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Conspicuousness is an important feature of warning coloration. One hypothesis for its function is that it increases signal efficacy by facilitating avoidance learning. An alternative, based on the handicap hypothesis, suggests that the degree of conspicuousness holds information directly about the quality of the prey, and that predators associate and learn about the conspicuousness of the coloration, and not the actual colour pattern. We studied the relative importance of signal contrast and the colours of signals for predator attention during discrimination. We used young chicks, Gallus gallus domesticus, as predators and small blue or red paper cones on either matching or contrasting paper backgrounds as stimuli associated with palatable or unpalatable chick crumbs. In four treatment groups, birds could use either cone and/or background colour, cone colour only, background colour only or cone-to-background contrast as cues for discrimination. Only birds in the contrast treatment failed to learn their discrimination task. Birds that had a choice between cone and background colour as cues used the cone colour and they learned the task faster than did birds that had to use background colour as a cue. The results suggest that birds primarily attend to the colours of signals and disregard contrast in discrimination tasks; they thus fail to support a handicap function of conspicuous aposematic coloration. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The emergence of astroglia as an important participant of the synaptic machinery has led to the 'tripartite synapse' hypothesis. Recent findings suggest that synaptic signaling also involves the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM can incorporate and store molecular traces of both neuronal and glial activities. It can also modulate function of local receptors or ion channels and send diffuse molecular signals using products of its use-dependent proteolytic cleavage. Recent experimental findings implicate the ECM in mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and glial remodeling, thus lending support to the 'tetrapartite synapse' concept. This inclusive view might help to understand better the mechanisms underlying signal integration and novel forms of long-term homeostatic regulation in the brain.  相似文献   

Our sensory systems are simultaneously activated as the result of our own actions and changes in the external world. The ability to distinguish self-generated sensory events from those that arise externally is thus essential for perceptual stability and accurate motor control. Recently, progress has been made towards understanding how this distinction is made. It has been proposed that an internal prediction of the consequences of our actions is compared to the actual sensory input to cancel the resultant self-generated activation. Evidence in support of this hypothesis has been obtained for early stages of sensory processing in the vestibular, visual and somatosensory systems. These findings have implications for the sensory-motor transformations that are needed to guide behavior.  相似文献   

H R Clarke  J A Leigh  C J Douglas 《Cell》1992,71(2):191-199
The field of plant-microbe interactions has witnessed several recent breakthroughs, such as the molecular details of vir gene induction, identification of Nod factors, and the cloning and characterization of avr genes. Other breakthroughs, such as the cloning and characterization of R genes, appear imminent. Parallels to mammalian systems are emerging in the world of plant-microbe interactions, for example, ion channels formed by Rhizobium proteins, similarities of hrp genes to pathogenicity genes of mammalian pathogens, and plant signal transduction via calcium and protein phosphorylation. We remain, however, largely ignorant of many facets of signaling in plant-microbe interactions. We know little about how microbial signals are perceived by plants or how subsequent signal transduction occurs within plant cells and are probably unaware of many of the microbe-generated signals to which plants respond or of plant-generated signals to which bacteria and fungi respond. Contributions from those working on the genetics, molecular biology, and physiology of bacteria, fungi, and plants will be required to address these questions. The many nonpathogenic plant-microbe interactions in addition to the Rhizobium-plant interaction remain relatively unexplored. Genetic and molecular approaches are being initiated to investigate the signaling that is likely to underlie interactions such as those between mycorrhizal fungi and plant roots and between epiphytic bacteria and plant leaf surfaces. The importance of these interactions to plant growth and development makes it likely that they will figure more prominently at future symposia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Molecular signals for phosphatidylinositol modification of the Qa-2 antigen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most cell surface proteins are anchored to the cell bilayer by hydrophobic membrane-spanning domains. Recently it has been shown that a small class of molecules are attached to cell surfaces via a phosphatidylinositol moiety covalently linked to the C-terminus of the mature processed polypeptide. The molecular signals that identify a polypeptide for phosphatidylinositol (PI) attachment have not been well defined in any system, but are thought to reside in the C-terminus of the primary translation product. We report that all the signals responsible for PI anchoring of Qa-2 Ag are confined to the 36 C-terminal residues of the precursor proteins. To investigate further the features that signal cleavage and PI addition, we have studied mutants of two closely related murine class I MHC molecules: the PI-linked Ag, Q9b, from the Qa-2 Ag family, and the integral membrane transplantation antigen, H-2Ld. The addition of 15 amino acids to the three residue long cytoplasmic domain of Q9b or the mutation of Asp295 found in its C-terminal hydrophobic domain to Val converts this molecule into an integral membrane protein. However, the introduction of a short three residue cytoplasmic tail and Asp295 into the transmembrane domain of H-2Ld does not convert this molecule to a PI-linked one. The results of these analyses suggest that the PI-processing signals may depend on overall conformation, hydrophobicity, and length of the C-terminal domain of the precursor protein. In addition these data indicate that PI anchoring of class I Ag requires more than two mutational steps and may have been selected during the evolution.  相似文献   

