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The brown alga Agarum clathratum (Dumortier) is the only large, perennial, fleshy macrophyte commonly found on urchin‐dominated barrens in the northwestern North Atlantic. We examined the spatial and temporal stability of A. clathratum stands and their impact on algal recruitment in the Mingan Islands, northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The stands were highly stable in space and time, with only small intersite variations. The percent cover of A. clathratum in 144‐m2 areas increased by 6.5%–11.4% over a 2‐year period, and most changes in abundance occurred at the edge of the stands. The surface area of small (<13 m2) single stands of A. clathratum increased by approximately 1.8%·month?1, although marked increases (>95%) occurred during winter, largely because adjacent stands merged into larger single stands. Mature stands of A. clathratum appear to enhance algal recruitment, as juvenile A. clathratum and the understory red alga Ptilota serrata (Kützing) were orders of magnitude more abundant inside than outside the stands. The experimental removal of the A. clathratum canopy (1‐m2 portions) had no long‐term effect on the abundance of A. clathratum, which within 14 months had recolonized most of the cleared areas. In contrast to juvenile A. clathratum, the abundance of P. serrata rapidly decreased after canopy removal. Our results demonstrate that A. clathratum stands are a stable component of urchin barrens in spite of the heavy grazing that typically occurs there. Maintenance and expansion of A. clathratum stands and associated flora appear to depend on positive interactions with self‐defended adult A. clathratum.  相似文献   

Gyrogonites of charophytes from two localities of the Oudiksou syncline (Middle Atlas, Morocco) are studied. The Irbzer formation in the Achlouj-2 site yielded charophytes (Feistiella oblonga, F. globosa, Strobilochara apiculata, S. diademata) that suggest a Campanian-Maastrichtian age; this result is consistent with all previously published biochronological studies. The overlying Bekrit-Timahdit formation, supposed to be Thanetian to Lutetian in age, without paleontological evidence, yielded charophytes in the Saf locality (Peckichara cf. llobregatensis, Feistiella sp. 1, Maedleriella sp.). This association indicates a Paleocene age for the middle member of this formation.  相似文献   

Summary At the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary, major climatic and oceanographic changes influenced sedimentation on carbonate platforms and in peri-platfrom asreas. Three deep-water carbonate successions in Moravia, which were selected to represent different paleotectonic settings, have been studied with the aim of testing the influence of eustatic, climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation and conodont paleoecology and taphonomy. On the slopes of the wide carbonate platforms of the Moravian Karst Development (Lesní lom and Grygov sections), an exemplary highstand shedding systems developed in the upper Famennian (expansa Zone), marked by a pronounced thickness of their respective calciturbidite successions and an abundance of shallow-water skeletal grains.Palamatolepis— andBispathodus-dominated conodont assemblages contain an admixture ofPolygnathus representing a transported, near-shore component. The eustatic sea-level fall in the praesulcata Zone and the lowstand conditions at the D/C boundary resulted in a decline of carbonate platform production and condensed deposition or nondeposition. In the Lesní lom section, a condensed sequence of turrbiditic calcarenites and shales (Middle praesulcata—lowermost sulcata Zone) was followed by lime mud calciturbidites (sulcata and duplicata Zones). In the conodont assemblages, the first event in the Lower praesulcata Zone was associated with the reduction of ‘mesopelagic’Palmatopic and a bloom of epipelagicPolygnathus communis. The second event in the Middle praesulcata Zone corresponds to the onset of polygnathidprotogranthodid biofacies, indicating a carbonate slope environment. In the Grygov section, a pronounced thickening and upward-coarsening succession of tubiditic calcilutites through calcarenites and intraclast breccias, with poor palmatolepid-bispathodid connodont assemblages (expansa Zone), indicates a progradation of the calciturbidite system associated with sea-level highstand. After a break in sedimentation, covering the interval from the Lower praseulcata to the base of Lower crenulata Zone, thick-bedded, fine-grained calciturbidites were deposited in the Lower crenulata Zone, and are associated with poor, mixed assemblages where siphonodellids and polygnathids predominate. At the isosticha-Upper crenulata/Lower typicus boundary, coasre grained, turbiditic calcarenites and breccias rich in clastic quartz grains and mixed conodont assemblages with reworked Frasnian and Famennian conodonts indicate a deep erosion of the source area, presumably due totectonic uplift (relative lowstand). In the Jesenec section, on the flanks of the volcanic seamount (the Drahany Development), a deep-water Upper Famennian condensed succession of calciturbidites and presumably winnowed pelagic limestones is marked by conodont assemblages of palmatolepid-bispathodid biofacies. More proximal calciturbidites with mixed deep-water and shallowwater conodonts prograde at the top of the Upper Famennian succession (Middle to Upper expansa Zone). A striking hiatus, covering the interval from the Early preaesulcata to the base of Lower crenulata Zone, resulted from extreme condensation and submarine bottom current erosion due to sea-level lowstand in the late Famennian and early Tournaisian. The renewed middle Tournaisian calciturbidite sedimentation with strong evidence of erosion at the source area indicates global eustatic rise and tectonic uplift of the Drahany Development seamounts (relative lowstand). The earlier occurrence of the uplift in the Jesenec area, relative to the Grygov section, shows the advance of tectonic processes over time in the Moravian-Silesian basin (orogenic polarity) as a consequence of Variscan orogenic movements.  相似文献   

