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普通野生稻miR160f的克隆和功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MicroRNAs是一类在调节基因转录后表达中起重要作用的非编码RNA。miR160通过调节生长素响应因子(ARF)参与根细胞的分裂和分化,从而影响根的发育。克隆了普通野生稻mi R160f基因,并将其转入拟南芥中鉴定功能。结果表明,过表达mi R160f的拟南芥莲座叶的数量减少,抽薹时间缩短,开花的时间提前。qPCR检测显示miR160f的靶基因ARF10、ARF16及ARF17在过表达拟南芥植株中的表达下调,而ARF10和ARF16蛋白的缺失或减少会导致根冠细胞分化受阻、分裂失控,并导致根尖干细胞群的异位扩大,因此可以表明miR160不仅影响根的发育,还可能与水稻的开花时间相关。  相似文献   

Qian J  He T  Song Z  Lu B 《Biochemical genetics》2005,43(11-12):561-575
We evaluated the genetic consequences and efficiency of conservation practices in Oryza rufipogon using microsatellite DNA markers. Spatial autocorrelation analysis from 12 microsatellite loci revealed that microsatellite alleles were exclusively distributed in patches within the population, indicating that large populations were unlikely to be homogeneous. An in situ conserved stand of O. rufipogon, which has been protected by a concrete wall from a large population, captured only 67.9% of the total genetic variation of the previous large population. The concrete wall was built to protect the wild rice, but it acted more as a physical barrier to gene exchanges between the two sides. An assignment test revealed only 11.1% putative seed exchanges across the wall. A reintroduced population was found to be genetically very diverse. About 76.3% of the total genetic variation detected in other populations was captured in this reintroduced population, and 24.8% of the total genetic variation in this population was not found in other populations. These results display two important findings for conservation of O. rufipogon. First, conserving one part of a large population of O. rufipogon will not preserve an adequate sample of the genetic variability, since populations are not homogeneous, and genotype distribution varies among localities. Second, a reintroduced population is not genetically depauperate, but it is too early to assess its long-term survival.  相似文献   

广西普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff)表型性状和SSR多样性研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以中国普通野生稻初级核心种质中广西普通野生稻部分中的 2 2 3份野生稻为材料 ,以平均分布于水稻 12条染色体上的 34对SSR引物和中国稻种资源目录中的表型性状分析广西普通野生稻SSR位点的等位变异、多样性的地理分布及不同生长习性间的多样性分布等。结果表明 ,每对引物检测到的多态性片段 7~ 4 8条 ,平均为 2 4 .91条 ,普通野生稻的等位变异数明显大于地方稻种 ,在所分析的SSR位点中杂合位点比例变化在 1.35 %~ 81.31%之间 ,平均为 32 .0 1% ,与自花授粉的栽培稻相比具有较高的杂合率 ;北纬 2 2°~ 2 3°和 2 3°~ 2 4°范围内的两个区域内(一个包括隆安、扶绥和邕宁三县 ,另一个包括象州、来宾、武宣、玉林和贵港五个县 )所包含的普通野生稻数量多 ,遗传多样性大 ,在DNA水平上是广西普通野生稻的遗传多样性中心 ,而表型性状多样性中心是在北纬 2 1°~ 2 2°和2 2°~ 2 3°,其多样性分布与DNA水平不完全一致。在 4种生长习性间 ,DNA水平上的遗传多样性大小依次为匍匐型 ,倾斜型 ,半直立型和直立型 ,表型水平的多样性与DNA水平的多样性基本一致。  相似文献   

