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Habitat use, diet and food supply of European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks were studied on blanket bog in the South Pennines, UK. The home ranges occupied by chicks until fledging averaged 40 ha; they contained relatively more cotton grass and bare peat than was available generally, but less heather and grassland. Use of Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and Crowberry Empetrum nigrum increased with age, whereas that of cotton grass Eriophorum spp. declined. Dietary composition, as assessed by faecal analysis, was similar to that obtained from the crops of dead birds. The diet of younger chicks, assessed by dry weight of prey, consisted of about 30% each of adult and larval tipulids, whereas for chicks older than 16 days, about 70% was tipulid larvae. Beetles, spiders and caterpillars each comprised 5–20% of the diet, depending on age. Older chicks took larger prey. The exploitation of larval tipulids was correlated positively with the chicks' use of cotton grass and bare peat areas, whereas caterpillars, beetles and spiders were more often taken from dwarf shrubs, reflecting variation in prey abundance. Bare peat was an important foraging habitat, whose exploitation was associated positively with the growth rate of young chicks, and with mean prey size. Both weight gain and survival of young chicks were positively correlated with the abundance of tipulid adults, confirming the hypothesis that the flush of tipulid hatching is an important determinant of breeding success. Golden Plover chicks are capable of considerable movements to track variation in prey availability. This behaviour is likely to be an important survival strategy facilitating the utilization of a mosaic of cotton grass and dwarf shrub habitats. Appropriate rotational strip-burning or grazing management could be used to create and maintain such habitats.  相似文献   

Digger B. Jackson 《Ibis》2003,145(1):30-44
Surveys at 23 Black-throated Diver breeding lakes in Scotland showed large between-lake differences in the species and size range of potential prey. The study lakes were classified into four types according to the main size-taxa prey classes present. Type 1 lakes lacked small fish, Type 4 lacked salmonids < 300 mm and Types 2 and 3 both had all four of the main prey classes. Diver diet for 30 families at the study lakes was quantified from 7943 prey items seen fed to chicks, and 153 items seen eaten by adults, during 662 h of observations. At all lake types adults mostly ate salmonids of 120–240 mm in length, especially Brown Trout Salmo trutta , and European Eels Anguilla anguilla up to c.  350 mm. The prey eaten by chicks ranged widely, from c.  0.03 g to 300 g, with important implications for feeding behaviour. Young chicks (days 1–8) rejected items greater than 70 mm long. The diet of young chicks consisted mostly of small fish, either Three-spined Sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus (Type 2 lakes) or Minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (Type 3 and Type 4 lakes). At other lakes (Type 1) it consisted mostly of mayfly larvae (Ephemeroptera); invertebrates were the only abundant potential small prey in these lakes. At all lakes the chick diet became more similar to that of adults as chicks grew. Adults provisioning chicks used two foraging strategies. In 'excursion foraging', adults hunted away from the chicks and carried prey back for them; in 'attendance foraging', the chicks accompanied the foraging adult(s). Excursion foraging was used mostly before day 4 and was strongly and positively correlated with the abundance of fish < 80 mm in length. This behaviour is probably adaptive, but is probably tenable only where small fish are relatively abundant. Young chicks fed mainly on small fish had higher survival rates than those fed on invertebrates.  相似文献   

This study reports the diet of feral ferrets (Mustela furo) in a pastoral habitat, East Otago, South Island, New Zealand. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were the most common prey of ferrets, occurring in 86.7% of seats, but birds (12.4%) and invertebrates (11.3%) were also frequently eaten. Female ferrets ate more non-lagomorph prey items, especially invertebrates and birds than males. No significant dietary differences were found between juvenile and adult ferrets except in summer when juveniles ate more lagomorph prey. There were seasonal differences in the consumption of rabbits, invertebrates, skinks, possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) and small and large secondary prey items. Seasonal differences in ferret diet are likely to be related to the relative abundance of the various prey items. Lagomorph availability may also be a determinant of the frequency of occurrence of other prey items in the diet. Dietary differences may differentially influence the functional response of adults and juveniles and/or males and females to rabbit control or other manipulations of prey populations. Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis) infections in ferret populations show intraspecific variation with more males than females and more adults than juveniles infected. Intraspecific dietary differences in diet were not observed in the species (possums and hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus)) considered to be the main sources of infection for ferrets.  相似文献   

