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The rpoS gene encodes the alternative sigma factor sigma(S) (RpoS) and is required for survival of bacteria under starvation and stress conditions. It is also essential for Salmonella virulence in mice. Most work on the RpoS regulon has been in the closely related enterobacterial species Escherichia coli. To characterize the RpoS regulon in Salmonella, we isolated 38 unique RpoS-activated lacZ gene fusions from a bank of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium mutants harboring random Tn5B21 mutations. Dependence on RpoS varied from 3-fold to over 95-fold, and all gene fusions isolated were regulated by growth phase. The identities of 21 RpoS-dependent fusions were determined by DNA sequence analysis. Seven of the fusions mapped to DNA regions in Salmonella serovar Typhimurium that do not match any known E. coli sequence, suggesting that the composition of the RpoS regulon differs markedly in the two species. The other 14 fusions mapped to 13 DNA regions very similar to E. coli sequences. None of the insertion mutations in DNA regions common to both species appeared to affect Salmonella virulence in BALB/c mice. Of these, only three (otsA, katE, and poxB) are located in known members of the RpoS regulon. Ten insertions mapped in nine open reading frames of unknown function (yciF, yehY, yhjY, yncC, yjgB, yahO, ygaU, ycgB, and yeaG) appear to be novel members of the RpoS regulon. One insertion, that in mutant C52::H87, was in the noncoding region upstream from ogt, encoding a O(6)-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase involved in repairing alkylation damage in DNA. The ogt coding sequence is very similar to the E. coli homolog, but the ogt 5' flanking regions were found to be markedly different in the two species, suggesting genetic rearrangements. Using primer extension assays, a specific ogt mRNA start site was detected in RNAs of the Salmonella serovar Typhimurium wild-type strains C52 and SL1344 but not in RNAs of the mutant strains C52K (rpoS), SL1344K (rpoS), and C52::H87. In mutant C52::H87, Tn5B21 is inserted at the ogt mRNA start site, with lacZ presumably transcribed from the identified RpoS-regulated promoter. These results indicate that ogt gene expression in Salmonella is regulated by RpoS in stationary phase of growth in rich medium, a finding that suggests a novel role for RpoS in DNA repair functions.  相似文献   

Two well-characterized enzymes in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Escherichia coli are able to hydrolyze N-terminal aspartyl (Asp) dipeptides: peptidase B, a broad-specificity aminopeptidase, and peptidase E, an Asp-specific dipeptidase. A serovar Typhimurium strain lacking both of these enzymes, however, can still utilize most N-terminal Asp dipeptides as sources of amino acids, and extracts of such a strain contain additional enzymatic activities able to hydrolyze Asp dipeptides. Here we report two such activities from extracts of pepB pepE mutant strains of serovar Typhimurium identified by their ability to hydrolyze Asp-Leu. Although each of these activities hydrolyzes Asp-Leu at a measurable rate, the preferred substrates for both are N-terminal isoAsp peptides. One of the activities is a previously characterized isoAsp dipeptidase from E. coli, the product of the iadA gene. The other is the product of the serovar Typhimurium homolog of E. coli ybiK, a gene of previously unknown function. This gene product is a member of the N-terminal nucleophile structural family of amidohydrolases. Like most other members of this family, the mature enzyme is generated from a precursor protein by proteolytic cleavage and the active enzyme is a heterotetramer. Based on its ability to hydrolyze an N-terminal isoAsp tripeptide as well as isoAsp dipeptides, the enzyme appears to be an isoAsp aminopeptidase, and we propose that the gene encoding it be designated iaaA (isoAsp aminopeptidase). A strain lacking both IadA and IaaA in addition to peptidase B and peptidase E has been constructed. This strain utilizes Asp-Leu as a leucine source, and extracts of this strain contain at least one additional, as-yet-uncharacterized, peptidase able to cleave Asp dipeptides.  相似文献   

