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Predator biodiversity strengthens herbivore suppression   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Species diversity at lower trophic levels generally improves ecosystem functioning. However, the impact of greater predator diversity on herbivore regulation is uncertain because predator species both compete with and prey on each other. In a large-scale field experiment we examined the relationship between predator species diversity and the suppression of two herbivores, green peach and cabbage aphids, on collard plants. We show that, for both aphid species, the strength of herbivore suppression increased with higher predator biodiversity. Greater resource exploitation by predators in diverse communities generally led to improved predator survivorship and reproduction. Herbivore population size was negatively correlated with plant biomass, providing evidence that greater aphid suppression leads to improved plant growth. Our study suggests a harmonious relationship between predator conservation and herbivore control, and a relatively weak role for predator interference, within this community.  相似文献   

Data on early survivorship of newly settled reef fish were collected by monitoring individuals which recruited to 30 small lagoonal patch reefs over three summers. Preliminary survivorship curves spanning the first 45 days after settlement were derived for 17 species. Most species showed greatest rates of mortality in the first 1–2 weeks in the reef environment however there were substantial differences among species in the extent and the temporal pattern of this. In six species, 75% of individuals survived the 45 days, while in 5 others, 20% or fewer survived that long. In eight species, mortality was negligible after the first 14 days. In the other 9, significant mortality occurred in subsequent weeks. Patterns of survivorship did not appear to differ substantially among years in five of the six species for which data were adequate. In particular, survivorship did not appear to be different among years even when levels of recruitment varied greatly.  相似文献   

Predator interactions, mesopredator release and biodiversity conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is growing recognition of the important roles played by predators in regulating ecosystems and sustaining biodiversity. Much attention has focused on the consequences of predator-regulation of herbivore populations, and associated trophic cascades. However apex predators may also control smaller 'mesopredators' through intraguild interactions. Removal of apex predators can result in changes to intraguild interactions and outbreaks of mesopredators ('mesopredator release'), leading in turn to increased predation on smaller prey. Here we provide a review and synthesis of studies of predator interactions, mesopredator release and their impacts on biodiversity. Mesopredator suppression by apex predators is widespread geographically and taxonomically. Apex predators suppress mesopredators both by killing them, or instilling fear, which motivates changes in behaviour and habitat use that limit mesopredator distribution and abundance. Changes in the abundance of apex predators may have disproportionate (up to fourfold) effects on mesopredator abundance. Outcomes of interactions between predators may however vary with resource availability, habitat complexity and the complexity of predator communities. There is potential for the restoration of apex predators to have benefits for biodiversity conservation through moderation of the impacts of mesopredators on their prey, but this requires a whole-ecosystem view to avoid unforeseen negative effects.

'Nothing has changed since I began.
My eye has permitted no change.
I am going to keep things like this.'
From 'Hawk Roosting', by Ted Hughes.

