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Influenza H1 subtype-specific CTL can be induced by secondary stimulation of a hybrid protein of the first 81 amino acids of the viral NS1 non-structural protein and the HA2 subunit of A/Puerto Rico/8/34(H1N1) hemagglutinin. In addition, a derivative of this protein with 65 amino acids deleted from the N-terminal end of HA2 can also generate H1 subtype-specific CTL in bulk cultures. CTL clones established by stimulation with the derivative protein demonstrated cross-reactive lysis of target cells infected with virus strains of the H1 and H2 subtypes. Cold target competition experiments with CTL clones as effectors demonstrated that the Ag specificity between these two hybrid proteins is identical. Adoptive transfer of the CTL clone significantly reduced virus titers in the lungs of mice infected with the virus strains of the H1 or H2 subtype but not those infected with the H3 subtype virus in vivo, which reflects the in vitro CTL clone activity. These experiments demonstrate that an epitope on the hemagglutinin that is conserved on virus strains of the H1 and H2 subtypes induces a protective CTL response. These results suggest an alternative approach for developing influenza vaccines by using conserved antigenic sites on the hemagglutinin HA2 subunit to avoid the problem of frequent antigenic mutations of the HA1 subunit antibody binding sites.  相似文献   

A previously identified Kd restricted epitope of influenza A virus nucleoprotein (147-161) was modified, resulting in recognition by Kd restricted cytotoxic T cells at significantly lower concentrations than the natural peptide sequence. This was achieved by first refining the epitope to the minimum determinant 147-158. Deletion of arginine 156 resulted in a peptide that was shown to be greatly superior in both dose response titrations and in its rate of association with cells to form targets. Analog peptides were tested to determine the important amino acid changes. These data suggest that T cell epitopes can be modified to result in improved immunological recognition.  相似文献   

The specificity of in vitro induced human influenza-immune cytotoxic effector cells was analyzed with respect to recognition of HLA-A and -B-linked gene products. The influenza-immune cytotoxic activity observed on panels of virus-infected targets demonstrated that virus-immune effectors preferentially lyse targets with which they share HLA-A or -B specificities. Virus-immune effectors from certain donors recognized virus in conjunction with some, but not all, of their self HLA-A and -B antigens. Among donors who share a given HLA antigen (such as A2 or B7), there are differences in the ability of their virus-immune T cells to recognize the shared antigen. Virus-infected target cells from HLA-A2 or -B7 "nonresponder" donors could be lysed by virus-immune T cells obtained from other donors who shared only the HLA-A2 or -B7 antigen with these target cells. These observations suggest that the absence of cytotoxic T cell responses by some donors to influenza virus in conjunction with HLA-A2 or -B7 is not due to control by the structural genes that code for these HLA antigens, but rather may result from control by regulatory genes that act at the level of the responder and/or stimulator cell. The results are discussed in the context of Ir gene regulation of human T cell responses.  相似文献   

Spleen and thymus cell populations from normal or allograft tolerant mice have been cultured for 5 days with specific alloantigens and examined for their reactivity in three assay systems. No consistent correlation was observed between the production of cytotoxic T cells (CTL) in these cultures and the ability of such cultured cells to inhibit specifically a CML response from fresh normal spleen cells directed to the priming alloantigens. Furthermore, suppressor cells measured in this latter assay were apparently distinct from those able to inhibit the production of cytotoxic lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) from bone marrow stem cells in lethally irradiated bone marrow protected mice. Velocity sedimentation experiments confirmed that both the precursor and effector cells for the two suppressor systems were physically separable, and were distinct from CTLp or CTL, respectively. Precursor cells for the two suppressor systems investigated belong to the short-lived cortical thymus cell population.  相似文献   

The nature of infected stimulator cells in the in vitro secondary cytotoxic T cell response to ectromelia infection was investigated. It was found that macrophages were better stimulator cells than spleen cells. B cells (Ig-positive cells) were superior to T cells (Ig-negative cells) both on a relative proportion and on a cell-to-cell basis. Concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated lymphocytes were also effective stimulator cells but appeared to be slightly inferior to spleen cells. Spleen cells depleted of Ia-positive cells were markedly inferior to normal spleen cells as stimulators. It was also found that primary and secondary cytotoxic T cells were largely Ia-negative. These findings are discussed in relation to the likely events during T cell responses to infection in vivo.  相似文献   

