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Embryo implantation into the maternal uterus is a decisive step for successful mammalian pregnancy. Osteopontin (OPN) is a member of the small integrin-binding ligand N-linked glycoprotein family and participates in cell adhesion and invasion. In this study, we showed that Opn mRNA levels are up-regulated in the mouse uterus on day 4 and at the implantation sites on days 5 and 8 of pregnancy. Immunohistochemistry localized the OPN protein to the glandular epithelium on day 4 and to the decidual zone on day 8 of pregnancy. OPN mRNA and proteins are induced by in vivo and in vitro decidualization. OPN expression in the endometrial stromal cells is regulated by progesterone, a key regulator during decidualization. As a secreted protein, the protein level of OPN in the uterine cavity is enriched on day 4, and in vitro embryo culturing has indicated that OPN can facilitate blastocyst hatching and adhesion. Knockdown of OPN attenuates the adhesion and invasion of blastocysts in mouse endometrial stromal cells by suppressing the expression and enzymatic activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in the trophoblast. Our data indicated that OPN expression in the mouse uterus during early pregnancy is essential for blastocyst hatching and adhesion and that the knockdown of OPN in mouse endometrial stroma cells could lead to a restrained in vitro trophoblast invasion.  相似文献   

In each menstrual cycle endometrial stromal cells (hESC) proliferate and differentiate into specialized decidual cells, a process termed decidualization, which regulates endometrial receptivity. Decidualization is mainly controlled by sex ovarian hormones, estradiol (E2) and progesterone. E2 plays an important role in the expression of the progesterone receptor and promotes the endometrial stromal cells differentiation. Our group previously reported that anandamide (AEA) impairs decidualization through cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1). In this study, we hypothesized whether AEA inhibitory effect on cell decidualization could be mediated through interaction with aromatase and consequent interference in estradiol production/signaling. We used an immortalized human endometrial stromal cell line (St-T1b) and human decidual fibroblasts (HdF) derived from human term placenta. In cells exposed to a differentiation stimulus, AEA-treatment prevents the increase of the expression of CYP19A1 gene encoding aromatase, E2 levels and of estradiol receptor expression, that are observed in differentiating cells. Regarding CYP19A1 mRNA levels, the effect was partially reverted by a CB1 receptor antagonist and by a COX2 inhibitor. In addition, we report that AEA presents anti-aromatase activity in placental microsomes, the nature of the inhibition being the uncommon mixed type as revealed by the kinetic studies. Structural analysis of the AEA-Aromatase complexes determined that AEA may bind to the active site pocket of the enzyme. In overall we report that AEA inhibits aromatase activity and may affect E2 signaling crucial for the decidualization process, indicating that a deregulation of the endocannabinoid system may be implicated in endometrial dysfunction and in fertility/infertility disorders.  相似文献   

Decidualization is an essential process of maternal endometrial stromal cells to support pregnancy. Although it is known that enhanced glucose influx is critical for decidualization, the underlying mechanism in regulating glucose metabolism in decidua remains insufficiently understood. Here, we demonstrate that aerobic glycolysis-related genes and factors are all substantially induced during decidualization, indicating the existence of Warburg-like glycolysis in decidua. In vitro, progesterone activates hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (Hif1α) and c-Myc through Pi3k-Akt signaling pathway to maintain aerobic glycolysis in decidualizing cells. Knocking down of pyruvate kinase M2 (Pkm2) attenuates the induction of decidual marker gene. Decidual formation in vivo is also impaired by glycolysis inhibitor 3-bromopyruvate. Besides, lactate exporter monocarboxylate transporter 4 (Mct4) is induced in newly formed decidual cells, whereas lactate importer Mct1 and proliferation marker Ki-67 are complementarily located in the surrounding undifferentiated cells, which are supposed to consume lactate for proliferation. Hif1α activation is required for lactate-dependent proliferation of the undifferentiated cells. Inhibition of lactate flux leads to compromised decidualization and decelerated lactate-dependent proliferation. In summary, we reveal that Warburg-like glycolysis and local lactate shuttle are activated in decidua and play important roles for supporting early pregnancy.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1580-1589
Glutathione peroxidase 3 (GPX3) is an important member of antioxidant enzymes for reducing reactive oxygen species and maintaining the oxygen balance. Gpx3 mRNA is strongly expressed in decidual cells from days 5 to 8 of pregnancy. After pregnant mice are treated with GPX inhibitor for 3 days, pregnancy rate is significantly reduced. Progesterone stimulates Gpx3 expression through PR/HIF1α in mouse endometrial stromal cells. In the decidua, the high level of GPX3 expression is closely associated with the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Based on our data, GPX3 may play a major role in reducing H2O2 during decidualization.  相似文献   

