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余淑娟  耿晶  陈兰芬 《遗传》2017,39(7):650-658
Hippo信号通路最初是在果蝇(Drosophila)中被发现的,是在进化上高度保守并能调控器官大小的信号转导通路。在哺乳动物多种组织器官中,Hippo信号通路的关键激酶MST1和MST2(果蝇Hippo激酶的同源分子)通过抑制下游的转录共激活分子YAP(果蝇中为Yorki)的活性来实现对细胞增殖和凋亡的调控。在这些组织器官中条件性敲除Mst1Mst2或过表达Yap大都会造成细胞过度增殖或肿瘤的发生。近年来,随着研究的不断深入,Hippo信号通路不依赖于YAP的非经典功能也逐渐被发现。其中,Hippo信号通路多个成员在免疫系统中的调控功能逐渐成为该领域的研究热点,特别是在免疫细胞发育分化、机体自身免疫性疾病及应对病毒和细菌入侵等过程中所发挥的调控作用。本文重点阐述了Hippo信号通路在T淋巴细胞中发育、分化、活化和迁移等方面及在部分天然免疫细胞抗感染过程中的功能和调控。  相似文献   

本文用细胞免疫化学方法,在冰冻切片上,检测了胎儿不同组织和器官内带γδ和αβ受体的T细胞(TCR)的分布,结果发现TCR细胞的分布与,般T细胞不同,有相对固定的分布区,如胸腺内TCR细胞主要分布在皮筋质交界处和髓质部;脾脏内的γδT主要位于边缘区,而αβT主要位于动脉周围淋巴鞘,在红髓和血窦两种细胞共存;淋巴结内只有少数TCR细胞位于滤泡间或副皮质,滤泡内则未见。消化管内的TCR细胞主要分布在小肠的固有膜,而胃、大肠和阑尾的固有膜内很少见;肝内TCR细胞主要集中在血管和血窦周围;皮肤切片内的少数TCR细胞见于真皮内,表皮基底层细胞内未见。这些细胞在胎儿期的免疫皮应及其生理功能还不清楚。  相似文献   

CD28是协同TCR诱导T细胞产生高水平IL-2,促进T细胞生存及防止T细胞凋亡的主要协同刺激分子,但并非所有的T细胞均表达CD28,提示T细胞活化尚有其它协同刺激途径的存在。最近研究表明,其它一些协同刺激分子,如4-1BB、OX40、ICOS、LFA-1等在不同的T细胞亚群和T细胞活化的不同阶段,呈现不同的表达和介导不同的生物学功能。  相似文献   

杨春  朱道银 《微生物与感染》2005,28(5):21-22,27
颗粒溶素是人类自然杀伤细胞和细胞毒性T淋巴细胞胞质颗粒中的可溶性分子,是一种天然的抗菌肽,具有抗病原微生物、抗肿瘤等多种生物活性.本文就颗粒溶素的溶菌机制,抗微生物、抗肿瘤作用及评估细胞免疫等方面的研究进展及其应用作一综述.  相似文献   

章鱼胺是无脊椎动物神经系统中普遍存在的多种微量生物胺之一。章鱼胺的分布及含量变化对于昆虫的生长、取食、代谢等多种生理、生物效应具有重要的作用。文章对昆虫体内章鱼胺的功能性、昆虫体内章鱼胺的分布及其主要功能、章鱼胺痕量测定方法、生存环境的改变及化学药剂的作用对章鱼胺含量的影响以及外界刺激对章鱼胺含量影响的生理及生物化学机理研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

随着对酸敏感离子通道(Acid-sensing ion channels,ASICs)研究的不断深入,其在临床相关疾病中的功能研究也逐渐受到重视。ASICs的功能异常与一系列临床疾病和症状密切相关,包括神经系统肿瘤、缺血性损伤、癫痫、疼痛以及亨廷顿氏症等。在细胞内正常的分布与定位是AISCs发挥其生理功能的前提,而多项研究已经确认,在正常生理的状态下,ASICs在细胞内具有相对固定的分布方式。换言之,正常的细胞内存在着可以对ASICs的分布进行调节的调控系统。目前也发现了包括PICK1、HSP70等与之相关的一系列物质分子。鉴于ASICs在人体诸多生理、病理过程中发挥重要作用,对ASICs功能异常的相关研究便成为了目前基础研究工作的重点之一。本文拟就ASICs在细胞内的分布定位及其转运调节机制作一综述,进而初步探讨其在临床应用中的前景。  相似文献   

