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1. Phosphorus limitation was studied along the eutrophic, canyon-type ?ímov reservoir (Czech Republic) during a spring phytoplankton bloom. Concentration of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), C:P molar ratio in seston, extracellular alkaline phosphatase activity (APA), and P limitation (bioassay) were used as indices for phosphorus deficiency in the phytoplankton. 2. SRP, C:P, APA, and P limitation indicated a moderate P deficiency in the downstream, but not upper, part of the reservoir. 3. Significant correlations between these parameters were found in the downstream part. Chlorophyll a concentration correlated with APA and P limitation in the upper part. 4. APA was significantly enhanced in the phosphorus-deficient phytoplankton. However, APA was apparently not related to total biomass or species composition of the phytoplankton. 5. Generally, APA was closely correlated with pH in the reservoir. However, extracellular alkaline phosphatases, with a pH optimum above 9.0, were induced and active only during the phytoplankton bloom, whereas low background activity of extracellular phosphatases was found at low chlorophyll a concentrations (winter, clear-water phase).  相似文献   

Phosphorus fluxes in phytoplankton, between intracellular andexternal compartments have been measured, in the epilimnion ofatemperate eutrophic reservoir, by means of phosphorusdepletionexperiments performed in situ. Flow rates betweencompartments were plotted against the phosphorus concentrationofthe compartments' origin of the flows and fitted to saturationfunctions.A value of phosphorus cell subsistence quota for the wholecommunity has been computed from the X-intercept values ofeveryfunction. The obtained figures are 10–100 times higher,dependingon the reference value, than those measured running theclassicalsingle species growth response experiments in chemostats.We propose a model using five compartments and a series offlowrates between them in order to simulate the general phosphoruscycling in freshwater phytoplankton. Short term simulation ofphosphorus content in every compartment shows a fluctuatingpatternaround rates of equilibrium, in agreement with the pattern ofvariation observed in situ for the selectedcompartments.  相似文献   

1. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fluxes via excretion by benthic invertebrates were quantified in a eutrophic reservoir (Acton Lake, Ohio, U.S.A.). We quantified variation in nutrient fluxes seasonally (June until November 1997), spatially (three sites) and among taxa (chironomids, tubificid oligochaetes and Chaoborus). 2. The three taxa differed in spatial distribution and contribution to nutrient fluxes. Tubificids were the most abundant taxon at two oxic sites (1.5 and 4 m depth), and were exceedingly rare at an anoxic, hypolimnetic site (8 m). Chironomids were abundant only at the shallowest oxic site. Chaoborus was the only abundant taxon at the anoxic site. Total benthic invertebrate biomass was greatest at the shallowest site and lowest at the anoxic, hypolimnetic site. 3. Mass‐specific excretion rate [μmol NH4–N or soluble reactive P (SRP) excreted mg dry mass–1 h–1] varied among experiments and was influenced by temperature. Differences among taxa were not significant. Thus, nutrient flux through benthic invertebrates was affected more by total invertebrate biomass and temperature than by species composition. 4. Fluxes of N and P via benthic invertebrate excretion (μmol NH4–N or SRP m–2 day–1) were greatest at the oxic sites, where fluxes were dominated by the excretion of tubificids and chironomids. The N and P fluxes at the anoxic site were much lower, and were dominated by excretion by Chaoborus. The ratio of N and P excreted by the benthic invertebrate assemblage varied seasonally and was lowest at the anoxic site. 5. Comparison with other measured inputs shows that excretion by benthic invertebrates could be an important source of nutrients, especially of P. However, the relative importance of nutrient excretion by the benthos varies greatly spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

