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We perform a detailed analysis of the thermodynamics and folding kinetics of the SH3 domain fold with discrete molecular dynamic simulations. We propose a protein model that reproduces some of the experimentally observed thermodynamic and folding kinetic properties of proteins. Specifically, we use our model to study the transition state ensemble of the SH3 fold family of proteins, a set of unstable conformations that fold to the protein native state with probability 1/2. We analyze the participation of each secondary structure element formed at the transition state ensemble. We also identify the folding nucleus of the SH3 fold and test extensively its importance for folding kinetics. We predict that a set of amino acid contacts between the RT-loop and the distal hairpin are the critical folding nucleus of the SH3 fold and propose a hypothesis that explains this result. 相似文献
The present paper reports structure prediction and analysis of a psychrophilic β-mannanase from Glaciozyma antarctica PI12 yeast. A threading method was used for 3D structure prediction of the enzyme using the MODELLER 9v12 program regarding its low sequence identity (<30%). The constructed model has been used in a comparative study to analyse its cold adaptation mechanism using other mesophilic, thermophilic, and hyperthermophilic mannanases. The structural and molecular dynamics analysis suggests that flexibility of the enzyme is increased through different structural characteristics, and therefore, the possibility of efficient catalytic reactions is provided at cold environment. These characteristics are the presence of longer loops, broken or shorter strands and helices, a lower number of salt bridges and hydrogen bonds, a higher exposure of the hydrophobic side chains to the solvent and an increased total solvent accessible surface area. Furthermore, the high catalytic efficiency and structural flexibility of the psychrophilic mannanase was supported by the results of principal component analysis. 相似文献
We report a structural comparison of the first PDZ domain of ZO-1 (ZO1-PDZ1) and the PDZ domain of Erbin (Erbin-PDZ). Although the binding profile of Erbin-PDZ is extremely specific ([D/E][T/S]WV(COOH)), that of ZO1-PDZ1 is similar ([R/K/S/T][T/S][W/Y][V/I/L](COOH)) but broadened by increased promiscuity for three of the last four ligand residues. Consequently, the biological function of ZO-1 is also broadened, as it interacts with both tight and adherens junction proteins, whereas Erbin is restricted to adherens junctions. Structural analyses reveal that the differences in specificity can be accounted for by two key differences in primary sequence. A reduction in the size of the hydrophobic residue at the base of the site(0) pocket enables ZO1-PDZ1 to accommodate larger C-terminal residues. A single additional difference alters the specificity of both site(-1) and site(-3). In ZO1-PDZ1, an Asp residue makes favorable interactions with both Tyr(-1) and Lys/Arg(-3). In contrast, Erbin-PDZ contains an Arg at the equivalent position, and this side chain cannot accommodate either Tyr(-1) or Lys/Arg(-3) but, instead, interacts favorably with Glu/Asp(-3). We propose a model for ligand recognition that accounts for interactions extending across the entire binding site but that highlights several key specificity switches within the PDZ domain fold. 相似文献
Chemical protein glycosylation was employed to sequentially modulate the structural dynamics of the serine protease alpha-chymotrypsin as evidenced from amide H/D exchange kinetics. The reduction in alpha-CT's structural dynamics at increasing glycan molar contents statistically correlated with the increased thermodynamic stability (T(m)) and reduced rate of enzyme catalysis (k(cat)) exhibited by the enzyme upon chemical glycosylation. Temperature-dependent experiments revealed that native-like structural dynamics and function could be restored for the glycosylated conjugates at temperature values close to their thermodynamic stability suggesting that the concept of "corresponding states" can be extended to glycoproteins. These results demonstrate the value of chemical glycosylation as a tool for studying the role of protein structural dynamics on protein biophysical properties; e.g. enzyme stability and function. 相似文献
