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Wu R  Cao J  Lu X  Reger AS  Gulick AM  Dunaway-Mariano D 《Biochemistry》2008,47(31):8026-8039
Within the accompanying paper in this issue (Reger et al. (2008) Biochemistry, 47, 8016-8025) we reported the X-ray structure of 4-chlorobenzoate:CoA ligase (CBL) bound with 4-chlorobenzoyl-adenylate (4-CB-AMP) and the X-ray structure of CBL bound with 4-chlorophenacyl-CoA (4-CP-CoA) (an inert analogue of the product 4-chlorobenzoyl-coenzyme A (4-CB-CoA)) and AMP. These structures defined two CBL conformational states. In conformation 1, CBL is poised to catalyze the adenylation of 4-chlorobenzoate (4-CB) with ATP (partial reaction 1), and in conformation 2, CBL is poised to catalyze the formation of 4-CB-CoA from 4-CB-AMP and CoA (partial reaction 2). These two structures showed that, by switching from conformation 1 to conformation 2, the cap domain rotates about the domain linker and thereby changes its interface with the N-terminal domain. The present work was carried out to determine the contributions made by each of the active site residues in substrate/cofactor binding and catalysis, and also to test the role of domain alternation in catalysis. In this paper, we report the results of steady-state kinetic and transient state kinetic analysis of wild-type CBL and of a series of site-directed CBL active site mutants. The major findings are as follows. First, wild-type CBL is activated by Mg (2+) (a 12-75-fold increase in activity is observed depending on assay conditions) and its kinetic mechanism (ping-pong) supports the structure-derived prediction that PP i dissociation must precede the switch from conformation 1 to conformation 2 and therefore CoA binding. Also, transient kinetic analysis of wild-type CBL identified the rate-limiting step of the catalyzed reaction as one that follows the formation of 4-CB-CoA (viz. CBL conformational change and/or product dissociation). The single turnover rate of 4-CB and ATP to form 4-CB-AMP and PP i ( k = 300 s (-1)) is not affected by the presence of CoA, and it is approximately 3-fold faster than the turnover rate of 4-CB-AMP and CoA to form 4-CB-CoA and AMP ( k = 120 s (-1)). Second, the active site mutants screened via steady-state kinetic analysis were ranked based on the degree of reduction observed in any one of the substrate k cat/ K m values, and those scoring higher than a 50-fold reduction in k cat/ K m value were selected for further evaluation via transient state kinetic analysis. The single-turnover time courses, measured for the first partial reaction, and then for the full reaction, were analyzed to define the microscopic rate constants for the adenylation reaction and the thioesterification reaction. On the basis of our findings we propose a catalytic mechanism that centers on a small group of key residues (some of which serve in more than one role) and that includes several residues that function in domain alternation.  相似文献   

The Siah family of RING proteins function as ubiquitin ligase components, contributing to the degradation of multiple targets involved in cell growth, differentiation, angiogenesis, oncogenesis, and inflammation. Previously, a binding motif (degron) was recognized in many of the Siah degradation targets, suggesting that Siah itself may facilitate substrate recognition. We report the crystal structure of the Siah in complex with a peptide containing the degron motif. Binding is within a groove formed in part by the zinc fingers and the first two beta strands of the TRAF-C domain of Siah. We show that residues in the degron, previously described to facilitate binding to Siah, interact with the protein. Mutagenesis of Siah at sites of interaction also abrogates both in vitro peptide binding and destabilization of a known Siah target.  相似文献   

