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The main free amines identified during growth and development of rice seedlings were agmatine, putrescine, spermidine, diaminopropane and tyramine. Amine composition differed according to tissue and stages of development. Conjugated amines were only found in roots. We present evidence that arginine decarboxylase (ADC) regulates putrescine during the development of rice seedlings. When ADC action was blocked by DFMA (-DL-difluoromethylarginine, a specific irreversible inhibitor of ADC), polyamine titers and seedling development were diminished; when agmatine or putrescine was added, normal polyamine titers and growth were restored. The effects of DFMA were concentration dependent. DFMO (-DL-difluoromethylornithine, a specific irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase or ODC) promoted growth and development at concentrations below 2 mM. This effect was probably related to its unexplained, but consistently observed slight enhancement of rice ADC. When the increase in the concentration of spermidine was prevented by CHA (cyclohexylammonium sulfate), the number of roots increased and the increase in length of leaves and roots was strongly inhibited. The addition of exogenous spermidine at the time of treatment with CHA reversed the inhibition by CHA.Abbreviations ADC arginine decarboxylase - ODC ornithine decarboxylase - DFMA -DL-difluoromethylarginine - DFMO -DL-difluoromethylornithine - CHA cyclohexylammonium sulfate  相似文献   

Many enzymes in one-carbon metabolism (OCM) are up- or down-regulated by the sex hormones which vary diurnally and throughout the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, estradiol and progesterone levels increase tremendously to modulate physiological changes in the reproductive system. In this work, we extend and improve an existing mathematical model of hepatic OCM to understand the dynamic metabolic changes that happen during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy due to estradiol variation. In particular, we add the polyamine drain on S-adenosyl methionine and the direct effects of estradiol on the enzymes cystathionine β-synthase (CBS), thymidylate synthase (TS), and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). We show that the homocysteine concentration varies inversely with estradiol concentration, discuss the fluctuations in 14 other one-carbon metabolites and velocities throughout the menstrual cycle, and draw comparisons with the literature. We then use the model to study the effects of vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folate deficiencies and explain why homocysteine is not a good biomarker for vitamin deficiencies. Additionally, we compute homocysteine throughout pregnancy, and compare the results with experimental data. Our mathematical model explains how numerous homeostatic mechanisms in OCM function and provides new insights into how homocysteine and its deleterious effects are influenced by estradiol. The mathematical model can be used by others for further in silico experiments on changes in one-carbon metabolism during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy.  相似文献   

InOrobanche aegyptiaca PEES. (Orobanchaceae) the mature seed is tiny and contains a subglobose embryo which is not differentiated into radicle, hypocotyl, plumule, and cotyledons. In aseptic seed cultures on medium TB supplemented with yeast extract or coconut milk, both roots and shoot originated from the morphological radicular pole of the embryo (monopolar pattern). The bipolar mode of seedling formation, that is a shoot originating from the plumular pole and roots from the radicular pole, ensued on the basal medium THS and on TB supplemented with certain concentrations of IAA, kinetin, GA3, or strigol.  相似文献   

Mary L. Parker 《Protoplasma》1984,120(3):233-241
Summary During germination and early seedling development, cotyledons of seeds ofLupinus angustifolius were modified from thick-walled, fleshy storage organs to leaf-like, expanded photosynthetic organs by the controlled collapse of groups of mesophyll cells.Cotyledon cell walls of imbibed seeds are PAS-negative, have a strong affinity for calcofluor, and a dense fibrillar ultrastructure. The first visible sign of the mobilization of cell wall polysaccharides occurs 5 days after imbibition, with the appearance of PAS-positive maculae in ordered rows on the inner surface of the thickened walls. These correspond in orientation and frequency with the folds and radial striations found in walls of mature seeds, and with areas with poor affinity for calcofluor. In the electron microscope, the maculae appear as electron-lucent, wedge-shaped areas of loosely-arranged fibrils which, as germination proceeds, spread throughout the walls. The evidence suggests that storage polysaccharides are mobilized from the matrix of the walls by the action of hydrolytic enzymes leaving a framework of structural components, and not by the erosion of cracks and fissures.Most of the experimental work was carried out at the former ARC Unit of Development Botany, Cambridge.  相似文献   

