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Alzheimer disease (AD) is characterized neuropathologically by synaptic disruption, neuronal loss, and deposition of amyloid β (Aβ) protein in brain structures that are critical for memory and cognition. There is increasing appreciation, however, that astrocytes, which are the major non-neuronal glial cells, may play an important role in AD pathogenesis. Unlike neurons, astrocytes are resistant to Aβ cytotoxicity, which may, in part, be related to their greater reliance on glycolytic metabolism. Here we show that, in cultures of human fetal astrocytes, pharmacological inhibition or molecular down-regulation of a main enzymatic regulator of glycolysis, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-biphosphatase (PFKFB3), results in increased accumulation of Aβ within and around astrocytes and greater vulnerability of these cells to Aβ toxicity. We further investigated age-dependent changes in PFKFB3 and astrocytes in AD transgenic mice (TgCRND8) that overexpress human Aβ. Using a combination of Western blotting and immunohistochemistry, we identified an increase in glial fibrillary acidic protein expression in astrocytes that paralleled the escalation of the Aβ plaque burden in TgCRND8 mice in an age-dependent manner. Furthermore, PFKFB3 expression also demonstrated an increase in these mice, although at a later age (9 months) than GFAP and Aβ. Immunohistochemical staining showed significant reactive astrogliosis surrounding Aβ plaques with increased PFKFB3 activity in 12-month-old TgCRND8 mice, an age when AD pathology and behavioral deficits are fully manifested. These studies shed light on the unique bioenergetic mechanisms within astrocytes that may contribute to the development of AD pathology.  相似文献   

Pathogenic mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene have been described as causing early onset familial Alzheimer disease (AD). We recently identified a rare APP variant encoding an alanine-to-threonine substitution at residue 673 (A673T) that confers protection against development of AD (Jonsson, T., Atwal, J. K., Steinberg, S., Snaedal, J., Jonsson, P. V., Bjornsson, S., Stefansson, H., Sulem, P., Gudbjartsson, D., Maloney, J., Hoyte, K., Gustafson, A., Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Bhangale, T., Graham, R. R., Huttenlocher, J., Bjornsdottir, G., Andreassen, O. A., Jönsson, E. G., Palotie, A., Behrens, T. W., Magnusson, O. T., Kong, A., Thorsteinsdottir, U., Watts, R. J., and Stefansson, K. (2012) Nature 488, 96–99). The Ala-673 residue lies within the β-secretase recognition sequence and is part of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide cleavage product (position 2 of Aβ). We previously demonstrated that the A673T substitution makes APP a less favorable substrate for cleavage by BACE1. In follow-up studies, we confirm that A673T APP shows reduced cleavage by BACE1 in transfected mouse primary neurons and in isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons. Using a biochemical approach, we show that the A673T substitution modulates the catalytic turnover rate (Vmax) of APP by the BACE1 enzyme, without affecting the affinity (Km) of the APP substrate for BACE1. We also show a reduced level of Aβ(1–42) aggregation with A2T Aβ peptides, an observation not conserved in Aβ(1–40) peptides. When combined in a ratio of 1:9 Aβ(1–42)/Aβ(1–40) to mimic physiologically relevant mixtures, A2T retains a trend toward slowed aggregation kinetics. Microglial uptake of the mutant Aβ(1–42) peptides correlated with their aggregation level. Cytotoxicity of the mutant Aβ peptides was not dramatically altered. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that A673T, a protective allele of APP, reproducibly reduces amyloidogenic processing of APP and also mildly decreases Aβ aggregation. These effects could together have an additive or even synergistic impact on the risk of developing AD.  相似文献   

Epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) are pluripotent cells derived from post-implantation late epiblasts in vitro. EpiSCs are incapable of contributing to chimerism, indicating that EpiSCs are less pluripotent and represent a later developmental pluripotency state compared with inner cell mass stage murine embryonic stem cells (mESCs). Using a chemical approach, we found that blockage of the TGFβ pathway or inhibition of histone demethylase LSD1 with small molecule inhibitors induced dramatic morphological changes in EpiSCs toward mESC phenotypes with simultaneous activation of inner cell mass-specific gene expression. However, full conversion of EpiSCs to the mESC-like state with chimerism competence could be readily generated only with the combination of LSD1, ALK5, MEK, FGFR, and GSK3 inhibitors. Our results demonstrate that appropriate synergy of epigenetic and signaling modulations could convert cells at the later developmental pluripotency state to the earlier mESC-like pluripotency state, providing new insights into pluripotency regulation.  相似文献   

