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Distribution margins constitute areas particularly prone to random and/or adaptive intraspecific differentiation in plants. This trend may be particularly marked in species discontinuously distributed across mountain ranges, where sharp geographic isolation gradients and habitat boundaries will enhance genetic isolation among populations. In this study, we analysed the level of neutral genetic differentiation among populations of the long-lived shrub Daphne laureola (Thymelaeaceae) across the Baetic Ranges, a glacial refugium and biodiversity hotspot in the western Mediterranean Basin. Within this area, core and marginal populations of D. laureola were compared with regard to their spatial isolation, size, genetic diversity and differentiation. A spatially explicit analysis conducted on the vast majority of the species' known populations in the study area (N = 111) showed that marginal populations (western and eastern) present larger spatial isolation than core populations, but are not smaller. We compared genetic diversity and differentiation between core and marginal populations using a subsample of 15 populations and 225 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Core and marginal populations did not differ in genetic diversity, probably because of the occurrence of large populations on the local margins. Western populations were strongly differentiated from the other populations. In addition, spatial and genetic differentiation among populations was larger on the western margin. Eastern populations constituted a genetically homogeneous group closely related to core populations, despite their greater spatial isolation. Results suggest that studies on phenotypic differentiation between core and marginal populations of D. laureola, and presumably other species having discontinuous distributions across the Baetic ranges, should take into account geographical differences in levels of genetic differentiation between the different distribution borders.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In the Mediterranean basin, the Italian peninsula has been suggested to be one of the most important glacial refugia for temperate tree species. The orchid genus Epipactis is widely represented in the Italian peninsula by widespread species and several endemic, localized taxa, including selfing and outcrossing taxa. Here the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships in a group of closely related taxa in Epipactis are investigated with the aim of understanding the role of this refugial area for cladogenesis and speciation in herbaceous species, such as terrestrial orchids.


Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) was employed to assess phylogenetic relationships, and plastid sequence variation in the rbcLaccD spacer was used to reveal phylogeographic patterns among plastid haplotypes using a parsimony network.

Key Results

Low genetic variation and shared ribotypes were detected in rDNA, whereas high levels of sequence variation and a strong phylogeographic structure were found in the examined plastid region. The parsimony plastid haplotype network identified two main haplotype groups, one including E. atrorubens/microphylla/muelleri/leptochila and the other including all accessions of E. helleborine and several localized and endemic taxa, with a combination of widespread and rare haplotypes detected across the Italian peninsula. A greater genetic divergence separated the Italian and other European accessions of E. helleborine.


Phylogenetic and phylogeographic patterns support a working hypothesis in which the Italian peninsula has only recently been colonized by Epipactis, probably during the most recent phase of the Quaternary age and, nevertheless, it acted as a remarkable centre of diversification for this orchid lineage. Changes in pollination strategy and recurrent shifts in mating system (from allogamy to autogamy) could have represented the mechanism promoting this rapid diversification and the observed high taxonomic complexity detected in the E. helleborine species complex.  相似文献   

