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Sulfur oxygenase reductase (SOR) enzyme is responsible for the initial oxidation step of elemental sulfur in archaea. Curiously, Aquifex aeolicus, a hyperthermophilic, chemolithoautotrophic and microaerophilic bacterium, has the SOR-encoding gene in its genome. We showed, for the first time the presence of the SOR enzyme in A. aeolicus, its gene was cloned and recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli and the protein was purified and characterised. It is a 16 homo-oligomer of approximately 600 kDa that contains iron atoms indispensable for the enzyme activity. The optimal temperature of SOR activity is 80°C and it is inactive at 20°C. Studies of the factors involved in getting the fully active molecule at high temperature show clearly that (1) incubation at high temperature induces more homogeneous form of the enzyme, (2) conformational changes observed at high temperature are required to get the fully active molecule and (3) acquisition of an active conformation induced by the temperature seems to be more important than the subunit number. Differences between A. aeolicus SOR and the archaea SORs are described.  相似文献   

The anaerobic acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii employs a novel type of Na(+)-motive anaerobic respiration, caffeate respiration. However, this respiration is at the thermodynamic limit of energy conservation, and even worse, in the first step, caffeate is activated by caffeyl-CoA synthetase, which hydrolyzes ATP to AMP and pyrophosphate. Here, we have addressed whether or not the energy stored in the anhydride bond of pyrophosphate is conserved by A. woodii. Inverted membrane vesicles of A. woodii have a membrane-bound pyrophosphatase that catalyzes pyrophosphate hydrolysis at a rate of 70-120 milliunits/mg of protein. Pyrophosphatase activity was dependent on the divalent cation Mg(2+). In addition, activity was strictly dependent on Na(+) with a K(m) of 1.1 mM. Hydrolysis of pyrophosphate was accompanied by (22)Na(+) transport into the lumen of the inverted membrane vesicles. Inhibitor studies revealed that (22)Na(+) transport was primary and electrogenic. Next to the Na(+)-motive ferredoxin:NAD(+) oxidoreductase (Fno or Rnf), the Na(+)-pyrophosphatase is the second primary Na(+)-translocating enzyme in A. woodii.  相似文献   

Biological sulfate reduction is a process with high environmental significance due to its major contribution to the carbon and sulfur cycles in anaerobic environments. However, the respiratory chain of sulfate-reducing bacteria is still poorly understood. Here we describe a new respiratory complex that was isolated as a major protein present in the membranes of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough. The complex, which was named Qrc, is the first representative of a new family of redox complexes. It has three subunits related to the complex iron-sulfur molybdoenzyme family and a multiheme cytochrome c and binds six hemes c, one [3Fe-4S]+1/0 cluster, and several interacting [4Fe-4S]2+/1+ clusters but no molybdenum. Qrc is related to the alternative complex III, and we show that it has the reverse catalytic activity, acting as a Type I cytochrome c3:menaquinone oxidoreductase. The qrc genes are found in the genomes of deltaproteobacterial sulfate reducers, which have periplasmic hydrogenases and formate dehydrogenases that lack a membrane subunit for reduction of the quinone pool. In these organisms, Qrc acts as a menaquinone reductase with electrons from periplasmic hydrogen or formate oxidation. Binding of a menaquinone analogue affects the EPR spectrum of the [3Fe-4S]+1/0 cluster, indicating the presence of a quinone-binding site close to the periplasmic subunits. Qrc is the first respiratory complex from sulfate reducers to have its physiological function clearly elucidated.  相似文献   

SoxAX cytochromes catalyze the formation of heterodisulfide bonds between inorganic sulfur compounds and a carrier protein, SoxYZ. They contain unusual His/Cys-ligated heme groups with complex spectroscopic signatures. The heme-ligating cysteine has been implicated in SoxAX catalysis, but neither the SoxAX spectroscopic properties nor its catalysis are fully understood at present. We have solved the first crystal structure for a group 2 SoxAX protein (SnSoxAX), where an N-terminal extension of SoxX forms a novel structure that supports dimer formation. Crystal structures of SoxAX with a heme ligand substitution (C236M) uncovered an inherent flexibility of this SoxA heme site, with both bonding distances and relative ligand orientation differing between asymmetric units and the new residue, Met(236), representing an unusual rotamer of methionine. The flexibility of the SnSoxAX(C236M) SoxA heme environment is probably the cause of the four distinct, new EPR signals, including a high spin ferric heme form, that were observed for the enzyme. Despite the removal of the catalytically active cysteine heme ligand and drastic changes in the redox potential of the SoxA heme (WT, -479 mV; C236M, +85 mV), the substituted enzyme was catalytically active in glutathione-based assays although with reduced turnover numbers (WT, 3.7 s(-1); C236M, 2.0 s(-1)). SnSoxAX(C236M) was also active in assays using SoxYZ and thiosulfate as the sulfur substrate, suggesting that Cys(236) aids catalysis but is not crucial for it. The SoxYZ-based SoxAX assay is the first assay for an isolated component of the Sox multienzyme system.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic green sulfur bacterium Chlorobaculum tepidum assimilates CO(2) and organic carbon sources (acetate or pyruvate) during mixotrophic growth conditions through a unique carbon and energy metabolism. Using a (13)C-labeling approach, this study examined biosynthetic pathways and flux distributions in the central metabolism of C. tepidum. The isotopomer patterns of proteinogenic amino acids revealed an alternate pathway for isoleucine synthesis (via citramalate synthase, CimA, CT0612). A (13)C-assisted flux analysis indicated that carbons in biomass were mostly derived from CO(2) fixation via three key routes: the reductive tricarboxylic acid (RTCA) cycle, the pyruvate synthesis pathway via pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, and the CO(2)-anaplerotic pathway via phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. During mixotrophic growth with acetate or pyruvate as carbon sources, acetyl-CoA was mainly produced from acetate (via acetyl-CoA synthetase) or citrate (via ATP citrate lyase). Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase converted acetyl-CoA and CO(2) to pyruvate, and this growth-rate control reaction is driven by reduced ferredoxin generated during phototrophic growth. Most reactions in the RTCA cycle were reversible. The relative fluxes through the RTCA cycle were 80~100 units for mixotrophic cultures grown on acetate and 200~230 units for cultures grown on pyruvate. Under the same light conditions, the flux results suggested a trade-off between energy-demanding CO(2) fixation and biomass growth rate; C. tepidum fixed more CO(2) and had a higher biomass yield (Y(X/S), mole carbon in biomass/mole substrate) in pyruvate culture (Y(X/S) = 9.2) than in acetate culture (Y(X/S) = 6.4), but the biomass growth rate was slower in pyruvate culture than in acetate culture.  相似文献   

