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海洋生物源杀虫活性物质研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
综述了海洋生物源杀虫活性物质的最新研究进展。系统总结了常见海洋生物中活性物质的种类、生物活性、作用方式的特点以及海洋生物活性物质的研究及应用状况。重点评述了海洋毒素、海藻提取物及海洋微生物次生代谢产物等海洋生物源杀虫活性物质的研究概况。介绍了海洋生物活性物质作为杀虫剂研究开发利用的途径 ,展望了其应用前景。  相似文献   

Ronald Eisler 《Hydrobiologia》1970,36(3-4):345-352
Summary Clams and gastropods survived 96-hour immersion in concentrations up to 25 mg/l of four organophosphorus insecticides (DDVP, dioxathion, methyl parathion, Phosdrin(R)) or 10 mg/l of four organochloride compounds (p,p-DDT, lindane, endrin, dieldrin) at 24 salinity and 20°C. During a post-treatment observation period of 33 days for gastropods and 133 days for clams, the following was noted: a reduction in number of egg cases deposited by gastropods initially subjected to comparatively high levels of endrin, dieldrin, and lindane; an apparent stimulatory effect on gastropod fecundity by relatively low concentrations of p,p-DDT, endrin, dieldrin, and lindane; and a decrease in survival of clams and gastropods initially subjected to high levels of DDVP or methyl parathion.
Résumé Des groupes différents de mollusques bivalve, Mercenaria mercenaria, ou gastéropode, Nassa obsoleta, ont survécu des traitements de 25 mg/l d'insecticides organophosphoriques (DDVP, dioxathion, méthyl parathion, Phosdrin(R)) ou de 10 mg/l de chlorures d'hydrocarbures (p,p-DDT, lindane, endrine, dieldrine). Ces traitements de 96 heures pour chaque groupe exposé à une concentration d'insecticide furent accomplis à une salinité de 24 et à une température de 20°C. Après ce treaement initial les gasteropodes furent placés dans de nouveaux aquariums contenant de l'eau non-contaminée et gardés sous observation pendant 33 jours. Les bivalves, traités de façon identique, furent gardés pendant une periode de 133 jours. La période d'observation révéla les différences suivantes entre les animaux traités et les témoins : a/ réduction du nombre des plaques de ponte pour le gastéropode soumis à de fortes doses d'endrine, de dieldrine, et de lindane; b/ stimulation apparent de la fécundité comme le laisse supposer l'augmentation du nombre des plaques de pontes pour les gastéropodes traités avec de faibles concentrations de p,p-DDT, d'endrine, de dieldrine, et de lindane; c/ une augmentation du taux de mortalité chez les bivalves et les gastéropodes soumis à de fortes doses de DDVP ou de méthyl parathion.

Esterases are involved in the susceptibility or resistance of organisms to organophosphate pesticides. We have examined the action of parathion on the marine dinoflagellates Crypthecodinium cohnii and Prorocentrum micans by looking at their esterases. One-dimensional gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting and cytochemistry plus image analysis were used to characterize the nature and distribution of the enzymes. Esterases were found in both species, but there appeared to be no particular intracellular localization. The esterase activity of the heterotrophic species Crypthecodinium cohnii was 30-fold greater than that of the autotrophic Prorocentrum micans and had an antigenic site in common with mosquito esterase. The resistance of Crypthecodinium cohnii to parathion was specific and reversible. Less parathion entered the parathion-resistant Crypthecodinium cohnii cells than the untreated control cells. Parathion-resistant cell extracts of Crypthecodinium cohnii analyzed after immunoblotting also contained an additional band of esterase activity. These results confirm the importance of esterases in toxicological studies of organophosphate insecticides, especially those of marine dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

A method for analyzing culture-dependent bacterial community structure by liquid cultivation was established using 96-well microplates. Using 96-well microplates, this method can easily provide accurate enumeration of viable microorganisms and simultaneous separation of bacteria, which allowed us to analyze the bacterial community. Bacteria in diluted surface seawater were separated using 96-well microplates and cultivated with 1/5 ZoBell 2216E liquid medium. The 98 cultures obtained were subsequently applied to phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. The bacterial diversity, evaluated by the Shannon–Weaver index, was relatively small but comparable to previously reported bacterial communities of several environments. The most abundant group was the family Rhodobacteraceae , which has been frequently detected in marine environments. Most bacteria were phylogenetically related to bacteria or uncultured clones detected in marine environments, but distant from published species. The analysis of bacterial community structure by liquid cultivation would be useful as an alternative culture-dependent approach.  相似文献   

