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Signalling pathways are complex biochemical networks responsible for regulation of numerous cellular functions. These networks function by serial and successive interactions among a large number of vital biomolecules and chemical compounds. For deciphering and analysing the underlying mechanism of such networks, a modularized study is quite helpful. Here we propose an algorithm for modularization of calcium signalling pathway of H. sapiens. The idea that “a node whose function is dependant on maximum number of other nodes tends to be the center of a subnetwork” is used to divide a large signalling network into smaller subnetworks. Inclusion of node(s) into subnetworks(s) is dependant on the outdegree of the node(s). Here outdegree of a node refers to the number of relations of the considered node lying outside the constructed subnetwork. Node(s) having more than c relations lying outside the expanding subnetwork have to be excluded from it. Here c is a specified variable based on user preference, which is finally fixed during adjustments of created subnetworks, so that certain biological significance can be conferred on them.  相似文献   

As pharmacodynamic drug-drug interactions (PD DDIs) could lead to severe adverse effects in patients, it is important to identify potential PD DDIs in drug development. The signaling starting from drug targets is propagated through protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. PD DDIs could occur by close interference on the same targets or within the same pathways as well as distant interference through cross-talking pathways. However, most of the previous approaches have considered only close interference by measuring distances between drug targets or comparing target neighbors. We have applied a random walk with restart algorithm to simulate signaling propagation from drug targets in order to capture the possibility of their distant interference. Cross validation with DrugBank and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes DRUG shows that the proposed method outperforms the previous methods significantly. We also provide a web service with which PD DDIs for drug pairs can be analyzed at http://biosoft.kaist.ac.kr/targetrw.  相似文献   



Boolean network modeling has been widely used to model large-scale biomolecular regulatory networks as it can describe the essential dynamical characteristics of complicated networks in a relatively simple way. When we analyze such Boolean network models, we often need to find out attractor states to investigate the converging state features that represent particular cell phenotypes. This is, however, very difficult (often impossible) for a large network due to computational complexity.


There have been some attempts to resolve this problem by partitioning the original network into smaller subnetworks and reconstructing the attractor states by integrating the local attractors obtained from each subnetwork. But, in many cases, the partitioned subnetworks are still too large and such an approach is no longer useful. So, we have investigated the fundamental reason underlying this problem and proposed a novel efficient way of hierarchically partitioning a given large network into smaller subnetworks by focusing on some attractors corresponding to a particular phenotype of interest instead of considering all attractors at the same time. Using the definition of attractors, we can have a simplified update rule with fixed state values for some nodes. The resulting subnetworks were small enough to find out the corresponding local attractors which can be integrated for reconstruction of the global attractor states of the original large network.


The proposed approach can substantially extend the current limit of Boolean network modeling for converging state analysis of biological networks.



Computing the long term behavior of regulatory and signaling networks is critical in understanding how biological functions take place in organisms. Steady states of these networks determine the activity levels of individual entities in the long run. Identifying all the steady states of these networks is difficult due to the state space explosion problem.


In this paper, we propose a method for identifying all the steady states of Boolean regulatory and signaling networks accurately and efficiently. We build a mathematical model that allows pruning a large portion of the state space quickly without causing any false dismissals. For the remaining state space, which is typically very small compared to the whole state space, we develop a randomized traversal method that extracts the steady states. We estimate the number of steady states, and the expected behavior of individual genes and gene pairs in steady states in an online fashion. Also, we formulate a stopping criterion that terminates the traversal as soon as user supplied percentage of the results are returned with high confidence.


This method identifies the observed steady states of boolean biological networks computationally. Our algorithm successfully reported the G1 phases of both budding and fission yeast cell cycles. Besides, the experiments suggest that this method is useful in identifying co-expressed genes as well. By analyzing the steady state profile of Hedgehog network, we were able to find the highly co-expressed gene pair GL1-SMO together with other such pairs.


Source code of this work is available at http://bioinformatics.cise.ufl.edu/palSteady.html twocolumnfalse]  相似文献   

In biological systems, the dynamic analysis method has gained increasing attention in the past decade. The Boolean network is the most common model of a genetic regulatory network. The interactions of activation and inhibition in the genetic regulatory network are modeled as a set of functions of the Boolean network, while the state transitions in the Boolean network reflect the dynamic property of a genetic regulatory network. A difficult problem for state transition analysis is the finding of attractors. In this paper, we modeled the genetic regulatory network as a Boolean network and proposed a solving algorithm to tackle the attractor finding problem. In the proposed algorithm, we partitioned the Boolean network into several blocks consisting of the strongly connected components according to their gradients, and defined the connection between blocks as decision node. Based on the solutions calculated on the decision nodes and using a satisfiability solving algorithm, we identified the attractors in the state transition graph of each block. The proposed algorithm is benchmarked on a variety of genetic regulatory networks. Compared with existing algorithms, it achieved similar performance on small test cases, and outperformed it on larger and more complex ones, which happens to be the trend of the modern genetic regulatory network. Furthermore, while the existing satisfiability-based algorithms cannot be parallelized due to their inherent algorithm design, the proposed algorithm exhibits a good scalability on parallel computing architectures.  相似文献   



Developing novel uses of approved drugs, called drug repositioning, can reduce costs and times in traditional drug development. Network-based approaches have presented promising results in this field. However, even though various types of interactions such as activation or inhibition exist in drug-target interactions and molecular pathways, most of previous network-based studies disregarded this information.


