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Ordovician chitinozoans are as yet inadequately documented from the western Yangtze Platform, South China. Here we present a systematic study on chitinozoans from a Middle–Upper Ordovician succession at Songliang of Qiaojia, northestern Yunnan, southwestern China. Altogether 34 species of 12 genera are identified from the upper Hungshihyen and the Huadan formations. The top of the Hungshihyen Formation yields typical Early and Middle Ordovician forms, for instance, Lagenochitina obeligis and Belonechitina chenjiawuensis, with the latter only known from the lower Darriwilian in South China, thus suggesting an early Darriwilian age for this interval. The chitinozoans recovered from the Huadan Formation include Lagenochitina prussica and Spinachitina fossensis, both are mainly confined in Katian and sometimes ranging into younger strata. This indicates an age younger than the middle to late Darriwilian previously determined for the Huadan Formation. However, conflicts exist in age assignment of the Huadan Formation based on chitinozoan and other evidence, and further work is required.  相似文献   

Andert’s (1911) inoceramids (Bivalvia) from the topmost Turonian and Lower and lowermost Middle Coniacian (Cretaceous) of the Kreibitz-Zittauer area (Saxony and northern Bohemia) are revised, partially redescribed and newly illustrated. Ten species are discussed. Of the forms described as new byAndert,Inoceramus weiset is shown to represent deformed representatives ofCremnoceramus crassus (Petrascheck), andI. winkholdioides Andert should probably be synonymized withC. brongniarti (Mantell).Andert’s interpretation ofFlegel’s (1904) species, i.e.I. frechi andI. glaziae, is not correct; the former should be referred toMytiloides scupini (Heinz), while the latter includesC. inconstans (Woods),I. vistulensis Walaszczyk,C. rotundatus (Tröger nonFiege), andM. cf.turonicus Walaszczyk. The speciesI. subquadratus Andert representsC. rotundatus (Tröger nonFiege), and hisI. cuvieri var.planus is referred toC. inconstans (Woods) and toC. cf.transilvanicus (Simionescu). The speciesI. protractus Scupin is referred toC. waltersdorfensis (Andert). The main source localities toAndert (1911), i. e. Sonnenberg near Waltersdorf and “Dachsloch” quarry near Innozenzidorf (Czech: Lesne), are of latest Late Turonian/Early Coniacian (theMytiloides scupini andCremnoceramus rotundatus Zones) and late Early Coniacian (C. deformis- C. crassus Zone) age respectively. The third locality, i. e. railway cutting at Tannenberg station (Czech: Jedlová), is probably or late Early Coniacian or early Middle Coniacian age.  相似文献   

The work reported here investigated the fungal community inhabiting western redcedar fence material with a focus on species colonizing wood below the surface, of which little is known. From seven pieces of fence material, twenty-three different fungal species were isolated and characterized using both traditional morphology and molecular identification methods. The species identified included thirteen ascomycetous and ten basidiomycetous fungi. Isolates were tested for their resistance to -thujaplicin - one of the principle fungicidal agents of western redcedar heartwood extractives. Generally, ascomycetous fungi exhibited greater resistance to -thujaplicin than basidiomycetous fungi. Interestingly, three ascomycetous and two basidiomycetous species frequently isolated had high tolerance to this compound. These species could be candidate pioneer species that invade and detoxify western redcedar extractives, paving the way for colonization by decay fungi.  相似文献   

Additional C-14 dates to the pollen diagrams from the Zbudovská blata marshes (see Rybní?ková, Rybní?ek et Jankovská 1975) are published. The dates support the previous hypothesis of a stratigraphic hiatus for the middle Holocene era.  相似文献   

Paolo Boccone (1633–1704), a Sicilian botanist of the second half of the seventeenth century, was a figure who still arouses interest in the emblematic character of his scientific experience, which is connected with a personal history that is still in many ways mysterious and unexplored. Elements which help us understand the complexity of the character and the cultural and material difficulties that he had to face are to be found in his works. They have allowed us to build up a picture of his tireless activity as a traveller and his active presence in the majority of European cultural centres of the time.  相似文献   