At the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the southern European peninsulas were important refugia for temperate species. Current genetic subdivision of species within these peninsulas may reflect past population subdivision at the LGM, as in ‘refugia within refugia’, and/or at other time periods. In the present study, we assess whether pygmy shrew populations from different regions within Italy are genetically and morphologically distinct. One maternally and two paternally inherited molecular markers (cytochrome b and Y‐chromosome introns, respectively) were analysed using several phylogenetic methods. A geometric morphometric analysis was performed on mandibles to evaluate size and shape variability between populations. Mandible shape was also explored with a functional approach that considered the mandible as a first‐order lever affecting bite force. We found genetically and morphologically distinct European, Italian, and southern Italian groups. Mandible size increased with decreasing latitude and southern Italian pygmy shrews exhibited mandibles with the strongest bite force. It is not clear whether or not the southern Italian and Italian groups of pygmy shrews occupied different refugia within the Italian peninsula at the LGM. It is likely, however, that geographic isolation earlier than the LGM on islands at the site of present‐day Calabria was important in generating the distinctive southern Italian group of pygmy shrews, and also the genetic groups in other small vertebrates that we review here. Calabria is an important hotspot for genetic diversity, and is worthy of conservation attention. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 774–787.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses are useful tools for reconstructing glacial distribution patterns and postglacial expansion corridors. However, little information is available about the latter. We reconstruct the expansion corridors of the butterfly Polyommatus coridon from its glacial refugium to the northern edge of its current distribution by comparing populations from southern Lower Saxony (central Germany) to other existing genetic data sets. The populations from Lower Saxony clearly belonged to a western lineage that expanded postglacially from the Adriatic‐Mediterranean region. They form part of a southern German group passing through the Burgundian Gap. In the southern German group, populations belong to a western subgroup. Therefore, expansion followed the Rhine valley and through Hesse, finally reaching southern Lower Saxony and western Thuringia in central Germany. Thus, we present a complete colonization route from the glacial refugium to the northern distribution range of P. coridon. Such data are useful for understanding the biogeographic structure and migration corridors for other mobile Mediterranean species.  相似文献   

Although several authors have postulated coastal ice-free areas during the last glacial maximum in Iceland, where some species may have survived, the geological evidence strongly indicates that there were none. Also, the species involved are mostly not found in the high arctic today, and are therefore unlikely to have endured conditions in frigid glacial refugia.  相似文献   

We used DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1141 bp) to assess the phylogeography of Barbus fishes in the Black Sea region. Our aim was to test whether the recent ( approximately 22 000-7500 years ago) freshwater phase of the Black Sea was a conduit for gene flow among freshwater fishes that today are found in streams entering the saltwater Black Sea. Deep phylogeographical breaks suggestive of allopatric divergence were observed between four regional groups of populations. Coalescent simulation used to distinguish between this and an alternative scenario that the phylogeographical structure was due to random lineage sorting showed that the contemporary populations were unlikely (P < 0.001) to have been founded by a single ancestral population. Divergences between the lineages (0.86-2.54%) were dated to the Middle to Late Pleistocene using distances and a molecular clock corrected for superimposed substitutions. Taken together, this evidence suggests that multiple refugial populations survived over several later glaciations in the vicinity of the Black Sea. This Pontic refugium served as the primary source for the postglacial expansion throughout Europe as far as the Atlantic basin. However, only one of the phylogeographical lineages contributed to this dispersion, whereas the others remain restricted to the Black Sea region and followed independent evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

Phylogeography has provided a new approach to the analysis of the postglacial history of a wide range of taxa but, to date, little is known about the effect of glacial periods on the marine biota of Europe. We have utilized a combination of nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial genetic markers to study the biogeographic history of the red seaweed Palmaria palmata in the North Atlantic. Analysis of the nuclear rDNA operon (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), the plastid 16S-trnI-trnA-23S-5S, rbcL-rbcS and rpl12-rps31-rpl9 regions and the mitochondrial cox2-3 spacer has revealed the existence of a previously unidentified marine refugium in the English Channel, along with possible secondary refugia off the southwest coast of Ireland and in northeast North America and/or Iceland. Coalescent and mismatch analyses date the expansion of European populations from approximately 128,000 BP and suggest a continued period of exponential growth since then. Consequently, we postulate that the penultimate (Saale) glacial maximum was the main event in shaping the biogeographic history of European P. palmata populations which persisted throughout the last (Weichselian) glacial maximum (c. 20,000 BP) in the Hurd Deep, an enigmatic trench in the English Channel.  相似文献   

