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Autotetraploids are predicted to have reduced inbreeding depression relative to diploids. However, recent theory and information on genomic changes following autopolyploidy suggest that inbreeding depression may be closer to diploids. In three consecutive years, self and outcross pollinations were conducted on autotetraploid Campanulastrum americanum, seeds were planted into native sites, and biennial offspring were followed through seed production. Inbred individuals had lower germination rates, reduced survival, were smaller, and flowered later, producing fewer fruits with fewer seeds. Inbred offspring had 6% of the cumulative fitness of outcross offspring. Although performance varied substantially among cohorts, inbreeding depression for cumulative fitness was relatively constant, with delta ranging only from 0.92 to 0.95. C. americanum, like many outcrossing species, expressed very high amounts of inbreeding depression. This supports the hypothesis that inbreeding depression of some autotetraploids may be similar to that of diploids. Furthermore, few studies have measured temporal variation in inbreeding depression. Constant inbreeding depression given a sixfold range in cohort performance suggests that inbreeding depression may be relatively robust to environmental variation experienced by natural populations.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is common in flowering plants, but relatively few studies have examined its effects on interactions between plants and other organisms, such as herbivores and pathogens. In a recent paper, we documented effects of inbreeding depression on plant volatile signaling phenotypes, including elevated constitutive volatile emissions (and consequently greater herbivore recruitment to inbred plants) but reduced emission of key herbivore-induced volatiles that attract predatory and parasitic insects to damaged plants. While the effects of inbreeding on plant-insect interactions have been explored in only a few systems, even less is known about its effects on plant-pathogen interactions. Here we report the effects of inbreeding on horsenettle susceptibility to powdery mildew (Oidium neolycopersici), including more rapid onset of infection in inbred plants, particularly when plants were not previously damaged. These data suggest that inbreeding may increase plant susceptibility to pathogen infection and, therefore, may potentially facilitate pathogen establishment in natural populations.  相似文献   

Major concern has emerged about the possible long term adverse effects of glucocorticoid treatment, which is frequently used for the prevention of chronic lung disease in preterm infants. Here we show that neonatal glucocorticoid treatment of rats increases the severity (p< or = 0.01) and incidence (p< or =0.01) of the inflammatory autoimmune disease experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in adult life. In search of possible mechanisms responsible for the increased susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, we investigated the reactivity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and of immune cells in adult rats after neonatal glucocorticoid treatment. We observed that neonatal glucocorticoid treatment reduces the corticosterone response after an LPS challenge in adult rats (p< or =0.001). Interestingly, LPS-stimulated macrophages of glucocorticoid-treated rats produce less TNF-alpha and IL-1beta in adult life than control rats (p<0.05). In addition, splenocytes obtained from adult rats express increased mRNA levels of the proinflammatory cytokines IFN-gamma (p<0.01) and TNF-beta (p<0.05) after neonatal glucocorticoid treatment. Apparently, neonatal glucocorticoid treatment has permanent programming effects on endocrine as well as immune functioning in adult life. In view of the frequent clinical application of glucocorticoids to preterm infants, our data demonstrate that neonatal glucocorticoid treatment may be a risk factor for the development of (auto)immune disease in man.  相似文献   

Positive feedbacks have been suggested as a means for non-indigenous species to successfully invade novel environments. Frequency-dependent feedbacks refer to a species performance being dependent on its local abundance in the population; however, frequency dependence is often described as a monolithic trait of a species rather than examining the variation in response for individual genotypes and fitness traits. Here, we investigate frequency-dependent outcomes for individual genotypes and fitness-related traits for the invasive grass Phalaris arundinacea. We tested for competition-mediated frequency dependence by establishing hexagonal arrays with the center target plant surrounded by either same, different or no genotype neighbors to determine how changing the small-scale frequency neighborhood-influenced invasion success. We used a Bayesian ANOVA approach which allowed us to easily accommodate our non-normal dataset and found that same neighbor plots had greater biomass production than different neighbor plots. Target plants also had greater stem height and aboveground biomass when surrounded by same genotype neighbors. A greenhouse experiment did not support the hypothesis that increased mycorrhizal associations were the cause of positive frequency dependence. We devised a frequency-dependent metric to quantify the extent of fitness-related differences for individual genotypes and found that individual genotypes showed a range of both positive and negative responses to different frequency treatments; however, only positive responses were statistically significant. The small-scale genotypic neighborhood had no effect for the fitness-related traits of leaf number, belowground biomass and total biomass. We demonstrate that individual invasive genotypes respond differently to changing frequency neighborhoods and that growth responses do not respond with the same direction and magnitude. A range of frequency-dependent responses may allow genotypes to invade a wide range of environments.  相似文献   

