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Host range determination is essential to risk assessments of classical biological weed control agents and needed for petitions to release of agents into non-native areas. Recently Henderson’s mixed model equations (MME) were adapted to evaluating host ranges of two biological control pathogens. This was accomplished by incorporating genetic relatedness, in the form of DNA sequences, with disease evaluation data among target and non-target plants to generate best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of disease reaction among these plant species. Although qualities of MME analysis provide inherent validation of the approach, it has been difficult to validate by comparison with historical host range determination or field data. These types of data are virtually non-existent, because original, raw host range data from replicated tests have, for the most part, been lost, and host-range data from tests or monitoring of multiple plant species in the field are extremely limited. In this study, the host-ranges of two biological weed control pathogens previously released in the USA were re-evaluated with the MME and historical host-range data. Results showed that: BLUPs confirmed the narrow host range of the two pathogens; BLUPs supported and substantiated currently available information on host range; BLUPs were accurate predictors of host range, particularly concerning susceptibility of any non-target species in the field; and no new, unforeseen non-target effects could be expected in nature on the basis of BLUPs. Thus, validation was made for MME analysis in predicting known field host-range from greenhouse data.  相似文献   

A systematic review focused by plant on non-target impacts from agents deliberately introduced for the biological control of weeds found significant non-target impacts to be rare. The magnitude of direct impact of 43 biocontrol agents on 140 non-target plants was retrospectively categorized using a risk management framework for ecological impacts of invasive species (minimal, minor, moderate, major, massive). The vast majority of agents introduced for classical biological control of weeds (>99% of 512 agents released) have had no known significant adverse effects on non-target plants thus far; major effects suppressing non-target plant populations could be expected to be detectable. Most direct non-target impacts on plants (91.6%) were categorized as minimal or minor in magnitude with no known adverse long-term impact on non-target plant populations, but a few cacti and thistles are affected at moderate (n = 3), major (n = 7) to massive (n = 1) scale. The largest direct impacts are from two agents (Cactoblastis cactorum on native cacti and Rhinocyllus conicus on native thistles), but these introductions would not be permitted today as more balanced attitudes exist to plant biodiversity, driven by both society and the scientific community. Our analysis shows (as far as is known), weed biological control agents have a biosafety track record of >99% of cases avoiding significant non-target impacts on plant populations. Some impacts could have been overlooked, but this seems unlikely to change the basic distribution of very limited adverse effects. Fewer non-target impacts can be expected in future because of improved science and incorporation of wider values. Failure to use biological control represents a significant opportunity cost from the certainty of ongoing adverse impacts from invasive weeds. It is recommended that a simple five-step scale be used to better communicate the risk of consequences from both action (classical biological control) and no action (ongoing impacts from invasive weeds).  相似文献   

The use of exotic (=alien) arthropods in classical and augmentative biological control programs has yielded huge economic and ecological benefits. Exotic species of arthropods have contributed to the suppression of key pests in agriculture and forestry or have aided in restoring natural systems affected by adventive species. However, adverse non-target effects of exotic biological control agents have been observed in a number of projects. Non-target effects range from very small effects, e.g. 2% parasitization on a non-target insect on a local level, to massive effects on a large scale. Until now, no consensus on how to judge the magnitude of non-target effects and whether these effects can be tolerated or are unacceptable has emerged. In this paper, we briefly review both the benefits of biological control as well as the associated risks including to human and animal health, plant health and particularly the environment. We also make an attempt at identifying the major challenges for assessing risks and for balancing benefits and risks. There is general agreement that sound risk assessment procedures should precede the release of exotic invertebrate biological control agents and a recent shift??especially for arthropod biological control??from introductions done without meaningful risk assessment studies to projects conducting thorough host range testing can be observed. However, overly stringent regulations that would preclude promising agents from being developed must be avoided.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Classical biological control of insect pests and weeds may lead to potential conflicts, where insect pests are closely related to weed biological control agents. Such a conflict may occur in the classical biological control of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) in North America, which belongs to the same subfamily, Ceutorhynchinae, as a number of agents introduced or proposed for introduction against non-indigenous invasive weed species. We propose a step-by-step procedure to select non-target species and thereby to develop a non-target species test list for screening candidate entomophagous biological control agents of a herbivore pest insect in a way that would simultaneously evaluate non-target potential on weed biological control agents and other non-target species. Using these recommendations, we developed a non-target test list for host specificity evaluations in the area of origin (Europe) and the area of introduction (North America) for cabbage seedpod weevil parasitoids. Scientifically based predictions on expected host–parasitoid interactions and ecological information about the ecological host range in the area of origin can help avoid conflicts, while still allowing the introduction of safe and effective agents against both insect pests and weeds.  相似文献   

