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Structural analogues of the NADP+ were studied as potential coenzymes and inhibitors for NADP+ dependent malic enzyme from Zea mays L. leaves. Results showed that 1, N6-etheno-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate ( NADP+), 3-acetylpyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (APADP+), nicotinamide-hypoxanthine dinucleotide phosphate (NHDP+) and -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 2: 3-cyclic monophosphate (23NADPc+) act as alternate coenzymes for the enzyme and that there is little variation in the values of the Michaelis constants and only a threefold variation in Vmax for the five nucleotides. On the other hand, thionicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (SNADP+), 3-aminopyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (AADP+), adenosine 2-monophosphate (2AMP) and adenosine 2: 3-cyclic monophosphate (23AMPc) were competitive inhibitors with respect to NADP+, while -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 3-phosphate (3NADP+), NAD+, adenosine 3-monophosphate (3AMP), adenosine 2: 5-cyclic monophosphate (25AMPc), 5AMP, 5ADP, 5ATP and adenosine act as non-competitive inhibitors. These results, together with results of semiempirical self-consistent field-molecular orbitals calculations, suggest that the 2-phosphate group is crucial for the nucleotide binding to the enzyme, whereas the charge density on the C4 atom of the pyridine ring is the major factor that governs the coenzyme activity.Abbreviations NADP+ 1, N6-etheno-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate - NHDP+ nicotinamide-hypoxanthine dinucleotide phosphate - APADP+ 3-acetylpyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate - SNADP+ thionicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate - AADP+ 3-aminopyridine-adenine dinucleotide phosphate - 23NADPc+ -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 2: 3-cyclic monophosphate - 3NADP+ -nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 3-phosphate - 2AMP adenosine 2-monophosphate - 3AMP adenosine 3-monophosphate - 23AMPc adenosine 2: 3 monophosphate cyclic - A adenosine - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - SCF-MO Self-Consistent Field-Molecular Orbitals (method)  相似文献   

Two forms of NADP-dependent malic enzyme in expanding maize leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Paolo Pupillo  Patrizia Bossi 《Planta》1979,144(3):283-289
Etiolated maize leaves (Zea mays L.) contain a major isozyme of NADP-dependent malic enzyme (L-malate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating, EC having an isoelectric point of 5.28±0.03, a Km (L-malate) 0.3–0.6 mM at pH 7.45; a broad pH optimum around pH 6.9 under the conditions of assay; a molecular weight of 280,000 (sometimes accompanied by a minor component of 150,000); and an NAD-dependent activity about 1/50 the NADP-dependent activity. This isozyme, resembling the NADP-malic enzyme of vertebrates, is labeled type 1. The dominant isozyme of young green leaves (type 2) has, however, a pI 4.90±0.03, a Km (L-malate) 0.10–0.15 mM, a pH optimum of 8, and a molecular weight of 280,000. It is also more stable and exhibits an appreciable NAD-dependent activity (1/5–1/7 the NADP activity). Both isozymes show linear kinetics, dependence on Mn or Mg ions, similar Km (NADP+), and the typical increase of Km for L-malate with increasing pH values. Type 1 isozyme of maize is assumed to be cytosolic. Type 2 corresponds in each property to the chloroplast enzyme of bundle-sheath cells. It is present at a low level in etiolated leaves and develops to a high specific activity (up to 100 nmol min-1 mg protein-1 by 150 h illumination) during photosynthetic differentiation, replacing the type 1 form.Abbreviation MES 2 (N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid Work supported by grants from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche for years 1975 and 1976  相似文献   