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) protein catalyzes the only biochemical reaction which produces methyltetrahydrofolate, the active form of folic acid essential for several molecular functions. The Ala222Val polymorphism of human MTHFR encodes a thermolabile protein associated with increased risk of neural tube defects and cardiovascular disease. Experimental studies have shown that the mutation does not affect the kinetic properties of MTHFR, but inactivates the protein by increasing flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) loss. The lack of completely solved crystal structure of MTHFR is an impediment in understanding the structural perturbations caused by the Ala222Val mutation; computational modeling provides a suitable alternative. The three-dimensional structure of human MTHFR protein was obtained through homology modeling, by taking the MTHFR structures from Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus as templates. Subsequently, the modeled structure was docked with FAD using Glide, which revealed a very good binding affinity, authenticated by a Glide XP score of ?10.3983 (kcal mol ?1). The MTHFR was mutated by changing Alanine 222 to Valine. The wild-type MTHFR-FAD complex and the Ala222Val mutant MTHFR-FAD complex were subjected to molecular dynamics simulation over 50 ns period. The average difference in backbone root mean square deviation (RMSD) between wild and mutant variant was found to be ~.11 Å. The greater degree of fluctuations in the mutant protein translates to increased conformational stability as a result of mutation. The FAD-binding ability of the mutant MTHFR was also found to be significantly lowered as a result of decreased protein grip caused by increased conformational flexibility. The study provides insights into the Ala222Val mutation of human MTHFR that induces major conformational changes in the tertiary structure, causing a significant reduction in the FAD-binding affinity. 相似文献
The theory of absorbance measurements on a system (e.g., chromophore(s) in a protein) that undergoes a sequence of reactions initiated by a linearly polarized light pulse is developed for excitation pulses of arbitrary intensity. This formalism is based on a set of master equations describing the time evolution of the orientational distribution function of the various species resulting from excitation, reorientational dynamics, and chemical kinetics. For intense but short excitation pulses, the changes in absorbance (for arbitrary polarization directions of the excitation and probe pulses) and the absorption anisotropy are expressed in terms of reorientational correlation functions. The influence of the internal motions of the chromophore as well as the overall motions of the molecules is considered. When the duration of the excitation pulse is long compared to the time-scale of internal motions but comparable to the overall correlation time of the molecule that is reorienting isotropically, the problem of calculating the changes in absorbance is reduced to the solution of a set of first-order coupled differential equations. Emphasis is placed on obtaining explicit results for quantities that are measured in photolysis and fluorescence experiments so as to facilitate the analysis of experimental data. 相似文献
Glycosylation is an important post-translational modification during protein production in eukaryotic cells, and it is essential for protein structure, stability, half-life, and biological functions. In this study, we produced various monoclonal antibody (mAb) glycoforms from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, including the natively glycosylated antibody, the enriched G0 form, the deglycosylated form, the afucosylated form, and the high mannose form, and we compared their intrinsic properties, side-by-side, through biophysical and biochemical approaches. Spectroscopic analysis indicates no measureable secondary or tertiary structural changes after in vitro or in vivo modification of the glycosylation pattern. Thermal unfolding experiments show that the high mannose and deglycosylated forms have reduced thermal stability of the CH2 domain compared with the other tested glycoforms. We also observed that the individual domain’s thermal stability could be pH dependent. Proteolysis analysis indicates that glycosylation plays an important role in stabilizing mAbs against proteases. The stability of antibody glycoforms at the storage condition (2–8 °C) and at accelerated conditions (30 and 40 °C) was evaluated, and the results indicate that glycosylation patterns do not substantially affect the storage stability of the antibody we studied. 相似文献
We examined the internal mobility of the estrogen receptor DNA-binding domain (ER DBD) using NMR15N relaxation measurements and compared it to that of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain (GR DBD). The studied protein fragments consist of residues Arg183-His267 of the human ER and residues Lys438-Gln520 of the rat GR. The15N longitudinal (R1) and transverse (R2) relaxation rates and steady state {1H}-15N nuclear Overhauser enhancements (NOEs) were measured at 30 degrees C at1H NMR frequencies of 500 and 600 MHz. The NOE versus sequence profile and calculated order parameters for ER DBD backbone motions indicate enhanced internal dynamics on pico- to nanosecond time-scales in two regions of the core DBD. These are the extended strand which links the DNA recognition helix to the second zinc domain and the larger loop region of the second zinc domain. The mobility of the corresponding regions of the GR DBD, in particular that of the second zinc domain, is more