parameters over a wide variety of light regimes in different forest types along an altitudinal gradient. Relative photon flux density (PFDrel) was assessed above 75 pairs of strictly linked climbers and supporting vegetation on seven plots between 2,020 and 2,700 m a.s.l. along a mountain range in South-Ecuador up to the Páramo vegetation. Leaf samples from both growth forms were analyzed for leaf area (LA), specific leaf mass (LMA), mass and area-based carbon and nitrogen concentration (C, Carea, N, and Narea) and concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn and Al. Leaf size of climbers was independent of general light condition, whereas the leaf size of the self-supporting vegetation increased in shade. LMA increased as expected with altitude and irradiance for both growth forms, but climbers generally built smaller leaves with lower LMA. N, P, and K concentrations were higher in the leaves of climbers than in their supporters. Relationships of LMA and Narea to the light conditions were more pronounced within the climbers than within their supporters. Slope for the regression between climber’s Narea and LMA was twice as steep as for the supporter leaves. Al accumulators were only found within the self-supporting vegetation. The investigated traits indicate improved adjustment towards light supply within climbers compared to self-supporting vegetation. Thus climbing plants seem to have a higher potential trade off in resource-use efficiency regarding irradiance and nutrients.  相似文献   

胡亮 《生物多样性》2016,24(10):1105-104
喜马拉雅山地是生物地理学研究的热点地区之一。本文对喜马拉雅地区的藤本植物多样性及其与毗邻地区的联系进行了统计分析, 并对该地区与印度河-恒河平原地区藤本植物多样性的地理格局及其成因进行了研究。结果显示: (1)喜马拉雅地区总计有1,083种藤本植物, 分属72科309属; 其中木质藤本725种, 草质藤本358种; 攀援方式主要为缠绕攀援(51.3%)。(2)该区域的藤本植物组成受相邻区域植物区系的显著影响, 其1,083种藤本植物中有74.1% (802种)在东南亚地区有分布, 50.6% (548种)在南亚有分布, 48.9% (530种)在中国西南地区有分布。本区藤本植物缺乏特有性, 仅125种(11.5%)为本区所特有, 没有特有含藤属。(3)藤本植物多样性及其在植物区系中的比例均自东向西逐渐降低; 木质藤本比例和缠绕攀援藤本比例均自东向西略呈上升趋势; 大多数含藤属的藤本多样性由东往西递减, 仅极少数含藤属由东往西逐渐增加, 如野豌豆属(Vicia)和菟丝子属(Cuscuta)。(4)藤本植物多样性在喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区呈现出自东向西递减的相似格局, 由东往西方向上含藤属递减率分别为8.4属/100 km和6.3属/100 km, 但喜马拉雅地区藤本植物多样性更高。喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区均有分布的272个含藤属中有196属在中亚及伊朗高原不再有分布, 其中31.1% (61属)在喜马拉雅地区的分布显著更偏西, 仅4.1% (8属)在印度河-恒河平原的分布显著更偏西。综合分析表明, 喜马拉雅地区藤本植物的多样性及其地理格局的特点与其特殊的地理位置、气候条件和生境的梯度变化以及毗邻地区植物区系的多元化有关; 水分条件的东西向梯度变化可能是藤本植物在喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区形成相似格局的主要原因。  相似文献   

Hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR), hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR), and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) were measured in elite male climbers (Clim.: n = 4) and physically active controls (Con.: n = 8). Although mean value of S, an index of HCVR, showed almost the same values in both groups (Clim.: 2.26 +/- 0.62 vs. Con.: 1.85 +/- 0.58 l.min-1.Torr-1), mean value of A, an index of HVR, was significantly higher in climbers than controls (Clim.: 237.8 +/- 109.2 vs. Con.: 111.3 +/- 62.0 l.min-1.Torr-1). Mean value of VO2max in climbers was not different from that in controls (Clim.: 49.3 +/- 2.9 vs. Con.: 47.5 +/- 5.7 ml.kg-1.min-1). These results demonstrate that elite climbers are characterized by their enhanced ventilatory response to hypoxia rather than prominency in aerobic work capacity. It is speculated that enhanced HVR in climbers makes compensation for decreased VO2max at high altitude. The enhanced HVR in elite climbers who have ordinary values in VO2max may be one of factors in their successful performance at extreme altitude.  相似文献   

Klimeš  Adam  Klimešová  Lada  Bartušková  Alena  Klimešová  Jitka 《Plant Ecology》2020,221(11):1159-1166

Herbaceous climbers (vines) represent a growth strategy in which the stem lacks most of its supporting function. This has led to the hypothesis that herbaceous climbers are structural parasites that invest less into stems than self-supporting plants. So far, the support for this idea has been ambiguous, as woody and herbaceous plants have been discussed jointly and evidence is often based on young plants in pot experiments. We collected in wild fully grown temperate herbaceous climbers and self-supporting herbs to examine the idea. We made a phylogenetically informed comparison of biomass allocation into stems and leaves of 16 climber species and 74 self-supporting herbs. Furthermore, we compared our results with those published for woody climbers to gain insight into different biomass allocation between herbaceous and woody growth forms. We found that herbaceous climbers and self-supporting herbs do not differ in their proportion of stem biomass to leaf biomass. Herbaceous climbers reach much higher in the canopy thanks to their climbing habit and in average more than seven times longer stems, but contrary to the expectation and unlike their woody counterparts, they do not save on investment into the stem. Herbaceous climbers and self-supporting herbs represent a study system which provides insight into biomass scaling with versus without supporting function where both stems as well as leaves are seasonal.