1. Nutrients released from lake sediments can influence water column nutrient concentrations and planktonic productivity. We examined sediment nutrient release [soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and ammonia (NH)] at two sites in a eutrophic reservoir (Acton Lake, OH, U.S.A.) that differed in physical mixing conditions (a thermally stratified and an unstratified site). 2. Sediment nutrient release rates were estimated with three methods: sediment core incubations, seasonal in situ hypolimnetic accumulation and a published regression model that predicted sediment phosphorous (P) release rate from sediment P concentration. All three methods were applied to the deeper stratified site in the reservoir; however, we used only sediment core incubations to estimate SRP and NH release rates at the shallow unstratified site because of the lack of thermal stratification. We also compared the total P concentration (TPS) of sediments and the concentration of P in various sediment fractions at both sites. 3. Anoxic sediments at the stratified site released SRP at rates more than an order of magnitude greater than oxic sediments at the shallow unstratified site. However, P accumulated in the hypolimnion at much lower rates than predicted by sediment core incubations. In contrast, NH was released at similar rates at both sites and accumulated in the hypolimnion at close to the expected rate, indicating that P was ‘lost’ from the hypolimnion through biogeochemical pathways for P, such as precipitation with inorganic material or biological uptake and sedimentation. 4. TPS was significantly greater at the deeper stratified site and organically bound P accounted for >50% of TPS at both sites. 5. We examined the magnitude of SRP fluxes into the study reservoir in 1996 by comparing the mean summer daily SRP fluxes from anaerobic sediments, aerobic sediments, stream inflows and gizzard shad excretion. While the SRP release from anaerobic sediments was high, we hypothesise that little of this SRP gained access to the epilimnion in mid‐summer. SRP flux to the reservoir from aerobic sediments was less than from gizzard shad excretion and streams. Large interannual variability in thermocline stability, gizzard shad biomass and stream discharge volumes, will affect SRP loading rates from different sources in different years. Therefore, construction of P budgets for different years should account for interannual variation in these parameters.  相似文献   

Perkins  R.G.  Underwood  G.J.C. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,484(1-3):75-87
An 18-day mesocosm study was performed in central Norway to assess the effect of enhanced nutrient input to the marine plankton community. This paper reports the responses of micro- and mesozooplankton to increased food supply due to elevated nutrient input. Seven mesocosms (M1–M7) were added variable doses of N, ranging from 0 to 2.19 m N l–1 d–1. Phosphorus and silicate was added in Redfield ratios. The ciliate community responded rapidly to the treatment, and reached maximum biomass of 88 g C l–1 within a week in the most fertilised mesocosm (M7). Tontonia sp. and a small Strombidium sp. dominated biomass and numbers, respectively. Ciliate biomass declined rapidly after the peak, returning to initial values by the end of the experiment (Day 18). Mesozooplankton biomass increased from the second week, due to recruitment of Acartia spp., Centropages spp. and Oithona sp. Numbers of Temora longicornis and Pseudocalanus sp. remained low. Highest biomass of mesozooplankton (116 g C l–1) was recorded in M6 by Day 18. Egg production rates for Acartia spp. peaked in M3 at Day 11, while calculated mortality rates for juvenile copepods was highest in M1 and M7. Estimated community net growth rates were highest in the most fertilised mesocosms for both copepods and ciliates. It is concluded that enhanced nutrient input affected both biomass and the relative species composition of the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

Sediment resuspension in a monomictic eutrophic reservoir   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gálvez  J. A.  Niell  F. X. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,235(1):133-141
During the mixing period sediment traps were placed at 9 different levels of the water column in La Concepción reservoir (Málaga-Spain). During the exposure time a benthic nepheloid layer with high suspended matter was detected. Seston vertical flux profile shows an exponential increase with depth, suggesting that a large fraction of the collected particulate matter comes from bottom resuspension, due to an intermittent complete mixing process. It was estimated that resuspension 1 m above the bottom increased the fluxes of seston, particulate organic carbon, particulate nitrogen and particulate phosphorus by factors of 4.1, 1.5, 2.1 and 4.8 respectively.The, fitting to an exponential function allowed us to obtain a resuspension coefficient and the scale vertical length for this event, 36 m, which is higher than those estimated for other aquatic environments. From the above results the calculated vertical eddy diffusivity, suggesting a high turbulence in the water reservoir during the turnover period. Resuspension is considered important in order to estimate net downward fluxes and to understand different processes such as redistribution of sediment and fertilization of the water column.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton community of a eutrophic reservoir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamics of the phytoplankton community of a eutrophic reservoir are described for a two year period. Fifty-eight species were recorded, 25 of them common. Bacillariophyta dominated during the winter and early spring and Chlorophyta during late spring, to be replaced by a bloom of Cyanophyta. The mean and peak biomass of phytoplankton was 8.6 mg 1–1 and 40.8 mg 1–1 in 1981, and 8.3 mg 1–1 and 37.6 mg 1–1 in 1982. Temperature accounted for 67.3% and pH for 8% of the variation in total phytoplankton biomass over the two year period, using a multiple regression technique.Both horizontal and vertical patchiness, measured as an index of mean crowding, were recorded in the reservoir. Horizontal aggregations were associated with spring blooms of Chlorophyta and summer blooms of Cyanophyta, while vertical aggregations were most marked during the summer bloom of Cyanophyta. Concentrations of phytoplankton were influenced by wind, the prevailing southwesterly wind accumulating algae in the northeasterly arm of the reservoir during much of the year.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton strategies and time scales in a eutrophic reservoir   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Phytoplankton species groups were studied in a eutrophic reservoir at different time scales (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly). Four strategic groups along the r-K continuum were defined and their seasonal time courses were followed. Their temporal distribution of relative biomass reflected resource partitioning because each strategic group dominated the phytoplankton community at different times in the year. However, the relationships between strategic groups changed with the time scale involved. At the daily scale an inverse relationship between r- and K-groups occurred whereas at supradaily scales such relationships did not hold. Species groups reflected strategic groups. No relationship between population growth and losses was found, suggesting that both were not counterbalanced. In the long term (supraannual) the phytoplankton community changed very much in this reservoir, its ecological memory being small as compared with that of lakes.  相似文献   

