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N2 fixation by Acacia species increases under elevated atmospheric CO2   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the present study the effect of elevated CO2 on growth and nitrogen fixation of seven Australian Acacia species was investigated. Two species from semi‐arid environments in central Australia (Acacia aneura and A. tetragonophylla) and five species from temperate south‐eastern Australia (Acacia irrorata, A. mearnsii, A. dealbata, A. implexa and A. melanoxylon) were grown for up to 148 d in controlled greenhouse conditions at either ambient (350 µmol mol?1) or elevated (700 µmol mol?1) CO2 concentrations. After establishment of nodules, the plants were completely dependent on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Six out of seven species had greater relative growth rates and lower whole plant nitrogen concentrations under elevated versus normal CO2. Enhanced growth resulted in an increase in the amount of nitrogen fixed symbiotically for five of the species. In general, this was the consequence of lower whole‐plant nitrogen concentrations, which equate to a larger plant and greater nodule mass for a given amount of nitrogen. Since the average amount of nitrogen fixed per unit nodule mass was unaltered by atmospheric CO2, more nitrogen could be fixed for a given amount of plant nitrogen. For three of the species, elevated CO2 increased the rate of nitrogen fixation per unit nodule mass and time, but this was completely offset by a reduction in nodule mass per unit plant mass.  相似文献   

In this study, the response of N2 fixation to elevated CO2 was measured in Scirpus olneyi, a C3 sedge, and Spartina patens, a C4 grass, using acetylene reduction assay and 15N2 gas feeding. Field plants grown in PVC tubes (25 cm long, 10 cm internal diameter) were used. Exposure to elevated CO2 significantly (P < 0·05) caused a 35% increase in nitrogenase activity and 73% increase in 15N incorporated by Scirpus olneyi. In Spartina patens, elevated CO2 (660 ± 1 μ mol mol 1) increased nitrogenase activity and 15N incorporation by 13 and 23%, respectively. Estimates showed that the rate of N2 fixation in Scirpus olneyi under elevated CO2 was 611 ± 75 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 compared with 367 ± 46 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 in ambient CO2 plants. In Spartina patens, however, the rate of N2 fixation was 12·5 ± 1·1 versus 9·8 ± 1·3 ng 15N fixed plant 1 h 1 for elevated and ambient CO2, respectively. Heterotrophic non-symbiotic N2 fixation in plant-free marsh sediment also increased significantly (P < 0·05) with elevated CO2. The proportional increase in 15N2 fixation correlated with the relative stimulation of photosynthesis, in that N2 fixation was high in the C3 plant in which photosynthesis was also high, and lower in the C4 plant in which photosynthesis was relatively less stimulated by growth in elevated CO2. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that carbon fixation in C3 species, stimulated by rising CO2, is likely to provide additional carbon to endophytic and below-ground microbial processes.  相似文献   

Reduced soil N availability under elevated CO2 may limit the plant's capacity to increase photosynthesis and thus the potential for increased soil C input. Plant productivity and soil C input should be less constrained by available soil N in an N2‐fixing system. We studied the effects of Trifolium repens (an N2‐fixing legume) and Lolium perenne on soil N and C sequestration in response to 9 years of elevated CO2 under FACE conditions. 15N‐labeled fertilizer was applied at a rate of 140 and 560 kg N ha?1 yr?1 and the CO2 concentration was increased to 60 Pa pCO2 using 13C‐depleted CO2. The total soil C content was unaffected by elevated CO2, species and rate of 15N fertilization. However, under elevated CO2, the total amount of newly sequestered soil C was significantly higher under T. repens than under L. perenne. The fraction of fertilizer‐N (fN) of the total soil N pool was significantly lower under T. repens than under L. perenne. The rate of N fertilization, but not elevated CO2, had a significant effect on fN values of the total soil N pool. The fractions of newly sequestered C (fC) differed strongly among intra‐aggregate soil organic matter fractions, but were unaffected by plant species and the rate of N fertilization. Under elevated CO2, the ratio of fertilizer‐N per unit of new C decreased under T. repens compared with L. perenne. The L. perenne system sequestered more 15N fertilizer than T. repens: 179 vs. 101 kg N ha?1 for the low rate of N fertilization and 393 vs. 319 kg N ha?1 for the high N‐fertilization rate. As the loss of fertilizer‐15N contributed to the 15N‐isotope dilution under T. repens, the input of fixed N into the soil could not be estimated. Although N2 fixation was an important source of N in the T. repens system, there was no significant increase in total soil C compared with a non‐N2‐fixing L. perenne system. This suggests that N2 fixation and the availability of N are not the main factors controlling soil C sequestration in a T. repens system.  相似文献   

