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The initiation of the development of skin appendages (hair/feathers/scales) requires a signal from the competent dense dermis to the epidermis (Dhouailly, 1977). It is therefore essential to understand how to make a competent dermis. In recent years, a few studies have focused on the development of the dorsal dermis from the somitic dermomyotome. Our first aim in this review is to attempt to reconcile the available data on the origin of the dorsal dermis and summarize the present knowledge on the molecular mechanisms implicated in dermal lineage induction. Secondly, we open the discussion on the formation of a loose pre-dermal mesenchyme and more importantly of a dense dermis capable of participating in appendage development. To go further we draw a comparison between the chick and mouse systems to gain a new insight into how to initiate appendage morphogenesis and regulate the extent of hair/feather fields.  相似文献   

We have investigated dorsal root ganglion formation, in the avian embryo, as a function of the composition of the paraxial somitic mesoderm. Three or four contiguous young somites were unilaterally removed from chick embryos and replaced by multiple cranial or caudal half-somites from quail embryos. Migration of neural crest cells and formation of DRG were subsequently visualized both by the HNK-1 antibody and the Feulgen nuclear stain. At advanced migratory stages (as defined by Teillet et al. Devl Biol. 120, 329-347 1987), neural crest cells apposed to the dorsolateral faces of the neural tube were distributed in a continuous, nonsegmented pattern that was indistinguishable on unoperated sides and on sides into which either half of the somites had been grafted. In contrast, ventrolaterally, neural crest cells were distributed segmentally close to the neural tube and within the cranial part of each normal sclerotome, whereas they displayed a nonsegmental distribution when the graft involved multiple cranial half-somites or were virtually absent when multiple caudal half-somites had been implanted. In spite of the identical dorsal distribution of neural crest cells in all embryos, profound differences in the size and segmentation of DRG were observed during gangliogenesis (E4-9) according to the type of graft that had been performed. Thus when the implant consisted of compound cranial half-somites, giant, coalesced ganglia developed, encompassing the entire length of the graft. On the other hand, very small, dorsally located ganglia with irregular segmentation were seen at the level corresponding to the graft of multiple caudal half-somites. We conclude that normal morphogenesis of dorsal root ganglia depends upon the craniocaudal integrity of the somites.  相似文献   

The chick dorsal feather-forming dermis originates from the dorsomedial somite and its formation depends primarily on Wnt1 from the dorsal neural tube. We investigate further the origin and specification of dermal progenitors from the medial dermomyotome. This comprises two distinct domains: the dorsomedial lip and a more central region (or intervening zone) that derives from it. We confirm that Wnt1 induces Wnt11 expression in the dorsomedial lip as previously shown, and show using DiI injections that some of these cells, which continue to express Wnt11 migrate under the ectoderm, towards the midline, to form most of the dorsal dermis. Transplantation of left somites to the right side to reverse the mediolateral axis confirms this finding and moreover suggests the presence of an attractive or permissive environment produced by the midline tissues or/and a repellent or inadequate environment by the lateral tissues. By contrast, the dorsolateral dermal cells just delaminate from the surface of the intervening space, which expresses En1. Excision of the axial organs or the ectoderm, and grafting of Wnt1-secreting cells, shows that, although the two populations of dermal progenitors both requires Wnt1 for their survival, the signalling required for their specification differs. Indeed Wnt11 expression relies on dorsal neural tube-derived Wnt1, while En1 expression depends on the presence of the ectoderm. The dorsal feather-forming dermal progenitors thus appear to be differentially regulated by dorsal signals from the neural tube and the ectoderm, and derive directly and indirectly from the dorsomedial lip. As these two dermomyotomal populations are well known to also give rise to epaxial muscles, an isolated domain of the dermomyotome that contains only dermal precursors does not exist and none of the dermomyotomal domains can be considered uniquely as a dermatome.  相似文献   

The plane of cell divisions is pivotal for differential fate acquisition. Dermomyotome development provides an excellent system with which to investigate the link between these processes. In the central sheet of the early dermomyotome, single epithelial cells divide with a planar orientation. Here, we report that in the avian embryo, in addition to self-renewing, a subset of progenitors translocates into the myotome where they generate differentiated myocytes. By contrast, in the late epithelium, individual progenitors divide perpendicularly to produce both mitotic myoblasts and dermis. To examine whether spindle orientations influence fate segregation, early planar divisions were randomized and/or shifted to a perpendicular orientation by interfering with LGN function or by overexpressing inscuteable. Clones derived from single transfected cells exhibited an enhanced proportion of mixed dermomyotome/myotome progeny at the expense of `like' daughter cells in either domain. Loss of LGN or Gαi1 function in the late epithelium randomized otherwise perpendicular mitoses and favored muscle development at the expense of dermis. Hence, LGN-dependent early planar divisions are required for the proper allocation of progenitors into either dermomyotome or myotome, whereas late perpendicular divisions are necessary for the normal balance between muscle and dermis production.  相似文献   