From the early Famennian of the Montagne Noire 19 different morphotypes of probably phyllocarid (Crustacea) affinities are described. Apart from formerly unknown enamel-like structures that veil the uppermost tips of the denticles on most of the gnathal lobe morphs, the stratigraphic implications concerning extinction behaviour across the Kellwasser mass extinction event and during early Famennian diversification are discussed. In addition, phyllocarids in the Famennian seem to form a useful stratigraphic tool for biostratigraphical correlation. Therefore, three basal Famennian phyllocarid assemblage zones are distinguished.   相似文献   

Stylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra is an undescribed taxon showing affinities with the allotetraploid speciesS. scabra, but distinct in a number of attibutes. Several collections show potential as forage for clay soils in northern Australia. Twelve accessions have been analysed using STS (sequence-tagged-sites) as genetic markers, and they all displayed STS phenotypes of typical diploid species. Taking into account their morphological similarities, the STS analysis provides strong evidence thatStylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra might be a diploid progenitor of the allotetraploidS. scabra. This speculation was supported by cytological examinations. Somatic chromosome numbers of two of these accessions were counted and both were found to be diploid (2n = 20). The level of polymorphism among the 12Stylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra accessions, estimated using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) as markers, was 7.8%, and the dissimilarity value betweenStylosanthes sp. aff.S. scabra andS. viscosa (the other putative progenitor ofS. scabra) was 89%.  相似文献   

Forty-four ostracod species are recognised from the upper part of the Eifelian to the base of the Famennian of the Djebel Mech Irdane, Bou Tchrafine and El Atrous sections, in the Tafilalt. The majority are in open nomenclature, and one is new: Tubulibairdia tafilaltensis nov. sp. Ostracods belong principally to the Eifelian Mega-Assemblage and they are generally indicative of poorly oxygenated relatively deep marine environments below storm wave base. However, in the base of the Famennian of the Bou Tchrafine section, ostracods belong to the Myodocopid Mega-Assemblage indicative of strong hypoxic water conditions. They confirm that the hypoxic water conditions linked to the “Upper Kellwasser Horizon”, subsisted in North Africa, in the extreme base of the Famennian. Twenty-four ostracod species are recognized in the Djebel Mech Irdane Eifelian/Givetian stratotype, where the most important change in the ostracod fauna is related to the 40 cm-thick level of grey silty-marl located 10 cm below the boundary. However, this change is not indicative of an extinction event at this level. Three zones established on ostracods are recognized in the Frasnian and in the base of the Famennian of the Tafilalt.  相似文献   