HIV-1 encephalitis (HIVE) and its associated dementia can occur in up to 20% of infected individuals, usually when productive viral replication in brain mononuclear phagocytes (macrophages and microglia) and depletion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes are most significant. T cells control viral replication through much of HIV-1 disease, but how this occurs remains incompletely understood. With this in mind, we studied HIV-1-specific CTL responses in a nonobese diabetic (NOD)-SCID mouse model of HIVE. HIV-1-infected monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) were injected into the basal ganglia after syngeneic immune reconstitution by HLA-A*0201-positive human PBL to generate a human PBL-NOD-SCID HIVE mouse. Engrafted T lymphocytes produced HIV-1gag- and HIV-1pol-specific CTL against virus-infected brain MDM within 7 days. This was demonstrated by tetramer staining of human PBL in mouse spleens and by IFN-gamma ELISPOT. CD8, granzyme B, HLA-DR, and CD45R0 Ag-reactive T cells and CD79alpha-positive B cells migrated to and were in contact with human MDM in brain areas where infected macrophages were abundant. The numbers of productively infected MDM were markedly reduced (>85%) during 2 wk of observation. The human PBL-NOD-SCID HIVE mouse provides a new tool for studies of cellular immune responses against HIV-1-infected brain mononuclear phagocytes during natural disease and after vaccination.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) have been found to mediate protection in vivo against certain virus infections. CTL also may play an important role in control of infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV), but no CTL epitopes have yet been defined in any HCV protein. The nonstructural protein with homology to RNA polymerase should be a relatively conserved target protein for CTL. To investigate the epitope specificity of CTL specific for this protein, we used 28 peptides from this sequence to study murine CTL. Mice were immunized with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the HCV nonstructural region corresponding to the flavivirus NS5 gene (RNA polymerase), and the primed spleen cells were restimulated in vitro with peptides. CTL from H-2d mice responded to a single 16-residue synthetic peptide (HCV 2422 to 2437). This relatively conserved epitope was presented by H-2d class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules to conventional CD4- CD8+ CTL but was not recognized by CTL restricted by H-2b. Moreover, exon shuffle experiments using several transfectants expressing recombinant Dd/Ld and Kd demonstrated that this peptide is seen in association with alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of the Dd class I MHC molecule. This peptide differs from the homologous segments of this nonstructural region from three other HCV isolates by one residue each. Variant peptides with single amino acid substitutions were made to test the effect of each residue on the ability to sensitize targets. Neither substitution affected recognition. Therefore, these conservative mutations affected peptide interaction neither with the Dd class I MHC molecule nor with the T-cell receptor. Because these CTL cross-react with all four sequenced isolates of HCV in the United States and Japan, if human CTL display similar cross-reactivity, this peptide may be valuable for studies of HCV diagnosis and vaccine development. Our study provides the first evidence that CD8+ CTL can recognize an epitope from the HCV sequence in association with a class I MHC molecule.  相似文献   

A culture system has been developed which allows segregation of individual clones of cytotoxic lymphocytes (CLs). When CBA, DBA, or (CBA × DBA)F1 spleen cells from adult mice were cultured, clones of CLs able to lyse P815 target cells were generated in the absence of stimulating cells. The effector cells are sensitive to anti-Thy-1 serum and include cells with anti-self reactivity. The maximum number of CL clones was detected on Day 4, while the largest size of clones occurred 1 or 2 days later. In contrast to stimulated cultures, there was a nonlinear relationship between the number of clones and the concentration of spleen cells in the culture. The generation of spontaneous cytotoxicity is a characteristic of adult spleens and does not develop until mice are 4 weeks old.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were induced in C57BL/6 and (C57BL/6 X DBA/2)F1 mice after immunization with the Armstrong strain of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV-Arm) and were cloned by limiting dilution in vitro. The cytotoxic activity of these clones was LCMV specific and H-2 restricted. All clones induced in C57BL/6 (H-2b) mice with LCMV-Arm lysed target cells infected with each of five distinct strains of LCMV (Arm, Traub , WE, Pasteur, and UBC ), suggesting recognition of common regions of viral proteins in association with H-2b molecules. In contrast, one clone obtained from (B6 X D2)F1 mice and restricted to the H-2d haplotype only lysed cells infected with one of three strains of virus (Arm, Traub , WE) but not two others (Pasteur, UBC ), suggesting recognition of variable regions of viral proteins in the context of H-2d molecules. To assess the fine specificity for H-2 molecules, we tested H-2Kb-restricted CTL clones for their ability to kill LCMV-infected target cells bearing mutations in their H-2Kb, and we tested clones presumed to be restricted to the H-2Db region for their ability to all LCMV targets cells bearing a mutation in the H-2Db region. Several different patterns of killing of the mutant targets were observed, indicating that a number of different epitopes on the H-2b molecules were used as restricting determinants for LCMV antigen recognition by CTL. Thus, cross-reactive viral determinants were recognized in the context of several different restricting determinants. Mutations in the N or C1 domains of the H-2 molecule affected recognition by a single LCMV specific CTL clone. One implication of this result is that CTL recognize a conformational determinant on the H-2 molecule formed by the association of virus antigen(s) with H-2. An alternate explanation is that one site on the H-2 molecule is involved in the interaction of viral antigens with H-2, whereas another may serve as a binding site for the CTL receptor.  相似文献   

