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This paper reviews field evidence suggesting that periodic temporary population irruptions of feral house miceMus musculus in New Zealand have a substantial effect on the reproductive success of stoatsMustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758. Stoats born during the summer of a peak in numbers of mice are more numerous and have higher fecundity (ovulation rate) but lower productivity (independent offspring per female) and shorter longevity than those born when mice are not abundant. This reversed silver-spoon effect is apparently correlated with intense competition for food within a much larger than usual cohort of young stoats. However, both stoats and mice are introduced in New Zealand, so it is possible that these effects are not natural. The question could be resolved by data demonstrating similar cohort effects in stoats in the northern hemisphere, living in areas with fluctuating vole populations and limited alternative prey.  相似文献   

The coexistence of two very similar species, stoat and least weasel, has puzzled many researchers. From their ecology it is expected that they do not coexist, not locally at least, and still they seem to do. We reviewed the specific hypotheses proposed to explain their coexistence and related these to general theories of competitive coexistence. To test these conjectures, we studied the habitat selection of least weasels and stoats on landscape and on local scale. The study was performed during the winters, the most critical season, in years 1986–2001 in northern Norway. Stoats were usually more numerous than least weasels. Stoats showed preference for productive areas both at the landscape and at the habitat scale and appeared stereotypic in their habitat selection. Least weasels were more generalized and flexible in their habitat selection. Contrary to results reported in many studies, least weasel did not react to the presence of stoats and were not excluded from the areas with stoats. We suggest that in the conditions of northernmost Fennoscandia, the two species exhibit a variant of classical competitive coexistence. Both species have a shared preference for rodents, but the access to exclusive alternative prey in stoats allows their coexistence with least weasels, which are more efficient predators on rodents. We suggest that more attention should be paid on survival resources, exploited during times of low resource density, when studying the coexistence between close competitors.  相似文献   

N. Alterio    H. Moller 《Journal of Zoology》1997,243(4):869-877
Spring and summer diets of feral house cats ( Felis catus ), ferrets ( Mustela furo ) and stoats ( M. erminea ) were studied in grassland surrounding breeding areas of yellow-eyed penguins ( Megadyptes antipodes ), a regionally threatened native species. All three predator species ate large numbers of young rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) and birds. Stoats also relied heavily on mice ( Mus musculus ). Use of rabbits increased in rank order of increasing predator size, and male stoats ate more lagomorphs than female stoats. Diet differences may reflect character displacement as a result of exploitation competition, but interference competition or predation may force the smaller species to exploit micro-habitats with increased ground cover and consequent increased availability of smaller prey. Reduction of predation of native species like yellow-eyed penguins by decreasing or increasing staple mammal prey numbers of the introduced predators may provide lasting conservation benefits, but could also trigger diet changes that increase risk to endangered wildlife.  相似文献   

Stoats are significant predators of native fauna in New Zealand. They occur in many habitat types and consume a wide range of prey. The diet of stoats in the Tasman River, South Canterbury, was studied by analysis of scats and den contents. Analysis of 206 scats showed that stoats ate mainly lagomorphs, birds and invertebrates. Minor components included mice, lizards, fish and hedgehogs. Stoats ate more birds in spring than in autumn, and female stoats ate more invertebrates than did males. The contents of 219 dens collected in the same area at the same time provided further information. Birds and lagomorphs occurred at high frequency in dens, and other components were minor. Remains in dens were larger than in scats and allowed identification of many more prey items to species level. Den contents revealed a potentially substantial impact of stoats on threatened shorebirds locally; this impact was not detected by analysis of scats.  相似文献   

WeaselsMustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 in Kielder Forest, UK showed a diurnal rhythm of activity in summer and we argue that this is the prevailing rhythm found in weasels under natural conditions. Climatic conditions influenced weasel activity with weasels decreasing activity under rainy conditions, but we found no influence of month or weasel weight. In certain habitat types levels of weasel activity increased with increasing field voleMicrotus agrestis density. This result stands in contrast to results from studies carried out in the laboratory and may reflect a greater proportion of time spent in reproductive activity and intra-specific interactions in areas where vole density, and hence conspecific density is high.  相似文献   


In northern Belarus, we have documented a decline in the local stoat Mustela erminea population following the naturalisation of the American mink Mustela vison. The most likely cause is the reduction in the density and distribution of the main prey of stoats, the riparian voles (the water vole Arvicola terrestris and the root vole Microtus oeconomus), due to excessive predation by mink. Since the stoat population has declined, the number of weasels Mustela nivalis in marshlands has increased and their mean body mass has increased, correlated with the higher number and mean weights of rodents available for weasels in marshland compared with forest habitats.  相似文献   