Long-term survival under limited growth conditions presents bacterial populations with unique environmental challenges. The existence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium cultures undisturbed in sealed nutrient agar stab vials for 34 to 45 years offered a unique opportunity to examine genetic variability under natural conditions. We have initiated a study of genetic changes in these archival cultures. We chose to start with examination of the rpoS gene since, among gram-negative bacteria, many genes needed for survival are regulated by RpoS, the stationary-phase sigma factor. In each of 27 vials examined, cells had the rpoS start codon UUG instead of the expected AUG of Salmonella and Escherichia coli strains recorded in GenBank. Ten of the 27 had additional mutations in the rpoS gene compared with the X77752 wild-type strain currently recorded in GenBank. The rpoS mutations in the 10 strains included two deletions as well as point mutations that altered amino acid sequences substantially. Since these stored strains were derived from ancestral cells inoculated decades ago and remained undisturbed, it is assumed that the 10 rpoS mutations occurred during storage. Since the remaining 17 sequences were wild type (other than in the start codon), it is obvious that rpoS remained relatively stable during decades of sealed storage.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the long-term survival of and morphological changes in Salmonella strains at low water activity (a(w)). Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis PT4 and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium DT104 survived at low a(w) for long periods, but minimum humectant concentrations of 8% NaCl (a(w), 0. 95), 96% sucrose (a(w), 0.94), and 32% glycerol (a(w), 0.92) were bactericidal under most conditions. Salmonella rpoS mutants were usually more sensitive to bactericidal levels of NaCl, sucrose, and glycerol. At a lethal a(w), incubation at 37 degrees C resulted in more rapid loss of viability than incubation at 21 degrees C. At a(w) values of 0.93 to 0.98, strains of S. enterica serovar Enteritidis and S. enterica serovar Typhimurium formed filaments, some of which were at least 200 microm long. Filamentation was independent of rpoS expression. When the preparations were returned to high-a(w) conditions, the filaments formed septa, and division was complete within approximately 2 to 3 h. The variable survival of Salmonella strains at low a(w) highlights the importance of strain choice when researchers produce modelling data to simulate worst-case scenarios or conduct risk assessments based on laboratory data. The continued increase in Salmonella biomass at low a(w) (without a concomitant increase in microbial count) would not have been detected by traditional microbiological enumeration tests if the tests had been performed immediately after low-a(w) storage. If Salmonella strains form filaments in food products that have low a(w) values (0.92 to 0.98), there are significant implications for public health and for designing methods for microbiological monitoring.  相似文献   

The DNA adenine methylase of Salmonella typhimurium methylates adenine at GATC sequences. Strains deficient in this methylase are not well transformed by methylated plasmids, but unmethylated plasmids transform them at high frequencies. Hemimethylated daughter molecules accumulate after the transformation of dam(-) strains with fully methylated plasmids, suggesting that hemimethylation prevents DNA replication. It will also be shown that plasmids isolated from dam(-) bacteria are hemimethylated by restriction enzyme digestion. These results may explain why newly formed daughter molecules are not substrates for immediate reinitiation of DNA replication in dam(-) bacteria.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica consists of over 2,000 serovars that are major causes of morbidity and mortality associated with contaminated food. Despite similarities among serovars of Salmonella enterica, many demonstrate unique host specificities, epidemiological characteristics, and clinical manifestations. One of the unique epidemiological characteristics of the serovar Enteritidis is that it is the only bacterium routinely transmitted to humans through intact chicken eggs. Therefore, Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis must be able to persist inside chicken eggs to be transmitted to humans, and its survival in egg is important for its transmission to the human population. The ability of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis to survive in and transmit through eggs may have contributed to its drastically increased prevalence in the 1980s and 1990s. In the present study, using transposon-mediated mutagenesis, we have identified genes important for the association of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis with chicken eggs. Our results indicate that genes involved in cell wall structural and functional integrity, and nucleic acid and amino acid metabolism are important for Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis to persist in egg albumen. Two regions unique to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis were also identified, one of which enhanced the survival of a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium isolate in egg albumen. The implication of our results to the serovar specificity of Salmonella enterica is also explored in the present study.  相似文献   

Since the stomach is a first line of defense for the host against ingested microorganisms, an ex vivo swine stomach contents (SSC) assay was developed to search for genes important for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium survival in the hostile gastric environment. Initial characterization of the SSC assay (pH 3.87) using previously identified, acid-sensitive serovar Typhimurium mutants revealed a 10-fold decrease in survival for a phoP mutant following 20 min of challenge and no survival for mutants of rpoS or fur. To identify additional genes, a signature-tagged mutagenesis bank was constructed and screened in the SSC assay. Nineteen mutants were identified and individually analyzed in the SSC and acid tolerance response assays; 13 mutants exhibited a 10-fold or greater sensitivity in the SSC assay compared to the wild-type strain, but only 3 mutants displayed a 10-fold or greater decrease in survival following pH 3.0 acidic challenge. Further examination determined that the lethal effects of the SSC are pH dependent but that low pH is not the sole killing mechanism(s). Gas chromatography analysis of the SSC revealed lactic acid levels of 126 mM. Upon investigating the effects of lactic acid on serovar Typhimurium survival in a synthetic gastric fluid, not only was a concentration- and time-dependent lethal effect observed, but the phoP, rpoS, fur, and pnp genes were identified as involved in protection against lactic acid exposure. These studies indicate a role in gastric survival for several serovar Typhimurium genes and imply that the stomach environment is defined by more than low pH.  相似文献   

Epidemic strain Salmonella typhimurium DT104 is characterized by various multiresistance patterns. At least some of the resistance genes are organized as integrons. Resistance genes of DT104 isolates can be efficiently transduced by P22-like phage ES18 and by phage PDT17 which is released by all DT104 isolates so far analyzed. Cotransduction tests demonstrate that the resistance genes, although not organized in a unique integron, are tightly clustered on the Salmonella chromosome. The spread of resistance genes in this strain by generalized transduction is discussed.  相似文献   

