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The "conventional wisdom" is that grades are related to class attendance, i.e., students who attend classes more frequently obtain better grades and class attendance dramatically contributes to enhanced learning. However, the influence of sex (female vs. male) on this relationship is understudied. Furthermore, there have been several studies examining the impact of attendance on course grades that challenge the conventional wisdom. To address these issues, we determined the effect of class attendance on examination scores for female and male students enrolled in our undergraduate exercise physiology class of 51 students (20 female students and 31 male students). The experiment was designed not to interfere with the normal conduct of the course. Attendance was recorded in each class, and, although regular attendance was encouraged, it was not required and did not factor into the final grades. The final grade reflected the average days of attendance for female students only. Specifically, female students earning a grade above the class average attended 89 ± 4% of the classes; however, female students earning a grade below the class average attended only 64 ± 6% of the classes. In sharp contrast, there was no difference in the number of classes attended for male students earning grades above or below the class average (84 ± 3% vs. 79 ± 5%). Accordingly, some male students were absent frequently but scored above the class average, whereas other male students attended many classes but scored below the class average. Thus, the influence of regular attendance on examination performance is more important for female students than male students.  相似文献   

M T J Hague  E J Routman 《Heredity》2016,116(1):92-98
Genetic diversity is a fundamental requirement for evolution and adaptation. Nonetheless, the forces that maintain patterns of genetic variation in wild populations are not completely understood. Neutral theory posits that genetic diversity will increase with a larger effective population size and the decreasing effects of drift. However, the lack of compelling evidence for a relationship between genetic diversity and population size in comparative studies has generated some skepticism over the degree that neutral sequence evolution drives overall patterns of diversity. The goal of this study was to measure genetic diversity among sympatric populations of related lizard species that differ in population size and other ecological factors. By sampling related species from a single geographic location, we aimed to reduce nuisance variance in genetic diversity owing to species differences, for example, in mutation rates or historical biogeography. We compared populations of zebra-tailed lizards and western banded geckos, which are abundant and short-lived, to chuckwallas and desert iguanas, which are less common and long-lived. We assessed population genetic diversity at three protein-coding loci for each species. Our results were consistent with the predictions of neutral theory, as the abundant species almost always had higher levels of haplotype diversity than the less common species. Higher population genetic diversity in the abundant species is likely due to a combination of demographic factors, including larger local population sizes (and presumably effective population sizes), faster generation times and high rates of gene flow with other populations.  相似文献   