Some potentially invasive herbivores/pathogens in their home range may attack plants originating from another geographic area. Methods are required to assess the risk these herbivores/pathogens pose to these plants in their indigenous ecosystems. The processes and criteria used by weed biological control researchers to assess the impact of potential biological control agents on a plant species in its non-native range provide a possible framework for assessing risks to indigenous plants. While there are similarities between these criteria such as the need for clear objectives, studies in the native range of the herbivore/pathogen, good knowledge of the ecology of the target plant and taxonomy of the plant and herbivore/pathogen, and modelling of the interaction between the two organisms, there are some important differences in approach. These include the need to consider the threat classification of the plant, the likely greater risk from polyphagous herbivores/pathogens than oligophagous or monophagous species, and the need to consider the impact of an additional natural enemy in conjunction with a suite of existing natural enemies. The costs of conducting a risk assessment of a herbivore/pathogen in another country that damages plants indigenous to another geographic area means that criteria will be needed for deciding which foreign herbivore/pathogen species should be assessed. These criteria could include the threat classification of the plant, the amount of damage to the particular plant organs affected, and the importance in key ecosystems.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) in the families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae are obligate insect pathogens. Their favourable characteristics as biocontrol agents have resulted in some species of EPNs being released globally and widely used for the control of diverse insect pests. In this review, we consider the occurrence of currently described EPN species, including those that have been released globally for commercial purposes. We also discuss the contribution of regulation policies to the global distribution of these species and issues that influence import regulations. Possible non-target effects, the use of commercial versus native EPNs and the possible interaction between these species are considered. Finally, we provide a view as to whether existing policies adequately deal with the risks associated with the global movement of EPNs and we suggest future directions that should be considered for the use of EPNs as biological control agents.  相似文献   

The safety of weed biological control depends upon the selection and utilization of the target weed by the agent while causing minimal harm to non-target species. Selection of weed species by biological control agents is determined by the presence of behavioral cues, generally host secondary plant compounds that elicit oviposition and feeding responses. Non-target species that possess the same behavioral cues as found in the target weed may be at risk of damage by classical biological control agents. Here we conducted host range tests and examined secondary plant compounds of several test plant species. We studied the specialist herbivore Nystalea ebalea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) a Neotropical species, present in Florida as a surrogate biological control agent of the weed, Brazilian peppertree Schinus terebinthifolia, invasive in Florida and Hawaii. We found that the larvae had the greatest survival when fed the target weed, the Neotropical species Spondias purpurea, the Florida native species Rhus copallinum, and the ornamental Pistacia chinensis. Reduced survival and general larval performance were found on the native species Metopium toxiferum and Toxicodendron radicans. Both the volatiles and the allergen urushiols were chemically characterized for all species but urushiol diversity and concentration best predicted host range of this herbivore species. These results provide insight into host selection and utilization by one oligophagous Schinus herbivore. Other potential biological control agents may also be sensitive to plants that contain urushiols and if so, they may pose minimal risk to these native species.  相似文献   