Predation is a dominant structuring force in ecosystems, but its effects are almost always measured in the ecosystem of the predator. However, the effects of predators can potentially extend across ecosystem boundaries during ontogenetic niche shifts in prey. We compared the effects of fish predation on benthic versus emerging aquatic insects, and hypothesized that the relative effects of fish on these two stages of prey are mediated by fish foraging strategy (benthic versus water‐column feeders). Benthic‐feeding smallmouth buffalo reduced benthic insect biomass in the freshwater ecosystem by 89%, and reduced insect emergence to the terrestrial ecosystem by 65%. In contrast, water‐column feeding sunfish had no effect on benthic biomass in the freshwater ecosystem, but reduced emergence to the terrestrial ecosystem by 44% relative to the fishless control. When smallmouth and sunfish were combined in a substitutive design that kept total fish density the same as the single species treatments, their effects on benthic insects (50% reduction) were weaker than expected based on predictions from the single species treatments. In contrast, their combined effects on emergence (46% reduction) were additive. Tetragnathid spider densities increased during peak emergence, but did not respond to changes in emergence among treatments. These results demonstrate that the effects of fish on prey flux to the terrestrial ecosystem are not the same as their effects on benthic prey biomass in the aquatic ecosystem, and that this difference is likely mediated by foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Summary An indirect effects is defined here as a reduction in prey survivorship as a consequence of a reduction in growth rate of prey due to the presence of a predator that alters prey behavior. A method for partitioning the direct and indirect effects of predators on prey survivorship indicated that predatory wasps (Polistes sp.:. Vespidae) had both direct and indirect negative effects on survivorship of buckmoth caterpillars (Hemileuca lucina: Saturniidae). In a field experiment, the direct and indirect effects together accounted for 61% of the mortality of the caterpillars. A third of this reduction in survivorship due to the wasps was attributed to an indirect effect, due to the decreased growth rate of the caterpillars that moved into the interior of the hostplant to escape from the wasps. In contrast, in another field experiment, although predatory stinkbugs (Podisus maculiventris: Hemiptera) contributed to 56% of the mortality of buckeye caterpillars (Junonia coenia: Nymphalidae), the indirect effect of stinkbugs on buckeye caterpillars only accounted for 2% of the reduction in survivorship of these caterpillars. These differences in the indirect effect are discussed in particular relative to the behavior of predators and prey, ratio of predator to prey sizes, and morphology of the hostplants.  相似文献   

The fundamental currency of normative models of animal decision making is Darwinian fitness. In foraging ecology, empirical studies typically assess foraging strategies by recording energy intake rates rather than realized reproductive performance. This study provides a rare empirical link, in a vertebrate predator-prey system, between a predator's foraging behavior and direct measures of its reproductive fitness. Goshawks Accipiter gentilis selectively kill rare color variants of their principal prey, the feral pigeon Columba livia, presumably because targeting odd-looking birds in large uniform flocks helps them overcome confusion effects and enhances attack success. Reproductive performance of individual hawks increases significantly with their selectivity for odd-colored pigeons, even after controlling for confounding age effects. Older hawks exhibit more pronounced dietary preferences, suggesting that hunting performance improves with experience. Intriguingly, although negative frequency-dependent predation by hawks exerts strong selection against rare pigeon phenotypes, pigeon color polymorphism is maintained through negative assortative mating.  相似文献   

We studied whether the presence of breeding kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) affected nest predation and breeding habitat selection of curlews (Numenius arquata) on an open flat farmland area in western Finland. We searched for nests of curlews from an area of 6 km2 during 1985–1993. For each nest found, we recorded the fate of the nest, and the distance to the nearest kestrel nest and to the nearest perch. We measured the impact of breeding kestrels on nest predation by constructing artificial curlew nests in the vicinity of ten kestrel nests in 1993. Curlew nests were closer to kestrel nests than expected from random distribution, eventhough kestrels fed on average 5.5% of curlew chick production. Predation risk by kestrels was lower than predation risk by corvids and other generalist predators, which predated 9% of curlew nests surviving farming practices and an unknown proportion of chicks. Artificial nest experiment showed that nest predation was lower close to kestrel nests than further away suggesting that the breeding association of curlews and kestrels was a behavioural adaptation against nest predation. Thus, the presence of a predator may sometimes be beneficial to prey, and prey animals have behavioural adaptations to these situations.  相似文献   

Natural ecosystems are shaped along two fundamental axes, space and time, but how biodiversity is partitioned along both axes is not well understood. Here, we show that the relationship between temporal and spatial biodiversity patterns can vary predictably according to habitat characteristics. By quantifying seasonal and annual changes in larval dragonfly communities across a natural predation gradient we demonstrate that variation in the identity of top predator species is associated with systematic differences in spatio‐temporal β‐diversity patterns, leading to consistent differences in relative partitioning of biodiversity between time and space across habitats. As the size of top predators increased (from invertebrates to fish) habitats showed lower species turnover across sites and years, but relatively larger seasonal turnover within a site, which ultimately shifted the relative partitioning of biodiversity across time and space. These results extend community assembly theory by identifying common mechanisms that link spatial and temporal patterns of βdiversity.  相似文献   

