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Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) mediates binding and entry of major group human rhinoviruses (HRVs). Whereas the entry pathway of minor group HRVs has been studied in detail and is comparatively well understood, the pathway taken by major group HRVs is largely unknown. Use of immunofluorescence microscopy, colocalization with specific endocytic markers, dominant negative mutants, and pharmacological inhibitors allowed us to demonstrate that the major group virus HRV14 enters rhabdomyosarcoma cells transfected to express human ICAM-1 in a clathrin-, caveolin-, and flotillin-independent manner. Electron microscopy revealed that many virions accumulated in long tubular structures, easily distinguishable from clathrin-coated pits and caveolae. Virus entry was strongly sensitive to the Na+/H+ ion exchange inhibitor amiloride and moderately sensitive to cytochalasin D. Thus, cellular uptake of HRV14 occurs via a pathway exhibiting some, but not all, characteristics of macropinocytosis and is similar to that recently described for adenovirus 3 entry via αv integrin/CD46 in HeLa cells.Human rhinoviruses (HRVs), members of the family Picornaviridae that represent a major cause of the common cold, essentially utilize two different receptor types for host cell attachment. The 12 minor group HRVs, exemplified by HRV2, bind low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), LDLR-related protein (LRP) (20), and very-LDLR (VLDLR) (29) and are internalized via the well-characterized clathrin-dependent endocytic pathway (44); however, these ligands, like others, can switch to different entry portals when the clathrin-dependent pathway is blocked (4). Once the virus arrives in endosomal carrier vesicles or late endosomes, uncoating (i.e., the release of the viral RNA genome) is triggered by the acidic pH (35, 39).The 87 major group HRVs, exemplified by HRV14, bind intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). Following entry, uncoating is triggered by ICAM-1 itself (3), but the low endosomal pH facilitates this process (37). Based on inhibition of infection by the dominant negative (DN) dynamin-2 mutant dynK44A, it was proposed that HRV14 also follows a clathrin-dependent pathway in HeLa-H1 cells (9). However, ICAM-1 lacks a clathrin localization signal and even functions as a viral receptor when its cytoplasmic tail is replaced with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor (45). Furthermore, dynamin has also been shown to be involved in pathways other than clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME), such as caveolae- and lipid raft-dependent entry, as a function of ligand and cell type (reviewed in references 30 and 34). Additionally, dynamin might play a role in formation and closure of circular pinocytic ruffles (31). More recently, a specific entry pathway for ICAM-1 ligands into human umbilical vein endothelial cells was identified and termed “cam-mediated endocytosis”; uptake was found to be triggered upon binding of multivalent ligands, such as immunoconjugates and immunobeads, and to occur independently from clathrin and caveolin. Inhibition by amiloride, actin depolymerization, and protein kinase C inhibitors pointed to macropinocytosis (33). So far, it is not known whether these findings are relevant to the entry pathway of HRVs via ICAM-1 as the uptake kinetics was significantly dependent on particle size. For all these reasons, involvement of clathrin in HRV14 uptake is questionable. Accordingly, we explored entry of HRV14 via ICAM-1 and compared the results with the well-characterized clathrin-dependent entry pathway of HRV2 (44). Employing pharmacological compounds, specific DN inhibitors, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy, we demonstrate that HRV14 enters rhabdomyosarcoma ICAM-1-expressing (RD-ICAM) cells via a pathway independent of clathrin, caveolin, and flotillin.  相似文献   