[目的]为了探究短杆菌属对海洋环境的适应机制.[方法]本研究通过对6株分离自不同洋区、属于不同分类单元的短杆菌菌株进行测序、拼接和注释,结合23株从美国国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)下载的短杆菌属模式菌株及非模式菌株的基因组数据,进行泛基因组学分析和物种进化分析.[结果]泛基因组学分析表明短杆菌属具有开放型泛基因组,...  相似文献   

Sadiq  Muhammad 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):225-232
Six sediment samples were collected from the northern Arabian Gulf. Nickel was added to each sediment- seawater suspension and the concentration of total dissolved Ni in the suspensions was monitored for 75 days. The analytical data were used to obtain a linear regression equation relating Ni2+ activity in the sediment suspensions to pH. Using this equation and thermodynamic information, the distribution of Ni species in the suspensions was calculated. The major inorganic species, extrapolated to 35 salinity and pH 8.1, were: Ni2+ (60.1%), NiCl+ (16.9%), NiCl inf2 sup0 (5.0%), NiOH+ (0.4%), and NiSO inf4 sup0 (17.5%). An increase in the seawater salinity increased the concentration of total dissolved Ni and Ni chloro-complexes. A decrease in pH of seawater increased total dissolved Ni and decreased NiOH+ complex, but the proportion of other species remained unchanged. There was no significant (P < 0.05) effect of Cu, Cd, Pb, Fe, Mn, and Al additions on Ni sorption in the marine sediment suspensions.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Methods are described for the sensitive determination of pristane and similar hydrocarbons in individual planktonic organisms and for the isolation of pristane from copepod oil.2. Pristane (2, 6, 10, 14-tetramethylpentadecane) occurs in unusually high concentrations (1–3% of the body lipid) inCalanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis, andC. hyperboreus, and at lower concentrations in a wide range of planktonic animals from the Gulf of Maine and continental slope waters.3. A predator,Paraeuchaeta norvegica, contains pristane at an intermediate level between that ofCalanus and the other herbivores, probably as a result of feeding onCalanus.4. On the basis of relative abundance and structural similarity, phytol is suggested as the precursor of pristane in herbivorous zooplankton.5. Pristane content is unaltered or increased during the metabolism of the major deposit lipids ofCalanus hyperboreus during starvation in the laboratory or in nature. Because of its low density, pristane may contribute to the bouyancy ofCalanus, especially when the other lipids are metabolized.6. Pristane may prove useful as a biochemical integrator for the total assimilation of phytoplankton byCalanus.7. Some planktonic organisms may be characterized by the presence of specific compounds, e. g. pristane inCalanus and several unknown compounds inRhincalanus.8. Specific products of organisms of limited geographical occurence may prove useful as biochemical tags of water masses.
Pristan in der marinen Umwelt
Kurzfassung Pristan (2, 6, 10, 14-Tetramethylpentadecan) kommt in niedriger Konzentration in manchen planktonischen Tieren des Golfs von Maine, USA, und der Gewässer des kontinentalen Schelfes vor. Dieser Kohlenwasserstoff leitet sich vermutlich vom Phytol in der Nahrung der planktonischen Herbivoren ab. Seine Konzentration ist ungewöhnlich hoch inCalanus finmarchius, C. glacialis undC. hyperboreus, wo er möglicherweise als auftriebsregulierende Substanz in Hungerzeiten wichtig ist. Arten, wieParaeuchaeta norvegica, welcheCalanus verzehren, stellen sekundäre Pristanquellen innerhalb der marinen Nahrungskette dar. Die proCalanus-Individuum angetroffene Pristanmenge könnte als Indikator für die gesamte Nahrungsassimilation dienen. Pristan und andere artspezifische Stoffe können in das die Individuen umgebende Wasser gelangen und dann als biochemische Markierungs-Substanzen dienen.

