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Genomic DNA sequences contain a wealth of information about the bendability and curvature of the DNA molecule. For example, the well-known 10-11 bp periodicities within genomes can be attributed to supercoiled structures or wrapping around nucleosomes. Such periodic signals have previously been examined mainly based on mono- or dinucleotide correlations. In this study, we generalize this approach and analyze correlation functions of longer motifs such as tetramers or poly(A) sequences. Periodically placed motifs may indicate regular protein binding or curvature signals. We detected various periodic signals e.g. strong 10-11 bp oscillations of periodically placed poly(A), poly(T) or poly(W) stretches. These observations lead to a new view on the intensively studied 10-11 bp periodicities.  相似文献   

Many large proteins have evolved by internal duplication and fusion. For proteins with internal structural symmetry, this means that their sequences should be made up of identical repeats. However, many of these repeat signals can only be seen at the structural level yet. We suggested a method of recurrent correlation analysis to detect the sequence repeats of proteins directly from their sequences. It showed that the internal repetitions of the representative proteins in six folds of mainly beta class could be identified directly at the sequence level.  相似文献   

Summary : FT is a tool written in C++, which implements the Fourier analysis method to locate periodicities in aminoacid or DNA sequences. It is provided for free public use on a WWW server with a Java interface. Availability : The server address is http://o2.db. uoa.gr/FT Contact : shamodr@atlas.uoa.gr   相似文献   

A program package has been developed to search for hidden tandem repeats of any specified type in the protein sequence databases. The applied algorithm of the locally optimal cyclic alignment is able to find subsequences possessing a certain profile-based periodicity type when no appreciable homology between periods is observed, as well as in the presence of arbitrary insertions/deletions. The profile can be adjusted to search for the periodicity types structurally and functionally important. The Swiss-Prot database has been analyzed to reveal the periodicities undetectable earlier that are caused by the secondary and super-secondary structure regularities of the NAD-binding sites. In particular, a significant periodicity of 24 aa was found to be characteristic of the absolute majority of domains possessing the Rossman (or Rossman-like) fold and displaying the apparent regularity in their secondary structures, not being obvious at the primary structure level.  相似文献   

Long range periodicities in mouse satellite DNA.   总被引:66,自引:0,他引:66  
Escherichia coli restriction enzyme II breaks mouse satellite DNA into fragments which form a series of bands on gel electrophoresis. The DNA in the strongest band has a length of 220 to 260 nucleotide pairs and the other bands are multiples of this length. It is shown that these fragments are linked together in long arrays in the satellite sequence. The reassociation register of the DNA is about half the length of the 220 to 260 nucleotide pair fragment. In the electrophoresis pattern of the Eco RII2 fragments other weaker bands can be seen. The stronger bands of the minor patterns fall half-way between the bands of the main pattern and the smallest is 120 to 130 nucleotide pairs long. The properties of the minor fragments suggest short spacings of the restriction site which have been produced by unequal crossing-over. The extents of divergence and unequal crossing-over are estimated. From this analysis and the sequence analysis described in the accompanying paper (Biro et al., 1975) it is proposed that mouse satellite DNA consists of an hierarchy of four periodicities which reflect stages in the evolution of the sequence.Digestion of mouse satellite DNA with Hae III produces fragments with the same sizes as those produced by Eco RII, but the yields are much lower. It is suggested that Hae III sites have been introduced by divergence and subsequently spread by unequal crossing-over.  相似文献   



To set up a practical method to detect latent infections of Colletotrichum sp., the causal agent of olive anthracnose, on olives before the onset of disease symptoms.

Methods and Results

Freezing, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), ethanol and ethylene treatments were evaluated to detect latent infections on inoculated and naturally infected olive fruit by Colletotrichum sp. as non‐hazardous alternatives to paraquat. Treatments were conducted using fruit of cultivars Arbequina and Hojiblanca. The disease incidence and T50 were calculated. Dipping in NaOH 0·05% solution and the paraquat method were the most effective treatments on both inoculated and naturally infected fruit, although the value of T50 was lower for the NaOH method than for the paraquat method in one of the experiments. Subsequently, the dipping time in NaOH 0·05% was evaluated. Longer dipping times in NaOH 0·05% were better than shorter ones in cultivar Arbequina, with 72 h being the most effective in cultivar Hojiblanca.


NaOH solution is a practical method to detect latent infections of Colletotrichum sp. on immature olive fruit.

Significance and Impact of the Study

This study is relevant because we set up a viable, non‐hazardous alternative to paraquat to detect latent infections of Colletotrichum sp. using NaOH. The use of NaOH is a simple and eco‐friendly tool that allows the determination of the level of latent infections by Colletotrichum in olives. Therefore, our method will be useful in decision‐making processes for disease management before the appearance of the first visible symptoms.  相似文献   

A simple procedure is described for finding similarities between proteins using nucleotide sequence databases. The approach is illustrated by several examples of previously unknown correspondences with important biological implications: Drosophila elongation factor Tu is shown to be encoded by two genes that are differently expressed during development; a cluster of three Drosophila genes likely encode maltases; a flesh-fly fat body protein resembles the hypothesized Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenase ancestral protein; an unknown protein encoded at the multifunctional E. coli hisT locus resembles aspartate beta-semialdehyde dehydrogenase; and the E. coli tyrR protein is related to nitrogen regulatory proteins. These and other matches were discovered using a personal computer of the type available in most laboratories collecting DNA sequence data. As relatively few sequences were sampled to find these matches, it is likely that much of the existing data has not been adequately examined.  相似文献   

