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Middle and upper Katian conodonts were previously known in the British Isles from relatively small collections obtained from a few localities. The present study is mainly based on 17 samples containing more than 17 000 conodont elements from an approximately 14‐m‐thick succession of the Sholeshook Limestone Formation in a road cut near Whitland, South Wales, that yielded a diverse fauna of more than 40 taxa. It is dominated by representatives of Amorphognathus, Aphelognathus/Plectodina and Eocarniodus along with several coniform taxa. Representatives of Decoriconus, Istorinus and Sagittodontina are reported from the Ordovician of UK for the first time. The fauna is a typical representative of the British Province of the Atlantic Realm and includes a mixture of taxa of North American, Baltoscandic and Mediterranean affinities along with pandemic species. Based on the presence of many elements of Amorphognathus ordovicicus and some morphologically advanced specimens of Amorphognathus superbus, the Sholeshook Limestone Formation is referred to the lower A. ordovicicus Zone. Most of the unit is also coeval with Zone 2 of the Cautleyan Stage in the British regional stage classification, and stage slice Ka3 of the middle Katian Stage in the global stratigraphical classification, an age assignment consistent with data from trilobites, graptolites and chitinozoans. The unusually large collection of M elements of Amorphognathus provides insight into the complex morphological variation in this element of some Katian species of this genus. The Sholeshook conodont fauna is similar to those of the Crûg and Birdshill limestones, but differs in several respects from the slightly older ones from the Caradocian type area in the Welsh Borderland. Although having some species in common, the Sholeshook conodont fauna clearly differs from coeval Baltoscandic faunas and is even more different in composition compared with equivalent North American Midcontinent faunas.  相似文献   

Cambrian-Ordovician sedimentary sequences crop out extensively in the area surrounding the Sarydzhaz River, a remote mountainous region situated in the eastern part of Kyrgyzstan. These sequences, composed essentially of fine siliciclastic lithologies, were deposited on a passive margin of the peri-Gondwanan Karatau-Naryn microplate. Palaeontological constraints for the age of these sequences are rare. Recent efforts of geological mapping in the area discovered reasonably well-preserved radiolarian and conodont faunas. The occurrence of conodonts was mentioned previously, but no taxonomic details were ever reported. Two conodont assemblages are identified from the Oldzhobai Formation; the first is dominated by Paracordylodus gracilis, which can be correlated with the upper Tremadocian to lower Floian; the second assemblage is more diverse and characterized by Prioniodus elegans, suggesting a mid Floian age. This is the first discovery of Ordovician Radiolaria from Kyrgyzstan. In spite of its rather moderately good to poor preservation, the fauna is interesting in many respects, especially due to the presence of a new radiolarian species (Inanigutta (?) kyrgyza nov. sp.). The latter is easily identifiable by the distinctive pore pattern of its cortical shell and has therefore the potential to become in the future a biostratigraphic marker species.  相似文献   

Two bryozoan species from the Lower Carboniferous of south Kazakhstan are described. Both species are placed in the genusNipponostenopora Sakagami 1960. InNipponostenopora karatauensis n. sp., colonies have a pseudobifoliate form resembling true bifoliate colonies but lacking a mesotheca. Peculiarities of the internal structure of this species and ofN. bifoliata (Nikiforova) are discussed.  相似文献   

Naimanodus degtyarevi gen. et sp. nov., a new conodont genus and species from the Lower Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) limestones of the Naiman Formation in central Kazakhstan is described. Three types of coniform nongeniculate elements are identified in the apparatus of this species. The new species was widespread in the Asian Paleobasin and recorded in three localities in Kazakhstan, eastern Kyrgyzstan, and Altai.  相似文献   

Shell structure of the first-formed shell of the Middle Ordovician orthid-like brachiopods from the Leningrad Region is described. The 190-μm-wide first-formed shell is composed of finely granular layer while 700-μm-wide first-formed shell is fibrous. Thus the order Orthida in the Early Paleozoic included brachiopods with both planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larvae in the ontogeny.  相似文献   