目的研究不同亚型的甲型流感病毒在单个核细胞内的复制情况,探讨其免疫应答机制。方法①细胞培养:复苏A549、MDCK细胞后,用DMEM培养液常规培养;外周血分离得到单个核细胞,用RPMI1640常规培养;②空斑形成试验:用空斑试验检测病毒A/Shantou/169/2006(H1N1)和A/Shantou/602/2006(H3N2)的病毒原始滴度;检测流感病毒感染单个核细胞后的病毒滴度变化。结果流感病毒感染单核细胞后,上清液的病毒滴度下降,36、48、72 h病毒滴度<10 PFU/mL;而其细胞裂解液病毒滴度上升,滴度由9.5×10~4 PFU/mL上升至1.63×10~5 PFU/mL。流感病毒感染淋巴细胞,其细胞上清和裂解液病毒滴度均下降,其中上清液H3N2病毒滴度在48、72 h均<10 PFU/mL;裂解液病毒滴度则由4.8×10~5 PFU/mL下降至1.8×10~3 PFU/mL。结论不同亚型的甲型流感病毒在单核细胞和淋巴细胞中的复制存在差异。单核细胞可以吞噬流感病毒但不能直接灭活流感病毒,而淋巴细胞却可以直接抑制流感病毒的复制。  相似文献   

B10.A (H-2Kk, H-2Dd) ectromelia-immune T cells from secondary responses in vitro were protent killers of both infected L929 (H-2Kk H-2Dk) and infected P-815 (H-2Kd, H-2Db) target cells. Specific competition with unlabelled targets showed that two separate T cell subsets were responsible for lysis of infected L929 and infected P-815 cells. One hypothesis to account for this (a form of "physiological interaction") is that T cells which kill one target e.g. infected L929) display only one out of two possible self-complementary recognition structures, in this example the H-2Kk alloantigen, not H-2Dd, whereas T cells that lyse infected P-815 targets display only H-2Dd, not H-2Kk. This hypothesis was tested and seems untenable because of the following results: A.TH (H-2Ks, H-2Dd) ectromelia-immune, secondary cytotoxic T cells which killed infected SJL/J (H-2Ks, H-2Ds) targets were themselves inactivated by pre-incubation with SJL/J cytotoxic T cells generated in one-way mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) against BALB/c (H-2Kd, H-2Dd). A.TL (H-2Ks, H-2Dd) ectromelia-immune secondary cytotoxic T cells which killed infected BALB/c targets were themselves inactivated by BALB/c cytotoxic T cells generated in MLR against SJL/J. Thus, virus-immune T cells which lyse infected targets by virtue of shared H-2K are also displaying H-2D alloantigen, and vice versa.  相似文献   

T cells that recognize the cross-reactive idiotype expressed on the heavy (H) chain of M104E (IgM, lambda 1) were induced in BALB/c mice by immunization with Dextran B-1355. T cells derived from mice immunized with 1 mg of Dextran B-1355 showed a marked proliferative response against M104E, whereas T cells from mice immunized with Ficoll or lesser amounts of Dextran B-1355 did not. BCL1Id, which had an immunoglobulin isotype identical to M104E, did not induce proliferation of the T cells. These T cells also proliferated against J558 (IgA, lambda 1) which shared the cross-reactive idiotype of the anti-alpha (1----3) glucosidic linkage antibody with M104E on the H chain. The T cells proliferated more efficiently against F(ab')2-104E, Fab-104E and H104E, the H chain of M104E, than against intact M104E. The T cell proliferative response against the idiotype on M104E or even H104E required macrophages as antigen-presenting cells (APC) and the response was inhibited when APC were treated with NH4Cl or chloroquine, inhibitors of antigen processing. Moreover, anti-CD4 antibody or anti-Ia antibody inhibited the proliferative response. These results indicated that anti-idiotypic T cells of the helper type, which recognized a cross-reactive idiotype associated with Ia molecules in processed form, could be induced physiologically through a network mechanism.  相似文献   

The cell-mediated immune response of mice against various enveloped RNA and DNA viruses expressed by immune lymphocytes from the spleen and the peripheral blood (PBL) were compared. PBL from mice of various strains infected with vaccinia virus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), or lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) were tested on histocompatible or incompatible target cells infected with the homologous virus. PBL from immune mice showed clear H-2 restriction, but additionally, they expressed high natural killing (NK) activity on YAC-1 cells. The high NK-cytolytic activity of PBL on YAC-1 differed significantly from that expressed by splenic lymphocytes. In both lymphocyte populations lysis was detected as early as 1 day after infection; NK activity decreased in the spleen after day 4 post infection, whereas that of PBL persisted at high levels for up to 10 days after infection. Treatment of mice with anti-asialo GM1 in vivo abrogated NK activity in PBL effector cells tested in vitro. These results may explain some of the difficulties to observe MHC-restricted cytotoxic T cells in PBL from humans or primates during primary infections with virus.  相似文献   