Despite being internal organs, digestive structures are frequently preserved in Cambrian Lagerstätten. However, the reasons for their fossilisation and their biological implications remain to be thoroughly explored. This is particularly true with arthropods – typically the most diverse fossilised organisms in Cambrian ecosystems – where digestive structures represent an as-yet underexploited alternative to appendage morphology for inferences on their biology. Here we describe the phosphatised digestive structures of three trilobite species from the Cambrian Weeks Formation Lagerstätte (Utah). Their exquisite, three-dimensional preservation reveals unique details on trilobite internal anatomy, such as the position of the mouth and the absence of a differentiated crop. In addition, the presence of paired pygidial organs of an unknown function is reported for the first time. This exceptional material enables exploration of the relationships between gut phosphatisation and the biology of organisms. Indeed, soft-tissue preservation is unusual in these fossils as it is restricted to the digestive structures, which indicates that the gut played a central role in its own phosphatisation. We hypothesize that the gut provided a microenvironment where special conditions could develop and harboured a source of phosphorus. The fact that gut phosphatization has almost exclusively been observed in arthropods could be explained by their uncommon ability to store ions (including phosphorous) in their digestive tissues. However, in some specimens from the Weeks Formation, the phosphatisation extends to the entire digestive system, suggesting that trilobites might have had some biological particularities not observed in modern arthropods. We speculate that one of them might have been an increased capacity for ion storage in the gut tissues, related to the moulting of their heavily-mineralised carapace.  相似文献   

A short-term short-scale field manipulation experiment was designed to assess the effects of total or partial defaunation, by sediment drying or diesel oil respectively, on polychaete recolonization rates in mangrove sediments of Paranaguá Bay, SE Brazil. After replacement of defaunated cores in the field, disturbed and adjacent undisturbed control sites were subsequently sampled together with adjacent undisturbed control sites on different dates over a 64-day period. Analyses of variance were carried out to test for differences in polychaete populational densities among experimental treatments and sampling dates. Examination of cores impacted by oil showed that most polychaete species kept rather active, quickly reacting to mechanical or light stimuli or moving rapidly. Polychaete recolonization of local mangroves after small-scale disturbance by oil was a fast process, in contrast to that following total defaunation by sediment drying. Rapid recolonization was largely dependent upon the differing mobility of adults of individual species from unaffected areas nearby, epifaunal crawlers or infaunal predators exhibiting the most rapid recovery rates. Conversely, the slow-paced recolonization of completely defaunated areas was due to the modification of sediment properties by drying and to the absence of larvae or juveniles of local species during the experiment.  相似文献   

Three trepostome bryozoan species are described from the Upper Ordovician Zaho?any Formation of Loděnice, Prague Basin, Czech Republic. One genus is new—Lodenicella gen. nov. One species is described in open nomenclature. The described fauna contains ramose colonies or ramose branched projections from encrusting tubular-shaped colonies which inhabited shallow environment with moderate wave energy and significant influx of clastic material.  相似文献   

Detailed anatomical study of the solute Girvanicystis batheri from the Girvan starfish bed (Ashgill) has enabled the oral partition, hydropore, gonopore and the possible opening of a branchial slit to be identified. The distal part of the alimentary tract and the stomach were located in the posterior part of the head. Structures preserved as steinkernen are interpreted as a brain and left cranial nerve. The gross anatomy of G. batheri supports the hypothesis that it was a suspension feeder. Girvanicystis batheri is characterized by large plates on the dorsal surface of the head, 20 rings of the feeding arm and a nodular median plate on the ventral surface of the head. A new species of Girvanicystis, G. casteri , is described from the Sholeshook limestone (Ashgill) of South Wales. Girvanicystis casteri is distinguished from G. batheri in that the former has narrower head, a longer feeding arm and a spine on the median plate of the ventral surface of the head. Girvanicystis batheri has characters in common with the cornute Ceratocystis perneri , namely large plates of the skeleton of the head, right and left marginal flanges, opposite dorsal fore tail plates and alternate ventral fore tail plates, which suggest that G. batheri may also be a stem chordate.  相似文献   

Climate change experts largely agree that future climate change and associated rises in oceanic water levels over the upcoming decades, will affect marine salinity levels. The subsequent effects on fish communities in estuarine ecosystems however, are less clear. One species that is likely to become increasingly affected by changes in salinity is the ide (Leuciscus idus). The ide is a stenohaline freshwater fish that primarily inhabits rivers, with frequent anadromous behavior when sea salinity does not exceed 15%. Unlike most other anadromous Baltic Sea fish species, the ide has yet to be subjected to large‐scale stocking programs, and thus provides an excellent opportunity for studying the natural population structure across the current salinity gradient in the Danish Belts. To explore this, we used Genotyping‐by‐Sequencing to determine genomic population structure of both freshwater resident and anadromous ide populations in the western Baltic Sea region, and relate the results to the current salinity gradient and the demographic history of ide in the region. The sample sites separate into four clusters, with all anadromous populations in one cluster and the freshwater resident populations in the remaining three. Results demonstrate high level of differentiation between sites hosting freshwater resident populations, but little differentiation among anadromous populations. Thus ide exhibit the genomic population structure of both a typical freshwater species, and a typical anadromous species. In addition to providing a first insight into the population structure of north‐western European ide, our data also (1) provide indications of a single illegal introduction by man; (2) suggest limited genetic effects of heavy pollution in the past; and (3) indicate possible historical anadromous behavior in a now isolated freshwater population.  相似文献   

