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To predict the behavior of a transporting epithelium by intuitive means can be complex and frustrating. As the number of parameters to be considered increases beyond a few, the task can be termed impossible. The alternative is to model epithelial behavior by mathematical means. For that to be feasible, it has been presumed that a large amount of experimental information is required, so as to be able to use known values for the majority of kinetic parameters. However, in the present case, we are modeling corneal endothelial behavior beginning with experimental values for only five of eleven parameters. The remaining parameter values are calculated assuming cellular steady state and using algebraic software. With that as base, as in preceding treatments but with a distribution of channels/transporters suited to the endothelium, temporal cell and tissue behavior are computed by a program written in Basic that monitors changes in chemical and electrical driving forces across cell membranes and the paracellular pathway. We find that the program reproduces quite well the behaviors experimentally observed for the translayer electrical potential difference and rate of fluid transport, (a) in the steady state, (b) after perturbations by changes in ambient conditions HCO3, Na+, and Cl concentrations), and (c) after challenge by inhibitors (ouabain, DIDS, Na+- and Cl-channel inhibitors). In addition, we have used the program to compare predictions of translayer fluid transport by two competing theories, electro-osmosis and local osmosis. Only predictions using electro-osmosis fit all the experimental data.  相似文献   

The mechanism of epithelial fluid transport is controversial and remains unsolved. Experimental difficulties pose obstacles for work on a complex phenomenon in delicate tissues. However, the corneal endothelium is a relatively simple system to which powerful experimental tools can be applied. In recent years our laboratory has developed experimental evidence and theoretical insights that illuminate the mechanism of fluid transport across this leaky epithelium. Our evidence points to fluid being transported via the paracellular route by a mechanism requiring junctional integrity, which we attribute to electro-osmotic coupling at the junctions. Fluid movements can be produced by electrical currents. The direction of the movement can be reversed by current reversal or by changing junctional electrical charges by polylysine. Aquaporin 1 (AQP1) is the only AQP present in these cells, and its deletion in AQP1 null mice significantly affects cell osmotic permeability but not fluid transport, which militates against the presence of sizable water movements across the cell. By contrast, AQP1 null mice cells have reduced regulatory volume decrease (only 60% of control), which suggests a possible involvement of AQP1 in either the function or the expression of volume-sensitive membrane channels/transporters. A mathematical model of corneal endothelium predicts experimental results only when based on paracellular electro-osmosis, and not when transcellular local osmosis is assumed instead. Our experimental findings in corneal endothelium have allowed us to develop a novel paradigm for this preparation that includes: (1) paracellular fluid flow; (2) a crucial role for the junctions; (3) hypotonicity of the primary secretion; (4) an AQP role in regulation and not as a significant water pathway. These elements are remarkably similar to those proposed by the Hill laboratory for leaky epithelia.  相似文献   

The homeostatic lung protective effects of alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT) may require the transport of circulating proteinase inhibitor across an intact lung endothelial barrier. We hypothesized that uninjured pulmonary endothelial cells transport A1AT to lung epithelial cells. Purified human A1AT was rapidly taken up by confluent primary rat pulmonary endothelial cell monolayers, was secreted extracellularly, both apically and basolaterally, and was taken up by adjacent rat lung epithelial cells co-cultured on polarized transwells. Similarly, polarized primary human lung epithelial cells took up basolaterally-, but not apically-supplied A1AT, followed by apical secretion. Evidence of A1AT transcytosis across lung microcirculation was confirmed in vivo by two-photon intravital microscopy in mice. Time-lapse confocal microscopy indicated that A1AT co-localized with Golgi in the endothelium whilst inhibition of the classical secretory pathway with tunicamycin significantly increased intracellular retention of A1AT. However, inhibition of Golgi secretion promoted non-classical A1AT secretion, associated with microparticle release. Polymerized A1AT or A1AT supplied to endothelial cells exposed to soluble cigarette smoke extract had decreased transcytosis. These results suggest previously unappreciated pathways of A1AT bidirectional uptake and secretion from lung endothelial cells towards the alveolar epithelium and airspaces. A1AT trafficking may determine its functional bioavailablity in the lung, which could be impaired in individuals exposed to smoking or in those with A1AT deficiency.  相似文献   

The transport equation describing the flow of solute across a membrane has been modified on the basis of theoretical studies calculating the drag of a sphere moving in a viscous liquid undergoing Poiseuille flow inside a cylinder. It is shown that different frictional resistance terms should be introduced to calculate the contributions of diffusion and convection. New sieving equations are derived to calculate r and Apx (respectively, the pore radius and the total area of the pores per unit of path length). These equations provide a better agreement than the older formulas between the calculated and the experimental glomerular sieving coefficients for [125I]polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) fractions with a mean equivalent radius between 19 and 37 Å. From r and Apx, the mean effective glomerular filtration pressure has been calculated, applying Poiseuille's law. A value of 15.4 mm Hg has been derived from the mean sieving curve obtained from 23 experiments performed on normal anesthetized dogs.  相似文献   