本文逐月研究了尼日利亚Mfangmfangpond中茄氏旗鳉全年的食性。其食谱按优势多寡出现的次序分别是陆生无脊椎动物、大型植物、水生无脊椎动物、小型甲壳动物、沙粒和藻类。我们将膜翅目、鞘翅目和双翅目昆虫作为其食性的次级项,而全年都出现的有机体碎屑作为初级项。雄鱼较雌鱼捕食了更多的陆生无脊椎动物。茄氏旗在雨季有16项食物组成,但旱季只有7项。就相对重要性而言,陆生和水生无脊椎动物在旱季更大,而大型植物碎屑、小型甲壳动物、沙粒和藻类则在雨季更大。成鱼较幼鱼更多地以外源性无脊椎动物为食。雌鱼较雄鱼有更强的觅食能力;同样,成鱼较幼鱼的觅食能力强得多.  相似文献   

Colin J.  Bibby 《Journal of Zoology》1979,188(4):557-576
This paper describes the invertebrates of Callunetum and gorse on lowland heaths in Dorset and relates how these were exploited by the Dartford warbler Sylvia undata , a scarce bird of interest to nature conservation and one of the small number of wholly insectivorous resident passerines in Britain. Gorse had a denser invertebrate fauna than Callunetum and was used for feeding at a frequency out of proportion to its abundance. Diets of adult birds closely reflected the taxonomic composition of the gorse and Callunetum faunas exploited in the observed proportions, though some noxious taxa were avoided and below a certain limit, creatures of above average size were selected. Major foods were beetles, spiders, lepidopteran larvae and bugs. Nestling birds received a diet differing in taxonomic composition and size from that of the adults, and variations between habitats were found which accorded with observations on the habitat preferences of the Dartford warbler. An experimental investigation showed the importance of gorse as a source of food for young and the adults flew considerable distances ignoring extensive deep stands of heather nearer to the nest. The possible influence of competing insectivorous vertebrates on Dartford warblers is discussed. Various mammals and reptiles appeared to be the major vertebrate predators in Callunetum, but little competition was anticipated in gorse. Scarcity of gorse on the heaths and low densities of invertebrates in heather explained the low densities at which Dartford warblers occur.  相似文献   

Janusz Kloskowski 《Hydrobiologia》2004,525(1-3):131-138
Parental feeding patterns were studied in red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena) broods throughout the entire period of parental care in a common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish-pond area in SE Poland in 1993–2002. Fish formed a substantial part of prey provided to the flightless young from their second week of life. Although the numbers of large invertebrates and tadpoles, the alternative prey to fish, did not decrease during the chick rearing period, grebe parents gradually shifted from delivering predominately invertebrates to delivering fish, and the average size of fish fed to chicks increased with brood age. Broods with relatively high fledging success (at least two chicks fledged) had a larger proportion of fish in their diet than broods seriously reduced because of undernourishment. The dive duration of foraging grebe parents did not differ between carp, wild fish and non-fish prey, but carp prey required significantly more time for handling. The percentage of prey rejected by chicks increased over the prefledging period from 2 to 24%. Of the prey rejected, 82% were fish apparently too large for the young to swallow. Fish prevalence in the diet of red-necked grebe chicks at carp ponds contradicts the results of other studies on the feeding habits of the nominative subspecies during breeding season. However, the red-necked grebe is a gape-limited predator and the piscivory of the chicks is limited to small-bodied fish.  相似文献   