李保平  孟玲 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3513-3520
传统生物防治是治理外来入侵杂草危害切实可行的有效策略和途径,近来对传统生物防治的批评主要集注于,引进的生防作用物攻击威胁本土非靶标生物。引进的生防作用物可能对本土非靶标生物产生直接和间接影响,这类影响通过不同营养级生物之间的取食关系,以及通过同一营养级内生物间的竞争关系,而影响本土非靶标生物群落。列举若干杂草生物防治案例对以上影响方式及其发生途径进行了评述。就防范杂草生防作用物对非靶标生物的负面影响,提出了以下对策:(i)把引进天敌防治外来入侵生物作为最后的有效手段;(ii)适当增加对非靶标生物潜在影响的生态学评估;(iii)选择寄主专一性强而且能有效控制靶标杂草的天敌;(iv)加强对杂草传统生物防治的生态学研究。  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2006,36(3):183-196
The topic of ecological, practical, and political considerations in the selection of weed targets for biological control has been widely discussed during the past two decades, mostly from the perspective of insect herbivores. For conceptual and practical purposes, plant pathogens have been treated in these discussions as if they are a subset of inoculative biocontrol agents, with little said about the inherent differences between pathogens and insects as biocontrol agents or the selection of weed targets for control by the inundative, bioherbicide strategy. Herein, I attempt to address the question of what makes a good biological control target for plant pathogens used as inoculative as well as inundative agents, basing my analysis on examples from the past three decades. Despite the small number of examples available for this analysis, the following generalizations can be made: (1) Weeds with robust capacity for vegetative regeneration are more difficult to control with pathogens than those that lack this trait. (2) A plant’s growth habit is not a reliable guide for target selection; weeds that have been successfully controlled include annual and biennial herbs, perennial shrubs, perennial vines, and trees, while numerous failures have been reported irrespective of the target’s growth habit or reproductive mode. (3) It is more challenging to control species with genetic heterogeneity and capacity for introgression than genetically homogeneous and reproductively conserved species. (4) Matching the target host’s susceptibility with the candidate pathogen’s virulence is of utmost importance for biocontrol success since host–pathogen interactions at the species and subspecies levels are often governed by single-gene differences (e.g., varietal specificity). (5) Practical and political considerations are central to the selection of targets for control with pathogens. (6) Demand from influential stakeholders for control and/or for a nonchemical or economically sustainable control typically drives the initiative as well as the continuance of biocontrol projects to their completion. (7) In the case of inundative, bioherbicide agents, the continuity and ultimate implementation of a project will be dictated by the prospects of economic returns from developing and using a pathogen. (8) The stakeholders’ perceptions of the effectiveness of a biocontrol program can be unpredictable, leading to conflicting views of “success.” In the final analysis, a good weed target for control by a pathogen is one that has strong stakeholder backing and the list of available pathogens for the target suggests a possibility of acceptable control at a cost that is competitive with those of other control options. While this conclusion is also applicable to target selection for insect biocontrol agents, it is more relevant for pathogens because of limited funding and personnel available for development of pathogens and the added cost and technological complexity of implementing bioherbicides compared to classical biocontrols.  相似文献   

长期大量实践说明,引进天敌防治外来入侵杂草的传统生物防治方法是治理外来入侵杂草的一条切实可行的有效途径,但对其潜在的生态风险——对本土生物的直接或间接不良影响不容忽视。利用传统评价方法预测候选天敌的生态风险存在缺陷,主要表现在:(1)寄主专一性测定过分依赖室内进行的生理寄主范围测定结果,对生态寄主范围(实际寄主范围)问题重视不够,后者指在新环境中的一系列物理和生物条件下的寄主利用预测;(2)在生理寄主范围测定中,过分依赖完成生长发育的可能性,对行为、遗传性状以及系统发育关系重视不够;(3)在风险评估中,过多强调对经济作物的风险,而对自然生态系统的风险重视不够。对此,建议:(1)鼓励对已释放的天敌进行回顾性跟踪研究,从而为杂草生物防治实践提供生态学理论支撑;(2)在运用生物防治手段对付外来入侵杂草实践中,建议采用“有害推论”的预防性原则,以避免在面临入侵生物重大威胁时草率做出释放天敌的决策;(3)在评估候选天敌风险中重视生态效应的风险评估。  相似文献   