The protein substrate binding site of the ubiquitin-protein ligase system   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
In order to gain insight into the mechanisms that determine the selectivity of the ubiquitin proteolytic pathway, the protein substrate binding site of the ubiquitin-protein ligase system was identified and examined. Previous studies had shown that the ligase system consists of three components: a ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1), ubiquitin-carrier protein (E2), and a third enzyme, E3, the mode of action of which has not been defined. E3 from rabbit reticulocytes was further purified by a combination of affinity chromatography, hydrophobic chromatography, and gel filtration procedures. A 180-kDa protein was identified as the subunit of E3. Two independent methods indicate that E3 has the protein binding site of the ubiquitin ligase system. These are the chemical cross-linking of 125I-labeled proteins to the E3 subunit and the functional conversion of enzyme-bound labeled proteins to ubiquitin conjugates in pulse-chase experiments. The trapping of E3-bound protein for labeled product formation was allowed by the slow dissociation of E3 X protein complex. The specificity of binding of different proteins to E3, examined by both methods, showed a direct correlation with their susceptibility to degradation by the ubiquitin system. Proteins with free alpha-NH2 groups, which are good substrates, bind better to E3 than corresponding proteins with blocked NH2 termini, which are not substrates. Oxidation of methionine residues to sulfoxide derivatives greatly increases the susceptibility of some proteins to ligation with ubiquitin, with a corresponding increase in their binding to E3. However, a protein derivative which was subjected to both amino group modification and oxidation binds strongly to the enzyme, even though it cannot be ligated to ubiquitin. It thus seems that the substrate binding site of E3 participates in determining the specificity of proteins that enter the ubiquitin pathway of protein degradation.  相似文献   

4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL), the last enzyme of the general phenylpropanoid pathway, provides precursors for the biosynthesis of a large variety of plant natural products. 4 CL catalyzes the formation of CoA thiol esters of 4-coumarate and other hydroxycinnamates in a two step reaction involving the formation of an adenylate intermediate. 4 CL shares conserved peptide motifs with diverse adenylate-forming enzymes such as firefly luciferases, non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, and acyl:CoA synthetases. Amino acid residues involved in 4 CL catalytic activities have been identified, but domains involved in determining substrate specificity remain unknown. To address this question, we took advantage of the difference in substrate usage between the Arabidopsis thaliana 4 CL isoforms At4CL1 and At4CL2. While both enzymes convert 4-coumarate, only At4CL1 is also capable of converting ferulate. Employing a domain swapping approach, we identified two adjacent domains involved in substrate recognition. Both substrate binding domain I (sbd I) and sbd II of At4CL1 alone were sufficient to confer ferulate utilization ability upon chimeric proteins otherwise consisting of At4CL2 sequences. In contrast, sbd I and sbd II of At4CL2 together were required to abolish ferulate utilization in the context of At4CL1. Sbd I corresponds to a region previously identified as the substrate binding domain of the adenylation subunit of bacterial peptide synthetases, while sbd II centers on a conserved domain of so far unknown function in adenylate-forming enzymes (GEI/LxIxG). At4CL1 and At4CL2 differ in nine amino acids within sbd I and four within sbd II, suggesting that these play roles in substrate recognition.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxybenzoate:coenzyme A ligase, an enzyme involved in xanthone biosynthesis, was detected in cell-free extracts from cultured cells of Centaurium erythraea Rafn. The enzyme was separated from 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase by fractionated ammonium sulphate precipitation and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The CoA ligases exhibited different substrate specificities. 3-Hydroxybenzoate:coenzyme A ligase activated 3-hydroxybenzoic acid most efficiently and lacked affinity for cinnamic acids. In contrast, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase mainly catalyzed the activation of 4-coumaric acid but did not act on benzoic acids. The two enzymes were similar with respect to their relative molecular weight, their pH and temperature optima, their specific activity and the changes in their activity during cell culture growth. Received: 23 September 1996 / Accepted: 28 November 1996  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. CBS3 was grown with 4-chlorobenzoate as sole source of carbon and energy. Freshly prepared cell-free extracts converted 4-chlorobenzoate to 4-hydroxybenzoate. After storage for 16 hours at 25 degrees C only about 50% of the initial activity was left. Treatment at 55 degrees C for 10 minutes, dialysis or desalting of the extracts by gel filtration caused a total loss of the activity of the 4-chlorobenzoate dehalogenase. The activity could be restored by the addition of ATP, coenzyme A and Mg2+. If one of these cofactors was missing, no dehalogenating activity was detectable. The amount of 4-hydroxybenzoate formed was proportional to the amount of ATP available in the test system whereas CoA served as a real coenzyme. A novel ATP/coenzyme A dependent reaction mechanism for the dehalogenation of 4-chlorobenzoate by 4-chlorobenzoate dehalogenase from Pseudomonas sp. CBS3 is proposed.  相似文献   

