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The helicase and RNaseD C-terminal (HRDC) domain, conserved among members of the RecQ helicase family, regulates helicase activity by virtue of variations in its surface residues. The HRDC domain of Bloom syndrome protein (BLM) is known as a critical determinant of the dissolution function of double Holliday junctions by the BLM–Topoisomerase IIIα complex. In this study, we determined the solution structure of the human BLM HRDC domain and characterized its DNA-binding activity. The BLM HRDC domain consists of five α-helices with a hydrophobic 310-helical loop between helices 1 and 2 and an extended acidic surface comprising residues in helices 3–5. The BLM HRDC domain preferentially binds to ssDNA, though with a markedly low binding affinity (Kd ∼100 μM). NMR chemical shift perturbation studies suggested that the critical DNA-binding residues of the BLM HRDC domain are located in the hydrophobic loop and the N-terminus of helix 2. Interestingly, the isolated BLM HRDC domain had quite different DNA-binding modes between ssDNA and Holliday junctions in electrophoretic mobility shift assay experiments. Based on its surface charge separation and DNA-binding properties, we suggest that the HRDC domain of BLM may be adapted for a unique function among RecQ helicases—that of bridging protein and DNA interactions.  相似文献   

The multisubunit elongation factor 1 (eEF1) is required for the elongation step of eukaryotic protein synthesis. The eEF1 complex consists of four subunits: eEF1A, a G-protein that shuttles aminoacylated tRNAs to the ribosome; eEF1Balpha and eEF1Bbeta, two guanine nucleotide exchange factors, and eEF1Bgamma. Although its exact function remains unknown, this latter subunit is present in all eukaryotes. Recombinant human eEF1Bgamma has been purified and shown to consist of two independent domains. We have utilized high resolution NMR to determine the three-dimensional structure of the 19 kDa C-terminal fragment (domain 2). The structure consists of a five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet surrounded by alpha-helices and resembles a contact lens. Highly conserved residues are mainly located on the concave face, suggesting thereby that this side of the molecule might be involved in some biologically relevant interface(s). Although the isolated domain 2 appears to be mostly monomeric in solution, biochemical and structural data indicate a potential homodimer. The proposed dimer model can be further positioned within the quaternary arrangement of the whole eEF1 assembly.  相似文献   

Peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) are pattern recognition receptors of the innate immune system that bind, and in some cases hydrolyze, peptidoglycans (PGNs) on bacterial cell walls. These molecules, which are highly conserved from insects to mammals, participate in host defense against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. We report the crystal structure of the C-terminal PGN-binding domain of human PGRP-Ialpha in two oligomeric states, monomer and dimer, to resolutions of 2.80 and 1.65 A, respectively. In contrast to PGRPs with PGN-lytic amidase activity, no zinc ion is present in the PGN-binding site of human PGRP-Ialpha. The structure reveals that PGRPs exhibit extensive topological variability in a large hydrophobic groove, located opposite the PGN-binding site, which may recognize host effector proteins or microbial ligands other than PGN. We also show that full-length PGRP-Ialpha comprises two tandem PGN-binding domains. These domains differ at most potential PGN-contacting positions, implying different fine specificities. Dimerization of PGRP-Ialpha, which occurs through three-dimensional domain swapping, is mediated by specific binding of sodium ions to a flexible hinge loop, stabilizing the conformation found in the dimer. We further demonstrate sodium-dependent dimerization of PGRP-Ialpha in solution, suggesting a possible mechanism for modulating PGRP activity through the formation of multivalent adducts.  相似文献   



Bloom syndrome is a rare cancer-prone disorder in which the cells of affected persons have a high frequency of somatic mutation and genomic instability. Bloom syndrome cells have a distinctive high frequency of sister chromatid exchange and quadriradial formation. BLM, the protein altered in BS, is a member of the RecQ DNA helicase family, whose members share an average of 40% identity in the helicase domain and have divergent N-terminal and C-terminal flanking regions of variable lengths. The BLM DNA helicase has been shown to localize to the ND10 (nuclear domain 10) or PML (promyelocytic leukemia) nuclear bodies, where it associates with TOPIIIα, and to the nucleolus.  相似文献   

