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Despite the fact that the area of glycolysis in Lactococcus lactis has been intensively studied, only a limited number of studies have been focused on the regulation of uptake of glucose itself. Using the tool of the glucostat fed-batch mode of culture, it was demonstrated in our earlier work that the concentration of glucose regulates its uptake rate and that the control of the glycolytic flux resides to a large extent in processes outside the pathway itself, like glucose transport and the ATP consuming reactions, while allosteric properties of key enzymes like phosphofructokinase (PFK) have a significant influence on the control. Extending our work, we report here the results of fermentations with engineered L. lactis strains with altered PFK activity in which the pfkA gene from Aspergillus niger, and its truncated version pfk13 that encodes a shorter PFK1 fragment were cloned. The results in this study suggest that, under the optimum for the microorganism applied microaerobic conditions, the glycolytic capacity of L. lactis was significantly increased in engineered strains with increased PFK activity. The transformant strain in which the truncated pfk13 gene of A. niger was expressed performed more efficiently as it was able to grow successfully in glucostat cultures with 277 mM glucose - while the optimum glucose concentration for the parental strain was 55 mM. The present work demonstrates the direct effect of PFK activity on the glycolytic flux in L. lactis since a twofold increase in specific PFK activity (from 7.1 to 14.5 U/OD600) resulted in a proportional increase of the maximum specific rates of glucose uptake (from 0.8 to 1.7 μM s−1 g CDW−1) and lactate formation (from 15 to 22.8 g lactate (g CDW)−1 h−1).  相似文献   

Two tandem promoters to increase gene expression in Lactococcus lactis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two plasmids, pPAH and pAH, containing a staphylokinase variant gene (sakXH) under the control of two tandem promoters (P32-PlacA) or promoter PlacA alone were constructed and introduced into Lactococcus lactis MG5267. The expression of sakXH in the strain MG5267(pPAH) was approximately twice as high as that in the strain MG5267(pAH), according to the formation of fibrinolytic halos on fibrinolytic plates detected at the same conditions, indicating that the two tandem promoters were stronger than one alone. Difference between the expressions of sakXH under the inducible and non-inducible conditions suggested that PlacA retained its feature as an inducible promoter when fused to promoter P32.  相似文献   

A gene encoding the antimicrobial peptide, lactococcin K, was isolated from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MY23 then cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Because the expressed lactococcin K was formed as an inclusion body in recombinant E. coli, a fusion protein containing lactococcin K and maltose-binding protein (MBP) was produced in a soluble form. For high-level production of lactococcin K, we performed a pH-stat fed-batch culture to produce 43,000 AU lactococcin K ml−1 in 12 h. Revisions requested 3 November 2005; Revisions received 7 December 2005  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that pyruvate production was markedly improved in TBLA-1, an H+-ATPase-defective Escherichia coli mutant derived from W1485lip2, a pyruvate-producing E. coli K-12 strain. TBLA-1 produced more than 30 g/l pyruvate from 50 g/l glucose by jar fermentation, while W1485lip2 produced only 25 g/l pyruvate (Yokota et al. in Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 58:2164–2167, 1994b). In this study, we tested the ability of TBLA-1 to produce alanine by fermentation. The alanine dehydrogenase (ADH) gene from Bacillus stearothermophilus was introduced into TBLA-1, and direct fermentation of alanine from glucose was carried out. However, a considerable amount of lactate was also produced. To reduce lactate accumulation, we knocked out the lactate dehydrogenase gene (ldhA) in TBLA-1. This alanine dehydrogenase-expressing and lactate dehydrogenase-defective mutant of TBLA-1 produced 20 g/l alanine from 50 g/l glucose after 24 h of fermentation. The molar conversion ratio of glucose to alanine was 41%, which is the highest level of alanine production reported to date. This is the first report to show that an H+-ATPase-defective mutant of E. coli can be used for amino acid production. Our results further indicate that H+-ATPase-defective mutants may be used for fermentative production of various compounds, including alanine.  相似文献   

When lactate was removed from sucrose fermentation in situ, using the anionic-exchange resin Amberlite IRA-67, by Lactococcus lactis growing in batch culture, nisin production increased by two-fold when compared to the alkali pH-controlled fermentation. In comparison to sucrose, lactate removal increased nisin production 1.5-fold and 0.3-fold when galactose and glucose were used as carbon sources respectively.  相似文献   