Stoats (Mustela erminea) are an important predator of many forest bird species in New Zealand, and more effective methods for their control are being sought. Stoat control using Fenn traps has been shown to prevent predation on mohua (Mohoua ochrocephala), but this technique is labour‐intensive and costly to use for protection of large areas of habitat. We evaluated 1080 delivered in eggs as a poison for control of stoats. The lethal dose has been determined by captive and field trials, but attempts to implement a large‐scale control operation have given inconclusive results. To clarify the effectiveness of 1080 eggs as a control technique, we carried out further field trials with radio‐tagged stoats in the Makarora Valley. Twenty animals were monitored by radio tracking, and data loggers and video cameras recorded their visits to bait stations. The precise time an individual stoat ate a poison egg could be determined from data logger and video information, and its fate was followed. Sixteen of twenty stoats were killed by 1080 eggs, three died of other causes and one remained alive at the end of the trials.  相似文献   

One of the most studied problems in population ecology has been to understand the relative roles of top–down and bottom–up forces in regulating animal populations. This has also been a key issue in studies of vole population dyna mics. Vole populations exhibit a wide variation of dynamics, from seasonal fluctuations to multiannual variations or cyclicity. One of the hypotheses to explain cyclic population dynamics is predation by the specialist predators. A common counterargument against the predation hypothesis has been the lack of conclusive observations of the time delay in the predators’ numerical response. We studied the interaction between voles and their specialist small mustelid predators, the stoat Mustela erminea and the least weasel Mustela n. nivalis, by modelling their interaction to data sets that cover large areas of Finland. Vole abundance was monitored with biannual trappings and their predators with snow‐tracking. Results show a high dependence of the predators on the voles, and this connection is generally tighter in weasels than in stoats. Weasel abundance is affected most strongly by the vole abundance in previous spring, 8.5– 10 months earlier, while in stoats the effect of autumn abundance of voles, 2.5–6 months earlier, was the strongest. These results, together with the observation that the weasels’ effects on voles are stronger after a time lag of 6–9.5 than 2–4.5 months, indicate the existence of a time lag in weasels’ numerical response. A time lag in the predators’ numerical response is a necessary condition for the predators to drive population cycles in its prey, and therefore our results support the specialist predation hypothesis.  相似文献   

M. G. Day 《Journal of Zoology》1968,155(4):485-497
Information on the food habits of stoats and weasels was obtained chiefly from gut analyses of carcasses sent from various parts of Britain. Lagomorphs, small rodents and birds form the bulk of the food taken by these predators. The three food classes appear to be equally important to stoats, whereas weasels obtain nearly half of their food from small rodents. Microtus was the most important small rodent in the diet of both stoats and weasels. Game birds were taken more by stoats than weasels; the chief bird prey of the latter was passerines.  相似文献   

Populations of four species of carnivores were sampled over the five years 1983-87 at Pureora Forest Park, by regular three- monthly Fenn trap index lines supplemented with occasional control campaigns by shooting and additional traps. Stoats were the most frequently collected (63 captures), followed by weasels (18), cats (15) and ferrets (13). Stoats ranged throughout the mosaic of forest types but especially the older exotic blocks, hunting rabbits, rats, possums and birds. The mean age of 55 stoats trapped was 15 months, and their maximum life span about 5 years. The age-specific mortality rate of first year stoats was about 0.76, and the proportion of older stoats (>1 year) declined from 52% of 21 killed in summer/autumn of 1983 to 27% of 22 killed in the same seasons of 1984-87. Weasels were collected mainly from habitats favouring mice, such as a young plantation and the road verges, and 40% of 15 non-empty weasel guts contained mice. Cats and ferrets hunted the native forest blocks where their main prey, rats and possums, were abundant. The body sizes and reproductive patterns of mustelids at Pureora were similar to those recorded in podocarp-broadleaf forests elsewhere in New Zealand.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat selection and movement characteristics of male weaselsMustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 during the breeding season through radio-telemetry in Kielder Forest (KF) in order to assess how weasel movement is influenced by prey dynamics, mate searching and predation risk, and whether the scale of weasel movement corresponds to the spatial scale of the asynchronous, multi-annual vole population cycles observed in KF. Weasels used habitats with a high proportion of grass cover to a much larger extend than habitats with less grass cover and moved through the latter habitats faster and / or straighter. Habitats with high amounts of grass cover also had the highest field vole abundance, although total rodent abundance did not differ between habitats. The selection of this habitat by weasels might reflect weasels preferring field voles as prey or avoiding habitats with little grass cover and high intraguild predation risk. Five out of 8 male weasels radio-tracked had low day-to-day site fidelity and moved between different clear cuts. Three other males were resident in a single clear cut. This variation may reflect mate searching by male weasels. The observation that most weasels (5 out of 8) roamed over large areas and the scale of their dispersal potential suggests, that if they regulated vole populations, they should have a greater synchronising effect on the spatial scale of vole population dynamics than what is observed in vole populations in KF.  相似文献   