The Goldman, Henderson, and Planck junction potential equations can be used to describe the potential across the resting giant squid axon. These equations are used to calculate the relative Na, K, and Cl permeabilities of the squid axon using the experimental measurements of Hodgkin and Katz. The equations all provide excellent agreement with the observed data and yield similar permeability values.  相似文献   

Corneal problems affect millions of people worldwide reducing their quality of life significantly. Corneal disease can be caused by illnesses such as Aniridia or Steven Johnson Syndrome as well as by external factors such as chemical burns or radiation. Current treatments are (i) the use of corneal grafts and (ii) the use of stem cell expanded in the laboratory and delivered on carriers (e.g., amniotic membrane); these treatments are relatively successful but unfortunately they can fail after 3-5 years. There is a need to design and manufacture new corneal biomaterial devices able to mimic in detail the physiological environment where stem cells reside in the cornea. Limbal stem cells are located in the limbus (circular area between cornea and sclera) in specific niches known as the Palisades of Vogt. In this work we have developed a new platform technology which combines two cutting-edge manufacturing techniques (microstereolithography and electrospinning) for the fabrication of corneal membranes that mimic to a certain extent the limbus. Our membranes contain artificial micropockets which aim to provide cells with protection as the Palisades of Vogt do in the eye.  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(8):1689-1699
Protein translocation is a fundamental process in biology. Major gaps in our understanding of this process arise due the poor sensitivity, low time resolution and irreproducibility of translocation assays. To address this, we applied NanoLuc split-luciferase to produce a new strategy for measuring protein transport. The system reduces the timescale of data collection from days to minutes and allows for continuous acquisition with a time resolution in the order of seconds, yielding kinetics parameters suitable for mechanistic elucidation and mathematical fitting. To demonstrate its versatility, we implemented and validated the assay in vitro and in vivo for the bacterial Sec system and the mitochondrial protein import apparatus. Overall, this technology represents a major step forward, providing a powerful new tool for fundamental mechanistic enquiry of protein translocation and for inhibitor (drug) screening, with an intensity and rigor unattainable through classical methods.  相似文献   

Mokrushnikov  P. V. 《Biophysics》2020,65(1):63-67
Biophysics - Abstract—Advances in nanotechnologies and artificial methods for the synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles with sizes of 1–100 nm raise the issue of their biological...  相似文献   

Equations of mechanical equilibrium are applied to the erythrocyte membrane in the normal, hypotonically swollen, and sphered configurations. The hydrostatic pressure drop across the normal cell membrane is shown to be zero for all biconcave shapes if the membrane thickness is uniform. This result leads to the conclusion that the membrane tension is uniform and is a function of membrane potential. A two-dimensional fluid film model for the membrane is introduced to describe the unusual deformability of the erythrocyte during sphering in hypotonic solutions. The model predicts a smooth transition from the biconcave shape to a perfect sphere.  相似文献   

Osmotic shock is a procedure in which Gram-negative bacteria are treated as follows. First they are suspended in 0.5 M sucrose containing ethylenediaminetetraacetate. After removal of the sucrose by centrifugation, the pellet of cells is rapidly dispersed in cold, very dilute, MgCl2. This causes the selective release of a group of hydrolytic enzymes. In addition, there is selective release of certain binding proteins. So far, binding proteins for D-galactose, L-leucine, and inorganic sulfate have been discovered and purified. The binding proteins form a reversible complex with the substrate but catalyze no chemical change, and no enzymatic activities have been detected. Various lines of evidence suggest that the binding proteins may play a role in active transport: (a) osmotic shock causes a large drop in transport activity associated with the release of binding protein; (b) transport-negative mutants have been found which lack the corresponding binding protein; (c) the affinity constants for binding and transport are similar; and (d) repression of active transport of leucine was accompanied by loss of binding protein. The binding proteins and hydrolytic enzymes released by shock appear to be located in the cell envelope. Glucose 6-phosphate acts as an inducer for its own transport system when supplied exogenously, but not when generated endogenously from glucose.  相似文献   