1. Experimental grassland communities (turves) were exposed to elevated (60 Pa) and ambient (35 Pa) CO2 partial pressures (pCO2) in a Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) experiment between 30 March 1995 and 4 July 1996. The vegetation was cut once during the experiment prior to the final harvest (harvest 2).
2. No significant treatment effects on total plant biomass at the whole turf level were detected, although biomass was typically about 25% higher under fumigation in year 1 and about 15% higher in year 2.
3. Biomass for two of the six sown species was significantly higher at harvest 2 than at harvest 1. There were no significant differences between individual species' biomass under the two CO2 treatments at either harvest 1 or 2 or in terms of overall cumulative biomass. However, in four of the five sown species in both years biomass tended to be higher in the fumigated than in the control rings ( Cerastium holosteiodes, Phleum pratense, Plantago lanceolata and Poa trivialis ). In contrast, Lolium perenne showed increased biomass under the control treatment relative to the fumigated treatment in both years. Owing to the high variance both within and between rings for each of the two treatments the statistical power of most, but not all, of the analyses carried out was poor.
4. The relative proportions of each species in the turves under fumigated and control treatments was broadly similar after the first summer, with differences in the second year being mainly owing to the negative response of L. perenne to CO2 fumigation.  相似文献   

System-level adjustments to elevated CO2 in model spruce ecosystems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Atmospheric carbon dioxide enrichment and increasing nitrogen deposition are often predicted to increase forest productivity based on currently available data for isolated forest tree seedlings or their leaves. However, it is highly uncertain whether such seedling responses will scale to the stand level. Therefore, we studied the effects of increasing CO2 (280, 420 and 560 μL L-1) and increasing rates of wet N deposition (0, 30 and 90 kg ha-1 y-1) on whole stands of 4-year-old spruce trees (Picea abies). One tree from each of six clones, together with two herbaceous understory species, were established in each of nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems in nutrient poor forest soil and grown in a simulated montane climate for two years. Shoot level light-saturated net photosynthesis measured at growth CO2 concentrations increased with increasing CO2, as well as with increasing N deposition. However, predawn shoot respiration was unaffected by treatments. When measured at a common CO2 concentration of 420 μL L-1 37% down-regulation of photosynthesis was observed in plants grown at 560 μL CO2 L-1. Length growth of shoots and stem diameter were not affected by CO2 or N deposition. Bud burst was delayed, leaf area index (LAI) was lower, needle litter fall increased and soil CO2 efflux increased with increasing CO2. N deposition had no effect on these traits. At the ecosystem level the rate of net CO2 exchange was not significantly different between CO2 and N treatments. Most of the responses to CO2 studied here were nonlinear with the most significant differences between 280 and 420 μL CO2 L-1 and relatively small changes between 420 and 560 μL CO2 L-1. Our results suggest that the lack of above-ground growth responses to elevated CO2 is due to the combined effects of physiological down-regulation of photosynthesis at the leaf level, allometric adjustment at the canopy level (reduced LAI), and increasing strength of below-ground carbon sinks. The non-linearity of treatment effects further suggests that major responses of coniferous forests to atmospheric CO2 enrichment might already be under way and that future responses may be comparatively smaller.  相似文献   

