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Aqueous phase diagrams were constructed for two new alkylglucosides with isoprenoid-type hydrophobic chains, viz. 1-O-beta-(3,7-dimethyloctyl)-D-glucopyranoside, beta-Glc(Ger), and 1-O-beta-(3,7,11,15-tetramethylhexadecyl)-D-glucopyranoside, beta-Glc(Phyt). In a low concentration regime, from 0.17 to 34 wt.% beta-Glc(Ger), the beta-Glc(Ger)/water system exhibits two phase, a dilute (L1dil) and a concentrated isotropic phase (L1con), coexistence region. Above about 62 wt.% beta-Glc(Ger), an Lalpha phase is formed. The extent of the L1dil + L1conc two-phase region decreases as temperature increases and totally disappears above 130 degrees C, exhibiting an upper critical temperature. The beta-Glc(Phyt)/water system exhibits an Lalpha phase above 78 wt.% surfactant below which, an Lalpha + water two-phase region appears. One notable feature of these compounds is their low values of Krafft-eutectic temperature, TK, e.g. the value of TK for beta-Glc(Phyt) is below 0 degrees C although the total number of carbon atoms in the hydrophobic chain is as large as 20.  相似文献   

In complexes of divalent metals with large exchange rate constant (KH2O) of the coordinated H2O, such as Ca2+ and Cu2+, the cubic structure in the ligand field is usually unstable and conformation changes are easily induced. We observed the molecular motion of phosphatidylserine (PS) in an amphipathic solvent (water / methanol / chloroform) by 1H-NMR and ESR using Ca2+ and / or Cu2+, which has a similar KH2O to that of Ca2+. We found that Ca2+ did not hinder the molecular movements of PS. However, Cu2+ reduced the movements of both headgroups and the double bonds in the fatty acids of PS. By addition of both Ca2+ and Cu2+, phase transition to a soft solid phase in the PS membrane was observed at room temperature. The results indicate that the headgroups are clustered in two-dimensional network with each ligand field displaced from the aqueous phase to the water / oil interface. The structure changes of the polar headgroups after the binding of divalent cations are considered to trigger the phase transition of this acidic phospholipid membrane.  相似文献   

The system exopolysaccharide polymyxan 88A–water was studied at several temperatures. The temperature dependence of viscosity at cooling and heating was obtained in order to estimate the phase separation temperature (Ts) and the gelation temperature (Tg). The experimental values of Ts and Tg were used to plot the phase diagram of the system under study at polymer concentrations below 1.5 wt%. Viscous flow in the system was examined by the cylinder–cylinder rotation method. It has been found that: (i) at shear rates within 1–100 s−1 the dependence of viscosity on shear rate can be fairly expressed by the power low; (ii) the activation enthalpy of viscous flow practically does not depend on shear rate; and (iii) the activation entropy of viscous flow is negative, most likely due to an orienting action of mechanical field.  相似文献   

Solid-liquid phase behavior of binary fatty acid mixtures was investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) for the mixture composed of oleic acid (OA) and stearic acid (SA) and that composed of OA and behenic acid (BA). The DSC results provided a monotectic type T-X phase diagram for these mixtures, from which it was suggested that the two fatty acid species are completely immiscible in a solid phase regardless of the two polymorphs of OA, i.e., alpha-form or gamma-form. The solid phase immiscibility was confirmed by the FT-IR observation that the spectra obtained for the mixtures correspond to the superposition of the two spectra for respective components. Thermodynamic analysis of liquidus line demonstrated that OA and SA form an ideal mixture in a liquid phase, whereas the mixing of OA and BA in a liquid phase is slightly non-ideal.  相似文献   

In the modelling and the optimization of pharmaceutical protein freeze–drying processes, thermophysical properties values of the formulation in frozen or in liquid states are necessary in order to determine the optimal operating conditions (temperature, pressure) of the two steps (sublimation, desorption) drying diagramme and the optimal storage conditions of the final freeze–dried product.