The cellular entry of viruses represents a critical area of study, not only for viral tropism, but also because viral entry dictates the nature of the immune response elicited upon infection. Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), caused by viruses within human adenovirus species D (HAdV-D), is a severe, ocular surface infection associated with corneal inflammation. Clathrin-mediated endocytosis has previously been shown to play a critical role in entry of other HAdV species into many host cell types. However, HAdV-D endocytosis into corneal cells has not been extensively studied. Herein, we show an essential role for cholesterol rich, lipid raft microdomains and caveolin-1, in the entry of HAdV-D37 into primary human corneal fibroblasts. Cholesterol depletion using methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) profoundly reduced viral infection. When replenished with soluble cholesterol, the effect of MβCD was reversed, allowing productive viral infection. HAdV-D37 DNA was identified in caveolin-1 rich endosomal fractions after infection. Src kinase activity was also increased in caveolin-1 rich endosomal fractions after infection, and Src phosphorylation and CXCL1 induction were both decreased in caveolin-1-/- mice corneas compared to wild type mice. siRNA knock down of caveolin-1 in corneal cells reduced chemokine induction upon viral infection, and caveolin-1-/- mouse corneas showed reduced cellular entry of HAdV-D37. As a control, HAdV-C2, a non-corneal pathogen, appeared to utilize the caveolar pathway for entry into A549 cells, but failed to infect corneal cells entirely, indicating virus and cell specific tropism. Immuno-electron microscopy confirmed the presence of caveolin-1 in HAdV-D37-containing vesicles during the earliest stages of viral entry. Collectively, these experiments indicate for the first time that HAdV-D37 uses a lipid raft mediated caveolin-1 associated pathway for entry into corneal cells, and connects the processes of viral entry with downstream proinflammatory cell signaling.  相似文献   

Presentation of the Mtv-1 superantigen (vSag1) to specific Vβ-bearing T cells requires association with major histocompatibility complex class II molecules. The intracellular route by which vSag1 trafficks to the cell surface and the site of vSag1-class II complex assembly in antigen-presenting B lymphocytes have not been determined. Here, we show that vSag1 trafficks independently of class II to the plasma membrane by the exocytic secretory pathway. At the surface of B cells, vSag1 associates primarily with mature peptide-bound class II αβ dimers, which are stable in sodium dodecyl sulfate. vSag1 is unstable on the cell surface in the absence of class II, and reagents that alter the surface expression of vSag1 and the conformation of class II molecules affect vSag1 stimulation of superantigen reactive T cells.