Among the different isoforms of NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) involved in a wide range of metabolic pathways in plants, the NADP-ME that participates in C4-photosynthesis is the most studied. In the present work, the expression in E. coli of a cDNA encoding for a maize non-photosynthetic NADP-ME is presented. The recombinant NADP-ME thus obtained presents kinetic and structural properties different from the enzyme previously purified from etiolated leaves and roots. Moreover, the recombinant non-photosynthetic NADP-ME presents very high intrinsic NADP-ME activity, which is unexpected for a non-C4 NADP-ME. Using antibodies against this recombinant enzyme, an immunoreactive band of 66 kDa is detected in different maize tissues indicating that the 66 kDa-NADP-ME is in fact a protein expressed invivo. The recombinant NADP-ME assembles as a dimer, although the results obtained indicate that a higher molecular mass oligomeric state of the enzyme is found in maize roots in vivo. In this way, maize presents at least three NADP-ME isoforms: a 72 kDa constitutive form (previously characterized); the novel non-photosynthetic 66 kDa isoform characterized in this work (which is the product of the ZmChlMe2gene and the likely precursor to the evolution of the photosynthetic C4 NADP-ME) and the 62 kDa isoform (implicated in C4 photosynthesis). The contribution of the present work anticipates further studies concerning the equilibrium between the oligomeric states of the NADP-ME isoforms and the evolution towards the C4 isoenzyme in maize.  相似文献   

Activation of pyruvate,Pi dikinase by light was studied in leaf discs of maize which were illuminated for 1 h at light intensities ranging from approximately 3% to 50% of full sunlight and at temperatures of 10, 22.5, and 35°C. At the highest light intensity the degree of activation was similar and relatively independent of temperature between 10 and 35°C. Under low light the degree of activation was high at 10°C but decreased rapidly with increasing temperature. There was a similar effect of light and temperature on the activation of NADP-malate dehydrogenase.At low temperature, the rate of activation of pyruvate,Pi dikinase was relatively low and independent of the light intensity used and the rate of inactivation in the dark was extremely low. At high temperature, the rate of activation was high and dependent on the light intensity used while the rate of dark inactivation was also relatively high. The degree of activation is discussed in relation to the possible influence of light and temperature on the turnover between the active and inactive forms of pyruvate,Pi dikinase during illumination.This research was supported by the Japan-U.S. Cooperative Research Program (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, NFS Grant INT 78-17245), NSF Grant PCM 77-09284, by the Japanese Ministry of Education and by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.  相似文献   

NADP-malic enzyme highly purified from sugarcane leaves exhibited hysteretic properties. This behavior resulted in a lag phase during activity measurement of the enzyme preincubated in the absence of substrates. The lag was inversely proportional to the protein concentration during preincubation, which suggests that changes in the aggregational state of the enzyme are responsible for hysteresis. The pH conditions as well as the presence of different compounds in the preincubation medium modified the hysteretic properties of the enzyme. Mg2+ eliminated the lag period and increased the enzyme activity by nearly 2-fold. NADP+, 3-phosphoglycerate, ATP and dithiothreitol shortened the lag phase. The substrate l-malate inhibited the enzyme by decreasing the steady state velocity and increasing the lag time in a concentration-dependent manner. NADPH, triose-phosphates and high ionic strength increased the lag phase. Results are consistent with the view that the level of different metabolites and the pH conditions at the chloroplast regulate the activity of NADP-malic enzyme in a coordinate and effective manner.Abbreviations Diamide azodicarboxylic acid bis(dimethylamide) - DHAP dihydroxyacetone-phosphate - DTT dithiothreitol - Ga3P glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate - NADP-ME NADP-dependent malic enzyme - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - 3PGA 3-phosphoglycerate  相似文献   