The most important thermophysical properties of BSA/water/Tris system buffered with Tris–HCl (5%, w/w) at pH 7, a standard formulation largely used in industrial freeze–drying process of pharmaceutical proteins, are reported in this paper. The state diagram of this formulation was determined by modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry (MTDSC) and, then the vitreous transition temperatures were interpreted as a function of water content by the Gordon–Taylor equation. The same technique was used to experimentally determine the heat capacity of the BSA/water frozen system. Moreover, the transient hot wire probe method was used to measure the thermal conductivity of the frozen system as a function of temperature. It proved that the thermal conductivity and the apparent heat capacity values for this dilute formulation were reasonably close to the values for the pure water/ice system.

Sorption isotherms data were also measured by two different methods—the equilibrium with saturated salts solutions and also the controlled humidity oven. Water vapour sorption data were finally correlated by the three parameters Guggenheim, Anderson, De Boer (GAB) equation.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the chemical and physical properties of a biosurfactant synthesized by Rhodococcus sp. 51T7. The biosurfactant was a trehalose tetraester (THL) consisting of six components: one major and five minor. The hydrophobic moieties ranged in size from 9 to 11 carbons. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) was 0.037 g L−1 and the interfacial tension against hexadecane was 5 mN m−1. At pH 7.4 the glycolipid CMC/critical aggregation concentration (CAC) was 0.05 g L−1 and at pH 4 it was 0.034 g L−1. A phase diagram revealed effective emulsification with water and paraffin or isopropyl myristate. A composition of 11.3-7.5-81.8 (isopropyl myristate-THL-W) was stable for at least 3 months. The HLB was 11 and the phase behaviour of the glycolipid revealed the formation of lamellar and hexagonal liquid-crystalline textures.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of submicromolar concentrations of cytochrome c (cyt c) on the phase behavior of ternary lipid membranes composed of charged dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol, egg sphingomyelin and cholesterol. The protein was found to induce micron-sized domains in membranes belonging to the single-fluid-phase region of the protein-free ternary mixture and, as a result, to expand the region of coexistence of liquid ordered (Lo) and liquid disordered (Ld) phases. Direct observations on individual vesicles revealed that protein adsorption increases the area of Ld domains. Measurements using a fluorescent analog of cyt c showed that the protein preferentially adsorbs onto domains belonging to the Ld phase. The adsorption was quantitatively characterized in terms of partitioning ratios between the Ld and the Lo phases. The protein was also found to induce vesicle leakage even at relatively low concentrations. In eukaryotic cells under normal physiological conditions, cyt c is localized within the intermembrane space of mitochondria. During cell apoptotis, cyt c is released into the cytosol and its adsorption to intracellular membranes may strongly perturb the lipid distribution within these membranes as suggested by our results.  相似文献   

The application of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) to the detection and characterization of phase separation in lipid bilayers (both in model systems and in cell membranes) is reviewed. Models describing the rate and efficiency of FRET for both uniform probe distribution and phase separation, and recently reported methods for detection of membrane heterogeneity and determination of phase boundaries, probe partition coefficients and domain size, are presented and critically discussed. Selected recent applications of FRET to one-phase lipid systems, gel/fluid phase separation, liquid ordered/liquid disordered phase separation (lipid rafts), complex systems containing ceramide and cell membranes are presented to illustrate the wealth of information that can be inferred from carefully designed FRET studies of membrane domains.  相似文献   

