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Latent transforming growth factor-beta-1 binding protein-2 (LTBP-2) is a protein of poorly understood function associated with fibrillin-1-containing microfibrils during elastinogenesis. In this study we investigated the molecular interactions of LTBP-2 with heparin and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) since unidentified cell surface HSPGs are critical for normal fiber assembly. In solid phase assays, heparin conjugated to albumin (HAC) bound strongly to recombinant full-length human LTBP-2. This interaction was completely blocked by addition of excess heparin, but not chondroitin sulfate, confirming specificity. Analysis of binding to LTBP-2 fragments showed that HAC bound strongly to N-terminal fragment LTBP-2 NT(H) and more weakly to central fragment LTBP-2 C(H). No binding was detected to C-terminal fragment LTBP-2 CT(H). Kds for heparin binding were calculated for full-length LTBP-2, LTBP-2 NT(H) and LTBP-2 C(H) as 0.9 nM, 0.7 nM and 80 nM respectively. HAC interaction with fragment LTBP-2 NT(H) was not sensitive to EDTA or EGTA indicating that binding had no requirement for Ca2+ ions whereas HAC binding to fragment LTBP-2 C(H) was markedly reduced by these chelating agents indicating a degree of Ca2+ dependence. Inhibition studies with synthetic peptides identified three major heparin binding sequences in fragment LTBP-2 NT(H), including sequence LTEKIKKIKIV in the first large cysteine-free domain of LTBP-2, adjacent to the previously identified fibulin-5 binding site. LTBP-2 was found to interact strongly in a heparin-inhibitable manner with cell surface HSPG syndecan-4, but showed no interaction with recombinant syndecan-2. LTBP-2 also showed strong interaction with the heparan sulfate chains of basement membrane HSPG, perlecan. The potential importance of HSPG–LTBP-2 interactions in elastic fiber assembly and microfibril attachment to basement membranes is discussed.  相似文献   

The periodic association of MAP2 with brain microtubules in vitro   总被引:31,自引:41,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
Several high molecular weight polypeptides have been shown to quantitatively copurify with brain tubulin during cycles of in vitro assembly-disassembly. These microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) have been shown to influence the rate and extent of microtubule assembly in vitro. We report here that a heat-stable fraction highly enriched for one of the MAPs, MAP2 (mol wt approximately 300,000 daltons), devoid of MAP1 (mol wt approximately 350,000 daltons), has been purified from calf neurotubules. This MAP2 fraction stoichiometrically promotes microtubule assembly, lowering the critical concentration for tubulin assembly to 0.05 mg/ml. Microtubules saturated with MAP2 contain MAP2 and tubulin in a molar ratio of approximately 1 mole of MAP2 to 9 moles of tubulin dimer. Electron microscopy of thin sections of the MAP2-saturated microtubules fixed in the presence of tannic acid demonstrates a striking axial periodicity of 32 +/- 8 nm.  相似文献   

Invasive Staphylococcus aureus infection frequently involves bacterial seeding from the bloodstream to other body tissues, a process necessarily involving interactions between circulating bacteria and vascular endothelial cells. Staphylococcus aureus fibronectin‐binding protein is central to the invasion of endothelium, fibronectin forming a bridge between bacterial fibronectin‐binding proteins and host cell receptors. To dissect further the mechanisms of invasion of endothelial cells by S. aureus, a series of truncated FnBPA proteins that lacked one or more of the A, B, C or D regions were expressed on the surface of S. aureus and tested in fibronectin adhesion, endothelial cell adhesion and invasion assays. We found that this protein has multiple, substituting, fibronectin‐binding regions, each capable of conferring both adherence to fibronectin and endothelial cells, and endothelial cell invasion. By expressing S. aureus FnBPA on the surface of the non‐invasive Gram‐positive organism Lactococcus lactis, we have found that no other bacterial factor is required for invasion. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that, as with other cell types, invasion of endothelial cells is mediated by integrin α5β1. These findings may be of relevance to the development of preventive measures against systemic infection, and bacterial spread in the bacteraemic patient.  相似文献   