Shin H  Lee JH  Lim JA  Kim H  Ryu S 《Journal of virology》2012,86(2):1284-1285
To understand the interaction between the host of pathogenic Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and its bacteriophage, we isolated the bacteriophage SPN1S. It is a lysogenic phage in the Podoviridae family and uses the O-antigen of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) as a host receptor. Comparative genomic analysis of phage SPN1S and the S. enterica serovar Anatum-specific phage ε15 revealed different host specificities, probably due to the low homology of host specificity-related genes. Here we report the complete circular genome sequence of S. Typhimurium-specific bacteriophage SPN1S and show the results of our analysis.  相似文献   

To document genomic changes during long periods of storage, we analyzed Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT7, a mutator strain that was previously reported to have higher rates of mutations compared to other serovar Typhimurium strains such as LT2. Upon plating directly from sealed agar stabs that had been stocked at room temperature for up to four decades, many auxotrophic mutants derived from LT7 gave rise to colonies of different sizes. Restreaking from single colonies consistently yielded colonies of diverse sizes even when we repeated single-colony isolation nine times. Colonies from the first plating had diverse genomic changes among and even within individual vials, including translocations, inversions, duplications, and point mutations, which were detected by rare-cutting endonuclease analysis with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Interestingly, even though the colony size kept diversifying, all descendents of the same single colonies from the first plating had the same sets of detected genomic changes. We did not detect any colony size or genome structure diversification in serovar Typhimurium LT7 stocked at -70 degrees C or in serovar Typhimurium LT2 stocked either at -70 degrees C or at room temperature. These results suggest that, although colony size diversification occurred during rapid growth, all detected genomic changes took place during the storage at room temperature and were carried over to their descendents without further changes during rapid growth in rich medium. We constructed a genomic cleavage map on the LT7 strain that had been stocked at -70 degrees C and located all of the detected genomic changes on the map. We speculated on the significance of mutators for survival and evolution under environmentally stressed conditions.  相似文献   

Tolerance to acidic environments is an important property of free-living and pathogenic enteric bacteria. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium possesses two general forms of inducible acid tolerance. One is evident in exponentially growing cells exposed to a sudden acid shock. The other is induced when stationary-phase cells are subjected to a similar shock. These log-phase and stationary-phase acid tolerance responses (ATRs) are distinct in that genes identified as participating in log-phase ATR have little to no effect on the stationary-phase ATR (I. S. Lee, J. L. Slouczewski, and J. W. Foster, J. Bacteriol. 176:1422-1426, 1994). An insertion mutagenesis strategy designed to reveal genes associated with acid-inducible stationary-phase acid tolerance (stationary-phase ATR) yielded two insertions in the response regulator gene ompR. The ompR mutants were defective in stationary-phase ATR but not log-phase ATR. EnvZ, the known cognate sensor kinase, and the porin genes known to be controlled by OmpR, ompC and ompF, were not required for stationary-phase ATR. However, the alternate phosphodonor acetyl phosphate appears to play a crucial role in OmpR-mediated stationary-phase ATR and in the OmpR-dependent acid induction of ompC. This conclusion was based on finding that a mutant form of OmpR, which is active even though it cannot be phosphorylated, was able to suppress the acid-sensitive phenotype of an ack pta mutant lacking acetyl phosphate. The data also revealed that acid shock increases the level of ompR message and protein in stationary-phase cells. Thus, it appears that acid shock induces the production of OmpR, which in its phosphorylated state can trigger expression of genes needed for acid-induced stationary-phase acid tolerance.  相似文献   

Three flagellar proteins, FliG, FliM, and FliN (FliGMN), are the components of the C ring of the flagellar motor. The genes encoding these proteins are multifunctional; they show three different phenotypes (Fla(-), Mot(-), and Che(-)), depending on the sites and types of mutations. Some of the Mot(-) mutants previously characterized are found to be motile. Reexamination of all Mot(-) mutants in fliGMN genes so far studied revealed that many of them are actually temperature sensitive (TS); that is, they are motile at 20 degrees C but nonmotile at 37 degrees C. There were two types of TS mutants: one caused a loss of function that was not reversed by a return to the permissive temperature (rigid TS), and the other caused a loss that was reversed (hyper-TS). The rigid TS mutants showed an all-or-none phenotype; that is, once a structure was formed, the structure and function were stable against temperature shifts. All of fliM and fliN and most of the fliG TS mutants belong to this group. On the other hand, the hyper-TS mutants (three of the fliG mutants) showed a temporal swimming/stop phenotype, responding to temporal temperature shifts when the structure was formed at a permissive temperature. Those hyper-TS mutation sites are localized in the C-terminal domain of the FliG molecules at sites that are different from the previously proposed functional sites. We discuss a role for this new region of FliG in the torque generation of the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

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