New data on the earliest ontogeny of Mid-Ordovician Baltoscandian clitambonitoid ( Apomatella , Neumania and Oslogonites ) and polytoechioid ( Antigonambonites and Raunites ) brachiopods reveal significant differences in the life history of the taxa belonging to these two superfamilies. The Polytoechioidea and probably other members of the Billingsellida had planktotrophic larvae, in which the dorsal and ventral mantle lobes formed separately and without reversion. The 'pedicle sheath' in Antigonambonites is secreted by a section of modified ventral mantle and thus this 'pedicle' is not homologous within the pedicle of rhynchonellate brachiopods. It is likely that polytoechioids and other members of the strophomenate clade had the same type of ontogeny and mode of attachment. In contrast, the ontogeny and mode of attachment of clitambonitoids are similar to that of recent rhynchonellates: their mantle lobes and both valves formed simultaneously, and the pedicle most likely formed from the larval pedicle lobe. Evidence for the lecithotrophic nature of clitambonitoid larva is discussed. This confirms that the Clitambonitoidea, unlike the Polytoechioidea, represents an ingroup within the Rhynchonellata.  相似文献   

Lingulate brachiopods are described from the Upper Cambrian - Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc-Arenig) of Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, and Norway), South Ural Mountains, northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range in southern Kazakhstan. The faunas comprise a total of 56 species of which 20 are new these are assigned to 40 genera, of which the lingulids Agalatassia and Keskentassia , the siphonotretid Siphonotrerella. and the acrotretids Galinella, Longipegma, Ottenbyella, Akmolina, Mamatia, Sasyksoria , and Otariella are new. The new Subfamily Elliptoglossinae is proposed. The poorly known Cambrianardovician stratigraphy of the South Urals. northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range is reviewed. Many sequences in these areas that were previously referred to the Upper Cambrian and Tremadoc can now be correlated with the lower Arenig Hunneberg Stage in Baltoscandia. Three main types of faunal assemblages can be distinguished: (1) the Broeggeria assemblage; (2) several microbrachiopod assemblages; and (3) the Leptembolon-Thysanotos assemblage. The Broeggeria assemblage is distributed world-wide in the Tremadoc of the southern Kendyktas Range, Scandinavia, Belgium, Great Britain, Canada, and Argentina, while the Leptembolon-Thysanotos assemblage is confined to the Arenig of an area surrounding the East European platform, including northern Estonia, Poland, Germany, Bohemia, Serbia, and the South Urals. The microbrachiopod assemblages are known mainly from the Upper Cambrian - Arenig of Scandinavia, South Ural Mountains, northeastern Central Kazakhstan, and the southern Kendyktas Range.  相似文献   

The middle Ordovician brachiopod faunas of Kazakhstan provide one of the most complete records of the evolution and radiation of some of the oldest known spire-bearing brachiopods. By contrast with North American faunas, Kazakhstanian atrypide taxa mostly belong to the suborders Atrypidina and Lissatrypidina, whereas the suborder Anazygidina is completely absent. Kazakhstanian species referred previously to ZygospiraKuzgunia are reassigned to Sulcatospira, which appeared in the Caradoc Diplograptus multidensClimacograptus clingani biozones (Sulcatospira? praecursor and Sulcatospira prima sp. nov.). Primitive, and possibly the oldest known Athyridida also appeared in Kazakhstan sometime during the Caradoc (Kellerella misiusi sp. nov.) and became widespread in brachiopod assemblages developed in carbonate mud mounds. Phylogenetic analysis suggests the early divergence of the Anazygidina, Atrypidina and Athyridida, which probably evolved independently from various primitive smooth Lissatrypidina. The new atrypide subfamily Pectenospirinae and two new atrypide genera (Rozmanospira gen. nov. and Pectenospira gen. nov. with P. pectenata sp. nov. as type species) are erected.  相似文献   

New brachiopod taxa, Starnikoviella gen. nov., with the type species S. settedabanica sp. nov. (family Clitambonitidae), and Avdeevella gen. nov., with the type species A. mica sp. nov. (subfamily Glyptomeninae), from the Middle–Upper Ordovician boundary deposits of northeastern Russia are described.  相似文献   