Four populations of charophytes (including three species), Chara inconnexa T. F. Allen (populations 1 and 2), C. vulgaris L., and Nitellopsis obtusa (Desv.) J. Groves, were studied for effective chemicals as oviposition deterrents of Culex pipiens pallens. The charophyte volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were retained in Tenax GR, subsequently desorbed using a thermal desorption cold trap injector (TCT), and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to elucidate that charophytes have repellent properties. C. inconnexa (1) and C. inconnexa (2) exhibited strong repellent activities, and C. vulgaris showed some repellent activity against C. pipiens pallens with terpenes and benzothiazole playing major roles, while N. obtusa lacked those compounds and did not have an effect. These results suggest that charophytes have potential application as pesticides, but there are interspecific differences. In addition, benzene hydrocarbons were among the volatiles in Chara but not in N. obtusa, implying that some charophytes could be used to absorb these compounds.  相似文献   

Two skulls, two mandibles and some postcranials ofMesopithecus from the locality “Vathylakkos 2” of Axios Valley (Macedonia, Greece) enlarge our knowledge about the genus and its differentiation. The new material together with an old skull from the same locality is compared with the Pikermi, “Ravin des Zouaves 5” (Axios Valley), and Maramena (Serres basin) samples. It is concluded that the VathylakkosMesopithecus resemblesM. pentelicus from Pikermi, as wellM. delsoni from “Ravin des Zouaves 5” and it is referred asMesopithecus sp. aff.M. pentelicus. The biochronological age of “Vathylakkos 2” has been considered as MN 12, while recent magnetostratigraphic data indicate an age of about 7.5 Ma. This age confirms the position of the VathylakkosMesopithecus between Pikermi and “Ravin des Zouaves 5”. Some dental indices compared with those of the RecentCercopithecus suggest that the Vathylakkos sample is monospecific.   相似文献   

The Moravo-Silesian Basin (MSB; eastern Czech Republic and southern Poland) hosted an extensive shallow-water carbonate platform in the Middle Devonian to Frasnian interval. The platform drowned in a stepwise fashion from the Palmatolepis hassi to the Pa. linguiformis zone. Three types of drowning successions were revealed from conodont biostratigraphy, facies, microfacies and gamma-ray spectrometry data: (A) drowning to periplatform turbidite setting; (B) drowning to (hemi)pelagic seamount setting and (C) drowning associated with the stratigraphical gap. In the lower Pa. hassi zone, rapid subsidence caused the platform to drown locally along the N–S to NW–SE trending faults (type A drowning). In the upper Pa. rhenana to the Pa. linguiformis zone, the drowning accelerated in the western part of the MSB due to locally higher subsidence rates combined with the Late Frasnian biotic crisis (type B). In the southern part of the basin, the platform emerged shortly before the Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) boundary and drowned in the Early to Late Famennian (type C). The primary cause of drowning was differential subsidence at the Laurussian passive margin. Eustatic sea-level fluctuations, if any, contributed only to a minor extent to the Late Frasnian drowning, but were effective in type C drowning during the Famennian. The drowning boundaries are associated with increased contents of K and Th, reflecting the deceleration of carbonate production. Uranium contents display isolated peaks that roughly correlate with the drowning boundaries or the stratigraphic gaps associated with the F/F boundary. The uranium contents are considered to reflect local depositional conditions and are not suitable for stratigraphic correlation. On the other hand, from the K and Th contents, we can infer Late Frasnian sea-level fluctuations with duration on the order of 1 Myr. These cyclic variations in K and Th contents proved to be useful in platform-to-basin stratigraphic correlation.  相似文献   