The habitat and dietary preferences of Black Grouse were studied from 1989 to 1991 in a largely treeless habitat within a 17 km2 area of the Pennine hills of northern England using radiotelemetry. Grassland habitats were preferred by 84% of 19 birds for much of the year and heather moorland was selected in winter; the other birds, all females, remained in heather habitats all year. Most females reared broods in damp, rushy grass moorlands, but one of six broods used hay fields. Diet closely reflected seasonal plant availability in selected habitats and the leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds of a wide variety of plants were eaten. Cotton-grass Eriophorum vaginatum was important in spring, grassland herbs, grasses, sedges and rushes in summer and autumn and Ling Heather Calluna vulgaris in late autumn and winter. Males fed substantially more on heather in winter than females which partially replaced heather in their diet with the leaves of grasses and herbs. Young chicks showed considerable preference for Sawfly (Symphyta) larvae. Suggested management recommendations include the regulation of sheep-grazing, encouragement of wet flush areas and the late cutting of hay fields.  相似文献   


Gizzards were examined from 334 adult and 62 nestling starlings collected in mixed farmland during 1971–72. The birds ate insects, spiders, earthworms, snails, millipedes, centipedes, seeds, and fruits. Starlings ate fewer subterranean animals (7%) than those usually living partially hidden (45%), on the ground (31%), or on vegetation (18%). About half the invertebrates eaten were 2–5 mm long and about a quarter 6–10 mm long. Nestlings tend to be fed significantly larger items than were eaten by adults. The commonest items in adult starlings were Coleoptera adults, Lepidoptera larvae, Hemiptera, and fruits; in nestlings, Coleoptera adults and Diptera adults and larvae were important. Earthworms were found in all the nestlings. More than 50% of adult gizzards contained earthworm chaetae in wetter months, but fewer in drier months. The diet of starlings, despite considerable overlap with the foods eaten by mynas, rooks, and magpies, included somewhat different components and proportions of the food supply. Fruits were found in adults only; most were probably eaten after harvest. Although predation on two major pasture pests—Costelytra zealandica and Wiseana cervinata larvae—was insubstantial, nearly 40% of the total invertebrates eaten by adult starlings were insect pest species.  相似文献   

Prey intake and selection were related to within-shoal position for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) engaged in annual migration across the Newfoundland shelf in the northwest Atlantic. Comparisons made among fish occupying five regions from the front to rear of a large (>10 km across) migrating shoal indicated that leading fish, or scouts, were larger, ate more food by weight, and had a more varied diet than did fish at other positions. Also, scouts consumed more preferred prey types (fish and pelagic invertebrates) than did fish at other positions. In contrast, trailing fish consumed few fish prey but a larger proportion of benthic invertebrates. Our results are the first to document systematic heterogeneous feeding success among members of a free-ranging and migrating fish shoal in the open ocean.  相似文献   

Summary Cell-bound phytase of Pichia anomala was produced in glucose–beef extract medium in shake flasks and in a laboratory fermenter at 25 °C for 24 h at 250 rev/min. In the fermenter the biomass production increased and the fermentation time was reduced from 24 to 16 h. Two-week-old broiler chicks were fed with the biomass-supplemented feed [at 100 g/7.5 kg; 50-phytase units/bird/day]. The overall weight gain in the biomass-fed chicks was higher (90.2%) than that of the control group (77.7%). The biomass incorporation in the feed of broiler chicks also resulted in a better phosphorus retention (29% in the control, and 73.68% in the biomass-fed) in the body, consequently an improved growth. There was a decrease in the excretion of phosphorus in the faeces of the chicks fed with phytase-supplemented diet (188.9 mg/g dry matter) as compared to the chicks fed on unsupplemented broiler finisher ration (509.4 mg/g dry matter). This eliminated the need to supplement phosphorus in their diet and also reduced phosphorus pollution. The feed conversion ratio was also lowered for chicks, which were biomass-fed as compared to the control.  相似文献   

