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V S Orlov  G N Bogdanov 《Antibiotiki》1984,29(10):748-751
The quantum-chemical estimation of the highest occupied molecular orbital energy for the aglycons of carminomycin, rubomycin, adriamycin and aclacinomycin A in the neutral and ionized states was performed with a semiempirical method. It was shown that the aglycon ionization amplified the electron donor properties of the antibiotics. On the basis of the difference in the absorption spectra of the neutral and ionized chromophores their ionization constants were determined spectrophotometrically. For comparison of the electron donor properties of the anthracyclines at the physiological pH value the reaction of their oxidation with potassium ferricyanide accompanied by decoloration of the solutions was studied. On the basis of the quantum-chemical and experimental data it was concluded that the electron donor properties amplified as follows: aclacinomycin A less than adriamycin-rubomycin less than carminomycin. At the same time their acute toxicity increased (a decrease in the LD50). Therefore, the toxicity of the anthracycline antibiotics could be also due to formation of the radicals with high reactivity on the monoelectronic oxidation.  相似文献   

Release of iron from ferritin by cardiotoxic anthracycline antibiotics   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The use of the extremely effective anthracycline antitumor drugs adriamycin and daunomycin is limited by a severe, dose-dependent cardiomyopathy. Anthracycline-induced toxicity has been proposed to involve iron-dependent oxidative damage to biological macromolecules yet little is known regarding the availability of physiologic iron. We now report that, in the presence of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase, these drugs undergo redox cycling to generate superoxide which mediates a slow, reductive release of iron from ferritin, the major intracellular iron storage protein. Anaerobically, the semiquinone free radical forms of adriamycin and daunomycin catalyze a very rapid, extensive release of iron from ferritin. In contrast, diaziquone, an aziridinyl quinone antitumorigenic agent which is less cardiotoxic, is unable to release iron from ferritin. Thus, the present studies suggest that the cardiomyopathy observed with the anthracyclines, and perhaps their antineoplastic activity as well, may be related to their ability to delocalize tissue iron, thereby contributing to the formation of strong oxidants capable of damaging critical cellular constituents.  相似文献   

The effect of anthracycline antibiotics on the activity of the partially purified and reconstituted tricarboxylate carrier system of the rat liver mitochondria was studied. It was found that the citrate/citrate exchange activity is inhibited by Br-daunomycin and with less potency by doxorubicin, daunomycin, epirubicin and idarubicin. The inhibition of the citrate transport activity is concentration and time-dependent. Cardiolipin protects against the inhibition by Br-daunomycin and the reconstituted citrate transport activity depends upon the ratio of cardiolipin/Br-daunomycin.  相似文献   

For the purpose of elucidating the biochemical mechanism of anthracycline cardiomyopathy, the interaction with actin and heavy meromyosin (HMM) was studied. HMM and acto-HMM Mg2+-ATPase reactions were inhibited by daunorubicin and adriamycin; but not significantly by aclacinomycin A. The three antibiotics induced G-actin polymerization. Difference absorption spectra showed a direct interaction of adriamycin or aclacinomycin A with actin or HMM. Equilibrium dialysis and spectrofluorometric studies indicated that actin monomer possesses one binding site for adriamycin or aclacinomycin A with the same order of association constants (1.4 – 7.2 × 104 M?1). Adriamycin exhibited significantly higher affinity for HMM than aclacinomycin A.  相似文献   

Macrocyclic peptide-based natural products have provided powerful new antibiotic drugs, drug candidates, and scaffolds for medicinal chemists as a source of inspiration to design novel antibiotics. While most of those natural products are active mainly against Gram-positive pathogens, novel macrocyclic peptide-based compounds have recently been described, which exhibit potent and specific activity against some of the most problematic Gram-negative ESKAPE pathogens. This mini-review gives an up-date on recent developments.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of antibiotics daunorubicin, carminomycin, doxorubicin and their semisynthetic analogues under conditions of the new mass spectrometry method ERIAD is discussed. Signals of protonated molecular ion (M + H)+ and ions of fragments are present in all the mass spectra. The results are compared with literary data obtained by means of other (EI and FAB MS) mass spectrometry methods.  相似文献   

At late stages of development of surface cultures streptomycetes producing anthracycline antibiotics were shown to form secondary colonies on PRIDHAM & GOTTLIEB 'S medium with xylose. Stable variants obtained from them possessed an increased biological activity (by a factor of 2–3 times) due to the accumulation of amounts of antibiotically active anthracyclines.  相似文献   