Proper targeting of the βPAK-interacting exchange factor (βPIX)/G protein-coupled receptor kinase-interacting target protein (GIT) complex into distinct cellular compartments is essential for its diverse functions including neurite extension and synaptogenesis. However, the mechanism for translocation of this complex is still unknown. In the present study, we reported that the conventional kinesin, called kinesin-1, can transport the βPIX/GIT complex. Additionally, βPIX bind to KIF5A, a neuronal isoform of kinesin-1 heavy chain, but not KIF1 and KIF3. Mapping analysis revealed that the tail of KIF5s and LZ domain of βPIX were the respective binding domains. Silencing KIF5A or the expression of a variety of mutant forms of KIF5A inhibited βPIX targeting the neurite tips in PC12 cells. Fur-thermore, truncated mutants of βPIX without LZ domain did not interact with KIF5A, and were unable to target the neurite tips in PC12 cells. These results defined kinesin-1 as a motor protein of βPIX, and may provide new insights into βPIX/GIT complex-dependent neuronal pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP8) has been shown to influence various cellular functions. As monocytes and macrophages (Mφ) express MMP8, we investigated if MMP8 played a role in macrophage differentiation and polarization. MMP8 expression was significantly increased during monocyte differentiation into Mφ. Monocyte-derived Mφ from MMP8-deficient mice expressed higher levels of M1-Mφ markers but lower levels of M2-Mφ markers than monocyte-derived Mφ from wild-type mice. Although Mφ from either MMP8-deficient or wild-type mice were inducible by interferon-γ into M1-Mφ, only wild-type Mφ but not MMP8-deficient Mφ could be induced into M2-Mφ by interleukin-4. However, MMP8-deficient Mφ exposed to conditioned culture media of wild-type Mφ developed a M2-Mφ phenotype. Compared with conditioned culture media of wild-type Mφ, conditioned culture media of MMP8-deficient Mφ contained a lower concentration of active transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), an M2-Mφ inducer. Moreover, evidence also showed that the degradation of the TGF-β sequester, fibromodulin, was modulated by MMP8. The data indicate a previously unknown role of MMP8 in M2-Mφ polarization by cleaving fibromodulin and therefore increasing the bioavailability of the M2-Mφ inducer TGF-β.  相似文献   

By non-covalent association after proteolytic cleavage, the pro-domains modulate the activities of the mature growth factor domains across the transforming growth factor-β family. In the case of bone morphogenic protein 9 (BMP9), however, the pro-domains do not inhibit the bioactivity of the growth factor, and the BMP9·pro-domain complexes have equivalent biological activities as the BMP9 mature ligand dimers. By using real-time surface plasmon resonance, we could demonstrate that either binding of pro-domain-complexed BMP9 to type I receptor activin receptor-like kinase 1 (ALK1), type II receptors, co-receptor endoglin, or to mature BMP9 domain targeting antibodies leads to immediate and complete displacement of the pro-domains from the complex. Vice versa, pro-domain binding by an anti-pro-domain antibody results in release of the mature BMP9 growth factor. Based on these findings, we adjusted ELISA assays to measure the protein levels of different BMP9 variants. Although mature BMP9 and inactive precursor BMP9 protein were directly detectable by ELISA, BMP9·pro-domain complex could only be measured indirectly as dissociated fragments due to displacement of mature growth factor and pro-domains after antibody binding. Our studies provide a model in which BMP9 can be readily activated upon getting into contact with its receptors. This increases the understanding of the underlying biology of BMP9 activation and also provides guidance for ELISA development for the detection of circulating BMP9 variants.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) have been proposed to improve vaccine responses, especially in the elderly. Accordingly, testing mTOR inhibitors (such as Sirolimus) and other geroprotective drugs might be considered a key strategy to improve overall health resilience of aged populations. In this respect, Sirolimus (also known as rapamycin) is of great interest, in consideration of the fact that it is extensively used in routine therapy and in clinical studies for the treatment of several diseases. Recently, Sirolimus has been considered in laboratory and clinical studies aimed to find novel protocols for the therapy of hemoglobinopathies (e.g. β‐Thalassemia). The objective of the present study was to analyse the activity of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in β‐Thalassemia patients treated with Sirolimus, taking advantages from the availability of cellular samples of the NCT03877809 clinical trial. The approach was to verify IFN‐γ releases following stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) to stimulatory CEF and CEFTA peptide pools, stimulatory for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, respectively. The main results of the present study are that treatment of β‐Thalassemia patients with Sirolimus has a positive impact on the biological activity and number of memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells releasing IFN‐γ following stimulation with antigenic stimuli present in immunological memory. These data are to our knowledge novel and in our opinion of interest, in consideration of the fact that β‐Thalassemia patients are considered prone to immune deficiency.  相似文献   