T lymphocytes respond to peptide antigens presented by either major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or class II molecules. Many viruses have evolved sophisticated strategies that interfere with antigen presentation by infected cells in order to escape recognition by T lymphocytes. Most strategies studied rely on disrupting MHC class I presentation, either by affecting components of the processing machinery that generate and transport viral peptides into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or by retarding transport or targeting class I molecules into the degradation pathway (for a review, see reference 73).In contrast, mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) utilizes T-cell stimulation to promote its life cycle. MMTVs encode within their 3′ long terminal repeat a viral superantigen (vSag), and coexpression of the Sag glycoprotein with MHC class II molecules on the surface of virally infected B cells induces Vβ-specific T-cell stimulation, generating an immune response which is critical for amplification of MMTV and ensures vertical transmission of virus to the next generation (13, 29, 30). In the absence of B cells, MHC class II, or Sag-reactive T cells, the infection is short-lived (5, 6, 24, 28). The assembly and functional expression of vSag-class II complexes are therefore essential to the viral life cycle. When inherited as germ line elements, Mtv proviruses expressing vSags during ontogeny trigger Vβ-specific clonal elimination of immature T cells and profoundly shape the T-cell repertoire (for a review, see reference 1).vSags are type II integral membrane glycoproteins (14, 36). They possess up to six potential N-linked glycosylation sites, and carbohydrate addition is essential for vSag stability and activity (45). Their protein sequence is highly conserved among all MMTV strains except at the C-terminal 29 to 32 residues, which vary and confer T-cell Vβ specificity (77). Biochemical analyses of vSag7 (minor lymphocyte stimulating locus 1, Mls-1a) molecular forms after transfection into a murine B-cell line have identified a predominant 45-kDa endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase H (endo H)-sensitive ER-resident glycoprotein, as well as multiple highly glycosylated forms (74). It is thought that an 18-kDa C-terminal fragment binds MHC class II products (75). It has also been suggested that vSags associate weakly with class II in the ER and that proteolytic processing is required for the efficient assembly of vSag-class II complexes for presentation to T cells (46, 49, 75). As yet, the intracellular route that vSags take to the cell surface, the compartment in which they bind class II, and whether they associate with peptide-loaded class II dimers have been enigmatic.Newly synthesized MHC class II αβ heterodimers assemble with invariant chain (Ii), a type II integral membrane protein, to form an oligomeric complex in the ER (37). Ii prevents class II heterodimers from binding peptides in the ER and Golgi complex (55), and signals in its cytoplasmic tail sort the complex into the endocytic pathway (4, 42). In this acidic, protease-rich compartment, Ii is degraded and class II binds antigenic peptides. After the formation of peptide-class II dimers, the complexes are exported to the plasma membrane (8, 48). In the absence of Ii, class II αβ heterodimers exhibit defective post-ER transport, and their conversion into functionally mature, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-stable compact dimers by peptide antigens is affected (7, 16, 22, 70).A specialized endosomal compartment where class II peptide loading occurs, termed the MHC class II-enriched compartment (MIIC or CIIV), has been found recently in antigen-presenting cells (2, 50, 53, 58, 68, 71). Whether nascent Ii-class II complexes traffic directly to the MIIC from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) or transit first to early endosomes, either directly or via the cell surface, before entering late endocytic vesicles and MIIC is still under debate (26, 56, 57). Transport by all these routes most probably occurs to ensure the capture and loading of antigenic peptides throughout the endocytic pathway (12). MIIC vesicles are positive for lysosome-associated membrane proteins (LAMPs) and cathepsin D and are enriched for HLA-DM or H-2M (18, 32, 59), proteins that facilitate the catalytic exchange of class II-associated invariant peptide chain (CLIP) for antigenic peptides (19, 61, 62). The ultrastructural colocalization of DM with intracellular peptide-class II complexes suggests that the MIIC is a main site where class II dimers bind exogenous and endogenous peptide antigens (47, 58).Determining the route by which vSag protein(s) trafficks to the cell surface and the cellular location where vSag1 processing and assembly with class II molecules occurs is central to understanding the mechanism whereby vSags activate T cells to maintain the viral life cycle. It has been unclear whether vSags traffic independently by the constitutive exocytic pathway or with class II and Ii to the MIIC before reaching the cell surface. Reagents that alter class II expression have been shown to affect vSag presentation (43, 46). Furthermore, mice lacking Ii show reduced intrathymic Vβ-specific T-cell deletion (70), suggesting that Ii may play a role, either by ensuring proper maturation of class II dimers or by targeting vSag-class II complexes to the MIIC, in promoting efficient vSag-induced immune responses.To investigate these issues, we used immunochemical detection of vSag1 protein in combination with subcellular fractionation and surface reexpression assays. We show that class II is required for stable vSag1 surface expression. vSag1 trafficks directly to the cell surface independently of class II, and reagents that alter the conversion of newly synthesized class II into peptide-loaded SDS-stable dimers affect functional vSag1 surface expression.  相似文献   

Lysosomes are considered to be a terminal degradative compartment of the endocytic pathway, into which transport is mostly unidirectional. However, specialized secretory vesicles regulated by Ca2+, such as neutrophil azurophil granules, mast cell–specific granules, and cytotoxic lymphocyte lytic granules, share characteristics with lysosomes that may reflect a common biogenesis. In addition, the involvement of Ca2+ transients in the invasion mechanism of the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which occurs by fusion of lysosomes with the plasma membrane, suggested that lysosome exocytosis might be a generalized process present in most cell types.

Here we demonstrate that elevation in the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration of normal rat kidney (NRK) fibroblasts induces fusion of lysosomes with the plasma membrane. This was verified by measuring the release of the lysosomal enzyme β-hexosaminidase, the appearance on the plasma membrane of the lysosomal glycoprotein lgp120, the release of fluid-phase tracers previously loaded into lysosomes, and the release of the lysosomally processed form of cathepsin D. Exposure to the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin or addition of Ca2+containing buffers to streptolysin O–permeabilized cells induced exocytosis of ~10% of the total lysosomes of NRK cells. The process was also detected in other cell types such as epithelial cells and myoblasts. Lysosomal exocytosis was found to require micromolar levels of Ca2+ and to be temperature and ATP dependent, similar to Ca2+-regulated secretory mechanisms in specialized cells.