Self-assembling complexes have potential as novel supramolecular biomaterials but domain swapped complexes have yet to investigated in this capacity. Bovine ribonuclease A (RNase A) is a useful model protein as it is able to form a range of three dimensional domain swapped structures, including dimers, trimers and tetramers that have similar catalytic ability. However, little work has been carried out investigating the physical characteristics of these complexes. In an effort to characterise the strength of these oligomeric interactions, analytical ultracentrifugation was carried out to measure the dissociation of higher order complexes, using fluorescent tags to test for dissociation at very low concentrations. Results of this work suggest that the oligomers form a very tight complex, with no evidence of dissociation down to 250 pM. RNase A oligomers also had similar thermal stability to that of monomeric enzyme, suggesting that the main limiting factor in RNase A stability is the tertiary, rather than quaternary structure. Following thermal unfolding of RNase A, the protein refolded upon cooling, but returned to the monomeric state. This latter result may limit the potential of domain swapping as a means of material assembly.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that female animals in a variety of taxa display ornamental traits, such as elaborate plumage, but elucidating whether such traits evolve by selection or genetic correlation remains a challenge because more ornamented females are often found to produce low‐quality offspring. While resource trade‐offs between the production of ornaments and offspring may underlie this negative relationship, it is not an adequate explanation for species where the timing of production of ornaments and offspring does not overlap. Instead, costs associated with engaging in agonistic interactions with conspecifics, which maintains the honesty of signals of quality, may also reduce resources available to invest in offspring. In this study, we enhanced and reduced the plumage brightness of female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) relative to controls to test whether social costs associated with displaying bright plumage is a potential mechanism underlying the observation that more ornamented females produce low‐quality nestlings. Our results showed that nestlings reared by females in the enhanced plumage brightness treatment were structurally smaller, having shorter lengths of the combined head and bill than nestlings in the reduced plumage brightness treatment, and tended to grow their head and bills more slowly than nestlings in the reduced and control plumage brightness treatments. Nestlings in the enhanced plumage brightness treatment also tended to gain mass more slowly than nestlings in control treatment. Overall, that females with enhanced plumage brightness produced structurally smaller nestlings provides evidence that social costs paid by females may lead to the production of low‐quality offspring and should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Food and water consumption, estrus cycle length and regularity, mating rate, number of corpora lutea and morulae and early blastocytes on day 4 of pregnancy, were studied in a group of heat-acclimated female rats (35 ± 1°C). The results were compared with those of rats maintained at control temperature (22 ± 2°C). The heat-acclimated animals consumed the same quantity of food per 100 g of body weight as the controls. Water consumption in the heat was higher. Duration of estrus cycle was prolonged by 24% (p < 0.001), while the number of days associated with proestrus and estrus smears during the experimental period was smaller by 14% and 20% (p < 0.001), respectively. The number of days associated with metestrus and diestrus smears was larger by 25% and 24% (p < 0.001) respectively, in the heat-acclimated group as compared with controls. Mating rate was 47% lower (p < 0.01) in the 35°C group. There was no difference between the two groups in the number of corpora lutea, although the number of 4-day old morulae and early blastocysts in the heat-acclimated rats was 25% smaller (p < 0.01) than that of the control animals.
Zusammenfassung Der Futter- und Wasserkonsum, die Länge und Regelmässigkeit des Oestruszyklus, die Aufnahmerate, die Anzahl Corpora Lutea und Blastozysten am 4. Trächtigkeitstage wurden in einer Gruppe Ratten bestimmt, die mehrere Wochen bei 35 ± 1°C gehalten worden waren. Die Kontrolltiere lebten bei 22 ± 2°C. In der Hitze war das Wachstum verzögert, der relative Futterkonsum (g/100 g Kp. Gew.) war aber bei beiden Gruppen gleich. Der Wasserkonsum war erhöht. Ebenso war der Oestruszyklus um 24% verlängert (p < 0,001). Während die Anzahl Tage mit Prooestrus and Oestrus um 14% bzw. 20% vermindert war, waren die mit Metoestrus und Dioestrus Zeichen vermehrt (p < 0,001). Die Anzahl Corpora Lutea war in beiden Gruppen gleich, dagegen war die Anzahl Blastozysten bei den Hitze-Ratten 25% geringer als bei den Kontrollen.

Resume Des femelles de rats ont été acclimatées à la chaleur (35 ± 1°C). On a ensuite contrôlé leur consommation en eau et en nourriture, la longueur et la régularité de leur cycle menstruel, leur taux d'assimilation ainsi que le nombre de corpora lutea, de morulae et de blastocystes au 4ème jour de gestation. Les chiffres ainsi obtenus ont été comparés à ceux de rats maintenus à une température de contrôle (22 ± 2°C). Les rats acclimatés au chaud ont consommé autant de nourriture par 100 g de poids que ceux utilisés pour le contrôle. Il ont par contre bu davantage. La durée du cycle ovarien a été allongé de 24% (p < 0,001) alors que le nombre de jours avec proestrus et estrus a été réduit de 14%, respectivement de 20% et ceux présentant des signes de metestrus et diestrus a augmenté de 25 et 24% (p < 0,001). Le taux d'assimilation du premier groupe a diminué de 47% (p < 0,01) par rapport au second. On n'a pas constaté de différence en ce qui concerne le nombre de corpora lutea. Par contre le nombre de morulae et de blastocystes de 4 jours a été de 25% (p < 0,01) inférieur chez les rats acclimatés à celui des rats de contrôle.