limited. In addition, we find large differences between the ER and GR DBDs in the extent of conformational exchange mobility on micro- to millisecond time-scales. Based on measurements of R2as a function of the15N refocusing (CPMG) delay and quantitative (Lipari-Szabo-type) analysis, we conclude that conformational exchange occurs in the loop of the first zinc domain and throughout most of the second zinc domain of the ER DBD. The conformational exchange dynamics in GR DBD is less extensive and localized to two sites in the second zinc domain. The different dynamical features seen in the two proteins is consistent with previous studies of the free state structures in which the second zinc domain in the ER DBD was concluded to be disordered whereas the corresponding region of the GR DBD adopts a stable fold. Moreover, the regions of the ER DBD that undergo conformational dynamics on the micro- to millisecond time-scales in the free state are involved in intermolecular protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions in the dimeric bound state. Based on the present data and the previously published dynamical and DNA binding properties of a GR DBD triple mutant which recognize an ER binding site on DNA, we argue that the free state dynamical properties of the nuclear receptor DBDs is an important element in molecular recognition upon DNA binding. 相似文献
A great challenge is posed to the treatment of tuberculosis due to the evolution of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drugresistant
(XDR) strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in recent times. The complex cell envelope of the bacterium contains unusual
structures of lipids which protects the bacterium from host enzymes and escape immune response. To overcome the drug
resistance, targeting “drug targets” which have a critical role in growth and virulence factor is a novel approach for better
tuberculosis treatment. The enzyme Phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PptT) is an attractive drug target as it is primarily involved
in post translational modification of various types-I polyketide synthases and assembly of mycobactin, which is required for lipid
virulence factors. Our in silico studies reported that the structural model of M.tuberculosis PptT characterizes the structure-function
activity. The refinement of the model was carried out with molecular dynamics simulations and was analyzed with root mean
square deviation (RMSD), and radius of gyration (Rg). This confirmed the structural behavior of PptT in dynamic system.
Molecular docking with substrate coenzyme A (CoA) identified the binding pocket and key residues His93, Asp114 and Arg169
involved in PptT-CoA binding. In conclusion, our results show that the M.tuberculosis PptT model and critical CoA binding pocket
initiate the inhibitor design of PptT towards tuberculosis treatment. 相似文献
PurposeThe aquaculture sector is a major contributor to the economic and nutritional security for a number of countries. India’s total seafood exports for the year 2017–2018 accounted for US$ Million 7082. One of the major setbacks in this sector is the frequent outbreaks of diseases often due to bacterial pathogens. Vibriosis is one of the major diseases caused by bacteria of Vibrio spp., causing significant economic loss to the aquaculture sector. The objective of this study was to understand the genetic composition of Vibrio spp. MethodsThirty-five complete genomes were downloaded from GenBank comprising seven vibrio species, namely, Vibrio alginolyticus, V. anguillarum, V. campbellii, V. harveyi, V. furnissii, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus. Pan-genome analysis was carried out with coding sequences (CDS) generated from all the Vibrio genomes. In addition, genomes were mined for genes coding for toxin-antitoxin systems, antibiotic resistance, genomic islands, and virulence factors. ResultsResults revealed an open pan-genome comprising of 2004 core, 8249 accessory, and 6780 unique genes. Downstream analysis of genomes and the identified unique genes resulted in 312 antibiotic resistance genes, 430 genes coding for toxin and antitoxin systems along with 4802, and 4825 putative virulent genes from genomic island regions and unique gene sets, respectively. ConclusionPan-genome and other downstream analytical procedures followed in this study have the potential to predict strain-specific genes and their association with habitat and pathogenicity. 相似文献