The changes in leaf extension, plant dryweight, leaf area, netassimilation rate (E), relative growth-rate (RW), and relativeleaf growth-rate (RL), have been studied for four species grownfor 2 weeks in solutions of polyethylene glycol 4000 of controlledosmotic potentials. All aspects of growth were decreased bydecreasing the osmotic potential (sol) of the root medium andthe leaf water potential (), and ceased when / was greater than— 10 bars in bean, cotton, maize. These plants were moresusceptible than ryegrass to water stress. Growth of bean stoppedat equal to about —6 bars, but even at —10 barsryegrass was capable of some growth. Slight decrease in fromthe values in the control plants decreased growth during thefirst week but partial recovery was apparent during the secondweek's growth in solution culture, when leaf extension, E, RLand RW increased in plants subjected to stress. Examinationof the water balance, water potential, osmotic potential andturgor of the leaf in relation to relative water content suggeststhat recovery was related to increased turgor and that the abilityof the plants to grow at reduced values of the osmotic potentialof the root medium and of the leaf water potential depend onthe maintenance of turgor.  相似文献   

The recognition and removal of human apoptotic peripheral lymphocytes in selected populations of periportal and perivenous endothelial cells was studied inin situandin vitroexperiments. Apoptotic peripheral blood lymphocytes once injected into the liver circulation were retained by the sinusoids showing a large heterogeneity of distribution: apoptotic cells are found in the periportal tract double the amount found in the perivenous region. Apoptotic PBL adhesion was lowered to a sixth of the control after preinjection with a sugar mixture (Mannose,N-acetylgalactosamine,N-acetylglucosamine,d-galactose), as suggested by the expression of modified surface glycoconjugates on the plasma membrane of apoptotic cells. A bimodal profile of the distribution of the hepatic sinusoidal cell population, regarding the number of galactose and mannose receptors and the porosity index, was found. Two endothelial cell subsets were present: low porosity cells (average index 14 ± 6%; periportal tract) with a high number of carbohydrate binding sites, and high porosity cells (average index 26 ± 7%; perivenous tract), with a low number of carbohydrate binding sites.  相似文献   

The electrical resistances and rates of self-exchange of univalent critical ions across several types of collodion matrix membranes of high ionic selectivity were studied over a wide range of conditions. The relationship which was observed between these quantities with membranes of a certain type, namely those activated with poly-2-vinyl-N-methyl pyridinium bromide, cannot be explained on the basis of current concepts of the movement of ions across ion exchange membranes. Rates of self-exchange across these membranes were several times greater than those calculated from the electrical resistances of the membranes on the basis of an expression derived by the use of the Nernst-Einstein equation. The magnitude of the discrepancy was greatest at low concentrations of the ambient electrolyte solution and was independent of the species of both critical and noncritical ions. The data obtained with other types of collodion matrix membranes were, at least approximately, in agreement with the predictions based on the Nernst-Einstein equation. Self-exchange rates across the anion permeable protamine collodion membranes, and across the cation permeable polystyrene sulfonic acid collodion membranes, were about 20% less than those calculated from the electrical resistances. The direction and magnitude of these differences, also observed by other investigators, are qualitatively understood as an electroosmotic effect. With cation permeable membranes prepared by the oxidation of preformed collodion membranes, almost exact agreement was obtained between measured and calculated self-exchange rates; the cause of the apparent absence of an electroosmotic effect with these membranes is unknown.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学研究技术及其在植物抗渗透胁迫研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蛋白质组学是功能基因组学研究的热点领域之一。该文介绍了蛋白质组学的基本的和新兴的研究技术方法如蛋白质组样品的制备、双向凝胶电泳、生物质谱技术、蛋白质芯片技术、酵母双杂交系统和生物信息学等,以及蛋白质组学技术在植物抗干旱、盐渍等渗透胁迫研究中的应用。  相似文献   



Histologic chorio-deciduitis and chorio-deciduo-amnionitis (amnionitis) in extra-placental membranes are known to represent the early and advanced stages of ascending intra-uterine infection. However, there are no data in humans about the time required for chorio-deciduitis to develop and for chorio-deciduitis without amnionitis to progress to chorio-deciduitis with amnionitis, and the effect of prolongation of pregnancy on the development of chorio-deciduitis and amnionitis in patients with preterm labor and intact membranes (PTL) and preterm premature rupture of membranes (preterm-PROM). We examined these issues in this study.


The study population consisted of 289 women who delivered preterm (133 cases with PTL, and 156 cases with preterm-PROM) and who had sterile amniotic fluid (AF) defined as a negative AF culture and the absence of inflammation as evidenced by a matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) level <23 ng/ml. We examined the association between amniocentesis-to-delivery interval and inflammatory status in the extra-placental membranes (i.e., inflammation-free extra-placental membranes, choroi-deciduitis only, and chorio-deciduitis with amnionitis) in patients with PTL and preterm-PROM.


