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The rate of accumulation of total chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoids (Car) of leaves grown under high irradiance, HI (30 and 45 W m–2) was faster than at moderate irradiance, MI (15 W m–2). However, the senescence phase started earlier in the samples and proceeded at a faster rate. Chl a/b and Chl (a+b)/Car values showed faster loss of Chl a (compared to Chl b) and Chl (a+b) (compared to Car) in HI leaves. Protein accumulation and loss were also similar to that of Chl (a+b) content. Increase in Chl fluorescence during the development phase may suggest a gradual change in thylakoid organisation, however, the temporal kinetics were different in HI and MI samples. Increase in fluorescence polarisation during senescence of HI leaves compared to the control (MI) suggests conversion of thylakoid membranes to gel phase. Chloroplasts prepared from HI seedlings showed higher rate of photochemical activities, however, the activity declined earlier and at faster rate compared to the control.  相似文献   

Changes in the number and composition of chloroplasts of mesophyll cells were followed during senescence of the primary leaf of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Senescence was due to the natural pattern of leaf ontogeny or was either induced by leaf detachment and incubation in darkness, or incubation of attached leaves in the dark. In each case discrete sections (1 centimeter) of the leaf, representing mesophyll cells of the basal, middle, and tip regions, were examined. For all treatments, senescence was characterized by a loss of chlorophyll and the protein ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase). Chloroplast number per mesophyll cell remained essentially constant during senescence. It was not until more than 80% of the plastid chlorophyll and RuBPCase was degraded that some reduction (22%) in chloroplast number per mesophyll cell was recorded and this was invariably in the mesophyll cells of the leaf tip. We conclude that these data are consistent with the idea that degradation occurs within the chloroplast and that all chloroplasts in a mesophyll cell senesce with a high degree of synchrony rather than each chloroplast senescing sequentially.  相似文献   

The pool size of protochlorophyllide in wheat leaves irradiated for 5 minutes to 6 hours was studied. Protochlorophyllide then accumulated in the dark, but the pool size of regenerated protochlorophyllide was considerably smaller in leaves irradiated for six hours than in leaves irradiated for 5 minutes. The decrease in pool size of regenerated protochlorophyllide was found to take place at the time when the chlorophyll formation had accelerated and reached the linear phase. The protochlorophyllide accumulated is the form with absorption maximum at 650 nm, which is phototransformed to chlorophyllide with maximum absorption at 684 nm. This species goes through the Shibata shift when formed even after 6 hours of irradiation. If leaves, irradiated for 1 or 6 hours, were fed with δ-amino-levulinic acid the protochlorophyllide synthesis was only 1.2 times faster in the leaves irradiated for 6 hours than in those irradiated for 1 hour. In the case of leaves fed with δ-amino-levulinic acid the absorption maximum of protochlorophyllide is at 636 nm and the absorption maximum of the chlorophyllide formed is at 672 nm.  相似文献   

Changes in the number and size of chloroplasts in senescingleaves of rice seedlings were determined. The method employedinvolves electron microscopic examination of large numbers ofcells and chloroplasts in the mesophyll of leaves at differentstages of senescence with the aid of a microcomputer. Analysisshowed that, once leaves had been fully expanded, the numberand size of the mesophyll cells remained unaltered throughoutthe course of senescence. By contrast, the quantity of chloroplastspresent in leaves decreased with advancing senescence. Whencompared with the newly expanded 6th leaves, the chloroplastnumber per unit area of mesophyll section was reduced by 40%and the mean cross section area of chloroplasts by 23% in theoldest leaves (3rd leaves) of seedlings. Chloroplasts occupied33% of the mesophyll section area in the 6th leaves and thepercentage decreased slightly in the 5th leaves and markedlyin lower leaves to reach 17% in the 3rd leaves. The rate ofoxygen evolution decreased approximately in parallel to thedecline in the chloroplast content. Thus, sequential decreasein the amount of chloroplasts is a main cause of loss of photosynthesisduring foliar senescence of rice seedlings. (Received May 31, 1989; Accepted October 17, 1989)  相似文献   