The ongoing increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) can potentially alter litter decomposition rates by changing: (i) the litter quality of individual species, (ii) allocation patterns of individual species, (iii) the species composition of ecosystems (which could alter ecosystem‐level litter quality and allocation), (iv) patterns of soil moisture, and (v) the composition and size of microbial communities. To determine the relative importance of these mechanisms in a California annual grassland, we created four mixtures of litter that differed in species composition (the annual legume Lotus wrangelianus Fischer & C. Meyer comprised either 10% or 40% of the initial mass) and atmospheric [CO2] during growth (ambient or double‐ambient). These mixtures decomposed for 33 weeks at three positions (above, on, and below the soil surface) in four types of grassland microcosms (fertilized and unfertilized microcosms exposed to elevated or ambient [CO2]) and at a common field site. Initially, legume‐rich litter mixtures had higher nitrogen concentrations ([N]) than legume‐poor mixtures. In most positions and environments, the different litter mixtures decomposed at approximately the same rate. Fertilization and CO2 enrichment of microcosms had no effect on mass loss of litter within them. However, mass loss was strongly related to litter position in both microcosms and the field. Nitrogen dynamics of litter were significantly related to the initial [N] of litter on the soil surface, but not in other positions. We conclude that changes in allocation patterns and species composition are likely to be the dominant mechanisms through which ecosystem‐level decomposition rates respond to increasing atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Nitrogen nutrition of C3 plants at elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The atmospheric CO2 concentration has risen from the preindustrial level of approximately 290 μl l−1 to more than 350 μl l−1 in 1993. The current rate of rise is such that concentrations of 420 μl l−1 are expected in the next 20 years. For C3 plants, higher CO2 levels favour the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle over the photorespiratory cycle, resulting in higher rates of carbohydrate production and plant productivity. The change in balance between the two photosynthetic cycles appears to alter nitrogen and carbon metabolism in the leaf, possibly causing decreases in nitrogen concentrations in the leaf. This may result from increases in the concentration of storage carbohydrates of high molecular weight (soluble or insoluble) and/or changes in distribution of protein or other nitrogen containing compounds. Uptake of nitrogen may also be reduced at high CO2 due to lower transpiration rates. Decreases in foliar nitrogen levels have important implications for production of crops such as wheat, because fertilizer management is often based on leaf chemical analysis, using standards estimated when the CO2 levels were considerably lower. These standards will need to be re-evaluated as the CO2 concentration continues to rise. Lower levels of leaf nitrogen will also have implications for the quality of wheat grain produced, because it is likely that less nitrogen would be retranslocated during grain filling.  相似文献   

Leaf 15N signature is a powerful tool that can provide an integrated assessment of the nitrogen (N) cycle and whether it is influenced by rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. We tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 significantly changes foliage δ15N in a wide range of plant species and ecosystem types. This objective was achieved by determining the δ15N of foliage of 27 field‐grown plant species from six free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments representing desert, temperate forest, Mediterranean‐type, grassland prairie, and agricultural ecosystems. We found that within species, the δ15N of foliage produced under elevated CO2 was significantly lower (P<0.038) compared with that of foliage grown under ambient conditions. Further analysis of foliage δ15N by life form and growth habit revealed that the CO2 effect was consistent across all functional groups tested. The examination of two chaparral shrubs grown for 6 years under a wide range of CO2 concentrations (25–75 Pa) also showed a significant and negative correlation between growth CO2 and leaf δ15N. In a select number of species, we measured bulk soil δ15N at a depth of 10 cm, and found that the observed depletion of foliage δ15N in response to elevated CO2 was unrelated to changes in the soil δ15N. While the data suggest a strong influence of elevated CO2 on the N cycle in diverse ecosystems, the exact site(s) at which elevated CO2 alters fractionating processes of the N cycle remains unclear. We cannot rule out the fact that the pattern of foliage δ15N responses to elevated CO2 reported here resulted from a general drop in δ15N of the source N, caused by soil‐driven processes. There is a stronger possibility, however, that the general depletion of foliage δ15N under high CO2 may have resulted from changes in the fractionating processes within the plant/mycorrhizal system.  相似文献   