Hydrilla verticillata has a facultative single-cell system that changes from C3 to C4 photosynthesis. A NADP+-dependent malic enzyme (NADP-ME) provides a high [CO2] for Rubisco fixation in the C4 leaf chloroplasts. Of three NADP-ME genes identified, only hvme1 was up-regulated in the C4 leaf, during the light period, and it possessed a putative transit peptide. Unlike obligate C4 species, H. verticillata exhibited only one plastidic isoform that may perform housekeeping functions, but is up-regulated as the photosynthetic decarboxylase. Of the two cytosolic forms, hvme2 and hvme3, the latter exhibited the greatest expression, but was not light-regulated. The mature isoform of hvme1 had a pI of 6.0 and a molecular mass of 64 kD, as did the recombinant rHVME1m, and it formed a tetramer in the chloroplast. The recombinant photosynthetic isoform showed intermediate characteristics between isoforms in terrestrial C3 and C4 species. The catalytic efficiency of rHVME1m was four-fold higher than the cytosolic rHVME3 and two-fold higher than recombinant cytosolic isoforms of rice, but lower than plastidic forms of maize. The K m (malate) of 0.6 mM for rHVME1 was higher than maize plastid isoforms, but four-fold lower than found with rice. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of 25 taxa suggested that chloroplastic NADP-ME isoforms arose from four duplication events, and hvme1 was derived from cytosolic hvme3. The chloroplastic eudicot sequences were a monophyletic group derived from a cytosolic clade after the eudicot and monocot lineages separated, while the monocots formed a polyphyletic group. The findings support the hypothesis that a NADP-ME isoform with specific and unusual regulatory properties facilitates the functioning of the single-cell C4 system in H. verticillata. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The kinetic mechanism of NADP-dependent malic enzyme purified from maize leaves was studied in the physiological direction. Product inhibition and substrate analogues studies with 3 aminopyridine dinucleotide phosphate and tartrate indicate that the enzyme reaction follows a sequential ordered Bi-Ter kinetic mechanism. NADP is the leading substrate followed by l-malate and the products are released in the order of CO2, pyruvate and NADPH. The enzyme also catalyzes a slow, magnesium-dependent decarboxylation of oxaloacetate and reduction of pyruvate and oxaloacetate in the presence of NADPH to produce l-lactate and l-malate, respectively.  相似文献   

The leaf ultrastructure of NADP-malic enzyme type C4 species possessing different anatomical features in the Cyperaceae was examined: types were the Rhynchosporoid type, a normal Kranz type in which mesophyll cells are adjacent to Kranz cells, and Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types, unusual Kranz types in which nonchlorophyllous mestome sheath intervenes between the two types of green cells. They show structural characteristics basically similar to the NADP-malic enzyme group of C4 grasses, that is, centrifugally located chloroplasts with reduced grana and no increase of mitochondrial frequency in the Kranz cells. However, the Kranz cell chloroplasts of the Fimbristyloid and Chlorocyperoid types exhibit convoluted thylakoid systems and a trend of extensive development of peripheral reticulum, although those of the Rhynchosporoid type do not possess such particular membrane systems. The suberized lamella, probably a barrier for CO2 diffusion, is present in the Kranz cell walls of the Rhynchosporoid type and in the mestome sheath cell walls of the other two types, and tightly surrounds the Kranz cells (sheaths) that are the sites of the decarboxylation of C4 acids. These ultrastructural features are discussed in relation to C4 photosynthetic function.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of light activation of PEPC may be used as another criterion to distinguish C3 and C4 plants. Light stimulated phosphoenolypyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) in leaf discs of C4 plants, the activity being three times greater than that in the dark but stimulation of PEPC was limited about 30% over the dark-control in C3 species. The light activation of PEPC in leaves of C3 plants was complete within 10 min, while maximum activation in C4 plants required illumination for more than 20 min, indicating that the relative pace of PEPC activation was slower in C4 plants than in C3 plants. Similarly, the dark-deactivation of the enzyme was also slower in leaves of C4 than in C3 species. The extent of PEPC stimulation in the alkaline pH range indicated that the dark-adapted form of the C4 enzyme is very sensitive to changes in pH. The pH of cytosol-enriched cell sap extracted from illuminated leaves of C4 plants was more alkaline than that of dark-adapted leaves. The extent of such light-dependent alkalization of cell sap was three times higher in C4 leaves than in C3 plants. The course of light-induced alkalization and dark-acidification of cytosol-enriched cell sap was markedly similar to the pattern of light activation and dark-deactivation of PEPC in Alternanthera pungens, a C4 plant. Our report provides preliminary evidence that the photoactivation of PEPC in C4 plants may be mediated at least partially by the modulation of cytosolic pH.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - G-6-P glucose-6-phosphate - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - PEPC phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - PEPC-PK phosphoenolpyruvate ca carboxylase-protein kinase  相似文献   