Contribution No. 1438 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

Subtidal seagrass habitats are prime candidates for the application of principles derived from landscape ecology. Although seagrass systems are relatively simple compared to their terrestrial counterparts in terms of species diversity and structural complexity, seagrasses do display variation in spatial patterns over a variety of scales. The presence of a moving water layer and its influence on faunal dispersal may be a distinguishing feature impacting ecological processes in the subtidal zone. Studying seagrass-dominated landscapes may provide a novel approach to investigating questions regarding self-similarity of spatial patterns, and offers a new perspective for analysing habitat change in a variety of marine environments.  相似文献   

The alpine and polar climatic limit for growth of woody plants is very much dependent on the mean temperatures of the warmest three or four summer months. Tundra plants with perennating buds close to the ground are sheltered by insulating snow cover. Many tundra plants can grow at temperatures 5–10°C below 0°C and also have low optimum temperatures. Total net production of tundra plants may be as high as 900 g/m2/yr as dry weight in moist and eutrophic low alpine shrub tundra and in antarctic moss mats. The variation in tundra plant production is often observed to be greater between different stands (communities) within one locality than between localities, because of very important variation in soil moisture and nutrients between the stands. On a global scale the biomass of vascular plants increases by an order of magnitude from the climatic severe polar desert to semidesert and again from there to moist shrub tundra. The cryptogam biomass increases only 2–10 fold from polar desert to low arctic shrub tundra. To a certain limit unfavourable climatic conditions are worse to above- than to belowground plant parts. Highest root biomass compared to top (up to 20 times higher) is observed in wet monocotyledonous polar and alpine communities. In polar desert root biomass is small again, as compared to tops and also in lower latitudes and altitudes of temperate regions.Presented at he Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

Horseshoe crabs use vision to find mates. They can reliably detect objects resembling potential mates under a variety of lighting conditions. To understand how they achieve this remarkable performance, we constructed a cell based realistic model of the lateral eye to compute the ensembles of optic nerve activity ("neural images") it transmits to the brain. The neural images reveal a robust encocding of mate-like objects that move underwater during the day. The neural images are much less clear at night, even though the eyes undergo large circadian increases of sensitivity that nearly compensate for the millionfold decreasein underwater lighting after sundown. At night the neurral images are noisy, dominated by bursts of nerve impulses from random photon events that occur at low nighttime levels of illumination. Deciphering the eye's input to the brain begins at the first synaptic level with lowpass temporal and spatial filtering. Both neural filtering mechanisms improve the signal-to-noise properties of the eye's input, yielding clearer neural images of potential mates, especiallyat night. Insights about visual processing by the relatively simple visual system of Limulus may aid in the designof robotic sensors for the marine environment.  相似文献   

Gene transfer in the marine environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract This review summarises the literature on bacterial gene transfer in marine ecosystems. Relevant experiments carried out in model systems are also included. Prerequisites for the main gene transfer mechanisms, transformation, transduction and conjugation are discussed, such as concentrations of extracellular DNA in marine waters, numbers of bacteriophages in sea water and frequency of plasmids in marine bacteria. Transfer of chromosomal genes as well as plasmids are considered. We also discuss the possibility that gene transfer is more frequent in surface-associated bacterial communities. Examples of relevant studies using various solid surfaces and from the air-water interface are summarized. We suggest that there is a higher ‘flow-rate’ of genetic information through surface-associated communities compared to bulk water communities.  相似文献   

Dramatic changes have occurred in the Arctic Ocean over the past few decades, especially in terms of sea ice loss and ocean warming. Those environmental changes may modify the planktonic ecosystem with changes from lower to upper trophic levels. This study aimed to understand how the biogeographic distribution of a crucial endemic copepod species, Calanus glacialis, may respond to both abiotic (ocean temperature) and biotic (phytoplankton prey) drivers. A copepod individual‐based model coupled to an ice‐ocean‐biogeochemical model was utilized to simulate temperature‐ and food‐dependent life cycle development of C. glacialis annually from 1980 to 2014. Over the 35‐year study period, the northern boundaries of modeled diapausing C. glacialis expanded poleward and the annual success rates of C. glacialis individuals attaining diapause in a circumpolar transition zone increased substantially. Those patterns could be explained by a lengthening growth season (during which time food is ample) and shortening critical development time (the period from the first feeding stage N3 to the diapausing stage C4). The biogeographic changes were further linked to large‐scale oceanic processes, particularly diminishing sea ice cover, upper ocean warming, and increasing and prolonging food availability, which could have potential consequences to the entire Arctic shelf/slope marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

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