The role of macrophages has been studied in in vitro cytolytic T lymphocytes- (CTL) mediated responses directed against the FMR cell-surface antigens induced by C type viruses. Macrophages, defined as Thy 1.2-negative, Ia-positive, adherent, phagocytic, radioresistant cells present in the spleen and the peritoneal cavity, are required to obtain primary in vitro anti-FMR responses. In most of our experiments they were not necessary in secondary reactions. In primary responses, macrophages and responder T cells must be compatible at least at the I region of the major histocompatibility complex. Anti-Ia antibodies inhibit the response. A rat soluble factor (Interleukin 2) can replace macrophages in primary anti-FMR CTL-mediated reactions. These results suggest that macrophages function during primary anti-FMR response by interacting with a helper T cell rather than with CTL precursors. In agreement with this hypothesis, it appears that the H-2 restriction of F1 hybrid anti-FMR CTL generated in vitro in primary reaction is not related to the H-2 specificities of the parental macrophages used and depends only on the H-2 antigens of the stimulating tumor cells.  相似文献   

Human cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) clones directed against herpes simplex virus (HSV)-infected cells were generated after stimulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) with HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV type 2 (HSV-2). These CTL clones were studied with regard to HSV type specificity and with regard to whether they also express helper cell activity. Some clones, generated after stimulation with HSV-1, were cytotoxic for autologous cells infected with either HSV-1 or HSV-2 ("HSV type common clones"), whereas other clones lysed HSV-1-infected cells only ("type-specific clones"). Similarly, after HSV-2 stimulation, both HSV-2 specific and HSV type common clones were obtained, indicating the heterogeneity of human cytotoxic T cells to HSV. All CTL clones tested were found to be bifunctional in that they also proliferated in response to stimulation with HSV. The HSV type specificity of the proliferative response was identical to that of the cytotoxic activity of the clones. An HSV type common clone, when stimulated with either HSV-1 or HSV-2, and an HSV-1 specific clone, when stimulated with HSV-1 but not with HSV-2, produced a factor, presumably interleukin 2 (IL 2), which induced proliferation of CTLL, an IL 2-dependent T cell line, providing evidence that our HSV-directed CTL clones also express helper cell activity. CTL clones that we previously reported were restricted in cytotoxic activity by HLA class II DR-1 or MB-1 antigens were found, in this study, to be restricted in proliferative response to HSV by these same HLA antigens. These results suggest that our bifunctional T cell clones directed against HSV may recognize the same viral antigenic determinants and the same HLA antigens for both cytotoxic and virus-induced proliferative activities. This is the first demonstration of human HSV type specific and HSV type common T cell clones and HSV specific T cell clones with both cytotoxic and helper cell activities.  相似文献   

The autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR) in mice measures the proliferative response of T cells to determinants on syngeneic non-T spleen cells. Normally, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are not generated in this reaction. However, the addition of trinitrophenyl-modified mitomycin C-treated syngeneic T cells (TNP-Tm) to the AMLR results in the generation of TNP-specific CTL but does not alter the proliferative response. Significant cytotoxic activity is not detectable against TNP in association with Ia unless TNP is present on cells bearing those determinants. Thus, if unselected spleen cells are TNP-modified and used as stimulators in the AMLR, the proliferative response is enhanced and CTL are generated that recognize TNP in association with K, D, and I region-encoded determinants. The CTL generated in the AMLR are H-2 restricted and dependent on the presence of adherent cells in the sensitization cultures. The experiments presented here suggest that the AMLR can provide the help necessary for generating cytotoxic T cells in vitro.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of memory and cytotoxic murine T cells against syngeneic haptne N equals[N-(3-nitro-4-hydroxy-5-iodophenyl-acetyl)-Beta-alanylglycylglycyl] associated antigen. Memory activity in this system had the following characteristics. a) In vitro challenged cells primed in vivo resulted in an augmented cytotoxic response compared to cells primed in vitro. b) The augmented cytotoxic response in vitro was antigen-specific for both target cells in the lytic reaction and stimulator cells in the secondary response. c) Memory activity was long lasting (at least 2 months). d) Memory cells were not cytotoxic. e) Memory activity as well as the cytotoxic cells generated in a secondary response in vitro were T cell dependent, These findings are consistent with the results of others who have investigated T cell dependent memory in other cell-mediated reactions.  相似文献   

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