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The composition of NADPH oxidase purified by Red Sepharose chromatography of extracts from human neutrophil membranes was investigated. In contrast to that was recently reported by others, the enzyme isolated according to this procedure contained a high concentration of cytochrome b-245 and little FAD. The results reinforce the belief that cytochrome b-245 is a major component of the NADPH oxidase and plays a fundamental role in the formation of O2-by neutrophils.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b-245 from human neutrophils is a glycoprotein.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Cytochrome b-245 is a glycoprotein. It runs as a broad band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and its apparent Mr varies with the concentration of acrylamide. It stained positively with Schiff reagent and with silver stains after oxidation with periodic acid. It preferentially bound the lectin of Phaseolus vulgaris (type III), and cleavage of carbohydrate with endoglycosidase F resulted in a sharp band on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis with an apparent Mr of 55000 G.l.c. analysis of carbohydrate showed this to account for about 15% of the Mr and N-acetylglucosamine and galactose to be the major sugars.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b-245 of neutrophils has a bimodal distribution in sucrose density gradients. The lighter component (d = 1.14) is shown to be associated with the plasma membrane by the similarity between its density and that of markers of this organelle, as well as a parallel increase in the density of the cytochrome and plasma membrane after treatment with digitonin or dimethyl suberimidate. The cytochrome b-245 of monocytes and cytoplasts, the latter produced by the removal of nuclei and granules from neutrophils, was located only in the plasma membrane. The denser peak of cytochrome (d = 1.19), which contained approximately half of the cytochrome b of neutrophils, had a similar density-distribution profile to the specific granules. After hypo-osmotic disruption of this denser material, the cytochrome distributed with the density of membranes, suggesting an original location within the membrane of the intracellular structure. Redistribution of the cytochrome from the granules to the membranes was observed after stimulation of respiratory activity with soluble agents or opsonized particles. This translocation is not responsible for activation of the oxidase system. There was poor agreement between the kinetics of the transfer of cytochromes from the dense component to the membranes, and degranulation of specific-granule contents, suggesting that the cytochrome may be located in another intracellular structure or that its localization becomes further modified after granule fusion.  相似文献   

1. The absorption coefficient of human neutrophil plasma-membrane reduced-minus-oxidized cytochrome b-245 was determined [delta epsilon (mM; 559-540 nm) = 21.6 cm-1]. 2. Neutrophil polymorphonuclear leucocytes (neutrophils) were prepared from human, ox, horse and pig blood. In each case plasma-membrane fractions were found to contain low-potential cytochrome b. When membranes from horse neutrophils were incubated anaerobically with either NADH or NADPH the cytochrome b became reduced. Prior stimulation of the cells with phorbol myristate acetate did not increase the rate or extent of cytochrome b reduction in isolated membranes, but did increase both the rate and extent of reduction by NADPH in Triton-treated cells. 3. A cytochrome b was present also in the specific granule fraction of human neutrophils. Its Em (pH 7.0) was found to be -248 mV, very similar to that of the plasma-membrane cytochrome b. 4. The rate of oxidation of reduce cytochrome b-245 by air-saturated buffer, was determined by using stopped-flow techniques. In intact membranes t 1/2 for oxidation was 4.7 ms. This rate is sufficiently rapid to support the view that cytochrome b-245 is the oxidase in the respiratory burst of neutrophils. 5. Plasma-membrane cytochrome b of human neutrophils formed a complex with CO. At room temperature and 1 atm of CO approx. 40% of the cytochrome formed a complex; approx. 60% binding was measured at the increased concentration of dissolved CO achieved at 5 degrees C. The concentration of CO giving 50% binding was 1.18 mM.  相似文献   

The development of cytochrome b-245 in maturing human macrophages.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cytochrome b-245, the putative terminal component of the specialized cidal oxidase system of phagocytes, was measured in human monocytes in culture. There was a dramatic synthesis of the cytochrome, which increased by 27.3 +/- 2.0 pmol/day per 10(7) cells. This represents an increase of about 40%/day in the early stages and an overall 7-fold increase after 16 days. The protein content increased 3-fold over the same period, resulting in a doubling of the specific content of the cytochrome b. The newly synthesized cytochrome b was identified as that specifically located in the microbicidal oxidase electron-transport chain, as titration demonstrated that, at day 16 of maturation, 70% of the total membrane cytochrome b had a very low midpoint potential (-260 to -220 mV), characteristic of that found in this oxidase system. This cytochrome distributed with the plasma membrane on analytical subcellular fractionation, and a close relationship was observed between the maturation-induced increase in the concentration of this molecule and the capacity of the cells to produce superoxide.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b-245, the only clearly identified component of the microbicidal oxidase system of phagocytes, is a heterodimer consisting of a 23 kDa (alpha) and a 76-92 kDa (beta) subunit. This study was conducted to examine whether, in common with a number of proteins, the subunits of the cytochrome were phosphorylated upon activation of the oxidase. Both subunits were phosphorylated after activation of neutrophils or macrophages with phorbol myristate acetate or a phagocytic stimulus, although the time course of this process did not parallel that of the oxidase. Phosphorylation of these proteins was normal in cells from two patients with autosomal recessive chronic granulomatous disease, in whom phosphorylation of a 47 kDa protein is defective.  相似文献   