The island of Rügen (NE Germany), situated close to the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ), in the southern Baltic Sea is underlain by sedimentary rocks of an Early Palaeozoic age, known only from boreholes. The wells, Rügen 5/66 and Binz 1/73, were investigated for their chitinozoan assemblages to improve the earlier biostratigraphic dating (graptolites and acritarchs) and to facilitate comparisons with other chitinozoan assemblages on both sides of the TESZ. In the lower part of the Rügen 5/66 core (3794.7-3615.8m), Lagenochitina destombesi Elaouad-Debbaj is indicative of an early late Tremadoc age. In the upper part of the same well (3287.3-1709.7m), the observed chitinozoan taxa suggest an age spanning the early Llanvirn to the Caradoc. The entire sampled interval of the Binz 1/73 core (5217.6-5041.8m) is interpreted as belonging to the Siphonochitina formosa Biozone (early-early late Abereiddian, corresponding to the early Llanvirn). The chitinozoan data corroborate the earlier suggested biostratigraphic ages, based on acritarchs and graptolites. The chitinozoans from the Binz 1/73 well point to a high latitude provenance of the investigated host sediments at time of deposition.  相似文献   

The specimen described herein and assigned to ‘Xyophorus’ sp. (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Tardigrada) was collected in the locality Cerro Zeballos, northwestern Chubut Province, Argentina. The fossiliferous sediments bearing the specimen are correlated with Collón Curá Formation. The specimen has the features described for other members of ‘Xyophorus’ (e.g. shape and size of the molariforms, relationship between diastema length, m1 and m2 length) and has a Diastema Length/Tooth Row Length index (DL/TRL index) of ca. 14, between that of ‘X.’ villarroeli (12.07) from the Mauri Formation, Bolivia (ca. 10.3 Ma) and that of ‘X.’ bondesioi (16.45) from Arroyo Chasicó Formation, Argentina (ca. 10–8.7 Ma). The relationship between DL/TRL index and age of the bearing sediments, would suggest a Tortonian age (late Miocene) for the deposits of Collón Curá Formation at Cerro Zeballos, which results in a ‘younger age’ compared to the middle Miocene age traditionally accepted for the Collón Curá Formation bearing the Colloncuran fauna sensu stricto. Although no absolute ages for Cerro Zeballos are available yet, the geographic proximity of Cerro Zeballos to Cushamen River (with levels dated at ca. 11.2 Ma) supports the tentative Tortonian age indicated by the presence of ‘Xyophorus’ sp.  相似文献   

A total of 552 individuals of Rioraja agassizi (257 females and 295 males) were collected by bottom-trawl during research cruises. Sexual dimorphism was observed with females are heavier than males for a given total length (TL). Using logistic regression, it was determined that TL at 50% maturity of males was 475 mm TL and of females 520 mm TL. This estimation agrees with the morphological parameters measured. Although not statistically significant, a peak in reproductive activity was observed in males during late spring and summer. The monthly variation in the gonadosomatic index and oviducal gland width, together with the largest diameter of ovarian follicles, suggests that R. agassizi females have a partially defined annual reproductive cycle with two peaks, one from November (spring) to February (summer) and another in July (winter).  相似文献   

The monotypic genera Paleotachina Townsend, 1921 and Electrotachina Townsend, 1938 were originally described as fossils in amber but were later discovered to be inclusions in copal. Both taxa were originally assigned to the Tachinidae (Diptera) and this placement has continued to the present day. The holotypes of the two type species, P. smithii Townsend and E. smithii Townsend, were examined and the following taxonomic and nomenclatural changes are proposed: Paleotachina is transferred to the Muscidae and placed in synonymy with Aethiopomyia Malloch, 1921, syn. n.; P. smithii Townsend, type species of Paleotachina, is synonymized with Aethiopomyia gigas (Stein, 1906), syn. n.; Electrotachina is transferred to the Sarcophagidae and placed in synonymy with Dolichotachina Villeneuve, 1913, syn. n.; E. smithii Townsend, type species of Electrotachina, is recognized as a valid species of Dolichotachina comb. n. Images of the holotypes of P. smithii and E. smithii are provided and features that have helped place these copal inclusions in their new combinations are discussed.  相似文献   