An investigation to determine whether stomatal acclimation to [CO2] occurred in C3/C4 grassland plants grown across a range of [CO2] (200–550 µmol mol?1) in the field was carried out. Acclimation was assessed by measuring the response of stomatal conductance (gs) to a range of intercellular CO2 (a gsCi curve) at each growth [CO2] in the third and fourth growing seasons of the treatment. The gsCi response curves for Solanum dimidiatum (C3 perennial forb) differed significantly across [CO2] treatments, suggesting that stomatal acclimation had occurred. Evidence of non–linear stomatal acclimation to [CO2] in this species was also found as maximum gs (gsmax; gs measured at the lowest Ci) increased with decreasing growth [CO2] only below 400 µmol mol?1. The substantial increase in gs at subambient [CO2] for S. dimidiatum was weakly correlated with the maximum velocity of carboxylation (Vcmax; r2 = 0·27) and was not associated with CO2 saturated photosynthesis (Amax). The response of gs to Ci did not vary with growth [CO2] in Bromus japonicus (C3 annual grass) or Bothriochloa ischaemum (C4 perennial grass), suggesting that stomatal acclimation had not occurred in these species. Stomatal density, which increased with rising [CO2] in both C3 species, was not correlated with gs. Larger stomatal size at subambient [CO2], however, may be associated with stomatal acclimation in S. dimidiatum. Incorporating stomatal acclimation into modelling studies could improve the ability to predict changes in ecosystem water fluxes and water availability with rising CO2 and to understand their magnitudes relative to the past.  相似文献   

Atmospheric CO2 (Ca) concentration has increased significantly during the last 20 000 years, and is projected to double this century. Despite the importance of belowground processes in the global carbon cycle, community‐level and single species root responses to rising Ca are not well understood. We measured net community root biomass over 3 years using ingrowth cores in a natural C3–C4 grassland exposed to a gradient of Ca from preglacial to future levels (230–550 μmol mol?1). Root windows and minirhizotron tubes were installed below naturally occurring stands of the C4 perennial grass Bothriochloa ischaemum and its roots were measured for respiration, carbohydrate concentration, specific root length (SRL), production, and lifespan over 2 years. Community root biomass increased significantly (P<0.05) with Ca over initial conditions, with linear or curvilinear responses depending on sample date. In contrast, B. ischaemum produced significantly more roots at subambient than elevated Ca in minirhizotrons. The lifespan of roots with five or more neighboring roots in minirhizotron windows decreased significantly at high Ca, suggesting that after dense root growth depletes soil resource patches, plants with carbon surpluses readily shed these roots. Root respiration in B. ischaemum showed a curvilinear response to Ca under moist conditions in June 2000, with the lowest rates at Ca<300 μmol mol?1 and peak activity at 450 μmol mol?1 in a quadratic model. B. ischaemum roots at subambient Ca had higher SRLs and slightly higher carbohydrate concentrations than those at higher Ca, which may be related to drier soils at low Ca. Our data emphasize that belowground responses of plant communities to Ca can be quite different from those of the individual species, and suggest that complex interactions between and among roots and their immediate soil environment influence the responses of root physiology and lifespan to changing Ca.  相似文献   