These findings highlight a novel role for lysosomes in cellular membrane traffic and suggest that fusion of lysosomes with the plasma membrane may be an ubiquitous form of Ca2+-regulated exocytosis.


Aging is a major risk factor for common neurodegenerative diseases. Although multiple molecular, cellular, structural, and functional changes occur in the brain during aging, the involvement of caveolin-2 (Cav-2) in brain ageing remains unknown. We investigated Cav-2 expression in brains of aged mice and its effects on endothelial cells. The human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) showed decreased THP-1 adhesion and infiltration when treated with Cav-2 siRNA compared to control siRNA. In contrast, Cav-2 overexpression increased THP-1 adhesion and infiltration in HUVECs. Increased expression of Cav-2 and iba-1 was observed in brains of old mice. Moreover, there were fewer iba-1–positive cells in the brains of aged Cav-2 knockout (KO) mice than of wild-type aged mice. The levels of several chemokines were higher in brains of aged wild-type mice than in young wild-type mice; moreover, chemokine levels were significantly lower in brains of young mice as well as aged Cav-2 KO mice than in their wild-type counterparts. Expression of PECAM1 and VE-cadherin proteins increased in brains of old wild-type mice but was barely detected in brains of young wild-type and Cav-2 KO mice. Collectively, our results suggest that Cav-2 expression increases in the endothelial cells of aged brain, and promotes leukocyte infiltration and age-associated neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

Caveolin is the principal component of caveolae in vivo. In addition to a structural role, it is believed to play a scaffolding function to organize and inactivate signaling molecules that are concentrated on the cytoplasmic surface of caveolar membranes. The large GTPase dynamin has been shown to mediate the scission of caveolae from the plasma membrane, although it is unclear if dynamin interacts directly with caveolin or via accessory proteins. Therefore, the goal of this study was to test whether dynamin associates with caveolae via a direct binding to the caveolin 1 (Cav1) protein. Immunoelectron microscopy of lung endothelium or a cultured hepatocyte cell line stained with antibodies for Dyn2 and Cav1 shows that these proteins co-localize to caveolae. To further define this interaction biochemically, in vitro experiments were performed using glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-Dyn2 and GST-Cav1 fusion proteins, which demonstrated a direct interaction between these proteins. This interaction appears to be mediated by the proline-arginine-rich domain (PRD) of Dyn2, as a GST-PRD fragment binds Cav1 while GST-Dyn2DeltaPRD does not. Further, in vitro binding studies using two Dyn2 spliced forms and Cav1 peptides immobilized on paper identify specific domains of Cav1 that bind Dyn2. Interestingly, these Cav1-binding domains differ markedly between two spliced variant forms of Dyn2. In support of these distinctive physical interactions, we find that the different Dyn2 forms, when expressed as GTPase-defective mutants, exert markedly different inhibitory effects on caveolae internalization, as assayed by cholera toxin uptake. These studies provide the first evidence for a direct interaction between dynamin and the caveolin coat, and demonstrate a selectivity of one Dyn2 form toward the caveolae-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is the result of the combined activity of the tumor microenvironment and signaling molecules. The angiogenic switch is represented as an imbalance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors and is a rate-limiting step in the development of tumors. Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane-anchored ligands, known as ephrins, constitute the largest receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) subfamily and are considered a major family of pro-angiogenic RTKs. Ewing sarcoma (EWS) is a highly aggressive bone and soft tissue tumor affecting children and young adults. As other solid tumors, EWS are reliant on a functional vascular network for the delivery of nutrients and oxygen and for the removal of waste. Based on the biological roles of EphA2 in promoting angiogenesis, we explored the functional role of this receptor and its relationship with caveolin-1 (CAV1) in EWS angiogenesis. We demonstrated that lack of CAV1 results in a significant reduction in micro vascular density (MVD) on 3 different in vivo models. In vitro, this phenomenon correlated with inactivation of EphA2 receptor, lack of AKT response and downregulation of bFGF. We also demonstrated that secreted bFGF from EWS cells acted as chemoattractant for endothelial cells. Furthermore, interaction between EphA2 and CAV1 was necessary for the right localization and signaling of the receptor to produce bFGF through AKT and promote migration of endothelial cells. Finally, introduction of a dominant-negative form of EphA2 into EWS cells mostly reproduced the effects occurred by CAV1 silencing, strongly suggesting that the axis EphA2-CAV1 participates in the promotion of endothelial cell migration toward the tumors favoring EWS angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) and its receptor are involved in various types of epithelial repair processes. To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms of KGF action in the healing skin wound, we searched for genes which are regulated by this factor in cultured keratinocytes. Using the PCR-select technology we constructed a subtractive cDNA library. One of the KGF-regulated genes that we identified was shown to encode caveolin-1, a major component of caveolar membranes. Caveolin-1 is involved in a wide variety of cellular processes, particularly in the regulation of various signal transduction pathways. Caveolin-1 mRNA levels increased in cultured keratinocytes after KGF treatment. By in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry we found a strong expression of caveolin-1 in the KGF-responsive basal keratinocytes of the epidermis and the hyperproliferative epithelium of the wound as well as in endothelial cells and in other cells of the granulation tissue. In 13-day wounds expression of caveolin-1 mRNA was restricted to the regenerated dermis. In addition to caveolin-1, the mRNA expression of caveolin-2, a second member of the caveolin family, was also induced in keratinocytes after stimulation with KGF but also with other growth factors and cytokines. In contrast to caveolin-1, caveolin-2 protein was expressed in all layers of the normal epidermis and in the suprabasal layers of the hyperproliferative wound epithelium. These results demonstrate a differential expression of caveolin-1 and -2 in proliferating versus differentiating keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Connexin43 (Cx43) has been reported to interact with caveolin (Cav)-1, but the role of this association and whether other members of the caveolin family bind Cx43 had yet to be established. In this study, we show that Cx43 coimmunoprecipitates and colocalizes with Cav-1 and Cav-2 in rat epidermal keratinocytes. The colocalization of Cx43 with Cav-1 was confirmed in keratinocytes from human epidermis in vivo. Our mutation and Far Western analyses revealed that the C-terminal tail of Cx43 is required for its association with Cavs and that the Cx43/Cav-1 interaction is direct. Our results indicate that newly synthesized Cx43 interacts with Cavs in the Golgi apparatus and that the Cx43/Cavs complex also exists at the plasma membrane in lipid rafts. Using overexpression and small interfering RNA approaches, we demonstrated that caveolins regulate gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) and that the presence of Cx43 in lipid raft domains may contribute to the mechanism modulating GJIC. Our results suggest that the Cx43/Cavs association occurs during exocytic transport, and they clearly indicate that caveolin regulates GJIC.  相似文献   