Lichens are a symbiosis consisting of heterotrophic, fungal (mycobiont) and photosynthetic algal or cyanobacterial (photobiont) components. We examined photobiont sequences from lichens in the Ross Sea Region of Antarctica using the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA and tested the hypothesis that lichens from this extreme environment would demonstrate low selectivity in their choice of photobionts. Sequence data from three targeted lichen species (Buellia frigida, Umbilicaria aprina and Umbilicaria decussata) showed that all three were associated with a common algal haplotype (an unnamed Trebouxia species) which was present in all taxa and at all sites, suggesting lower selectivity. However, there was also association with unique, local photobionts as well as evidence for species-specific selection. For example, the cosmopolitan U. decussata was associated with two photobiont species, Trebouxia jamesii and an unnamed species. The most commonly collected lichen (B. frigida) had its highest photobiont haplotype diversity in the Dry Valley region, which may have served as a refugium during glacial periods. We conclude that even in these extreme environments, photobiont selectivity still has an influence on the successful colonisation of lichens. However, the level of selectivity is variable among species and may be related to the ability of some (e.g. B. frigida) to colonise a wider range of habitats.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the postglacial colonization of Nearctic and Palearctic species relies heavily on inferences drawn from the phylogeographic analysis of contemporary generic variants. Modern postglacial populations are supposed to be representative of their Pleistocene ancestors, and their current distribution is assumed to reflect the different colonization success and dispersal patterns of refugial lineages. Yet, testing of phylogeographic models against ancestral genomes from glacial refugia has rarely been possible. Here we compare ND1 mitochondrial DNA variation in late Pleistocene (16,000-40,000 years before present), historical and contemporary Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations from northern Spain and other regions of western Europe. Our study demonstrates the presence of Atlantic salmon in the Iberian glacial refugium during the last 40,000 years and points to the Iberian Peninsula as the likely source of the most common haplotype within the Atlantic lineage in Europe. However, our findings also suggest that there may have been significant changes in the genetic structure of the Iberian refugial stock since the last ice age, and question whether modern populations in refugial areas are representative of ice age populations. A common haplotype that persisted in the Iberian Peninsula during the Pleistocene last glacial maximum is now extremely rare or absent from European rivers, highlighting the need for caution when making phylogeographic inferences about the origin and distribution of modern genetic types.  相似文献   

Aim Beringia, far north‐eastern Siberia and north‐western North America, was largely unglaciated during the Pleistocene. Although this region has long been considered an ice‐age refugium for arctic herbs and shrubs, little is known about its role as a refugium for boreal trees and shrubs during the last glacial maximum (LGM, c. 28,000–15,000 calibrated years before present). We examine mapped patterns of pollen percentages to infer whether six boreal tree and shrub taxa (Populus, Larix, Picea, Pinus, Betula, Alnus/Duschekia) survived the harsh glacial conditions within Beringia. Methods Extensive networks of pollen records have the potential to reveal distinctive temporal–spatial patterns that discriminate between local‐ and long‐distance sources of pollen. We assembled pollen records for 149 lake, peat and alluvial sites from the Palaeoenvironmental Arctic Sciences database, plotting pollen percentages at 1000‐year time intervals from 21,000 to 6000 calibrated years before present. Pollen percentages are interpreted with an understanding of modern pollen representation and potential sources of long‐distance pollen during the glacial maximum. Inferences from pollen data are supplemented by published radiocarbon dates of identified macrofossils, where available. Results Pollen maps for individual taxa show unique temporal‐spatial patterns, but the data for each taxon argue more strongly for survival within Beringia than for immigration from outside regions. The first increase of Populus pollen percentages in the western Brooks Ranges is evidence that Populus trees survived the LGM in central Beringia. Both pollen and macrofossil evidence support Larix survival in western Beringia (WB), but data for Larix in eastern Beringia (EB) are unclear. Given the similar distances of WB and EB to glacial‐age boreal forests in temperate latitudes of Asia and North America, the widespread presence of Picea pollen in EB and Pinus pollen in WB indicates that Picea and Pinus survived within these respective regions. Betula pollen is broadly distributed but highly variable in glacial‐maximum samples, suggesting that Betula trees or shrubs survived in restricted populations throughout Beringia. Alnus/Duschekia percentages show complex patterns, but generally support a glacial refugium in WB. Main conclusions Our interpretations have several implications, including: (1) the rapid post‐glacial migration rate reported for Picea in western Canada may be over estimated, (2) the expansion of trees and shrubs within Beringia should have been nearly contemporaneous with climatic change, (3) boreal trees and shrubs are capable of surviving long periods in relatively small populations (at the lower limit of detection in pollen data) and (4) long‐distance migration may not have been the predominant mode of vegetation response to climatic change in Beringia.  相似文献   