The ventilatory and heart rate responses to exercise were studied in four experienced high-altitude climbers at sea level and during a 6-wk period above 4,500 m to discover whether their responses to hypoxia were similar to those of high-altitude natives. Comparison was made with results from four scientists who lacked their frequent exposure to extreme altitude. The climbers had greater Vo2max at sea level and altitude but similar ventilatory responses to increasing exercise. On acute hypoxia at sea level their ventilatory response was less than that of scientists. Their heart rate response did not differ from that of scientists at sea level, but with acclimatization the reduction in response was significantly greater. Alveolar gas concentrations were similar after acclimatization, but climbers achieved these changes more rapidly. The increase in hematocrit was similar in the two groups. It is concluded that these climbers, unlike high-altitude residents, have cardiorespiratory responses to exercise similar to those of other lowlanders except that their ventilatory response was lower and the reduction in their heart rate response was greater.  相似文献   

卢国栋 《四川动物》2006,25(1):123-125
生化分析显示,蜈蚣体内含有多种氨基酸、小分子肽、甾醇、脂肪酸等各类活性物质,这可能是医典所载其主治中风、破伤风、恶疮、肿瘤、癣、蛇咬等的药学基础。本文从古代、现代的中医药典籍、文献中总结了六个方面的临床应用,还较为系统全面地阐述了药用蜈蚣的栖息环境、行为与食性、繁殖与个体发育等方面的野外及人工环境下的生物学特性与生态行为表现,以资现代中医药建立医疗模式和药源基地参考。  相似文献   

Aim Understanding large scale patterns in trait variation in climbing plants (lianas, vines, scramblers, twiners) is important for the development of a stronger theoretical understanding of climbing plant ecology and for more applied issues such as prediction of community assembly under changing climatic conditions. We compared values of five key functional traits for 388 species of climbing plant from tropical and temperate regions of Australia to quantify variation between these two biogeographic regions. Location Australia. Methods Data on dispersal mode, growth habit, leaf form, leaf size and seed mass were compiled from field measurements and published sources. Comparative analyses were performed in three ways: (1) across species where each species was treated as an independent data point, (2) using evolutionary divergence analyses for each trait, and (3) in multidimensional space using a matrix of similarities between species. Results Tropical climbing plants had 22‐fold greater seed mass and four times greater leaf size than did temperate species. Tropical climbers were more likely to be woody (63%) than were temperate species (40%). Surprisingly we found a similar proportion of animal‐dispersed seeds in the two regions, although we expected animal‐dispersed seeds to be more prevalent in the tropics. We also found similar proportions of simple‐ and compound‐leaved species between the two regions. All of our findings were consistent between cross‐species and phylogenetic analyses indicating that patterns in present‐day species are reflected in the evolutionary history of Australian climbers. Multivariate analyses suggested that there is a spectrum of variation among climbing plants, with tropical species having greater seed mass, leaf size and woody growth compared with temperate climbing plant species. Main conclusions Tropical and temperate climbers of Australia exhibit a mixture of similar and contrasting traits and ecological strategies. Understanding strategy variation along latitudinal gradients will be particularly informative for predicting ecosystem and community structure with climate change.  相似文献   

In order to decipher movements during freshwater eel colonization, we experimentally characterized individual locomotor behavior of two eel life history stages: elvers and yellow eels. A ramp located at the flume tank upstream side required a specific locomotor behavior to be ascended. Placing individually tagged eels in the middle of the tank three times successively tested behavioral consistency. Eels climbing the ramp on each trial were classified as "upstream climbers" whereas eels settling in the tank middle were classified as "inactive". Both stages exhibited these two opposite consistent behaviors. However, elvers were predominantly "upstream climbers" (58.1%) whereas yellow eels were predominantly "inactive" (79.6%). We measured morphometric characters and thyroid hormones to determine if upstream activity was related to body condition and thyroid status. Elver upstream climbers had higher body condition as well as higher thyroxine (T(4)) and triiodothyronine (T(3)) levels compared with inactive elvers. Yellow eel upstream climbers had lower body length as well as higher T(3) and (T(3):T(4)) ratio compared with inactive yellow eels. This indicated that the physiological release factors for eel upstream migration may be stage dependent. For elvers, high thyroid gland activity, together with high body condition, may be the physiological release factors for migration. In contrast, for yellow eels, physiological stress may be the release factor with an increase in T(4) deiodination activity in the smallest eels. Our study revealed inter-stage and intra-stage locomotor behavior plasticity and suggested stage-dependent opposite impacts of physiological condition on eel upstream migration.  相似文献   

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