The microtubule regulatory protein colonic and hepatic tumor overexpressed gene (chTOG), also known as cytoskeleleton associated protein 5 (CKAP5) plays an important role in organizing the cytoskeleton and in particular in the assembly of k-fibres in mitosis. Recently, we dissected the hitherto poorly understood C-terminus of this protein by discovering two new domains—a cryptic TOG domain (TOG6) and a smaller, helical domain at the very C-terminus. It was shown that the C-terminal domain is important for the interaction with the TACC domain in TACC3 during the assembly of k-fibres in a ternary complex that also includes clathrin. Here we now present the solution NMR assignment of the chTOG C-terminal domain which confirms our earlier prediction that it is mainly made of α-helices. However, the appearance of the 1H–15N HSQC spectrum is indicative of the presence of a considerable amount of unstructured and possibly flexible portions of protein in the domain.  相似文献   

The solution structure, thermodynamic stability and hydrodynamic properties of the 55-residue C-terminal domain of UvrB that interacts with UvrC during excision repair in E. coli have been determined using a combination of high resolution NMR, ultracentrifugation, 15N NMR relaxation, gel permeation, NMR diffusion, circular dichroism and differential scanning calorimetry. The subunit molecular weight is 7,438 kDa., compared with 14.5+/-1.0 kDa. determined by equilibrium sedimentation, indicating a dimeric structure. The structure determined from NMR showed a stable dimer of anti-parallel helical hairpins that associate in an unusual manner, with a small and hydrophobic interface. The Stokes radius of the protein decreases from a high plateau value (ca. 22 A) at protein concentrations greater than 4 microM to about 18 A at concentrations less than 0.1 microM. The concentration and temperature-dependence of the far UV circular dichroism show that the protein is thermally stable (Tm ca. 71.5 degrees C at 36 microM). The simplest model consistent with these data was a dimer dissociating into folded monomers that then unfolds co-operatively. The van't Hoff enthalpy and dissociation constant for both transition was derived by fitting, with deltaH1=23 kJ mol(-1). K1(298)=0.4 microM and deltaH2= 184 kJ mol(-1). This is in good agreement with direct calorimetric analysis of the thermal unfolding of the protein, which gave a calorimetric enthalpy change of 181 kJ mol(-1) and a van't Hoff enthalpy change of 354 kJ mol(-1), confirming the dimer to monomer unfolding. The thermodynamic data can be reconciled with the observed mode of dimerisation. 15N NMR relaxation measurements at 14.1 T and 11.75 T confirmed that the protein behaves as an asymmetric dimer at mM concentrations, with a flexible N-terminal linker for attachment to the remainder of the UvrB protein. The role of dimerisation of this domain in the excision repair mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of At3g04780.1-des15, an Arabidopsis thaliana ortholog of the C-terminal domain of human thioredoxin-like protein, was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The structure is dominated by a beta-barrel sandwich. A two-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet, which seals off one end of the beta-barrel, is flanked by two flexible loops rich in acidic amino acids. Although this fold often provides a ligand binding site, the structure did not reveal an appreciable cavity inside the beta-barrel. The three-dimensional structure of At3g04780.1-des15 provides an entry point for understanding its functional role and those of its mammalian homologs.  相似文献   

RecQ helicases are critical for maintaining genome integrity in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans by participating in a complex network of DNA metabolic pathways. Their diverse cellular functions require specialization and coordination of multiple protein domains that integrate catalytic functions with DNA–protein and protein–protein interactions. The RecQ helicase from Deinococcus radiodurans (DrRecQ) is unusual among RecQ family members in that it has evolved to utilize three ‘Helicase and RNaseD C-terminal’ (HRDC) domains to regulate its activity. In this report, we describe the high-resolution structure of the C-terminal-most HRDC domain of DrRecQ. The structure reveals unusual electrostatic surface features that distinguish it from other HRDC domains. Mutation of individual residues in these regions affects the DNA binding affinity of DrRecQ and its ability to unwind a partial duplex DNA substrate. Taken together, the results suggest the unusual electrostatic surface features of the DrRecQ HRDC domain may be important for inter-domain interactions that regulate structure-specific DNA binding and help direct DrRecQ to specific recombination/repair sites.  相似文献   

