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The interaction between HIV-1 Nef and the Src kinase Hck in macrophages has been shown to accelerate the progression to AIDS. We previously showed that Nef disturbed the N-glycosylation/trafficking of Fms, a cytokine receptor essential for maintaining macrophages in an anti-inflammatory state, in an Hck-dependent manner. Here, we show the underlying molecular mechanism of this effect. Using various Hck isoforms and their mutants and Golgi-targeting Hck mutants, we confirmed that Hck activation at the Golgi causes the Nef-induced Fms N-glycosylation defect. Importantly, we found that both the co-expression of Nef and Hck and the expression of a Golgi-targeted active Hck mutant caused alterations in the distribution of GM130, a Golgi protein that was shown to be required for efficient protein glycosylation. Moreover, the activation of Hck at the Golgi caused strong serine phosphorylation of the GM130-interacting Golgi structural protein GRASP65, which is known to induce Golgi cisternal unstacking. Using pharmacological inhibitors, we also found that the activation of Hck at the Golgi followed by the activation of the MAP kinase ERK-GRASP65 cascade is involved in the Fms N-glycosylation defect. These results suggest that Nef perturbs the structure and signaling of the Golgi by activating Hck at the Golgi, and thereby, induces the N-glycosylation/trafficking defect of Fms, which is in line with the idea that Src family kinases are crucial Golgi regulators.  相似文献   

Src family protein-tyrosine kinases are regulated by intramolecular binding of the SH2 domain to the C-terminal tail and association of the SH3 domain with the SH2 kinase-linker. The presence of two regulatory interactions raises the question of whether disruption of both is required for kinase activation. To address this question, we engineered a high affinity linker (HAL) mutant of the Src family member Hck in which an optimal SH3 ligand was substituted for the natural linker. Surface plasmon resonance analysis demonstrated tight intramolecular binding of the modified HAL sequence to SH3. Hck-HAL was then combined with a tail tyrosine mutation (Y501F) and expressed in Rat-2 fibroblasts. Surprisingly, Hck-HAL-Y501F showed strong transforming and kinase activities, demonstrating that intramolecular SH3-linker release is not required for SH2-based kinase activation. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which lacks the negative regulatory tail kinase Csk, wild-type Hck was more strongly activated in the presence of an SH3-binding protein (human immunodeficiency virus-1 Nef), indicating persistence of native SH3-linker interaction in an active Hck conformation. Taken together, these data support the existence of multiple active conformations of Src family kinases that may generate unique downstream signals.  相似文献   

Banavali NK  Roux B 《Proteins》2007,67(4):1096-1112
Src kinase activity is implicated in the regulation of downstream signal transduction pathways involved in cell growth processes. Crystallographic studies indicate that activation of Hematopoietic cell kinase (Hck), a member of the Src kinase family, is accompanied structurally by a large conformational change in two specific parts of its catalytic domain: the alpha-C helix and the activation loop. In the present study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used to characterize the transformation pathway from the inactive to the active state. Four different conditions are considered: the presence or absence of Tyr416 phosphorylation in the activation loop, and the presence or absence of substrate ATP-2Mg(+2) in the active site. Effective free energy landscapes for local residues are determined using a combination of restrained MD simulations with a Root Mean Square Distance (RMSD) biasing potential to enforce the change followed by free MD simulations to allow relaxation from artificially enforced intermediates. A conceptual subdivision of the kinase catalytic domain into four moving parts: the flexible activation loop segment, the buried activation loop segment, the alpha-C helix, and the N-terminal end linker, leads to a concise hypothesis in which each of the moving parts are only required to be coupled to their nearest neighbor to ensure bidirectional allostery in the regulation of protein tyrosine kinases. Both Tyr416 phosphorylation and ATP-2Mg(+2) affect the local backbone torsional free energy landscapes accompanying the structural transition. When these two factors are present together, a metastable coordinated state of ATP-2Mg(+2) and the phosphorylated Tyr416 is observed that offers a possible explanation for the inhibition of protein kinase activity due to increase in Mg(+2) ion concentration.  相似文献   

