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Surf zones are crucial habitats for many fish species, where they spend the initial stages of their lives, finding food and shelter. One such species is the pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). The aim of this study was to examine the age and diet of the pompano within the surf zone, along with any potential variations in the environment. The average size of the specimens was 10.61 ± 4.91 cm. The length–weight relationship was total weight (TW) = 0.0136*total length (TL)2.8512 (parameter a: 95% C.I. : 0.0130–0.0142 and parameter b: 95% C.I. : 2.8318–2.8705). The most abundant age classes were 0+ and 1+, making up 97% of the captured specimens, with significant differences in the abundance of age classes depending on the time of the day and season. The pompano primarily fed on clupeiforms, copepods, and mysids, with significant variations in diet based on the time of the day, season, and size of the specimens. This study contributes new information about the use of the surf zone by T. ovatus in its early years of life, underscoring the importance of these areas and their role as an additional ecosystem service.  相似文献   

The mottled skate Beringraja pulchra is a coastal fish caught by gillnet and bottom trawl fisheries in Hokkaido, Japan. We recently found a parasitic copepod identical to Pseudocharopinus markewitschi (Gusev, 1951) on this commercially important fish. A total of 109 host individuals caught off the coast of northern Hokkaido, Japan, were examined for adult females of this copepod, and 67 cases (61.5%) of infection comprised with 31 cases (67.4%) of 46 males and 36 cases (57.1%) of 63 females were found. The parasite specimens (n = 229) were recovered mainly from the dorsal side of the pelvic fin (n = 168, 73.4%), followed by the claspers (n = 32, 14.0%). The mottled skate is thought to spend most of its lifetime lying in sand or crawling on the seafloor. Therefore, the biased infection to the dorsal side of the pelvic fin may imply that site selection favors less susceptible for disturbances resulting from such host-specific behavior.  相似文献   

It is believed that habitat heterogeneity can change the extent of predator-prey interactions. Therefore, in this study we examined the effect of habitat heterogeneity (characterized here as an addition of refuge) on D. ater predation on M. domestica. Predation of D. ater on M. domestica larvae was carried out in experimental habitats with and without refuge, and examined at different prey densities. The number of prey eaten by beetles over 24 h of predator-prey interaction was recorded, and we investigated the strength of interaction between prey and predator in both experimental habitats by determining predator functional response. The mean number of prey eaten by beetles in the presence of refuge was significantly higher than in the absence of refuge. Females had greater weight gains than males. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both experimental habitats, even though data did not fit well into the random predator model. Results suggest that the addition of refuge in fact enhanced predation, as prey consumption increased in the presence of refuge. Predators kept in the presence of refuge also consumed more prey at high prey densities. Thus, we concluded that the addition of refuge was an important component mediating D. ater-M. domestica population interactions. Refuge actually acted as a refuge for predators from prey, since prey behaviors detrimental to predators were reduced in this case.  相似文献   

Although Eriophyoidea is one of the most important phytophagous mite taxa owing to its negative impact on plants, reports on associations between occurrences of eriophyoid species are scarce. The aim of this paper is to test the hypothesis that the occurrence of one species is correlated with the occurrence of another in some predictive manner. Analyses are carried out for two popular coniferous trees in Poland, i.e., Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Observations were made in four locations in Poland, from three age groups of trees, namely adult trees (thirty 15-cm shoot samples from each of ten trees), young trees (ten 15-cm shoot samples from each of ten trees) and seedlings (100 whole-seedling samples). The associations were estimated by Yule’s V index. Among four eriophyoid species observed on Scots pine, and the same number of species on Norway spruce, in general no association pattern was observed. It means that their occurrence is independent. The most likely explanation for the absence of co-occurrence is the abundance of microhabitats on coniferous trees for eriophyoid mites, combined with the low mite density on these plant hosts.  相似文献   

Cr(III), which is thought to be relatively non-toxic, was reduced to Cr(II) ion by biological reductants such as L-cysteine and NADH and Cr(II) thus formed could easily react with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to yield very reactive active oxygen species, hydroxyl radical (.OH). The formation of hydroxyl radical was detected by water-soluble spin-traps, alpha-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-tert-butylnitrone (POBN) and 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO). This result indicates that non-toxic Cr(III) compounds have the possibility of causing dangerous effects to living organism in the presence of biological reductants.  相似文献   

As study area we selected the glacier foreland of Morteratsch (approx. 1900–2100 m a.s.l.) near Pontresina northwest of the Bernina pass, Upper Engadine, Grisons (Switzerland). The aim of this study is a multimethodological approach using floristic inventories, vegetation and soil mapping of the pro-glacial area in order to detect crucial parameters controlling plant resettlement in recently deglaciated areas as related to time, local microtopography and soil development.  相似文献   