We combined measurements of short-term (during gas exchange) and long-term (from plant dry matter) carbon isotope discrimination to estimate CO2 leakiness from bundle sheath cells in six C4 species (three grasses and three dicots) as a function of leaf insertion level, growth temperature and short-term irradiance. The two methods for determining leakiness yielded similar results (P > 0.05) for all species except Setaria macrostachya, which may be explained by the leaf of this species not being accommodating to gas exchange. Leaf insertion level had no effect on leakiness. At the highest growth temperature (36°C) leakiness was lower than at the two lower growth temperatures (16°C and 26°C), between which no differences in leakiness were apparent. Higher irradiance decreased leakiness in three species, while it had no significant effect on the others (there was an opposite trend in two species). The inverse response to increasing irradiance was most marked in the two NAD-ME dicots (both Amaranthus species), which both showed almost 50% leakiness at low light (300 μmol quanta m−2 s−1) compared to about 30% at high light (1,600 μmol quanta m−2 s−1). NADP-ME subtype grasses had lower leakiness than NAD-ME dicots. Although there were exceptions, particularly in the effect of irradiance on leakiness in Sorghum and Boerhavia, we conclude that conditions favourable to C4 photosynthesis (high temperature and high light) lead to a reduction in leakiness.  相似文献   

低温胁迫下玉米幼苗叶片活性氧的产生及保护酶活性的变化   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
吴建慧  杨玲  孙国荣 《植物研究》2004,24(4):456-459
在光照和黑暗条件下, 对低温胁迫玉米幼苗叶片中超氧自由基(O2·)产生速率、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)动态变化过程的研究结果表明, 不同强度低温胁迫后, O2·产生速率增加;保护酶SOD 、CAT 活性下降, POD 活性升高。同一低温胁迫下光照处理后的O2·产生速率、SOD 、CAT 、POD 活性与黑暗处理相比差异达到极显著水平。  相似文献   

Takeuchi Y  Akagi H  Kamasawa N  Osumi M  Honda H 《Planta》2000,211(2):265-274
 NADP-dependent malic enzyme (NADP-ME) is a major decarboxylating enzyme in NADP-ME-type C4 species such as maize and Flaveria. In this study, chloroplastic NADP-ME was transferred to rice (Oryza sativa L.) using a chimeric gene composed of maize NADP-ME cDNA under the control of rice light-harvesting chlorophyll-a/b-binding protein (Cab) promoter. There was a 20- to 70-fold increase in the NADP-ME activity in leaves of transgenic rice compared to that in wild-type rice plants. Immunocytochemical studies by electron microscopy showed that maize NADP-ME was mostly localized in chloroplasts in transgenic rice plants, and that the chloroplasts were agranal without thylakoid stacking. Chlorophyll content and photosystem II activity were inversely correlated with the level of NADP-ME activity. These results suggest that aberrant chloroplasts in transgenic plants may be caused by excessive NADP-ME activity. Based on these results and the known fact that only bundle sheath cells of NADP-ME species, among all three C4 subgroups, have agranal chloroplasts, we postulate that a high level of chloroplastic NADP-ME activity could strongly affect the development of chloroplasts. Received: 27 January 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   