Invasive species have a significant economic and ecological cost and biological control can be a powerful tool in their management. Classical biological control practice involves the re-establishment of trophic links between specialist insect and fungal agents to regulate populations of invasive species. However, the permanent nature of biological control agent introductions raises concerns about the unintended consequences of such introductions on non-target organisms, particularly when such agents are ineffective on their target organisms. In this paper, we explore the current debate in the selection of agents for weed classical biological control. We then propose an alternate approach, based on studying plant response to simulated herbivory, that could minimize the chances of release of ineffective agents. Simulating herbivory could yield insights into the vulnerability of plants to certain types of damage. Selection of agents within guilds that are likely to have a significant influence on the plant can improve the chances of achieving biological control sooner and reduce the likelihood of releasing ineffective agents that may have non-target impacts. We propose a method by which simulated herbivory could be integrated into the agent selection process and discuss its strengths and shortcomings. We present case studies of two Neotropical weeds illustrating how this method could be applied.  相似文献   

Abstract  The risk of non-target effects from biological control agents can be reduced if we can better identify effective agents prior to release. Introducing only those agents with high potential for effective control will reduce the number of agents released and reduce the probability of both direct and indirect non-target impacts. Identifying effective agents requires understanding the roles that resources, disturbances and herbivory play in regulating plant populations under natural field conditions. Here we propose a series of experiments that will contrast the mechanisms of population regulation of two invasive wetland plants, alligator weed ( Alternanthera philoxeroides ) and lippia ( Phyla canescens ), with native congener species, Alternanthera denticulata and Phyla nodiflora . We hypothesise that the native plants will have greater growth rates when nutrients are low and herbivores are present, whereas the introduced plants will exhibit greater growth rates when nutrients are high and herbivores are absent.  相似文献   

Tree-of-heaven, Ailanthus altissima, is a deciduous tree indigenous to China and introduced into North America and Europe. It is a serious threat to ecosystems in introduced areas, as the plant is very competitive, and also contains allelopathic chemicals that may inhibit growth of surrounding native plants. In addition, the plant contains secondary chemicals that make it unpalatable to some insects. In this paper we assess potential biological control of this plant by reviewing literature associated with natural enemies of the plant from both its native and introduced regions in the world. Our literature surveys revealed that 46 phytophagous arthropods, 16 fungi, and one potyvirus were reported attacking tree-of-heaven, some apparently causing significant damage in China. Two weevils, Eucryptorrhynchus brandti and E. chinensis, are major pests of the plant in China and are reportedly restricted to tree-of-heaven, showing promise as potential biological control agents. Nymphs and adults of a homopteran insect, Lycorma delicatula and larvae of two lepidopteran species, Samia cynthia and Eligma narcissus, may also cause severe damage, but they are not host specific. Two rust fungi, Aecidium ailanthi J. Y. Zhuan sp. nov. and Coleosporium sp. have been reported on tree-of-heaven in China and are also promising potential candidates for biological control of the plant. Nine insect herbivores and 68 fungi are associated with tree-of-heaven in its introduced range in North America, Europe, and Asia. An oligophagous insect native to North America, the ailanthus webworm, Atteva punctella, may be a potential biocontrol agent for the plant. Among the fungal species, Fusarium osysporum f. sp. perniciosum, caused wilt of tree-of-heaven in North America and may have the potential to control the plant, but its non-target effect should be carefully evaluated. Our review indicates that there is potential for using insects or pathogens to control tree-of-heaven.  相似文献   