Depression is an important public health problem and is considered to be an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. The pathophysiological mechanisms that link depression with adverse cardiovascular events (e.g., myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, and sudden death) are not well established. It is possible that an increased susceptibility to life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias in depressed patients influences the risk of morbidity and mortality in coronary artery disease. This idea was tested with the use of an experimental model of depression that was developed to induce anhedonia, the reduced responsiveness to pleasurable stimuli observed in human depressed patients. Rats exposed to 4 wk of chronic mild stress (e.g., paired housing, strobe light, and white noise) displayed anhedonia, which was operationally defined by the reduced intake of a palatable sucrose solution relative to an established baseline and to control animals. Furthermore, compared with control rats, the anhedonic rats showed increased basal heart rate and decreased heart rate variability. In response to an intravenously infused chemical challenge, aconitine, anhedonic rats exhibited an increased vulnerability to ventricular arrhythmias, as indicated by a reduced threshold for premature ventricular complexes, salvos, and ventricular tachycardia. These findings suggest that the presence of depressive symptoms is associated with a lower threshold for ventricular arrhythmias, which may contribute to the increased risk for adverse cardiovascular events in patients with depression.  相似文献   

Autophagy, which is critical for the proper turnover of organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, affects diverse aspects of metabolism, and its dysregulation has been incriminated in various metabolic disorders. However, the role of autophagy of myeloid cells in adipose tissue inflammation and type 2 diabetes has not been addressed. We produced mice with myeloid cell-specific deletion of Atg7 (autophagy-related 7), an essential autophagy gene (Atg7 conditional knockout [cKO] mice). While Atg7 cKO mice were metabolically indistinguishable from control mice, they developed diabetes when bred to ob/w mice (Atg7 cKO-ob/ob mice), accompanied by increases in the crown-like structure, inflammatory cytokine expression and inflammasome activation in adipose tissue. Mφs (macrophages) from Atg7 cKO mice showed significantly higher interleukin 1 β release and inflammasome activation in response to a palmitic acid plus lipopolysaccharide combination. Moreover, a decrease in the NAD+:NADH ratio and increase in intracellular ROS content after treatment with palmitic acid in combination with lipopolysaccharide were more pronounced in Mφs from Atg7 cKO mice, suggesting that mitochondrial dysfunction in autophagy-deficient Mφs leads to an increase in lipid-induced inflammasome and metabolic deterioration in Atg7 cKO-ob/ob mice. Atg7 cKO mice were more susceptible to experimental colitis, accompanied by increased colonic cytokine expression, T helper 1 skewing and systemic bacterial invasion. These results suggest that autophagy of Mφs is important for the control of inflammasome activation in response to metabolic or extrinsic stress, and autophagy deficiency in Mφs may contribute to the progression of metabolic syndrome associated with lipid injury and colitis.  相似文献   

Recent models of economic defence in a group-foraging context predict that the frequency of aggressive interactions should decline as resource density increases, but empirical studies have provided only equivocal support for this prediction. We suggest that whether or not foragers have information concerning the location of patches will influence both the intensity of aggressive encounters and the effect that changes in food density will have on aggression. The intensity of aggression should be greatest when patch locations are known to all, making resources spatially predictable and the availability of alternatives more certain. When food is hidden, increasing the density of patches should have little effect on aggression levels, mostly as a result of the greater uncertainty about the availability of replacement food patches. To test these predictions, we investigated the effect of patch density on the use of aggressive behaviour in nutmeg mannikins, Lonchura punctulata, when food patches were either visible (signalled patch location) or hidden (unsignalled patch location) to all foragers. As predicted, we found that the intensity of aggressive encounters was higher when patch location was signalled than when it was not. Moreover, the effect of patch density on aggression depended on whether patch location was signalled or not. When patch location was unknown, the number of aggressive encounters was unaffected by changes in patch density, but when food location was signalled, increasing patch density resulted in the expected decline in the frequency of aggression.  相似文献   

