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Six Inocybes are described and illustrated as new taxa or new records from Japan. A new species, Inocybe magnicarpa, is a member of section Marginatae. Two new varieties, I. malenconii var. cylindrata, a member of section Dulcamarae, and I. brunneorufa var. angusta, a representative of section Marginatae. Inocybe reisneri (section Rimosae) and I. fuscidula (section Tardae), are recorded as new to Japan. Inocybe pseudodestricta (section Tardae) is redescribed from a new locality (Chiba Prefecture). They are compared with similar taxa.  相似文献   

We drew up a checklist of the Italian vegetation (http://www.prodromo-vegetazione-italia.org/), up to the syntaxonomical rank of alliance. During the compilation of this checklist, we observed that some syntaxa were invalidly published. For this reason, in this article we validated some syntaxa names and, at the same time, described new syntaxa of different hierarchical levels. Therefore, 10 new orders, 1 new suborder, 18 new alliances, 3 new suballiances and 5 new associations are described here. These new syntaxa belong to the following classes: Adiantetea capilli-veneris, Parietarietea judaicae, Thlaspietea rotundifolii, Artemisietea vulgaris, Stellarietea mediae, Galio aparines–Urticetea dioicae, Mulgedio alpini–Aconitetea variegati, Trifolio medii–Geranietea sanguinei, Festuco-Seslerietea, Salicetea herbaceae, Festuco valesiacae–Brometea erecti, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Cisto cretici–Micromerietea julianae, Rhamno catharticae–Prunetea spinosae, Salici purpureae–Populetea nigrae, Salicetea purpureae, Quercetea ilicis and Querco roboris–Fagetea sylvaticae.  相似文献   

该文描述了自四川西部发现的毛茛科毛茛属五新种.其中:三新种,即石棉毛茛(Ranunculus shimianensis)、细叉叶毛茛(R.tenuifurcatus)和细裂叶毛茛(R.perdissectus)隶属于美丽毛茛组(Sect.Auricomus);第四新种,即泸定毛茛(R.ludingensis)隶属于毛茛...  相似文献   

Abstract. The phylogenetic analysis of ninety‐two adult morphological characters supports the treatment of Nirvaninae as a junior synonym of Evacanthinae and the redefinition of Evacanthinae to include the tribes Nirvanini, Balbillini, Evacanthini and Pagaroniini. The analysis indicates that Nirvaninae, as previously defined, is polyphyletic. A key to tribes and Neotropical genera is provided and diagnostic features for these taxa are reviewed. Jassoqualus Kramer, Neonirvana Oman, Synogonia Melichar (=Jassopronus Nielson & Godoy, syn.n.) and Tahura Melichar are retained within Nirvanini and two new Neotropical genera of this tribe are described and illustrated: Antillonirvana, gen.n., based on two new species from the Dominican Republic and one from Cuba; and Chibchanirvana, gen.n., based on two new species from Colombia. Pentoffia Kramer and Evanirvana Hill are treated as incertae sedis within Evacanthinae. Six new species of Pentoffia, a new species of Synogonia, a new species of Jassoqualus, two new species of Neonirvana and eleven new species of Tahura, all from South America, are also described and illustrated. The following taxa included previously in Nirvaninae are excluded from Evacanthinae, sensu lato: Tungurahuala Kramer to Cicadellinae; Columbonirvana Linnavuori to Typhlocybinae; Macroceratogoniini to Coelidiinae; Occinirvanini Evans to Deltocephalinae. Omaranus Distant, placed previously in Occinirvanini, is transferred to Doraturini (Deltocephalinae).  相似文献   


The vegetation of sandy coasts of California between Point Arena and Morro Bay, was investigated. Near the tide line, was annual vegetation of the Cakile maritima community. Dunal vegetation included the new Abronio latifoliae-Ambrosietea chamissonis class with the new Ambrosietalia chamissonis order and the new Ambrosion chamissonis alliance (proposed). Foredune vegetation included the two new Abronio latifoliae-Elymetum mollis and Atriplici leucophyllae-Abronietum maritimae associations, with the new Polygono paronychiae-Artemisietum pycnocephalae and Erigero glauci-Abronietum latifoliae associations on more stabilised surfaces. In some localities, Ammophila arenaria var. australis occurs within a Lupino variicoloris-Ammophiletum australis association, which colonises the whole dune ecosystem. In the flat areas characterised by grit and affected by frequent sea ingression is an association characterised by Juncus lesueurii and Distichlis spicata (Junco lesueurii-Distichletum spicatae). In the hollows among inland dunes, affected by stagnation, thick meadows develop which contain two new associations: Stachydo rigidae-Iridetum douglasianae developing on flat areas with a stronger stagnation and Achilleo millefoliae-Elymetum pacifici.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to provide new syntaxa for the Italian vegetation checklist. For the class Rhamno–Prunetea which includes the class Paliuretea the new alliance Rhamno saxatilis–Paliurion spinae-christi is described, that is included in the order Paliuretalia spinae-christi with a central-western Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean distribution. Otherwise, the more thermophilous Paliurus spina-christi vegetation is included in the new suballiance named as Oleo sylvestris–Paliurenion spinae-christi within the alliance Oleo–Ceratonion of the class Quercetea ilicis. For the class Trifolio–Geranietea medii, a new alliance named Hyperico calabricae–Asphodelion macrocarpi is proposed here.  相似文献   