Two types of experiment were carried out to examine whetheror not the inactivation of photosynthesis is related to lossof chloroplasts during foliar senescence of rice seedlings.Levels of both soluble and insoluble leaf proteins decreasedduring senescence, the loss of the soluble proteins being fasterthan that of the insoluble ones. There was a good positive correlationbetween the rate of oxygen evolution and the level of solubleproteins. The inactivation of photosynthesis was also linearlyrelated to the loss of a major fraction of insoluble proteins.Thus, the loss of photosynthetic ability is ascribable to thedegradation of relevant proteins and enzymes during leaf senescence.Electron microscopy revealed that senescence caused the disorientationof the grana and stroma thylakoids, a decrease in the numberof starch granules, and an increase in the size and number ofplastoglobuli. Large grana consisting 20 to 30 thylakoids appearedin aged leaves. In addition to these changes in ultrastructure,there was a significant decrease in the size of chloroplasts.Furthermore, the number of chloroplasts in mesophyll cells wasalso notably reduced during senescence. Thus, the loss of leafproteins and inactivation of photosynthesis are both relatedto the decrease in the total mass of chloroplasts during senescenceof rice seedlings. 3Present address: Department of Botany, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan. (Received January 4, 1989; Accepted April 19, 1989)  相似文献   

Ono TA  Inoue Y 《Plant physiology》1982,69(6):1418-1422
Photoactivation of the latent oxygen-evolving system in intact chloroplasts isolated from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves grown under intermittent flash illumination was investigated, and the following results were obtained: (a) The water-oxidation activity generated on illuminating the isolated intact chloroplasts was as high as that generated in intact leaves, indicating that all the machinery necessary for the activity generation is assembled within intact chloroplasts. (b) The generation of water-oxidation activity was accompanied by enhancement of the activity of diphenylcarbazide-oxidation, and both processes share the same photochemical reaction but with respective rate-limiting dark reactions of different efficiencies. (c) A23187, an ionophore for divalent cations, strongly inhibited the generation of water-oxidation activity but did not affect the activity once generated, which suggested that Mn atoms in the chloroplasts are susceptible to the ionophore before photoactivation but turn immune after photoactivation. (d) The generation of water-oxidation activity was not affected by the inhibitors of ATP formation and CO(2) fixation, but was inhibited by nitrite, methylviologen and phenylmercuric acetate which suppress or inhibit the reduction of ferredoxin in intact chloroplasts. It was inferred that some factor(s) probably present in stroma to be reduced by PSI photoreaction is involved in the process of photoactivation.  相似文献   

The changes in chlorophyll and protein in senescing chloroplasts isolated from the first leaves of 7-day-old oat (Avena sativa) seedlings have been investigated. In darkness the chlorophyll in these plastids is highly stable, losing only 5 to 10% of its content after 7 days at 26 C. This result contrasts with the behavior of chlorophyll in intact leaves, in which about 80% of the pigment would have disappeared in that time. The protein is less stable than the chlorophyll, though more stable than in the leaf; probably a small amount of protease is present in the plastids. Some protein is also being synthesized in the chloroplasts along with its breakdown; gains of up to 38% in protein and 13% in chlorophyll were observed under different conditions. l-Serine, which actively promotes senescence in the leaf, has only a very slight effect on the chloroplasts, and kinetin antagonizes it. Kinetin also has a small but significant effect in preserving the protein from breakdown. Acid pH somewhat promotes the breakdown, both of chlorophyll and protein. A loss of chlorophyll and protein comparable to that occurring in the senescence of the leaf could not be induced in the chloroplasts by suspending them in malate, in cytoplasmic extract, or in any of a number of enzymes tested alone. Incubation with a mixture of four enzymes was the only treatment which approximated the senescent process in the leaf, causing 34% loss of chlorophyll at pH 5 and 40% loss of protein at pH 7.4, both in 72 hours.In white light, the chlorophyll and the carotenoids, but not the protein, disappear rapidly. This disappearance was shown to be prevented in an atmosphere of nitrogen or in air by a number of reducing agents, of which ascorbic acid was the most effective. It is, therefore, ascribed to photooxidation rather than to normal senescence.  相似文献   