Abstract: A diverse brachiopod fauna from a relatively deep water carbonate facies of the Upper Ordovician Beiguoshan Formation (uppermost Caradoc – lower Ashgill, middle Katian) is characterized by small shells and contains the oldest known Dicoelosia and Epitomyonia, two diagnostic taxa of deep water brachiopod palaeocommunities during the Late Ordovician and Silurian. Three new species are recognized: Dicoelosia cordiformis sp. nov., Dicoelosia perbrevis sp. nov. and Epitomyonia fui sp. nov. These pioneer forms of the family Dicoelosiidae show a relatively high degree of morphological plasticity. The shells of Dicoelosia from the Beiguoshan Formation range from the typical slender‐lobed form with a concavoconvex profile to the strongly equibiconvex, fat‐lobed morphotype that was not known previously until the late Silurian. The Beiguoshan dicoelosiids point to an important attribute of the deep water brachiopods: small generalists with high morphological plasticity, which make them ideal candidates as progenitors for the evolution of shallow water brachiopod faunas in shelf and platform depositional environments.  相似文献   

Peter Vršanský 《Biologia》2007,62(5):588-592
The jumping cockroach Skok svaba gen. et sp. n., characteristic of modern reproduction, is described from the Upper Jurassic Karabastau Formation in Kazakhstan, and attributed to a new family Skokidae. The finding demonstrates the immense plasticity of stem cockroaches from which eusocial termites and predatory mantises evolved.  相似文献   

The Late Tremadoc storm-dominated shoreface to inner platform deposits exposed west of the Purmamarca village (Coquena Formation) contain a considerably more diverse brachiopod fauna than previously reported. Coquinite horizons from the lower heterolitic succession have yielded monospecific associations of Nanorthis purmamarcaensis nov. sp. (formerly assigned to N. christianiae KJERULF), which is also reported from the Late Tremadoc rocks of the Cerro San Bernardo area. The fine-grained Upper Member of the Coquena Formation contains a more diverse fauna composed by Nanorthis brachymyaria nov. sp., Astraborthis quebradensis nov. sp. and the new plectorthid genus Lipanorthis (type species L. andinus nov. sp.). A different species of Lipanorthis (L. santalaurae nov. sp.) from the Mid Tremadoc Floresta Formation of the Sierra de Mojotoro is also described.  相似文献   

A Sandbian brachiopod association from the Calapuja Formation, in the Peruvian Altiplano, north‐west of Lake Titicaca, has allowed a re‐examination of the palaeobiogeographical relationships between Gondwana and Avalonia during the Late Ordovician, when the palaeocontinents are considered to be already very distant from one another. The brachiopod fauna includes the new species Onnizetina calapujensis sp. nov., Horderleyella chacaltanai sp. nov., Drabovinella minuscula sp. nov. and Tasmanella curtiseptata sp. nov., as well as Caeroplecia sp., Dinorthis cf. flabellulum and Tunariorthis cardocanalis. In addition, Colaptomena expansa expansa and Heterorthis retrorsistria, known from the British Burrellian Stage of the Caradoc Series (late Sandbian) in Wales and the Welsh Borderlands, have also been identified. The brachiopod collection is the most diverse known from a single locality in the whole Central Andean Basin. Within it, forms with clear Gondwanan links occur, such as the new species of Onnizetina, Drabovinella and Horderleyella, and typical representatives of the Avalonian faunas, such as the Welsh Colaptomena expansa expansa and Heterorthis retrorsistria. The brachiopod species exchange between the Proto‐Andean margin of Gondwana and Avalonia, now believed to be possible during the late Sandbian, allows a reconsideration of the global taxonomic affinities of both regions. With this in mind, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and cluster analysis have been applied to an updated rhynchonelliformean brachiopod matrix consisting of presence/absence data. The scatter plot resulting from the DCA allows a vivid visualization of the grouping and geographical trends of the South American localities with respect to Avalonia–Baltica and the Mediterranean margin of Gondwana during the Sandbian. Our results agree with previous palaeogeographical reconstructions, depicting Avalonia very close to Baltica and already distant from Gondwana. As a few brachiopod species, with low dispersal potential, would have been able to migrate between those distant palaeocontinents, the existence of intermediate islands in the Rheic Ocean, permitting the transit by island hopping of eurythermal species, must be considered.  相似文献   