Analysis of plasmin-alpha 2-macroglobulin interactions by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that both the light and heavy chains of the proteinase have covalent links with the inhibitor. This covalent binding occurs with a 95 +/- 5% yield and can be abolished in the presence of hydroxylamine without modification of the plasmin-alpha 2-macroglobulin stoichiometry, the extent of the 180-kDa peptide chain cleavage and the generation of the -SH groups. However, these two different binding modes greatly influence the enzymatic properties of the proteinase as well as the occupancy by an other proteinase molecule of the free binding site of the (1:1) plasmin-alpha 2-macroglobulin complex. Non-covalently bound plasmin is more active on synthetic substrates and interacts more tightly with the basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor than the covalently bound enzyme. Furthermore, the former complex incorporates significantly more chymotrypsin than the latter. The incorporation of chymotrypsin influences the catalytic properties of plasmin within the ternary complex.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors initiate inflammatory responses following the recognition of a wide repertoire of pathogens including bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. They are composed of an extracellular leucine-rich repeat domain responsible for detecting pathogen-associated molecular patterns, a membrane spanning region and an intracellular Toll/Interleukin 1 receptor domain which invokes signal transduction. Toll-like receptor 2 is the most diverse of these receptors as it recognises infectious agents from a range of pathogenic groups. Over 1400 breeds of sheep exist worldwide that inhabit a diverse range of environments, which leads to the potential contact with a wide variety of pathogens likely detected by Toll-like receptor 2. In this study, we evaluated the extent of both long term evolutionary changes, across the mammalian phylogeny of the TLR2 gene, and recent divergence of this same gene in sheep breeds. Evolutionary analyses identified positive selective pressure across the mammalian phylogeny, and differential selection pressure within the artiodactyl and primate lineage. Finally, we identified localised positively-selected sites within two regions of the extracellular domain which suggest that multiple binding regions in TLR2 may be involved in pathogen detection. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that competition between host and pathogen is driving adaptation of Toll-like receptor 2 genes.  相似文献   

Comparative immunolocalisations of latent transforming growth factor-beta-1 binding protein (LTBP)-2, fibrillin-1, versican and perlecan were undertaken in foetal human and wild type C57BL/6 mouse and Hspg2 exon 3 null HS deficient mouse intervertebral discs (IVDs). LTBP-2 was a prominent pericellular component of annular fibrochondrocytes in the posterior annulus fibrosus (AF), interstitial matrix adjacent to nucleus pulposus (NP) cells and to fibrillar and cell associated material in the anterior AF of the human foetal IVD and also displayed a pericellular localisation pattern in murine IVDs. Perlecan and LTBP-2 displayed strong pericellular colocalisation patterns in the posterior AF and to fibrillar material in the outer anterior AF in the foetal human IVD. Versican was a prominent fibril-associated component in the posterior and anterior AF, localised in close proximity to fibrillin-1 in fibrillar arrangements in the cartilaginous vertebral rudiments around paraspinal blood vessels, to major collagen fibre bundles in the anterior and posterior AF and shorter fibres in the NP. Fibrillin-1 was prominent in the outer anterior AF of the human foetal IVD and in fibres extending from the AF into the cartilaginous vertebral rudiments. LTBP-2 was prominently associated with annular fibrils containing fibrillin-1, versican was localised in close proximity to these but not specifically with LTBP-2. The similar deposition levels of LTBP-2 observed in the AF of the Hspg2 exon 3 null and wild type murine IVDs indicated that perlecan HS was not essential for LTBP-2 deposition but colocalisation of LTBP-2 with perlecan in the foetal human IVD was consistent with HS mediated interactions which have already been demonstrated in-vitro.  相似文献   

Elastic fibers are composed of the protein elastin and a network of 10-12 nm microfibrils. The microfibrillar proteins include, among others, the fibrillins and microfibril-associated glycoproteins-1 and -2 (MAGP-1 and MAGP-2). Little is known about how microfibrillar proteins interact to support fiber assembly. We used the C-terminal half of MAGP-2 in a yeast two-hybrid library screen to identify relevant ligands. Six of 13 positive clones encoded known microfibrillar proteins, including fibrillin-1 and -2. Deletion analysis of partial fibrillin-1 and -2 clones revealed a calcium-binding epidermal growth factor repeat-containing region near the C terminus responsible for binding. This region is distinct from the region of fibrillin-1 reported by others to bind MAGP-1. The MAGP-2 bait was unable to interact productively with other epidermal growth factor repeats in fibrillin-1, demonstrating specificity of the interaction. Deletion analysis of the MAGP-2 bait demonstrated that binding occurred in a core region containing 48% identity and 7 conserved cysteine residues with MAGP-1. Immunoprecipitation of MAGP-2 from transfected COS-7 cells resulted in the coprecipitation of fibrillin. These results demonstrate that MAGP-2 specifically interacts with fibrillin-1 and -2 and suggest that MAGP-2 may help regulate microfibrillar assembly. The results also demonstrate the utility of the yeast two-hybrid system to study protein-protein interactions of the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Defining how the molecular constituents of the tight junction interact is a prerequisite to understanding tight junction physiology. We utilized in vitro binding assays with purified recombinant proteins and immunoprecipitation analyses to define interactions between ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3, occludin, and the actin cytoskeleton. Actin cosedimentation studies showed that ZO-2, ZO-3, and occludin all interact directly with F-actin in vitro, indicating that actin is engaged in multiple interactions at the tight junction. Low speed sedimentation analyses demonstrated that neither ZO-2, ZO-3, nor occludin act as F-actin cross-linking proteins, and further evidence indicates that these proteins do not bind to actin filament ends. The binding interactions of ZO-2, ZO-3, and occludin were corroborated in vivo by immunofluorescence colocalization experiments which showed that all three proteins colocalized with actin aggregates at cell borders in cytochalasin D-treated Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Exploration of other tight junction protein interactions demonstrated that ZO-2 binds directly to both ZO-1 and occludin. Contrary to previous beliefs, our immunoprecipitation results indicate that ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3 exist in situ primarily as independent ZO-1.ZO-2 and ZO-1.ZO-3 complexes rather than a trimeric ZO-1.ZO-2.ZO-3 grouping. These studies elucidate direct binding interactions among tight junction-associated proteins, giving insight into their organization as a multimolecular structure.  相似文献   