Finely tuned decidualization of endometrial stromal fibroblasts into decidual cells is crucial for successful implantation and a healthy pregnancy. Both insulin and androgens are known to modulate decidualization, however, their complex effect on this process has not been fully elucidated. As hyperinsulinemia and hyperandrogenism are associated in clinical conditions, we aimed to investigate the interaction between insulin and androgens on decidualization. Primary human endometrial stromal cells were decidualized in vitro in the presence of insulin and/or androgens (dihydrotestosterone (DHT), testosterone). Gene or protein expressions of decidualization markers were measured, and cells size characteristics were determined. Migration of decidualizing endometrial stromal cells and invasion of HTR-8/SVneo trophoblast spheroids were assessed. We found that insulin and androgens in combination enhanced the upregulation of several decidualization markers including prolactin, tissue factor, tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase 3 and connexin-43, and also interacted in modulating cell size characteristics resulting in enlarged decidualizing cells. However, insulin and DHT together restricted the migration of decidualizing cells and invasion of trophoblast spheroids. Our findings suggest that insulin and androgens interact to potentiate the process of decidualization. On the other hand, inhibited cell migration and trophoblast invasion might negatively impact the function of decidualizing endometrial stromal cells.  相似文献   

A critical role of progesterone (P) during early pregnancy is to induce differentiation of the endometrial stromal cells into specialized decidual cells that support the development of the implanting embryo. The P-induced signaling pathways that participate in the formation and function of the decidual cells remain poorly understood. We report here that the expression of the bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2), a morphogen belonging to the TGFbeta superfamily, is induced downstream of P action in the mouse uterine stroma during decidualization. To determine the function of BMP2 during this differentiation process, we employed a primary culture system in which undifferentiated stromal cells isolated from pregnant mouse uterus undergo decidualization. When recombinant BMP2 was added to these stromal cultures, it markedly advanced the differentiation program. We also found that siRNA-mediated silencing of BMP2 expression in these cells efficiently blocked the differentiation process. Gene expression profiling experiments identified Wnt4 as a downstream target of BMP2 regulation in stromal cells undergoing decidualization. Attenuation of Wnt4 expression by siRNAs greatly reduced stromal differentiation in vitro, indicating that it is a key mediator of BMP2-induced decidualization. We also observed a remarkable induction in the expression of BMP2 in human endometrial stromal cells during decidualization in vitro in response to steroids and cAMP. Addition of BMP2 to these cultures led to a robust enhancement of Wnt4 expression and stimulated the differentiation process. Collectively, our studies uncovered a unique conserved pathway involving BMP2 and Wnt4 that mediates P-induced stromal decidualization in the mouse and the human.  相似文献   

During placenta development, a succession of complex molecular and cellular interactions between the maternal endometrium and the developing embryo ensures reproductive success. The precise mechanisms regulating this maternal-fetal crosstalk remain unknown. Our study revealed that the expression of Rac1, a member of the Rho family of GTPases, is markedly elevated in mouse decidua on days 7 and 8 of gestation. To investigate its function in the uterus, we created mice bearing a conditional deletion of the Rac1 gene in uterine stromal cells. Ablation of Rac1 did not affect the formation of the decidua but led to fetal loss in mid gestation accompanied by extensive hemorrhage. To gain insights into the molecular pathways affected by the loss of Rac1, we performed gene expression profiling which revealed that Rac1 signaling regulates the expression of Rab27b, another GTPase that plays a key role in targeting vesicular trafficking. Consequently, the Rac1-null decidual cells failed to secrete vascular endothelial growth factor A, which is a critical regulator of decidual angiogenesis, and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4, which regulates the bioavailability of insulin-like growth factors that promote proliferation and differentiation of trophoblast cell lineages in the ectoplacental cone. The lack of secretion of these key factors by Rac1-null decidua gave rise to impaired angiogenesis and dysregulated proliferation of trophoblast cells, which in turn results in overexpansion of the trophoblast giant cell lineage and disorganized placenta development. Further experiments revealed that RAC1, the human ortholog of Rac1, regulates the secretory activity of human endometrial stromal cells during decidualization, supporting the concept that this signaling G protein plays a central and conserved role in controlling endometrial secretory function. This study provides unique insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating endometrial secretions that mediate stromal-endothelial and stromal-trophoblast crosstalk critical for placenta development and establishment of pregnancy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the expression of nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 and their possible role in decidualization and implantation events during early pregnancy in rats. The tissue samples were examined from pregnant animals between gestational days 1-8 using immunocytochemistry. The uterine luminal epithelium, the glandular epithelium, and the myometrial smooth muscle cells stained strongly from gestational days 1-8 with both nidogen antibodies. At day 4 the decidual reaction areas began to appear in the stromal matrix and immunostaining of both nidogens revealed that the basement membrane of the surface epithelium was discontinuous. The differentiation of stromal cells into decidual cells was seen at gestational day 5 and both nidogens were weakly expressed in the decidualizing cells. At day 6, nidogen-2 immunoreactivity was higher in the primary decidual cells close to the embryo than nidogen-1, and during development of the decidual tissue both nidogens appeared in the endometrial stromal cells. At day 7, while expression of both nidogens declined in the primary decidual cells, their expression was markedly observed in the secondary decidual cells close to the myometrium. At day 8, expression of both nidogens was also observed to increase in the primary decidual cells. While nidogen-2 expression was seen in the parietal endoderm and primary ectoderm of the rat embryos at this developmental stage, nidogen-1 expression was only detected in the parietal endoderm. These results indicate that nidogen-1 and nidogen-2 could play important roles during embryogenesis, decidualization, and implantation in the endometrium of rat uterus.  相似文献   