Variation in Mesophyll Cell Number and Size in Wheat Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The numbers of mesophyll cells in wheat leaves were determinedin a variety of wheat species differing in ploidy level andin leaves from different positions on the wheat plant. Leafsize and mesophyll cell number are linearly related in bothcases but differences were observed in mesophyll cell numberper unit leaf area with changing leaf size. Where changes incell size are caused either by nuclear ploidy or leaf position,differences in mesophyll cell number per unit leaf are negativelycorrelated with mesophyll cell plan area. The decrease in cellsize with increasing leaf position also results in a greaternumber of chloroplasts per unit leaf area. These results arediscussed in relation to anatomical variation of the wheat leaf. Mesophyll cell, cell numbers, leaf size, Triticum  相似文献   

Changes of stomatal aperture during the course of developmentof rice leaves were directly observed with a scanning electronmicroscope. The stomata reached their maximal aperture sizeafter senescence began in seedling leaves and the flag leafof mature plants. The small stomatal aperture observed priorto senescence seems to be the normal size of stomata in riceleaves, and thus stomata closure does not seem to be the causeof leaf senescence in rice plants. The stomata retain theircapability of movement during senescence, suggesting that guardcells tend to live longer than mesophyll cells. 4Present address: Tobacco Taiwan, Republic of China ResearchInstitute, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China (Received March 12, 1987; Accepted September 30, 1987)  相似文献   

The stability against high intensity irradiation (red light, 700 W m?2) was investigated for the chlorophyll(ide) pigments formed after the primary photoreduction of the protochlorophyll(ide) in dark grown leaves of wheat. After photoreduction, most of the chlorophyll(ide) exists in a form with an absorption maximum at 684 nm. This form is gradually transformed into a form with an absorption maximum at 673 nm (the Shibata shift). It was possible to ascribe a specific photostability to each of the pigment forms. This photostability was higher for the 673-form than for the 684-form. A red-shift in the absorption maximum following upon the Shibata shift, reflects the successive transformation of the 673-form into other pigment forms, which were quite photostable at the intensity used.  相似文献   

The effect of denaturing treatments on the stability against high intensity irradiation (red light, 700 W m?2) was investigated in vivo for various chlorophyll forms in wheat. Three pigment forms were investigated: the 650-form (protochlorophyllide) present in dark grown leaves; the 684-form (chlorophyllide) formed within 5 s after photoreduction of the 650-form; and the 673-form (chlorophyll), into which the 684-form has been transformed 25 min after photoreduction of the 650-form. (The pigment forms are denoted by their absorption maxima in the red region before denaturation.) Two denaturing treatments were used: heat treatment (water of 55°C for 2 min) and freezing and thawing (freezing in liquid nitrogen followed by thawing in water of 25°C). Heat treatment as well as freezing and thawing caused a shift in the absorption peak of the two nonesterified pigment forms. The peak of of the chlorophyllide 684-form shifted to 673 nm and that of the protochlorophyllide 650-form to 636 nm. The absorption maximum of the chlorophyll 673-form was not affected by the above treatments. Heat treatment as well as freezing and thawing had profound effects on the structural organization of the plastid pigments, as shown by a decrease in the photostability. For the 684-form, heat treatment reduced the photostability by a factor of about 14 (half-life in strong light changed from 170 s to 12 s). Freezing and thawing also reduced the photostability, although the effect was less pronounced (c. 3–4 times decrease in half-life). Upon transformation of the chlorophyllide 684-form into the chlorophyll 673-form (the Shibata-shift) the pigments became less sensitive to light, and were no longer “aggregated” by heat treatment. The “aggregating” effect of freezing and thawing was still present after the Shibata shift. The results thus verify a clear difference in structural organization of the 684-form and the 673-form, since the two pigment forms were differently affected by heat treatment. The 650-form behaved similarly to the 684-form, although it appeared to be slightly less aggregated by heat treatment. — The decrease in photostability, caused by heat treatment of the 684-form, changed the kinetics for the photodecomposition from a first towards a second order reaction.  相似文献   

The stability against high intensity irradiation (red light, 700 W m2) was investigated for the chlorophyll(ide) pigments formed after photoreduction of the protochlorophyllide in dark grown leaves of wheat. Connections were found between changes in absorption spectrum in vivo (the Shibata shift and the late red-shift) and changes in photostability both in young (five-day) and old (12-day) leaves. The photostability of both the 684-form and the 673-form as well as the rate of the changes in photostability (the Shibata shift and the late red-shift) decreased with the age of the dark grown plants. It was concluded that the more pronounced decrease in the chlorophyll(ide) contents found at irradiation of older dark grown leaves mostly depended on the lower rate of the changes in the photostability of the pigment in old leaves. No resynthesis of protochlorophyllide occurred before the onset of the late red-shift. The results and their connection with the lag in chlorophyll formation are discussed. This lag is more pronounced in older dark grown wheat.  相似文献   