Park  Ikju  Thompson  David C. 《Biological invasions》2021,23(6):1663-1668

One of the main obstacles of classical biological control is that biological control organisms cannot be recalled once they are released in nature. It is particularly true for the flowerhead weevil, Rhinocyllus conicus Frölich, which was released as a biological control organism for the invasive musk thistle, Carduus nutans L. (MT). While weevils successfully suppressed introduced populations of musk thistles and other invasive thistle species, non-target attacks have been reported on multiple native thistles including federally listed threatened and endangered (T&E) thistle species. To investigate the foraging behavior of female weevils on invasive and native thistles, we examined volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from MT and a T&E plant species, Sacramento Mountains thistle, Cirsium vinaceum Wooton & Standley (SMT) in the Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico. We used a dynamic headspace volatile collection system and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to compare volatile profiles between MT and SMT. Female weevils reacted to 7 electrophysiologically active chemical compounds in the blends based on gas chromatography-electroantennography. The behavioral response of female weevils was indifferent when VOCs from both thistles were offered in y-tube olfactometry experiments. Yet, they preferred VOCs collected from MT to purified air. The searching time of female weevils was longer to VOCs collected from SMT over controls. Investigating signals during the initial host recognition of released biological control organisms may open new opportunities to reduce non-target attacks on T&E plant species.


The topic of ecological, practical, and political considerations in the selection of weed targets for biological control has been widely discussed during the past two decades, mostly from the perspective of insect herbivores. For conceptual and practical purposes, plant pathogens have been treated in these discussions as if they are a subset of inoculative biocontrol agents, with little said about the inherent differences between pathogens and insects as biocontrol agents or the selection of weed targets for control by the inundative, bioherbicide strategy. Herein, I attempt to address the question of what makes a good biological control target for plant pathogens used as inoculative as well as inundative agents, basing my analysis on examples from the past three decades. Despite the small number of examples available for this analysis, the following generalizations can be made: (1) Weeds with robust capacity for vegetative regeneration are more difficult to control with pathogens than those that lack this trait. (2) A plant’s growth habit is not a reliable guide for target selection; weeds that have been successfully controlled include annual and biennial herbs, perennial shrubs, perennial vines, and trees, while numerous failures have been reported irrespective of the target’s growth habit or reproductive mode. (3) It is more challenging to control species with genetic heterogeneity and capacity for introgression than genetically homogeneous and reproductively conserved species. (4) Matching the target host’s susceptibility with the candidate pathogen’s virulence is of utmost importance for biocontrol success since host–pathogen interactions at the species and subspecies levels are often governed by single-gene differences (e.g., varietal specificity). (5) Practical and political considerations are central to the selection of targets for control with pathogens. (6) Demand from influential stakeholders for control and/or for a nonchemical or economically sustainable control typically drives the initiative as well as the continuance of biocontrol projects to their completion. (7) In the case of inundative, bioherbicide agents, the continuity and ultimate implementation of a project will be dictated by the prospects of economic returns from developing and using a pathogen. (8) The stakeholders’ perceptions of the effectiveness of a biocontrol program can be unpredictable, leading to conflicting views of “success.” In the final analysis, a good weed target for control by a pathogen is one that has strong stakeholder backing and the list of available pathogens for the target suggests a possibility of acceptable control at a cost that is competitive with those of other control options. While this conclusion is also applicable to target selection for insect biocontrol agents, it is more relevant for pathogens because of limited funding and personnel available for development of pathogens and the added cost and technological complexity of implementing bioherbicides compared to classical biocontrols.  相似文献   

Among soil microorganisms, yeasts have received little attention as biocontrol agents of soil-borne fungal plant pathogens in comparison to bacterial, actinomycetes, and filamentous fungal antagonists. The mechanisms of action of potential antagonism by yeasts in relation to soil-borne fungal plant pathogens are expected to be similar to those involved with pathogens of aerial parts of the plant, including leaves and fruits. Several taxa of yeasts have been recorded as endophytes in plants, with a small proportion recorded to promote plant growth. The ability of certain taxa of yeasts to multiply rapidly, to produce antibiotics and cell wall-degrading enzymes, to induce resistance of host tissues, and to produce plant growth regulators indicates the potential to exploit them as biocontrol agents and plant growth promoters. More than ten genera of yeasts have been used to control postharvest diseases, especially of fruits. Suppression of classes of fungal pathogens of fruits and foliage that are similar to those associated with soil-borne fungal root pathogens, strongly suggests that yeasts also have potential for the biological control of diseases caused by soil-borne fungal plant pathogens, as is evident in reports of certain yeasts in suppressing some soil-borne fungal plant pathogens. This review explores the potential of soil yeasts to suppress a wider range of soil-borne fungal plant pathogens and to promote plant growth.  相似文献   