The first step of the pathogenesis of many infectious diseases is the colonisation of the mucosal surface by the pathogen. Bacterial colonisation of the mucosal surface is promoted by adherence to high molecular weight mucus glycoproteins. We examined the effect of carp intestinal mucus glycoproteins on the adhesion of different bacteria. The bacteria used were 3 strains of Aeromonas hydrophila, and A. salmonicida, Edwardsiella tarda and Yersinia ruckeri. All bacteria adhered to mucus, but at varying intensities. All tested bacteria adhered best to molecules of 670 to 2000 kDa in size, less to molecules larger than 2000 kDa and weakest to molecules of 30 to 670 kDa. In general, bacteria that showed a stronger adhesion to intestinal mucus were cytotoxic to cells in vitro, and bacteria that showed a weaker adhesion to intestinal mucus did not lead to alterations of monolayers of EPC-cells. Furthermore, the involvement of glycan side chains of the glycoproteins for bacterial adhesion was analysed for one A. hydrophila strain. After cleavage of terminal sugar residues by treatment of mucus glycoproteins with different glycosidases, binding of bacteria was modulated. When mannose was cleaved off, adhesion significantly increased. Blocking of glycan receptors by incubation of bacteria with different oligosaccharides had no clear effect on bacterial binding to mucus glycoproteins. Our results suggest that bacteria interact with carbohydrate side chains of mucus glycoproteins, and that the carbohydrates of the core region are involved in bacterial binding. 相似文献
Complex carbohydrates linked to glycoproteins are recently being implicated to play a variety of biological roles. The lack of well-resolved crystallographic coordinates of the carbohydrates makes it difficult to assess the contributions of the glycan chain on protein structure and dynamics. We have modeled two different oligosaccharides NeuNAc2Gal3Man3GlcNAc5Fuc and Man3GlcNAc4 to generate two glycosylation variants of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I glycoprotein. Molecular dynamics simulations of the isolated fourteen- and seven-residue oligosaccharides have been done in vacuo and in solution. The dynamics of the two glycoforms of MHC class I protein have been simulated in solution in the free as well as in the peptide-bound form. Good agreement between the calculated solution conformations of the oligosaccharides in isolated and conjugated forms and the average conformations obtained from x-ray or NMR data was observed for most of the glycosidic linkages. These molecular dynamics simulations of the isolated glycan chains and the glycoconjugates reveal the details of the conformational flexibility of the glycan chains; they also provide atomic level details of protein-carbohydrate interactions and the effect of the ligand binding on the carbohydrate structure and dynamics. It was found that though there is some flexibility in some of the glycosidic linkages in the isolated oligosaccharides, in the protein-conjugated form the linkages adopt more restricted conformations. The glycan chains protrude out into the solvent and might hinder the lateral association of the proteins. The presence of the bulky glycan chains does not affect the average backbone fold of the protein but induces local changes in protein structure and dynamics. It has been noted that the extent of the changes depends upon the nature of the attached glycan chain. The glycan chains do not appear to influence the peptide binding property of the protein directly, but may stabilize the protein residues that are involved in ligand binding. 相似文献
This paper shows how Brownian motion theory can be used to analyze features of individual ion trajectories in channels as calculated by molecular dynamics, and that its use permits more precise determinations of diffusion coefficients than would otherwise be possible. We also show how a consideration of trajectories of single particles can distinguish between effects due to the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient and effects due to barriers and wells in the potential profile, effects which can not be distinguished by consideration of average fluxes. 相似文献
BackgroundO-acetyl serine sulfhydrylase (OASS) is a pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) dependent enzyme catalyzing the last step of the cysteine biosynthetic pathway. Here we analyze and investigate the factors responsible for recognition and different conformational changes accompanying the binding of various ligands to OASS. MethodsX ray crystallography was used to determine the structures of OASS from Entamoeba histolytica in complex with methionine (substrate analog), isoleucine (inhibitor) and an inhibitory tetra-peptide to 2.00 Å, 2.03 Å and 1.87 Å resolutions, respectively. Molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate the reasons responsible for the extent of domain movement and cleft closure of the enzyme in presence of different ligands. ResultsHere we report for the first time an OASS-methionine structure with an unmutated catalytic lysine at the active site. This is also the first OASS structure with a closed active site lacking external aldimine formation. The OASS-isoleucine structure shows the active site cleft in open state. Molecular dynamics studies indicate that cofactor PLP, N88 and G192 form a triad of energy contributors to close the active site upon ligand binding and orientation of the Schiff base forming nitrogen of the ligand is critical for this interaction. ConclusionsMethionine proves to be a better binder to OASS than isoleucine. The β branching of isoleucine does not allow it to reorient itself in suitable conformation near PLP to cause active site closure. General significanceOur findings have important implications in designing better inhibitors against OASS across all pathogenic microbial species. 相似文献