大环内酯类抗生素是一类以大环内酯为母核的广谱抗生素。近些年,由于人们对其不规范的生产和使用,抗生素污染成为了重要的环境问题。大量研究表明,微生物降解是现阶段处理抗生素污染的最理想方法。为进一步推动大环内酯类抗生素生物降解的研究,文中概述了大环内酯类抗生素的环境污染现状、微生物降解菌株、降解酶、降解途径和降解大环内酯类抗生素的微生物处理方法,并对大环内酯类抗生素生物降解亟待解决的瓶颈问题进行了讨论,以期为微生物降解后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The production of ε-pyrromycinone glycosides inStreptomyces galilaeus increased 12-fold, with respect to the wild strain, as a result of a sequential procedure including both natural selection and treatment with mutagens (nitrous acid, UV light and γ-irradiation). Nitrous acid exhibited the highest mutagenic effect, both in increasing the productivity and in inducing blocked mutants. A mutant strain blocked in the biosynthesis of glycosides and accumulating free ε-pyrromycinone as the principal metabolite was obtained.  相似文献   

14-16元环的大环内酯类抗生素(Macrolide antibiotics,MA)是临床上重要的抗感染药物.随着细菌耐药性的不断增加,迫切需要研发出新型MA来应对耐药菌.通过MA与核糖体靶点的相互作用可以指导MA的定向优化,结合快速发展的代谢工程方法可以高效获得所需的MA衍生物.近30年来,代谢工程在改造MA的生物合...  相似文献   

Spontaneous variants of the beromycin-producing strainStreptomyces glomeratus 3980 were divided into five groups (A-E) according to increasing antibiotic activity. The most active variants (group E) differed from the other types and the wild strain by a suppressed ability to produce aerial mycelium and melanoid pigment and by an increased production of propionic acid. Strains with a 12-fold higher antibiotic production capacity (with respect to strain 3980) were obtained by selection of superior segregants from submerged cultures of the E type.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin (adriamycin) is cytotoxic to cells, but the biochemical basis for this effect is unknown, although intercalation with DNA has been proposed. This study suggests that the cytotoxicity of this drug may be due to inhibition of the plasma membrane redox system, which is involved in the control of cellular growth. Concentrations between 10–6–10–7 M adriamycin inhibit plasma membrane redox reactions >50%. AD32, a form of adriamycin which does not intercalate with DNA, but is cytotoxic, also inhibits the plasma membrane redox system. Thus, the cytotoxic effects of adriamycin, which limit its use as a drug, may be based on the inhibition of a transplasma membrane dehydrogenase involved in a plasma membrane redox system.  相似文献   

The morphological and functional states of hemopoiesis at late periods (up to 6 months) after using daunorubicin, carminomycin and doxorubicin, antitumor antibiotics of the anthracycline group in doses of 1/10 LD50 for 10 days were studied on 764 noninbred rats and 240 BALB/c mice. On various compensatory-functional models of hemopoiesis strain there was shown persisting inhibition of hematopoietic tissue functional activity and limited reserve reactions of granulocyto- and erythropoiesis 3 and to a lesser extent 6 months after the cytostatic action.  相似文献   

The interaction of the anthracycline antitumor antibotics daunomycin and novatrone with the vitamin nicotinamide has been studied by one-and two-dimensional 1H NMR (500 MHz). Due to significant differences between the structures of the chromophores of interacting molecules, a two-site heteroassociation model has been developed, which implies the binding of one or several nicotinamide molecules to the chromophore of the antibiotic. The structural and thermodynamic parameters of the heteroassociation of nicotinamide with daunomycin and novatrone have been determined from the experimental concentration and temperature dependences of the 1H NMR chemical shifts of the interacting molecules. The most favorable structures of the 1:1 nicotinamide-daunomycin and nicotinamide-novatrone heterocomplexes have been found using the molecular mechanics method (X-PLOR software) and analysis of induced proton chemical shifts. The results demonstrate that two nicotinamide molecules cannot simultaneously bind on one side of the chromophore of the daunomycin or novatrone. The 1:1 heterocomplexes of the vitamin with the antibiotics are mainly stabilized by the stacking of aromatic chromophores.  相似文献   

Anthracycline antibiotics widely used, along with their semisynthetic analogues, in human cancer chemotherapy, are O-glycosides having as aglycon 7,8,9,10-tetrahydronaphtacenequinone-5,10-with some hydroxy groups, a side chain at C-9 and sugar(s) residues, usually at C-7. The review includes the most important studies on the chemical modification of the aglycon moiety of daunorubicin, doxorubicin and carminomycin during last ten years. Activity of the compounds on experimental tumours is described and their structure-activity relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction between some chromopore-modified daunorubicin derivatives and calf thymus DNA was studied using a number of physical techniques in order to investigate the effect substituents on the aromatic ring system have on the capacity to intercalate into DNA and on the DNA binding affinity. The modifications examined include methylation of the hydroxyl groups at the 6 and 11 positions of the B ring and removal of the 11-hydroxyl group. The studies showed that only 11-deoxydaunorubicin retains the ability to bind to DNA by the intercalation mechanism typical of the parent compound, although the structural modification leads to an appreciably weaker binding. In contrast, methylation of any hydroxyl group dramatically reduces the affinity of the drug for DNA. At physiological ionic strength both methyl ether derivatives showed no evidence of intercalation. Structure activity correlations for the intercalation reaction deduced from these studies are in agreement with earlier findings and hypotheses relating to antitumour activity.  相似文献   

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