Polymorphic influences on the phase behavior of two types of binary mixtures of saturated monoacid 1,3-propanediol esters (PADEs), dipalmitate/distearate (PP/SS) and dimyristate/distearate (MM/SS) were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and by solid fat content (SFC), hardness and microscopy measurements. Three stacking modes have been found in the PP/SS binary system. Mixed SS-PP bilayers were detected in all mixtures, SS-SS bilayers in x(PP)=0.0-0.4 mixtures and PP-PP bilayers in x(PP)=0.6-0.1 mixtures. Two different but close beta polymorphs and one beta' polymorph were detected for this system. beta' was only detected in x(PP)=0.5-0.9 mixtures for the mixed bilayers. For the MM/SS binary system, only MM-MM and SS-SS bilayers were detected and both solid phases crystallized in two different beta forms. XRD data evidenced clearly that the MM and SS components were completely immiscible in the solid state. The phase diagrams constructed using DSC data, exhibited a typical eutectic-type phase boundary. The presence of eutectics, the shape of the solidus lines as well as the analysis of the individual enthalpies of melting indicated typical phase separation for both systems. A thermodynamic study based on the Hildebrand equation and using the Bragg-Williams approximation for non-ideality of mixing confirmed the phase separation in the solid phase and suggested that the PP and SS were miscible in the liquid phase and that SS formed an ideal mixing with MM. Avrami analysis of SFC vs. time curves indicated heterogeneous nucleation and spherulitic crystal development from sporadic nuclei, and suggested that the nucleation rate was higher for the mixture at the eutectic composition. The relative hardness was correlated with the enthalpies, the final SFC and the microscopy measurements.  相似文献   

Monolayers of mixtures of 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) as the substrate and 1,2-dipalmitoylphosphatidic acid (DPPA) as the product of the hydrolysis reaction catalyzed by phospholipase D (PLD) were investigated in the presence of Ca2+. The miscibility behavior and the microstructure of mixed domains have been studied by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXD), Brewster angle microscopy and film balance measurements. The phase diagram reveals partial miscibility on both sides and a wide miscibility gap, which becomes narrower at high pressure. At low pressure, the segregation of condensed DPPA-rich domains in a fluid-like DPPC matrix was detected already at small DPPA concentrations and their structure was determined. A small amount of DPPC mixed into the segregated DPPA domains induces the transformation from rectangular to an oblique unit cell and increases the tilt angle in the condensed domains. At high pressure, two types of condensed phase domains were found: DPPC-rich and DPPA-rich. A drastic reduction of the tilt angle in the DPPC-rich domains with increasing amount of DPPA was observed. The decrease of the tilt angle must be connected with a change of the head group conformation of DPPC in such mixed domains.  相似文献   

The effect of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) was studied on the fully hydrated 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC)--water liposomes. The structure and the thermotropic phase behaviour of the liposomes was examined in the presence of DCP (DCP/DPPC molar ratio, varied from 2x10(-2) up to 1) using small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS, WAXS) and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The structural behaviour of the DPPC/DCP/water system was strongly dependent on the concentration of the DCP. In the pretransition range the DCP molecules (at 2x10(-2) DCP/DPPC molar ratio) induced the interdigitated phase beside the parent (gel and rippled gel) phases, locally which can be form at higher DCP concentration. When the DCP/DPPC molar ratio was increased the pretransition disappeared and the main transition was shifted to lower temperatures. In the molar ratio range from 2x10(-1) up to 5x10(-1), a coexistence of different phases was observed in the wide temperature range from 20 up to 40 degrees C. With a further increase of the DCP/DPPC molar ratio (6x10(-1) to 1) only the interdigitated gel phase occurred below 25 degrees C. A schematic phase diagram of DPPC/DCP/water system was constructed to summarise the results.  相似文献   

Solid-liquid phase behavior was investigated for binary fatty acid mixtures composed of oleic acid (OA; cis-9-octadecenoic acid) and saturated fatty acids, lauric acid (LA; dodecanoic acid), myristic acid (MA; tetradecanoic acid), and palmitic acid (PA; hexadecanoic acid), by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). When the mixture was heated immediately after the solidification from the melt, the heat effect due to the gamma-to-alpha transformation of OA varied depending on the composition of the mixture. However, the mixture subjected to an annealing at the temperature slightly below the melting temperature provided the transformation at constant temperature which corresponds to the gamma-to-alpha transformation temperature of pure OA. This suggests that a solid phase formed by cooling of the melt of the mixture is not in an equilibrium state, but it relaxes to a stable solid during the annealing process. The T-X phase diagrams of these mixtures constructed from the DSC measurements demonstrate that the two fatty acid species are completely immiscible in a solid phase regardless of the type of polymorphs of OA, alpha- or gamma-form. According to a thermodynamic analysis of liquidus line basing on the regular solution model for the melt, the non-ideality of mixing tends to increase with the decrease in the acyl chain length of the saturated fatty acid, although the mixing is rather close to ideal.  相似文献   