A cytochrome b with a midpoint oxidation-reduction potential of -245mV (cytochrome b-245) that is a major component of the microbicidal oxidase system of human neutrophil leucocytes has been identified in human eosinophils, monocytes and macrophages at concentrations similar to that found in human neutrophils. It was absent from a variety of other cells. This cytochrome is present in phagocytic leucocytes and probably plays an important part in the specialized activities of these cells.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b-562.5 (Ulva pertusa) was extracted from a green alga, U. pertusa, by homogenization of the thalli in phosphate buffer solution. Purification was carried out by acrinol treatment, ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatographies, and Sephadex gel filtration. Cytochrome b-562.5 has absorption maxima at 562.5 (alpha), 530.5 (beta), 429 (gamma), and 326 nm (delta) in the reduced form and at 537, 415 (gamma), and 275 nm in the oxidized form. The alpha-band of the reduced form is asymmetric with a shoulder at 560 nm, at liquid nitrogen temperature this band splits into two distinct peaks at 562 and 556.5 nm. The absorption maxima of the pyridine ferrohemochrome appear at 556 (alpha), 523 (beta), and 418 nm (gamma). The cytochrome does not combine with carbon monoxide or cyanide. The preparation of the cytochrome shows little peroxidase activity. The cytochrome is oxidized by ferricyanide and reduced by cysteine, ascorbate, and hydrosulfite. Autoxidation of the cytochrome was found to be very slow. The midpoint potential (Em) of the cytochrome was determined by equilibration with the ferro- and ferri-EDTA system to be +0.20 V at pH7.0. The molecular weight of the cytochrome was estimated by Sephadex gel filtration to be 23x10(3).  相似文献   

A soluble oxidase from phorbol-stimulated pig neutrophils contained FAD and cytochrome b-245. A typical preparation produced 13.03 mol of superoxide (O2-.) X S-1 X mol of cytochrome b-1 (348 nmol X min-1 X mg of protein-1). In the aerobic steady state, cytochrome b was 8.9% reduced. Steady-state cytochrome b reduction was absent from extracts of unstimulated cells; Km values for NADPH, for O2-. production and cytochrome b reduction were similar. The calculated aerobic rate of cytochrome b reduction was equal to the measured rate of O2-. production in a variety of preparations and in the presence of a range of inhibitors. Under anaerobic conditions the rate was slow: O2 is apparently required for rapid electron flow into the oxidase complex. Cytochrome b is shown to be kinetically competent to act as part of the O2-.-generating complex.  相似文献   

Room temperature, CO-difference spectra of intact rat polymorphonuclear leucocytes (neutrophils) revealed the presence of a number of CO-binding haemoproteins. Absorption maxima at 413, 540 and 570 nm were attributed to the CO-complex of cytochromeb-245 whereas an absorption maximum at 595 nm was assigned to the contribution from a myeloperoxidase complex, since an identical absorption maximum was observed in CO-difference spectra of purified myeloperoxidase in the presence of H2O2. Photochemical action spectra for the relief of CO-inhibited O2 uptake revealed contributions from both cytochromeb-245 and myeloperoxidase. The potential of these two O2- and CO-binding haemoproteins to function as oxidases during the respiratory burst is discussed.  相似文献   

Whether or not cytochrome b-559 is a necessary component of NADPH oxidase activity in neutrophils is still controversial. In highly purified plasma membranes isolated from resting neutrophils and lacking cytochrome b, addition of arachidonic acid induced an NADPH oxidase activity. This activity was similar to that of plasma membranes isolated from phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated cells which possessed cytochrome b. Addition of arachidonic acid to the latter plasma membranes did not alter the oxidase activity. It can be concluded that plasma membranes isolated from resting neutrophils have, in the presence of arachidonic acid, an NADPH oxidase activity similar to that of PMA-stimulated cells, except that it is independent of cytochrome b-559.  相似文献   