TGF-β promotes cell migration and invasion, an attribute that is linked to the pro-metastasis function of this cytokine in late stage cancers. The LIM 1863 colon carcinoma organoid undergoes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in response to TGF-β. This process is markedly accelerated by TNF-α, and we found that the levels of miR-21 and miR-31 were prominently elevated under the synergistic actions of TGF-β/TNF-α. Consistent with this, overexpression of either miR-21 or miR-31 significantly enhanced the effect of TGF-β alone on LIM 1863 morphological changes. More importantly, transwell assays demonstrated the positive effects of both miR-21 and miR-31 in TGF-β regulation of LIM 1863 motility and invasiveness. Elevated levels of miR-21 and miR-31 also enhanced motility and invasiveness of other colon carcinoma cell lines. We present compelling evidence that TIAM1, a guanidine exchange factor of the Rac GTPase, is a direct target of both miR-21 and miR-31. Indeed in LIM 1863 cells, suppression of TIAM1 is required for miR-21/miR-31 to enhance cell migration and invasion. Therefore, we have uncovered miR-21 and miR-31 as downstream effectors of TGF-β in facilitating invasion and metastasis of colon carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

β-Lactamase inhibitory protein (BLIP) consists of a tandem repeat of αβ domains conjugated by an interdomain loop and can effectively bind and inactivate class A β-lactamases, which are responsible for resistance of bacteria to β-lactam antibiotics. The varied ability of BLIP to bind different β-lactamases and the structural determinants for significant enhancement of BLIP variants with a point mutation are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the conformational dynamics of BLIP upon binding to three clinically prevalent class A β-lactamases (TEM1, SHV1, and PC1) with dissociation constants between subnanomolar and micromolar. Hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry revealed that the flexibility of the interdomain region was significantly suppressed upon strong binding to TEM1, but was not significantly changed upon weak binding to SHV1 or PC1. E73M and K74G mutations in the interdomain region improved binding affinity toward SHV1 and PC1, respectively, showing significantly increased flexibility of the interdomain region compared to the wild-type and favorable conformational changes upon binding. In contrast, more rigidity of the interfacial loop 135–145 was observed in these BLIP mutants in both free and bound states. Consistently, molecular dynamics simulations of BLIP exhibited drastic changes in the flexibility of the loop 135–145 in all complexes. Our results indicated for the first time that higher flexibility of the interdomain linker, as well as more rigidity of the interfacial loop 135–145, could be desirable determinants for enhancing inhibition of BLIP to class A β-lactamases. Together, these findings provide unique insights into the design of enhanced inhibitors.  相似文献   

We investigated the compartmentation of the catabolism of dodecanedioate (DODA), azelate, and glutarate in perfused rat livers, using a combination of metabolomics and mass isotopomer analyses. Livers were perfused with recirculating or nonrecirculating buffer containing one fully 13C-labeled dicarboxylate. Information on the peroxisomal versus mitochondrial catabolism was gathered from the labeling patterns of acetyl-CoA proxies, i.e. total acetyl-CoA, the acetyl moiety of citrate, C-1 + 2 of β-hydroxybutyrate, malonyl-CoA, and acetylcarnitine. Additional information was obtained from the labeling patterns of citric acid cycle intermediates and related compounds. The data characterize the partial oxidation of DODA and azelate in peroxisomes, with terminal oxidation in mitochondria. We did not find evidence of peroxisomal oxidation of glutarate. Unexpectedly, DODA contributes a substantial fraction to anaplerosis of the citric acid cycle. This opens the possibility to use water-soluble DODA in nutritional or pharmacological anaplerotic therapy when other anaplerotic substrates are impractical or contraindicated, e.g. in propionic acidemia and methylmalonic acidemia.  相似文献   