Abstract. It has long been assumed that inbreeding depression in haplodiploid organisms is low due to their ability to purge genetic load in haploid males. It has been suggested that this low genetic load could facilitate the evolution of inbreeding behaviors driven by local mate competition in hymenopteran parasitoids. I have examined inbreeding depression in haplodiploids in two ways. First I show that an outbreeding haplodiploid wasp Uscana semifumipennis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) suffers substantial inbreeding depression. Longevity was 38% shorter, fecundity was 32% lower, and sex ratio was 5% more male for experimentally inbred wasps when compared to outbred controls. There were interactions between size and both fecundity and sex ratio for inbred wasps that were not seen for outbred individuals. Second, an analysis of data from the literature suggests that when inbreeding is experimentally imposed on populations, haplodiploid insects and mites as a group do suffer less from inbreeding depression than diploid insects, although substantial inbreeding depression in haplodiploid taxa does exist. The meta-analysis revealed no difference in inbreeding depression between gregarious haplodiploid wasps, which are likely to have a history of inbreeding, and solitary haplodiploid species, which are assumed to be primarily outbred.  相似文献   

In autoimmune hepatitis, strong TGF-beta1 expression is found in the inflamed liver. TGF-beta overexpression may be part of a regulatory immune response attempting to suppress autoreactive T cells. To test this hypothesis, we determined whether impairment of TGF-beta signaling in T cells leads to increased susceptibility to experimental autoimmune hepatitis (EAH). Transgenic mice of strain FVB/N were generated expressing a dominant-negative TGF-beta type II receptor in T cells under the control of the human CD2 promoter/locus control region. On induction of EAH, transgenic mice showed markedly increased portal and periportal leukocytic infiltrations with hepatocellular necroses compared with wild-type mice (median histological score = 1.8 +/- 0.26 vs. 0.75 +/- 0.09 in wild-type mice; P < 0.01). Increased IFN-gamma production (118 vs. 45 ng/ml) and less IL-4 production (341 vs. 1,256 pg/ml) by mononuclear cells isolated from transgenic livers was seen. Impairment of TGF-beta signaling in T cells therefore leads to increased susceptibility to EAH in mice. This suggests an important role for TGF-beta in immune homeostasis in the liver and may teleologically explain TGF-beta upregulation in response to T cell-mediated liver injury.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of population size on the inbreeding depression and genetic load caused by deleterious mutations at a single locus. Analysis shows how the inbreeding depression decreases as population size becomes smaller and/or the rate of inbreeding increases. This pattern contrasts with that for the load, which increases as population size becomes smaller but decreases as inbreeding rate goes up. The depression and load both approach asymptotic limits when the population size becomes very large or very small. Numerical results show that the transition between the small and the large population regimes is quite rapid, and occurs largely over a range of population sizes that vary by a factor of 10. The effects of drift on inbreeding depression may bias some estimates of the genomic rate of deleterious mutation. These effects could also be important in the evolution of breeding systems in hermaphroditic organisms and in the conservation of endangered populations.  相似文献   

We assessed the usefulness of an agar diffusion method, NeoSensitabs, to determine in vitro sensitivity of 52 isolates of dematiaceous filamentous fungi against ten antifungal agents: amphotericin B, 5-fluorocytosine, ketoconazole, fluconazole, itraconazole, terbinafine, bifonazole, miconazole, clotrimazole, and griseofulvin. For the preparation of the inoculum, a spectrophotometric method including both Shadomy and Casitone agar (CAS) culture media was used. Dematiaceous filamentous fungi were sensitive to itraconazole, terbinafine and bifonazole. Ketoconazole (90.4%), miconazole (71%), and clotrimazole (46%) showed a variable susceptibility pattern. Most species were resistant to griseofulvin and fluconazole (96%). All isolates were resistant to 5-fluorocytosine. Sixty-three percent of strains were susceptible to amphotericin B and 28.8% resistant. Inhibition zones in the antifungal susceptibility testing did not vary according to culture medium, although fungal growth was better in CAS. Variations in antifungal sensitivity in Exophiala spinifera and Fonsecaea pedrosoi spp. would justify an in vitro susceptibility study when indicating antifungal therapy. These results show that NeoSensitabs agar diffusion method is simple, rapid, and low-cost and can be available to many clinical laboratories for the study of in vitro sensitivity of dematiceous moulds.  相似文献   