The approximation method, recently developed by N. Rashevsky, is applied to a problem of periodic cell reactions, studied exactly in a previous publication. The fundamental features of that previous investigation are thus obtained in a rather simple way.  相似文献   

Restriction site periodicities in highly repetitive DNA of primates.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Highly repeated DNA sequences from three Old World primate groups have been compared, using restriction endonucleases. Baboons, macaques and mangabeys share a 3404 base-pair, tandemly repeated DNA that is cut once by EndoR · BamHI. The several species of guenons, including the African green monkey, possess a related 170 base-pair, tandemly organized sequence distinguished by the feature of being cut once by EndoR · HindIII, EndoR · MboII or EndoR · HphI. The tandemly repeated DNA of the colobus monkey is based on a monomer length of 680 base-pairs, being cut once by EndoR · BamI or EndoR · EcoRI. Thus, all three highly repeated DNAs have a monomer length of 170n base-pairs, where n = 1, 2 or 4. The 340 and 680 base-pair repeated DNAs contain an internal 170 base-pair periodicity with respect especially to the EndoR · HindIII cleavage site, but with respect also to several other enzymes that characterize each repeated sequence. The 170 base-pair length is called the fundamental unit.The three repeated DNAs are more conserved in the region around the HindIII site and are more divergent elsewhere in the sequence. All seven 170 base-pair fundamental units were related to one another, judging from the overall similarities of the maps of restriction endonuclease cleavage sites. The highly repeated DNAs from baboons and guenons are related enough to cross-hybridize at relaxed criteria (60 °C in 0.12 m-Na+) but neither hybridizes to repeated colobus DNA under this condition.The results show that highly repeated sequences in primates form a common library descended from a single ancestral sequence, with 170 base-pairs making up the fundamental unit of library members. Occasionally, a member of the library is amplified, creating a newly amplified family. In Old World monkeys the most recent amplification just preceded active speciation.  相似文献   

The BamHI K region of Epstein-Barr virus DNA is transcribed in latently infected cells from Burkitt tumors and in growth-transformed B-lymphocytes latently infected with Epstein-Barr virus. We determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1,153-base pair HinfI fragment in BamHI fragment K from the B95-8 Epstein-Barr virus isolate. The fragment contains a remarkable 708-base pair simple sequence repeat array, designated IR3, which is composed of only three nucleotide triplet elements: GGG, GCA, and GGA. The triplets are organized into three repeat units: GCAGGA, GCAGGAGGA, and GGGGCAGGA. Immediately 3' of IR3 are tandem nearly perfect direct repeats of two different 24-base pair sequences. IR3 is conserved at a colinear position in the DNAs of other Epstein-Barr virus isolates, and a homologous sequence maps at the same location in the genome of a genetically related baboon herpesvirus, herpesvirus papio. IR3 is transcribed from left to right in latently infected, growth-transformed IB4 cells. It encodes part of a 2.0-kilobase exon of the 3.7-kilobase cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA previously detected in IB4 cells (van Santen et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78:1930-1934, 1981). IR3 also encodes parts of 2.4- and 1.0-kilobase RNAs in productively infected B95-8 cells.  相似文献   

Diagnostic possibilities of selective examination of renal urine particularly collected under medicamentous polyuria conditioned by the administration of Lazix were studied in latent bacteriuria. By means of separate collection of renal urine against the background of polyuria it was possible additionally to detect bacteriuria in 1/3 of the patients, to record increase in the intensity of the index in almost half of the patients with renal bacteriuria and, in 1/4 of them to detect, in renal urine, the aetiological agent absent from bladder urine. The latter circumstance not only has a diagnostic significance but also plays a certain role in the selection of medicamentous therapy in chronic pyelonephritis. In addition to traditional bacteriological methods, filtration through membrane filters was used to isolate and identify microflora in the urine. By means of this method it is possible to detect extremely low bacteriuria which cannot be established by any other method.  相似文献   

The attention of biologists is directed to the analogy between a metabolizing system and an electrical circuit with feedback and finite time delay. Periodicities can be explained on the basis of linear chemical kinetics and linear differential equations, although the latter are of infinite order.  相似文献   

Three oligodeoxynucleotides have been chemically synthesized and used as hybridization probes to detect gastrin-specific mRNA within an heterogeneous population of RNA molecules. Using these oligonucleotides whose nucleotide sequences were deduced from the amino acid sequence of the hormone, 0.2 fmol of gastrin mRNA can be detected/microgram of poly(A)-RNA from hog antrums. The 32P-labeled oligonucleotides hybridize specifically to RNA covalently coupled to DBM-paper (Alwine, J.C., Kemp, D.J., and Stark, G.R. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 5350-5354). Labeled oligonucleotides also hybridize specifically to RNA separated by gel electrophoresis in the presence of CH3HgOH and covalently coupled to DBM-paper. Using this procedure, we have found that the mRNA coding for gastrin contains about 620 nucleotides, which is in agreement with results obtained using gastrin cDNA to determine mRNA size.  相似文献   

A previous study (Bull. Math. Biophysics,30, 735–749) is generalized to the case of active transport, which acts together in general with ordinary diffusion. The basic results obtained are the same except for an additional important conclusion. In principle it is possible to obtain sustained oscillations even when the secretions of the different glands do not affect the rates of formation or decay of each other at all, but affect the “molecular pumps,” which are responsible for the active transports in various parts of the system. Thus no biochemical interactions need necessarily take place between then-metabolites to make sustained oscillations possible in principle. This is an addition to a previous finding (Bull. Math. Biophysics,30, 751–760) that due to effects of the secreted hormones on target organs, non-linearity of biochemical interactions is not needed for production of sustained oscillations.  相似文献   

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