The 6.5 kb HindIII DNA fragment of the Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris H2 plasmid pDI21 was cloned into Escherichia coli POP13 with NM1149, and also directly into Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis 4125 using a newly-constructed broad host-range vector pFX1. Proteinase was experessed in both transformed organisms. The proteinase resembles a PI type since it preferentially degraded -casein. The restriction map of the 6.5 kb proteinase gene fragment has minor differences from those of published plamid proteinase genes. High-efficiency electroporation with pFX1 provides a direct approach for gene cloning in lactococci.Abbreviations cfu colony forming units - HEPES N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N-[2-ethanesulphonic acid] Dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Drews on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

In situ delivery of cytokines by genetically engineered Lactococcus lactis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The development of novel approaches that allow for accurate targeting of therapeutics to the bowel mucosa is a priority in the research on inflammatory bowel disease. We have engineered Lactococcus lactis to secrete soluble, fully active, correctly processed cytokines. We have used these live, recombinant strains for the in situ delivery of mouse interleukin (mIL)-2, -6 and -10 at airway mucosa or mucosa of the colon. Strains that secrete mIL-2 or mIL-6 and produce TTFC intracellular show a higher level of anti-TTFC induction in mice following intranasal inoculation. We showed that mIL-10 producing L. lactis can prevent and cure enterocolitis in mice. The daily ingestion of this strain leads to the prevention of colitis in IL-10 –/– 129 Sv/Ev mice. The repeated addition of DSS to the drinking water of Balb/c mice leads to the induction of chronic colitis with a typical mean histological score of five points. Subsequent daily treatment with 108 IL-10 producing L. lactis reduced the inflammation to a score of approximately 1 in 40% of the treated mice, which is a status equal to that of healthy control mice. Most other animals from the treated group only showed minor patchy remnants of the inflammation. Killing of the IL-10 producing bacteria by UV irradiation immediately prior to inoculation abrogates this therapeutic effect. Therefore it can be attributed to the active in vivo delivery of IL-10. We have further documented this by demonstrating in situ de novo synthesis of IL-10 in the colon of IL-10 –/– mice.  相似文献   

The regulation of the synthesis of bacteriocin produced by the recombinant strain Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis F-116 has been studied. The synthesis is regulated by the components of the fermentation medium, the content of inorganic phosphate (KH2PO4), yeast autolysate (source of amine nitrogen), and changes in carbohydrates and amino acids. The strain was obtained by fusion of protoplasts derived from two related L. lactis subsp. lactis strains, both exhibiting a weak ability to synthesize the bacteriocin nisin. Decreasing the content of KH2PO4 from 2.0 to 1.0 or 0.5% caused bacteriocin production to go down from 4100 to 2800 or 1150 IU/ml, respectively; the base fermentation medium contained 1.0% glucose, 0.2% NaCl, 0.02% MgSO4, and yeast autolysate (an amount corresponding to 35 mg % ammonium nitrogen). The substitution of sucrose for glucose (as the source of carbon) increased the antibiotic activity by 26%, and the addition of isoleucine, by 28.5%. Elevation of the concentration of yeast autolysate in the low-phosphate fermentation medium stimulated both the growth of the lactococci and the synthesis of bacteriocin. Introduction of 1% KH2PO4, yeast autolysate (an amount corresponding to 70 mg % ammonium nitrogen), 2.0% sucrose, and 0.1% isoleucine increased the bacteriocin-producing activity of the strain by 2.4 times.  相似文献   

The bacteriocin, lacticin 3147, increased isoleucine transamination by Lactococcus lactis IFPL359 in a cheese model system. The formation of -keto--methyl-n-valeric acid and 2-hydroxy-3-methyl-valeric acid increased by three times in cheese slurries at 12 °C and cheese aroma intensity increased as well, which corresponded with a higher 2-methylbutanal formation.  相似文献   

Glucose addition and subsequent run-out experiments were compared to simulations with a detailed glycolytic model of Lactococcus lactis. The model was constructed largely on bases of enzyme kinetic data taken from literature and not adjusted for the specific simulations shown here. Upon glucose depletion a rapid increase in PEP, inorganic phosphate and a gradual decrease in fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) were measured and predicted by simulation. The dynamic changes in these and other intermediate concentrations as measured in the experiments were well predicted by the kinetic model.  相似文献   