Changes in activities of photosynthetic enzymes and photochemical processes were followed with aging of vegetative and flag leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Roy). Activities of stromal enzymes began to decline prior to photochemical activities. In general, total soluble protein and the activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase and NADP-triose-phosphate dehydrogenase declined in parallel and at an earlier age than leaf chlorophyll (Chl), leaf photosynthesis, and photosynthetic electron transport activity. Leaves appeared to lose whole chloroplasts as opposed to a general degradation of all chloroplasts based on three lines of evidence: (a) electron transport activity calculated on an area basis declined much earlier than the same data expressed on a Chl basis; (b) Chl content per chloroplast was similar for mature and senescent tissue; and (c) the absorbance at 550 nanometers (light scattering) per unit of Chl remained essentially constant until the end of senescence. Chloroplasts did, however, undergo some modifications before they were lost (e.g. loss of stromal enzyme activities), but the reduction in leaf photosynthesis was apparently caused by a loss of whole chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The rates of electron transfer in the presence of natural cofactors, ferredoxin and NADP, which were added in the amounts catalyzing noncyclic or cyclic electron transfer, were studied in thylakoids isolated from 17-day-old wheat seedlings. Upon excitation of both photosystems (PS) of photosynthesis, the potential rate of NADP reduction in thylakoids isolated from plants grown on nitrogen-free nutrient solution did not differ from that in thylakoids from the control plants. However, the P/2e ratio was significantly lower in thylakoids isolated from nitrogen-deficient plants. On the contrary, in the presence of DCMU, the rate of PSI-driven electron transfer from an artificial donor to NADP was considerably higher in these than in the control thylakoids. In the presence of ferredoxin under anaerobic conditions, the rate of phosphorylation coupled to cyclic electron transport was also significantly higher in thylakoids isolated from nitrogen-deficient plants, than in thylakoids isolated from control plants. Our data show that PSI-driven electron transport and cyclic photophosphorylation are activated in nitrogen-starved wheat plants, at least at the initial stages of starvation.  相似文献   

Blank A  McKeon TA 《Plant physiology》1991,97(4):1409-1413
We have monitored the activities of RNases WLA, WLB, and WLC (A Blank, TA McKeon [1991] Plant Physiol 97: 1402-1408) during leaf senescence in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Chinese Spring). When seedlings were induced to senesce in darkness, protein loss from primary leaves began immediately. RNase WLB activity was unchanged for 2 days and then rose linearly, reaching a sixfold elevation in 7 days. RNase WLC activity declined for 2 days and then rose linearly, reaching a twofold elevation in 7 days. RNase WLA activity declined in the first 2 days and was unchanged thereafter. Although differentially expressed, these RNase activities may respond to a common regulatory mechanism(s) which, at 2 days of darkness, signals progression into a more advanced stage of senescence. The RNase activities were also differentially expressed during light-induced recovery, returning to normal levels in dissimilar patterns. In flag leaves of greenhouse-grown wheat, the three RNase activities increased during the early postanthesis period when protein content was stable and underwent further, accelerated accumulation during senescence. RNase WLB activity showed the largest overall senescence-associated elevation (sixfold), followed by RNase WLC (fourfold) and RNase WLA (threefold).  相似文献   

选取自然条件下生长的雌雄银杏植株为实验材料,测定了银杏叶片在衰老过程中部分光合生理指标及叶绿体超微结构的变化。检测结果表明:银杏叶片在衰老过程中净光合速率、叶绿素含量均呈下降趋势,SOD、CAT、APX活性均先上升后下降,MDA含量则一直呈现上升趋势。叶片衰老过程中叶绿体类囊体膜片层逐渐松散,直至膜结构逐渐解体,叶绿体内油脂颗粒增大增多,最终解体。雌雄银杏植株在各项生理指标上差异不显著。  相似文献   