Gulick AM  Lu X  Dunaway-Mariano D 《Biochemistry》2004,43(27):8670-8679
4-Chlorobenzoate:CoA ligase (CBAL) is a member of a family of adenylate-forming enzymes that catalyze two-step adenylation and thioester-forming reactions. In previous studies, we have provided structural evidence that members of this enzyme family (exemplified by acetyl-CoA synthetase) use a large domain rotation to catalyze the respective partial reactions [A. M. Gulick, V. J. Starai, A. R. Horswill, K. M. Homick, and J. C. Escalante-Semerena, (2003) Biochemistry 42, 2866-2873]. CBAL catalyzes the synthesis of 4-chlorobenzoyl-CoA, the first step in the 4-chlorobenzoate degredation pathway in PCB-degrading bacteria. We have solved the 2.0 A crystal structure of the CBAL enzyme from Alcaligenes sp. AL3007 using multiwavelength anomalous dispersion. The results demonstrate that in the absence of any ligands, or bound to the aryl substrate 4-chlorobenzoate, the enzyme adopts the conformation poised for catalysis of the adenylate-forming half-reaction. We hypothesize that coenzyme A binding is required for stabilization of the alternate conformation, which catalyzes the 4-CBA-CoA thioester-forming reaction. We have also determined the structure of the enzyme bound to the aryl substrate 4-chlorobenzoate. The aryl binding pocket is composed of Phe184, His207, Val208, Val209, Phe249, Ala280, Ile303, Gly305, Met310, and Asn311. The structure of the 4-chlorobenzoate binding site is discussed in the context of the binding sites of other family members to gain insight into substrate specificity and evolution of new function.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial isozyme of horse liver aldehyde dehydrogenase was labeled with brominated [5-(3-acetylpyridinio)pentyl]diphosphoadenosine. Specific labeling of a coenzyme binding region was proven by an enzymatic activity of the isozyme with the nonbrominated coenzyme derivative, optical properties of the complex, stoichiometry of incorporation, and protection against inactivation. A cysteine residue was selectively modified by the brominated coenzyme analogue and was identified in a 35-residue tryptic peptide. This cysteine residue corresponds to Cys-302 of the cytoplasmic isozyme and has earlier been implicated in disulfiram binding, confirming a position close to the active site. In contrast, the butyl homologue of the coenzyme analogue labels another residue of the mitochondrial isozyme. Thus, in the same isozyme, two residues are selectively reactive. They are concluded to be close together in the tertiary structure and to be close enough to the coenzyme binding site to be differentially labeled by coenzyme analogues differing only by a single methylene group.  相似文献   

Neutral endopeptidase (NEP) is a 90‐ to 110‐kDa cell‐surface peptidase that is normally expressed by numerous tissues but whose expression is lost or reduced in a variety of malignancies. The anti‐tumorigenic function of NEP is mediated not only by its catalytic activity but also through direct protein–protein interactions of its cytosolic region with several binding partners, including Lyn kinase, PTEN, and ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins. We have previously shown that mutation of the K19K20K21 basic cluster in NEPs' cytosolic region to residues QNI disrupts binding to the ERM proteins. Here we show that the ERM‐related protein merlin (NF2) does not bind NEP or its cytosolic region. Using experimental data, threading, and sequence analysis, we predicted the involvement of moesin residues E159Q160 in binding to the NEP cytosolic domain. Mutation of these residues to NL (to mimic the corresponding N159L160 residues in the nonbinder merlin) disrupted moesin binding to NEP. Mutation of residues N159L160Y161K162M163 in merlin to the corresponding moesin residues resulted in NEP binding to merlin. This engineered NEP peptide–merlin interaction was diminished by the QNI mutation in NEP, supporting the role of the NEP basic cluster in binding. We thus identified the region of interaction between NEP and moesin, and engineered merlin into a NEP‐binding protein. These data form the basis for further exploration of the details of NEP‐ERM binding and function.  相似文献   