Artificial turves composed of 7 chalk grassland species (Festuca ovina L.; Briza media L.; Bromopsis erecta (Hudson) Fourr.; Plantago media L.; Sanguisorba minor Scop.; Anthyllis vulneraria L. and Lotus corniculatus L.) were grown from seed and exposed to two seasons of elevated (600 μmol mol–1) and ambient (340 μmol mol–1) CO2 concentrations in free air CO2 enrichment (ETH-FACE, Zurich). The turves were clipped regularly to a height of 5 cm and assessed for above ground biomass production and relative abundance based on accumulated clipped dry biomass as well as by point quadrat recording. Below ground biomass production was assessed with root in-growth bags during the second season of growth. Increases in total biomass (> 30%) were noted in elevated CO2, but the differences did not become significant until the second season of growth. Individual species’ biomass varied in response to elevated CO2, with significant increases in biomass in elevated CO2 turves for both legume species, and no significant CO2 effect on S. minor or P. media. An initial positive CO2 effect on biomass of combined grass species was reversed by the end of the experiment with less biomass and a significantly smaller proportion of total biomass present in elevated CO2, which was attributed primarily to changes in proportion of F. ovina. Species relative abundance was significantly affected by elevated CO2 in the final 4 of the 6 clip events, with the legume species increasing in proportion at the expense of the other species, particularly the grasses. Root length and dry weight were both significantly increased in elevated CO2 (77% and 89%, respectively), and these increases were greater than increases in shoot biomass (36%) from the same period. Species responses to elevated CO2, within the model community, were not consistent with predictions made from data on individual species, leading to the conclusion that responses to elevated CO2, at the community level, and species within the community level, are the result of direct physiological effects and indirect competitive effects. These conclusions are discussed with respect to the ecological responses of natural communities, and the chalk grassland community in particular, to elevated CO2.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics ultimately govern the ability of soil to provide long‐term C sequestration and the nutrients required for ecosystem productivity. Predicting belowground responses to elevated CO2 requires an integrated understanding of SOM transformations and the microbial activity that governs them. It remains unclear how the microorganisms upon which these transformations depend will function in an elevated CO2 world. This study examines SOM transformations and microbial metabolism in soils from the Duke Free Air Carbon Enrichment site in North Carolina, USA. We assessed microbial respiration and net nitrogen (N) mineralization in soils with and without elevated CO2 exposure during a 100‐day incubation. We also traced the depleted C isotopic signature of the supplemental CO2 into SOM and the soils' phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), which serve as biomarkers for living cells. Cumulative net N mineralization in elevated CO2 soils was 50% that in control soils after a 100‐day incubation. Respiration was not altered with elevated CO2. C : N ratios of bulk SOM did not change with elevated CO2, but incubation data suggest that the C : N ratios of mineralized organic matter increased with elevated CO2. Values of SOM δ13C were depleted with elevated CO2 (?26.7±0.2 vs. ?30.2±0.3‰), reflecting the depleted signature of the supplemental CO2. We compared δ13C of individual PLFA with the δ13C of SOM to discern incorporation of the depleted C isotopic signature into soil microbial groups in elevated CO2 plots. PLFA i15:0, a15:0, and 10Met18:0 reflected significant incorporation of recently produced photosynthate, suggesting that the bacterial groups defined by these biomarkers are active metabolizers in elevated CO2 soils. At least one of these groups (actinomycetes, 10Met18:0) specializes in metabolizing less labile substrates. Because control plots did not receive an equivalent 13C tracer, we cannot determine from these data whether this group of organisms was stimulated by elevated CO2 compared with these organisms in control soils. Stimulation of this group, if it occurred in the elevated CO2 plot, would be consistent with a decline in the availability of mineralizable organic matter with elevated CO2, which incubation data suggest may be the case in these soils.  相似文献   

The magnitude of changes in carboxylation capacity in dominant plant species under long‐term elevated CO2 exposure (elevated pCa) directly impacts ecosystem CO2 assimilation from the atmosphere. We analyzed field CO2 response curves of 16 C3 species of different plant growth forms in favorable growth conditions in four free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiments in a pine and deciduous forest, a grassland and a desert. Among species and across herb, tree and shrub growth forms there were significant enhancements in CO2 assimilation (A) by +40±5% in elevated pCa (49.5–57.1 Pa), although there were also significant reductions in photosynthetic capacity in elevated pCa in some species. Photosynthesis at a common pCa (Aa) was significantly reduced in five species growing under elevated pCa, while leaf carboxylation capacity (Vcmax) was significantly reduced by elevated pCa in seven species (change of ?19±3% among these species) across different growth forms and FACE sites. Adjustments in Vcmax with elevated pCa were associated with changes in leaf N among species, and occurred in species with the highest leaf N. Elevated pCa treatment did not affect the mass‐based relationships between A or Vcmax and N, which differed among herbs, trees and shrubs. Thus, effects of elevated pCa on leaf C assimilation and carboxylation capacity occurred largely through changes in leaf N, rather than through elevated pCa effects on the relationships themselves. Maintenance of leaf carboxylation capacity among species in elevated pCa at these sites depends on maintenance of canopy N stocks, with leaf N depletion associated with photosynthetic capacity adjustments. Since CO2 responses can only be measured experimentally on a small number of species, understanding elevated CO2 effects on canopy Nm and Na will greatly contribute to an ability to model responses of leaf photosynthesis to atmospheric CO2 in different species and plant growth forms.  相似文献   