Cichoñ M 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):78-81
In order to assess the importance of breeding experience in shaping age-specific patterns of reproduction an experiment on collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) was performed. Experimental females were restrained from reproduction by destroying their nests after prolonged incubation. Unmanipulated females were used as controls. Only young, first time breeders were considered. A year after manipulation, experimental (inexperienced) and control (experienced) females were compared for a number of breeding traits. They did not differ with respect to laying date, clutch size, number of fledglings and number of local recruits. However, fledglings from broods of inexperienced females were significantly lighter and had shorter tarsi. This suggests that prior experience of feeding young may indeed influence the future reproductive performance in altricial bird species such as the collared flycatcher.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Salmon, JR, Roper, JA, and Tillman, MD. Does acute whole-body vibration training improve the physical performance of people with knee osteoarthritis? J Strength Cond Res 26(11): 2983-2989, 2012-The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a single session of whole-body vibration training (WBVT) on the physical performance of individuals with knee osteoarthritis (OA) in 3 tests designed to simulate activities of daily living (ADLs). Fifteen individuals with symptomatic knee OA completed the Timed-Up-and-Go Test, step test, 20-m walk test, and visual analog scale (VAS) recordings of knee pain intensity. A main effect was detected for time to complete the step test (F[2,28] = 6.243, p = 0.006, (Equation is included in full-text article.)). Post hoc analyses revealed that the time to complete the step test at 5 minutes after WBVT improved significantly (p = 0.042) from that of the pretest. A moderate correlation (r = 0.465, p = 0.001) was found between the VAS scores and the time to complete the step test across all trials. A main effect was found for time to complete the walk test (F[2,28] = 4.370, p = 0.022, (Equation is included in full-text article.)). Post hoc analyses did not indicate significant improvements from pretest seen at 5 minutes after WBVT (p = 0.110) and 1 hour after WBVT (p = 0.224). The WBVT was well tolerated in nearly all the participants, and we observed that an acute bout of WBVT was effective in improving the ability of individuals with knee OA to perform a step test and 20-m walk test. Our findings suggest that WBVT may be an effective nonpharmacologic modality to treat some knee OA symptoms and improve ADLs.  相似文献   

Some pesticides may interfere with the female hormonal function, which may lead to negative effects on the reproductive system through disruption of the hormonal balance necessary for proper functioning. Previous studies primarily focused on interference with the estrogen and/or androgen receptor, but the hormonal function may be disrupted in many more ways through pesticide exposure. The aim of this review is to give an overview of the various ways in which pesticides may disrupt the hormonal function of the female reproductive system and in particular the ovarian cycle. Disruption can occur in all stages of hormonal regulation: 1. hormone synthesis; 2. hormone release and storage; 3. hormone transport and clearance; 4. hormone receptor recognition and binding; 5. hormone postreceptor activation; 6. the thyroid function; and 7. the central nervous system. These mechanisms are described for effects of pesticide exposure in vitro and on experimental animals in vivo. For the latter, potential effects of endocrine disrupting pesticides on the female reproductive system, i.e. modulation of hormone concentrations, ovarian cycle irregularities, and impaired fertility, are also reviewed. In epidemiological studies, exposure to pesticides has been associated with menstrual cycle disturbances, reduced fertility, prolonged time-to-pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, stillbirths, and developmental defects, which may or may not be due to disruption of the female hormonal function. Because pesticides comprise a large number of distinct substances with dissimilar structures and diverse toxicity, it is most likely that several of the above-mentioned mechanisms are involved in the pathophysiological pathways explaining the role of pesticide exposure in ovarian cycle disturbances, ultimately leading to fertility problems and other reproductive effects. In future research, information on the ways in which pesticides may disrupt the hormonal function as described in this review, can be used to generate specific hypotheses for studies on the effects of pesticides on the ovarian cycle, both in toxicological and epidemiological settings.  相似文献   

Reproduction is intimately linked with dispersal, but the effects of changes in reproductive strategies on dispersal have received little attention. Such changes have occurred in many taxonomic groups, resulting in profound alterations in life-history. In amphibians, many species shifted from oviparous/larviparous aquatic reproduction (deposition of eggs or pre-metamorphic larvae in water) to pueriparous terrestrial reproduction (parturition of terrestrial juveniles). The latter provides greater independence from water by skipping the aquatic larval stage; however, the eco-evolutionary implications of this evolutionary step have been underexplored, largely because reproductive modes rarely vary at the intraspecific level, preventing meaningful comparisons. We studied the effects of a transition to pueriparity on dispersal and fine-scale genetic structure in the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), a species exhibiting two co-occurring reproductive modes: larviparity and pueriparity. We performed genetic analyses (parentage and genetic spatial autocorrelation) using 11 microsatellite loci to compare dispersal and fine-scale genetic structure in three larviparous and three pueriparous populations (354 individuals in total). We did not find significant differences between reproductive modes, but in some larviparous populations movement patterns may be influenced by site-specific features (type of water bodies), possibly due to passive water-borne dispersal of larvae along streams. Additionally, females (especially larviparous ones) appeared to be more philopatric, while males showed greater variation in dispersal distances. This study also points to future avenues of research to better understand the eco-evolutionary implications of changes in reproductive modes in amphibians.  相似文献   