As the number of horses is steadily increasing in Cantabrian less-favoured areas, mostly occupied by nutritionally poor heathland communities, the objective of this research was to study and compare diet selection and performance of crossbred horses and beef cattle (Asturiana de los Valles breed) grazing these areas during the summer. A total of 20 cows (seven lactating their calves and thirteen dry) and 20 mares (eight lactating their foals and twelve dry) were managed during 3 years on a heathland area from June to September and October. The proportion of grass (mostly Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium) and heather (Erica umbellata, E. cinerea and Calluna vulgaris) in the diet selected by cows and mares was estimated in two occasions (July and September) each year using the alkane markers. All animals were weighed at the beginning, middle and end of the summer grazing season. Mares selected heath grasses and rejected heather species more than did the cows (P < 0.001), particularly in early summer (0.85 v. 0.65 herbage proportion in July; 0.63 v. 0.55 in September). Lactating state did not affect diet composition. Mares achieved more favourable (P < 0.001) body weight (BW) changes than cows, but there was also an interaction with season (P < 0.001). From June to August, cows lost BW, being the daily changes (in percentage of initial BW) -0.15%/day in lactating and -0.05%/day in dry cows, whereas both lactating and dry mares gained BW (0.16 and 0.12%/day, respectively). From August to October, lactating cows and mares lost more BW (P < 0.01) compared with their non-lactating counterparts (-0.19 v. -0.10%/day in cows, -0.14 v. -0.05%/day in mares). With regard to the offspring, BW gains between June and August were similar in calves and foals (0.83 and 0.90%/day, respectively), but thereafter calves achieved higher (P < 0.05) BW gains than foals (0.37 v. 0.16%/day). It is concluded that the low nutritive quality of these heathlands restricts, both cattle and horse performance, even during short summer grazing season, being more penalized lactating animals, especially the cows. Although calves were able to maintain acceptable growth rates, foals showed reduced ones during the second half of the grazing season. Other plant communities with better nutritive quality should be provided to assure replenishment of body reserves in dams, and enhance offspring gains to maintain sustainable grazing systems with productive herds of cattle and horses in these heathland areas.  相似文献   

Trichomoniasis in a Bonelli's eagle population in Spain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During 1980-97, trichomoniasis was detected in nestlings of Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus in Catalonia (Spain). In 1993 Trichomonas gallinae was isolated in 36% of nestlings (n = 39) and affected 41% of broods (n = 22). Overall, trichomoniasis was one of the most important single nestling mortality factor, accounting for 22% of total chick mortality, and causing the death of 2% of chicks. Trichomoniasis deaths took place during the second half of the nestling period. The median age at death was 45.5 days. Although the presence of the parasite was not related to the composition of the diet or parental age, pairs that developed the disease ate more pigeons and included more often non-adult birds. At present trichomoniasis apparently has little demographic impact on the Bonelli's eagle population in Catalonia, but the eventual spread of this disease in chicks and its unknown effects on adults might be of concern.  相似文献   

The effects of oral betamethasone (25 micrograms/kg/d), low calcium (1 g/kg), and low phosphorus (2,5 g/kg) diets on weight gain were investigated in 513 growing chicks. The chicks were divided according to initial weight into a lower weight group (less than 100 g each) and a higher group (more than 100 g each). The increases in weight were recorded after periods of 7, 14 and 21 days. The increases in weight in the older chicks (high weight group) were less than in the younger chicks. There was a greater reduction in rate of growth in chicks fed the low phosphorus diet than in those fed the low calcium diet, particularly in the older birds. Betamethasone administration also reduced the rate of growth but this was not additive to the effect of a low calcium diet. In contrast, the greatest reduction in growth rate was observed in the chicks fed the low phosphorus diet and given betamethasone.  相似文献   

I examined sex differences in diet and foraging behavior in two groups of white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus)in a tropical dry forest at Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. I tested three hypotheses: sex differences in diet and foraging behavior are best explained by (1) sexual dimorphism, (2) the energy demands of pregnancy and lactation for females;and (3) avoidance of competition between the sexes. Sexual dimorphism offered the best explanation of sex differences in the diet and foraging behavior of C. capucinus,accurately predicting that males do more strenuous foraging activity, make less use of small foraging supports, and spend more time on or near the ground. Females spent more time foraging than males did but probably obtained a lower protein yield per unit foraging time. Females exploited more small and embedded invertebrates, while males ate more large invertebrates and vertebrate prey. Pregnant and lactating females spent more time resting and less time foraging than other females did, increasing their foraging return by focusing on foods requiring little handling. There was little evidence of competition avoidance between the sexes.  相似文献   

