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A putative driver of global amphibian decline is the panzootic chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). While Bd has been documented across continental Africa, its distribution in West Africa remains ambiguous. We tested 793 West African amphibians (one caecilian and 61 anuran species) for the presence of Bd. The samples originated from seven West African countries - Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d''Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone - and were collected from a variety of habitats, ranging from lowland rainforests to montane forests, montane grasslands to humid and dry lowland savannahs. The species investigated comprised various life-history strategies, but we focused particularly on aquatic and riparian species. We used diagnostic PCR to screen 656 specimen swabs and histology to analyse 137 specimen toe tips. All samples tested negative for Bd, including a widespread habitat generalist Hoplobatrachus occipitalis which is intensively traded on the West African food market and thus could be a potential dispersal agent for Bd. Continental fine-grained (30 arc seconds) environmental niche models suggest that Bd should have a broad distribution across West Africa that includes most of the regions and habitats that we surveyed. The surprising apparent absence of Bd in West Africa indicates that the Dahomey Gap may have acted as a natural barrier. Herein we highlight the importance of this Bd-free region of the African continent - especially for the long-term conservation of several threatened species depending on fast flowing forest streams (Conraua alleni (“Vulnerable”) and Petropedetes natator (“Near Threatened”)) as well as the “Critically Endangered” viviparous toad endemic to the montane grasslands of Mount Nimba (Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis).  相似文献   

Audio Visual Stimulation (AVS), a form of neurofeedback, is a non-pharmacological intervention that has been used for both performance enhancement and symptom management. We review the history of AVS, its two sub-types (close- and open-loop), and discuss its clinical implications. We also describe a promising new application of AVS to improve sleep, and potentially decrease pain. AVS research can be traced back to the late 1800s. AVS’s efficacy has been demonstrated for both performance enhancement and symptom management. Although AVS is commonly used in clinical settings, there is limited literature evaluating clinical outcomes and mechanisms of action. One of the challenges to AVS research is the lack of standardized terms, which makes systematic review and literature consolidation difficult. Future studies using AVS as an intervention should; (1) use operational definitions that are consistent with the existing literature, such as AVS, Audio-visual Entrainment, or Light and Sound Stimulation, (2) provide a clear rationale for the chosen training frequency modality, (3) use a randomized controlled design, and (4) follow the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials and/or related guidelines when disseminating results.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) is the major insect pest of cotton in Africa, Turkey, Asia, India, Indonesia and Australia. Populations recently developed resistance to pyrethroids in West Africa via the overproduction of cytochrome P450 (oxidases) increasing pyrethroid metabolism. One way to overcome pyrethroid resistance is to use compounds that show negative cross-resistance to pyrethroids. Triazophos is one of these compounds: it is slightly more toxic against pyrethroid resistant larvae of H. armigera than against susceptible ones. Overproduced oxidases transform the non active triazophos into its active form, triazophos-oxon, since this form was significantly more often found in larvae from pyrethroid resistant strain (23%) than in susceptible strain (15%). This suggests that oxidases, which provide resistance by degradation of pyrethroids in the resistant individuals, also activate triazophos in its toxic oxon form resulting in a negative cross-resistance.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) populations from West Africa recently developed resistance to pyrethroid insecticides through enhanced metabolism by mixed-function oxidases. The combination index method was used to study the synergism of pyrethroids by organophosphorus insecticides. Several mixtures of insecticides currently registered to control cotton pest complex in West Africa were tested, including: cypermethrin/ethion, cypermethrin/profenofos, deltamethrin/ triazophos, deltamethrin/chlorpyriphos, cyfluthrin/chlorpyriphos, and betacyfluthrin/chlorpyriphos. In the resistant strain, the organophosphorus insecticides significantly increased the toxicity of pyrethroids suppressing the resistance effect, either by additive or synergistic effects. Significant synergism was shown for the following mixtures: cypermethrin/ethion, deltamethrin/triazophos, and deltamethrin/chlorpyriphos. The use of synergism from these insecticide mixtures should prove to be an additional tool in the overall resistance management strategy because the pyrethroid resistance in H. armigera from West Africa is not yet stable, decreasing between cotton seasons and increasing with treatments. In absence of selection, the susceptibility of H. armigera to insecticides should be restored.  相似文献   

Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) are eaten by a number of bird species in southern Africa. Our database contained 545 species (excluding waterbirds and raptors), of which 179 species have been observed feeding on ants, or had ants in their stomachs. Ants are eaten by birds in all ecosystems, but the consumption of ants is disproportionately high in species that occur in arid ecosystems. The number of bird species eating ants increases in proportion to the number of bird species in any ecosystem, but it increases disproportionately with decreasing mean annual rainfall. There was a small, but not significant, difference in the proportion of ant-eating bird species between 502 resident species, of which 154 (30.6%) eat ants, and 47 nomadic species, of which 18 (38.2%) eat ants. Foraging behaviour and substrate, i.e. whether foraging in the air, from a perch or on the ground, significantly influenced the probability that ants would be included in the diet.  相似文献   

During long-term research on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia, several individuals were observed carrying sponges, Echinodictyum mesenterinum, on their rostra. Over multiple years, five regularly sighted individuals were usually carrying sponges when encountered (67–100% of encounters). Four additional regularly sighted individuals were observed with sponges just one time each. All five individuals that routinely carried sponges were female. Two of the anomalous, one-time carriers were female, one was likely female, and one was male. Most observations of sponge carrying occurred within a restricted area, a relatively deep water channel (8–10 m deep). Surface observations of sponge carrying, including focal animal observations, revealed a stereotyped surfacing and diving pattern, and occasional indications of prey consumption. Three hypotheses are considered regarding the function of sponge carrying: 1. dolphins were playing with the sponges; 2. the sponges contain some compound of use to the dolphins (e.g. for medicinal purposes); and 3. the sponges were used as a tool to aid in foraging. The foraging tool hypothesis is best supported, but the exact manner in which sponges are used remains to be discovered. Sponge carrying is a behavioural specialization, probably involving foraging, and regularly engaged in by only a small proportion of female dolphins in Shark Bay.  相似文献   