Tubulin-tyrosine ligase and alpha beta-tubulin form a tight complex which is conveniently monitored by glycerol gradient centrifugation. Using two distinct ligase monoclonal antibodies, several subunit-specific tubulin monoclonal antibodies, and chemical cross-linking, a ligase-binding site was identified on beta-tubulin. This site is retained when the carboxy-terminal domains of both tubulin subunits are removed by subtilisin treatment. The ligase-tubulin complex is also formed when ligase is added to alpha beta-tubulin carrying the monoclonal antibody YL 1/2 which binds only to the carboxyl end of tyrosinated alpha-tubulin. The beta-tubulin-binding site described here explains the extreme substrate specificity of ligase, which does not act on other cellular proteins or carboxy-terminal peptides derived from detyrosinated alpha-tubulin. Differential accessibility of this site in tubulin and in microtubules seems to explain why ligase acts preferentially on unpolymerized tubulin. Ligase exposed to V8-protease is converted to a nicked derivative. This is devoid of enzymatic activity but still forms the complex with tubulin. Gel electrophoresis documents both 30- and a 14-kD domains, each which is immunologically and biochemically distinct and seems to cover the entire molecule. The two domains interact tightly under physiological conditions. The 30-kD domain carries the binding sites for beta-tubulin and ATP. The 14-kD domain can possibly form an additional part of the catalytic site as it harbors the epitope for the monoclonal antibody ID3 which inhibits enzymatic activity but not the formation of the ligase-tubulin complex.  相似文献   

The rotenone sensitivity of bovine heart NADH: coenzyme Q oxidoreductase (Complex I) depends significantly on coenzyme Q1 concentration. The rotenone-insensitive Complex I reaction in Q1 concentration range above 300 M indicates an ordered sequential mechanism with Q1 and reduced Q1 (Q1H2) as the initial substrate to bind to the enzyme and the last product to be released from the enzyme product complex, respectively. This is the case in the rotenone-sensitive reaction although both K m and V max values of the rotenone-insensitive reaction for Q1 are significantly higher than those of the rotenone-sensitive reaction (Nakashima et al., 2002, J. Bioenerg. Biomemb. 34, 11–19). This rigorous control mechanism between the nucleotide and ubiquinone binding sites strongly suggests that the rotenone-insensitive reaction is also physiologically relevant.  相似文献   

4-Hydroxyisophthalate hydroxylase was inactivated by treatment with phenylglyoxal by a process obeying pseudo-first order kinetics indicating the presence of an essential arginine located presumably in the active site. Addition of saturating amounts of 4-hydroxyisophthalate during the treatment resulted in complete protection of the enzyme from the inactivation, but addition of NADPH was totally ineffective. Analysis of the effect of various substrate analogs on the protection of the enzyme showed that carboxyl and hydroxyl groups at para positions on the aromatic ring are essential for substrate binding to the active site. It was also observed that analogs which protect the enzyme against phenylglyoxal inactivation are themselves effective inhibitors of the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The inhibition of CYP3A4-mediated oxidation of triazolam and testosterone was assessed in the presence of a selection of known CYP3A4 substrates and inhibitors. Under experimental conditions where the Michaelis-Menten model predicts substrate-independent inhibition ([S] = K(m)), results yielded substrate-dependent inhibition. Moreover, when the same experimental design was extended to a group of structurally similar flavonoids it was observed that flavanone, flavone, 3-hydroxyflavone, and 6-hydroxyflavone (10 microM) activated triazolam metabolism, but inhibited testosterone hydroxylation. In additional studies, residual CYP3A4 activity toward testosterone and triazolam hydroxylation was measured after pretreatment with the CYP3A4 mechanism based inhibitor, midazolam. After midazolam preincubation, CYP3A4 6 beta-hydroxylase activity was reduced by 47% while, in contrast, triazolam hydroxylation was reduced by 75%. These results provide physical evidence, which supports the hypothesis that the active site of CYP3A4 contains spatially distinct substrate-binding domains within the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