The uterus undergoes a series of dramatic changes in response to an implanting conceptus that, in some mammalian species, includes differentiation of the endometrial stroma into decidual tissue. This process, called decidualization, can be induced artificially in rodents indicating that the conceptus may not be essential for a proper maternal response in early pregnancy. In order to test this hypothesis, we determined if and how the conceptus affects uterine gene expression. We identified 5 genes (Angpt1, Angpt2, Dtprp, G1p2 and Prlpa) whose steady-state levels in the uterus undergoing decidualization depends on the presence of a conceptus. In situ hybridization revealed region-specific effects which suggested that various components of the conceptus and more than one signal from the conceptus are likely responsible for altering decidual cell function. Using cell culture models we found that trophoblast giant cells secrete a type I interferon-like molecule which can induce G1p2 expression in endometrial stromal cells. Finally, decidual Prlpa expression was reduced in the uterus adjacent to Hand1- and Ets2-deficient embryos, suggesting that normal trophoblast giant cells in the placenta are required for the conceptus-dependent effects on Prlpa expression in the mesometrial decidua. Overall, these results provide support for the hypothesis that molecular signals from the mouse conceptus have local effects on uterine gene expression during decidualization.  相似文献   

Impairment of decidualization in SRC-deficient mice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many signaling events induced by ovarian steroid hormones, cytokines, and growth factors are involved in the process of decidualization of human and rodent endometrium. We have reported previously that tyrosine kinase activation of SRC functionally participates in decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells. To address its essential role in decidualization, we examined, using wild-type and Src knockout mice, whether the process of decidualization was impaired in the absence of SRC. Immunohistochemistry using an antibody specific for the active form of SRC revealed that the active SRC was expressed prominently in the decidualizing stromal cells of the pregnant wild-type mouse. Moreover, the active SRC was upregulated in the uterine horn with artificially stimulated decidual reaction. In comparison with wild-type and Src heterozygous mice, the uterus of Src null mice showed no apparent decidual response following artificial stimulation. Ovarian steroid-induced decidualization in vitro, as determined by morphological changes and expression of decidual/trophoblast prolactin-related protein and prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (also known as Cox2), both of which are decidualization markers, did not occur in a timely fashion in endometrial stromal cells isolated from the uteri of SRC-deficient mice compared to those from wild-type and Src heterozygous mice. Our results collectively suggest that SRC is an indispensable signaling component for maximal decidualization in mice.  相似文献   

Decidualization of stromal cells isolated from proliferative human endometrium was achieved by adding to the culture medium human gonadotropins (FSH, FSH + LH, hCG). In addition to changes in the morphology of the stromal cells to the decidual phenotype, decidualization was evident from the expression of prolactin (PRL), demonstrated immunocytochemically, by Western blotting analysis, and by measuring its output into the medium through solid phase enzyme immunoassay. Gonadotropins also induced cAMP formation in the endometrial stromal cells under the same experimental conditions. This finding suggests that the mechanism by which gonadotropins promote decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells in vitro involves the introduction of cAMP, a compound that we have found to elicit the expression of PRL in this system. PRL is likely to be a key intermediate in the process of decidualization since it is by itself capable of inducing differentiation of the endometrial stromal cells to the decidual phenotype. Awareness of direct actions of gonadotropins on the endometrial cells and, in particular, of the decidualizing effects of FSH (Metrodin), FSH + LH (Pergonal) and hCG may contribute to the understanding of physiologic as well as pathophysiologic conditions relevant to endometrial functions and fertility.  相似文献   