BMP10 is highly expressed in the developing heart and plays essential roles in cardiogenesis. BMP10 deletion in mice results in embryonic lethality because of impaired cardiac development. In adults, BMP10 expression is restricted to the right atrium, though ventricular hypertrophy is accompanied by increased BMP10 expression in a rat hypertension model. However, reports of BMP10 activity in the circulation are inconclusive. In particular, it is not known whether in vivo secreted BMP10 is active or whether additional factors are required to achieve its bioactivity. It has been shown that high-affinity binding of the BMP10 prodomain to the mature ligand inhibits BMP10 signaling activity in C2C12 cells, and it was proposed that prodomain-bound BMP10 (pBMP10) complex is latent. In this study, we demonstrated that the BMP10 prodomain did not inhibit BMP10 signaling activity in multiple endothelial cells, and that recombinant human pBMP10 complex, expressed in mammalian cells and purified under native conditions, was fully active. In addition, both BMP10 in human plasma and BMP10 secreted from the mouse right atrium were fully active. Finally, we confirmed that active BMP10 secreted from mouse right atrium was in the prodomain-bound form. Our data suggest that circulating BMP10 in adults is fully active and that the reported vascular quiescence function of BMP10 in vivo is due to the direct activity of pBMP10 and does not require an additional activation step. Moreover, being an active ligand, recombinant pBMP10 may have therapeutic potential as an endothelial-selective BMP ligand, in conditions characterized by loss of BMP9/10 signaling.  相似文献   

IκB kinase ε (IKKε) is a non-canonical IκB kinase that is extensively studied in the context of innate immune response. Recently, significant progress has been made in understanding the role of IKKε in interferon (IFN) signaling. In addition to its roles in innate immunity, recent studies also demonstrate that IKKε is a key regulator of the adaptive immune response. Specifically, IKKε functions as a negative feedback kinase to curtail CD8 T cell response, implying that it can be a potential therapeutic target to boost antiviral and antitumor T cell immunity. In this review, we highlight the roles of IKKε in regulating IFN signaling and T cell immunity, and discuss a few imminent questions that remain to be answered.  相似文献   

Brain accumulation of neurotoxic amyloid β (Aβ) peptide because of increased processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP), resulting in loss of synapses and neurodegeneration, is central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease (AD). Therefore, the identification of molecules that regulate Aβ generation and those that cause synaptic damage is crucial for future therapeutic approaches for AD. We demonstrated previously that COPS5 regulates Aβ generation in neuronal cell lines in a RanBP9-dependent manner. Consistent with the data from cell lines, even by 6 months, COPS5 overexpression in APΔE9 mice (APΔE9/COPS5-Tg) significantly increased Aβ40 levels by 32% (p < 0.01) in the cortex and by 28% (p < 0.01) in the hippocampus, whereas the increases for Aβ42 were 37% (p < 0.05) and 34% (p < 0.05), respectively. By 12 months, the increase was even more robust. Aβ40 levels increased by 63% (p < 0.001) in the cortex and by 65% (p < 0.001) in the hippocampus. Similarly, Aβ42 levels were increased by 69% (p < 0.001) in the cortex and by 71% (p < 0.011) in the hippocampus. Increased Aβ levels were translated into an increased amyloid plaque burden both in the cortex (54%, p < 0.01) and hippocampus (64%, p < 0.01). Interestingly, COPS5 overexpression increased RanBP9 levels in the brain, which, in turn, led to increased amyloidogenic processing of APP, as reflected by increased levels of sAPPβ and decreased levels of sAPPα. Furthermore, COPS5 overexpression reduced spinophilin in both the cortex (19%, p < 0.05) and the hippocampus (20%, p < 0.05), leading to significant deficits in learning and memory skills. Therefore, like RanBP9, COPS5 also plays a pivotal role in amyloid pathology in vivo.  相似文献   

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