The seasonal periodicity of planktonic diatoms in a shallow eutrophic lake   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The seasonal periodicity of four species of planktonic diatoms in a small eutrophic lake in the Shropshire-Cheshire Plain, England, is examined. Diatoms typically dominate the spring increase; a second period of growth follows in the summer months. The growth phases are considered in relation to environmental factors in the mere. Of these, light levels appear to be critical in determining the onset of growth and the size of the population maxima, whilst stratification and turbulence play a leading role in the vertical distribution of the algae, and hence, of the growth conditions to which they are exposed. The thermocline is believed to provide a reservoir of diatoms in summer, maintaining them in a position where they are able to gain maximum advantage from increased wind-induced turbulence. Relative specific differences in growth requirements and in behaviour under varying physical conditions are important in determining which species dominate. Dominance may be modified by the effect of attacks by fungal parasites. It is also shown that, generally, nutrients are present in relative abundance, and only rarely does their availability become a limiting factor. Tt is concluded that diatom growth in this lake is typically subject to physical rather than chemical control.  相似文献   

Despite the global importance of phytoplankton primary production, the ecological role of cell death as an important loss process in phytoplankton is poorly understood. To assess the significance of cell death in phytoplankton, we studied cell viability of dominant species in the canyon-shaped eutrophic ?ímov Reservoir (Czech Republic) at weekly and biweekly intervals from April to October 2011. Surface samples were taken from the lacustrine zone (near the dam, low nutrient level) and transition zone (near the river inflow, high nutrient level) of the reservoir. Moreover, samples from euphotic depth (1% of surface irradiance) were taken from the lacustrine zone. We used the membrane-impermeant nucleic acid dye SYTOX Green to examine seasonal and spatial differences in phytoplankton cell viability. Three species (diatoms Asterionella formosa, Fragilaria crotonensis, and cyanobacterium Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) were studied in detail. There was no difference in Asterionella cell viability among sampling sites. In the lacustrine zone, Fragilaria and Aphanizomenon exhibited lower viability than in the transition zone. In addition, Aphanizomenon viability was significantly lower at the euphotic depth. Nutrient levels were revealed as a factor influencing Fragilaria viability, while light availability was more important for Aphanizomenon. Our results evidenced that the importance of cell death, in particular phytoplankton taxa, varies both spatially and temporally. Moreover, our study indicates that coexisting taxa may differ in their capacity to cope with different environmental stressors.  相似文献   