Mycoheterotrophic plants obtain organic carbon from associated mycorrhizal fungi, fully or partially. Angiosperms with this form of nutrition possess exceptionally small ‘dust seeds’ which after germination develop ‘seedlings’ that remain subterranean for several years, fully dependent on fungi for supply of carbon. Mycoheterotrophs which as adults have photosynthesis thus develop from full to partial mycoheterotrophy, or autotrophy, during ontogeny. Mycoheterotrophic plants may represent a gradient of variation in a parasitism–mutualism continuum, both among and within species. Previous studies on plant–fungal associations in mycoheterotrophs have focused on either germination or the adult life stages of the plant. Much less is known about the fungal associations during development of the subterranean seedlings. We investigated germination and seedling development and the diversity of fungi associated with germinating seeds and subterranean seedlings (juveniles) in five Monotropoideae (Ericaceae) species, the full mycoheterotroph Monotropa hypopitys and the putatively partial mycoheterotrophs Pyrola chlorantha, P. rotundifolia, Moneses uniflora and Chimaphila umbellata. Seedlings retrieved from seed sowing experiments in the field were used to examine diversity of fungal associates, using pyrosequencing analysis of ITS2 region for fungal identification. The investigated species varied with regard to germination, seedling development and diversity of associated fungi during juvenile ontogeny. Results suggest that fungal host specificity increases during juvenile ontogeny, most pronounced in the fully mycoheterotrophic species, but a narrowing of fungal associates was found also in two partially mycoheterotrophic species. We suggest that variation in specificity of associated fungi during seedling ontogeny in mycoheterotrophs represents ongoing evolution along a parasitism–mutualism continuum.  相似文献   

Mitochondria were isolated from cucumber cotyledons during earlyseedling growth, and their capacity for pyruvate metabolisminvestigated. The rate of pyruvate oxidation was low. Evidenceis presented that suggests that this is due to low activitiesof the pyruvate transporter. Key words: Cotyledon, cucumber, germination, pyruvate oxidation  相似文献   

Adenine and pyridine nucleotides play vital roles in virtually all aspects of plant growth. This study analyzed the response of adenine and pyridine metabolism during germination and early seedling growth (ESG) of Brassica juncea exposed to two doses of arsenate (AsV), 100 and 250 μM, having non-significant or significant inhibitory effects, respectively, on germination and ESG. The ratio of NAD/NADP and NAD/NADH showed no significant change in control and 100 μM AsV, but increased significantly at 250 μM AsV during initial 24 h and also at 7th day. The activity of enzymes of NAD metabolism, viz. NAD kinase, NADP phosphatase, nicotinamidase and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases showed significant change mostly at 250 μM AsV. Further, significant decrease was observed in the ratio of ATP/ADP and in the activities of adenylate kinase and apyrase at 250 μM AsV at 7th day. External supply of ATP (1 mM) to 100 and 250 μM AsV significantly improved germination percentage and germination strength of the seeds as compared to AsV treatments alone. The study concludes that with the increase in concentration of AsV, the balance of NAD/NADP, NAD/NADH and ATP/ADP and the activities of enzymes of adenine and pyridine metabolism were significantly altered and that these changes may be responsible for inhibitory effects of AsV on germination and ESG.  相似文献   

French bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) is a legume that transports most of the atmospheric nitrogen fixed in its nodules to the aerial parts of the plant as ureides. Changes in ureide content and in enzymatic activities involved in their metabolism were identified in the cotyledons and embryonic axes during germination and early seedling development. Accumulation of ureides (ca. 1300 nmol per pair of cotyledons) was observed in the cotyledons of dry seeds. Throughout germination, the total amount of ureides slightly decreased to about 1200 nmol, but increased both in cotyledons and in embryonic axes after radicle emergence. In the axes, the ureides were almost equally distributed in roots, hypocotyls and epicotyls. The pattern of ureide distribution was not affected by the presence of nitrate or sucrose in the media up to 6 days after imbibition. Ureides are synthesized from purines because allopurinol (a xanthine dehydrogenase inhibitor) blocks the increase of ureides. Allantoin and allantoate-degrading activities were detected in French bean dried seeds, whereas no ureidoglycolate-degrading activity was detected. During germination, the levels of the three activities remain unchanged in cotyledons. After radicle emergence, the levels of activities in cotyledons changed. Allantoin-degrading activity increased, allantoate-degrading activity decreased and ureidoglycolate-degrading activity remained undetectable in cotyledons. In developing embryonic axes, the three activities were detected throughout germination and early seedling development. The embryonic axes are able to synthesize ureides, because those compounds accumulated in axes without cotyledons.  相似文献   

Changes in the contents of starch, protein, DNA, RNA, total phosphorus, acid soluble phosphorus and inorganic phosphorus, and in the activities of some enzymes of carbohydrate, amino acid, nucleic acid and phosphate metabolism were studied during the germination of Cuscuta campestris seeds. The results are expressed on per seed basis.
Starch content in Cuscuta seeds showed a steady decline with most of it depleted by the end of the eighth day of germination. Protein content increased with germination up to 48 h and then decreased. RNA and DNA contents increased to a maximal level on the fourth day of germination and then decreased. Total phosphorus in the seeds remained almost unchanged during the period of study. Both trichloroacetic acid soluble and inorganic phosphorus increased until the third day and then decreased. Phytin was rapidly hydrolyzed with little being detectable by the seventh day of germination. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase increased with germination, while fructose bisphosphate aldolase which is indispensable for glycolysis, decreased with germination. Ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease increased till the third and fourth day, respectively, and then decreased. Aspartate and alanine aminotransferases showed a maximum on the second day and then decreased. Activities of alkaline fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and phytase were absent in the dry seeds and appeared only on the second day of germination. Both α- and β-amylase activities were present in the dry seed.  相似文献   