Permeabilization induced by lacticin 3147, lactococcins A, B and M, enterocin AS-48 and nisin, bacteriocins described as cell membrane-pore forming and lytic agents, enhanced in all cases aldehyde formation by Lactococcus lactis IFPL730. Nevertheless, the conversion of isoleucine into 2-methylbutyraldehyde depended not only on the degree of permeabilization but also on the bacteriocin that caused the cell membrane damage. The highest values of 2-methylbutyraldehyde corresponded to cell suspensions containing lacticin 3147 and lactococcins, treatments that provoked further lysis in addition to induced permeabilization.  相似文献   

A Lactococcus strain with strong antimicrobial activity was isolated from raw milk Manchego cheese during a survey on the production of bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria present in raw milk cheeses. It was identified as Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, phenotypically by its morphological and physiological characteristics and genotypically by a PCR technique. When tested for tolerance to known bacteriocins produced by lactococci, it was shown to be resistant to nisin A and nisin Z. The presence of genes encoding nisin and lacticin 481 was revealed by PCR techniques with specific probes. Sequences of the respective PCR amplified fragments matched sequences reported for nisin Z and lacticin 481.  相似文献   

A 55 kilobase (kb) plasmid (pOZS550) in the non-clumping Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain OZS1 carrying genes for lactose metabolism was characterised. A mobilizable cointegrate plasmid which is formed between pOZS550 and pOZS448 carries the necessary information for conjugation and transfer. Cointegrate formation was found to involve an insertional element located on pOZS550. The insertion sequence was found to be identical to ISS1 located on pSK08 in the clumping L. lactis subsp. lactis strain ML3. Restriction maps of pOZS550 and pSK08 were similar suggesting a close ancestral relationship, although pSK08, in addition to the lactose metabolism genes, expressed genes for proteinase activity and cell clumping, which were not expressed by pOZS550, and carried two copies of ISS1 compared to one on pOZS550. Furthermore, hybridization of the 18 base pair inverted repeat, of the insertion sequence, with various L. lactis subsp. lactis strains and two L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains showed moderate to strong hybridization to one plasmid in each organism.  相似文献   

A novel pepX gene was cloned from isolated DNA of Lactococcus lactis by PCR. The deduced amino acid sequence of the 89-kDa protein showed 94, 93, 65, and 44% identity with the pepX protein from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactobacillus delbruecki subsp. bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus helveticus, respectively, and contained a serine protease G-K-S-Y-L-G consensus motif. The pepX gene has been cloned into pET17b and was expressed at a high level in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) LysS. PepX was purified to approximate homogeneity with ammonium sulfate precipitation and DEAE Sephadex A-50 chromatography. Optimal pepX activity was observed at pH 8.0 and 37 degrees C. According to SDS-PAGE analysis, pepX has a molecular mass of approximately 89 kDa. The peptidase can remove completely the unwanted X-Pro from the N-terminal of the target protein, releasing the naturally active protein and peptide, revealing a prospective application of pepX in large-scale production of pharmaceutical protein and peptide products.  相似文献   