Brachiopods from the Otar Member (upper Caradoc) of the Dulankara Formation, Kazakhstan, are revised. Twenty-one species are represented of which the orthoid genus Bokotorthis and strophomenoid genus Karomena are new. New species are Phaceloorthis reconditaPlaesiomys fidelisAnoptambonites kovalevskii, Karomena squalidaDzhebaglina plicata. Three ecological associations are identified, the Altaethyrella-Nalivkinia (Pronalivkinia) Association, the Ctenodonta-Sowerbyella Association and the Dinorthis Association, all living in shallow-water (BA2) environments. The fauna shows closest affinity with South China, but contains two genera only known elsewhere from Australia.  相似文献   

Plicathyridine brachiopods (Athyridida) from the early–middle Frasnian of southern Belgium and northern France (Dinant Synclinorium) are systematically described for the first time. They include two species: Anathyris (Anathyris) calestiennensis nov. sp., and A. (A.) sp. indet. 1. They are uncommon in the mainly shally La Prée (Nismes Formation) and Ermitage (Moulin Liénaux Formation) members and are absent from the mixed argillaceous–carbonate late Frasnian succession in this area contrary to what is observed in Russia, notably in the East-European Platform and Siberia. In the Middle East, two species of Anathyris are recognized on the basis of a limited material from the Dascht-e-Nawar area in Afghanistan (A. (A.) sp. indet. 2) and the Kuh-e Kaftar mountains in Central Iran (A. (A.) sp. indet. 3). Anathyris (A.) calestiennensis nov. sp. is sometimes encrusted by epizoans (tabulate and rugose corals, and bryozoans) and rarely displays single, small circular drill holes. The past and current epizoan–brachiopod interactions are also discussed (Anathyris vs. Lingula, respectively).  相似文献   

A moderately diverse Early Devonian (Lochkovian) trilobite and brachiopod association has been recovered from the lower part of the volcano-sedimentary Shakshagaily Formation, exposed on the western side of Lake Balkhash in central Kazakhstan. Its discovery demonstrates the presence of Lower Devonian marine deposits in the region. The trilobite assemblage includes representatives of six genera: the dalmanitid Kasachstania alperovichi nov. sp. is the dominant taxon, with other components being Ananaspis?, Leonaspis?, Maurotarion, Trimerus (Edgillia), and Warburgella. Associated brachiopods include species of Glossoleptaena, Leptaena, Protolepstostrophia, Pseudostrophochonetes, and Resserella. Whilst a significant proportion of these taxa show distinct links with the contemporaneous trilobite and brachiopod faunas of the north Balkhash Region, the occurrence of Trimerus (Edgillia) aff. kinglakensis Gill, 1949 suggests a possible link with the Lochkovian trilobite fauna of the Australasian sector of Gondwana. The west Balkhash Region preserves an extensive record of late Silurian to Early Devonian island arc volcanism, slope-rise sedimentation and olistostrome formation, which has invariably been ignored in models favouring early amalgamation of the Kazakhstanian terranes into a single continent by the end of the Ordovician.  相似文献   

Small-sized platidiid brachiopods as yet unknown in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin are described from the early Middle Turonian (Marginotruncana schneegansi Zone) nearshore deposits of the Zbyslav locality northeast of Čáslav. The studied specimens probably belong to the genusAemula Steinich, 1968, but cannot be precisely determined due to the poor preservation of internal characters. Most probably, they represent the stratigraphically earliest known populations of the family Platidiidae.  相似文献   

新疆柯坪和甘肃平凉上奥陶统底部附近的牙形刺   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
新疆柯坪大湾沟和甘肃平凉官司庄剖面是Nemagraptusb gracilis带及上奥陶统底界的重要剖面,研究这两剖面的牙形刺具有十分重要的意义。本文描述了采自新疆柯坪大湾沟和甘肃平凉官司庄剖面上奥陶统底界附近的牙形刺共13属18种。  相似文献   

The helcionelloid mollusc Chuiliella elenae gen. et sp. nov. is described from the Lower Ordovician of Kazakhstan. It represents the geologically youngest record of a group of mainly bilaterally symmetrical ancient molluscs which originated in the earliest Cambrian, flourished during the early–mid Cambrian and was thought to have become extinct during the late Cambrian. Chuiliella is a typical helcionelloid in terms of shell shape, although the comarginal ornamentation characteristic of many helcionelloids is lacking. Interpretation of the raised margin of the aperture adjacent to the earlier coiled whorl as exhalant channels favours reconstruction of helcionelloids as endogastrically coiled, i.e., with the apex posterior.  相似文献   

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