Amniocentesis-to-delivery interval was longer in cases of chorio-deciduitis with amnionitis than in cases of chorio-deciduitis only in both PTL (median [interquartile-range (IQR)]; 645.4 [319.5] vs. 113.9 [526.9] hours; P = 0.005) and preterm-PROM (131.3 [135.4] vs. 95.2 [140.5] hours; P<0.05). Amniocentesis-to-delivery interval was an independent predictor of the development of both chorio-deciduitis and amnionitis after correction for confounding variables such as gestational age at delivery in the setting of PTL, but not preterm-PROM.


These data confirm for the first time that, in cases of both PTL and preterm-PROM with sterile AF, more time is required to develop chorio-deciduitis with amnionitis than chorio-deciduitis alone in extra-placental membranes. Moreover, prolongation of pregnancy is an independent predictor of the development of both chorio-deciduitis and amnionitis in cases of PTL with sterile AF.  相似文献   

The leaves of blueberry are a rich source of polyphenols, chlorogenic acid (CGA) being the dominant constituent. It exerts beneficial health effects on living organisms. However, the mechanism of its interaction with biological systems at the molecular and cell level is not yet fully known. For this reason, biophysical studies were undertaken to investigate the effect of the polyphenolic compounds contained in the extract on the physical properties of cells, biological and model lipid membranes; and to assess the extract’s antioxidant activity in relation to the erythrocyte membrane and membrane lipids extracted from erythrocyte membranes. The hemolytic studies have shown that extract exert no destructive effect on the erythrocyte membrane, but make it more resistant to changes in tonicity of the medium. The studies of shapes of erythrocytes and of changes induced by the extract in different areas of the membrane showed that the compounds bind mainly to the outer lipid monolayer of the membrane. The biological activity of the polyphenolic compounds present in the blueberry leaf extract consists primarily in protecting the membranes against the harmful effects of free radicals, probably owing to a barrier that they form on the surface of the membrane. In addition, the close link demonstrated between the antioxidant activity of the extract and the activity of CGA means that the extract may, at appropriately selected high concentrations, be used as a widely available, cheap CGA substitute, in those pharmacological preparations where CGA has long been used, without the risk of side effects.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine changes incurred by polyphenolic compounds from selected fruits in the lipid phase of the erythrocyte membrane, in liposomes formed of erythrocyte lipids and phosphatidylcholine liposomes. In particular, the effect of extracts from apple, chokeberry, and strawberry on the red blood cell morphology, on packing order in the lipid hydrophilic phase, on fluidity of the hydrophobic phase, as well as on the temperature of phase transition in DPPC liposomes was studied. In the erythrocyte population, the proportions of echinocytes increased due to incorporation of polyphenolic compounds. Fluorimetry with a laurdan probe indicated increased packing density in the hydrophilic phase of the membrane in presence of polyphenolic extracts, the highest effect being observed for the apple extract. Using the fluorescence probes DPH and TMA-DPH, no effect was noted inside the hydrophobic phase of the membrane, as the lipid bilayer fluidity was not modified. The polyphenolic extracts slightly lowered the phase transition temperature of phosphatidylcholine liposomes. The studies have shown that the phenolic compounds contained in the extracts incorporate into the outer region of the erythrocyte membrane, affecting its shape and lipid packing order, which is reflected in the increasing number of echinocytes. The compounds also penetrate the outer part of the external lipid layer of liposomes formed of natural and DPPC lipids, changing its packing order.  相似文献   

[14C]Methylamine (MA; an analog of ammonia) was used to investigate ammonia transport across the bacteroid and peribacteroid membranes (PBM) from soybean (Glycine max) root nodules. Free-living Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 grown under nitrogen-limited conditions showed rapid MA uptake with saturation kinetics at neutral pH, indicative of a carrier. Exchange of accumulated MA for added ammonia occurred, showing that the carrier recognized both NH4+ and CH3NH3+. MA uptake by isolated bacteroids, on the other hand, was very slow at low concentrations of MA and increased linearly with increasing MA concentration up to 1 millimolar. Ammonia did not inhibit MA by isolated bacteroids and did not cause efflux of accumulated MA. PBM-enclosed bacteroids (peribacteroid units [PBUs]) were qualitatively similar to free bacteroids with respect to MA transport. The rates of uptake and efflux of MA by PBUs were linearly dependent on the imposed concentration gradient and unaffected by NH4Cl. MA uptake by PBUs increased exponentially with increasing pH, confirming that the rate increased linearly with increasing CH3NH2 concentration. The results are consistent with other evidence that transfer of ammonia from the nitrogen-fixing bacteroid to the host cytosol in soybean root nodules occurs solely by simple diffusion of NH3 across both the bacteroid and peribacteroid membranes.  相似文献   

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