The population dynamics and production of Daphnia hyaiina^ the dominant cladoceran i n Eglwys Nynydd, a shallow eutrophic reservoir in South Wales, were studied for 2 years against a background of limnological measurements. The appearance and development of successive generations from egg to adult could be followed from changing numbers in arbitrarily defined size classes. Seasonal variations in mean length, mean brood-size and proportion of gravid adults were recorded and mean brood-size was related to changing food and temperature conditions. Egg-development times for D. hyaiina were determined in culture and the population parameters finite birth (S), instantaneous birth (b′), instantaneous population change (r′), instantaneous death (d′) and finite death rates (D) were estimated from field data. Turnover and production estimates were calculated from finite death rates and biomass. The calculated potential rate of increase (b′) was nearly always greater than the observed rate of increase (r′): seasonal changes in death rate (d′) generally parallel changes in birth rate (b′) but remain somewhat out of phase. Population oscillations are probably due t o a delay in the expression of the effects of population density upon birth and death rates. The mean biomass of Daphnia in 1970 was 0-57 mg dry wt/l (0-88 g C/m2) and in 1971 0-32 mg dry wt/l (0.49 g C/m2). Annual production for Daphnia was 11-8 mg dry wt/l (18-2 g C/m2) in 1970 and 8-30 mg dry wt/l (12 8 g C/m2) in 1971. Information available on primary production in the reservoir suggests that the production of Daphnia accounts for less than 2% of gross primary production. However, the pattern of population growth of Daphnia in Eglwys Nynydd almost certainly reflects a food limited system. In summer, blue-green algae may be abundant but serve as a poor food source: throughout the blue-green bloom egg production remains low, at times remaining below 0-5 eggs/adult.  相似文献   

Release of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) from dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), concentrated by reverse osmosis of water samples from Lough Neagh Northern Ireland, was measured in the presence of enzymes and cultures of lake water bacteria in a basal liquid medium adjusted to the pH of lake water (7.6). No hydrolysis of unfractionated DOP was observed in the presence of alkaline phosphatase but a combination of alkaline phosphatase and phosphodiesterase mineralized 14% of DOP in a 30 day incubation period at 15 °C. A similar amount of mineralization was attained by phytase. Phytase induced the same degree of mineralization in a range of DOP fractions varying from MW > 100 000 to c. 500. A mixed culture of lake water bacteria mineralized 12% of unfractionated DOP. Single cultures of lake water bacteria displayed low mineralizing activity (mean of 49 cultures = 5% DOP hydrolysed). Results indicate that DOP from Lough Neagh in the above molecular weight range is predominantly recalcitrant to bacterial mineralization under natural lake conditions.  相似文献   

Nutrient regeneration and respiration rates of natural zooplankton from a tropical reservoir were experimentally measured. Excretion rates of ammonia (Ea), orthophosphate (Ep) and community respiration rates (R) were estimated considering the variations in the concentrations of ammonia, orthophosphate and dissolved oxygen between control and experimental units. The ranges obtained for these rates from the 2 h assays were Ea = 1.95–4.95 μg N-NH4 · mg · DW−1 · h−1; Ep = 0.12–0.76 μg P-PO4 mg DW−1 · h−1. Respiratory rates were quite constant (R = 0.01–0.02 mg O2 · mg DW−1 · h−1). The uptake of nutrients due to bacteria can affect the experimental determination of excretion rates of zooplankton. Orthophosphate release increased from 0.28 to 0.82 μg P-PO4 · mg DW−1 · h−1 when bacterial activity was depleted by antibiotic addition in experimental vessels (Exp IV). This demonstrates that free living bacteria are able to consume promptly most phosphorus excreted by zooplankton. Ammonia excretion rates were lower in experimental units containing antibiotics. Lower excretion rates were also obtained with longer exposure times and higher biomass levels in the experimental units. Finally, this study also showed that zooplankton excretion can affect significantly turn over rates of total phosphorus in Pampulha Reservoir. In some periods, specially during the dry season when zooplankton biomass was very high, phosphorus release by zooplankton, during one single day, can be as high as 40% of the total phosphorus content in lake water (Turn over time = 2.5 days).  相似文献   