Growth rates and efficiency of food conversion of young chicks fed on diets marginally limiting in total nitrogen and containing 150 g/kg diet of flash-dried microbial cells (MC) with and without amino acid supplements, were measured in three experiments. Performance of these animals was compared with that of groups fed on a methioninefortified soya bean meal (SBM) control diet. In all experiments, chicks fed on the SBM control diet grew faster and were more efficient than chicks fed on the basal unsupplemented MC diet. In Experiment 1, arginine supplementation markedly enhanced weight gain and efficiency of food utilisation of chicks offered the basal MC diet; methionine had no effect. The second experiment demonstrated that a supplement containing methionine, arginine and tryptophan was more effective in augmenting the nutritional value of MC than either methionine with arginine or tryptophan with arginine. In the final experiment, weight gain and food intake of chicks fed on MC with supplements of arginine, methionine and tryptophan were increased markedly by additions of lysine and glutamic acid but not by addition of lysine alone. In all experiments, performance of animals in MC supplemented groups was lower than that of animals fed on the SBM control diet.  相似文献   

The diets of feral pigs and feral goats shot on the main Auckland Island in 1989 are described from analyses of stomach and rumen contents. Feral goats ate at least 50 species of plants, but only three, Metrosideros umbellata, Chionochloa antarctica, and Durvillea antarctica made up over 50% by dried weight of the food eaten. Feral pigs ate a mixed plant and animal diet, of which plants made up 61% of the diet, with the megaherb Anisotome antipoda being the largest dietary item at 38% by dried weight. The animals eaten by pigs were mostly annelids, at 26% by dry weight of their diet, and there was little evidence of predation or scavenging on birds. Goats have subsequently been eradicated from the island, but feral pigs remain arguably a potential threat to current conservation values and certainly an impediment to any restoration of the island's natural values.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the beneficial anthelmintic effect of consuming moderate amounts of tannins may not always be accompanied by anti-nutritional effects in goats, two experiments were conducted. In the first, 48 Cashmere goats were randomly assigned to two treatments: supplementation with tannin-containing heather (6.4% total tannins) and non-supplementation. All goats grazed continuously from May to September under farm conditions in a mountainous area of northern Spain. The mean percentage of heather incorporated into the diet of the supplemented animals was 29.1%. Supplementation reduced the mean number of nematode eggs in faeces (P < 0.001) and the goat mortality rate (P < 0.05). The rumen ammonia concentration was markedly reduced in the goats receiving the heather supplement (160 v. 209 mg/l; P < 0.01), while volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentrations were significantly greater (63.0 v. 53.6 mmol total VFA/l; P < 0.05). The heather-supplemented goats also showed a lower loss of live weight (P < 0.01) and body condition score (P < 0.001). In the second experiment, batch cultures of rumen microorganisms with rumen fluid from nine goats whose diet included 29% heather - or not, were used to incubate three substrates (pasture, pasture + heather and pasture + heather + polyethylene glycol) to investigate in vitro ruminal fermentation. Differences (P < 0.01) among substrates were observed in terms of dry matter disappearance (DMD), in vitro true substrate digestibility (ivTSD), gas production and ammonia concentration, the greatest values always associated with the pasture substrate. Cultures involving rumen inoculum derived from goats receiving the heather-containing diet showed slightly lower DMD (46.9 v. 48.5 g/100 g; P < 0.05), ivTSD (64.6 v. 65.9 g/100 g; P < 0.10) and gas production (105 v. 118 ml/g; P < 0.001) values, but much greater total VFA concentrations (48.5 v. 39.3 mmol/l; P < 0.05), and suggest that the efficiency of ruminal fermentation in these animals was probably improved. Together, the results support the absence of a clear nutritional cost counteracting the beneficial anthelmintic effect of supplementing the diet of grazing goats with tannin-containing heather.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that baboon predation upon vertebrates may tend to peak in the dry season because insect food is then less available, and that males obtain animal nutrients primarily from vertebrates whereas other troop members obtain them primarily from invertebrates. The development of meat and insect eating by 22 male and 24 female infants studied for 25 months was compared with that of 18 male and 46 female adults studied for 37 months. Systematic sampling allowed quantitative comparisons between meat and insect eating, infants and adults, and males and females. Infants ate no meat, but their insect eating began early and increased steadily during the first year of life. In comparison with insect foods, meat was a minor ingredient of the adult's diet. Insect eating occurred less during dry than during rainy months, but meat eating was spread across the year. Reliable sex differences in insect eating did not occur. The findings were related to theories offered to explain the attractiveness of animal foods to primates and to the suggestion that a sex difference in predatory inclinations of hominid ancestors may have been a preadaptation underlying the eventual emergence of male hunting and female gathering.  相似文献   