Analysis of normal somite development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We describe how the first 6 somite pairs form, using the third somites as examples. This history is based upon time-lapse movies of carbon-marked embryos and histological studies by light and electron microscopy of embryos fixed in situ with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide. At head-process stage a continuous sheet of mesoblast occupies the regions of the future third somites. Mesoblast cells attach either to hypoblast or to overlying neural plate which is already a simple pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Prospective somite cells are those attached to the neuroepithelium, and they extend laterally exactly as far as the neural plate does. By head-fold stage, regression of the node down the midline is shearing the sheet of mesoblast into right and left halves. Somite cells hang from the bottom of the neural plate. As the neural plate condenses toward the midline, attached somite cells are compacted. When the somite segments, somite cells are tightly apposed to one another, and, in addition to junctions binding their basal ends, new junctions appear between their apical ends. This leads to reorganization into the typical somite rosette configuration. Spaces filled with extracellular materials form around the whole somite.  相似文献   

To investigate the origin and nature of the signals responsible for specification of the dermatomal lineage, excised axial organs in 2-day-old chick embryos were replaced by grafts of the dorsal neural tube, or the ventral neural tube plus the notochord, or aggregates of cells engineered to produce Sonic hedgehog (Shh), Noggin, BMP-2, Wnt-1, or Wnt-3a. By E10, grafts of the ventral neural tube plus notochord or of cells producing Shh led to differentiation of cartilage and muscles, and an impaired dermis derived from already segmented somites. In contrast, grafts of the dorsal neural tube, or of cells producing Wnt-1, triggered the formation of a feather-inducing dermis. These results show that the dermatome inducer is produced by the dorsal neural tube. The signal can be Wnt-1 itself, or can be mediated, or at least mimicked by Wnt-1.  相似文献   

The generation of somites, and the subsequent formation of their major derivatives, muscle-, cartilage-, dermis- and tendon-cell lineages, is tightly orchestrated and, to different extents, these are also mutually supporting processes. They involve complex and timely reorganizations of the paraxial mesoderm, such as multiple phases of epithelial-mesenchymal rearrangements and vice-versa, cellular movements and migrations, and modifications of both cell shape and cell cycle properties. These morphogenetic changes are triggered by local environmental signals and are tightly associated to a genetic program imparting cell-specific fates. Elucidating these signals and their downstream effectors, in addition to determining the state of specification of responsive cell subsets and that of single progenitors in the various domains, is only beginning.  相似文献   

The cellular and molecular mechanisms that govern early muscle patterning in vertebrate development are unknown. The earliest skeletal muscle to organize, the primary myotome of the epaxial domain, is a thin sheet of muscle tissue that expands in each somite segment in a lateral-to-medial direction in concert with the overlying dermomyotome epithelium. Several mutually contradictory models have been proposed to explain how myotome precursor cells, which are known to reside within the dermomyotome, translocate to the subjacent myotome layer to form this first segmented muscle tissue of the body. Using experimental embryology to discriminate among these models, we show here that ablation of the dorsomedial lip (DML) of the dermomyotome epithelium blocks further primary myotome growth while ablation of other dermomyotome regions does not. Myotome growth and morphogenesis can be restored in a DML-ablated somite of a host embryo by transplantation of a second DML from a donor embryo. Chick-quail marking experiments show that new myotome cells in such recombinant somites are derived from the donor DML and that cells from other regions of the somite are neither present nor required. In addition to the myotome, the transplanted DML also gives rise to the dermomyotome epithelium overlying the new myotome growth region and from which the mesenchymal dermatome will later emerge. These results demonstrate that the DML is a cellular growth engine that is both necessary and sufficient to drive the growth and morphogenesis of the primary myotome and simultaneously drive that of the dermomyotome, an epithelium containing muscle, dermis and possibly other potentialities.  相似文献   

Rhythmic gene expression in somite formation and neural development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In mouse embryos, somite formation occurs every two hours, and this periodic event is regulated by a biological clock called the segmentation clock, which involves cyclic expression of the basic helix-loop-helix gene Hes7. Hes7 expression oscillates by negative feedback and is cooperatively regulated by Fgf and Notch signaling. Both loss of expression and sustained expression of Hes7 result in severe somite fusion, suggesting that Hes7 oscillation is required for proper somite segmentation. Expression of a related gene, Hes1, also oscillates by negative feedback with a period of about two hours in many cell types such as neural progenitor cells. Hes1 is required for maintenance of neural progenitor cells, but persistent Hes1 expression inhibits proliferation and differentiation of these cells, suggesting that Hes1 oscillation is required for their proper activities. Hes1 oscillation regulates cyclic expression of the proneural gene Neurogenin2 (Ngn2) and the Notch ligand Delta1, which in turn lead to maintenance of neural progenitor cells by mutual activation of Notch signaling. Taken together, these results suggest that oscillatory expression with short periods (ultradian oscillation) plays an important role in many biological events.  相似文献   