It is now well established that Southern European peninsulas have been major glacial refugia for temperate species during Pleistocene climatic oscillations. However, substantial environmental changes occurred also within these peninsulas throughout the Pleistocene, raising questions about the role and interplay of various microevolutionary processes in shaping patterns of intraspecific diversity within these areas. Here, we investigate the patterns of genetic variation in the bank vole Myodes glareolus within the Italian peninsula. By using a panel of 13 microsatellite loci, we found more intraspecific variation than expected based on previous assessments. Indeed, both Bayesian and ordination‐based clustering analyses of variation recovered five main geographic/genetic clusters along the peninsula, with three clusters geographically restricted to the southern portion of the peninsula. This clustering is supported by previous evidences of some morphological distinctiveness among these populations. This pattern can be explained by a refugia‐within‐refugia scenario, with the occurrence of multiple sub‐refugia for the bank vole within the Italian peninsula, likely promoted by the major palaeo‐environmental changes which affected forested habitats within this area during the Pleistocene. Moreover, our results support a scenario whereby the high levels of intraspecific diversity observed within major Pleistocene refugia are better explained by dynamic microevolutionary processes occurred within these areas, rather than by long‐term demographic stability of refugial population. Finally, the narrow and isolated distribution of some of the identified lineages suggests the need for future assessments of their conservation and taxonomic status.  相似文献   

Schmitt T  Seitz A 《Heredity》2002,89(1):20-26
The genetic population structure of Polyommatus coridon (Poda, 1761) (Chalk-hill blue) was studied by means of allozyme electrophoresis in north-eastern Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. All analysed parameters showed high genetic diversity within populations (number of alleles: 2.61; observed and expected heterozygosity: 18.6% and 19.7%, respectively; percentage of polymorphic loci: total: 73.6%, on 95% level: 56.1%), whereas genetic differentiation between populations was comparatively low (F(ST) = 0.028 +/- 0.005 s.d.). Hierarchical variance analysis revealed significant structuring among five regional population clusters. A significant isolation-by-distance structure exists (r = 0.39; P < 0.05). The mean number of alleles per locus declined significantly from south to north and showed a strong correlation with the geographical latitude (r = -0.88, P < 0.0001). We suggest that this reflects the loss of alleles during the postglacial colonisation of eastern Central Europe from an ice-age refugium in the Balkans. A possible scenario for the postglacial expansion process in eastern Central Europe is discussed using these data: coming from the north-western part of the Balkans, P. coridon may have reached the western tip of Hungary, and consecutively colonised eastern Central Europe using two alternative expansion routes.  相似文献   

Michelia formosana is distributed islandwide in Taiwan and also occurs in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. Allozyme genetic variability in M. formosana (Magnoliaceae) was investigated using five polymorphic loci (Pgm-1, Idh-1, Mr-1, Skdh-1, and Ppo-3) from five enzyme systems. The average value of expected heterozygosity (He) describing within-population variation was 0.241. The overall Fis (0.0736) indicates a significant deficiency of heterozygotes at the population level. This positive value of Fis is mainly contributed from populations found at Pinglin, Chienshi, Wufeng, and the Ryukyus, all located at northern latitudes, and is also caused by locus Ppo-3. Among-population variation, Fst, accounted for 10.6% of the total heterozygosity and deviates significantly from zero. This populational differentiation agrees well with that of general tropical woody species outcrossed by animals. The population on Lanyu (Orchid Island) has some morphological differences from the plants native to Taiwan, but this was not reflected in the cluster analysis using the unweighted pair group method. Pgm-1d, however, is the diagnostic characteristic for the plants growing on Lanyu as it is entirely absent from all other populations of M. formosana. About 18% of the alleles of this study show clinal geographical variation and were found to be significantly related to latitudinal gradients throughout the species range. This, however, is not a linear relation but a curve with a peak form which is exactly the same as the relationship between expected heterozygosities of populations and latitude. This observation suggests that Nantou County, in central Taiwan could be a glacial refugium for genetic diversity of M. formosana. This inference is further supported by analysis of published studies on seven widely spread plant species in Taiwan. Location of this glacial refugium is probably related to the first emergence of the Central Mountain Ridge millions of years ago that naturally becamed the major window to receive genetic diversity from the Asian mainland. Received: 16 April 2000 / Accepted: 12 May 2000  相似文献   

Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758) is probably the most renowned Eurasian montane butterfly. Its specialized ecology makes it very sensitive to habitat and climate changes, so that it is now experiencing range contraction and local extinction across most of its range. We sequenced 869 bp of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome oxidase I gene in 78 P. apollo populations (201 individuals) in order to: (1) assess the phylogeographic pattern of the species; (2) shed light on the historical biogeographic processes that shaped the distribution of the species; and (3) identify geographic population units of special value for the conservation of the species' genetic diversity. Our analyses revealed a very strong phylogeographic structure in P. apollo, which displays a number of distinctive mtDNA lineages populating geographically distinct areas. Overall sequence divergence is relatively shallow, and is consistent with a recent (late Pleistocene) colonization of most of the range. We propose that P. apollo is best viewed as an atypical glacial invader in southern and western Europe, the isolated, montane populations of which, threatened by climate warming, retain a large fraction of the species evolutionary heritage. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 169–183.  相似文献   

Patagonia is one of the few areas in the Southern Hemisphere to have been directly influenced by Quaternary glaciers. In this study, we evaluate the influence that Quaternary glacial ice had on the genetic diversity of two congeneric fish species, the diadromous Galaxias maculatus and the nondiadromous Galaxias platei, using multilocus estimates of effective population size through time. Mid-Quaternary glaciations had far-reaching consequences for both species. Galaxias maculatus and G. platei each experienced severe genetic bottlenecks during the period when Patagonia ice sheet advance reached its maximum positions c. 1.1-0.6 Ma. Concordant drops in effective size during this time suggest that range sizes were under similar constraints. It is therefore unlikely that coastal (brackish/marine) environments served as a significant refuge for G. maculatus during glacial periods. An earlier onset of population declines for G. platei suggests that this species was vulnerable to modest glacial advances. Declines in effective sizes were continuous for both species and lasted into the late-Pleistocene. However, G. maculatus exhibited a strong population recovery during the late-Quaternary (c. 400,000 bp). Unusually long and warm interglacials associated with the late-Quaternary may have helped to facilitate a strong population rebound in this primarily coastal species.  相似文献   

The role of Southern European peninsulas as glacial refugia for temperate species has been widely established, but phylogeographic patterns within refugia are being only recently addressed. Here we describe the phylogeographic patterns for Southern water vole ( Arvicola sapidus ) in its whole distribution across Iberia and France. Control region and cytochrome b sequences were obtained for 228 samples from 130 localities across Iberia and France. Eighty-five haplotypes were found in total yielding a high overall mitochondrial diversity (π = 0.027; H  = 0.974). Phylogeographic structure was relatively shallow (3.1% average intraspecific divergence) with few supported clades and 95% and 90% maximum parsimony unconnected networks, but significant, as reflected in increased pairwise nucleotide divergences with distance ( r  = 0.197, P  = 0.03) and significant autocorrelation up to ∼500 km. Spatial analysis of molecular variance analysis detected seven geographical groups explaining 43.73% of the total mitochondrial variation. We detected demographic expansions in three of these groups. A recent colonization of France from Iberia was suggested and estimated around 62 000 years bp by an isolation-with-migration model. Our results suggest the contribution of episodes of isolation in glacial subrefugia in Iberia, but seem to exclude a long-term isolation over successive glacial cycles. Phylogeographic divergence was probably tempered by relatively large population sizes and rapid and extensive mixing among subrefugia during interglacials, that might have eroded the phylogeographic structure accumulated at glacial peaks. Phenotypic differences in A. sapidus do not delineate historically isolated intraspecific divisions and do not warrant subspecific delimitations. Our results do support the existence of subrefugia within Iberia and their role in promoting intraspecific divergences.  相似文献   