The uptake, distribution and metabolism of selenite were examined in germinating homozygous barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain with thioredoxin h overexpressed in starchy endosperm. Results were related to the null segregant in which the transgene had segregated out during crossing. Compared with the null segregant, the homozygote showed enhanced germination and root and shoot growth in the presence of 1 and 2 mM sodium selenite. The rate of incorporation of selenite by the homozygote was approximately twice that of the null segregant. Based on X-ray absorption spectroscopy, the major products in both cases were selenomethionine-like species and the red, monoclinic form of elemental selenium, a derivative not previously reported in green plants. Selenite and selenate made up the balance. The distribution of the products formed differed as to the tissue — root, shoot, aleurone, endosperm — but the ratios were similar in the homozygote and null segregant. The results provide evidence that, in addition to the accelerated germination observed previously in water, barley grain overexpressing thioredoxin h are resistant to the inhibitory effects of selenite. These properties raise the possibility that plants overexpressing thioredoxin h could find application in the remediation of polluted environments.  相似文献   

After seed germination, hydrolysis of storage proteins provides a nitrogen source for the developing seedling. In conifers the majority of these reserves are located in the living haploid megagametophyte tissue. In the developing loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seedling an influx of free amino acids from the megagametophyte accompanies germination and early seedling growth. The major component of this amino acid pool is arginine, which is transported rapidly and efficiently to the seedling without prior conversion. This arginine accounts for nearly half of the total nitrogen entering the cotyledons and is likely a defining factor in early seedling nitrogen metabolism. In the seedling, the enzyme arginase is responsible for liberating nitrogen, in the form of ornithine and urea, from free arginine supplied by the megagametophyte. In this report we investigate how the seedling uses arginase to cope with the large arginine influx. As part of this work we have cloned an arginase cDNA from a loblolly pine expression library. Analysis of enzyme activity data, accumulation of arginase protein and mRNA abundance indicates that increased arginase activity after seed germination is due to de novo synthesis of the enzyme. Our results suggest that arginase is primarily regulated at the RNA level during loblolly pine seed germination and post-germinative growth.  相似文献   

Summary We have analyzed the RNA synthesized during spore germination in Bacillus subtilis. Early in germination there is little incorporation of [3H]uridine into RNA. A large increase in incorporation into RNA was found at 45–60 min into germination which was in part due to increases in the specific activity of the UTP pool. When corrected for specific activity changes, the instantaneous rate of RNA synthesis showed a seven to tenfold increase between 30 and 45 min of germination. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis studies showed that the RNA synthesized during germination appeared very similar to the RNA made during vegetative growth. DNA-RNA hybridization studies indicated that mRNA and rRNA were synthesized throughout germination. Their relative proportions remained constant and were very similar to the composition of RNA synthesized during vegetative growth.In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the doctoral degree by A.S. in the Department of Microbiology at the New York University School of Medicine  相似文献   

The gram-negative bacterium Caulobacter crescentus progresses through three distinct morphological transitions, including both motile and nonmotile cell types, during its cell cycle. Assessment of the extent of regulation of polypeptide synthesis during these transitions was carried out with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of whole-cell extracts. Synchronous cells were pulse-labeled with 14C-amino acids for 10-min intervals throughout the entire 2-h cell cycle. The radioactively labeled polypeptides were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Autoradiograms resulting from fluorography of the second dimension provided the detection of approximately 1,000 unique spots. The 600 predominant polypeptide spots, representing approximately 40% of the coding capacity of Caulobacter deoxyribonucleic acid, were analyzed for major changes in their synthetic rates. Quantitation by densitometric scanning of individual polypeptide spots represented on the sequential fluorograms demonstrated significant changes in the temporal synthesis of 6% of the polypeptides. Extracts from asynchronous cells were fractionated to obtain total-membrane and deoxyribonucleic acid-binding polypeptide fractions. Subsequent electrophoresis of these cellular fractions revealed approximately 100 membrane polypeptides and 25 deoxyribonucleic acid-binding polypeptides. Eight of the regulated polypeptides were identified as membrane or deoxyribonucleic acid-binding proteins. The regulated polypeptides can be grouped into three main categories based on their interval of synthesis. The three categories are in direct correlation with the three distinct cell cycle stages. This analysis has also revealed a unique transition period in the cell cycle in which a significant proportion of gene expression is regulated.  相似文献   

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