Salvia divinorum Epl. & Játiva-M. (Lamiaceae) is a potent hallucinogenic plant that is classified within Salvia subgenus Calosphace, section Dusenostachys, and hypothesized to be an interspecific hybrid. It is of ethnobotanical significance due to its employment in traditional healing ceremonies by the Mazatecs of Oaxaca, Mexico, and due to its unique pharmacology—a highly selective, non-nitrogenous, κ-opioid receptor agonist. In order to test its phylogenetic position and putative hybridity, we sequenced multiple DNA regions (ITS, trnL-trnF, and psbA-trnH) of 52 species—representing the major lineages of subgenus Calosphace—and six accessions of S. divinorum. Our molecular phylogenetic results suggest that S. divinorum should not be classified within Dusenostachys and that it is not a hybrid. Additionally, we determine that the closest known relative of this psychoactive Mexican sage is S. venulosa, a rare endemic of Colombia.  相似文献   

Summary A new section through Cretaceous deposits was discovered 1 km west of the Dizlu village (approximately 40 km north of Esfahan, central Iran). Lithologically, the section distinctly differs from all other sections exposed in neighboring localities. A scleractinian coral fauna (Upper Aptian-Upper Albian), collected from a reefal limestone, is described in detail. The following taxa were found:Actinastrea aff.pseudominima (Koby),Columactinastraea sp.,Eugyra cotteaui (d'Orbigny),Pseudomyriophyllia turnsekae Baron-Szabo,Montlivaltia sp.,Paraclausastrea pulchra Morycowa,Placocoenia robusta Oppenheim,Columnocoenia ksiazkiewiczi Morycowa,Stylina micropora Koby,Felixigyra deangelisi Prever,Cyathophora haysensis Wells,Diploastraea harrisi Wells,Morphastrea cf.ludovicina (Michelin),Meandrophyllia meandroides (Koby),Eocomoseris raueni L?ser,Fungiastrea crespoi (Felix),Latiastraea cf.kaufmanni (Koby),Kobya aff.crassolamellosa Gregory. The coral association of the Esfahan region is dominated by forms that are known to be cosmopolitan and semicosmopolitan in the Lower Cretaceous. It was found that over 40% of the coral fauna had previously been reported from both Lower and Upper Cretaceous strata. A similar pattern has been recognized for other reefal associations (e.g. Albian of Greece and Upper Barremian-Middle Albian of Mexico). In contrast, coral assemblages which developed in rather soft bottom environments have a significantly smaller percentage (15–20%) of taxa extending into the Upper Cretaceous and show closer affinities to Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous faunas.  相似文献   

The genus Entactinosphaera Foreman, 1963 is revised; it is shown to combine seven different genera, which are distinguished by morphological characters and belong to three orders of two radiolarian classes: the class Sphaerellaria, order Entactiniata (Bientactinosphaera, Entactinosphaera, Helioentactinia, Radiobisphaera), and class Spumellaria, orders Cancelliata (Retientactinosphaera, Magnisphaera) and Spongiata (Spongentactinia). New radiolarian taxa from the Middle Frasnian-Lower Famennian of the Timan-Pechora Basin and from the Lower Famennian of the Polar Ural Mountains, Russia, are described: Retientactinosphaera gen. nov., R. magnifica sp. nov., and R. clavata sp. nov.  相似文献   