Wang MX  Zhang HL  Zhang DL  Qi YW  Fan ZL  Li DY  Pan DJ  Cao YS  Qiu ZE  Yu P  Yang QW  Wang XK  Li ZC 《Heredity》2008,101(6):527-535
Oryza rufipogon Griff. (common wild rice; CWR) is the ancestor of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). Investigation of the genetic structure and diversity of CWR in China will provide information about the origin of cultivated rice and the grain quality and yield. In this study, we used 36 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to assay 889 accessions, which were highly representative of whole germplasm in China. The analysis revealed a hierarchical genetic structure within CWR. First, CWR has diverged into two ecotypic populations, a south subtropical population (SSP) and a middle subtropical population (MSP), probably owing to natural selection by the different climates. The distribution of specific alleles and haplotypes indicated that Chinese CWR had both indica-like and japonica-like variations; the SSP was an indica-like type, whereas the MSP was more japonica-like. The SSP and MSP further diverged into five (HN, GD-GX1, GX2, FJ and YN) and two (JX-HuN1 and HuN2) geographical populations, respectively. The genetic data suggest the isolation by distance, although water systems also appear to play an important role in the formation of homogenous populations, and occasionally landscape was also involved. The population GD-GX1, which grew widely in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, was the largest geographical population in China. It had a high level of genetic diversity (GD) and the closest genetic relationship with other inferred populations. The population HN, with the smallest SSR molecular weights and the highest level of GD, may be the most ancestral population.  相似文献   

桂东南地区普通野生稻遗传多样性研究   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
利用25个微卫星位点对广西壮族自治区贺州、崇左、防城港3市8个居群301份普通野生稻材料的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行研究,结果表明桂东南地区普通野生稻遗传多样性丰富,平均等位基因数A=10.2400,有效等位基因数Ae=5.0221,平均期望杂合度He=0.7641,实际观察杂合度Ho=0.4840.根据固定指数(F=0.5653)计算出的异交率(t=0.2777)表明,普通野生稻的繁育系统是典型的混合繁育系统.对其遗传结构分析表明,总的遗传变异中有34.59%存在于居群间(Fst=0.3459).进一步研究发现大多数居群偏离了Hardy-Weinberg平衡且杂合体不足(Fis=0.2680,Fit=0.4817).最后根据各居群的遗传变异特点和遗传多样性比较,建议居群QT、YJ和TJ需要优先保护.  相似文献   

利用30对SSR引物对广东高州普通野生稻3个群体进行了遗传多样性分析和居群遗传分化研究.结果表明,30对引物中只有20对表现出多态,多态位点比率P为66.7%;在20个多态位点中共检测出81个等位变异,平均等位变异数(Ap)为4.05 个;3个群体总的遗传多样性(Ht)为0.61,其中,居群内的遗传多样性为居群间的遗传多样性的3倍多,说明总的遗传多样性主要来自居群内;虽然居群间的遗传分化系数(G ST)较低,仅为0.2427,但当遗传相似系数临界值增加时,3个群体在聚类图上相对独立 ,说明3个群体既存在着高度的遗传相似性,又具有一定程度的遗传分化,可以作为3个居群进行原生境保护.  相似文献   

云南元江普通野生稻穗颈维管束和穗部性状的QTL分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以云南元江普通野生稻为供体亲本,籼稻品种特青为轮回亲本构建高代回交群体,用SSR标记构建连锁图谱,在第1、2、3、4、7和10染色体上定位到7个控制穗颈大维管束数的QTL,在第1、2、3、4和8染色体上定位到5个控制穗颈小维管束数的QTL,在第11和12以外的10条染色体上,共定位到15个控制穗一、二次枝梗数和穗颖花数QTL。来自野生稻的等位基因大多表现负效,能显著减少群体的穗颈维管束数、枝梗数和颖花数,说明从野生稻演化成栽培稻的过程中,可能淘汰了一些对产量不利的QTL,保留了有利的QTL。相当一部分控制穗颈维管束数、枝梗数及颖花数的QTL在染色体上成簇分布或紧密连锁,且加性效应的方向一致,从理论上解释了这些性状表型显著相关的遗传基础,同时也说明在人工选择或自然选择下,这些性状可能存在平行进化或协同进化的关系。  相似文献   

用SSR方法对云南元江普通野生稻3个自然居群进行30个位点的遗传多样性分析.结果表明,元江普通野生稻具有较高的遗传变异水平(Ap=2.6,Hs=0.77),且群体遗传分化系数较大,GST为41.08%,即在遗传变异总量中41.08%存在于居群间.本文还通过对云南元江普通野生稻遗传多样性特点的分析,提出了保护策略.  相似文献   