Nef is an HIV-1 virulence factor that promotes viral pathogenicity by altering host cell signaling pathways. Nef binds several members of the Src kinase family, and these interactions have been implicated in the pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS. However, the direct effect of Nef interaction on Src family kinase (SFK) regulation and activity has not been systematically addressed. We explored this issue using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a well defined model system for the study of SFK regulation. Previous studies have shown that ectopic expression of c-Src arrests yeast cell growth in a kinase-dependent manner. We expressed Fgr, Fyn, Hck, Lck, Lyn, and Yes as well as c-Src in yeast and found that each kinase was active and induced growth suppression. Co-expression of the negative regulatory kinase Csk suppressed SFK activity and reversed the growth-inhibitory effect. We then co-expressed each SFK with HIV-1 Nef in the presence of Csk. Nef strongly activated Hck, Lyn, and c-Src but did not detectably affect Fgr, Fyn, Lck, or Yes. Mutagenesis of the Nef PXXP motif essential for SH3 domain binding greatly reduced the effect of Nef on Hck, Lyn, and c-Src, suggesting that Nef activates these Src family members through allosteric displacement of intramolecular SH3-linker interactions. These data show that Nef selectively activates Hck, Lyn, and c-Src among SFKs, identifying these kinases as proximal effectors of Nef signaling and potential targets for anti-HIV drug discovery.  相似文献   

alpha-Synuclein (alpha-Syn) is implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease, genetically through missense mutations linked to early onset disease and pathologically through its presence in Lewy bodies. alpha-Syn is phosphorylated on serine residues; however, tyrosine phosphorylation of alpha-Syn has not been established (, ). A comparison of the protein sequence between Synuclein family members revealed that all four tyrosine residues of alpha-Syn are conserved in all orthologs and beta-Syn paralogs described to date, suggesting that these residues may be of functional importance (). For this reason, experiments were performed to determine whether alpha-Syn could be phosphorylated on tyrosine residue(s) in human cells. Indeed, alpha-Syn is phosphorylated within 2 min of pervanadate treatment in alpha-Syn-transfected cells. Tyrosine phosphorylation occurs primarily on tyrosine 125 and was inhibited by PP2, a selective inhibitor of Src protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) family members at concentrations consistent with inhibition of Src function (). Finally, we demonstrate that alpha-Syn can be phosphorylated directly both in cotransfection experiments using c-Src and Fyn expression vectors and in in vitro kinase assays with purified kinases. These data suggest that alpha-Syn can be a target for phosphorylation by the Src family of PTKs.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic cell kinase (Hck) is a member of the Src-family of protein tyrosine kinases. We have found that upon enzymatic activation of Hck by the heavy metal mercuric chloride, there was a rapid increase in the levels of tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins including the proto-oncogene p120(Cbl). Fibroblasts that are transformed with an activated allele of Hck exhibit constitutive Cbl phosphorylation. Upon Fcgamma receptor activation, a more physiologically relevant extracellular signal, Cbl is tyrosine phosphorylated and the Src-family selective inhibitor, PP1, can prevent this phosphorylation on Cbl. Hck phosphorylates Cbl in vitro and the interaction between Cbl and Hck is direct, requiring Hck's unique, SH3 and SH2 domains for optimal binding. Using a novel estrogen-regulated chimera of Hck we have shown a hormone-dependent association between Hck and Cbl in murine fibroblasts. This work suggests that Cbl serves as a key mediator of Hck induced signalling in hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