Kang SM  Matsui H  Titus JS 《Plant physiology》1982,70(5):1367-1372
At least four different proteinases are present in senescing apple leaves (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Golden Delicious) as determined by their pH optima, substrate specificity, and their reactivity to proteinase inhibitors. An enzyme active at pH 4.5 to 5.0 appears to be a sulfhydryl-dependent (iodoacetamide and phenylmercuric acetate-sensitive) endoproteinase, and degradation of the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase was observed only with this enzyme. It is tentatively concluded that this endoproteinase is responsible for the breakdown of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase in vivo. However, the presence of more than one endoproteinase in apple leaves is suggested by the broad range of pH optima of the SH-dependent enzyme. Another enzyme active at pH 6.0 appears to be a carboxypeptidase, and was sensitive to phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride. This enzyme showed a strong hydrolytic activity against carbobenzoxyphenylalanylalanine. A sulfhydryl-dependent aminopeptidase and a second hydroxyl-dependent carboxypeptidase were active at pH 7.5

Total autolytic activity (the sulfhydryl-dependent endoproteinase) as measured by the disappearance of proteins decreased during the period of protein decline. Evidence is presented that the measured proteinase activity can be dependent on assay methods and substrates. While the disappearance of protein measures most of endo-type activity, the ninhydrin assay appears to measure exo-type activity preferentially.


Responses of foliar and isolated intact chloroplast photosynthetic carbon metabolism observed in spinach (Spinacia oleracea cv Wisconsin Bloomsdale) plants exposed to a shortened photosynthetic period (7-hour light/17-hour dark cycle), were used as probes to examine in vivo metabolic factors that exerted rate determination on photosynthesis (PS) and on starch synthesis. Compared with control plants propagated continuously on a 12-hour light/12-hour dark cycle, 14 to 15 days were required, subsequent to a shift from 12 to 7 hours daylength, for 7-hour plants to begin to grow at rates comparable to those of 12-hour daylength plants. Because of shorter daily durations of PS, daily demand for photosynthate by growth processes appeared to be greater in the 7-hour than in the 12-hour plants. The result was that 7-hour plants established a 1.5- to 2.0-fold higher total PS rate than 12-hour plants.

Intact chloroplasts isolated from the leaves of 7-hour plants (7-h PLD) displayed 1.5- to 2.0-fold higher PS rates than plastids isolated from 12-hour plants (12-h PLD). Plastid lamellae prepared from 7- and 12-h PLD isolates displayed equivalent rates of ferredoxin-dependent ATP and NADPH photoformation indicating that electron transport processes were not factors in the establishment of higher 7-h PLD PS rates. Analyses, both in leaves as well as intact PLD isolates, of dark to light transitional increases in Calvin cycle intermediates, e.g., ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) and 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA), as well as estimations of activities of RuBP carboxylase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate phosphatase, indicated that 7-hour plant leaves displayed higher PS rates (than 12-hour plants), because there was a higher magnitude of activity of the Calvin cycle.

Although both the foliar level of starch and sucrose, as well as starch synthesis rate, often was higher in 7-hour compared with 12-hour plant foliage, the higher 7-hour plant total PS rates indicated that maximal sucrose and starch levels did not mediate any `feedback' inhibition of PS. The higher 7-hour plant foliar and PLD PS rates resulted in higher glucose-1-P levels as well as a higher ratio of 3-PGA:Pi, both factors of which would enhance the activity of chloroplast ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, and which were attributed to be causal to the higher starch synthesis rates observed in 7-hour plant foliage and PLD isolates.


Developed pine seedlings synthesize chlorophyll in darkness. Their photosystem II reducing capacity is very low. The development of chloroplast structure and of photophosphorylation ability has been studied in plastids isolated from Pinus nigra (var. austriaca) developed for 14 days under different spectral compositions of light as compared with chloroplasts isolated from seedlings grown under white light or in darkness. Chloroplast structure was studied by electron microscopy. Cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation were studied under white light. The spectral bands which are efficient for the development of granal structures are different from those needed to make photosystem II functional: red light makes photosystem II functional but does not permit the formation of granal structure, and under yellow light the granal structure develops but photosystem II is not fully functional. Orange light alone fulfils both these purposes. The spectral band around 650 nm seems effective in making the photosystem II functional.  相似文献   

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