Enzymes are placed in different categories depending on the effect of chemical modification on their inactivation kinetics and residual activity. This is done using a series-type mechanism involving degraded but stable enzyme states. The major distinction in the three basic categories is the effect of modification on residual activity. Each category is further sub-divided depending on the effect of modification on the values of the deactivation rate constants. The classification provides for a framework for comparison of a wide variety of enzyme deactivation data. Structure-function relations are provided wherever possible. 相似文献
Ethylene-responsive element (ERE) binding factors is responsible for a consensus nucleotide sequence AGCCGCC (GCC-box) binding in many important process of plant growing through gene regulation and mediating signal transduction pathways in response to environmental stress. The GCC-box binding domain (GBD) as a novel fold for DNA recognition has been analyzed by means of molecular dynamics. The simulations show that the complex of GBD-DNA trajectories show similar fluctuations in the atomic positions as uncomplexed, particularly at three beta strands involving DNA binding. The calculations of entropy also affirm that GBD flexibility is basically similar for two ligation states. Further, the two complexation states present similar patterns of concerted motions, indicating that the bound DNA cannot alter GBD flexibility. It is inferred that the flexibility of GBD molecule is independent of its ligation state. So in the protein-DNA recognition, the GBD cannot be easily induced while DNA shows better flexibility. Comparison between simulations of unligated GBD and the complexed GBD (in isolation or DNA-bound) reveals intrinsic flexibilities in some certain parts of the molecule play a key role in DNA recognition. In addition, MD simulation identifies that water molecule may mediate interaction between GBD and DNA. 相似文献
The structural ground underlying the pH-dependency of the dimer-tetramer transition of Diocleinae lectins was investigated by equilibrium sedimentation and X-ray crystal structure determination of wild-type and site-directed mutants of recombinant lectins. Synthetic genes coding for the full-length alpha-chains of the seed lectins of Dioclea guianensis (termed r-alphaDguia) and Dioclea grandiflora (termed r-alphaDGL) were designed and expressed in Escherichia coli. This pioneering approach, which will be described in detail in the present paper, yielded recombinant lectins displaying carbohydrate-binding activity, dimer-tetramer equilibria and crystal structures indistinguishable from their natural homologues. Conversion of the pH-stable tetrameric r-alphaDGL into a structure exhibiting pH-dependent dimer-tetramer transition was accomplished through mutations that abolished the interdimeric interactions at the central cavity of the tetrameric lectins. Both the central and the peripheral interacting regions bear structural information for formation of the canonical legume lectin tetramer. We hypothesize that the strength of the ionic contacts at these sites may be modulated by the pH, leading to dissociation of those lectin structures that are not locked into a pH-stable tetramer through interdimeric contacts networking the central cavity loops. 相似文献
The dynamic behavior of the HCV IRES IIId domain is analyzed by means of a 2.6-ns molecular dynamics simulation, starting from an NMR structure. The simulation is carried out in explicit water with Na + counterions, and particle-mesh Ewald summation is used for the electrostatic interactions. In this work, we analyze selected patterns of the helix that are crucial for IRES activity and that could be considered as targets for the intervention of inhibitors, such as the hexanucleotide terminal loop (more particularly its three consecutive guanines) and the loop-E motif. The simulation has allowed us to analyze the dynamics of the loop substructure and has revealed a behavior among the guanine bases that might explain the different role of the third guanine of the GGG triplet upon molecular recognition. The accessibility of the loop-E motif and the loop major and minor groove is also examined, as well as the effect of Na + or Mg 2+ counterion within the simulation. The electrostatic analysis reveals several ion pockets, not discussed in the experimental structure. The positions of these ions are useful for locating specific electrostatic recognition sites for potential inhibitor binding.
Figure Superposition of 14 structures representative of the evolution of IRES IIId RNA along 2.6-ns MD simulation 相似文献