We developed a novel computational method, Prediction of Drugs having Opposite effects on Disease genes (PDOD), for identifying drugs having opposite effects on altered states of disease genes. PDOD utilized drug-drug target interactions with ‘effect type’, an integrated directed molecular network with ‘effect type’ and ‘effect direction’, and disease genes with regulated states in disease patients. With this information, we proposed a scoring function to discover drugs likely to restore altered states of disease genes using the path from a drug to a disease through the drug-drug target interactions, shortest paths from drug targets to disease genes in molecular pathways, and disease gene-disease associations.


We collected drug-drug target interactions, molecular pathways, and disease genes with their regulated states in the diseases. PDOD is applied to 898 drugs with known drug-drug target interactions and nine diseases. We compared performance of PDOD for predicting known therapeutic drug-disease associations with the previous methods. PDOD outperformed other previous approaches which do not exploit directional information in molecular network. In addition, we provide a simple web service that researchers can submit genes of interest with their altered states and will obtain drugs seeming to have opposite effects on altered states of input genes at http://gto.kaist.ac.kr/pdod/index.php/main.


Our results showed that ‘effect type’ and ‘effect direction’ information in the network based approaches can be utilized to identify drugs having opposite effects on diseases. Our study can offer a novel insight into the field of network-based drug repositioning.



Cellular behaviors are governed by interaction networks among biomolecules, for example gene regulatory and signal transduction networks. An often used dynamic modeling framework for these networks, Boolean modeling, can obtain their attractors (which correspond to cell types and behaviors) and their trajectories from an initial state (e.g. a resting state) to the attractors, for example in response to an external signal. The existing methods however do not elucidate the causal relationships between distant nodes in the network.


In this work, we propose a simple logic framework, based on categorizing causal relationships as sufficient or necessary, as a complement to Boolean networks. We identify and explore the properties of complex subnetworks that are distillable into a single logic relationship. We also identify cyclic subnetworks that ensure the stabilization of the state of participating nodes regardless of the rest of the network. We identify the logic backbone of biomolecular networks, consisting of external signals, self-sustaining cyclic subnetworks (stable motifs), and output nodes. Furthermore, we use the logic framework to identify crucial nodes whose override can drive the system from one steady state to another. We apply these techniques to two biological networks: the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition network corresponding to a developmental process exploited in tumor invasion, and the network of abscisic acid induced stomatal closure in plants. We find interesting subnetworks with logical implications in these networks. Using these subgraphs and motifs, we efficiently reduce both networks to succinct backbone structures.


The logic representation identifies the causal relationships between distant nodes and subnetworks. This knowledge can form the basis of network control or used in the reverse engineering of networks.

Biological networks, such as genetic regulatory networks, often contain positive and negative feedback loops that settle down to dynamically stable patterns. Identifying these patterns, the so-called attractors, can provide important insights for biologists to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying many coordinated cellular processes such as cellular division, differentiation, and homeostasis. Both synchronous and asynchronous Boolean networks have been used to simulate genetic regulatory networks and identify their attractors. The common methods of computing attractors are that start with a randomly selected initial state and finish with exhaustive search of the state space of a network. However, the time complexity of these methods grows exponentially with respect to the number and length of attractors. Here, we build two algorithms to achieve the computation of attractors in synchronous and asynchronous Boolean networks. For the synchronous scenario, combing with iterative methods and reduced order binary decision diagrams (ROBDD), we propose an improved algorithm to compute attractors. For another algorithm, the attractors of synchronous Boolean networks are utilized in asynchronous Boolean translation functions to derive attractors of asynchronous scenario. The proposed algorithms are implemented in a procedure called geneFAtt. Compared to existing tools such as genYsis, geneFAtt is significantly faster in computing attractors for empirical experimental systems.