We studied the phylogeography of alder buckthorn (Frangula alnus), a bird-dispersed shrub or small tree distributed over most of Europe and West Asia and present in three of the four main refugia of West Palaearctic temperate woody plants: the Iberian Peninsula, the Balkans and Anatolia. A total of 78 populations from 21 countries were analysed for chloroplast DNA variation using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), and 21 different haplotypes were distinguished. We found a very strong overall population differentiation (GST = 0.81) and phylogeographical structure, and a sharp contrast between the haplotype-rich refugia and the almost completely uniform area of postglacial colonization. The haplotype network comprises three lineages made up of haplotypes from the Iberian Peninsula, Anatolia with the Caucasus, and temperate Europe. The Iberian and the Anatolian branches represent parts of a major lineage that spans over the whole northern Mediterranean Basin and some neighbouring areas and probably dates back to the Tertiary. Many haplotypes of this lineage are distributed locally and most populations are fixed for a single haplotype; these populations have apparently been very stable since their establishment, experiencing negligible gene flow and few mutations. The temperate European lineage consists of one very widespread and abundant plus six locally distributed haplotypes. Four of them are located in Southeast Europe, the putative refugium of all extant temperate European populations. Contrary to populations from Iberia and Anatolia, F. alnus populations from the southeastern European refugium have most genetic variation within populations. Bird-mediated seed dispersal has apparently allowed not only a very rapid postglacial expansion of F. alnus but also subsequent regular seed exchanges between populations of the largely continuous species range in temperate Europe. In contrast, the disjunct F. alnus populations persisting in Mediterranean mountain ranges seem to have experienced little gene flow and have therefore accumulated a high degree of differentiation, even at short distances. Populations from the southern parts of the glacial refugia have contributed little to the postglacial recolonization of Europe, but their long-term historical continuity has allowed them to maintain a unique store of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Ticks are monophyletic and composed of the hard (Ixodidae) and soft (Argasidae) tick families, as well as the Nuttalliellidae, a family with a single species, Nuttalliella namaqua. Significant biological differences in lifestyle strategies for hard and soft ticks suggest that various blood-feeding adaptations occurred after their divergence. The phylogenetic relationships between the tick families have not yet been resolved due to the lack of molecular data for N. namaqua. This tick possesses a pseudo-scutum and apical gnathostoma as observed for ixodids, has a leathery cuticle similar to argasids and has been considered the evolutionary missing link between the two families. Little knowledge exists with regard to its feeding biology or host preferences. Data on its biology and systematic relationship to the other tick families could therefore be crucial in understanding the evolution of blood-feeding behaviour in ticks. Live specimens were collected and blood meal analysis showed the presence of DNA for girdled lizards from the Cordylid family. Feeding of ticks on lizards showed that engorgement occurred rapidly, similar to argasids, but that blood meal concentration occurs via malpighian excretion of water. Phylogenetic analysis of the 18S nuclear and 16S mitochondrial genes indicate that N. namaqua grouped basal to the main tick families. The data supports the monophyly of all tick families and suggests the evolution of argasid-like blood-feeding behaviour in the ancestral tick lineage. Based on the data and considerations from literature we propose an origin for ticks in the Karoo basin of Gondwanaland during the late Permian. The nuttalliellid family almost became extinct during the End Permian event, leaving N. namaqua as the closest living relative to the ancestral tick lineage and the evolutionary missing link between the tick families.  相似文献   

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