Acidification of lakes takes place when pH of rainwater is less than 4.5 and the catchments lie on sensitive geology. Both conditions are met for most lakes in Bohemia and Slovakia. Since 1978 we have studied mountain lakes in the Sumava and in the High Tatra Mountains. In Šumava the three lakes under study are of glacial origin. The catchments are small, with steep sides covered by spruce. The bedrocks are biotite-rich paragneiss, together with gneiss, quartzite and granite. In summer 1936 surface pH was 5.7–6.9 in the Lake Čertovo and 6.9–7.0 in the Lake Černé. Now the pH values are 4.3–4.8 in the two lakes and in the Lake Prášilské as well. Old reports on zooplankton are from the years 1871, 1892–96, 1935–37, 1947 and 1960. Since 1979 we have not found any planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Černé and Čertovo. Lake Prášilské is inhabited by Daphnia longispina and Cyclops abyssorum. In July 1989 the pH values were 4.4, 4.7 and 4.7, concentrations of labile monomeric Al were 0.83, 0.68 and 0.24 mg l-1 in the lakes Čertovo, Černé and Prašilské, respectively. High levels of toxic Al compounds might be responsible for the extinction of planktonic Crustacea in the lakes Čertovo and Černé. All the three lakes are void of fish at present. In the High Tatra Mts. we examined more than 40 lakes above timberline in altitudes 1612–2145 m. They are all clearwater, naturally fishless lakes. The bedrock is granite. Owing to different levels of calcium the lakes are now in different stages of acidification. According to recent changes in the zooplankton they can be divided into three groups: (1) Species composition of planktonic Crustacea has not changed. (2) Planktonic Crustacea were present until 1973 but are absent now. (3) From the original species of Crustacea only Chydorus sphaericus is present. The three groups are well separated along the gradients of calcium, ANC and pH. They can be identified with the Henriksen's bicarbonate (our group 1), intermediate (our group 2) and acid (our group 3) lakes. We suppose that in the process of acidification the lakes of the group (2) have been shifted from oligotrophy to ultraoligotrophy.  相似文献   

Stylet sheath formation is a common feature among phytophagous hemipterans. These sheaths are considered essential to promote a successful feeding event. Stylet sheath compositions are largely unknown and their mode of solidification remains to be elucidated. This report demonstrates the formation and solidification of in āere (in air) produced stylet sheaths by six hemipteran families: Diaphorina citri (Psyllidae, Asian citrus psyllid), Aphis nerii (Aphididae, oleander/milkweed aphid), Toxoptera citricida (Aphididae, brown citrus aphid), Aphis gossypii (Aphididae, cotton melon aphid), Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Aleyrodidae, whitefly), Homalodisca vitripennis (Cicadellidae, glassy-winged sharpshooter), Ferrisia virgata (Pseudococcidae, striped mealybug), and Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Coccidae, pyriform scale). Examination of in āere produced stylet sheaths by confocal and scanning electron microscopy shows a common morphology of an initial flange laid down on the surface of the membrane followed by continuous hollow core structures with sequentially stacked hardened bulbous droplets. Single and multi-branched sheaths were common, whereas mealybug and scale insects typically produced multi-branched sheaths. Micrographs of the in āere formed flanges indicate flange sealing upon stylet bundle extraction in D. citri and the aphids, while the B. tabaci whitefly and H. vitripennis glassy-winged sharpshooter flanges remain unsealed. Structural similarity of in āere sheaths are apparent in stylet sheaths formed in planta, in artificial diets, or in water. The use of ‘Solvy’, a dissolvable membrane, for intact stylet sheath isolation is reported. These observations illustrate for the first time this mode of stylet sheath synthesis adding to the understanding of stylet sheath formation in phytophagous hemipterans and providing tools for future use in structural and compositional analysis.  相似文献   

The rodent faunas from the Com?ne?ti 1 and Tau? localities (Western Romania) are revised in light of the latest taxonomical, biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental information. The main systematic results show that the two cricetid rodents Megacricetodon crisiensis and Democricetodon iazygum are invalid, whereas Democricetodon zarandicus is retained. The original assigment of the cricetodontini remains from Tau? to Hispanomys is emended, as a relationship to Byzantinia is more likely. While the geological evidence suggests that the localities are late Middle Miocene (Upper Volhynian-Bessarabian, late Sarmatian sensu stricto) in age, the association of Myoglis ucrainicus with Muscardinus hispanicus rather argues for an MN9 correlation for Tau?. Indeed, uncertainties and discontinuities in the Central and East European mammalian biostratigraphy render any conclusion about the correlation of the localities to the MN “zonation” problematic. The high diversity of squirrels (five genera), as well as the presence of a pliopithecoid alongside, glirid and eomyid rodents, suggest a forest environment at the time of accumulation of the Tau? fauna, which is in agreement with the indication of humid climate provided by ectothermic vertebrates.  相似文献   

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