Overabundant populations of cervids have induced drastic negative effects on plant communities in several regions worldwide. Antlerless deer harvest by sport hunters has been proposed as a potential solution to overabundance because the philopatric behavior of female deer is expected to limit recolonization of hunted zones. The efficiency of this method, however, has rarely been tested in the wild. Using a large-scale experimental design, we reduced white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) density within 5 20-km2 areas on Anticosti Island (Québec, Canada). Our objective was to harvest 50% of antlerless deer in each site during the first year of the study in 2002, and 30% from 2003 to 2006. We monitored deer density, vegetation abundance and growth as well as deer life-history traits during 6 years in these experimental sites and in 5 control sites where harvest rate was 5–7%. Overall, we achieved 93% of harvest objectives. Contrary to our expectations, however, deer density, vegetation abundance and growth, and deer life-history traits did not vary differently in experimental and control sites during the study period. They rather varied stochastically but synchronously. We discuss several alternative hypotheses that may explain these results, including 1) compensatory mechanisms, 2) biases in density estimates, 3) limited access to territory for hunters, 4) large target areas for localized management, 5) low hunter density, 6) recolonization by surrounding deer, 7) slow plant response under canopy cover, and 8) bottom-up mechanisms. Given the large efforts invested in this study, we conclude that the local control of abundant cervid populations through sport hunting may be difficult to achieve in many natural environments. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Great experiments will always be remembered. I highlight an experiment that was conducted during the Nazi regime in Germany. Not only did the experiment fail, it was also linked to fraud and crimes against humanity. This failed experiment will never be forgotten.  相似文献   

Associations between specific host genes and susceptibility to Mycobacterial infections such as tuberculosis have been reported in several species. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB) impacts greatly the UK cattle industry, yet genetic predispositions have yet to be identified. We therefore used a candidate gene approach to study 384 cattle of which 160 had reacted positively to an antigenic skin test ('reactors'). Our approach was unusual in that it used microsatellite markers, embraced high breed diversity and focused particularly on detecting genes showing heterozygote advantage, a mode of action often overlooked in SNP-based studies. A panel of neutral markers was used to control for population substructure and using a general linear model-based approach we were also able to control for age. We found that substructure was surprisingly weak and identified two genomic regions that were strongly associated with reactor status, identified by markers INRA111 and BMS2753. In general the strength of association detected tended to vary depending on whether age was included in the model. At INRA111 a single genotype appears strongly protective with an overall odds ratio of 2.2, the effect being consistent across nine diverse breeds. Our results suggest that breeding strategies could be devised that would appreciably increase genetic resistance of cattle to bTB (strictly, reduce the frequency of incidence of reactors) with implications for the current debate concerning badger-culling.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence shows that spermatogenesis is costly. As a consequence, males should optimize the use of their sperm to maximize their reproductive outputs in their lifetime. However, experimental evidence on this prediction is largely lacking. Here, we examine how a male moth Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) responds to the presence of rivals or additional mates and how such response influences his lifetime reproductive fitness. We show that when rival males are present around a copulating pair, the male ejaculates more sperm to win a sperm competition battle but in such an environment he inseminates fewer females, sires fewer offspring and lives shorter. The opposite is the case when additional females are present during copulation. These findings reveal that elevated reproductive expenditure owing to sperm competition intensity is made at the expense of longevity and future reproduction.  相似文献   

1. Responses to a spring warming treatment were measured on five common herbaceous species grown in outdoor microcosms in Northern England. Although elevated temperature had a beneficial effect on canopy height and plant cover in monospecific cultures of all species, strongly divergent responses to warming occurred in mixtures.
2. We show that the effect of interspecific competition was to modify and amplify the vegetation response to the warming treatment through effects on phenology and morphological development.
3. The observed responses between the species to warming are consistent with predicted differential responses linked to genome size.
4. We conclude that the mechanism of competitive interaction proposed by Boysen-Jensen (1929 ) coupled with the insights related to genome size provide a basis for explaining and predicting the role of interannual variation in temperature in determining year to year fluctuations in the relative abundance of species in productive perennial herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   

Canopy photosynthesis models have predicted an optimal leaf area index (LAI; leaf area per unit surface area) and leaf nitrogen distribution at which whole-plant carbon gain per unit N is maximized. In this study we experimentally tested these models, using transgenic P(SAG12)-IPT tobacco (SAG; Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants with delayed leaf senescence and therefore a greater LAI and more uniform N distribution than the wild type (WT). In a competition experiment, the increased density of surrounding WT plants caused a greater reduction in dry mass of mature SAG target plants than in that of WT target plants, indicating negative effects of delayed leaf senescence on performance at high canopy density. Vegetative SAG plants achieved a lower calculated daily carbon gain than competing WT plants because the former retained leaves with a negative carbon gain in the shaded, lower part of the canopy. Sensitivity analyses showed that the carbon gain of SAG plants would increase if these lower leaves were shed and the N reallocated from these leaves were used to form additional leaf area at the canopy top. This strategy, which is adopted by the WT, is most advantageous because it results in the shading of competing neighbors.  相似文献   

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