Fungal entomopathogens have been used more frequently than other types of pathogens for classical biological control. Among 136 programs using different groups of arthropod pathogens, 49.3% have introduced fungal pathogens (including both the traditional fungi and microsporidia). The most commonly introduced species was Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, with 13 introductions, followed by Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper, which was released seven times. The majority of introduction programs have focused on controlling invasive species of insects or mites (70.7%) rather than on native hosts (29.4%). Almost half of the introductions of traditional fungi targeted species of Hemiptera and 75% of the microsporidia introduced have been introduced against lepidopteran species. The United States was the country where most introductions of fungi took place (n = 24). From 1993 to 2007, no arthropod pathogens were released in the US due to the rigorous regulatory structure, but in 2008 two species of microsporidia were introduced against the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Establishment of entomopathogenic fungi in programs introducing traditional fungi was 32.1% and establishment was 50.0% for programs introducing microsporidia. In some programs, releases have resulted in permanent successful establishment with no non-target effects. In summary, classical biological control using fungal entomopathogens can provide a successful and environmentally friendly avenue for controlling arthropod pests, including the increasing numbers of invasive non-native species.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2006,36(3):330-337
Biologically based control methods offer many advantages for the control of invasive plant species; however, these methods are not without risks to native species. Thus, there is a need for more effective and efficient methods of risk analysis for biological control agents. We show how the process of ecological risk assessment established by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency may be adapted to improve assessment of the risks of proposed biological control agents. We discuss the risks posed by weed biological control agents, and present a simple individual-based model of herbivorous insect movement and oviposition on two species of host plant, a target invasive plant species and a non-target native species, in simulated landscapes. The model shows that risks of non-target impacts may be influenced by the details of the movement behavior of biological control agents in heterogeneous landscapes. The specific details of insect movement that appear to be relevant are readily measured in field trials and the general modeling approach is readily adapted to real landscapes. Current biological control risk assessments typically emphasize effects analysis at the expense of exposure analysis; the modeling approach presented here provides a simple and feasible way to incorporate exposure analyses. We conclude that models such as ours should be given serious consideration as part of a comprehensive strategy of risk assessment for proposed weed biological control agents.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis shows that invasive, alien, free-floating and emergent aquatic weeds in Europe are good targets for classical biological control, and that genus-specific chrysomelid and curculionid beetles offer the most potential. Ludwigia spp., Azolla filiculoides, Lemna minuta, Crassula helmsii and Hydrocotyle ranunculoides should be prioritised as targets. Fungal pathogens have been under-utilised as classical agents but, whilst they may have some potential against free-floating weeds, they appear to be poor candidates against submerged species, although the suitability of arthropod agents against these difficult targets still merits investigation. The use of indigenous pathogens as inundative agents (mycoherbicides) shows some promise.  相似文献   

Biologically based control methods offer many advantages for the control of invasive plant species; however, these methods are not without risks to native species. Thus, there is a need for more effective and efficient methods of risk analysis for biological control agents. We show how the process of ecological risk assessment established by the United States’ Environmental Protection Agency may be adapted to improve assessment of the risks of proposed biological control agents. We discuss the risks posed by weed biological control agents, and present a simple individual-based model of herbivorous insect movement and oviposition on two species of host plant, a target invasive plant species and a non-target native species, in simulated landscapes. The model shows that risks of non-target impacts may be influenced by the details of the movement behavior of biological control agents in heterogeneous landscapes. The specific details of insect movement that appear to be relevant are readily measured in field trials and the general modeling approach is readily adapted to real landscapes. Current biological control risk assessments typically emphasize effects analysis at the expense of exposure analysis; the modeling approach presented here provides a simple and feasible way to incorporate exposure analyses. We conclude that models such as ours should be given serious consideration as part of a comprehensive strategy of risk assessment for proposed weed biological control agents.  相似文献   

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