The software package is available at https://sites.google.com/site/desheng619/download.  相似文献   

Regulatory networks play a central role in cellular behavior and decision making. Learning these regulatory networks is a major task in biology, and devising computational methods and mathematical models for this task is a major endeavor in bioinformatics. Boolean networks have been used extensively for modeling regulatory networks. In this model, the state of each gene can be either ‘on’ or ‘off’ and that next-state of a gene is updated, synchronously or asynchronously, according to a Boolean rule that is applied to the current-state of the entire system. Inferring a Boolean network from a set of experimental data entails two main steps: first, the experimental time-series data are discretized into Boolean trajectories, and then, a Boolean network is learned from these Boolean trajectories. In this paper, we consider three methods for data discretization, including a new one we propose, and three methods for learning Boolean networks, and study the performance of all possible nine combinations on four regulatory systems of varying dynamics complexities. We find that employing the right combination of methods for data discretization and network learning results in Boolean networks that capture the dynamics well and provide predictive power. Our findings are in contrast to a recent survey that placed Boolean networks on the low end of the “faithfulness to biological reality” and “ability to model dynamics” spectra. Further, contrary to the common argument in favor of Boolean networks, we find that a relatively large number of time points in the time-series data is required to learn good Boolean networks for certain data sets. Last but not least, while methods have been proposed for inferring Boolean networks, as discussed above, missing still are publicly available implementations thereof. Here, we make our implementation of the methods available publicly in open source at http://bioinfo.cs.rice.edu/.  相似文献   



Accurate prediction of cancer prognosis based on gene expression data is generally difficult, and identifying robust prognostic markers for cancer remains a challenging problem. Recent studies have shown that modular markers, such as pathway markers and subnetwork markers, can provide better snapshots of the underlying biological mechanisms by incorporating additional biological information, thereby leading to more accurate cancer classification.


In this paper, we propose a novel method for simultaneously identifying robust synergistic subnetwork markers that can accurately predict cancer prognosis. The proposed method utilizes an efficient message-passing algorithm called affinity propagation, based on which we identify groups – or subnetworks – of discriminative and synergistic genes, whose protein products are closely located in the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. Unlike other existing subnetwork marker identification methods, our proposed method can simultaneously identify multiple nonoverlapping subnetwork markers that can synergistically predict cancer prognosis.


Evaluation results based on multiple breast cancer datasets demonstrate that the proposed message-passing approach can identify robust subnetwork markers in the human PPI network, which have higher discriminative power and better reproducibility compared to those identified by previous methods. The identified subnetwork makers can lead to better cancer classifiers with improved overall performance and consistency across independent cancer datasets.

Systematic, genome-wide loss-of-function experiments can be used to identify host factors that directly or indirectly facilitate or inhibit the replication of a virus in a host cell. We present an approach that combines an integer linear program and a diffusion kernel method to infer the pathways through which those host factors modulate viral replication. The inputs to the method are a set of viral phenotypes observed in single-host-gene mutants and a background network consisting of a variety of host intracellular interactions. The output is an ensemble of subnetworks that provides a consistent explanation for the measured phenotypes, predicts which unassayed host factors modulate the virus, and predicts which host factors are the most direct interfaces with the virus. We infer host-virus interaction subnetworks using data from experiments screening the yeast genome for genes modulating the replication of two RNA viruses. Because a gold-standard network is unavailable, we assess the predicted subnetworks using both computational and qualitative analyses. We conduct a cross-validation experiment in which we predict whether held-aside test genes have an effect on viral replication. Our approach is able to make high-confidence predictions more accurately than several baselines, and about as well as the best baseline, which does not infer mechanistic pathways. We also examine two kinds of predictions made by our method: which host factors are nearest to a direct interaction with a viral component, and which unassayed host genes are likely to be involved in viral replication. Multiple predictions are supported by recent independent experimental data, or are components or functional partners of confirmed relevant complexes or pathways. Integer program code, background network data, and inferred host-virus subnetworks are available at http://www.biostat.wisc.edu/~craven/chasman_host_virus/.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to introduce a diffusion model for biological organisms that increase their motility when food or other resource is insufficient. It is shown in this paper that Fick’s diffusion law does not explain such a starvation driven diffusion correctly. The diffusion model for nonuniform Brownian motion in Kim (Einstein’s random walk and thermal diffusion, preprint http://amath.kaist.ac.kr/papers/Kim/31.pdf, 2013) is employed in this paper and a Fokker–Planck type diffusion law is obtained. Lotka–Volterra type competition systems with spatial heterogeneity are tested, where one species follows the starvation driven diffusion and the other follows the linear diffusion. In heterogeneous environments, the starvation driven diffusion turns out to be a better survival strategy than the linear one. Various issues such as the global asymptotic stability, convergence to an ideal free distribution, the extinction and coexistence of competing species are discussed.  相似文献   

AvailabilityThe database is available online for free at http://nabic.rda.go.kr/SNP  相似文献   

A discrete model of a biological regulatory network can be represented by a discrete function that contains all available information on interactions between network components and the rules governing the evolution of the network in a finite state space. Since the state space size grows exponentially with the number of network components, analysis of large networks is a complex problem. In this paper, we introduce the notion of symbolic steady state that allows us to identify subnetworks that govern the dynamics of the original network in some region of state space. We state rules to explicitly construct attractors of the system from subnetwork attractors. Using the results, we formulate sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple attractors resp. a cyclic attractor based on the existence of positive resp. negative feedback circuits in the graph representing the structure of the system. In addition, we discuss approaches to finding symbolic steady states. We focus both on dynamics derived via synchronous as well as asynchronous update rules. Lastly, we illustrate the results by analyzing a model of T helper cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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