The light dependence of quantum yields of Photosystem II (II) and of CO2 fixation were determined in C3 and C4 plants under atmospheric conditions where photorespiration was minimal. Calculations were made of the apparent quantum yield for CO2 fixation by dividing the measured rate of photosynthesis by the absorbed light [A/I=CO2 and of the true quantum yield by dividing the estimated true rate of photosynthesis by absorbed light [(A+Rl)/Ia=CO2·], where RL is the rate of respiration in the light. The dependence of the II/CO2 and II/CO2 * ratios on light intensity was then evaluated. In both C3 and C4 plants there was little change in the ratio of II/CO2 at light intensities equivalent to 10–100% of full sunlight, whereas there was a dramatic increase in the ratio at lower light intensities. Changes in the ratio of II/CO2 can occur because respiratory losses are not accounted for, due to changes in the partitioning of energy between photosystems or changes in the relationship between PS II activity and CO2 fixation. The apparent decrease in efficiency of utilization of energy derived from PS II for CO2 fixation under low light intensity may be due to respiratory loss of CO2. Using dark respiration as an estimate of RL, the calculated II/CO2 * ratio was nearly constant from full sunlight down to approx 5% of full sunlight, which suggests a strong linkage between the true rate of CO2 fixation and PS II activity under varying light intensity. Measurements of photosynthesis rates and II were made by illuminating upper versus lower leaf surfaces of representative C3 and C4 monocots and dicots. With the monocots, the rate of photosynthesis and the ratio of II/CO2 exhibited a very similar patterns with leaves illuminated from the adaxial versus the abaxial surface, which may be due to uniformity in anatomy and lack of differences in light acclimation between the two surfaces. With dicots, the abaxial surface had both lower rates of photosynthesis and lower II values than the adaxial surface which may be due to differences in anatomy (spongy versus palisade mesophyll cells) and/or light acclimation between the two surfaces. However, in each species the response of II/CO2 to varying light intensity was similar between the two surfaces, indicating a comparable linkage between PS II activity and CO2 fixation.Abbreviations A measured rate of CO2 assimilation - A+RL true rate of CO2 assimilation; e - CO2 estimate of electrons transported through PSII per CO2 fixed by RuBP carboxylase - f fraction of light absorbed by Photosystem II - F'm yield of PSII chlorophyll fluorescence due to a saturating flash of white light under steady-state photosynthesis - Fs variable yield of fluorescence under steady-state photosynthesis; PPFD-photosynthetic photon flux density - Ia absorbed PPFD - PS II Photosystem II - Rd rate of respiration in the dark - RI rate of respiration in the light estimated from measurement of Rd or from analysis of quantum yields - apparent quantum yield of CO2 assimilation under a given condition (A/absorbed PPFD) - true quantum yield of CO2 assimilation under a given condition [(A+RL)/(absorbed PPFD)] - quantum yield for photosynthetic O2 evolution - electrons transported via PS II per quantum absorbed by PS II Supported by USDA Competitive Grant 90-37280-5706.  相似文献   

The effect of structural analogues of l-malate was studied on NADP-malic enzyme purified from Zea mays L. leaves. Among the compounds tested, the organic acids behaved as more potent inhibitors at pH 7.0 than at pH 8.0, suggesting that the dimeric form was more susceptible to the inhibition than the tetrameric form of the enzyme.Oxalate, ketomalonate, hydroxymalonate, malonate, oxaloacetate, tartrate, -hydroxybutyrate, -ketobutyrate, -ketoglutarate and -hydroxyglutarate exhibited linear competitive inhibition with respect to the substrate l-malate at pH 8.0. On the other hand, glyoxylate and glycolate turned out to be non-competitive inhibitors, while glycolaldehyde, succinate, fumarate, maleate and - and -hydroxybutyrate had no effect on the enzyme activity, at the concentrations assayed. These results suggest that the extent of inhibition was dependent on the size of the analogues and that the presence of an 1-carboxyl group along with a 2-hydroxyl or 2-keto group was important for binding of the substrate analogue to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Potential roles for cyclic and pseudocyclic electron flow in C4 plants are to provide ATP for the C4 cycle and, under excess light, to down-regulate PS II activity through membrane energization. Intact mesophyll chloroplasts of maize were used to evaluate forms of electron transport including the Mehler peroxidase reaction (linear electron flow to O2, formation of H2O2 which is reduced by ascorbate, and linear flow linked to reduction of oxidized ascorbate). Addition of H2O2 to isolated chloroplasts in the light in the presence of an uncoupler induced Photosystem (PS) II activity, as determined from increases in photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qp) and the quantum yield of PS II. H2O2 also induced dissipation of energy by thylakoid membrane energization and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching (qn), which was inhibited by addition of an uncoupler. These effects of H2O2 on qp and qn were inhibited by addition of KCN, an inhibitor of ascorbate peroxidase. The results suggest that H2O2 is reduced via ascorbate, and that the oxidized ascorbate is then reduced by linear electron flow contributing to photochemistry and thylakoid membrane energization. Evidence for function of pseudocyclic electron flow via the Mehler peroxidase reaction was obtained with only oxygen as an electron acceptor, as well as in the presence of oxaloacetate a natural electron acceptor in C4 photosynthesis. KCN decreased qp and PS II yield in the absence and presence of oxaloacetate and, in the former case, it severely reduced q_n. KCN also decreased pH formation across the thylakoid membrane based on its decrease in the light-induced quenching of 9-aminoacridine fluorescence, particularly in the absence of oxaloacetate. Antimycin A, an inhibitor of cyclic electron flow, also diminished pH formation. These results provide evidence for shared energization of thylakoid membranes by the Mehler peroxidase reaction, cyclic electron flow, and linear electron flow linked to the C4 pathway.  相似文献   