Solid-liquid phase behavior of binary mixtures of oleic acid (OA)/capric acid (C10A) and OA/caprylic acid (C8A) were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and X-ray diffraction. The phase diagram of OA/C10A mixture constructed from the DSC results suggested that a molecular compound with the composition of OA:C10A = 3:2 is formed in a solid phase, and OA and the molecular compound are miscible, while C10A and the molecular compound are completely immiscible. The formation of the molecular compound was supported by the IR spectroscopic observation, and a possible model of the structure was proposed on the basis of X-ray diffraction spectrum in small angle region. This compound formation is characteristic of the OA/C10A mixture, and may be attributed to the similarity of the acyl chain length of C10A to the lengths of Delta- and omega-chains of OA (i.e., the chain segments divided by cis-double bond). The mixture of OA and C8A, whose chain length is close to but shorter than the two chain segments of OA, provided a eutectic-type phase diagram showing a partial mixing of the two components in OA-rich region. Thermodynamic analysis of the liquidus line in the phase diagram exhibits a systematic trend for the non-ideality parameter of mixing with the variation of the chain length difference between OA and saturated fatty acid species.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the low hydration phase properties of phospholipid mixtures is described. 2H (D2O) NMR, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry have been used to elucidate the phase properties of mixtures of the mixed chain phospholipids palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (POPE). At 10% hydration pure POPE exhibited a HII phase above 330 K, a fluid lamellar phase below 315 K, and a minimally hydrated crystalline phase below 300 K. For the 1:1 mixture, the samples exhibited only gel or fluid phases between 270 K and 360 K for hydrations in the range 15% to 30%. Below 15% hydration the mixture exhibited two fluid phases with different repeat spacings, as predicted previously.  相似文献   

Sol–gel and gel–sol phase transitions of κ-carrageenan in pure water and in KCl solution were studied using photon transmission technique. Photon transmission intensity, Itr, was monitored against temperature to determine the sol–gel and gel–sol temperatures (Tsg and Tgs) and activation energies (ΔHsg and ΔHgs). It was observed that Tgs was notably higher than Tsg due to the hysteresis on the phase transition loops. Tgs and ΔHgs values were also higher for gels containing KCl than for those without KCl. The increase in carrageenan content caused an increase in both critical temperatures and activation energies for the gels prepared in pure water and in KCl solution. Increases in the KCl/carrageenan ratio, raised both Tgs and Tsg. Similarly ΔHsg was elevated by the increase in cation content of the gel. These results were interpreted as the formation of stronger gels in the presence of KCl in water.  相似文献   

Pullulan is a commercially important Exopolysaccharide (EPS) with wide‐spread applications which is produced by Aureobasidium pullulans. The alternative α (1 4) & α (1 6) configuration in pullulan provides it the specific structural and conformational properties. Pullulan is currently being exploited in food, health care, pharmacy, lithography, cosmetics. The fermented broth is processed by organic solvent precipitation for isolation and purification of pullulan. In this study, we have tried to analyze the potential of aqueous two phase system as an alternate technique to extract pullulan from fermented broth. Including this viability of ATPS was also compared with conventional organic solvent precipitation system in terms of cost and time. It was found that ATPS process produced a higher yield of pullulan (80.56%) than organic solvent precipitation method (71.6%). ATPS was also found more economical and less time consuming method.  相似文献   