Formins are conserved proteins that assemble unbranched actin filaments in a regulated, localized manner. Budding yeast's two formins, Bni1p and Bnr1p, assemble actin cables necessary for polarized cell growth and organelle segregation. Here we define four regions in Bni1p that contribute to its localization to the bud and at the bud neck. The first (residues 1-333) requires dimerization for its localization and encompasses the Rho-binding domain. The second (residues 334-821) covers the Diaphanous inhibitory-dimerization-coiled coil domains, and the third is the Spa2p-binding domain. The fourth region encompasses the formin homology 1-formin homology 2-COOH region of the protein. These four regions can each localize to the bud cortex and bud neck at the right stage of the cell cycle independent of both F-actin and endogenous Bni1p. The first three regions contribute cumulatively to the proper localization of Bni1p, as revealed by the effects of progressive loss of these regions on the actin cytoskeleton and fidelity of spindle orientation. The fourth region contributes to the localization of Bni1p in tiny budded cells. Expression of mislocalized Bni1p constructs has a dominant-negative effect on both growth and nuclear segregation due to mislocalized actin assembly. These results define an unexpected complexity in the mechanism of formin localization and function.  相似文献   

Protein binding regions in the mouse and rat protamine-2 genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) are prevalent in the eukaryotic proteome. Common functional roles of IDRs include forming flexible linkers or undergoing allosteric folding-upon-binding. Recent studies have suggested an additional functional role for IDRs: generating steric pressure on the plasma membrane during endocytosis, via molecular crowding. However, in order to accomplish useful functions, such crowding needs to be regulated in space (e.g., endocytic hotspots) and time (e.g., during vesicle formation). In this work, we explore binding-induced regulation of IDR steric volume. We simulate the IDRs of two proteins from Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) to see if their conformational spaces are regulated via binding-induced expansion. Using Monte-Carlo computational modeling of excluded volumes, we generate large conformational ensembles (3 million) for the IDRs of Epsin and Eps15 and dock the conformers to the alpha subunit of Adaptor Protein 2 (AP2α), their CME binding partner. Our results show that as more molecules of AP2α are bound, the Epsin-derived ensemble shows a significant increase in global dimensions, measured as the radius of Gyration (RG) and the end-to-end distance (EED). Unlike Epsin, Eps15-derived conformers that permit AP2α binding at one motif were found to be more likely to accommodate binding of AP2α at other motifs, suggesting a tendency toward co-accessibility of binding motifs. Co-accessibility was not observed for any pair of binding motifs in Epsin. Thus, we speculate that the disordered regions of Epsin and Eps15 perform different roles during CME, with accessibility in Eps15 allowing it to act as a recruiter of AP2α molecules, while binding-induced expansion of the Epsin disordered region could impose steric pressure and remodel the plasma membrane during vesicle formation.  相似文献   

Antala S  Dempski RE 《Biochemistry》2012,51(5):963-973
Zinc is the second most abundant transition metal in the body. Despite the fact that hundreds of biomolecules require zinc for proper function and/or structure, the mechanism of zinc transport into cells is not well-understood. The ZIP (Zrt- and Irt-like proteins; SLC39A) family of proteins acts to increase cytosolic concentrations of zinc. Mutations in one member of the ZIP family of proteins, the human ZIP4 (hZIP4; SLC39A4) protein, can result in the disease acrodermatitis enteropathica (AE). AE is characterized by growth retardation and diarrhea, as well as behavioral and neurological disturbances. While the cellular distribution of hZIP4 protein expression has been elucidated, the cation specificity, kinetic parameters of zinc transport, and residues involved in cation translocation are unresolved questions. Therefore, we have established a high signal-to-noise zinc uptake assay following heterologous expression of hZIP4 in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The results from our experiments have demonstrated that zinc, copper(II), and nickel can be transported by hZIP4 when the cation concentration is in the micromolar range. We have also identified a nanomolar binding affinity where copper(II) and zinc can be transported. In contrast, under these conditions, nickel can bind but is not transported by hZIP4. Finally, labeling of hZIP4 with maleimide or diethylpyrocarbonate indicates that extracellularly accessible histidine, but not cysteine, residues are required, either directly or indirectly, for cation uptake. The results of our experiments identify at least two coordination sites for divalent cations and provide a new framework for investigating the ZIP family of proteins.  相似文献   