Four new helicoid anamorphic fungi collected from marine habitats in Egypt and Japan are described. Three marine and one terrestrial Cirrenalia species along with two Cumulospora species and the four new fungi were sequenced for LSU and SSU rDNA. Phylogenetic analyses of the generated sequences, along with those from GenBank, confirmed the polyphyly of the genera Cirrenalia and Cumulospora, and new genera are erected to accommodate the displaced species. Eight new genera, four new species and six new combinations are made: 1. Halazoon anam.-gen. nov. (Halazoon melhae sp. nov., H. fuscus for Cirrenalia fusca), 2. Moheitospora anam.-gen. nov. (Moheitospora fruticosae sp. nov., M. adarca for Cirrenalia adarca), 3. Moleospora anam.-gen nov. (Moleospora maritima sp. nov.), and 4. Glomerulispora anam.-gen. nov. (Glomerulispora mangrovis sp. nov); Cirrenalia pygmea, Cirrenalia tropicale and Cumulospora varius are transferred to the new genera, 5. Hydea anam.-gen. nov, 6. Matsusporium anam.-gen. nov., and 7. Moromyces anam.-gen. nov., respectively. These genera can be assigned to the order Lulworthiales, TBM (Torpedospora/Bertia/Melanospora) clade, while Cirrenalia macrocephala is nested within the order Halosphaeriales. Few morphological characters delineate the genera and species assigned to the Lulworthiales and this aspect is discussed in relation to the molecular data. The phylogenetic position of the terrestrial species, Cirrenalia japonica, shows that it is a member of the order Pleosporales, and a new genus, 8. Hiogispora anam.-gen. nov. is proposed for the fungus.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):271-280

The epiphytic bryoflora of Jbel Bouhalla, a mountain sited in the Rif range (northern Morocco), is catalogued, resulting in a list of 48 taxa (45 mosses and 3 liverworts). One new variety, Orthotrichum speciosum var. brevisetum, is described, and some new records are reported: Orthotrichum shawii and O. pallens are new to northern Africa, while Habrodon perpusillus and O. speciosum var. speciosum are new to Morocco.  相似文献   

Thirty one genera [including Homoiothemara gen.n., Polyaroidea gen.n., Proepacrocerus gen.n. and 1 unnamed new(?) genus], 3 subgenera, 87 species [including 9 new species: Acrotaeniostola interrupta, Carpophthorella bivittata, Enicoptera gressitti, Homoiothemara eurycephala, Polyaroidea distincta, P. opposita, P. univittata, Proepacrocerus pallidoviridus and Xanthorrachis sabahensis and 6 unnamed new(?) species] and 1 subspecies are keyed and described or, if recently described elsewhere, only listed and additional data recorded. The following are new synonyms: Trypeta retorta Walker, Carpophthorella magnifica Hendel, Gastrozona bifasciata de Meijere and Gastrozona alboscutellata Enderlein =Carpophthorella nigrifascia Walker; Icteroptera van der Wulp =Sophira Walker; Sophira disjuncta Hardy =Sophira (Kambangania)ypsilon (Rondani); Curvinervis walkeri Hardy and Strumeta concisa Walker =Stymbara vagaria Walker; Carpophthorella scutellomaculata Hering =Xanthorrachis annandalei Bezzi. Proanoplomus cinereofasciatus (de Meijere) is a new combination and Spilocosmia kotoshoensis (Shiraki) is given new status.  相似文献   

A new species, namely Pyrus cordifolia (P. sect. Pashia) is described as new to science, and two new records including P. tamamschianiae (P. sect. Pyrus) and P. theodorovii var. latifolia (P. sect. Argyromalon) are reported for the flora of Iran. These taxa are compared with their closest relatives. Photographs and a distribution map of these taxa as well as an illustration of the new species are presented. An identification key to members of P. sect. Pashia in Iran is provided.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of the genus Cristulariella is revised, retaining Cristulariella (Crist.) depraedans as the type. Two new species, Crist. cercidiphylli and Crist. corni, are additionally described under the genus. The new anamorphic genus Hinomyces is erected to accommodate Botrytis (Cristulariella) moricola and Cristulariella pruni. A new genus and species, Nervostroma depraedans, is erected in the Sclerotiniaceae to accommodate the teleomorph of Crist. depraedans, with an additional species, Nervostroma cercidiphylli.  相似文献   