PABC is a phylogenetically conserved peptide-binding domain primarily found within the C terminus of poly(A)-binding proteins (PABPs). This domain recruits a series of translation factors including poly(A)-interacting proteins (Paip1 and Paip2) and release factor 3 (RF3/GSPT) to the initiation complex on mRNA. Here, we determine the solution structure of the Trypanosoma cruzi PABC domain (TcPABC), a representative of the vegetal class of PABP proteins. TcPABC is similar to human PABC (hPABC) and consists of five alpha-helices, in contrast to the four helices observed in PABC domains from yeast (yPABC) and hyper plastic disk proteins (hHYD). A mobile N-terminal helix is observed in TcPABC that does not pack against the core of the protein, as found in hPABC. Characteristic to all PABC domains, the last four helices of TcPABC fold into a right-handed super coil. TcPABC demonstrates high-affinity binding to PABP interacting motif-2 (PAM-2) and reveals a peptide-binding surface homologous to that of hPABC. Our results demonstrate the last four helices in TcPABC are sufficient for peptide recognition and we predict a similar binding mode in PABC domains. Furthermore, these results point to the presence of putative PAM-2 site-containing proteins in trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Solution structures of a 23 residue glycopeptide II (KIS* RFLLYMKNLLNRIIDDMVEQ, where * denotes the glycan Gal-beta-(1-3)-alpha-GalNAc) and its deglycosylated counterpart I derived from the C-terminal leucine zipper domain of low molecular weight human salivary mucin (MUC7) were studied using CD, NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. The peptide I was synthesized using the Fmoc chemistry following the conventional procedure and the glycopeptide II was synthesized incorporating the O-glycosylated building block (Nalpha-Fmoc-Ser-[Ac4-beta-D-Gal-(1,3)-Ac2-alpha-D-GalN3+ ++]-OPfp) at the appropriate position in stepwise assembly of peptide chain. Solution structures of these glycosylated and nonglycosylated peptides were studied in water and in the presence of 50% of an organic cosolvent, trifluoroethanol (TFE) using circular dichroism (CD), and in 50% TFE using two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance (2D 1H NMR) spectroscopy. CD spectra in aqueous medium indicate that the apopeptide I adapts, mostly, a beta-sheet conformation whereas the glycopeptide II assumes helical structure. This transition in the secondary structure, upon glycosylation, demonstrates that the carbohydrate moiety exerts significant effect on the peptide backbone conformation. However, in 50% TFE both the peptides show pronounced helical structure. Sequential and medium range NOEs, CalphaH chemical shift perturbations, 3JNH:CalphaH couplings and deuterium exchange rates of the amide proton resonances in water containing 50% TFE indicate that the peptide I adapts alpha-helical structure from Ile2-Val21 and the glycopeptide II adapts alpha-helical structure from Ser3-Glu22. The observation of continuous stretch of helix in both the peptides as observed by both NMR and CD spectroscopy strongly suggests that the C-terminal domain of MUC7 with heptad repeats of leucines or methionine residues may be stabilized by dimeric leucine zipper motif. The results reported herein may be invaluable in understanding the aggregation (or dimerization) of MUC7 glycoprotein which would eventually have implications in determining its structure-function relationship.  相似文献   

Crk-II is a signaling adaptor protein that is involved in many cellular processes including apoptosis, proliferation, and differentiation. It has a modular domain architecture consisting of an Src homology 2 domain (SH2) followed by two Src homology 3 (SH3) domains. The structures and ligand-binding properties of the SH2 and the middle SH3 domains are well-characterized. Several studies suggest that the C-terminal SH3 domain plays an important regulatory role in the protein; however, no structural information is available on this domain, and relatively little is known about its binding partners. In the current work, we have solved the solution NMR structure of the C-terminal SH3 domain. The domain adopts the standard SH3 fold comprising a five-stranded beta barrel. In agreement with alignment and modeling studies, the structure indicates that the canonical-binding surface of the SH3 domain is unusually polar and suggests that this domain may not bind typical PXXP ligands or that it may bind them with reduced affinity. Thermodynamic and kinetic studies show that the domain folds in a reversible two-state manner and that the stability of the fold is similar to that observed for other SH3 domains. These studies offer some insight into the likely structural and thermodynamic consequences of point mutations in the cSH3 domain that are known to deregulate Crk-II function. Our results set the stage for a better understanding the role of the cSH3 domain in the context of the full-length protein.  相似文献   