The Tim8-Tim13 complex, located in the mitochondrial intermembrane space, functions in the TIM22 import pathway that mediates the import of the mitochondrial carriers Tim23, Tim22, and Tim17 into the mitochondrial inner membrane. The Tim8-Tim13 complex assembles as a hexamer and binds to the substrate Tim23 to chaperone the hydrophobic Tim23 across the aqueous intermembrane space. However, both structural features of the Tim8-Tim13 complex and the binding interaction to Tim23 remain poorly defined. The crystal structure of the yeast Tim8-Tim13 complex, reported here at 2.6 Å resolution, reveals that the architecture of the Tim8-Tim13 complex is similar to those of other chaperones such as Tim9-Tim10, prefoldin, and Skp, in which long helices extend from a central body like tentacles from a jellyfish. Surface plasmon resonance was applied to investigate interactions between the Tim8-Tim13 complex and Tim23. The Tim8-Tim13 complex contained approximately six binding sites and showed a complex binding interaction indicative of positive cooperativity rather than a simple bimolecular interaction. By combining results from the structural and binding studies, we provide a molecular model of the Tim8-Tim13 complex binding to Tim23. The regions where the tentacle helices attach to the body of the Tim8-Tim13 complex contain six hydrophobic pockets that likely interact with specific sequences of Tim23 and possibly other substrates. Smaller hydrophobic patches on the tentacles themselves likely interact nonspecifically with the substrate's transmembrane helices, shielding it from the aqueous intermembrane space. The central region of Tim23, which enters the intermembrane space first, may serve to nucleate the binding of the Tim8-Tim13 complex, thereby initiating the chaperoned translocation of Tim23 to the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

We have previously described the isolation and characterization of genomic clones corresponding to the mouse alpha 1-antitrypsin gene (Krauter et al., DNA 5:29-36, 1986). In this report, we have analyzed the DNA sequences upstream of the RNA start site that direct hepatoma cell-specific expression of this gene when incorporated into recombinant plasmids. The 160 nucleotides 5' to the cap site direct low-level expression in hepatoma cells, and sequences between -520 and -160 bp upstream of the RNA start site functioned as a cell-specific enhancer of expression both with the alpha 1-antitrypsin promoter and when combined with a functional beta-globin promoter. Within the enhancer region, three binding sites for proteins present in hepatoma nuclear extracts were identified. The location of each site was positioned, using both methylation protection and methylation interference experiments. Each protein-binding site correlated with a functionally important region necessary for full enhancer activity. These experiments demonstrated a complex arrangement of regulatory elements comprising the alpha 1-antitrypsin enhancer. Significant qualitative differences exist between the findings presented here and the cis-acting elements operative in regulating expression of the human alpha 1-antitrypsin gene (Ciliberto et al., Cell 41:531-540, 1985; De Simone et al., EMBO J. 6:2759-2766, 1987).  相似文献   

Biological membranes are notoriously resistant to structural analysis. Excellent candidates to tackle this problem in situ are membrane-containing viruses where the membrane is constrained by an icosahedral capsid. Cryo-EM and image reconstruction of bacteriophage PM2 revealed a membrane bilayer following the internal surface of the capsid. The viral genome closely interacts with the inner leaflet. The capsid, at a resolution of 8.4 A, reveals 200 trimeric capsomers with a pseudo T = 21 dextro organization. Pentameric receptor-binding spikes protrude from the surface. It is evident from the structure that the PM2 membrane has at least two important roles in the life cycle. First, it acts as a scaffold to nucleate capsid assembly. Second, after host recognition, it fuses with the host outer membrane to promote genome entry. The structure also sheds light on how the viral supercoiled circular double-stranded DNA genome might be packaged and released.  相似文献   

The cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor in purified plasma membranes prepared from mouse pancreatic acini had a binding affinity of 1.8 nM, an acid pH optimum between 6.0 and 6.5, and an analog specificity of CCK8 greater than CCK33 greater than desulphated CCK8 greater than CCK4. Binding of CCK to its receptor was abolished by pretreatment of plasma membranes with trypsin. When [125I]CCK was cross-linked to its receptors with disuccinimidyl suberate, and the preparation solubilized and subjected to gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, the hormone was associated with Mr 80 000 protein in both the presence and absence of the reducing agent dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

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