In the wild, California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are exposed to a wide variety of sensory information, which cannot be replicated in captive environments. Therefore, unique procedures are necessary for maintaining physiological and psychological health in nonhuman animals in captivity. The effects of introducing natural scents to captive enclosures have been investigated in a variety of species, yet they have not been examined in marine mammals. This project explored the behavioral effect of scent added to the environment, with the goal of improving the welfare of sea lions in captivity. Two scent types were introduced: (a) natural scents, found in their native environment, and (b) non-natural scents, not found in their native environment. This study examined not only scent enrichment but also the possible evolutionary underpinnings of pinniped olfaction. Scent enrichment was found to significantly impact sea lion behavior as demonstrated by a reduction in pattern swimming, an increase in habitat utilization, and a reduction in stereotypical behavior. However, there were no differences in behavior between natural and non-natural scent conditions.  相似文献   

The role of state forests in the conservation of the savannah environment of western Burkina Faso (West Africa) was assessed by considering the customary and fundamental biological components of plant diversity. The focus is on the “ordinary biodiversity” which constitutes the current environment of human populations and which generates their resources. Overall floristic composition, α, β, γ diversities and species accumulation curves of landscape units were compared inside and outside protected areas. Common species were identified according to their frequencies in landscape units and their local abundance. The occurrences of functional (life form, dispersion, etc.) and human-valued (current uses, potential threats, etc.) traits were compared. Current land uses outside protected areas have an unequal effect on the various components of plant diversity. Species richnesses and specific structures were all the more altered for woody species as agricultural pressure is high; conversely, they were maintained for herbaceous communities for which the proportion of wide-ranging species increased. The preservation of useful plant species on cultivated lands was obvious for woody species with edible fruits but less tangible for timber and service wood. It was deficient for species that furnish other non-wood products (e.g. leaves used as food or fodder), the conservation of which may be jeopardized where anthropic pressure is high. Given current land uses and dynamics, maintaining conservation areas in land use planning is crucial in order to preserve ordinary biodiversity. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The impact of a vector eradication programme, conducted in the 1980s, on Anopheles gambiae populations from the islands of São Tomé and Príncipe, was evaluated by microsatellite DNA analysis. Significant genetic differentiation was observed within and between the two islands and between the islands and a population from Gabon, suggesting a degree of isolation between them. Large estimates of long‐term Ne suggested that the control programme did not affect the effective population size of the vector. Heterozygosity tests were also not consistent with a recent bottleneck.  相似文献   

Influenza A subtype H5N1 has represented a growing alarm since its recent identification in Asia. Previously thought to infect only wild birds and poultry, H5N1 has now infected humans, cats, pigs and other mammals in an ongoing outbreak, often with a fatal outcome. In order to evaluate the risk factors for human infection with influenza virus H5N1, here we summarize 53 case patients confirmed with H5N1 infection during 2006. The review also compares the mortality rate among human cases from late 2003 until 15 June 2006 in different countries. Neither how these viruses are transmitted to humans nor the most effective way to reduce the risk for infection is fully understood. The association between household contact with diseased poultry in human infection has been demonstrated. This association could possibly operate by 2 mechanisms. First, transmission may be by inhalation or conjunctival deposition of large infectious droplets which may travel only in short distances. Second, having infected poultry in the home and preparation of infected poultry for consumption may result in exposure to higher virus concentrations than other types of exposure. There is so far no significant evidence for repeated human to human transmission, yet some cases of human to human transmission among the family relatives in Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Iraq and Turkey have been described. Recent outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza A virus (H5N1 subtype) infections in poultry and humans (through direct contact with infected birds) have raised concerns that a new influenza pandemic might occur in the near future.  相似文献   


[2′-18O]- and [3′-18O]-Adenosine and [2′-18O]- and [3′-18O]-9-(β-D-arabinofuranosyl) adenine were synthesized from?appropriate nucleoside precursors. The sites of 18O-incorporation were determined by mass spectrometry. 18O-Induced 13C NMR shifts were measured for 2′-and 3′-labeled adenosines as 1.2 and 1.6 Hz, respectively.  相似文献   

Background: Stage and age at diagnosis are important prognostic factors for patients with colorectal cancer. However, the proportion cured by stage and age is unknown in England. Materials and methods: This population-based study includes 29,563 adult patients who were diagnosed and registered with colorectal cancer during 1997–2004 and followed till 2007 in North West England. Multiple imputation was used to provide more reliable estimates of stage at diagnosis, when these data were missing. Cure mixture models were used to estimate the proportion ‘cured’ and the median survival of the uncured by age and stage. Results: For both colon and rectal cancer the proportion of patients cured and median survival time of the uncured decreased with advancing stage and increasing age. Patients aged under 65 years had the highest proportion cured and longest median survival of the uncured. Conclusion: Cure of colorectal cancer patients is dependent on stage and age at diagnosis with younger patients or those with less advanced disease having a better prognosis. Further efforts are required, in order to reduce the proportion of patients presenting with stage III and IV disease and ultimately increase the chance of cure.  相似文献   

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