窖蛋白-1、基质金属蛋白酶-2与乳腺肿瘤的侵袭和转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窖蛋白(caveolin)是分子量为21~24 kD的整合膜蛋白,是胞膜窖(caveolae)的标志性结构分子,其家族成员窖蛋白-1(caveolin-1,Cav-1)参与细胞内许多重要的生命活动.近来研究发现,窖蛋白-1与乳腺上皮细胞转化及乳腺癌的发生密切相关.基质金属蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinases,MMPs)是基质降解代谢的主要酶类,几乎能降解细胞外基质和基底膜的所有成分,其家族成员明胶酶A(MMP-2)在乳腺癌的浸润和转移过程中起重要作用.新近发现,窖蛋白-1与基质金属蛋白酶-2在胞膜窖中共定位,窖蛋白-1通过抑制基质金属蛋白酶-2的激活来抑制乳腺癌的侵袭和转移,起到肿瘤抑制因子的作用.本文对窖蛋白-1与基质金属蛋白酶-2各自在乳腺肿瘤侵袭转移中的作用及两者关系的研究进行综述.  相似文献   

Abstract: Gangliosides GM1 [3H-labeled at the sphingosine (Sph) moiety] and GM2 [3H-labeled at the Sph or N -acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) moiety] were administered to cultured Neuro2a cells for varying pulse (1–4 h) and chase (up to 4 h) periods, and their metabolic processing was followed. The main and earliest formed 3H-metabolites of [ Sph -3H]GM1 were GM2, asialo-GM1, asialo-GM2, and lactose-ceramide, and those of [ Sph -3H]GM2 were asialo-GM2 and lactose-ceramide. The asialo-GM1 and asialo-GM2 formed were isolated and chemically characterized. [3H]Asialo-GM2 was produced in identical amounts after treatment with equimolar [ Sph -3H]GM2 and [ GalNAc -3H]GM2. At low temperature or in the presence of chloroquine, the formation of all 3H-metabolites, including asialo-GM2 and asialo-GM1, was undetectable, indicating that ganglioside metabolic processing was an endocytosis- and lysosome-dependent process. These results demonstrate that in Neuro2a cells exogenous GM1 (and GM2) is mainly degraded through the pathway GM1 → GM2 → asialo-GM2 →→ Sph, with a minor fraction of GM1 undergoing degradation with the sequence GM1 → asialo-GM1 → asialo-GM2 →→ Sph. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that Neuro2a cells contain a sialidase (likely of lysosomal nature) affecting ganglioside GM1 and GM2. The sialidase-mediated degradative pathway of GM1 and GM2 in Neuro2a cells might be related to the tumoral nature of these cells.  相似文献   

BackgroundMutations in GJB2, which encodes connexin 26 (Cx26), a cochlear gap junction protein, represent a major cause of pre-lingual, non-syndromic deafness. The degeneration of the organ of Corti observed in Cx26 mutant—associated deafness is thought to be a secondary pathology of hearing loss. Here we focused on abnormal development of the organ of Corti followed by degeneration including outer hair cell (OHC) loss.MethodsWe investigated the crucial factors involved in late-onset degeneration and loss of OHC by ultrastructural observation, immunohistochemistry and protein analysis in our Cx26-deficient mice (Cx26f/fP0Cre).ResultsIn ultrastructural observations of Cx26f/fP0Cre mice, OHCs changed shape irregularly, and several folds or notches were observed in the plasma membrane. Furthermore, the mutant OHCs had a flat surface compared with the characteristic wavy surface structure of OHCs of normal mice. Protein analysis revealed an increased protein level of caveolin-2 (CAV2) in Cx26f/fP0Cre mouse cochlea. In immunohistochemistry, a remarkable accumulation of CAV2 was observed in Cx26f/fP0Cre mice. In particular, this accumulation of CAV2 was mainly observed around OHCs, and furthermore this accumulation was observed around the shrunken site of OHCs with an abnormal hourglass-like shape.ConclusionsThe deformation of OHCs and the accumulation of CAV2 in the organ of Corti may play a crucial role in the progression of, or secondary OHC loss in, GJB2-associated deafness. Investigation of these molecular pathways, including those involving CAV2, may contribute to the elucidation of a new pathogenic mechanism of GJB2-associated deafness and identify effective targets for new therapies.  相似文献   

In the course of an investigation into the effect of Tamm-Horsfall protein (THP) on ion transport, we performed stable transfection of THP into MDCK cells using the SV40 or the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. As controls, we transfected MDCK cells with an ``empty' plasmid containing SV40 or CMV promoter but without THP cDNA. In another set of controls, we subjected cells to transfection procedures without DNA (mock transfection). K influx was not altered in cells subjected to mock transfection procedures without DNA, but both ouabain sensitive (OS) and ouabain resistant (OR) components of K influx were diminished in cells transfected with THP cDNA using either SV40 or CMV promoter. However, K influx was also reduced in cells transfected with a control plasmid containing either the SV40 promoter alone, or the CMV promoter alone, without the THP cDNA. Thus, the transport alterations were caused by transfection and not by THP. The reduction in ouabain-sensitive K influx was accompanied by a proportional reduction in the abundance of Na-K pump units as assessed by [3H] ouabain binding. [3H] bumetanide binding, a measure of the number of functioning NaK2Cl cotransporter sites, was reduced pari passu with the reduction in bumetanide-sensitive K influx. These results highlight the possibility that alterations in properties of transfected cells may not be solely due to the presence of transfected protein, but the result of some process associated with transfection itself. Without appropriate controls to evaluate this possibility, results of transfection studies are subject to potentially faulty and misleading interpretation. Received: 25 April 1995/Revised: 25 September 1995  相似文献   