Light activation of either NADP-malate dehydrogenase (EC or fructose-1,6-bisphosphate phosphatase (EC was assayed in a reconstituted chloroplastic, system comprising the isolated proteins of the ferredoxin-thioredoxin light-activation system and thylakoids from either mesophyll or bundle-sheath tissues of different C4 plants. While C4-plant thylakoids functionned almost equally well with C3-or C4-plant proteins, the photosyntem-II-deficient bundle-sheath thylakoids from the NADP-malic enzyme type, were unable to perform enzyme photoactivation unless supplemented with an electron donor to photosystem I. Bundle-sheath thylakoids isolated from plants showing no photosystem-II deficiency did not require such an addition. The results are discussed with respect to a possible requirement for a physiological reductant of ferredoxin for enzyme light activation in bundle-sheath, tissues.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DCMU 3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DPIP dichlorophenolindophenol - FBPase fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase - FTR ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase - NADP-MDH NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase - PSI, II photosystems I, II  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the histochemistry and ultrastructure of the cell walls of mestome sheaths and parenchymatous bundle sheaths of ten species of grasses. The species surveyed included representatives from all the major photosynthetic types: C3-Bromus tectorum, Phalaris arundinacea; C4/NAD-ME-Eragrostis cilianensis, Panicum capillare; C4/NAD-ME/PCK-Bouteloua curtipendula; C4/PCK-Chloris gayana, Sporobolus elongatus; C4/NADP-ME-Echinochloa crus-galli, Setaria glauca, Themeda triandra. All vein orders (designated here as major, minor and transverse) from mature leaves of each species were tested histochemically for lipids and phenols, and the majority of species were also examined with the electron microscope. A suberized lamella was detected ultrastructurally in at least some walls of major vein bundle sheath cells of all species examined. These lamellae were also present in some cells associated with the minor veins of the C3 species and in the minor and transverse veins of the C4/NADP-ME species. Histochemical tests for lipids and phenols consistently failed to differentiate this layer. Based on these tests, none of the vein orders in any species showed evidence of a Casparian band. In all suberized bundle sheaths, the compound middle lamella between cells with suberin lamellae is modified by the presence of phenols. These did not, however, confer resistance to acid digestion to the cell layer, in contrast to cell layers with Casparian bands. Therefore, although the mestome sheath has some features in common with the root endodermis (i.e. cells with a suberized lamella and thick, cellulosic walls which may be further modified), we could find no substantive anatomical or ultrastructural evidence for the presence of a Casparian band in any of the grass leaves investigated. The significance of these observations is discussed in the context of apoplastic permeability of these walls.  相似文献   

1. Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase was extracted from the silkgland of silkworm (Bombyxmori Linné) and fractionated on a DEAE-cellulose column. Activities were estimated by ATP-PPi exchange reaction as well as glycyl tRNA formation.

2. Two peaks, A and B, having ATP-PPi exchange activity were found in the separated fractions, respectively. There was also observed a marked difference between the both peaks with respect to the pH optimum and activity dependence on MgCl2 concentration.

3. Peak A showed no activity of glycyl tRNA formation. Only a part of peak B coincided with the activity of glycyl tRNA formation. The activities of both the ATP-PPi exchange reaction and glycyl tRNA formation were found to be dependent on MgCl2 concentration, and the optimum concentration was different between two peaks.

4. It also seemed to exist two peaks of activities, a and b, in glycyl tRNA formation which could be separated with a DEAE-cellulose column.  相似文献   

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