The Nef protein of the primate lentiviruses human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is essential for high-titer viral replication and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) progression. Nef binds to the macrophage-specific Src family member Hck through its SH3 domain, resulting in constitutive kinase activation capable of transforming rodent fibroblasts. Nef-Hck interaction may be essential for M-tropic HIV replication and AIDS pathogenesis, identifying this virus-host protein complex as a rational target for anti-HIV drug discovery. Here, we investigated whether interaction with Hck is a common feature of Nef alleles from different strains of HIV-1. We compared the ability of four different laboratory HIV-1 Nef alleles (SF2, LAI, ELI, and Consensus) to induce Hck activation and transformation in our Rat-2 fibroblast model. While SF2, LAI, and Consensus Nef all bound and activated Hck, ELI Nef failed to bind to the Hck SH3 domain in vitro and did not cooperate with Hck in fibroblast transformation. Molecular modeling identified three residues in the core region of SF2 Nef (Ala83, His116, and Tyr120) which are substituted in ELI with Glu, Asn, and Ile, respectively. Two of these residues (Ala83 and Tyr120) form part of the hydrophobic pocket that contacts Ile 96 in the RT loop of the Hck SH3 domain in the Nef-SH3 crystal structure. Substitution of SF2 Nef Tyr120 with Ile completely abolished Hck recruitment and activation. In a complementary experiment, substitution of ELI Ile120 with Tyr partly restored ELI Nef-induced Hck activation and transformation in Rat-2 cells. Hck activation increased further by substitution of ELI Glu83 with Ala and Asn116 with His, suggestive of a supportive role for these residues in Hck binding. This study provides the first biological evidence that the HIV-1 Nef hydrophobic pocket is critical to Hck recruitment and activation in vivo. Targeting the Nef hydrophobic pocket with a small molecule may be sufficient to disrupt Nef signaling through Hck in HIV-infected macrophages, slowing disease progression.  相似文献   

The virus infectivity factor (Vif) protein facilitates the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in primary lymphocytes and macrophages. Its action is strongly dependent on the cellular environment, and it has been proposed that the Vif protein counteracts cellular activities that would otherwise limit HIV-1 replication. Using a glutathione S-transferase pull-down assay, we identified that Vif binds specifically to the Src homology 3 domain of Hck, a tyrosine kinase from the Src family. The interaction between Vif and the full-length Hck was further assessed by co-precipitation assays in vitro and in human cells. The Vif protein repressed the kinase activity of Hck and was not itself a substrate for Hck phosphorylation. Within one single replication cycle of HIV-1, Hck was able to inhibit the production and the infectivity of vif-deleted virus but not that of wild-type virus. Accordingly, HIV-1 vif- replication was delayed in Jurkat T cell clones stably expressing Hck. Our data demonstrate that Hck controls negatively HIV-1 replication and that this inhibition is suppressed by the expression of Vif. Hck, which is present in monocyte-macrophage cells, represents the first identified cellular inhibitor of HIV-1 replication overcome by Vif.  相似文献   

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is characterized by multiple genetic alterations that include inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein (Rb), the establishment of several autocrine loops including that induced by coexpression of stem cell factor (SCF) and Kit, and the ectopic expression and activation of Src family kinases. Previous studies have shown that Lck associates with, and becomes activated by, Kit after SCF stimulation of SCLC cells. In the present study, we have demonstrated that PP1, a pharmacological inhibitor of Src kinases, blocked SCF-mediated activation of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, but it also inhibited Kit activation. However, MAP kinase activation was more sensitive than Kit activation to the effects of PP1. Overexpression of Lck reduced the sensitivity of MAP kinase activation to PP1 without altering the sensitivity of Kit activation, which suggested a role for Lck in SCF-mediated MAP kinase activation. Inducible expression of a dominant negative Lck inhibited MAP kinase activation in a dose-dependent manner, which confirmed that Src family kinase activity is required for SCF-induced MAP kinase activation. The growth of cells that expressed dominant negative Lck was unaffected, however, despite the inhibition of MAP kinase. Growth was also unaffected by the inhibition of the MAP kinase pathway using PD 98059, but sensitivity to the MAP/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase inhibitor could be partially restored by expression of wild-type Rb. Therefore, MAP kinase activation seems to be dispensable for the growth of SCLC only in the absence of Rb expression. These data suggest that the SCF/Kit autocrine loop, through activation of Lck and subsequently MAP kinase, and the mutational inactivation of Rb contribute to the loss of G1-S phase checkpoint regulation during the pathogenesis of SCLC. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that, in established SCLC cell lines, proliferative signal transduction initiated by Kit is mediated by pathways other than the classic MAP kinase pathway.  相似文献   