The food habits of both weasels and stoats (Mustela nivalis and M. erminea) and the occurrence of fruit in their diet were studied by scat analysis in the Gran Paradiso National Park (western Italian Alps). Being impossible to distinguish between stoats and weasels scats, they were grouped together as the genus Mustela. Despite the high consumption of small rodents, which represented the main food item in the diet of small mustelids (41.5% in mean volume), wild fruits (mainly Rosaceae and Ericaceae) were also relatively common (23.3% in mean volume). Fruits were exploited throughout the year, with an intensive use in seasons of high availability. Their consumption did not significantly differ between habitat types, despite a significant decrease of fruit availability from deciduous mixed forest to alpine prairie. This evidence suggests that this trophic behaviour could represent a consolidated feeding strategy of both weasels and stoats, which seem to adopt an opportunistic behaviour as shown by larger size mustelids. We argue that fruits, owing to their good availability and high profitability, could play an important role in the diet of small mustelids in alpine habitats, slackening their well-documented dependence on rodents.  相似文献   

Most hypotheses attempting to explain the evolution of pronounced sexual dimorphism in body size in the three species of weasels (Mustela erminea, M. frenata, M. nivalis) assume that sexual dimorphism is a long-term adaptation, associated with the different reproductive strategies of the two sexes. We here examine an auxiliary hypothesis which predicts that the degree of sexual dimorphism may also vary over the short-term, because when food is temporarily abundant, sexual selection should favour a greater growth rate of males than of females. This hypothesis concerns a phenotypic response which could introduce temporarily increased variation into an existing genotypic trait. We document the present size and sexual dimorphism of stoats introduced last century to New Zealand from Britain in relation to between-year variation in food supply in a single habitat (forests of southern beech, Nothofagus sp.). Southern beech trees produce heavy crops of flowers and seed at 3–5 year intervals, which are associated with very variable supplies of important prey of stoats, including several species of seed-eating birds, litter-feeding insects, and feral house mice (Mus musculus). Alternative prey are scarce. Regressions of condylobasal length and head-body length on mouse population indices were significant in both sexes. Mean condylobasal length was larger in both male and female stoats born after a heavy seedfall compared with those born in non-seedfall years. However, the largest males born in years of heavy seedfall were removed by selective mortality before the age of 3 years, so the condylobasal lengths for old (≥ 3.0 yr) males converged on a common mean regardless of food supply in their birth year. Sexual dimorphism did not vary with food supplies (as reflected in seedfall records or mouse population indices) at any age. First-year survivorship, at least from the age of independence, was significantly negatively correlated with density of stoats in the summer of their birth year.  相似文献   

We studied the diet of weasels (Mustela nivalis vulgaris) caught on Purerua Peninsula, Bay of Islands, by examining gut contents of 16 individuals caught between 2011 and 2012. Mammals were the prey group most consumed by weasels, when measured both as frequency of occurrence and dry weight. In addition, weasels consumed introduced birds, native invertebrates and reptiles, including the endemic copper skink (Oligosoma aeneum), supporting previous studies and suggesting that weasels have greater effects on biodiversity losses than previously acknowledged.  相似文献   

Diet composition, niche measures, and prey consumption of three sympatric species of carnivores, one non-native and introduced, the American minkNeovison vison Schreber, 1777, and two native, the spotted genetGenetta genetta Linnaeus, 1758 and the Eurasian otterLutra lutra Linnaeus, 1758, were studied in a Spanish Mediterranean area. The study was based on the analysis of prey remains in the faeces of the predators. Faeces of mink (n = 444), genet (n = 310), and otter (n = 108) were collected all year round for four years along the Llobregat (21 km) and Gavarresa rivers (12 km). Simultaneously, and in the same area, prey species density and weight were estimated by means of trapping. The diet of mink and genet was dominated by the American crayfishProcambarus clarkii, while the otter fed almost exclusively on fish. Compared to the mink, the genet seemed to specialise more on small mammals while the mink specialised more on aquatic birds, especially in autumn-winter. Niche overlap was higher between mink and genet than between either of them and the otter.  相似文献   