Diverse conodont and silicified ostracod assemblages were found in the Spanish Pyrenees (Els Castells section), in the Frasnian/Famennian boundary beds (late rhenana and/or linguiformis to late triangularis zones), in strata below and above the well-known Kellwasser Extinction Event. Many of the ostracods studied here are conspicuous elements of the “Thuringian Mega-Assemblage”, and show maximum affinities with faunas from the southeastern Cantabrian Mountains (Spain), eastern Thuringia and the Harz (Germany). The composition of the faunas, however, is not uniform through the Els Castells section. A rather sharp break exists, roughly coinciding with the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. The break is characterized by the disappearance of many ostracods typical of the “Thuringian Mega-Assemblage”. This correlates with an important change in the conodont faunas related to the Kellwasser Event. The Frasnian (late rhenana and/or linguiformis zones) palmatolepid-polygnathid biofacies is followed in Famennian strata (middle and late triangularis zones) by a palmatolepid-icriodid biofacies. The icriodid maximum in the earliest Famennian rocks of the Pyrenees correlates with the “Icriodid Peak” described elsewhere. These changes depend on the age and palaeoenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Microbial reefs, together with stromatolitic mounds and ooid shoals, constitute massive limestones in Famennian platform marginal strata in Guilin, in sharp contrast to the well-known coral-stromatoporoid reefs in the Givetian and Frasnian. Microbes played a significant and important role as stabilizers in the Famennian carbonate deposits of Guilin. A reef at Zhaijiang was constructed byEpiphyton andRenalcis, and is representative of such carbonate buildups. The reef is situated 10 km west of Guilin and corresponds to a microbe-dominated platform margin carbonate complex. Organisms in the Zhaijiang microbial reef are low diversity and dominated by ostracods and two genera of microbes,Epiphyton andRenalcis. Other microbial genera such asSphaerocodium andWetheredella occur in most of reef facies in Guilin, but their role as reef builder is doubtful because they occur only in minor amounts. The same four genera occur in volumetrically significant amounts in the upper Devonian carbonate complexes of Alberta. Canada and Western Australia. However.Epiphyton is more abundant in the Guilin reefs. The Zhaijiang microbial reef developed above Famennian proximal slope faices, as suggested by reef architecture and paleogeographic setting. The facies sequence of the microbial reef can be divided into three parts. The lower part is composed of medium-bedded bioclastic grainstones with a few microbial framestone lithoclasts, representing a proximal slope facies. The middle part consists of thin-bedded mudstone and shale with limestone lenses that are thought to be low stand deposits. In some cross sections, mudstone and shale infilled tidal channels that developed in the bioclastic grainstones.Renalcis-Epiphyton framestone constitutes the upper part with massive stacking patterns. The reef is 35 m thick and over 50 m in width. Nine litho- and biofacies are recognized. Zhaijiang reef provides an example of a binder guild-dominated buildup in the almost vacant reef ecosystem of the Famennian and represents a characteristic kind of reef after the Frasnian/Famennian extinction.  相似文献   

Several different species and species groups of the familiy Favositidae from the Emsian and Middle Devonian limestones of the Tamworth Group (N.S.W., Australia) are described. The Emsian Sulcor Limestone Member yieldedFavosites sp. aff.F. basalticus (Goldfuss, 1826),Favosites sp. aff.F. salebrosus Etheridge, 1899,Favosites stellaris Chernyshev, 1937,Squameofavosites nitidus (Chapman, 1914),Sq. bryani (Jones, 1937),Pachyfavosites rariporosus Dubatolov, 1963, andP. tumulosus Yanet, 1965. The Middle Devonian Moore Creek Limestone Member yieldedFavosites ex gr.goldfussi D’Orbigny, 1850, exclusively. In the Emsian limestones occur favositids in a wide array of different facies, with most being found in stratified biostromes and in bedded nodular limestones. In the Middle Devonian most favositids are found in nodular and lumpy limestones which occur at the base and at the top of some successions   相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the euspermatozoa and the paraspermatozoa is investigated in Adelomelon ancilla, through histological section observed by transmission electron microscopy. Euspermatozoa of A. ancilla consists of: (1) a conical acrosomal vesicle (with a short basal invagination, constricted anteriorly) which is flattened at the apex and associated with an axial rod, a centrally perforated basal plate and a short accessory membrane, (2) a rod-shaped, solid and highly electron-dense nucleus (with a short basal fossa containing a centriolar complex and a initial portion of a 9 + 2 axoneme), (3) an elongate midpiece consisting of the axoneme sheathed by 5–6 helical mitochondrial elements each exhibiting a dense U-shaped outer layer, (4) an elongate glycogen piece (where the axoneme is sheathed by nine tracts of glycogen granules), (5) a dense annulus at the junction of the midpiece and glycogen piece, and (6) a short free tail region (where the axoneme is surrounded only by plasma membrane). We observed a parasperm in A. ancilla. This is vermiform in shape and is composed of multiple axonemes and extensive cytoplasm with numerous vesicles, and mitochondria are scattered inside the axonemes. Sperm of A. ancilla is characterized by the euspermatozoa type 2 and the paraspermatozoa morphology belongs to type 5. The U shaped electrodense mitochondrial element in the midpiece of the eusperm and the constriction in the acrosomal vesicle present in A. ancilla are exclusive. We suggest that these characteristics could have taxonomic importance, because these was observed in other volutids and have not been observed in the rest of caenogastropods studies. We consider that the morphology of paraspermatozoa in A. ancilla corresponds to the “lancet” type.  相似文献   