We describe the effects of an absence of retinoic acid (RA) on the development of somites in the quail embryo. RA was removed by generating vitamin A deficient quail embryos whereupon the resulting defects in the embryos can be analysed. The effect on the somites is threefold. Firstly, they are half the size of normal, but the total number of somites is the same as normal. There has therefore been some global regulation event. Secondly, by TUNEL staining and TEM we show that the lateral halves of all of the somites undergo apoptosis between stages 11 and 14. This effect is confined to the sclerotome of the somites. Thirdly, some of the genes involved in somite differentiation are down-regulated such as fgf-4, fgf-8, engrailed and myogenin whereas others we examined such as cek-8, Delta, follistatin and myf5 are not affected. These studies reveal remarkably specific effects of RA on developmental gene pathways in the embryo.  相似文献   

The origins of liver progenitor cells have been extensively studied, but evidence on the origin of pancreatic precursor cells is currently limited. Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox gene 1 (Pdx1) is one of the earliest known markers for the pancreas. A transgenic mouse line expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the Pdx1 promoter showed that Pdx1/GFP expression was first observed in the mid-region of the anterior intestinal portal (AIP) lip at embryonic day (E) 8.5 at the 5-6 somite stage (ss). The liver progenitors were confirmed to originate from separate domains at the lateral endoderm and the inner part of the medial AIP as previously reported (Tremblay and Zaret, 2005), which turned out to lie caudally to the Pdx1/GFP-expressing domain. To confirm if the early Pdx1/GFP-positive cells give rise to the pancreatic bud, we labeled the cells on the lip of the AIP using the carbocyanine dye CM-DiI and traced their fates in 1-4 ss, 5-6 ss and 7-9 ss E8.5 embryos using an ex utero whole embryo culture method. At 1 ss, the ventral pancreas progenitors were observed in the lateral endoderm, not yet being segregated from the liver or gut progenitors. Cells that contributed solely to the ventral pancreas first appeared at the AIP lip from 5 ss. At 5-6 ss, cells from the medial of the AIP lip contributed to the ventral pancreas. The pancreas fate region become narrower as development progresses. At 7-9 ss, the cells contributing to the ventral pancreas resided in a narrow region of the AIP lip. From 5 ss, the right flanking region contributes to the posterior gut, and the left flanking region contributes to the anterior gut. Dorsal pancreatic progenitors originate from the dorsal endoderm at the 3-6 somite level at 7-9 ss, though they have not yet diverged from the dorsal gut progenitors at this stage.  相似文献   

Zebrafish cypher is important for somite formation and heart development   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mammalian CYPHER (Oracle, KIA0613), a member of the PDZ-LIM family of proteins (Enigma/LMP-1, ENH, ZASP/Cypher, RIL, ALP, and CLP-36), has been associated with cardiac and muscular myopathies. Targeted deletion of Cypher in mice is neonatal lethal possibly caused by myopathies. To further investigate the role of cypher in development, we have cloned the zebrafish orthologue. We present here the gene, domain structure, and expression pattern of zebrafish cypher during development. Cypher was not present as a maternal mRNA and was absent during early development. Cypher mRNA was first detected at the 3-somite stage in adaxial somites, and as somites matured, cypher expression gradually enveloped the whole somite. Later, cypher expression was also found in the heart, in head and jaw musculature, and in the brain. We further identified 13 alternative spliced forms of cypher from zebrafish heart and skeletal muscle tissue, among them a very short form containing the PDZ domain but lacking the ZM (ZASP-like) motif and the LIM domains. Targeted gene knock-down experiments using cypher antisense morpholinos led to severe defects, including truncation of the embryo, deformation of somites, dilatation of the pericardium, and thinning of the ventricular wall. The phenotype could be rescued by a cypher form, which contains the PDZ domain and the ZM motif, but lacks all three LIM domains. These findings indicate that a PDZ domain protein is important for normal somite formation and in normal heart development. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with cyclopamine, which disrupts hedgehog signaling, abolished cypher expression in 9 somite and 15-somite stage embryos. Taken together, our data suggest that cypher may play a role downstream of sonic hedgehog, in a late stage of somite development, when slow muscle fibers differentiate and migrate from the adaxial cells.  相似文献   