The phase and electrochemical behavior of the aqueous mixtures of monoolein (MO) and synthetic ferrocene (Fc) derivatives containing long alkyl chains-(Z)-octadec-9-enoylferrocene (1), (Z)-octadecen-9-ylferrocene (2), and ferrocenylmethyl (Z)-octadec-9-enoate (3)-were studied. At low hydration, the reversed micelles (L(2) phase) and cubic Q(230) phase of MO can accommodate relatively high amounts (>6 wt.%) of the Fc-derivative 2, whereas at high hydration, the pseudoternary cubic phase Q(224) is destabilized even at about 2 wt.% of this Fc. Increasing the Fc-derivative content induces L(alpha)-->L(2) and L(alpha)-->reversed bicontinuous cubic phase (Q(II))-->H(II) transitions depending upon hydration. A rough study of the MO system containing compounds 1 and 3 indicates very similar phase behavior to that of the MO/2/H(2)O system. Compound 2 apparently has no effect on the lipid monolayer thickness in the pseudoternary L(alpha), H(II) and Q(II) liquid crystalline phases of MO. Within a 3D-structure of the Q(224) phase, derivatives 1-3 exhibit electrochemical activity on the gold electrode. The one-electron redox conversion processes are electrochemically quasi-reversible and controlled by diffusion. The values of apparent diffusion coefficient (D(app)) and heterogeneous electron-transfer rate constant (k(s)) of Fcs are significantly lower in the cubic phase matrix when compared to the acetonitrile solution. By contrast, the MO H(II) phase with entrapped Fc-derivatives does not exhibit electrochemical activity on the electrode surface. It is suggested that the diffusional anisotropy and/or localized aggregation of compounds 1-3 within a 2D-structure of the H(II) phase account(s) for the latter observation.  相似文献   

The structural properties and morphology of mixed gels made of aqueous preparations of agarose and whey protein were modified by changing thermal treatment and pH. The conformationally dissimilar polymers phase separated and this process was followed by small-deformation dynamic oscillation in shear, differential scanning calorimetry and environmental scanning electron microscopy. Experimental protocol encourages formation of a range of two-phase systems from continuous agarose matrices perforated by liquid-like whey protein inclusions to phase inverted preparations where a soft protein matrix suspends hard agarose-filler particles. These distinct morphologies have widely different mechanical moduli, which were followed by adapting a theoretical analysis (isostress-isostrain and Lewis-Nielsen blending laws) from the literature in synthetic block polymers and polyblends. Based on this framework of thought, reasonable predictions of the elastic moduli in the composite gels were made that led to patterns of solvent partition between the two polymeric networks. It was shown that proteins, in mixture with polysaccharide, exhibit favorable relative affinity (P-factor) for water molecules at a pH above their isoelectric point. This is an unexpected outcome that adds to the central finding of a single P value for the distribution of solvent between the continuous matrix and discontinuous inclusions of binary gels. It was thus proposed that phase continuity and solvent distribution in agarose/whey protein systems are under kinetic control that can be heavily governed by pH changes in the aqueous environment.  相似文献   

Within living cells, a diverse array of biomolecules is present at high concentrations. To better understand how molecular behavior differs under such conditions (collectively described as macromolecular crowding), the crowding environment has been reproduced inside artificial cells. We have previously shown that the combination of macromolecular crowding and microscale geometries imposed by the artificial cells can alter the molecular behaviors induced by macromolecular crowding in bulk solutions. We have named the effect that makes such a difference the cell-size space effect (CSE). Here, we review the underlying biophysics of CSE for phase separation of binary polymer blends. We discuss how the cell-size space can initiate phase separation, unlike nano-sized spaces, which are known to hinder nucleation and phase separation. Additionally, we discuss how the dimensions of the artificial cell and its membrane characteristics can significantly impact phase separation dynamics and equilibrium composition. Although these findings are, of themselves, very interesting, their real significance may lie in helping to clarify the functions of the cell membrane and space size in the regulation of intracellular phase separation.  相似文献   

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