There are two developmentally regulated alternatively spliced forms of Disabled-1 (Dab1) in the chick retina: an early form (Dab1-E) expressed in retinal precursor cells and a late form (Dab1-L) expressed in neuronal cells. The main difference between these two isoforms is the absence of two Src family kinase (SFK) recognition sites in Dab1-E. Both forms retain two Abl/Crk/Nck recognition sites implicated in the recruitment of SH2 domain-containing signaling proteins. One of the Dab1-L-specific SFK recognition sites, at tyrosine(Y)-198, has been shown to be phosphorylated in Reelin-stimulated neurons. Here, we use Reelin-expressing primary retinal cultures to investigate the role of the four Dab1 tyrosine phosphorylation sites on overall tyrosine phosphorylation, Dab1 phosphorylation, SFK activation and neurite formation. We show that Y198 is essential but not sufficient for maximal Dab1 phosphorylation, SFK activation and neurite formation, with Y232 and Y220 playing particularly important roles in SFK activation and neuritogenesis, and Y185 having modifying effects secondary to Y232 and Y220. Our data support a role for all four Dab1 tyrosine phosphorylation sites in mediating the spectrum of activities associated with Reelin-Dab1 signaling in neurons.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Nef accelerates the progression to AIDS by binding with and activating a Src kinase Hck, but underlying molecular basis is not understood. We revealed that Nef disturbed N-glycosylation/trafficking of a cytokine receptor Fms in an Hck-dependent manner, a possible trigger to worsen uncontrolled immune system. Here, we provide direct evidence that dys-regulated activation of Hck pre-localized to the Golgi apparatus causes this Fms maturation arrest. A striking change in Hck induced by Nef other than activation was its skewed localization to the Golgi due to predominant Golgi-localization of Nef. Studies with different Nef alleles and their mutants showed a clear correlation among higher Nef-Hck affinity, stronger Hck activation, severe Golgi-localization of Hck and severe Fms maturation arrest. Studies with a newly discovered Nef-Hck binding blocker 2c more clearly showed that skewed Golgi-localization of active Hck was indeed the cause of Fms maturation arrest. 2c blocked Nef-induced skewed Golgi-localization of an active form of Hck (Hck-P2A) and Fms maturation arrest by Nef/Hck-P2A, but showed no inhibition on Hck-P2A kinase activity. Our finding establishes an intriguing link between the pathogenesis of Nef and a newly emerging concept that the Golgi-localized Src kinases regulate the Golgi function. J. Cell. Physiol. 221: 458–468, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The bacterial product LPS is a critical stimulus for the host immune system in the response against the corresponding bacterial infection. LPS provides an activation stimulus for macrophages and a maturation signal for dendritic cells to set up innate and adaptive immune responses, respectively. The signaling cascade of myeloid differentiation factor 88-->IL-1R-associated kinase (IRAK)-->TNFR-associated factor 6 has been implicated in mediating LPS signaling. In this report, we studied the function of IRAK-4 in various LPS-induced signals. We found that IRAK-4-deficient cells were severely impaired in producing some IFN-regulated genes as well as inflammatory cytokines in response to LPS. Among the critical downstream signaling pathways induced by LPS, NF-kappaB activation but not IFN regulatory factor 3 or STAT1 activation was defective in cells lacking IRAK-4. IRAK-4 was also required for the proper maturation of dendritic cells by LPS stimulation, particularly in terms of cytokine production and the ability to stimulate Th cell differentiation. Our results demonstrate that IRAK-4 is critical for the LPS-induced activations of APCs.  相似文献   