CD4^+CD25^+调节性T细胞具有重要的免疫调节功能,在病毒感染的发生和转归中扮演重要的角色。某些病毒感染可诱导调节性T细胞的产生,并通过细胞间直接接触并分泌抑制性细胞因子的方式发挥抑制免疫应答功能,从而导致病毒感染的持续和疾病的慢性化;调节性T细胞也可通过抑制抗体的产生或细胞毒性T淋巴细胞的杀伤作用保护组织、细胞免受免疫损伤。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨不同国际妇产科学联合会(FIGO)分期子宫内膜癌患者外周血红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、血清对氧磷酶-1(PON-1)表达水平差异及其诊断价值。方法:选取我院2018年1月到2020年1月收治的80例子宫内膜癌患者作为研究对象,根据FIGO分期对所有患者进行分组,分为Ⅰ期组23例,Ⅱ期组22例,Ⅲ期组18例,Ⅳ期组17例。另选取同期来我院体检的30名健康志愿者作为对照组,对比所有受检者RDW、PON-1表达水平,并应用ROC曲线分析外周血红细胞分布宽度、血清对氧磷酶-1表达水平对不同FIGO分期子宫内膜癌的诊断价值。对80例子宫内膜癌患者进行2年随访,将2年内死亡的25例患者分为死亡组,将其余55例患者分为存活组,对比死亡组与存活组临床一般情况与RDW、PON-1表达水平,并应用logistic回归分析分析RDW、PON-1对子宫内膜癌的预后预测价值。结果:五组受检者RDW、PON-1水平对比差异显著,Ⅳ期组RDW水平高于Ⅲ期组、Ⅱ期组、Ⅰ期组和对照组,Ⅳ期组PON-1水平低于Ⅲ期组、Ⅱ期组、Ⅰ期组和对照组(P<0.05);RDW结合PON-1联合诊断的准确度、敏感度、阳性预测值高于RDW单一诊断和PON-1单一诊断(P<0.05)。RDW诊断子宫内膜癌不同分期价值曲线下面积为89.63,最佳诊断着色界限值为75.73 %,PON-1的曲线下面积为78.89,最佳诊断着色界限值为82.53 %,两者联合的曲线下面积为84.26,最佳诊断着色界限值为87.57 %;存活组与死亡组患者性别、年龄、病理类型对比无明显差异(P>0.05),两组患者FIGO分期、基层浸润、组织分化程度、血清RDW与PON-1表达水平对比差异显著(P<0.05);logistic回归分析结果表明:基层浸润、RDW与PON-1为子宫内膜癌患者预后的独立影响因素(P<0.05)。结论:RDW、PON-1联合对子宫内膜癌FIGO分期的诊断价值较高,且基层浸润、RDW与PON-1为子宫内膜癌患者预后的独立影响因素。临床上需针对基层浸润、RDW升高与PON-1水平降低的患者采取相关措施,改善治疗方案,降低患者死亡率情况。  相似文献   

目的:探讨黄芪多糖联合布洛芬对创伤感染患者巨噬细胞分泌功能、T淋巴细胞亚群水平的影响及影响因素.方法:2014年3月-2018年3月我院收治创伤感染患者85例,其中重度感染39例,将所有患者按感染轻重进行平衡随机分为对照组43例和研究组42例,对照组应用布洛芬治疗,研究组应用黄芪多糖联合布洛芬治疗.比较两组患者巨噬细胞...  相似文献   