Biologically active peptide hormones are synthesized from larger precursor proteins by a variety of post-translational processing reactions. To characterize these processing reactions further we have expressed preprogastrin in two endocrine cell lines and examined the molecular determinants involved in endoproteolysis at dibasic cleavage sites. The Gly93-Arg94-Arg95 carboxyl-terminal processing site of progastrin must be processed sequentially by an endoprotease, a carboxypeptidase, and an amidating enzyme to produce bioactive gastrin. For these studies the dibasic Arg94-Arg95 residues that serve as signals for the initiation of this processing cascade were mutated to Lys94-Arg95, Arg94-Lys95, and Lys94-Lys95. In the GH3 cells the Lys94-Arg95 mutation slightly diminished synthesis of carboxyl-terminally amidated gastrin, whereas in the MTC 6-23 cells this mutation had no effect on amidated gastrin synthesis. In contrast, both Arg94-Lys95 and Lys94-Lys95 mutations resulted in significantly diminished production of amidated gastrin in both cell lines. A specific hierarchy of preferred cleavage signals at this progastrin processing site was demonstrated in both cell lines, indicating that cellular dibasic endoproteases have stringent substrate specificities. Progastrins with the Lys94-Arg95 mutation in GH3 cells also demonstrated diminished processing at the Lys74-Lys75 dibasic site, thus single amino acid changes at one processing site may alter cleavage at distant sites. These studies provide insight into the post-translational processing and biological activation of not only gastrin but other peptide hormones as well.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the timing and mechanisms controlling the onset of anestrus in young and mature mares treated either continuously with melatonin and in those that remained untreated. Changes in body weight, subcutaneous body fat measured to provide an estimate of total body fat, and circulating concentrations of leptin were compared throughout the 1-yr experimental period. The results demonstrate that in young mares the timing of anestrus occurs significantly earlier in the year than in mature mares and that mature mares are more likely to exhibit continuous reproductive activity during the nonbreeding season. The propensity of mature mares to exhibit this phenomenon is not modified by continuous treatment with melatonin but is associated with higher mean circulating concentrations of leptin, body weight, and estimated percent of body fat. In both young and mature mares, body weight, percent of body fat, and circulating concentrations of leptin are higher during summer than winter months. We conclude that, in the mare, the reproductive response to a decrease in photoperiod or a presumptive inhibitory melatonin signal is modified by energy availability, which may be signaled to the hypothalamus-pituitary axis via a change in the circulating concentration of leptin. An additional observation confirmed that the prolactin axis is responsive to continuous treatment with melatonin but that a suppression of prolactin secretion is limited to the spring months.  相似文献   