Discovering the mechanisms by which communities of co‐existing species exist has proven to be one of the greatest challenges for evolutionary ecologists. A recent perspective emphasizes the role of functional traits, such as whole‐organism performance, as key limiting factors in the evolution of communities, yet few studies have examined this possibility. We examine how bite force and morphology influence the ability of ten lizard species in a single community to access insect prey, as defined by prey type and prey hardness. We gathered over 3 years of data from a desert lizard community comprised of ten species and found significant variation among species for bite force and prey hardness, as well as significant differences in performance and niche breadth for each species. In general, higher levels of absolute bite force broadens resource accessibility (sizes of prey), and does not generally result in a reduced ability to access smaller prey. For example, large lizard species that are hard biters can still consume soft prey. On the other hand, small lizard species that are weak biters are more limited in their ability to access hard prey, although the overall decline in resource accessibility is modest. Our findings highlight how functional traits can influence which species can access key resources within a community of similar species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of female parasitoids is dependent on their ability to accurately assess the suitability of a host for larval development. For generalist parasitoids, which utilize a broad range of species and instars as hosts, a set of assessment criteria determines whether a host is accepted or rejected. The suitability of a host, however, can only be imperfectly assessed by the female parasitoid, which can result in the selection of lesser quality hosts for oviposition. In this study we explored the disparity between host quality and host preference using the generalist koinobiotic parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) and the host Aulacorthum solani (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae), the foxglove aphid. The second instar hosts produced the highest level of reproductive success, while third and fourth instars resulted in a substantially reduced reproductive performance. When given a choice of host instars, parasitoids preferred the older hosts for oviposition disregarding their reduced suitability for larval development. Results are discussed in context of mechanisms involved in A. ervi host selection and biases in the criteria used to assess hosts that may arise when parasitoids transfer host species between generations.  相似文献   

The effects of autologous erythrocyte infusion on improving exercise performance at high altitude have not previously been studied. The effects of erythrocyte infusion on 3.2-km (2-mile) run performance were evaluated during 3 days (HA3) and 14 days (HA14) exposure to high altitude (4300 m) in erythrocyte-infused (ER) and control (CON) subjects that were initially matched (P>0.05; n = 8 in each group) for age, body size and aerobic fitness. After sea-level runs (SL; 50 m), unacclimated-male subjects received either 700 ml of saline and autologous erythrocytes (42% hematocrit; ER) or saline alone (CON). The 3.2-km run times (min:s) did not differ (P>0.05) between groups at SL [mean (SEM) ER, 13:14 (00:19); CON, 13:39 (00:32)] or during HA3 [ER, 19:02 (00:18); CON, 19:44 (00:43)] and HA14 [ER, 17:44 (00:27); CON, 18:45 (00:55)] but times were slower (P<0.05) when comparing HA3 or HA14 to SL. Heart rates (HR) did not differ between groups at SL [ER, 188 (3) beats x min(-1); CON, 191 (3) beats x min(-1)], or during HA3 [ER, 170 (4) beats x min(-1); CON, 178 (4) beats x min(-1)] and HA14 [ER, 162 (6) beats x min(-1); CON, 169 (5) beats x min(-1)], but HR were lower (P<0.05) when comparing HA3 or HA14 to SL. Ratings of perceived exertion (local, central, and overall ratings) did not differ between groups at SL, HA3 or HA14, but local ratings were higher (P<0.05) at HA3 and HA14 compared to SL, and overall ratings were higher for HA3 than SL. Analysis of covariance (adjusted for SL group run times) revealed (min:s) 00:14 (HA3) and 00:28 (HA14) mean improvement tendencies (P>0.05) for ER compared to CON. Thus, no significant improvements in 3.2-km run performance were associated with erythrocyte infusion, although the ER group showed a tendency to run slightly faster at high altitude.  相似文献   

Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a satisfactory potential candidate for controlling Parthenium hysterophorus L. The study was conducted in order to evaluate the bio-control potential of Z. bicolorata to satisfactory reduced the density of parthenium weed in natural field conditions. Therefore, beetles were released in the twelve study sites @ 12 adults and/or larvae/m2 in their respective sites on 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th day after initial field releases. Observations were made on defoliation by the beetle, perthenium plant height, plant biomass, leaf injury rating and soil seed reservoir. Present study showed that field releases of Z. bicolorata considerably lowering down the parthenium density at all treated sites. At larval release sites by the 60th day of observation a complete defoliation was noted, however at adult release sites it took 80 days for complete defoliation. Moreover, significantly higher number of developmental stages i.e. eggs, larvae and adults were noted in the adults released sites than to larval released sites and the controls. It was also noted that plant height and its density, flowers & leaves production, biomass of parthenium plant and seed reservoir in soil was negatively affected in treated sites as compared to untreated sites. Thus, we have concluded that adults can be utilized in biocontrol program because population build-up was greater in those sites where adults were released.  相似文献   

In self-incompatible clonal plants, the spread of individual plants can exacerbate mate limitation to the point that it becomes a serious constraint on long-term population persistence, especially in small, isolated populations. In such species, it may be necessary to introduce new genetic material from other populations to restore seed production, a strategy termed “genetic rescue”. In this study we assess the potential pertinence of such genetic rescue in the clonal perennial plant Convolvulus lineatus L., whose populations are often highly reduced in spatial extent and are currently being fragmented by land development projects in Mediterranean France. To do so, we quantify fruit production in a range of populations of different size over four years and perform a series of hand-pollination experiments in natural populations to assess whether fruit set is limited by mate availability. We found that C. lineatus is a self-incompatible species that shows extremely low values of fruit set in natural populations and that a principal cause of this low fruit set is a lack of compatible pollen. This may be primarily due to clonal spread that causes individual populations to be comprised of patches containing one or very few incompatibility types. In small populations fragmented by human activities and which show an absence of fruit production, we thus argue that genetic rescue represents a promising conservation management strategy to avoid inevitable long-term future population decline. We discuss how best to introduce new genetic material into the study populations.  相似文献   

The mesopredator release hypothesis (MRH) predicts that reduced abundance of top‐order predators results in an increase in the abundance of smaller predators (mesopredators) due to a reduction in intra‐guild predation and competition. The irruption of mesopredators that follows the removal of top‐order predators can have detrimental impacts on the prey of the mesopredators. Here we investigated the mechanisms via which the presence of a top‐order predator can benefit prey species. We tested predictions made according to the MRH and foraging theory by contrasting the abundances of an invasive mesopredator (red fox Vulpes vulpes) and an endangered prey species (dusky hopping mouse Notomys fuscus), predator diets, and N. fuscus foraging behaviour in the presence and absence of a top‐predator (dingo Canis lupus dingo). As predicted by the MRH, foxes were more abundant where dingoes were absent. Dietary overlap between sympatric dingoes and foxes was extensive, and fox was recorded in 1 dingo scat possibly indicating intra‐guild predation. Notomys fuscus were more likely to occur in fox scats than dingo scats and as predicted by the MRH N. fuscus were less abundant in the absence of dingoes. The population increase of N. fuscus following rainfall was dampened in the absence of dingoes suggesting that mesopredator release can attenuate bottom‐up effects, although it remains conceivable that differences in grazing regimes associated with dingo exclusion could have also influenced N. fuscus abundance. Notomys fuscus exhibited lower giving‐up densities in the presence of dingoes, consistent with the prediction that their perceived risk of predation would be lower and foraging efficiency greater in the presence of a top‐predator. Our results suggest that mesopredator suppression by a top predator can create a safer environment for prey species where the frequency of fatal encounters between predators and prey is reduced and the non‐consumptive effects of predators are lower.  相似文献   

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