Resource seasonality and fish diets in an Illinois stream   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Synopsis The purpose of this study was to evaluate the intensity of competition for food among 9 species of stream fishes that primarily eat aquatic invertebrates. The taxonomic and size composition, and numerical abundance of aquatic invertebrates were monitored for one year using drift and benthic samples. Diet data were obtained from stomachs of fishes captured at the same time and place that invertebrate sampling was done. Diet characteristics examined included taxonomic and size composition, number of prey per fish, and diet breadth. Drifting invertebrates were more abundant early in the year (March–June) than later (July–January). The summer-early fall scarcity of invertebrates was especially notable among those>3.6 mm long, which comprised the bulk of prey found in fish stomachs. Average prey size eaten by a fish species was positively correlated with fish mouth size, but interspecific overlap in prey size was extensive. Cyprinids as a group (5 species) ate proportionally fewer small (< 3.6 mm long) prey from July to January than did the centrarchids and stonecat. Taxonomic compositions of available invertebrates and fish diets varied markedly among sampling dates, but the use of prey taxa by fishes was not correlated with the availability of those taxa. Use of aquatic prey taxa was generally similar among fish species, but cyprinids as a group ate proportionally more terrestrial prey from July to January than did the centrarchids and stonecat. Diet breadths for all species increased as food levels declined, indicating that these fishes experienced resource depression. Food scarcity was evidently more severe for cyprinids since their stomachs contained few prey through the summer and fall relative to the centrarchids and stonecat. Though the fish species studied probably compete for food in the summer and fall, this competition did not account for the community structure observed.  相似文献   

Rats selectively bred to develop diet-induced obesity (DIO) spontaneously gain more body weight between 5 and 7 wk of age than do those bred to be diet resistant (DR). Here, chow-fed DIO rats ate 9% more and gained 19% more body weight from 5 to 6 wk of age than did DR rats but had comparable leptin and insulin levels. However, 6-wk-old DIO rats had 29% lower plasma ghrelin levels at dark onset but equivalent levels 6 h later compared with DR rats. When subsequently fed a high-energy (HE; 31% fat) diet for 10 days, DIO rats ate 70% more, gained more body and adipose depot weight, had higher leptin and insulin levels, and had 22% lower feed efficiency than DR rats fed HE diet. In DIO rats on HE diet, leptin levels increased significantly at 3 days followed by increased insulin levels at 7 days. These altered DIO leptin and ghrelin responses were associated with 10% lower leptin receptor mRNA expression in the arcuate (ARC), dorsomedial (DMN), and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei and 13 and 15% lower ghrelin receptor (GHS-R) mRNA expression in the ARC and DMN than in the DR rats. These data suggest that increased ghrelin signaling is not a proximate cause of DIO, whereas reduced leptin sensitivity might play a causal role.  相似文献   

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