Populations of ship rats (Rattus rattus), Norway rats (R. norvegicus), feral house mice (Mus musculus), stoats (Mustela erminea), weasels (M. nivalis), and ferrets (M. furo) were sampled with killtraps every three months from November 1982 to November 1987 in logged and unlogged native forest and in exotic plantations of various ages at Pureora Forest Park, central North Island. Mice (n=522 collected) were fewest in unlogged native forest, more abundant in road edge cutover forest, and most abundant in a young (5-10 year old) plantation. Traps catching most mice were set in dense ground cover under a low, sparse canopy. Ship rats (n=1793) were absent from the young plantation, present but not abundant in older exotic forest, and abundant in all native forest regardless of logging history. Traps set on warmer, steeper sites caught most ship rats, and those set in early successional habitats caught fewest. There was a marked reciprocal relationship between the distributions of ship rats and of mice: the proportion of mice in the total catch of rodents decreased significantly at the least, disturbed forest sites (P <0.001). Most (81%) Norway rats (n=43) were caught in a single trap in unlogged native forest on the bank of a stream. Stoats (n=57) were most abundant in the older exotic plantations; weasels (n=16) in the young plantation and along road edges in native forest; and ferrets (n=11) in unlogged native forest. Hedgehogs (n=290) were common in unlogged native forest far from any roads and also in older exotic forest. Our data suggest that selective logging and conversion to exotics have different effects on each of the six species we monitored. We hypothesise that (1) selective logging is likely to stimulate temporary increases in the numbers of mice and weasels, but not rats or stoats, and (2) after conversion to exotic forest, mice and occasionally weasels will be abundant at first but will gradually be replaced by ship rats and stoats as the forest matures.  相似文献   

Little is known of the foods of weasels ( Mustela nivalis ) in farmland in Scotland. Data on their diet were collected from two such areas in east Aberdeenshire between 1971 and 1973. A total of 264 samples of scats were analysed, including 236 from live-trapped weasels, and the gut contents from 82 weasel carcasses were also examined. Small rodents, particularly Microtus , were the principal prey, but lagomorphs, birds and insectivores were also eaten. Seasonal variations in the diet were influenced by the availability of prey. Weasels ate very few Clethrionomys although they were common on one study area. Significantly more lagomorphs were identified in scats collected in the morning than in the evening, but no such differences were found for other prey.  相似文献   

To test the feasibility of using field-collected scats as a source of DNA in the study of the least weaselMustela nivalis nivalis Linnaeus, 1766, DNA was extracted from scat samples collected from captive weasels using a modified extraction protocol. Using universal primers, the control region of the mitochondrial genome was successfully amplified from scat-extracted DNA. This amplification resulted in two products; one equivalent in size and sequence to the product obtained from tissue-extracted weasel DNA, and the other slightly larger and equivalent in size and sequence to the domestic house mouseMus musculus, the food source of the captive weasels. This demonstrates the reliability of DNA extraction from scats, as well as the possibility, under favourable circumstances, of identifying the prey species from the same samples. In addition, we attempted to amplify microsatellite loci from both tissue and scat-extracted DNA using six primer pairs designed for other mustelids, the American minkMustela vison and the wolverineGulo gulo. While three loci, Mvi57 (American mink), Ggu216 and Ggu234 (wolverine), were found to be polymorphic in the least weasel, amplification of these loci from the scat extracted DNA was only successful for approximately half of the samples. Although further work is needed, the present results suggest that it is possible to use scats as a source of DNA in field studies of the least weasel.  相似文献   

Many mainland populations of kiwi are declining because stoats (Mustela erminea) kill most of their chicks. Stoats are often trapped during conservation programmes, but the long-term effectiveness of trapping has not been measured. During continuous trapping of mammalian predators in the 9800?ha Whangarei Kiwi Sanctuary, the survival of brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) chicks declined over time. Following the use of sodium fluoroacetate (1080) to kill rats (Rattus spp.) and possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and likely secondary poisoning of stoats, chick survival at Riponui increased from 5% to 56%, and the 62% chick survival at Rarewarewa was better than the 20% recorded in a trapped-only area nearby. We suggest that untrappable stoats accumulate in areas subjected to continuous predator trapping. Conservation managers should build into their long-term pest control programmes a periodic pulse of an alternative tool to kill pests that, for whatever reason, actively avoid the primary control tool.  相似文献   

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