Adequate differentiation or decidualization of endometrial stromal cells (ESC) is critical for successful pregnancy in humans and rodents. Here, we investigated the role of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in human and murine decidualization. Ex vivo human (H) ESC decidualization was induced by estrogen (E, 10−8 M) plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA, 10−7 M). Exogenous LIF (≥50 ng/ml) induced STAT3 phosphorylation in non-decidualized and decidualized HESC and enhanced E+MPA-induced decidualization (measured by PRL secretion, P<0.05). LIF mRNA in HESC was down-regulated by decidualization treatment (E+MPA) whereas LIF receptor (R) mRNA was up-regulated, suggesting that the decidualization stimulus ‘primed’ HESC for LIF action, but that factors not present in our in vitro model were required to induce LIF expression. Ex vivo first trimester decidual biopsies secreted >100 pg/mg G-CSF, IL6, IL8, and MCP1. Decidualized HESC secreted IL6, IL8, IL15 and MCP1. LIF (50 ng/ml) up-regulated IL6 and IL15 (P<0.05) secretion in decidualized HESC compared to 0.5 ng/ml LIF. In murine endometrium, LIF and LIFR immunolocalized to decidualized stromal cells on day 5 of gestation (day 0 = day of plug detection). Western blotting confirmed that LIF and the LIFR were up-regulated in intra-implantation sites compared to inter-implantation sites on Day 5 of gestation. To determine the role of LIF during in vivo murine decidualization, intra-peritoneal injections of a long-acting LIF antagonist (PEGLA; 900 or 1200 µg) were given just post-attachment, during the initiation of decidualization on day 4. PEGLA treatment reduced implantation site decidual area (P<0.05) and desmin staining immuno-intensity (P<0.05) compared to control on day 6 of gestation. This study demonstrated that LIF was an important regulator of decidualization in humans and mice and data provides insight into the processes underlying decidualization, which are important for understanding implantation and placentation.  相似文献   

The expression of laminin, a major constituent of endometrial cell basement membranes, is increased during differentiation of human endometrial stromal cells (decidualization). To determine whether laminin plays a role in decidualization, we studied the effects of laminin substrate on the synthesis and release of prolactin (PRL) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1), two major secretory proteins of decidualized stromal cells. Endometrial stromal cells were plated on laminin as well as several other extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (types 1 and IV collagen or fibronectin) and on plastic, and cultured in media containing medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and estradiol. Cells cultured on plastic or ECM proteins displayed similar morphological changes indicative of decidualization. However, the release of PRL and IGFBP-1 from cells cultured on plastic and ECM proteins (types 1 and IV collagen and fibronection) was approximately 2.1-fold and 2.8-fold greater respectively, than from cells cultured on laminin. The decrease in PRL and IGFBP-1 expression in cells cultured on laminin was not due to differences in initial cell attachment efficiency or final DNA content. In addition, laminin had no effect on the content of laminin protein or fibronectin mRNA levels, indicating that the effects of laminin on PRL and IGFBP-1 were specific. PGE2 stimulated the release of PRL and IGFBP-1 from cells cultured on laminin to levels comparable to those from cells cultured on plastic or other ECM proteins. This indicates that the decrease in PRL and IGFBP-1 release by laminin was not due to a generalized unresponsiveness. In contrast to the effects of laminin during decidualization, PRL expression was not altered by laminin in terminally differentiated decidual cells isolated at term. Our results support a role for laminin in selectively regulating PRL and IGFBP-1 gene expression during in vitro decidualization of human endometrial stromal cells. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Embryo implantation into the maternal uterus is a crucial step for the successful establishment of mammalian pregnancy. Following the attachment of embryo to the uterine luminal epithelium, uterine stromal cells undergo steroid hormone-dependent decidualization, which is characterized by stromal cell proliferation and differentiation. The mechanisms underlying steroid hormone-induced stromal cell proliferation and differentiation during decidualization are still poorly understood. Ribonucleotide reductase, consisting of two subunits (RRM1 and RRM2), is a rate-limiting enzyme in deoxynucleotide production for DNA synthesis and plays an important role in cell proliferation and tumorgenicity. Based on our microarray analysis, Rrm2 expression was significantly higher at implantation sites compared with interimplantation sites in mouse uterus. However, the expression, regulation, and function of RRM2 in mouse uterus during embryo implantation and decidualization are still unknown. Here we show that although both RRM1 and RRM2 expression are markedly induced in mouse uterine stromal cells undergoing decidualization, only RRM2 is regulated by progesterone, a key regulator of decidualization. Further studies showed that the induction of progesterone on RRM2 expression in stromal cells is mediated by the AKT/c-MYC pathway. RRM2 can also be induced by replication stress and DNA damage during decidualization through the ATR/ATM-CHK1-E2F1 pathway. The weight of implantation sites and deciduoma was effectively reduced by specific inhibitors for RRM2. The expression of decidual/trophoblast prolactin-related protein (Dtprp), a reliable marker for decidualization in mice, was significantly reduced in deciduoma and steroid-induced decidual cells after HU treatment. Therefore, RRM2 may be an important effector of progesterone signaling to induce cell proliferation and decidualization in mouse uterus.  相似文献   

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