Studies on insect defenses have investigated the benefits of noxious chemicals, aposematic coloration, and even gregariousness, but little information exists on the role of slow movement (as opposed to rapid escape movement and the absence of movement). Using the chemically defended, slow-moving lubber grasshopper (Romalea guttata) and the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens), we investigated the role of slow movement in insect defense. In a five-day experiment, frogs did not learn an aversion to lettuce-fed lubbers; we infer that endogenous deterrent chemicals are not important in lubber defense from frogs. In experiment 2, lubbers moved significantly more slowly than crickets in the presence of frogs held under beakers. In experiment 3, control (i.e., slow-moving) lubbers suffered significantly less predation than motion-induced lubbers, and frogs attacked control lubbers significantly later than they attacked motion-induced lubbers. Hence, slow movement appears to be an important component in enhancing lubber survivorship in frog encounters. This is the first demonstration that the slow movement of an␣aposematic insect increases its survival by failing to release the attack response of certain motion-oriented predators. Received: 14 November 1997 / Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

Ecological communities are often characterised by many species occupying the same trophic level and competing over a small number of vital resources. The mechanisms maintaining high biodiversity in such systems are still poorly understood. Here, we revisit the role of prey selectivity by generalist predators in promoting biodiversity. We consider a generic tri‐trophic food web, consisting of a single limiting resource, a large number of primary producers and a generalist predator. We suggest a framework to describe the predator functional response, combining food selectivity for distinctly different functional prey groups with proportion‐based consumption of similar prey species. Our simulations reveal that intermediate levels of prey selectivity can explain a high species richness, functional biodiversity, and variability among prey species. In contrast, perfect food selectivity or purely proportion‐based food consumption leads to a collapse of prey functional biodiversity. Our results are in agreement with empirical phytoplankton rank‐abundance curves in lakes.  相似文献   

Top‐order predators often have positive effects on biological diversity owing to their key functional roles in regulating trophic cascades and other ecological processes. Their loss has been identified as a major factor contributing to the decline of biodiversity in both aquatic and terrestrial systems. Consequently, restoring and maintaining the ecological function of top predators is a critical global imperative. Here we review studies of the ecological effects of the dingo Canis lupus dingo, Australia's largest land predator, using this as a case study to explore the influence of a top predator on biodiversity at a continental scale. The dingo was introduced to Australia by people at least 3500 years ago and has an ambiguous status owing to its brief history on the continent, its adverse impacts on livestock production and its role as an ecosystem architect. A large body of research now indicates that dingoes regulate ecological cascades, particularly in arid Australia, and that the removal of dingoes results in an increase in the abundances and impacts of herbivores and invasive mesopredators, most notably the red fox Vulpes vulpes. The loss of dingoes has been linked to widespread losses of small and medium‐sized native mammals, the depletion of plant biomass due to the effects of irrupting herbivore populations and increased predation rates by red foxes. We outline a suite of conceptual models to describe the effects of dingoes on vertebrate populations across different Australian environments. Finally, we discuss key issues that require consideration or warrant research before the ecological effects of dingoes can be incorporated formally into biodiversity conservation programs.  相似文献   



Large marine predators, such as cetaceans and sharks, play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity patterns and ecosystem function, yet few estimates of their spatial distribution exist. We aimed to determine the species richness of large marine predators and investigate their fine-scale spatiotemporal distribution patterns to inform conservation management.


The Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana/Te Moananui-ā-Toi, Aotearoa/New Zealand.


We conducted a replicate systematic aerial survey over 12 months. Flexible machine learning models were used to explore relationships between large marine predator occurrence (Bryde's whales, common and bottlenose dolphins, bronze whaler, pelagic and immature hammerhead sharks) and environmental and biotic variables, and predict their monthly distribution and associated spatially explicit uncertainty.


We revealed that temporally dynamic variables, such as prey distribution and sea surface temperature, were important for predicting the occurrence of the study species and species groups. While there was variation in temporal and spatial distribution, predicted richness peaked in summer and was the highest in coastal habitats during that time, providing insight into changes in distributions over time and between species.