普通野生稻和亚洲栽培稻遗传多样性的研究   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
用44个RFLP标记对来自中国、印度、泰国等亚洲10个国家的普通野生稻(简称普野,下同)和来自多个国家的75个栽培稻品种,从多态位点的比率、等位基因数、平均杂合度及平均基因多样性等多个方面,比较了不同国家和不同地区的普通野生稻、栽培稻灿粳亚种及栽培与普野之间遗传多样性的差异。结果表明:中国普野的遗传多样性最大;其次是印度普野;南亚普野的平均基因多样性大于东南亚普野;而多态位点的比率、等位基因数及基  相似文献   

利用SSR标记分析海南普通野生稻的遗传多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用平均分布于水稻基因组的28对SSR引物,对海南不同纬度5个普通野生稻居群的163份材料进行遗传多样性和遗传结构研究。结果表明:(1)海南普通野生稻具有较高的遗传多样性,28个位点共检测到227个等位变异,平均等位变异数A=8.1071,有效等位变异数Ae=4.4190,平均期望杂合度He=0.4004,实际观察杂合度Ho=0.7062,香农指数I=1.6048;(2)居群的遗传分化系数较大,总的遗传变异中有46.40%存在于居群间(Fst=0.4640);(3)居群内杂合体较高(F is=-0.7069),根据固定指数(F=0.0588)计算出的异交率t=0.8889,说明海南普通野生稻的繁育系统属于一种较高的异交混合交配类型。  相似文献   

Thirty polymorphic Oryza sativa microsatellite loci (SSRs) were used to study population genetic structure of O. rufipogon Griff. natural populations in Malaysia. A total of 445 alleles were detected with an average of 14.8 alleles per locus in 176 individuals of O. rufipogon sampled from the states of Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu where the natural populations are still found. The Kelantan population in the northeast of Peninsular Malaysia had the highest level of genetic diversity as measured by the mean number of alleles per locus, Aa?=?7.67, average number of effective alleles, Ae?=?5.50, percentage of polymorphic loci, P?=?100%, observed heterozygosity, Ho?=?0.631 and expected heterozygosity, He?=?0.798. In contrast, the Terengganu population in the east showed the lowest level of genetic diversity measured by the same criteria (Aa?=?4.23, Ae?=?2.10, P?=?100%, Ho?=?0.549 and He?=?0.449). Model–based clustering analysis using the STRUCTURE 2.2 program placed all the individuals into 12 clusters that corresponded to the geographic sampling locations. Neighbour-joining tree was constructed based on Nei’s genetic distance to further assess the genetic structure of the O. rufipogon individuals, showed good agreement (93.8%) with the model-based cluster analysis. However, the neighbour-joining tree identified sub-populations that STRUCTURE could not identify. The classification of individuals from the same populations under the same cluster supported the population differentiation. These two analyses seemed to indicate expansion of populations from the northeast of Peninsular Malaysia (Tumpat, Pasir Mas and Kota Bahru, Kelantan) not only to the immediate south of the region i.e. Terengganu but also into the northwest (i.e. Penang and Kedah) with the former being more recent. Oryza rufipogon accession IRGC105491 and O. sativa ssp. indica cultivar MR219, which were included in this study for comparisons with the local wild rice accessions, indicated that introgression of cultivated rice could change genetic composition and affect the population genetic structure of wild rice. This possibility should be carefully considered in plans to conserve this wild rice.  相似文献   

Oryza rufipogon Griff., allozyme analysis was conducted using 22 loci on a typical population from Yunnan Province, China. Non-random distribution of genotypes and/or genetic variability was found among three subpopulations, and the result was further demonstrated by considerable genetic differentiation observed (F ST =0.206) within the population. Microhabitat selection may not be an important factor in shaping intra-population genetic structure, and restricted gene flow (N m =0.964<1) and genetic drift act together towards a genetic subdivision within the population. This genetic subdivision may enhance inbreeding and will ultimately lead to genetic depletion within the predominantly outcrossing (t=0.830) perennial population, and therefore, more attention should be paid to the conservation and genetic management of the population. Received 25 June 1999/ Accepted in revised form 31 August 2000  相似文献   