This paper presents new species, combinations, national reports and host records for the South African rust fungi (Uredinales/Pucciniales). Endophyllum mpenjatiense on cf. Hibiscus sp. (Malvaceae), Phakopsora combretorum (anamorph Uredo combreticola) on the new host Combretum apiculatum (Combretaceae) and Uredo sekhukhunensis on Ziziphus mucronata (Rhamnaceae) are described as new species. Dietelia cardiospermi and E. metalasiae are proposed as new combinations to replace Aecidium cardiospermi on Cardiospermum halicacabum (Sapindaceae) and A. metalasiae on Metalasia spp. (Asteraceae), respectively. Four species are new records for South Africa: Crossopsora antidesmae-dioicae on Antidesma venosum (Euphorbiaceae), Phakopsora ziziphi-vulgaris on Z. mucronata, and Uromyces cypericola and Puccinia subcoronata, both on a new host, Cyperus albostriatus (Cyperaceae). The record of P. subcoronata is the first one from outside the New World. Puccinia scirpi is reported as a possible addition to the South African rust fungi. New host records and observations are presented for Pucciniastrum agrimoniae that is recorded on two new host genera and species, Cliffortia odorata and Leucosidea sericea (Rosaceae), Uromyces cypericola whose urediniospores are described for the first time, Phakopsora stratosa in that spermogonia and Uredo-like aecia were discovered, and for Sphaerophragmium dalbergiae in that characters of the urediniospores are re-evaluated. A lectotype is selected for Aecidium garckeanum and spermogonia are reported for this rust for the first time. The rust fungi of Ehrharta (Poaceae) are discussed and critically evaluated in the light of spore morphology and host species.  相似文献   

Four new species of Antocha, one new species of Gonomyia, two new species of Trentepohlia and one new species of Erioptera are described from stations in Sikkim and Assam. Additional illustrations of previously described species of Antocha and Trentepohlia are included.  相似文献   

Family Polycopidae is one of the more abundant and diverse taxa occurring in marine interstitial environments. Most of the interstitial polycopids are so far known from Japan and belong to the genus Parapolycope Klie, 1936. In this paper we describe another four new species from Japan. A new genus, K liecope gen. nov. is erected to include one new species K liecope mihoensis sp. nov. and one new combination Kliecope oligohalina (Tanaka & Tsukagoshi, 2010) comb. nov. Although the morphology of K liecope is similar to Parapolycope, the new genus has the following diagnostic characters: absence of an inward bulge on the antennular second podomere, presence of two setae bearing a sucker on the antennular third podomere, and absence of a dorsal seta on the basis of mandibula. Another three Parapolycope, P arapolycope setouchiensis sp. nov. , P arapolycope subtidalis sp. nov. , and P arapolycope miurensis sp. nov. are described as well. To test the phylogenetic relationship between the new genus and Parapolycope, we performed phylogenetic analyses based on the 14 18S rDNA sequences of interstitial Polycopidae species, 12 of which were newly obtained from our material. The 18S gene proved to be suitable for phylogenetic analyses in polycopids with high intraspecific or intrageneric resolution. Here we present trees obtained with maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbour‐joining methods, and they support the divergence between Kliecope and Parapolycope with high bootstrap values. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

This paper deals with six species of smut fungi which were collected in the provinces Yunnan and Gansu in China. Among them, Anthracoidea yunnanensis and Entorrhiza guttiformis are new species. Sporisorium andropogonis-annulati, which is a new combination, Sporisorium montaniensis, Urocystis pseudoanemones, and Ustilago griffithsii are new records for China.  相似文献   

药用植物内生放线菌具有合成天然活性化合物的潜力,放线菌新种是寻找新型抗生素先导化合物的一个重要来源。【目的】挖掘药用植物地黄内生放线菌资源,并对地黄轮纹病拮抗菌株leaf-16进行新种鉴定。【方法】本研究采用五步消毒法分离河南道地药材地黄的内生放线菌,以地黄轮纹病原真菌草茎点霉(Phoma herbarum)为指示菌,采用平板对峙法筛选对该病菌有抑制作用的菌株,16S rRNA基因测序发现一株抗地黄轮纹病的放线菌新种leaf-16。通过形态、生理生化、细胞壁化学组分和分子生物学等特征对菌株leaf-16进行多相分类学鉴定。【结果】经平板对峙实验得到8株抗地黄轮纹病的放线菌,其中菌株leaf-16经16S rRNA基因测序、形态比较、生理生化、化学组分和分子生物学以及DNA-DNA杂交分析,确定菌株leaf-16为1株链霉菌新种,并命名为Streptomyces folium。【结论】菌株leaf-16为1株链霉菌新种,具有抑制地黄轮纹病原真菌的活性,为进一步分离新型抗地黄轮纹病的生物制剂奠定物质基础。  相似文献   

Two new species, five new varieties and five new forms belonging to the desmid genera Closterium Nitzsch, Pleurotaenium Naeg., Euastridium W. & W., Micrasterias Agardh, Cosmarium Corda and Staurastrum Meyen from the Andaman Islands are described.  相似文献   

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