Studies on the role of the S4 substrate binding site of HIV proteinases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Kinetic analysis of the hydrolysis of the peptide H-Val-Ser-Gln-Asn-Tyr*Pro-Ile-Val-Gln-NH2 and its analogs obtained by varying the length and introducing substitutions at the P4 site was carried out with both HIV-1 and HIV-2 proteinases. Deletion of the terminal Val and Gln had only moderate effect on the substrate hydrolysis, while the deletion of the P4. Ser as well as P'3 Val greatly reduced the substrate hydrolysis. This is predicted to be due to the loss of interactions between main chains of the enzyme and the substrate. Substitution of the P4 Ser by amino acids having high frequency of occurrence in beta turns resulted in good substrates, while large amino acids were unfavorable in this position. The two proteinases acted similarly, except for substrates having Thr, Val and Leu substitutions, which were better accommodated in the HIV-2 substrate binding pocket.  相似文献   

Methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (MSDH) belongs to the CoA-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenase subfamily. It catalyzes the NAD-dependent oxidation of methylmalonate semialdehyde (MMSA) to propionyl-CoA via the acylation and deacylation steps. MSDH is the only member of the aldehyde dehydrogenase superfamily that catalyzes a β-decarboxylation process in the deacylation step. Recently, we demonstrated that the β-decarboxylation is rate-limiting and occurs before CoA attack on the thiopropionyl enzyme intermediate. Thus, this prevented determination of the transthioesterification kinetic parameters. Here, we have addressed two key aspects of the mechanism as follows: 1) the molecular basis for recognition of the carboxylate of MMSA; and 2) how CoA binding modulates its reactivity. We substituted two invariant arginines, Arg-124 and Arg-301, by Leu. The second-order rate constant for the acylation step for both mutants was decreased by at least 50-fold, indicating that both arginines are essential for efficient MMSA binding through interactions with the carboxylate group. To gain insight into the transthioesterification, we substituted MMSA with propionaldehyde, as both substrates lead to the same thiopropionyl enzyme intermediate. This allowed us to show the following: 1) the pK(app) of CoA decreases by ~3 units upon binding to MSDH in the deacylation step; and 2) the catalytic efficiency of the transthioesterification is increased by at least 10(4)-fold relative to a chemical model. Moreover, we observed binding of CoA to the acylation complex, supporting a CoA-binding site distinct from that of NAD(H).  相似文献   

S S Wong  P A Frey 《Biochemistry》1978,17(17):3551-3556
Escherichia coli UDP-galactose 4-epimerase in its native form (epimerase.NAD) binds 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) at one tight binding site per dimer with a dissociation constant of 25.9 +/- 2.1 micrometer at pH 8.5 and 27 degrees C. This appears to be the substrate binding site, as indicated by the fact that ANS is a kinetically competitive reversible inhibitor with a Ki of 27.5 micrometer and by the fact that ANS competes with UMP for binding to the enzyme. Upon binding at this site the fluorescence quantum yield of ANS is enhanced 185-fold, and its emission spectrum is blue shifted from a lambdamax of 515 to 470.nm, which suggests that the binding site is shielded from water and probably hydrophobic. Competitive binding experiments with nucleosides and nucleotides indicate that nucleotide binding at this site involves coupled hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. The reduced form of the enzyme (epimerase.NADH) has no detectable binding affinity for ANS. The marked difference in the affinities of the native and reduced enzymes for ANS is interpreted to be a manifestation of a conformational difference between these enzyme forms.  相似文献   

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