To study the effect of adoptive transfer of paternal antigen-tolerant T cells on recipient reactive T cells, CBA/JxDBA/2 mating was recruited as an abortion-prone model, and CBA/JxBALB/c mating as a successful pregnancy model. The abortion-prone CBA/J females mated with DBA/2 males were injected intraperitoneally with rat anti-mouse CD80 and CD86 mAb or rat isotype IgG at day 4 after gestation (time of implantation). The purified T cells were obtained from spleen of the pregnant CBA/J mice using magnetic beads at day 9 after gestation and labeled with CFSE in vitro. The CFSE-labeled T cells were intravenously injected into other CBA/J females mated with DBA/2 males at day 4 after gestation. The proliferation of recipient splenocytes in response to DBA/2 stimulator cells was evaluated at day 9 after gestation in vitro, and the expressions of intracellular cytokines and costimulatory molecules in CFSE +/- T cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. The results showed that adoptive transfer of either paternal antigen-tolerant T cells or T cells from BALB/c-mated CBA/J mice significantly suppressed the proliferation of recipient splenocytes in response to DBA/2 stimulator cells and resulted in lower frequency of cells positive for IL-2, IFN-gamma, CD28 and higher frequency of IL-10,CTLA-4-producing cells in both CFSE+ CD3+ population and CFSE- CD3+ population compared with adoptive transfer of T cells from isotype IgG-treated CBA/J mice, whereas the frequency of IL-4-producing cells did not appear significant change. Our findings suggest that paternal antigen-tolerant T cells transferred in recipient not only function as antigen-specific suppresser cells but also disable the recipient reactive T cells, which co-suppresses maternal rejection to the allogeneic fetus, thus resulting in the decrease of the embryo resorption rate of the abortion-prone mice to that of the normal pregnancy mice.  相似文献   

Uteroferrin is a purple iron-containing acid phosphatase secreted by the porcine uterus under the influence of the hormone, progesterone. It is synthesized by the glandular epithelial cells of the uterine endometrium and during pregnancy is taken up by specialized structures (areolae) opposite each uterine gland. Uteroferrin is then released into the fetal circulation and cleared by the liver or fetal kidney. A major role in iron transport to the fetus has been proposed. Uteroferrin, as purified from uterine secretions of pigs, possesses mainly high mannose (predominately Man5 and Man6 chains. These oligosaccharide chains of uteroferrin appear to be responsible for its binding and uptake by reticuloendothelial cells of the fetal liver which is the major site of erythropoiesis of the fetus. Uteroferrin, although implicated in transplantal iron transport, also possesses many of the properties of a lysosomal enzyme and, when newly synthesized, carries the so-called lysosomal recognition marker, mannose 6-phosphate. The phosphate group is masked by a covering N-acetylglucosamine residue, a feature which may account for its secretion rather than retention within lysosomes. Evidence is also presented that the oligosaccharide chains of newly synthesized uteroferrin are larger than those of the mature form and are trimmed after secretion. The phosphate group is also removed. It is not clear whether uteroferrin carbohydrate is implicated in the movement of the glycoprotein across the placenta as well as its uptake by the fetal liver.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor in the rabbit uterus during early pregnancy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Platelet-activating factor (PAF) concentrations were low in the non-pregnant, oestrous uterus (mean +/- s.e.m.: 2.2 +/- 1.2 pmol/g, n = 3). However, uterine PAF increased dramatically during pregnancy to a maximum of 37.8 +/- 4.90 pmol/g (n = 7) on Day 5. By Day 7, PAF concentrations in the uteri of pregnant rabbits had returned to levels similar to those found at oestrus. In contrast, uterine PAF in pseudopregnant rabbits peaked at 30.6 +/- 2.8 pmol/g (n = 8) on Day 4, declined to 20.5 +/- 2.4 pmol/g (n = 8) on Day 5 and then remained at that concentration through Day 7. Uterine PAF co-migrated with synthetic PAF (1-O-hexadecyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-phosphocholine) in both thin-layer and normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. PAF activity in the uterus during pregnancy and pseudopregnancy was found almost exclusively in the endometrium; little or no PAF was found in myometrium, uterine flushings or blastocysts. While no PAF was detected in blastocysts on Days 5 and 6 of pregnancy, the presence of the embryo appears to modulate biosynthesis and/or degradation of PAF by the uterus, since PAF decreased significantly in uterine tissue apposed to the implanting embryo (but not in similar areas between such attachment sites). Increased concentrations of PAF in the preimplantation rabbit uterus followed by a dramatic decrease on the day of blastocyst attachment suggest that this potent inflammatory autacoid may play a vital role in implantation.  相似文献   

Total protein, RNA and DNA content and the activity of acid and alkaline phosphatases, 5'-nucleotidase and isocitrate dehydrogenase were studied in rat uterus during the first 8 days of pregnancy. Isocitrate dehydrogenase activity showed marked fluctuations from day to day. Nucleotidase and acid phosphatase activities showed a significant increase on day 8. The most marked change in activity was that of alkaline phosphatase which showed a 10-fold increase between days 6 and 8, due largely to an increase in the activity of this enzyme in the decidual nodule. The rise in alkaline phosphatase activity did not occur in rats ovariectomized on days 1, 2 or 4 of pregnancy and was markedly decreased in those ovariectomized on day 6. [3H]-uridine incorporation into RNA showed a significant increase between days 2 and 6 whereas [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA showed a significant increase on day 6.  相似文献   