KaiA, KaiB and KaiC constitute the circadian clock machinery in cyanobacteria, and KaiA activates kaiBC expression whereas KaiC represses it. Here we show that KaiA is composed of three functional domains, the N-terminal amplitude-amplifier domain, the central period-adjuster domain and the C-terminal clock-oscillator domain. The C-terminal domain is responsible for dimer formation, binding to KaiC, enhancing KaiC phosphorylation and generating the circadian oscillations. The X-ray crystal structure at a resolution of 1.8 A of the C-terminal clock-oscillator domain of KaiA from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus BP-1 shows that residue His270, located at the center of a KaiA dimer concavity, is essential to KaiA function. KaiA binding to KaiC probably occurs via the concave surface. On the basis of the structure, we predict the structural roles of the residues that affect circadian oscillations.  相似文献   

Bacteria respond to increasing medium osmolality by accumulating organic solutes that are compatible with cellular functions. Transporter ProP of Escherichia coli, a proton symporter and a member of the major facilitator superfamily, senses osmotic shifts and responds by importing osmolytes such as glycine betaine. ProP contains a cytoplasmic, C-terminal extension that is essential for its activity. A peptide corresponding to the C-terminal extension of ProP forms a homodimeric alpha-helical coiled-coil even though some of its heptad a positions are not occupied by hydrophobic amino acid residues. Unexpectedly, amino acid replacement R488I, occurring at a heptad a position, destabilized the coiled-coil formed by the ProP peptide and attenuated the response of the intact transporter to osmotic upshifts in vivo. Thus, ProP was proposed to dimerize via an antiparallel coiled-coil. We used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the structure of the synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 468-497 of ProP. This region did form an antiparallel coil-coil in which critical residue R488 specifies the antiparallel coiled-coil orientation by forming stabilizing salt-bridges. Charged residues (both acidic and basic) are clustered on the c/g surface of the coiled-coil whereas polar residues are distributed on the b/e surface. This causes the structure to be bent, in contrast to other known antiparallel coiled-coils (those from the hepatitis delta antigen (PDB ID code 1A92) and the bovine F(1) ATPase inhibitor protein (PDB ID code 1HF9)). The coiled-coil and its possible importance for osmosensing are discussed.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring mutations in the human RECQ3 gene result in truncated Werner protein (WRN) and manifest as a rare premature aging disorder, Werner syndrome. Cellular and biochemical studies suggest a multifaceted role of WRN in DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination, and telomere maintenance. The RecQ C-terminal (RQC) domain of WRN was determined previously to be the major site of interaction for DNA and proteins. By using site-directed mutagenesis in the WRN RQC domain, we determined which amino acids might be playing a critical role in WRN function. A site-directed mutation at Lys-1016 significantly decreased WRN binding to fork or bubble DNA substrates. Moreover, the Lys-1016 mutation markedly reduced WRN helicase activity on fork, D-loop, and Holliday junction substrates in addition to reducing significantly the ability of WRN to stimulate FEN-1 incision activities. Thus, DNA binding mediated by the RQC domain is crucial for WRN helicase and its coordinated functions. Our nuclear magnetic resonance data on the three-dimensional structure of the wild-type RQC and Lys-1016 mutant proteins display a remarkable similarity in their structures.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of the HRDC domain of human Werner syndrome protein, WRN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Werner syndrome is a human premature aging disorder characterized by chromosomal instability. The disease is caused by the functional loss of WRN, a member of the RecQ-helicase family that plays an important role in DNA metabolic pathways. WRN contains four structurally folded domains comprising an exonuclease, a helicase, a winged-helix, and a helicase-and-ribonuclease D/C-terminal (HRDC) domain. In contrast to the accumulated knowledge pertaining to the biochemical functions of the three N-terminal domains, the function of C-terminal HRDC remains unknown. In this study, the crystal structure of the human WRN HRDC domain has been determined. The domain forms a bundle of alpha-helices similar to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sgs1 and Escherichia coli RecQ. Surprisingly, the extra ten residues at each of the N and C termini of the domain were found to participate in the domain architecture by forming an extended portion of the first helix alpha1, and a novel looping motif that traverses straight along the domain surface, respectively. The motifs combine to increase the domain surface of WRN HRDC, which is larger than that of Sgs1 and E. coli.In WRN HRDC, neither of the proposed DNA-binding surfaces in Sgs1 or E. coli is conserved, and the domain was shown to lack DNA-binding ability in vitro. Moreover, the domain was shown to be thermostable and resistant to protease digestion, implying independent domain evolution in WRN. Coupled with the unique long linker region in WRN, the WRN HRDC may be adapted to play a distinct function in WRN that involves protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

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