The human neutrophil respiratory burst, activated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), results from specific receptor-ligand binding and activation of the NADPH-oxidase in the plasma membrane. The role of granule membrane constituents has been elucidated with neutrophils disrupted by nitrogen cavitation and then fractionated in Percoll gradients to resolve four postnuclear fractions: cytoplasm, light membranes or gamma fraction (site of the NADPH-oxidase), a light granule (beta) fraction containing putative constituents of the NADPH-oxidase (cytochrome b-245 and an associated flavoprotein), and a fraction of heavy granules. Cytochrome b-245 is localized to two pools of specific granules within the beta fraction as assessed by differing sedimentation in narrow Percoll gradients and translocates upon PMA-stimulation from one of these specific granule sub-pools to the plasma membrane where it exhibits no change in its midpoint redox potential. Translocation of cytochrome b-245 parallels O2-production initiated by PMA stimulation as assessed in the time course of each activity. The finding of increased amounts of the b cytochrome in cytoplast membranes relative to plasma membranes of unstimulated cells suggests that the cytoplasts, devoid of granules yet capable of O2-generation upon PMA-stimulation, are useful in assessing post-translocation events in the activation pathway of the NADPH-oxidase. These data support the hypothesis that translocation of NADPH-oxidase components from an intracellular granular pool contributes to respiratory burst expression.  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of the alpha subunit (23-kDa protein) of human cytochrome b-245 was analyzed by Southern blot hybridization using DNA isolated from a panel of 12 independent human-rodent somatic cell hybrids. The results indicate that this protein is encoded at a single locus on chromosome 16.  相似文献   

A plasma membrane fraction prepared from human neutrophils had a fluorescence resembling that of a fluorescent flavoprotein, with emission maximum near 520nm and excitation maxima near 380 and 460nm. The fluorescence emission and excitation properties of Triton N-101-solubilized membrane fraction resembled those of FAD. FAD was present in the membranes at a concentration of 417pmol/mg of protein and cytochrome b−245 at a concentration of 407pmol/mg of protein. In a 110-fold purified preparation of cytochrome b−245 the ratio of FAD:cytochrome b was 1:1. Analytical gradient centrifugation of neutrophil homogenates shows a coincidence of two cytochrome b peaks and two peaks of fluorescence, corresponding with plasma membrane and specific granule fractions; most of the FAD was non-fluorescent and located in fractions lighter than the plasma membrane. Plasma membrane fractions prepared from neutrophils of patients suffering from the X-linked form of chronic granulomatous disease lacked cytochrome b and contained 194pmol of FAD/mg of protein; plasma membrane fractions prepared from neutrophils of patients with the autosomal recessive form of chronic granulomatous disease contained both cytochrome b−245 and FAD in the normal range of concentrations in a ratio of 1:1. Phagocytic vesicles were prepared from normal neutrophils and found to contain FAD and cytochrome b in a ratio 2.22:1, suggesting that activation of neutrophils many involve the incorporation of an additional flavin into the membrane. Under anaerobic conditions in the presence of EDTA to act as an electron donor to a flavin, the cytochrome b−245 of neutrophil membranes was partly (12%) photoreducible, an effect increased to 100% by the addition of FMN. The extent of reduction of cytochrome b in an anaerobic neutrophil homogenate containing NADH increased from 30% to 70% on illumination. We suggest that these results indicate a close association between FAD and cytochrome b−245 and support a scheme for electron transport thus: [Formula: see text]  相似文献   

A 110 fold purification of cytochrome b558 from resting bovine neutrophils has been achieved. The plasma membrane bound cytochrome b was extracted with aminoxide WS35, a non ionic detergent. The purification procedure included liquid column chromatography on CM-C50 Sephadex, chromatofocusing on the anion exchanger PBE94, and gel filtration on P30 Biogel. The purified preparation was characterized by an heme to protein (nmol/mg) ratio of 7.7. The isoelectric point of cytochrome b was at pH 6.5. Upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate three bands corresponding to apparent Mr 64,000, 56,000 and 20,000 were revealed by staining with Coomassie Blue.  相似文献   

A b-type cytochrome having an -band at 560 nm was isolated fromspinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea). A method is described forpreparing this cytochrome, cytochrome b-560 (spinach), in apurified state. The cytochrome has, in its reduced state, absorption bands at560 nm (), 530 nm (ß) and 427 nm (); and in the oxidizedstate at 562 nm (), 529 nm (ß) and 417 nm (). Thepyridine ferro-haemochrome prepared from cytochrome b-560 hadan -band at 556.5 nm, indicating the protohaem-nature of theprosthetic group. The cytochrome has an oxidation-reduction potential (E'0) of+0.13V at pH 7.0, as measured using the ferri-ferro oxalate system. The cytochrome is rapidly reduced on illumination with red orfar-red light in the presence of spinach chloroplasts and isoxidized at a slower rate in the dark. This photoreduction isinhibited by 1x10–6 M 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea(DCMU). The molecular weight of the cytochrome is 30,000 asestimated by the dextran gel filtration method. (Received December 3, 1971; )  相似文献   