根据EST(expressed sequence tags,EST)序列信息,从海南普通野生稻中克隆了一个AP2/ERF(apetala2/ethylene response factor)类转录因子OrERF1。该基因包含一个1 014 bp的完整阅读框,编码337个氨基酸。推导OrERF1氨基酸序列具有典型的AP2/ERF类转录因子结构特征,与水稻(Oryza sativa)、大麦(Hordeum vulgare)、玉米(Zea mays)和橙子(Citrus sinensis)中相应的AP2/ERF类蛋白具有较高的同源性。聚类分析表明OrERF1是ERF类转录因子。对OrERF1启动子序列进行分析,发现存在多种激素应答和胁迫响应的调控元件。Real-time PCR结果显示,低温、干旱和盐胁迫均能诱导OrERF1的表达。这些结果表明OrERF1可能在逆境响应过程中具有重要功能。  相似文献   

云南元江普通野生稻株高和抽穗期QTL定位研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以云南元江普通野生稻为供体亲本,在特青的遗传背景下构建了一套BC3高代回交群体。利用117个SSR标记分析383个BC3F2株系的基因型,采用单标记分析法对控制元江普野株高和抽穗期的QTL进行分析。在北京和合肥两个地点试验结果表明,控制株高的QTL分布在第1染色体上,在RM104附近有一个QTL,与sd-1位置相当,其对表现型变异的贡献率在两个地点分别为27%和28%,其加性效应值分别为26.24cm和26.28cm,来自野生稻的等位基因显著提高回交群体的株高;在第1、3、7、8、11染色体共检测到6个控制抽穗期QTL,其中第8染色体RM25附近控制抽穗期的QTL在两个地点的贡献率分别为13%和15%,加性效应值为4.60d和3.65d,来自野生稻的等位基因使回交群体抽穗期延迟。  相似文献   

江西东乡野生稻苗期抗旱基因定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
普通野生稻是栽培稻的祖先种,其遗传多样性远远大于栽培稻,蕴涵着栽培品种中难以找到的重要性状.以江西东乡普通野生稻为供体、以桂朝2号为遗传背景的野生稻基因渗入系(BC4F5、BC4F6)为材料,利用30%的PEG人工模拟干旱环境,对渗入系二叶一心苗期进行抗旱鉴定,共定位了12个与抗旱有关的QTL,其中在第2、6和12染色体上发现了4个QTL的加性效应值为正,来自东乡野生稻的等位基因能使渗入系的抗旱性增强,特别是位于第12染色体RM17附近的qSDT12-2在多次重复中均被检测到,在PEG处理后1-8 d能稳定表达.通过对抗旱性QTL的动态分析,发现不同QTL表达时间不同.  相似文献   

OrCr3(Oryza rufipogon cold responsive gene 3)是一个从茶陵野生稻中发现的受低温诱导表达的基因.以茶陵野生稻为材料克隆了其cDNA及其启动子区域序列,生物信息学分析表明,该基因的完整ORF(open reading frame)长为1 110 bp,推测编码一个由369个氨基酸残基组成的山梨糖醇脱氢酶蛋白,理论相对分子质量为39.3 kD,pI值为6.03;山梨糖醇脱氢酶具有催化山梨糖醇向果糖转变的作用;对OrCr3的启动子区域进行分析,发现多种可能与逆境应答相关的顺式作用调控元件;该基因编码的蛋白在不同物种中存在高度相似性.以上结果说明OrCr3基因可能是一个保守的耐逆相关基因.  相似文献   

在苗期应用自然诱发鉴定法对海南普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogonGriff.)41个居群的410份材料进行了2年的稻瘟病(rice blast)抗性鉴定,结果表明:经过初鉴和复鉴,410份海南普通野生稻中有21份表现高抗,占5.1%,117份表现抗,占28.5%,说明海南普通野生稻具有较好的稻瘟病抗性。  相似文献   

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