Alanine dehydrogenase in Arthrobacter fluorescens exhibited an allosteric behaviour and two K m values for ammonium were estimated. In batch cultures at different ammonium concentrations and in continuous culture following an NH4 + pulse, the level of ADH activity seems to be regulated by the ammonium concentration, high activities being observed when extracellular ammonium was in excess. The response to the growth rate of an ammonium-limited chemostat culture of A. fluorescens seems to indicate that alanine dehydrogenase and glutamine synthetase activities were inversely related. High activities of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and glutamate pyruvate transaminase have been found in crude extract of ammonium-limited cultures. From the results obtained in batch cultures grown at different glucose concentrations and in carbon-limited chemostat culture it appeared that the limitation by glucose influenced alanine dehydrogenase activity negatively. No glutamate dehydrogenase activity and no glutamate synthase activity could be detected with either NADH or NADPH as coenzymes.Abbreviations ADH alanine dehydrogenase - GS glutamine synthetase - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GOGAT glutamine oxoglutarate aminotransferase - GOT glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase - GPT glutamate pyruvate transaminase  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis species can survive periods of carbohydrate starvation for relatively long periods of time. In the first hours of starvation, however, the maximal glycolytic and arginine deiminase (ADI) pathway activities decline rapidly. The rate of decrease of the pathway activities diminishes as soon as the cells become depleted of energy-rich intermediates. Loss of glycolytic activity is associated with loss of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate mutase and pyruvate kinase activities. Upon addition of sugar to starved cultures these enzymatic, and thus the glycolytic, activities can be restored to 100% values. The recovery of enzymatic activities is inhibited by chloramphenicol, indicating that protein synthesis is involved. In contrast, restoration of ADI pathway activity does not require de novo synthesis of proteins. General protein degradation and synthesis have been studied in growing and starving cells using [35S]methionine-labeling of proteins and two-dimensional gel analysis. The breakdown of bulk proteins in exponentially growing cells shows first-order rate kinetics (t1/2 of approximately 5 h). Following an initial breakdown of proteins with a t1/2 of 5 h during the first hour(s) of starvation, bulk proteins are degraded very slowly in starving energy-depleted cells. The breakdown of proteins during starvation appears to be (largely) nonspecific. The rate of synthesis of proteins decreases rapidly in the first hour(s) of starvation. From the onset of starvation on at least 45 proteins are no longer synthesized. During starvation relative induction of fourteen to fifteen proteins can be observed.Abbreviations ADI Arginine deiminase - ATP adenosine triphosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - membrane potential - pH pH gradient - PTS sugar phosphotransferase system - CDM chemically defined medium - TCA trichloro-acetic acid  相似文献   

Alanine dehydrogenase was purified to near homogeneity from cell-free extract of Streptomyces aureofaciens, which produces tetracycline. The molecular weight of the enzyme determined by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography was 395 000. The molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis was 48 000, indicating that the enzyme consists of eight subunits with similar molecular weight. The isoelectric point of alanine dehydrogenase is 6.7. The pH optimum is 10.0 for oxidative deamination of L-alanine and 8.5 for reductive amination of pyruvate. K M values were 5.0 mM for L-alanine and 0.11 mM for NAD+. K M values for reductive amination were 0.56 mM for pyruvate, 0.029 mM for NADH and 6.67 mM for NH4Cl.Abbreviation AlaDH alanine dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Tripeptidase (PepT) and dipeptidase (PepV), the enzymes located in the final stage of the intracellular proteolytic system, were demonstrated to be distributed widely in lactic acid bacteria, especially in lactococci. Both the tripeptidase genes (pepT) and dipeptidase genes (pepV) of 15 lactococcal strains consisting of the type and domestic strains were cloned and sequenced using normal and TAIL PCR methods. Amino acid sequences of these enzymes were highly conserved among strains. Evolutionary distance trees based on the sequence of 1239 nucleotides of pepT and 1416 nucleotide of pepV showed a similar cluster as that obtained from the 1499 fragment of the 16S rRNA. Based on this profile, the species Lactococcus lactis is reasonably divided into three subspecies groups, subsp. lactis, cremoris, and hordniae, as in the current classification. Figure of trees from pepT and pepV were essentially identical to each other and slightly more intricate than that from 16S rRNA. The K nuc values obtained from pepT and pepV genes were approximately ten times as high as that from 16S rRNA. Considering these results, phylogenetic analysis based on pepT and pepV genes may aid in a more precise index of classification of L. lactis subspecies. PepT and PepV seem to have evolved in similar directions in lactococci.  相似文献   

Sánchez C  Mayo B 《Plasmid》2004,51(3):599-271
This paper reports the construction of several general cloning vectors and a specialized depurative vector based on a new lactococcal plasmid that replicates by the rolling circle mechanism [pBM02; Plasmid 49 (2003) 118]. Most vectors are shuttle vectors for Escherichia coli-Lactococcus lactis and carry replicons of both ColE1 and pBM02 plasmids (ColE1 is used even though the pBM02 replicon is fully active in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms). Segregational and structural studies indicated that the new vectors were stable enough for the majority of applications. Further, since the basic replicon is compatible with plasmid derivatives of pWV01 and pSH71, they can be maintained in the same cell with members of the two largest vector series for L. lactis and other lactic acid bacteria, the pGK, and the pNZ series.  相似文献   

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