Wood GW  Hausmann EH  Kanakaraj K 《Cytokine》1999,11(12):1038-1045
Leukocytes accumulate in the pregnant mouse uterus following mating, during implantation and during placental development. Changes in leukocyte number are primarily due to recruitment from the blood, not local proliferation, but the underlying recruitment mechanisms are poorly understood. Mating-induced granulocyte and macrophage recruitment is due in part to pro-inflammatory and chemotactic factors present in seminal plasma. Accumulation of macrophages later in pregnancy appears to be caused in part by ovarian hormone-stimulated CSF-1 production and in part by other as yet unidentified uterine chemotactic factors. The current study was performed to assess chemokine production in the uterus during pregnancy. Northern blotting was used to demonstrate NSI/KC (KC), macrophage chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein one alpha (MIP1alpha) and regulated inactivation, normal T expressed and secreted protein (RANTES) mRNA in the uterus. Oestrogen and progesterone induced intrauterine production of all four chemokines and may have done so through the autocrine/paracrine activities of IL-1. The data suggest that C-C chemokines play a role in accumulation of macrophages in the uterus during pregnancy.  相似文献   

As part of a study on the anti-luteolytic action of the sheep conceptus, the distribution of prostaglandin F (PGF) within the uteri of 19 pregnant and 14 non-pregnant ewes was studied using three antisera to PGF and fluorescent antibody tracing. In the uteri of seven non-pregnant ewes up to Day 11 after estrus (Day 0) and in uteri of 1819 pregnant ewes up to Day 50, PGF was localized mainly in the lamina propria, with very little on epithelial cells lining the uterine lumen. After Day 11, in the uteri of seven non-pregnant ewes, PGF was localized on the surface of luminal epithelial cells and throughout their cytoplasm, and to a lesser extent in the lamina propria. The distribution of PGF on Days 14 and 17 in the gravid and non-gravid horns of the uteri of 13 ewes made unilaterally pregnant (conceptus confined to one uterine horn) was similar to that described above for normal pregnant and non-pregnant ewes after Day 11 respectively.These results are interpreted to indicate a change in the distribution of PGF in sheep uteri due to the presence of a conceptus.  相似文献   

Changes in peroxidase activity during pregnancy were examined in CD-1 mice. Peroxidase activity was measured with guaiacol as the substrate in uterine extracts of nonpregnant mice and in uterine, placental, and fetal extracts of pregnant mice on days 9, 12, 14, 16, and 18 of gestation. Uterine peroxidase activity in nonpregnant mice was high, but declined logarithmically to only 0.2% by day 18 of pregnancy. In contrast to this decline, a concomitant 50-fold logarithmic increase in fetal peroxidase activity was observed between day 12 and 18. Activity in placental extracts did not change significantly throughout the gestational period examined. These results suggest that membrane bound peroxidase in mouse uterus and fetus undergoes major shifts during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Growth and microvascular development of the uterus were evaluated for ewes on Days 12, 18, 24, and 30 after mating (3-4 ewes/day; Day 0 = day of mating) in two experiments. In experiment 1, fresh weight and dry weight of gravid uterine horns were increased on Days 24 and 30 after mating, whereas those of nongravid uterine horns were elevated only on Day 30. The increased fresh and dry weights of gravid uterine horns on Day 24 were associated with uterine hyperplasia (increased DNA content). Increased fresh and dry weights of gravid uterine horns on Day 30, however, were associated with hypertrophy (increased RNA:DNA and protein:DNA ratios) of uterine tissues. In experiment 2, vascularity of endometrial tissues was elevated on Days 24 and 30 after mating. In addition, dramatic changes in uterine architecture (increased lumenal diameter and decreased endometrial thickness) and in uterine microvascular development (increased abundance of large microvessels and development of a subepithelial capillary plexus) were observed by Day 24 after mating. Characterization of the patterns of uterine growth and microvascular development will enable us to further define the role of previously reported uterine and conceptus-derived growth and angiogenic factors during early pregnancy.  相似文献   

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