The lipid composition and fluidity of basolateral membranes prepared from the mucosa of the proximal, middle and distal thirds of the rat small intestine were determined. Fluidity, as assessed by the fluorescence anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and a series of anthroyloxy fatty acid derivatives, is decreased in the distal third as compared to the proximal segments. This pattern is similar to that described previously for microvillus membranes. The decrease in fluidity of the distal as compared to the proximal membranes results from an increase in cholesterol content, cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio and degree of saturation of the fatty acid residues. In the middle and distal thirds of the gut, the degree of saturation of the fatty acid residues is higher in microvillus as compared to basolateral membranes, accounting in part for the characteristically lower fluidity of the luminal membranes. The specific activity of the basolateral membrane (Na+ + K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase is significantly lower in the distal as compared to the proximal and middle thirds of the intestinal mucosa. Studies of the binding of [3H]ouabain indicate that this pattern results from fewer enzyme sites in the distal membranes.  相似文献   

We have attempted to purify the heme moiety of cytochrome b558 from human neutrophils. Cytochrome b558 was solubilized from the crude membrane fraction which was pretreated with both 1 M potassium phosphate buffer and 1% octyl glucoside at low ionic strength. The solubilization of cytochrome b558 was carried out efficiently with 1.6% octyl glucoside in the presence of 100 mM phosphate buffer. Solubilized cytochrome b558 was purified by hydroxylapatite, DEAE-Sephacel, and Mono Q fast protein liquid chromatography. The specific content of purified cytochrome b558 was 37 nmol/mg of protein. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of purified cytochrome b558 revealed a single band of 20,000 Da. The large subunit of cytochrome b558, which has been reported by others, could not be found in purified cytochrome b558 even with silver staining. The amino acid composition of the heme-containing moiety of cytochrome b558 was abundant in hydrophobic amino acids. The circular dichroism spectra of both oxidized and reduced b558-type cytochromes exhibited bilobed bands with wavelengths of crossover points closely corresponding to those of the maxima in the optical absorbance spectra at the Soret region. Furthermore, there were some differences in the shoulders and peak widths of CD spectra between oxidized and reduced b558-type cytochromes. These results indicate that this method provides the purification of the small subunit of human cytochrome b558 which is the heme-carrying subunit of cytochrome b558, and suggest that cytochrome b558 has heme-heme interaction and some conformational changes in the alternation of the redox state.  相似文献   

EBV-transformed B lymphocyte cell lines can generate superoxide, using an electron transport chain homologous, or even identical, to phagocytic NADPH-oxidase. We searched for normal, not virally transformed, B lymphocytes with analogous properties, using tonsils as the source of B cells. Unseparated tonsillar leukocytes contained cells capable of PMA-triggered superoxide dismutase-inhibitable reduction of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT+ cells) well in excess of phagocytes (18.9 +/- 6.4% NBT+ cells with 1.3 +/- 0.9% granulocytes and 1.9 +/- 2.3% monocytes/macrophages, n = 8). NBT reduction was also inhibited by diphenylene iodonium, a selective inhibitor of phagocytic NADPH-oxidase. Cross-linking of surface Ig was equally effective as PMA in inducing NBT reduction among tonsillar leukocytes. NBT+ cells co-distributed with B cells on Percoll density gradients and were enriched among purified B cells obtained by SRBC rosetting twice and Sephadex G10 adherence (47.8 +/- 15.2% NBT+ cells among 90.5 +/- 5.5% B cells, 4.8 +/- 5.1% T cells, 1.2 +/- 0.77% monocytes/macrophages, and 0.73 +/- 0.6% granulocytes, n = 10). Further, mAb 7D5, directed against an extracellularly located epitope of the small subunit of cytochrome b-245 of phagocytes, stained the majority of tonsillar B cells (85 +/- 9.2% 7D5+ cells and 91.6 +/- 4.04% B cells, n = 3). Superoxide production, staining with 7D5 antibody, and expression of mRNA for the beta chain of cytochrome b-245 were further analyzed in cell lines. The EBV-BLCL F1 and the Burkitt lymphoma P3HR-1 both carried 7D5-detectable cytochrome b-245 Ag and expressed mRNA for the beta chain of the cytochrome b, both in similar amounts. However, only F1, not P3HR-1, was capable of PMA-triggered superoxide production. These data indicate that also normal nontransformed B lymphocytes possess the capacity to generate superoxide by a system apparently similar to phagocytic NADPH-oxidase, provisionally termed "B cell oxidase." Discrepancies observed in certain B cells and lines between expression of cytochrome b components and stimulus-induced superoxide production may be related to an absence or low level of other oxidase components or of the signal transduction mechanism. Conceivably, production of superoxide and derived reactive oxygen species by B cells may have cytotoxic, immunomodulatory, or mutagenic effects on the B cells themselves or on cells in their immediate vicinity.  相似文献   

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