Mast cells are critical for various allergic disorders. Mast cells express Src family kinases, which relay positive and negative regulatory signals by Ag. Lyn, for example, initiates activating signaling events, but it also induces inhibitory signals. Fyn and Hck are reported to be positive regulators, but little is known about the roles of other Src kinases, including Fgr, in mast cells. In this study, we define the role of Fgr. Endogenous Fgr associates with FcεRI and promotes phosphorylation of Syk, Syk substrates, which include linkers for activation of T cells, SLP76, and Gab2, and downstream targets such as Akt and the MAPKs in Ag-stimulated mast cells. As a consequence, Fgr positively regulates degranulation, production of eicosanoids, and cytokines. Fgr and Fyn appeared to act in concert, as phosphorylation of Syk and degranulation are enhanced by overexpression of Fgr and further augmented by overexpression of Fyn but are suppressed by overexpression of Lyn. Moreover, knockdown of Fgr by small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) further suppressed degranulation in Fyn-deficient bone marrow-derived mast cells. Overexpression of Fyn or Fgr restored phosphorylation of Syk and partially restored degranulation in Fyn-deficient cells. Additionally, knockdown of Fgr by siRNAs inhibited association of Syk with FcεRIγ as well as the tyrosine phosphorylation of FcεRIγ. Of note, the injection of Fgr siRNAs diminished the protein level of Fgr in mice and simultaneously inhibited IgE-mediated anaphylaxis. In conclusion, Fgr positively regulates mast cell through activation of Syk. These findings help clarify the interplay among Src family kinases and identify Fgr as a potential therapeutic target for allergic diseases.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether peptide-MHC class II (pMHC) complexes on distinct types of APCs differ in their capacity to trigger TCRs. In this study, we show that individual cognate pMHC complexes displayed by dendritic cells (DCs), as compared with nonprofessional APCs, are far better in productively triggering Ag-specific TCRs independently of conventional costimulation. As we further show, this is accomplished by the unique ability of DCs to robustly activate the Src family kinases (SFKs) Lck and Fyn in T cells even in the absence of cognate peptide. Instead, this form of SFK activation depends on interactions of DC-displayed MHC with TCRs of appropriate restriction, suggesting a central role of self-pMHC recognition. DC-mediated SFK activation leads to "TCR licensing," a process that dramatically increases sensitivity and magnitude of the TCR response to cognate pMHC. Thus, TCR licensing, besides costimulation, is a main mechanism of DCs to present Ag effectively.  相似文献   

Betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase (BHMT) is a member of a family (Pfam 02574) of zinc- and thiol/selenol-dependent methyltransferases. All family members purified to date are monomers, except BHMT, which is an oligomer. We have studied how C-terminal truncation or mutagenic replacement of residues within or associated with the unique dimerization arm of this enzyme affects oligomerization and function. Two C-terminal truncation mutants, S325 and D371, do not express well in Escherichia coli and are inactive. Residues within the dimerization arm (H338, R346, W352, R361, P362, Y363, N364, and P365) and one that forms a hydrogen bond to the arm (E266) were changed to alanine. All mutants maintained a normal or near-normal ability to bind zinc. E266A, R361A, P362A, Y363A, N364A, and P365A displayed near-normal catalytic activity, but H338A had only 10% of the wild-type enzyme activity. Like the wild-type enzyme, most mutants eluted as tetramers from gel filtration columns and formed discrete bands on SDS-PAGE gels following glutaraldehyde crosslinking. Mutants R346A and W352A had negligible activity, eluted as dimers, and displayed aberrant crosslinking properties. These data indicate that unlike other Pfam 02574 members, oligomerization of BHMT is required for function.  相似文献   

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