There is renewed interest in the use of nitrate to treat the profundal zone of lakes to inhibit anaerobic biogeochemical processes that result in the degradation of bottom water quality (e.g., sediment phosphorus release, mercury methylation). In this study we used experimental sediment–water interface chambers to quantify the rate of sediment nitrate uptake (SNU) in profundal sediments from Lake Perris, a eutrophic raw water reservoir in Southern California. Deoxygenated chamber water was spiked with nitrate, and nitrate concentration was monitored over time under quiescent conditions, followed by mixed conditions with average water velocities of 1 cm/s. Key findings included: (1) SNU decreased with decreasing nitrate concentration, (2) SNU was higher under mixed versus quiescent conditions by nearly 50%, and (3) nitrate uptake as a function of nitrate concentration followed a conventional sediment oxygen demand model in which nitrate uptake was proportional to the square root of nitrate concentration. The probable mechanism for elevated SNU under mixed conditions was an increased diffusional concentration gradient combined with a decrease in the diffusional boundary layer at the sediment–water interface, both of which enhanced the flux of nitrate from overlaying water into sediment. Managers planning to implement lake nitrate addition should account for induced nitrate demand when determining dosing rates. For example, based on our modeling efforts from this data set, SNU in Lake Perris could range by an order of magnitude, from around 12 mg N/m2/d under quiescent, low nitrate conditions (0.1 mg N/l) to around 120 mg N/m2/d under mixed, high nitrate conditions (5 mg N/l). Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Hartbeespoort Dam, a hypertrophic, warm monomictic impoundment in South Africa, receives extremely high phosphorus loads (14.6–25.9 g m–2 a–1) that are dominated by point source discharges from municipal wastewater treatment works. The reduced state of the phosphorus discharged from the works has led to the dominance of the dissolved phosphorus pool by low molecular weight orthophosphates which are analytically detectable as soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP; 60% of total phosphorus pool). Seasonality in the in-lake total phosphorus pool is regulated by a combination of abiotic and hydrological processes; biotic processes appear to play a minor role. Mass balance calculations indicate that between 62 and 77% of the annual total phosphorus inflow load is retained within the impoundment each year.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the role of invertebrate (Leptodora kindtii) versus vertebrate (juvenile fish) predators in the dynamics of filtering zooplankton (Daphnia sp.) in the pelagic zone of the Sulejow Reservoir was conducted during summer from 1994 to 1996. Leptodora kindtii appeared in high densities (mid-July: 2–6 ind. l?1) in the pelagic zone. Its predation impact on the dominant filtering zooplankter population Daphnia cucullata, expressed by consumption, was significant and accounted for a reduction of 10 to 51% of Daphnia biomass. Although D. cucullata was a preferred food of juvenile pikeperch in June, due to low biomass, these fish were able to eliminate daily only 0.1–5.4% of Daphnia biomass in the pelagic zone. Thus, the role of juvenile fish in the midsummer decline of D. cucullata density in the pelagic zone seems to be much smaller than that of Leptodora kindtii.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Diel depth distribution patterns of Ceratium hirundinella were studied during eleven sampling periods, covering the seasonal growth cycle. They were shown to result from short-term periodic or non-periodic external factors, endogenous responses of the alga, and interactions between these.
2. Diel variations in wind stress resulted in the net transport of algae into or out of the sampling position due to lateral water movements. A progressive surface accumulation of Ceratium , leading to a 3-fold increase in cell numbers at the sampling site over a 24 h period, was due to wind-induced upwelling of deeper cells. Near-surface accumulation of Ceratium on a completely overcast afternoon, similar to that associated with migrations, was attributable to advection.
3. Under sufficiently calm conditions, depth-differentiation of Ceratium was regulated by its vertical swimming movements with a diel periodicity. Migration patterns observed in earlier work were confirmed and extended. The alga migrated towards the surface during the daytime and downward during the night; this rhythm had an endogenous component.
4. At high surface illumination, the alga retreated from the surface and formed discrete sub-surface maxima; at low irradiance Ceratium showed positive phototaxis and concentrated near the surface. Under either condition of irradiance Ceratium actively aggregated at depths associated with irradiance levels of about 125–155 μEinsteins m −2 s −1. Downward movement was restricted by anoxic conditions and possibly by thermal/ density gradients. However, given sufficient light penetration, dissolved oxygen and nutrient availability, the thermal density gradient does not apparently eliminate downward movement by Ceratium.  相似文献   

Free bacterial populations were separated from an intact planktonic community in water of a eutrophic reservoir in Japan by filtration through Whatman GF/ C glass fiber filters (mean porosity 1.2 µm). Urea decomposition by the free bacterial populations and the intact planktonic community was determined in six different months.The separated free bacteria apparently did not take part in urea-decomposition in waters of the reservoir through the year: the number of free heterotrophic bacteria increased during the urea-decomposition experiments, however, the concentration of urea did not decrease. Whereas, in five cases out of six, urea was decomposed by the intact planktonic community. Probably, phytoplankton were responsible for most of the urea-decomposition. On the assumption that the decomposition of urea obeyed first-order kinetics, rate constants were calculated to be 0.00–0.63 day–1 with a mean value of 0.21 day–1.  相似文献   

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