Neoskrjabinolepis (Neoskrjabinolepidoides) nuda n. sp. is described from the shrews Sorex unguiculatus (type-host), S. gracillimus, S. isodon and S. caecutiens on Sakhalin Island, Russia. The new species is characterised by: rostellar hooks 40–44 μm long and provided with small epiphyseal thickening of the handle; a long (95–100 μm) cirrus consisting of basal region with claw-shaped spines, a parabasal region with thin needle-shaped spines and an unarmed distal region; a cirrus-sac extending well into the median field; and 15–22 eggs per gravid uterus. A review of the species of Neoskrjabinolepis Spasskii, 1947 is presented. Currently, this genus includes nine species and is divided in two subgenera on the basis of strobilar development, which is gradual in the subgenus Neoskrjabinolepis (four species) and serial in the subgenus Neoskrjabinolepidoides Kornienko, Gulyaev & Mel’nikova, 2006 (five species). An amended generic diagnosis and an identification key to Neoskrjabinolepis spp. are presented.  相似文献   

Aeschynanthus Jack, an epiphytic genus with c.160 species, is widespread in SE Asia. We selected 50 species for ITS nrDNA sequencing, to include all biogeographic areas and all infrageneric groupings, which are currently based on seed morphology. Some species were sequenced directly from PCR product; others cloned because of ITS length polymorphisms. The clone sequences were analysed individually and combined in an elision matrix. Results extend earlier findings that Aeschynanthus is divided into two clades, one occurring primarily in mainland SE Asia and the other in Malesia. This pattern is interpreted as indicating an ancient vicariance event followed by dispersal and plate fusion. Clade I has straight or clockwise spiral orientation of the testa cells and clade II anticlockwise spiral orientation. In clade I some species of section Microtrichium form a basal group with other sections being polyphyletic or paraphyletic. In clade II the monophyletic section Aeschynanthus is nested within the paraphyletic basal Microtrichium. Received February 8, 2001 Accepted June 8, 2001  相似文献   

The origin of tetrapods is one of the key events in vertebrate history. The oldest tetrapod body fossils are Late Devonian (Frasnian–Famennian) in age, most of them consisting of rare isolated bone elements. Here we describe tetrapod remains from two Famennian localities from Belgium: Strud, in the Province of Namur, and Becco, in the Province of Liège. The newly collected material consists of an isolated complete postorbital, fragments of two maxillae, and one putative partial cleithrum, all from Strud, and an almost complete maxilla from Becco. The two incomplete maxillae and cleithrum from Strud, together with the lower jaw previously recorded from this site, closely resemble the genus Ichthyostega, initially described from East Greenland. The postorbital from Strud and the maxilla from Becco do not resemble the genus Ichthyostega. They show several derived anatomical characters allowing their tentative assignment to a whatcheeriid‐grade group. The new tetrapod records show that there are at least two tetrapod taxa in Belgium and almost certainly two different tetrapod taxa at Strud. This locality joins the group of Devonian tetrapod‐bearing localities yielding more than one tetrapod taxon, confirming that environments favourable to early tetrapod life were often colonized by several tetrapod taxa.  相似文献   

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