In amphibian gastrulae, the cell population of the organizer region of the marginal zone (MZ) establishes morphogenesis and patterning within itself and within surrounding regions of the MZ, presumptive neurectoderm, and archenteron roof. We have tested the effects on pattern of reducing the amount of organizer region by recombining halves of Xenopus laevis late blastulae cut at different angles from the bilateral plane. When regions within 30 degrees of the dorsal midline are excluded from recombinants, ventralized embryos develop lacking the entire anterior-posterior sequence of dorsal structures, suggesting that the organizer is only 60 degrees wide (centered on the dorsal midline) at the late blastula stage. As more and more dorsal MZ (organizer) is included in the recombinant, progressively more anterior dorsal structures are formed. In all cases, when any dorsal structures are missing they are deleted serially from the anterior end. Thus, we suggest that the amount (lateral width) of the organizer in the MZ determines the anterior extent of dorsal development.  相似文献   

The chicken Tbx gene, Tbx18, is expressed in lateral plate mesoderm, limb, and developing somites. Here we show that Tbx18 is expressed transiently in axial mesenchyme during somite segmentation. We present evidence from overexpression and transplantation experiments that Tbx18 controls fissure formation in the late stages of somite maturation. In presumptive wing lateral plate mesoderm, ectopic Tbx18 expression leads to anterior extension of the wing bud. These results suggest that Tbx18 is involved in producing mesodermal boundaries, generating in paraxial mesoderm morphological boundaries between somites and in lateral plate mesoderm a wing- or non-wing-forming boundary.  相似文献   

The contribution of active cell movement to somite formation (segmentation) and the later dispersal of the somite sclerotome was examined using cytochalasin D (CD). Stage 14–16 chick embryos were grown over liquid medium. After 8 hr in culture, control embryos had an average of six additional pairs of somites while CD (1–2 μg/ml dissolved in DMSO)-treated embryos had no new somites. DMSO alone had no effect on somitogenesis. CD-treated embryos transferred to drug-free medium recovered and segmentation resumed. Normal and CD-treated segmental plates were examined by SEM. Drug-treated segmental plate cells rounded up, consistent with the interaction of CD on contractile microfilaments. Embryos cultured 8 hr with or without CD were fractured through somite pair 20 and examined by SEM. In untreated embryos the sclerotome had dispersed and was migrating toward the notochord. CD stopped sclerotome dispersal. To test whether CD interfered with elaboration of extracellular matrix material associated with somite development, incorporation of [3H]glucosamine and Na235SO4 by somites and segmental plate was determined. There was no difference in total label incorporation. Molecular-weight profiles of proteoglycan obtained using controlled-pore glass-bead columns showed only small proteoglycans for both treated and control tissues. Therefore, the alteration of segmentation and somite morphogenesis by CD was not due to detectable changes in proteoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   

The sequential processes of in vitro development of whole mouse embryos were classified by stages according to the in vivo criteria of E. Witschi (1972, “Biology Data Book,” Part II: “Rat,” L. Altman and D. S. Dittmer, eds., 2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 178–180, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, Md.) and K. Theiler (1972, “The House Mouse,” Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York). The mouse embryos which developed in vitro in each day of culture were then classified into stages according to the characteristics of mouse embryos developed in vivo. A series of 10 blastocysts were inoculated into 35-mm plastic culture dishes (30–50 blastocysts per experiment). Developing embryos were scored on the fourth, sixth, and eighth days and classified into stages. Among the total of 118 blastocysts cultured in three repeated experiments, 100 mouse embryos had attached and developed in culture dishes. Ninety-four percent of the attached mouse embryos developed to the early egg cylinder stage after 4 days of incubation, and 87% grew to the stage of late egg cylinder after 6 days of culture. An average of 62% of the embryos reached the early somite stage with heart beating after 8 days in culture with frequent medium change. In two separate experiments single mouse blastocysts were placed individually in culture dishes in 2 ml of culture medium. The development of each embryo was followed every day. Each of 10 blastocysts had attached in its respective culture dish and had developed to the early egg cylinder stage after 4 days of culture. About 50 to 70% of each of these 20 individually isolated mouse embryos developed in vitro to the early somite stage after 8 days of culture.  相似文献   

Genetic studies in the mouse have implicated ephrin-B2 (encoded by the gene Efnb2) in blood vessel formation, cardiac development and remodeling of the lymphatic vasculature. Here we report that loss of ephrin-B2 leads to defects in populations of cranial and trunk neural crest cells (NCC) and to defective somite development. In addition, we show that Efnb1/Efnb2 double heterozygous embryos exhibit phenotypes in a number of NCC derivatives. Expression of one copy of a mutant version of Efnb2 that lacks tyrosine phosphorylation sites was sufficient to rescue the embryonic phenotypes associated with loss of Efnb2. Our results uncover an important role for ephrin-B2 in NCC and somites during embryogenesis and suggest that ephrin-B2 exerts many of its embryonic function via activation of forward signaling.  相似文献   

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