Main Conclusions

Temporal changes in distribution are not routinely accounted for in species distribution studies. Our approach highlights the value of multispecies surveys and the importance of considering temporally variable abiotic and biotic drivers for understanding biodiversity patterns when informing ecosystem-scale conservation planning and dynamic ocean management.  相似文献   

Biodiversity assessments are critical for setting conservation priorities, understanding ecosystem function and establishing a baseline to monitor change. Surveys of marine biodiversity that rely almost entirely on sampling adult organisms underestimate diversity because they tend to be limited to habitat types and individuals that can be easily surveyed. Many marine animals have planktonic larvae that can be sampled from the water column at shallow depths. This life stage often is overlooked in surveys but can be used to relatively rapidly document diversity, especially for the many species that are rare or live cryptically as adults. Using DNA barcode data from samples of nemertean worms collected in three biogeographical regions—Northeastern Pacific, the Caribbean Sea and Eastern Tropical Pacific—we found that most species were collected as either benthic adults or planktonic larvae but seldom in both stages. Randomization tests show that this deficit of operational taxonomic units collected as both adults and larvae is extremely unlikely if larvae and adults were drawn from the same pool of species. This effect persists even in well-studied faunas. These results suggest that sampling planktonic larvae offers access to a different subset of species and thus significantly increases estimates of biodiversity compared to sampling adults alone. Spanish abstract is available in the electronic supplementary material.  相似文献   

Relyea RA  Hoverman JT 《Oecologia》2003,134(4):596-604
Studies of phenotypic plasticity typically focus on traits in single ontogenetic stages. However, plastic responses can be induced in multiple ontogenetic stages and traits induced early in ontogeny may have lasting effects. We examined how gray treefrog larvae altered their morphology in four different larval environments and whether different larval environments affected the survival, growth, development, and morphology of juvenile frogs at metamorphosis. We then reared these juveniles in terrestrial environments under high and low intraspecific competition to determine whether the initial differences in traits at metamorphosis affected subsequent survival and growth, whether the initial phenotypic differences converged over time, and whether competition in the terrestrial environment induced further phenotypic changes. Larval and juvenile environments both affected treefrog traits. Larval predators induced relatively deep tail fins and short bodies, but there was no impact on larval development. In contrast, larval competitors induced relatively short tails and long bodies, reduced larval growth, and slowed larval development. At metamorphosis, larval predators had no effect on juvenile growth or relative morphology while larval competitors produced juveniles that were smaller and possessed relatively shorter limbs and shorter bodies. After 1 month of terrestrial competition among the juvenile frogs, the initial differences in juvenile morphology did not converge. There were no differences in growth due to larval treatment but there were differences in survival. Individuals that experienced low competition as tadpoles experienced near perfect survival as juvenile frogs but individuals that experienced high competition as tadpoles suffered an 18% decrease in survival as juvenile frogs. There were also morphological responses to juvenile competition, but these changes appear to be due, at least in part, to allometric effects. Collectively, these results demonstrate that larval environments can have profound impacts on the traits and fitness of organisms later in ontogeny.  相似文献   

Many true parasites and parasitoids modify the behaviour of their host, and these changes are thought to be to the benefit of the parasites. However, field tests of this hypothesis are scarce, and it is often unclear whether the host or the parasite profits from the behavioural changes, or even if parasitism is a cause or consequence of the behaviour. We show that braconid parasitoids (Glyptapanteles sp.) induce their caterpillar host (Thyrinteina leucocerae) to behave as a bodyguard of the parasitoid pupae. After parasitoid larvae exit from the host to pupate, the host stops feeding, remains close to the pupae, knocks off predators with violent head-swings, and dies before reaching adulthood. Unparasitized caterpillars do not show these behaviours. In the field, the presence of bodyguard hosts resulted in a two-fold reduction in mortality of parasitoid pupae. Hence, the behaviour appears to be parasitoid-induced and confers benefits exclusively to the parasitoid.  相似文献   

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