The response of the soil microfood web (microflora, nematodes) to a moderate increase in atmospheric CO2 (+20%) was investigated by means of a free air CO2 enrichment experiment. The study was carried out in a seminatural temperate grassland for a period of 4 consecutive years (1 year before fumigation commenced and 3 years with fumigation). Several soil biological parameters showed no change (microbial biomass, bacterial biomass) or decline (microbial respiration) in the first year of elevated CO2 treatment as compared with controls. Each of these parameters were higher than controls, however, after 3 years of treatment. The relative abundance of predaceous nematodes also decreased in year 1 of the experiment, increased in year 2, but decreased again in year 3. In contrast, the relative abundance of root hair feeding nematodes, at first, increased under elevated CO2 and then returned to the initial level again. Increased microbial biomass indicates enhanced C storage in the labile carbon pool of the active microfood web in subsequent years. According to measurements on the amounts of soil extractable C, changes in resource availability seem to be key to the response of the soil microfood web. We found a strong response of bacteria to elevated CO2, while the fungal biomass remained largely unchanged. This contrasts to findings reported in the literature. We hypothesize that this may be because of contrasting effects of different levels of CO2 enrichment on the microbial community (i.e. stimulation of bacteria at moderate levels and stimulation of fungi at high levels of CO2 enrichment). However, various CO2 effects observed in our study are similar in magnitude to those observed in other studies for a much higher level of atmospheric carbon. These include the particular sensitivity of predaceous nematodes and the long‐term increase of microbial respiration. Our findings confirm that the potential of terrestrial ecosystems to accumulate additional carbon might be lower than previously thought. Furthermore, CO2‐induced changes of temperate grassland ecosystems might emerge much earlier than expected.  相似文献   

In the present open‐top chamber experiment, two silver birch clones (Betula pendula Roth, clone 4 and clone 80) were exposed to elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3), singly and in combination, and soil CO2 efflux was measured 14 times during three consecutive growing seasons (1999–2001). In the beginning of the experiment, all experimental trees were 7 years old and during the experiment the trees were growing in sandy field soil and fertilized regularly. In general, elevated O3 caused soil CO2 efflux stimulation during most measurement days and this stimulation enhanced towards the end of the experiment. The overall soil respiration response to CO2 was dependent on the genotype, as the soil CO2 efflux below clone 80 trees was enhanced and below clone 4 trees was decreased under elevated CO2 treatments. Like the O3 impact, this clonal difference in soil respiration response to CO2 increased as the experiment progressed. Although the O3 impact did not differ significantly between clones, a significant time × clone × CO2× O3 interaction revealed that the O3‐induced stimulation of soil respiration was counteracted by elevated CO2 in clone 4 on most measurement days, whereas in clone 80, the effect of elevated CO2 and O3 in combination was almost constantly additive during the 3‐year experiment. Altogether, the root or above‐ground biomass results were only partly parallel with the observed soil CO2 efflux responses. In conclusion, our data show that O3 impacts may appear first in the below‐ground processes and that relatively long‐term O3 exposure had a cumulative effect on soil CO2 efflux. Although the soil respiration response to elevated CO2 depended on the tree genotype as a result of which the O3 stress response might vary considerably within a single tree species under elevated CO2, the present experiment nonetheless indicates that O3 stress is a significant factor affecting the carbon cycling in northern forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Although there are many indications that N cycling in grassland ecosystems changes under elevated atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), most information has been obtained in short‐term studies. Thus, N budgets were established for four years under ambient and 60 Pa pCO2 at two levels of N fertilization in two contrasting model ecosystems: Trifolium repens L. (white clover) and Lolium perenne L. (perennial ryegrass) were planted in soil in boxes in the Swiss FACE experiment. While T. repens showed an 80% increase in harvested biomass with no change in biomass allocation under elevated atmospheric pCO2 compared to ambient conditions, L. perenne showed an increase only in the biomass of the roots. During the four years of the experiment, the systems gained N both from N retained in the soil and from stubble/stolon and roots left after the final harvest; in total between 11 and 86 gN m−2. Nitrogen retention in the soil was between 4 and 64 g m2. The L. perenne system gained the most N and retained the most N in the soil at high N fertilization and elevated atmospheric pCO2. The input of new C and N into the soil correlated well in the L. perenne systems but not in the T. repens systems. Elevated atmospheric pCO2 led neither to an increase in N retention in the soil nor did it reduce the loss of N from the soil. In the L. perenne systems, N fertilization played the main role in both the retention of N and the sequestration of C, while in the T. repens systems symbiotic N2 fixation may have controlled N retention in the soil.  相似文献   

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