该文研究窖蛋白(Caveolin-1)对乳腺癌细胞系MCF-7细胞增殖与存活的影响。运用蛋白质印迹方法(Western blot)检测发现,caveolin-1在5株不同细胞系均只有低表达。运用电穿孔转染方法在乳腺癌细胞系中高表达Caveolin-1,运用Western blot检测转染后Caveolin-1表达情况发现,转染后细胞内Caveolin-1表达上升,并具有生物活性。运用单核细胞直接细胞毒性测定法(MTT)检测发现,转染后乳腺癌细胞系MCF-7增殖速度降低。运用Western blot方法和免疫荧光(immunofluorescence)方法检测转染后细胞凋亡途径的变化,磷酸化的P38蛋白含量上升,Bax表达量明显上升。据此推测Caveolin-1抑制MCF-7细胞的增殖和存活,并诱导基于Bax途径的细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

In epithelial cells apical proteins are transported by specific transport carriers to the correct membrane domain. The composition of these carriers is heterogeneous and comprises components such as motor proteins, annexins, lectins, Rab GTPases and cargo molecules. Here, we provide biochemical and fluorescence microscopic data to show that the dynamin‐related large GTPase Mx1 is a component of post‐Golgi vesicles carrying the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR. Moreover, siRNA‐mediated depletion of Mx1 significantly decreased the transport efficiency of apical proteins in MDCK cells. In conclusion, Mx1 plays a crucial role in the delivery of cargo molecules to the apical membrane of epithelial cells.   相似文献   

The microenvironment near the apical membrane of MDCK cells was studied by quantitation of the fluorescence of wheat germ agglutin attached to fluorescein (WGA). WGA was shown to bind to sialic acid residues attached to galactose at the α-2,3 position in the glycocalyx on the apical membrane. Young MDCK cells (5–8 days after splitting) showed a patchy distribution of WGA at stable sites that returned to the same locations after removal of sialic acid residues by neuraminidase treatment. Other lectins also showed stable binding to patches on the apical membrane of young cells. The ratio of WGA fluorescence emission at two excitation wavelengths was used to measure near-membrane pH. The near-membrane pH was markedly acidic to the pH 7.4 bathing solution in both young and older cells (13–21 days after splitting). Patches on the apical membrane of young cells exhibited a range of near-membrane pH values with a mean ±sem of 6.86 ± 0.04 (n= 121) while the near-membrane pH of older cells was 6.61 ± 0.04 (n= 120) with a uniform WGA distribution. We conclude that the distribution of lectin binding sites in young cells reflects the underlying nonrandom location of membrane proteins in the apical membrane and that nonuniformities in the pH of patches may indicate regional differences in membrane acid-base transport as well as in the location of charged sugars in the glycocalyx. Received: 15 December 1999/Revised: 16 March 2000  相似文献   

Sporadic basal-like cancers (BLCs) are a common subtype of breast cancer that share multiple biological properties with BRCA1-mutated breast tumors. Despite being BRCA1+/+, sporadic BLCs are widely viewed as phenocopies of BRCA1-mutated breast cancers, because they are hypothesized to manifest a BRCA1 functional defect or breakdown of a pathway(s) in which BRCA1 plays a major role. The role of BRCA1 in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks by homologous recombination (HR) is its best understood function and the function most often implicated in BRCA1 breast cancer suppression. Therefore, it is suspected that sporadic BLCs exhibit a defect in HR. To test this hypothesis, multiple DNA damage repair assays focused on several types of repair were performed on a group of cell lines classified as sporadic BLCs and on controls. The sporadic BLC cell lines failed to exhibit an overt HR defect. Rather, they exhibited defects in the repair of stalled replication forks, another BRCA1 function. These results provide insight into why clinical trials of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors, which require an HR defect for efficacy, have been unsuccessful in sporadic BLCs, unlike cisplatin, which elicits DNA damage that requires stalled fork repair and has shown efficacy in sporadic BLCs.  相似文献   

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