Phylogeny is deeply pertinent to evolutionary studies. Traits that perform a body function are expected to be strongly influenced by physical "requirements" of the function. We investigated if such traits exhibit phylogenetic signals, and, if so, how phylogenetic noises bias quantification of form-function relationships. A form-function system that is strongly influenced by physics, namely the relationship between eye morphology and visual optics in amniotes, was used. We quantified the correlation between form (i.e., eye morphology) and function (i.e., ocular optics) while varying the level of phylogenetic bias removal through adjusting Pagel's λ. Ocular soft-tissue dimensions exhibited the highest correlation with ocular optics when 1% of phylogenetic bias expected from Brownian motion was removed (i.e., λ= 0.01); the value for hard-tissue data were 8%. A small degree of phylogenetic bias therefore exists in morphology despite of the stringent functional constraints. We also devised a phylogenetically informed discriminant analysis and recorded the effects of phylogenetic bias on this method using the same data. Use of proper λ values during phylogenetic bias removal improved misidentification rates in resulting classifications when prior probabilities were assumed to be equal. Even a small degree of phylogenetic bias affected the classification resulting from phylogenetically informed discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is equipped with a sophisticated secretory apparatus, including three distinct exocytic organelles, named micronemes, rhoptries, and dense granules. We have dissected the requirements for targeting the microneme protein MIC3, a key component of T. gondii infection. We have shown that MIC3 is processed in a post-Golgi compartment and that the MIC3 propeptide and epidermal growth factor (EGF) modules contain microneme-targeting information. The minimal requirement for microneme delivery is defined by the propeptide plus any one of the three EGF domains. We have demonstrated that the cleavage of the propeptide, the dimerization of MIC3, and the chitin binding-like sequence, which are crucial for host cell binding and virulence, are dispensable for proper targeting. Finally, we have shown that part of MIC3 is withheld in the secretory pathway in a cell cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Despite an increasing understanding of the effects of roadways on amphibian populations, no studies have examined road effects on demographic traits other than survival. We predicted that road mortality could exert a disproportionate effect on fecundity in long-lived species due to shifts in population age structures to younger individuals of smaller size that produce commensurately smaller egg masses. To test this hypothesis, we assessed egg mass sizes of a long-lived amphibian (spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum) and short-lived one (wood frog, Rana sylvatica) in wetlands near and far from highways. Egg mass sizes of A. maculatum were smaller in wetlands near highways. In contrast, those of R. sylvatica were similar among wetlands regardless of the distance from highways. We conclude that paved highways with moderate traffic volume may be having important effects on populations of long-lived amphibians through mortality-mediated depression of reproduction.  相似文献   

Most 5-methylcytosine in Neurospora crassa occurs in A:T-rich sequences high in TpA dinucleotides, hallmarks of repeat-induced point mutation. To investigate how such sequences induce methylation, we developed a sensitive in vivo system. Tests of various 25- to 100-bp synthetic DNA sequences revealed that both T and A residues were required on a given strand to induce appreciable methylation. Segments composed of (TAAA)(n) or (TTAA)(n) were the most potent signals; 25-mers induced robust methylation at the special test site, and a 75-mer induced methylation elsewhere. G:C base pairs inhibited methylation, and cytosines 5' of ApT dinucleotides were particularly inhibitory. Weak signals could be strengthened by extending their lengths. A:T tracts as short as two were found to cooperate to induce methylation. Distamycin, which, like the AT-hook DNA binding motif found in proteins such as mammalian HMG-I, binds to the minor groove of A:T-rich sequences, suppressed DNA methylation and gene silencing. We also found a correlation between the strength of methylation signals and their binding to an AT-hook protein (HMG-I) and to activities in a Neurospora extract. We propose that de novo DNA methylation in Neurospora cells is triggered by cooperative recognition of the minor groove of multiple short A:T tracts. Similarities between sequences subjected to repeat-induced point mutation in Neurospora crassa and A:T-rich repeated sequences in heterochromatin in other organisms suggest that related mechanisms control silent chromatin in fungi, plants, and animals.  相似文献   

Type III secretion system-mediated injection of a cocktail of bacterial proteins drives actin rearrangements, frequently adopting the shape of prominent protuberances of ruffling membrane, and culminating in host cell invasion of Gram-negative pathogens like Salmonella typhimurium . Different Salmonella effectors are able to bind actin and activate Rho-family GTPases, which have previously been implicated in mediating actin-dependent Salmonella entry by interacting with N-WASP or WAVE-complex, well-established activators of the actin nucleation machine Arp2/3-complex. Using genetic deletion and RNA interference studies, we show here that neither individual nor collective removal of these Arp2/3- complex activators affected host cell invasion as efficiently as Arp2/3-complex knock-down, although the latter was also not essential. However, interference with WAVE-complex function abrogated Salmonella -induced membrane ruffling without significantly affecting entry efficiency, actin or Arp2/3-complex accumulation. In addition, scanning electron microscopy images captured entry events in the absence of prominent membrane ruffles. Finally, localization and RNA interference studies indicated a relevant function in Salmonella entry for the novel Arp2/3-complex regulator WASH. These data establish for the first time that Salmonella invasion is separable from bacteria-induced membrane ruffling, and uncover an additional Arp2/3-complex activator as well as an Arp2/3-complex-independent actin assembly activity that contribute to Salmonella invasion.  相似文献   

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