Nepticulidae represent one of the early diverging Lepidoptera lineages, and the family currently comprises over 850 described species. The larvae of the vast majority of the species are leaf miners on Angiosperms and highly monophagous, which has led to persistent ideas on coevolution with their plant hosts. We present here a molecular phylogeny based on eight gene fragments from 355 species, representing 20 out of 22 extant Nepticulidae genera. Using two fossil calibration points, we performed molecular dating to place the origin of the family in the Early Cretaceous, before the main Angiosperm diversification. Based on our results we propose a new classification, abandoning all ranks between family and genus, as well as subgenera to allow for a stable classification. The position of Enteucha Meyrick within Nepticulidae remains somewhat ambiguous, and the species‐rich cosmopolitan genus Stigmella Schrank, with nearly half of all described Nepticulidae, requires further study. Ectoedemia Busck, Zimmermannia Hering, Acalyptris Meyrick, Etainia Beirne, Parafomoria Borkowski, Muhabbetana Koçak & Kemal and Fomoria Beirne appear to have diversified in a relatively short evolutionary period, leading to short branches in the molecular phylogeny and unclear suprageneric relations. Otherwise support values throughout the phylogeny are mostly high and the species groups, genera and higher clades are discussed in respect of their supporting morphological and life‐history characters. Wing venation characters are confirmed to be mostly reliable and relevant for Nepticulidae classification, but some other previously used characters require reinterpretation. The species groups of most genera are recovered, but only partly so in the large genus Stigmella. The molecular dating results are compared with existing knowledge on the timing of the Angiosperm radiation and reveal that the diversification of Nepticulidae could largely have been contemporaneous with their hosts, although some of the genera restricted to a single plant family appear to have begun to diversify before their hosts.  相似文献   

The entire skeleton ofTephrinectes sinensis, the single representative of a monotypic genus, is described in detail. The apomorphic characters observed suggest that the sister group ofT. sinensis is a clade composed of the Poecilopsettinae, Rhombosoleinae, Samarinae, Achiridae, Soleidae and Cynoglossidae, taxa which share an anteriorly-inclined second neural spine the distal portion of which overlies the cranium. This supports the removal ofT. sinensis from its former position in the Paralichthyidae.  相似文献   

The functional response ofCyrtorhinus lividipennis Reuter attacking the brown planthopper(Nilaparvata lugens (Stål.), BPH) eggs on rice was determined at six constant temperatures of 20°C, 23°C, 26°C, 29°C, 32°C and 35°C. Rogers’ (1972) random predator equations were fitted to the data for each temperature separately. The equation model adequately described a Holling’s Type II functional response forC. lividipennis and produced biologically realistic estimates of attack rates and handling times at five experimental temperatures between 20°C and 32°C. However, at 35°C, a negative handling time(Th = - 0.0029) was produced. The effect of temperature was incorporated in to Rogers’ equation by making the attack rate(a) and handling time(Th) functions of temperature within the range 20°C to 32°C. The attack rate and handling time were fitted as hyperbola and reciprocal hyperbola functions of temperature respectively. The temperature incorporating fourparameter composite model fitted the combined data as well as did separate Rogers’ equations based on the parameter estimates.  相似文献   

The binding properties of [RuL2(mip)]2+ {where L is 1,10-phenanthroline (phen) or 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthrollne (4,7-dmp) and mip is 2′-(3″,4″-methylenedioxyphenyl)imidazo[4′,5′-f][1,10]phenanthroline} with regard to the triplex RNA poly(U)·poly(A)*poly(U) were investigated using various biophysical techniques and quantum chemistry calculations. In comparison with [Ru(4,7-dmp)2(mip)]2+, remarkably higher binding affinity of [Ru(phen)2(mip)]2+ for the triplex RNA poly(U)·poly(A)*poly(U) was achieved by changing the ancillary ligands. The stabilization of the Hoogsteen-base-paired third strand was improved by about 10.9 °C by [Ru(phen)2(mip)]2+ against 6.6 °C by [Ru(4,7-dmp)2(mip)]2+. To the best of our knowledge, [Ru(phen)2(mip)]2+ is the first metal complex able to raise the third-strand stabilization of poly(U)·poly(A)*poly(U) from 37.5 to 48.4 °C. The results reveal that the ancillary ligands have an important effect on third-strand stabilization of the triplex RNA poly(U)·poly(A)*poly(U) when metal complexes contain the same intercalative ligands.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - The new species Crinoniscus stroembergi n. sp. belonging to the parasitic isopod family Crinoniscidae Bonnier, 1900, is described from a pedunculate barnacle host...  相似文献   

This work examined the diet of the porbeagle shark Lamna nasus in the south-west Atlantic Ocean (SWAO, Argentina, 52° S–56° S) by analysing the stomach content information obtained by scientific observers who sampled specimens captured as by-catch on-board commercial fishing vessels from 2010 to 2020. A total of 148 fishing sites were analysed, in which the estimated catch was composed mainly of hoki Macruronus magellanicus (56.00%) and southern blue whiting Micromesistius australis (33.13%). From 413 porbeagle sharks sampled (292 females and 121 males) ranging from 71 to 241 cm total length (LT) (mean: 179.76 ± 26.74 cm), 310 (75.06%) contained food in the stomachs. The forage fish were mainly hoki M. magellanicus (23.53%) and southern blue whiting M. australis (19.05%), followed by the Patagonian sprat Sprattus fuegensis (4.48%) and nototheniids (1.4%). Cephalopods and crustaceans accounted for 10% of the diet. The estimated trophic level was 4.35. Generalized linear models revealed that the consumption of hoki M. magellanicus and southern blue whiting M. australis increased with the LT of the porbeagle shark. Moreover, smaller porbeagle sharks preyed upon both small and large teleost fish, whereas larger porbeagle sharks predated exclusively upon large fish. The diet of porbeagle shark involved interactions with fisheries as it fed upon the fish species that constituted the main catch in the analysed fishing sites, as well as the main catches of the austral trawl fisheries. The ecological role of porbeagle shark observed in the SWAO exposed implications for fisheries management from a multispecies perspective.  相似文献   

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