The phospholipids of Escherichia coli consist mainly of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and cardiolipin. PG makes up ~25% of the cellular phospholipid and is essential for growth in wild-type cells. PG is synthesized on the inner surface of the inner membrane from cytidine diphosphate-diacylglycerol and glycerol 3-phosphate, generating the precursor phosphatidylglycerol-phosphate (PGP). This compound is present at low levels (~0.1% of the total lipid). Dephosphorylation of PGP to PG is catalyzed by several PGP-phosphatases. The pgpA and pgpB genes, which encode structurally distinct PGP-phosphatases, were identified previously. Double deletion mutants lacking pgpA and pgpB are viable and still make PG, suggesting the presence of additional phosphatase(s). We have identified a third PGP-phosphatase gene (previously annotated as yfhB but renamed pgpC) using an expression cloning strategy. A mutant with deletions in all three phosphatase genes is not viable unless covered by a plasmid expressing either pgpA, pgpB, or pgpC. When the triple mutant is covered with the temperature-sensitive plasmid pMAK705 expressing any one of the three pgp genes, the cells grow at 30 but not 42 °C. As growth slows at 42 °C, PGP accumulates to high levels, and the PG content declines. PgpC orthologs are present in many other bacteria.  相似文献   

NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I, EC is the largest complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. In eukaryotes, it is composed of more than 40 subunits that are encoded by both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Plant Complex I differs from the enzyme described in other eukaryotes, most notably due to the large number of plant-specific subunits in the membrane arm of the complex. The elucidation of the assembly pathway of Complex I has been a long-standing research aim in cellular biochemistry. We report the study of Arabidopsis mutants in Complex I subunits using a combination of Blue-Native PAGE and immunodetection to identify stable subcomplexes containing Complex I components, along with mass spectrometry analysis of Complex I components in membrane fractions and two-dimensional diagonal Tricine SDS-PAGE to study the composition of the largest subcomplex. Four subcomplexes of the membrane arm of Complex I with apparent molecular masses of 200, 400, 450, and 650 kDa were observed. We propose a working model for the assembly of the membrane arm of Complex I in plants and assign putative roles during the assembly process for two of the subunits studied.  相似文献   

We have used site-directed mutagenesis, EPR spectroscopy, redox potentiometry, and protein crystallography to monitor assembly of the FS0 [4Fe-4S] cluster and molybdo-bis(pyranopterin guanine dinucleotide) cofactor (Mo-bisPGD) of the Escherichia coli nitrate reductase A (NarGHI) catalytic subunit (NarG). Cys and Ser mutants of NarG-His49 both lack catalytic activity, with only the former assembling FS0 and Mo-bisPGD. Importantly, both prosthetic groups are absent in the NarG-H49S mutant. EPR spectroscopy of the Cys mutant reveals that the Em value of the FS0 cluster is decreased by at least 500 mV, preventing its participation in electron transfer to the Mo-bisPGD cofactor. To demonstrate that decreasing the FS0 cluster Em results in decreased enzyme activity, we mutated a critical Arg residue (NarG-Arg94) in the vicinity of FS0 to a Ser residue. In this case, the Em of FS0 is decreased by 115 mV, with a concomitant decrease in enzyme turnover to ∼30% of the wild type. Analysis of the structure of the NarG-H49S mutant reveals two important aspects of NarGHI maturation: (i) apomolybdo-NarGHI is able to bind GDP moieties at their respective P and Q sites in the absence of the Mo-bisPGD cofactor, and (ii) a critical segment of residues in NarG, 49HGVNCTG55, must be correctly positioned to ensure holoenzyme maturation.  相似文献   

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